THE ASUKVILLE CITIZEX, WEDNESDAY MORNING, EBRUABY 18, 1920. -fND PERSONAL nt rroat Interest will be the follow. ins from Voue of February fifteenth to their many friends In, Ashevllle, Mrs. Vanderbllt and daughter ere now upending several weeks at Ml Atnl ' V 1 u r This gayest of seisms with one debutante dance rouowing snowier in quick suocesslon reached a merry climax In The Blue Bird Campaign for Happiness.' This ball was clever ly managed by a committee headed by Mrs. William K. Vanderbllt, Jr.. and preceded the world premiere of ii'Olsean Bleu.' by Albert WolIT, ' written around Maeterlinck' familiar nil nnneallnir storv. " The Blue Bird Ball" wan really a very merry party. There was a notlco '. able lack of fancy dress costumes, although av great number of smart women wore head-dresses with a touch of blue or a blue tulle scarf. in honor tha occasion. Fir trees with soft blue and yellow lights, and a mysterious blue light prevailing throughout the ballroom, maae i . rialivhtful backaround for the brll ll&ntMratherlnsr standing whllo fourl national anthems were played to wel come Monsieur Maeterlinck. "An Interesting ballet was given by "V group of debutantes with Mrs. Mon ' rn Dnurlaa Robinson, premier rtan- eeuse. In a costume reminiscent of the Russian ballet The costumes of the group of 'Roses' were amusing with their nuge semi circular neau MUs Cornelia Vanderbllt looked , rharmlnr as one of the 'Rose Buds. But she was even more simple and girlish at one ef the smart debutante dances, wnen ene appeared in a dancing frock of apricot tissue net cascading tiny rues at each side. A string of blue stone was the only adornment for this untrimmed glis tening frank. "Mrs. George Vanderbllt looked very regal and brilliant In an Inde scribable copper toned evening gown with nearl Jewelled ornaments so " lovely In design that they looked like family heirlooms, and trailing a nar row train of emrald green. A vivid gold bandeau closely fitted her head and disappeared in masses of black hair piled high upon her head. But tha piece de resistance of this attire wag the biggest,' whitest, fluffiest fan Jn the world." J J Tha following announcements have been received in tha city: Mr. and Mrs. W..E. Johnson - announce tha marriage of their - daughter Mary Alberta to Mr. Grover Cleveland Varner on Saturday, February the 14th One thousand nine hundred and twenty Ashevllle, North Carolina. most of tho summers hore and they expect to spend the coining sumnvir season In the city. Miss Naomi Barnes, of St. Augus tine, Kla., who spent some time here and at Waynesvllle during the past summer. Is visiting friends nt Wil mington, N. C. Mr. T. P. Morrison has returned from a brief business trip at jrtgh Point. Mrs. C. I.. I.esfgo spent, wvoral hours In the city yesterday cn mute from Loulnvllle, Ky.. where sho lias been spending a fow weeks, to her homo at Ctmrleston, 8. C. Mr. Thomas 8. Wood, of Brevard, spent Punilay In Ashovllle. NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE PIANO PURCHASERS During February and March the A. B. C'hnse Piano Companies' line of world famous grand. Upright. Orand Footpower and Electric Reproducing Pianos will bo represented by W. B. Jones at No. 1 Ravenscrnft Drive, ANhevlllo. To those Interested, please call at above address or cull phone No. 1914. 17-7 VKR'S VAP0R1 VQUR BODYGUARD" - 30'. 0C Head or chest- art best treated "externally" with urn .120 ETKiEMOVr TEA SHOP 20 Etlgomont Road. Grove Park. Serves tho best steak, chop, chlrken, fresh vegetables and fruits on market. Luncheon, afternoon teas and din ners. Phone 1815. St WILL ASK CREAMERY GO. TO INCREASE MILK PRICE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME SITES BETWEEN ASHEVILLE AND WEAVERVILLE ARE TO BE FOUND AMONG ;gold view gardens at AUCTION THURSDAY. 10 ilL FREED FROM COLDS LU Dairymen Seek 60 Cents' Per Gallon Outline of Half a century breaking j Their Claims, colds is behind Dr. King's New Discovery. i ' (6pit to The Citizs.i.j Wl.VSTON-SALEM. Feb. 17. It understood that the committee ti ; of, ROM tho little tots to grandma, every one In the family can use i this fitty-years-the-standard rem-1 Mr. W. W. Marchant. Jr.. of ! Greenville, 8. C, who is a student at Oak Hldge Institute, is spending "Hmra .m7' her home ' at " I .- PPinted in the mass meot- i P rf-t safety and confident of - - - inr hjit nrnnv. nr wnifn t mn thai VBU,lDl 114111 17 (V, I S I '. ' ) PU.IIIVHUU Ull M,i- count of influenza. flnttirHnv nt rhnigi. r.i miiv ..,. ,ii..H incessant couirmnK. aisagreeaoie i will, present to the Carolina Creamery' RrPP. stubborn cold promptly cheek-! 1 At home after March the first 89 St. Dunstan's road, Ashevllle, N. C. Tha many friend will no doubt be surprised that Mrs. Margaret 3. Rup pert, of 808 Haywood street, today be came tha bride of John J. O'Neill, manager of the Elks building, this city. The ceremony was performed at St Lawrence church at eleven o'clock, the Rev. Father Marlon officiating. The couple ware attended by Miss Cof fey and Mr. John O'Donnell, a well known Ashevillian. The happy couple left Immediately for an extended honeymoon to Miami and Havana. , The following from the Columbia Kt&ta will be of Interest to the many friends of Mr. Belbels in Ashevllle. Mr. Belbels has spent part of hla sum mers at the Battery Park hotel for several years: : "Hugh Belbels, special agent of the marine department of the Belbels In surance agency, with headquarters In i Miss Elizabeth Chapman expects to leave shortly to visit her sister, Mrs. Oeorga Morse, who Is spending sev eral months nt Rellealr. ' Kla., from her home at Rutland, Vt. Miss Margaret Wilson who has been spending a month In Ashevllle will leave shortly for her home at Washington, T). C. Mr. and Mrs. Cosmo Paxton. of Brevard, spent the week-end In Afhe villo with frlepds. Uev. and Mrs. 8. J. Morgan will go shortly to Chadboum, N. C, where they will be for an Indefinite period. Rev. and Mrs. Morgan have been at Louisville for some time. Mr. 'William Farr and son, Mr. Wil liam Farr, Jr., motored to Greenville. 8. C, where they will spend several days, before returning la their home on Woosey avenue. Mr. Andrew Btrobridge expects to leave soon for a trip to New York. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Waddell have returned from a brief stay at New York. Mr. and Mrs. Sweeney, of Boston. Mass., are spending several weeks In Ashevllle and are guests at the Cat tery Park hotel. company, the Ashevllle owners of the Mg milk distributing station in tilth city, a request that they Increase the price paid for milk to sixty cents a gallon. SHnuld this be granted It -will be a twenty-five or thirty per cent in crease over the present wholesale price. The dairymen state that the basis nl, the phlegm dissipated, the conges-; I tlon looHened. ii Same high quality today as always. Dr. King's Now Discovery lives up to Its time-tested reputation. 60c. and $1.20 a bottle. I The Results of Constipation are sick headache. blllnusnct'S. ner-! upon which the sixty-cent price was vousnesg, sallow skin, waste matter in i worked out wan what is required to the body. Correct tnia undermining; produce a pound ot milk. It Is said that to produce 100 pints of milk It takes 54.8 pounds of grain. 54.8 pounds of hay, 139.8 pounds of suc culent feed, 8.39 hours of dairy help, 8.4 hours of man labor for delivery, 1.26 hours of horse labor for delivery and forty cents worth of pasture. Each farmer can take this scale and compute tho com of milk production In his dairy which will range around 17.28 a hundred pounds, or "approxi mately sixty cents a gallon. The local committee has no Intima tion of how the Ashevllle company kwill take tho request for an increase. itowever, they say that If an increase is not forthcoming It will be Impos sible to continue dairying on a large scale In Forsyth and adjoining counties. evil with Dr. King's New Life I'llls. j Feel good every day. Keep1 the system j cleansed. 25c. a '""tMe. Advt. . Mr. John Gandy left the latter part of the past week for his home at Jacksonville, Fla., after spending several months In the city. Mr. J. C. Maxwell left recently for California, where he expects to be for an Indefinite period. Mr. J. B. Moreland ha returned to hla home at Boston, after spending a week In Ashevllle. Mine Sophie Garlfek. will leave shortly for Richmond, Va., where she will spend a month or more. Miss Frances Trebling of Nashville. I Tenn., has arrived to pond some time i in Asnevuie. j "GOLD VIEW GARDENS" IS THE NEW NAME FOR THE WM. J. COCKE FARM, 4U MILES FROM PACK SQ., ON THE WEAVERVILLE ROAD AT AUCTION THURSDAY. Dave You Piles? 1hii You Have Something Learn. Rt. Rev. Theodore N. Morrison. Episcopal bishop of Iowa, born at Ottawa, III.. 70 years ago today. Thousands whs have piles have not ; learned that quick and permanent re- i lief can only be accomplished with Internal medicine. Neither cutting nor' any amount of treatment with olnt- i ,-nents and suppositories will removt ! the cause. I Bad circulation causes pHrs. There I I a complete stagnation of blood In the lower bowel and a weakening of I the parts. Dr. J. S. Leonhardt was i lirst to nnd the remedy. Ills pre scription la HEM-ROID, a tablet medicine, taken Internally, that is now sold by druggists generally. Dr. Iieon hardt tried it in 1,000 cases with tht marvelous record of success in (8 pel cent and then decided It should b sold undr a rigid money-back, guar antee. Dorrt wast any more time wit outside applications. Oet r package of HEM-ROID from Smith's Drui Store today. It has given safe and lasting relief to thousands if people, and should do th- -i for rou seldom falls. V X WORK S LIKE MAGIC GvmFmes, isiiiwi! r oose amo in names to', jo7 6 glankets Blankets are essential now and may be more so before the end of the Season. While we have not all the variety we had at the begin ning of the Winter, the values are here. Prices will be much higher next Fall, and at our present marking it will pay you handsomely to . ntock up now. The line comprises Heavy and Light Cotton Blankets, Cotton and Wool-Mixed Blankets, and all-Wool Blankets in White with Colored Borders and Fancy Plaids. Cotton Blanket, from $2.50 to $7.00 Wool Finish Blankets, from $3.25 to $6.00 Beacon Blankets $6.75 Part Wool Blanket., from $3.40 to $ 7.50 Wool Blankets, from $9.00 to $18.75 Wool and C,tton-Mixed, White or Plaid $-50 flunsingwear Wm Munsingwear is noted the world over for its faultless fit and its quality of wear and weave. The Munsingwear Union Suits are made to fit all figures cor rectly stout, tall, short or thin. The makers of Munsingwear have discovered ihe secret of perfect, permanent fit. Munsingwear is the Union Suit that coters the form perfectly, following every move ment of the body, yet always remaining in place. They cost no more than the ordinary, kind and give you-more wear and comfort. The Munsingwear retains its shape after washing because it is "made to. Munsingwear should be your wear this season and every season. .Cotton Union Suits -$2.25 and $2.50 Merino Union Suit $4.50 and $6.00 Silk and Wool Union Suits $5.00 and $10.00 Wool Corset Covers ., $2.00 and $2.25 Wool Vests ; $2.50 Silk -and Wool Vests $2.75 ON GRAY HAIR Mrs. William Crousohorn of Ptsguh Forest, N. C. spent yestorday in Ashevllle. Mrs. Charles Taylor, who recently moved to Oxford. N. C. to live has arrived to spend two weeks here with her mother, Mrs. A. L. Woody at her rosidence on Starnes avenue. Mrs. T. V. Malloy and Miss Beau- .'''i'"1 Hassard left yesterday for family. Mr. Belbels returned to this country about a fortnight ago from London, where ha has been since the middle of Novembber. on business connected with his department." Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Gillespie, of Jannett. Penn., have arrived In Ashe vllle and will spend soveral weeks here. Mr.' and Mrs. P. M. Connell, of East Orange, K. J., are expected to ar rive in the city during the week for a several weeks' visit. Mrs. O. A. Puller, of Annlaton, Ala., has arrived to spend several weeks in Ashevllle. 'Mr. Thomas Franklin of Charlotte, has been spending the vaat several days In Ashevllle. Mr. and Mrs. . Franklin and their children spend Washington and New Tork and later In the week they will sail for Ber muda where they expect to spend sev eral weeks. Mr. and Mrs. George Degge are spending n week with Mrs. it. It. Williams at her home on Hillside street. Mr. and Mrs. Juliun Woodcock left recently for Mobile, Ala., whero they will bo for several days. Mr. Hnnry a. Robertson, of Tiank lln, N. ('., Is In the city on profes sional business for several days. Miss Hally -Crawford of Atlanta, On., .Is expected shortly to visit her grandfather Dr. Crawford at his home at Wcavervillo. Miss Crawford spent some time here during tho past autumn. Salient Style Features of the New Spring Frocks Navy taffeta is to be much worn in Spring frocks, the style details including plaid em broideries, all sorts of pleated tunics and aprons, and very crisp side distensions with scallop and frill or ripple effect. Very full skirts are frequent in this fabric, as well as the puffed treatments in drapings. A chic two-piece frock just received is made of navy taffeta embroidered in Bulgarian col ors and made with an accordion pleated under skirt. It is two-piece, since the high standing collar may also be worn as a military cape or not at all. New models are being stocked daily. ' Laird-Schober Shoes for Women A Difference of a Few Days and all Gray Hair Trans formed to the Even, Glossy Dark Shade of a Young Girl. It Is now possible to quickly, safely and easily restore gray,' faded or white and falling hair to original dark co lor and lustre. Just get, at little cost, from your druggist or toilet counter, a bottle of Q-Ban (pro nounced Ku-Ban) Hair Color Restor er. It comes all pre-paid In a hand somo package. Apply It in the privacy of your room as per simple directions on the bottle. Your gray or faded hair will turn to that soft, lustrous, dark shade you so much admire. The length of your hair will be In creased porcoptibly, too. Dandruff will vanish. "Q-Ban" is harmless as water but as sure to darken your gray hair as the sun Is to rise. Mail orders 75o. C.r- A. Walker's drug Btore, Ashevllle, N. C. advt. MM fDUR IF ITS DRUGS Remember the num-. ber S EVEN-ONE-EIGHT; the phone does it all, and does it quick, and ;doesjt every time. PHONE 7-1-8 and you will be surprised at the promptness ' and courtesy of the Goode "Minute - Service" Drug organization. y Ask Anything Call 7-1-8 I CDLFl OR CROUP WITH CHENEY'S W EXPECTORANT! : a Cheney's Expectorant grrss immediate rsllef to all colds. It Is the quickest of all 'Cough remedies. It produces results now. It Is famous as a cure for croup and whooping cough. Cheney's Expectorant in to pleasant that children ask for It when afflicted Colds are contagious and mo every member ef the family should take Cheney's Kxpectorant on the appearance of the tllghtet cold or symptom of whooping cough r wnuo. , adv. Designated Prescription Depot For The U. S. Government. These Cold Nights Do not lie in bed shivering and suffering from the cold, when, by the turn of a switch, if you have an electric heating pad, you can get direct heat in your bed in only a few min utes. An electric heater will enable you to get any degree of heat, then after a few minutes your bed will be nice and warm. ASHEVILLE POWER & LIGHT CO. Phone 879 Sales Room 102 Patton Ave. SERVICE STATION ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES ASHEVILLE BATTERY CO. Phone 3437 College A Market Me. "Threaded Itubber" Insulation ' " " ' " " - - 3" It's Coming ! WATCH THIS SPACE NEWS! The RACKET DEFT STORE L. Blomberg, Prop. 16 Biltmore. Phone 231 Dandruff Surely Destroys The Hair Girls if vott want plenty of thick, beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all means get rid of dandruff, for it wilt starve your hair and ruin it if you don't It doesn't do much good to try to brush or wash it out The only sure' way to get rid of dandruff is to dissolve it, then you destroy it entirely. To do this, get about four ounces of ordinary liquidation ; apply it st night when re tiring;. use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. By morning, most if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dis solve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it You will find, too, that all itching and digging of the scalp will stop, and your hair will look and feel a hundred times tetter. You can get liquid arvoo at any drug store. It is inexpensive and four ounces is all you will need, no matter tow much dandruff you have. This imnle remedy never fails. , i Sport Coats We have just received, another ship ment of Sport Coats, short, three fourth and full length. Latest styles in the best shades. Price from $20 Up . ; 27-29 HAYWOOD NEW PARTS FOR OLD Bring us your broken cast ing or metal articles of any description and we'll give a new one at a fraction of its cost Aftheville Welding Co. Phone 1U. 63-65 Biltmore Ave. OUR PIANOS and the price and terms vll make it easy for your home to be a musical home. Music House 78 Patton Ave. McFadden TAXI SERVICE Hudson and CsrfMIlac Open and CJoscd Cars. Day or Night. Fhone and 3374.