THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, THUIiSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 12, 1920. I BRIGHT SUN AIDS STREET IT. CORE THROAT a, 6r Tonsilitia, gargle with warm sail. dvater, tben apply VICKS VAPORI YOUR BOOYfiUARD-"-- SO. 0,.S UHvt Mrs. J. H. Powel! nt their home at Jacksonville, K la. They are now on a i motor trip dfrwn the cast coast for a i My of ten daya or mora after which I Mr. Boyer will return to Asheville I while Mrs. Boyor will remain at Jack sonville with Mrs. weeks longer. Mr E. JL Johnston, who Is a ' guest at Grove I'ark Inn. from Balti more. Md.. will bs thu chief guest at a luncheon to be given today. Mr. Johnston has made Asheville her home for several years anil Is well known In tbe city. .. ! Sites Iora O. Trow, daughter of! lira. Ella T. Cross, of this city, and Mr. and Mrs. 11. It. Duval. jf De Mr. Harold C. McDowell, son of Mr. trolt. Mich., are among the vlxltors In and Mrs. W. C. McDowell, alBO of this I the city for several week, city, were united In marriage yester- J : day afternoon at 3 o'clock at the resi- Mr. O. T. Kichsrdsnn. of Atlnnta, Hence of the bride's mother. 275 Houln (jR.. Is here for a brief slay, french Broad avenue. Rev. J. O. Motormen and Conductors Ar HiiflTr TUfroinrr Tri Off-I,nor,unltio" t0 th,m thftt r of un! Are Busy uiggmg ice un, , lMIere(it Th9 arrny of today! Car Tracks. NEW YORK, Keb. II. Powell for several time in nearly a week Krvln, pastor of the the Bethel Meth- odlst church, officiated In the pres ence of a few friends and relatives. Mrs. A. P. Monteath rendered the nuptial music. The ceremony ' was aald under a large wed lin bell made of white flow- : ra and suspended rrom an arcn the . room a profusion of ferns and : palms added to the artlsllc and at- tractive setting for the bridal party. The bride wore a handsome talllieur of midnight blue with a small hat of the same .color and a large corsage of .. sweetpeaa, freesius and forget-me. nota. Immediately after rt he cere mony Mr. and Mrs. McDowell left for a wedding trip, their destination oe- Air unknown. Alter February zz they will be at home at 100 Blanlon street Jl Jt 5 Mrs. 8. eternberg entertained most delightfully Saturday afternoon and ... ga)n Saturday evening at her resi dence on Victoria road In honor of Mr. Rlerne, of New York, the mother ' of Mrs. Llplnsky. Mr H. I.. FFinklesteln was hostess yesterday afternoon to a number of . her friends in honor of Mrs. Sterne, of New York City, who is visiting Mrs. JJpinnky. . . f : The following from a Bridgeport. Conn.', paper will be of Interest hare, a Mrs. Wakefield, as Miss Waldo has frequently visited her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. B. 8. Colburn, at their home on Brevard road: "One of the most beautiful of win ter weddings took place this after noon at 4:80 0 clock when Mlsa Bar bara Blandish Waldo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gilbert Waldo be came the Charming bride of Herbert Russell Wakefield, son of the Right Reverend Lord Bishop of Blrmlng- v ham. ' The ceremony was performed . fry tha Rev. Stephen Fish Sherman in St. John's Episcopal church. Yellow roses, smllax and palms formed the effective decorations at the church. . 'The bride, a prominent member of the younger set. wore a gown of white : panne velvet with sliver clpth and . trimmings of old lace. The veil was of tulle. The matron of honor, Mrs, Kugeno Barnhart, of Evannton, 1111- ; nols, wore lavender charmeuse with a hat to match. The flower girl, little Mary Louise Colburn wore a pretty frock of blue organdie. ' "Charles Gilbert Waldo, Jr., of De troit, brother of the bride, was the beat man. The ushers were: John Kleld, i Ralph , Blackburn, Maturln Waldo, Eugene Barnhart, of Evans ton, Illinois, and Edward Hubbard of New Tork. "Both the bride and groom have been In service. Miss Waldo went overseas tome time ago with a war auxiliary organization, while Mr. Wakefield was a lieutenant In the Royal Boots Fuaileers. The wedding oi me anernoon is tne culmination oi a pretty overseas romance. "As soon as conditions are suitable the couple will leave for their future home In England; The bridegroom arrived only last Saturday from his , noma aoroaa." - jt j PER8 oo many Mrs. E. C. Pawley, of Charleston, W, Va., will arrive next week for her stay in the city. Mrs. Dawley cornea to Asheville each winter for a visit and Aas a number of friends here. She wui be guest at the Battery Pork appeared today In lower Broadway and other purls of the city, but they curried no pngsensers. They1 were work cars sen out to dig Ice off the 'has more time to spend with the Indi-! . vidual In training him than ever be-! fore. It has been demonstrated that ! the army develops the average recruit -l or the first physically, and gives him self reli- j surtace cars i anco, which Is largely contributed to the regular pxerclso and clean and wholesome habits the mon of the army lead. for further information those whol are Interested arc requested to sec introducing Qom Sawyer Id ash Suits 7o Jhe Mothers of eat goys MIhs M rgaret Temple, who has been snem ng some time In Asheville, tvlll leave today for her home at Dan ville, Va. Miss Kay Griffith, of Washington, D. C, Is among the guests at the Bat- tery Park hotel. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Muberkom. of Detroit, Mich., have arrived for a stay of some time In Asheville. Mrs. Alice M. Moore, of New York City, and MIhs Suxan J. Partlck are stopping nt Grove Park Inn for sev eral weeks. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. George, of New York City, are In Asheville for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. .T. H. Duncan, of Stersport, Me., have arrived here for several weeks stay. Mrs. E. W. Waters, who has been spending a short while here at the Battery Park hotel, will leave shortly for Youngstown. Penn., where she will visit her daughter, MIhs Kath- erlne Waters. Miss Katherlne Judklns Is expected to return this week to Ashoville. ufiei a visit with friends at Washington, I). C, and New York City. "DIAMOND DYE" YOUR OLD DRESS MATERIAL Fun to seo shabby, discarded skirts, routs, blouse, sweaters, gloves, dress es, everything turn new; whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed , goods. Directions In package. Can't j make mistake. Druggist has "Diamond j Dye" color card. . Advt. ' tracks and were followed by hun-iany member of the army recruiting oralis of uniformed motormen and station. conductors armed with picks, shovels ami scrapers. When service will be resumed, remains problematical. A bright sun eculn today helped the street cleaning army to open thor oughfares but Arnold McHtay. street cleaning commissioner, said it wo:ild he at least a fortnight before the streets are free of snow and Ice even If there are no more storms. All traf fic was barred from LaKayette ftreet today so that one lateral thorough fare could bo cleaned for vehicular traffic. The menace to health has become so grave that Health Commissioner Copeland suggested that Individuals owning trucks or cars curry their own garbage to the city dumps. The diflleiiltv the rltv hni hft,1 tn obtaining snow shovelers, was given ! a new explanation today when mi-! merous signs were stuck In the snow ' banks throughout the city carrying such Inscriptions as' "No beer, no1 work," and "let the prohibitionists shovel the snow." ; DOCTORS FIND REMEDY FOR GOLDS AND FLU Eat at Edgemont Tea Shop, a small ; place, where only the beat food if pm served. Closed Sunday evenings. 80 j Edgemont Road, Grove Park. Tele- Caloubs. the New Nausealcss laloinel phone 1S15. Advt Tablets. Cut Short Colds end Mar TWO JOINED THE REGULAR ARMY HERE; Prevent Fin By Keeping ldver Active. 1. TOil SAWYER washwear, made of TOM SAWYER cloth, a better fabric for its purpose than was ever woven. It Is pro duced solely for TOM SAWYER washwear and will not be found In any other garment of any kind. 2. Each gurment specially hand-tailored throughout with a smart cut that always attracts attention unknown to ordinary makes. 3. Scientifically sized so that the age of a normal boy will be fitted comfortably in the corre sponding age of TOM 8AWYEPv washwear. 4. Inside workmanship just as good as outside workmanship. The special clean smooth French seams Identify hand tailoring throughout that will bo appre ciated by every Mother. 5. Collars the neck. ally shaped to 1U A little inside infor mation that will aid you in selecting washwear. These striking features of intrinsic value in TOM SAWYER wash-wear are not to be found in any other line on Earth. 13. Silk colors. 14. Special plaited sleeve, and practical. embroidery fasf TOM SAWYER smart attractive Mr. Frank for Knozville, here. 8. Bates left yesterday Tenn., after a stay Brevard ant Campobelln Men Join i the Coast Artillery Corps. hotel. ' Mr. and Mrs. field. Ohio, are R&venscroft. E. Jones, of Mans stopplng at No. 1 Mr. and Mrs. h. M. Whitman and two eons, of Buffalo, N. Y.. who have been In the city for a week or more as guests at the Langren - hotel, have leased 72 Merrlmon avenue, the home of Mrs. T. F. Malloy, and will move in today to be there for some time. Mrs. Malloy expects to go north shortly. Mrs. Corrlne Arnold, of New York City, Is among the visitors In Ashe vllle for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Grace, of Wor rlngton, Va., are among tho recent ar rivals nt the Manor. Mr. Ed Rumbough will return to- i day to Hot Springs, after a short stay ' here. Mrs. E. C. Clarey and her daugh ter, Miss Ruth Clarey, of Madison. N. J., are among the guests' at the Bat tery Park hotel. Madame Marquis, of Paris. France, who has been spending a short while In the city, will leavo today for New Tork City. Mr. Hnrry Martin has returned to Charlottesville. Va.. after enendimr short while with his parents at their nome on Liberty street. Miss Elizabeth Chapman will leave Saturday for Bellair, Fla,. where she will Join Mr. and Mrs. George Morse tor several weeks stay. CHURCH TO SEEK 100,000 TITHERS Milford. C. Hafford, of Brevard, and A. A. Cassell, of Campobello, S. C. enlisted yesterday at the army re cruiting station for three years in the coast artillery corps, and were sent to Fort Thomas, Ky., where they will rocelve preliminary training before they are assigned to a coast fort. The army offers an appeal to every red-blooded American and gives many tiwt GRAY 1AIR Physicians have learned from ex perience, during the epidemic of Influ enza, that one of the most important factors in the prevention of flu ,and pneumonia is to. keep the liver active so that th Jlgestive organs may be in perfect working order and the system thereby enabled to throw off colds, check sore throats, and resist serious complications. For this purpose they have found that the new, nausealees calomel tablets called Calotabs, are far more effective even than tha old style calomel, which was 'ormeny the uni versal favorite, as Calotabs do not weaken the patient, nor Interfere with the appetite and digestion. At the first sign of a "cold or sore throat, doctors recommend one Calo tab at bed time with a swallow of water, that's all. No salts, no nausea, nor the slightest interference with your diet, pleasure, or work. Next morning you wake up foellng fine, your liver Is active and your appetite is Keen ior a good breakfast, j For your protection Calotabs are price thirty-five cents. All druggists recommend and guarantee Calotabs. Your money back If you are not de lighted with them Advt Mr. Callie L. Rice, who has been here for some time, has returned to her home at Salisbury. Mr. Woodrow McKay, of Char lotte, who has frequently visited here, has gone to Lexington, where he will be indefinitely. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Boyer, of this city, are the guests of Mr. and LHAITASOOGA. Tenn. T.1. 1 1 ine southern Presbvterlan -plmw-h will seek 100.000 tlthers men unit women who pledge one-tenth of their income 10 unnstian work Sunday, r SDruary 29. it was announced h hnadminrtAra rt t ... 1 gresslve program todav. The movement will be pushed vig orously by Presbyterian congregations throughout 16 southern states. The membership of the church Is 868,000, the tithing goal being almost pne thlrd of that number. A preparatory campaign was begun today, leading up to the day on enrollment of tlth ers. It Is hoped that the actual re sults will far exceed the figures named, as tho tithing roll of the church Is growing rapidly even In ad vance of the campaign. The Newest Styles in Spring Suits are irresistible in their indi viduality and diversified styl ing. Short jackets prevail and skirts are more elaborately trimmed than ever before. Tri colettes and tricotines vie for favor. Daft ToJrto PW4 Streaked, or Bleached Hair; Tint Witff Brownatona Safe, Sort InexpentiTfc miAiv packagb irorr ram, . Why tolerate streaky gray of fcleached hair when it la lust as easy to tint your tressee a beautiful brown aa It im to powder your face I Brownatone gives the hair be wltohlng beauty and charm, produe- ng insianuy any soaqe 01 Drol w dims 11 aeaireo. If is, a" W " A IF YOUR EARS RING WITH HEAD NOISES If you have roaring, buzxing noises in your ears, are gutting hard of hearing and fear Catarrhal Deafness, go to yonr drugglut and get 1 ounce of Parmlnt (double strength), and add to it 4 pint of hot water and a little granulated ugar. Take 1 tableapoonful four times a day. This will often bring quick relief from the distressing head noleen. Clogged nostrils should open, breathing become easy and the mucus stop dropping into the throat. It Is easy to prepare, costs little and Is pleasant to take. Any one who has Catarrhal trouble of the ears, Is hard of hearing or hat head noises should glv this pre scription a trial. Advt. 6. A shield not only shapely. . but made to stay put. 7. A shield of same material on both sides. S. A shield of the proper di mensions so shaped and fastened so as to cover opening at all times. 9. Braid stitching does not show through underneath collar. 10. Top and underneath of collar same material. No cheap linings used to save expense. 1 1. Trimmings of superior quality, such as tie, braid, cut etc. 1 2. Chevron embroidered di rectly on sleeve of garment, not on scrap of cloth and .then sew ed on. All in all. to fully appreciate Tom Sawyer washwear, you must turn it wrong-sldo out. Look for the- points that age usually cheapened In ordinary goods because they are covered up.. The only thing in TOM SAWYER washwear that can be had that Is like other goods Ik the cotton thread with which they are sewed. Prices: $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 15. Special TOM SAWYER outlet features throughout the garment as follows: Sleeves extend Into cufT, mak ing lengthening easy and prac tical. Wldo hem on bottom of blouses and at bottom of pants. Design for length. 16. Pockets large enough for a fat chubby TOM SAWYER band to get Into and of a qual ity, that nails and knives will not work through. Wide un derfacing on pockets of TOM SAWYER cloth. No white showing or the effect of soiled hands. 17. Extra button on pocket facing which eliminates the gappy, untidy appearance of or dinary washwear. IS. All points of strain strongly tacked to eliminate, absolutely ripping. 19. Waist band of TOM SAWYER cloth, made in TOM SAWYER factor)', and will stand any strain that the strongest sewed button can put on it. 20. A special TOM SAWYER ' button throughout of superior quality, special pattern, and of the same grade throughout the entire line, This mean both those that are covered up, 21. Extra TOM SAWYER BUTTONS with each suit, to be found In small envelope in the blouse pocket. It is the kind of washwear that gives the boy the distinc tive, smart appearance that caused you to turn around and look at him the second time. TOM SAWYER embraces qual ity, smartness and uniformity of the very highest obtainable standard. TOM SAWYER garments wash and wear, they are easy to. laundry and they are easy to put on and hard to wear out May We Suggest A Blous .vM Valentine Day remembrance? Here re scores of appropriate styles pretty i enough to win anyone's heart Prices are moderate. Laird and Schotwv Shoe for Womea PBrowmatoae STakes Ma Look Tea Years Toansef No other preparation Is so simple! to apply or so uniform n results. Light spots, gray strands or streaks, and all unnatural shades In .the hair are quickly restored to all tftel original beauty. Absolutely Barsnlesn Brownatone is guaranteed perfect ly safe and harmless to both tha hair and akin. Contains no pots onous ingredients such as sugar of lead, sulphur, sliver, mercury, ani line or coal tar products. It has) no odor and Is greaseless. You spplyt It in a few moments with your comb or brush. Any good druggist can supply you. Two sises. 860 and ll.Jfi,. Insist on the genuine. ' Special Free Trial Offer Bend only lie with this coupon for Free trial package and help ful booklet on the care of the hair. THRIFT is a splendid idea the fact that the entire coun try observed "Thrift Week" is evidence that the people are becoming aroused, in a measure, to its importance. Careful trading is THRIFT at Goode's Drug Store you get what you pay for quality, accuracy, service and you save money thereby. Use the Phone If -You Prefer Call 7-1-18 Representative Webster, of Wash ington, will deliver the Lincoln day address in the national house of rep resentatlves today. THIN PEOPLE NEED BITR0- PH0SPHATE Increases Weight, Strength and; INerve Force in Two Weeks Time in Many Instances Judfflna: from the counties Tirenara- tlons und treatments which are contin ually being advertised for the purpose of making thin people fleshy, develop-. Ing arms, neck and bust, and replacing ' ugly hollows and angles by the soft curved lines or health and beauty, there are evidently thousands of men andj women who keenly feel their excessive ininness. Thinness and weakness are often due ' Mall This Coupon New. The Kenton Pharmacol Co.. 6M Coppln Bldg., Covington. Ky. Enclosed And 11 cents (to cover Jiostage, packing and war tax) or Trial Package of Brownatone. I-lght to Medium lVown or ......Dark Brown to Black. Ifuk wttk X alud want and mtlt itk A Tnqr fnll swine una wirtryx. tCan'ICutOfIlMyLcgs,, Says Railroad Engineer! 1 ( 1 The RACKET DEFT STORE L Blomberg, Proprietor Special Bargains in Dry Goods Ladies'. Ready-to-Wear and Millinery 1 A BARGAIN TODAY IN A GOOD PIANO Don't miss it It's a good buy for a trade. Falk's Music House 78 Patton Ave. r&hoau Wax WOMEWSV EDWARD A. FARLEY ! 16 S. Pack Sq. Asheville, N. C Designated Prescription Depot For The U. S. Government. "I am a railroad engineer; about 20 years ago my lag was seriously Injured in an accident out West. Upon my refus ing to allow the doctor to amputate it I was told it would be Impossible to heal the wound. I have tried all kinds of utlves and had many doctors In the mat 20 years, but to no avail. Finally I re-1 solved to use I'ETEIISOX'S OINTMENT on my leg. You cannot Imagine 'my astonishment when I found it was doing' wruw over ivv inings naa railea to ap. i My lev Is now oomoletelv cured " fli : Hftuft, 799 Myrtle avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. i It makes me leel proud to be able to 1 produce tun ointment like that," says Peterson of Buffalo. 'Not only do I guar-1 antes Peterson's Ointment for old mrnl and wounds, but for ecsema, salt rheum, i ulcers, chafing. Itchtna-. skin and hllnd bleeding, or itching plies, and I put up a i box for u rents at all druggists, a rice all can afford to pay and money ' ack If not satisfied." Mail orders niled by Peterson Ointment Co.. Inc., Buffalo. N. Y. Dr. T. C ftmJLh'a JQnut Sksr via eunnly you. . , jLdrt, NEW PARTS FOR OLD Bring us your broken cast ing or metal articles of any description and we'll give a new one at a fraction of its cost. Asheville Welding Co. Phone 1111. M-iS Blltmore Are. to starved nerves. Our bodies need more 1 1 pnoepnate than is contained in modern roods. Fhyslclans claim there Is noth ing that will supply this deficiency so well as the organ to phosphate known among druggists as bitro-phosphate. which Is Inexpensive and Is sold by Kmlth j Drug Store and most all druggists under a guarantee or satisfaction or money! dsck. ay reeaing tne nerves directly and ' by supplying the body cells with thej necessary DhoeDhorle fnnd etamanta bitro-phosphate should produce a w1-! come transformation In the appearance: I the increase In weight frequently being astonishing. Increase in weight also carries with! It a general improvement In the health. Nervousnese. sleeplessness and lack of excessive thinness, should soon dlsap-'l pear, dull eyes ought to brighten, and1 1 pale cheeks glow with the bloom of per- 1 1 tmt Health V. UM IJ I . .v.- ' 1 ' . -wv.BIB iMUlltlVII, WIIV V 'J a nnfn thin .nn ra II MimMln. tiu.1 'Kltm.FTlM. I own experience, writes: pbate has brought about a maglo trans-1 formation wnn me. 1 gained is pounds and never before felt an well." CAUTION: While Hitra-Phosphate Is nnsurpaasea tor the relief of nervous-1 nees, general debility, etc., those taking I It who da not desire to put on flesh i should use extra care' In avoiding fat producing; foods. . . Aavt. Special Bargains in Our Bargain Basement in Aluminum, Enamelware and Groceries 16 B1TM0RE AVE. PHONE 231 WAYNES VILLE, N. C. SUYETA PARK HOTEL Only Steam Heated Hotel in WaynesviHe All Modern Conveniences. Open All the Year Special Attention Given the Commercial Trade ' KRYPTOK GLASSES for OLD eyes that wish to be YOUNG again. "KNOW US BY THE SIGN" OPTOMETRIST. 78 Patton Are. Below P. O. McFadden . ' TAXI SERVICE Hndaoa and CartHac, Open mmd Closed Cars. Day or Klgbt. Pboae and M74.