M.MiMUuaJw.v...'.,i . I ..... . .... y . mtl ii 0. . - m P 1 WATCM LASJgL. ON VOO AtfCT tl Wilt TeH Ye Whin Vour .horl(t. n KiMrs. Rnw Flva Days t or .vi" .retlen, You Wan'l Mtst w.Imu. PRICE FIVE CENTS' t B , ... I l .... . - - . ' -- .-lr.- ,-.,1. 1-, I.,-, - j i pi nil -in i -... ,.ir . . . - ra-vmi - A VOL. A.ij.1 J69T ' . (a ft ... f 1 t x v 4 si 1- ' ll '4 it. 4 fiTTITUDt nnopost m TOiVARD TEST r. m- ". . Doesn't Doiax Technical im , Violations ot Lavr Will 1 i t Be Disclosed. k Z iti' t! - jfilULDS REPUBLICANS ? Confident of Conplete Vin: oication When Ml Facts Are Preserved. J. 111 reedy omes. Hit Dr.Camp-- tntend- eppy of ' . (By K. C. BltTAXT,) his return here from thf state today" Representative Doughtf . iaaued a tatement on his attitude toward the vampDeiU He mid t had bpen rved with a notice Ar.nt..M t Mr. CaiDDbell'a, tttto.,. kn ' y - v- - - ' viumv wmv WQUf to meet any charges ( j or fraud whn fdrmal statement renrl..; :. -"I have been notified by ,u-u,-. w. ms attorneys, , of t yomcsi, ana p.aye receive the charge. , -v.. ..-. ' -.'Dr. Campbell alleges Irrleuktrltles and vloUUons of ,aw thXoiintlcs DC Stanlerj Rowan. JredeH. a id v. ell end .Ash. Ono complaint is lint the '".'I J? of "ecUons credfcd him with- 96 .totes lean in IfcwarTUn5 th.1? bl 18 ent,tI ' to. This" is ad mitted by wo. end m fact 5 to he rt the first party toihno dls covered the error, which t d,i im mediately upon the announcement of the result. -and I wrote the thai man of the chonty; board ef ele"ctlo2 ef Kowan diunty and th ph.im.. the atat board - of . elections. F1ln1 asklna; "thlt it b corrected , g thiseharfc ihere wHJ Ae no lapute. - The oAer harrea are a wholesale InUniidatl., illegal voting, ate.. -t. which wl all be answered -da tl time.;-, : I . .,- " gome loJinlcal violation. Arii,i! will doubles be shown but upon th f ORG whole. wchaU clainii and prove. II .Miavo.ntf foubt. that mv imnnnJ profited nuch and probably mortQ -1 r JUegal .iictiecs ma-h. US? , hi complaht, Ir. iCampbell alleges f:-' county renewed by me Waa impart , ...n. (v...,ti, um laminar 'with thereal faoa knows that I ant the party who sffered by this vote, and ! T,nu ' 11 '" " msnipulated v that I by mane received the part to whlrh I watilustly entitled. . ' v "'CoraPlftft '0 made as to votes .otiii, . v mo. oy tnose whtf hod hot paid tmr ptills as required bv lnw, But lo this matter it will 'be shown that 1 the countjos whwe It was perniiwe, it was .done in ao- .-i-uruHouu tu an agreement entered r.nto by '.repbllpnns and iimiw.i iTy.'vne xouriiBil ahd at in the mjnHT wur.ut voieiv toast my opponent re delved f ullyr i many, if not more, than l did. f , " . , "However' Wve no disposition' to tryi this caxe-t the newsvapera. but when the ligh in turned on and:!! the factt pr!Hted, I have no fear as iu turnpike indication." , ... No money aa hn nt r , Campbell bytti renubliran rmmin committee. v Represenutive tFess will .-provide much, as 12,000 1 for the contest B 0 Campbell affidavits iifun fvuu lU(.ili. T , To . one .up a jt Ws as if the republicans wed throw. Mr., Dougb tonout If th la any, possible way to do it for tlH)uSose of intimidat- in the soutltf the future; 'But be fore they suocV iota of dirty lineq wnr be washedv number, of promi nent republics men ,: 0f ; character and standing ifieir counties, agreed with democrat permit Certain por , sons to . vote.S though their voting , iiufiwuu bvj construction of the law, be a violaH. All of these -gen ist:-ii)i8" wtH be brought In, deftj nnty, for ; insUoce, wim u piAuea for years.- , The, Rowan fcdle looks nasty, tor democrats ar j ajs republicans. . Senator . Slmhis became interest ed in this aetiy, He sees in it a broadside att tpem0cratlo organ! -, ration lit the stiHe ,will not permit , ura ciuuvub 'W away wnn any Refused to Pro tive. Service T War Departmef t '-Test of the Eiltus of ice Selec- 2ecord.. 'C to Make Draft Be lords; WASHINGTON. IJ tempt sentence of 10 imposed, ' today on r-eter c. llairis. add mr armyj oy justkd oinrtct supreme cou Jr.! 31. A con- llsVn In jail was Slajor-General (int-general of Addons of the or his refusal to produce certain rords n connev- uun, .wui.,v(ne seit'cf wnict) were sought proceedings. Art", appeal from t. court "that ,prh . re produced vwas litlmn ceiinwi . ftr C.nera 1 'feniumpt 8WWWtC(r. app'l, Oencral H nis "flsld eauinmentl ready and w prepare, to, .serve oJt the sentence if neuessary. out aadetht he.1 did not expect hat e J.0 got 4ail. y , J ustlt; Siddous i! tnterjng the, or r ajuaging tneipneral in, ton tempt directed thatlshould hfe. decide to preduee .the rec(s sought .before the expiration of tl 10 days he was ;u d released,, Th.l war department nowevur,'' is ta. mailt a test-of the siiub oi orait Teciag. The recotd -'hi(l Justice BIddons Ordered, thp generil to produce was n aniaavH; made w Mrs. Mary H. Walsh (n behalf t v her " husband. Honry It WaiKh ti board. Walsh Ms p suing his wife rot divorce -arid .ilcounsel obtained an order fo th. irintinn nt - aftidavit i inconn(lioft; wlth these vwuings. ; : i-,. 4 v i-'?: President .Wilson the; order i pro-' . we .seijve service act promised certain: Jifrniatlon in con nection with th if tionnaires. would made pubfand that among Huormaxio wafhe physical con Pennsylvania Road Concludes Mutual Working Agreement Agrtv On Joint Committee To mettle au Future labor : Difficulties' 4 I'HIIiAPKLr'JUA, Ded. 1 31. r '""'V'.vania railroad announced to night that It has concluded a mutual working agreement with the rcDre- ' vl e'8ne1 aim train service employes regarding the et tiement of future labor dfitereticog which, .''if lived up to In spirit by" both sides should, in the belief of the management' eliminate any question of strike on the Pennsylvania system as far as train operation is eonccnied. . The plan will go into effect tohiorv row The "Joint reviewing eommit tee of the I'ennsjlvanla ratlnfad sys tem", has been 8tab)lshed' as a me. service act 3. Ohio divorce 1 T . ruling vt . the Tds ,nhoud I be I dlum to csn-jr Unit - the purpose .111.) IfVlU '.uris', iiiillUHIU ' u I MM I FlICI'UFFI lntere5ted.in Cu r t a i 1 i n g ; iinny.wavy jjudgets. Confers' With Congressional JUeaaers and Beserve Board Qfflcials. 7 JiAtuAv o Dee,- 31. The coun try's financial situation and the prob- )ams0E cutting down government ex penses were canvassed by the president-elect today in conferenna m-ut. oonffessional leaders and officials of me ieaeral reserve board. , ' Particular Mr.iHardfng ' in ' the curtailment of .ih osvy appropriations at the i Jt'i if Auk',u, j it in r ii II i r in nun j " i -11 I nuliL i ILLL Kll U V I I I . By BILLY BORNE. 1 I- .. - : (yL "' 1 r FOR CAMP BICK .T''-':.S : X W. . f ;. ' president: "Mrs. H. W. Chane. Chanel! nnnrncfirarTnl uhulii ULiu inL iu - a -, i n m in d UUI Ih LMP Cardinal Gibbons In Critical Condition A t Home of R. Shriver ALTIMORE. Oo. S1. Caralnai Olbbont today received tha lat ao rament of th church and tonight is lylna in a critical condition at the homo of hit frlond, Robert T. Shrivor, at Union Mills; on tha Carrol county hllla. nur Wootmlnlator, PHyalolans In attendance on the cardinal on Thursday had oravoly In. tlmatad that a crlala vi Imminent but thsy had hoped the patient would rally today. Obviously tho doctor had not an ticipatod tha relaou; tut this tu-n, thy explained, was due to tha car dlnal'a advanced age and consequent Infirmities. Tho mind of tho prolate Is said to ba perfectly clear. Tho turn In tha cardinal's condi tion prompted Right Fev. Owen B. Corrlgan, auxiliary blsh pot Balti more, who ia associated with tit. Gregory's church, to Itiue. tonight is official notice to the Cathollo clergy, men of the archdiocese, and through them to their congregations, directing prayera for tha recovery 0f the pre. late, or In lieu of this for a happy death. - Aa the old year gave way to the new, prlesta In most of the Catholic churches of Baltimore recited the many ana prayers for the prelate. J fit i 1 v.. : iiijini ll tlfUK II f'vfiiiii 'OManiiiH rive nnnPrPHfl nia J . w ..mSlrWwiilthVnTiml' st ;T,rr.T"J ; , "vk,"I ' .'.Amnon'' ; .ansas. The committee will be comutk-ed of two' representative. p( themandKO- ment from eschiqf the regions pf the1 system ana on behalf of the' employes of the general chalrnlan of';thft men in the engine and train service.. ; All votes will be of -equal power and not less than ' a two-thirds vote, will be necessary, toi reach a decision "upon any question presented. NAM E R10IGAL jmiiuc iiinn mm Of V7- IS ii rnnr lNUULLUuL mamm matter or affidavi Bled. . v . In view of this mischief withouline serious wound, maklnr ' the . I nf nr aoniy oy IHe WW rreawenta 'order a, "moral projnise' i.ner relatives of Prisoner Reports Threats pf , rormer Jail Mate, i ; ditlon of the Si "jv" wh-i . - . i, relating to dependiaddufonal Avers Italian Kadi cal Made JURY ILtGfllOIJ TOIflL illGEO Unable to aVq on Verdici . : .in Slailots. Listed as wK and Judge O WillKett at Lib- . X erty cijond, " ' - ; ttfINDTtt Dec. 31. The jury in t case of J,. h. MeGannon chief JusCttp of. ttunlcll court, on trial foisecorttree murder of Harold C. Mftgy o Jy 8, was hnable to agree on IV ven.fat 8:48 o'clock tonight rfnd Van fllirged by Com- moni.Pleaa uagwhwico Bernon The Jury received Aase a :tS P, m., on Wednesaay locked ever aim?. The iurv was hours and was ho the atart.--ly-one hallo irially announce Jrom ti JJ Fifty f ofl'irlull had been dead- nracticallV' 48 Mly deadlocked thutj Imlght ,be e "general con ' stopped from tion - public not , ;t(ut amo ty tne llch consUtuted o' the .wives and v called to serv ice that informatSh furnished by fcOLOlEJ cJajjikVirvc mail'is"- H , FIRED AT. If '(STRIKE REGION WIIAIAMS. ryitig , hi tng 10 to 2 for eo from the' start. -. After the Jury wd Hirnchmann said hi voted lor acqultta ballot, r c '.-..-- . j V ,' "I -could tiot vot ' Tha McOannon as a mistrial and main at.- liberty o Mctiannon will be upon the attitude Edward C. 8tanto UoJand Baskin'a te taken It was iui'ors stand ion; practically haraed "Jurrir id Juror VMok m tne ursi conviction, OiV IllrHchmsiin will be listed judge will ra nd. Whether lf Iruends oserutor-eletTj Prosecutor plres t piW' NoORO REMOVED JAIL FOl . JON, Oa Dei It i .-i.ar, M year bid . to murder pf A. Si loii' S cnunty, a wee to Uie JH.il here tonic Three other nKrow,clUe(i t the wiiid-r r In jut at one Of tlieae wl. i.J.t tho axa. win. -.h jn. v '.t.-rtd . waa M.I I oi.cn. The . v. W;1S rohhery. K 1 - ICON FE KEEPING oe YRuStor) charged with farmer of .-waa brought keepin .PI. i:iwii ' Jietr. -.- fa f.-'-waa t'..".f?J Y -u ' T. si . i unltyiite. armv. rar- Tl acker VI nir atatloii. at 4 iiacKer, Y. 1 1 Vat today as ilred tr.V oni. ' ccordtnB ters tonujhtr V V ' wr addltioSi i.,i'S,'L u?lr,ct' ruflii4 an ? fAnTi WITNESS ES 'i-"' V . . . . . H . . IITE IIIVI1 M nZZ Ituay iahdfet being in onnec i&UZlJ" Knnrlatr w..; T Z '. 'J anoowng BUS, held Anrf.77. J isola . Thi ec' Were tieia. under-j(innn.i.,.ii. ItiAU 'AT Threats to Blow up : -Police Stations. chalrmari of the house, sub-commit- 's ": iraimes army; appropria tion; measures, . T; , - W. P; G.: Harding, governof' f the federal reserve - boardr dmutfd - G. Piatt, the- vice-governor,, and several officials of the Cleveland reserve hank, Ulkcd about general financial condi tions with the president-elect an gave mm xneir auvice on wise govern mental policy during the - next few months. Farmer, relief is understood to have been one of the specific prob lems maruasea witn tile board offi cials advisingjigainst special govern ment .. protection ,for ' any particular oup, , , , . 1 i TJould Have Million. Y ' ' Mr. Mo.,deIl told the president-eject that the government's greatest saving during the present session could be accomplis,hed by holding down , the amy sod navy budgets and predicted that by careful economy the annual appropriate for all departments couM be scaled .down to apprpxlmate ly two billion dollars. He recom mended against any reduction of ar mament "until there had been an in ternational disarmament agreement. but- said ' millions could "be saved in 4 expenditures of the military and na vai tiKiaoiinnmenis , wunout seriously crippling tneir emciency. . Lieaislatlon flxlna the e ti 1 1 s t a d strength of the "armiy at 150,000 or 116,000 in place of the present .au thorized strength of 280,000 -was sug- gested by Representative Anthony- as one, practical ,, way -;of sreduclngi ex penses. He also, detailed various economies which,, he said,- could be accomplished by the executive branch PENROSE RETURNS ll ELECTED OFFICERS ET1 Arrange Plans for Women's Camp in Asheville to Open July 12. TO ERECT BUILDINGS ON THE SWANNANOA Bepresenting Mayor Rob erts and Trade Body Buck ner Offers Assistance. v (Soeolal te The Citlient HAUSKtH. Dee. 31. Called bv i Mrs. T. W. Bickett, commandant fori tho southeastern division of the I'nltaW States Training Corps camp or Women, the central committee tor North Carolina met at the Governor's mansion yesterday afternoon and elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Mrs. B. II. Griffin, ! I president: -Mrs. H. W. Chase, Chapel Hill, acting vice-president; Mrs. J.'C. I'rltehard, Aaheville, second vice president; Mrs. H. T. Connor, Wilson, third vice-president;- Mrs. V. K. l'er. due, Ttalelgh, corresponding secre tary; Sliss Julia Thorne; Ashhoro, re cording secretary: Mrs. ' Charles A. Webb, Aahevllle, treasurer. Mrs. C. M. I'latt, of Asheville, , was made a member of directors of tho south eastern division. The following head of slate women's organizations were elected on the ad visory board: Mrs. A. WaddcM, Colon ial Barnes, AVilmington; Mrs. C. C. Hook... federation of women's clubs. Charlotte; MrsI Spencer. Daughters of tne 'American Kevolutlon, Winston. Halem: Mias Mary HlUlard Hlnton, Daughters of the Uevolution, Raleigh; Miss Gertrude Weil, league of women voters, Goldaboro: Mrs. N. Buckner, North Carolina, i Phtlathea union, Aslicvllle; Mrs. R. j. Reynolds, T. W, !. A.,-. Wlnston-Balem; Mrs. Jane McKlnnon, home demonstration agents, Raleigh; Mrs. R. B. John, e- ecutive and adjnjnlstr&tive women of ortn uaronna. Maxton; Miss Elsie RiKldlck. Business - and Prnfe.nlnnol Womens civics,-Raleigh: Mrs. Curtis Parent-Teacher associations. -Mrs. T. F. Malloy, f Asheville, was added to the Hat of directors for the North Carolina division. ' ; - Rrprcsenu Mayor Roberta. .-Following the election -of these' of ficers and directors, Mrs. Bickett stated that the conference was for a discussion and outline of the plans for the camp to be held at Asheville dur ing the summer of 1931, and re quested K Buckner, who attended the meeting as personal representative of Mayor Gallatin Roberts, of Asheville, and the Asheville Board of Trade, to tell what Asheville would do in. the w1X.iof. ,tB n ttt preparation Mr. Buckner. stated that; the nw camn site selected w na h r'.ni.i nignway a ion the beautirtil ' awan.fi.i.ir, . "i ""V "rn eaoinet Panoa river, five tailes from -Paek -I; nator 1 'enrose said, were TUPUBLIC AFFAIRS Ulness Kept Senator From Washington a Year. Does Not Regard he Tariff Measure With Muoh Enthusiasm. h n . rm m w m nnii i i in i n TRATE PLAfJT AT MUSCLE SHOALS - '.- ... ; . . Tells House the Dam Should Be Completed in Inter est of Nation. - - CHARaT! OPPflRTTTnTl . WITH SECTIOltALISU Avers Plant Would Be Vital Cog in American Ma-, chinery of;War; s By H. K "c. BBYAXl1.! ' WASHINGTON. D;,C, Dec. SI.; Representative Smal) told the house today It would be' poor economy to refuse the appropriation requested for. .i hh'i a t .iivih.iv ciiiiiuiis- ! "If that plant Is to be economically ' used In the interest of the overnwent and tho ueoole." he aald. "w mini complete be Aatn and use the energy': so generated. -":.'i A'e . must ' be able t r eeuro a supply at all times in ordei . to be independent of any other-eoun- '' try. : Other' countries rouognlzer the ! nercBsity of preparing for si supply ot -nitrate In time of peace. 'These nt . ters are, heeded: for manufacture of lertiasetr. ,The piant will have . to close in May unless an appropriation Is made." - v , , WASHINGTON. Dec. Penrose, of Pennsylvania, prominent republican leader, today signalised his return to Washington and to pub lic affairs, legislation and. political, by giving an interview, discussing tariff and other governmental affairs, receiving a few senators, posing for motion pictures and nreParina for ac tive work in congress beginning next A FLOOD or TALK. WASHINGTON. Dee. 81, (By tha. Associated Press. )-The old . yeajr clostnl in the- house tnnlshr with . Itlowd of talk on the un. and nnvm 31, Senator, of Muscle Shoals. -. Working through the eve "of ''the ' new year discussing a 410,000,000 p proprlatlott for completion of the V 11 on dam, .part of the government's big .war-time nitrate project, tho house adjourned with llnea sharply drawn for a fresh fight Monday and a determination On the part of re- yuomans opposing further aid not -:!. iiuienn nua epi mee-rennsyi, I n Vlel.1 j i . vanla senator from Waahlngton for aJJ5 lZ ,:!1 la ,ho face t year but today he InSlcated nlnns toTvt .".I0"0"8 'm ear but today he InSlcated plans to resume active participation in the na tional affair. . - ' The emergency tariff bill passed recently by the house. Senator Pen rose told newspaper men, will toe takn up early next week, possibly Monday, by the senate finance com mittee, of which he is chairman. The senator added that he did .not regard the measure "with any amount of en thusiasm," Me also said that aol. dlers' bonus legislation - was -'intimately Involved" . with .' aetneiret na tlonal finances and Inrilratnii that ha favored consideration of aeme sort of compensation legislation at the extra session of conarreas. tn mnat mnnn after March 4. t'resident-elect Harding's cabinet nnounrcd th.h. afternoon f ..Hc;mor Harding' veW raJnestly urged .....II 1 1 ,.. .... . . . ...... . , - .. ( . tkmfc down ia the lowest possible fig nre. said Mr.! Anthony after the con- firence ' - ". : , r.'jle indicated, the -,"wsh ' that appro priation for the army b kept down In tveryi posslbte .way, always keeping . In mind,, however, that It would not do' to Imiwir the strength of the organisation's backbone,:;. ' " k-":"'' '-" v Ressrve Officers"' '-; . ' "He told me of his deep Interest tn mainialnlng a r policy , making adequnte !rovialts for Voluntary military trailing.'- He desfres that the reserve off liters j-alnlnK" eorps he. continued, togetlitr with civilian- schools and college, traln .n jbeteby.?, w shall' keep M all times not leas than IIS0.0O0 young men in wl-u nnlary training with the conception that their education win not be properly com Dieted wilhodt this tralnina." A note of optimism in regard fo fins n elal conditions was . sounded by Gover nor Hardlna with the Drealdent-eleet. to whom he reported that the Wuntlon had STAtrNTOX, iom : Koiner, idee $.1,000.' ,tc - - ' r. ' K.lNFR .".(.la) f( I lOMKIVsTAlitON .n.tn. I.....U.. :'' riic day at the; was born, lit jnntc and a . i ... . . day at th urf of - , .,- m in AfcusU'Lu.,,,.. V. ' - r llNt moorioce WMmnclon RA,iJ 31 -iwr ' Willi, i"be.SM?dAed kian league . elU if Vo,,k .Aner Lewii- leftfleW. lll0'" aoHthpaw pitcl.e.; t ltVF, : M?f rl''-1 part owner cf th(.YY?,t lJ U' l,ni here tonight. XVt.,Uf '"""ounffe.1 involved, Colonel Hte.!.,?'.tto,:.,5r?'g THJREfc MSINT"atrSrr 4 A - .. STUDENTS tL1.Vard . ' "'"M7NJf tTUN TO BASE fabtan: -x. hTJ-3; ,." j vard . atuilenra-'who 1 , ;. , 'i ' ,"r-. alnee tliey "rtei , , "' ' n U'IshIiki IngtoiK on WwlnJ!1"'1 Mount nh o the bnxe xtH ni'iriilnr, wtmued railway touit-lit. . -r ,L V'ashln.rn from expt-aure ' . ; ' H,..-rl.wr was elleved 1hMl n,'H " f""'l ( a aerioua ondhiUu "' ,l,r" 111 . MILWAUKEE, Wis,, - Dec Giovanni Costello, Italian rodlcfil aha e-convlct ' has been nalmfl by'Erje' Irtindblad. prisoner, ot Waupun peiti-,1 tentiarv as Jiaving possible . knowl edge of Jhe tWall street explpstop hi which more than 30 were klHed .and manv injured In September, fedrrglN' government In 1U use of army autliorftlcs at i ;CosteJlo, Lundbald said in a alate WHIt Which was turned over to.de partmcnt ot just Ice ofTlccrs here, was always cursing Wall street andioop- npuaiiy,: making ttireatu ro utow hp police; stat Ions when, he gt out f,f piiNMii. itetnao msraeo uie-jL.am-brldge.v Mass-tt-ipollt e siatfprr tpe ,the fli-st blast, ccordingto liundhlad. '- .j is Costello received - several thousand franee' from .his mother hi- Italy.-, the statement reads, and boeause-lnterna-lional exchange greatly cut down .the amount In-eAmerican, dollars; fAipd l)1ad Sa.Itlr.C'otello raved and. blamed .vim mi v ,,.' ' ,?.'.' 7 p.:? ! ' 'Heivry . A: Stroud arrecla! aartwt of the, department , of justiee' told the Associated I'ress tnat personaujt..-n dlRRWidlted the resDonsibillty'trf Lund- WadV word In' that, the 'sgont aaid, ... I"'''''" .'!" ll' "'Jpm.wI Its most try Ina-star iUPVUVIlflVlJUll l lii ,itllin" , vrr i "K tober." have been In ODeratlon durlno-itiye vear." said the governor In a atatenient iSsiiad after the conference, "have prevented a boxer measure of distress tlmn has act ually occurred. ' Business generally I hatnning to adjust Itself to new levels end la getting ready to proceed on a sounder and aaner basis, s ' " ' t Ho far as the federal reserve system la (onocrne.1, It . must neeessarily deal alihTth situation as a whole.' It !n-' not be expected, to protect IndlvldiiHls t6hv ih " .tiscnr'n)rrKo nr . WARDEN OF PfeMi ri MH WAPT7N,: ''Wis., lc 1 1,-v-Ifenry Town, warden iof the v apun. peni- tentlnrvf rt larrrHlti.fi the Storj- ,, giVCB out by Firii' I.undhlutl, naming a aujie, nei l In ihn rwaiit trail sir'ei oomo explpulon, flo said . ii ijimrin ,wmri wnn, irjm oj pruoenco or loreaijni .fteit erlveii tn making statements' sup poxcdly t(f aid police 1" ord-r to at tract sympathy.. S$ ?eent' d ar- rivd at waoun tonay. iihm, - ClaW, said.-;' i-t ,,; .;e'. ; ntsn tift r-x-r IJI"STICK 1; ....... t ,.- . TltytXti, TO ". i - J Nwtv Vop'tf. Ttec. Sl.-fflclala of tv.o ,i..,i,im..n Af lustice here sal i.. tKtf-fiiev- were drying to rheck ip tha story f I;rio"ndb1,af prisoner at Wapna. ni.-. . -": . r....,.,ii., . imiiarl' -radical, had k novvledge of 't he .VaU t rod bomb disaster, '; A htiinu'-r-"" been lct(if!.-.i t -v t'-" ' t Ii, - fr.il, I. t I '' nts h,-d Hi il may have beorans hopelessly.' involved put Ly mainialnlng its reserve strenKth, it Is .amply' better to maintain general condition ot. solvency .throughout the eountt-y,"".y ? , : i ,;'.,": TH'iVK DP I) SIMPMSWV1':', ; KliAVJI A.V BAftTOIiOMi: BAY .T: :..f-7i!" ); '...... i r- , ' '. ' ?8AN . DIEGO, V; Calif., tlec. Jt. Twelve' of the. 13 seaplanes wht. h 1,-rt fan 1 Diego yesterday on a.r fliwl.t . Iu the J'annma-! ranal and rei-b- ! ,n Bartolome l!ay,- Tm i-r i. ! WWwr tBf.tistiies renlar : .jrf r tho idty,paft of which was Vet and roll- anns, sunaoie for tlrullng. A part In original forest foi h r,t halls .and big dining hall which will bo: hulk for tha mpv "One of th Wg plpo lines of the elt w tee supply system' passes through ihiaJS. ate tract from which will ba secured "ier-toraii camp uses-, shower baths and a fchr SWimmlna- imnL s hii.h will be constructed.;. The s.bii dining h'l be 65 ,tby 42afet? with a iwB iimr, so can -oe used for daooea.ajid .games of.tJjii.mnt -t He added tint' IdM ii. .., President Barnett of the Asheville Board of Trade- authorised htm to sute that every assistance would ne alven Mra. Bickett and Mrs. Orifflfh and the ladies' committees In making the- 1I21 catntt ,a success.- further stated that the camp during 1820 had been self -sua-, taining, even though almoat l!isu'-,nojnt-aole obstaeles had been encountered In establishing -and carrying on t&o firtt camp in the southeast. The camp at Iiake-Geneva, ; Wis., bad lt3 womt.i In attendance from 22 states, while the Asheville camp had 40 women In at tendance from 28 states. , The Asheville camp paid all' expenses while the Take 2?nJ cmP went In the hule atmut . i - - -...'..;v, v.. ' -;'. -'---' ' Aid From Rankin. ; ;. fr. W.l..' Rankin af lli..iit. hu1th: departrdent, was present and stated thfcti ne was in aonrty sympathy wMh this camp movement.: and that It "had bis heartiest' support, offering several pagaa in im state neaita bulletin for usa ny Mrs Bickett in aoiuainting the people or me siaco witn. tne nealth advantages of the', training camp;, adding that the selection of the site at Asheville for a permanent camp was a mosWiappy se lection, In that Asheville MUk tha ' best water and milk supply in thoTftato, and the best climate as well. . , . , The name of -the camp on motion of Mrs. O. C. Hamilton, of Aaheyiile, will bo: known . as t'amn Hlckett, , U, H. Training . 'Corps, Asheville. . ; : ; The camp this year will ba - held ' in . three units of two weeks each the same as last year, and will open July 12 and eon tlnun . through August 23. . It v as decided that should there be-a large number-; of girls at canio who wlnhed to-stay another -one or two weeks fol- lowlna the close, of the tamo nraner. August tl, that the camp 'would remain open to. accommodate them, this to be decided -iat that t'tltne. ;-. ..',-. At the 'Stigifeativn of Dr. Ran Kin thi camp -authorities "Will give a special In vitation. , to Ir. I.rtt : Ii;-' Means, 6:ii Urarbom'- afreet. Chlcjuro. : Wlu. im . th special counsel or ine American MetU ch! noclety Infant hygiene and maternal conditions for tho American Medical so ciety, who i inakinc a soaiial study of this feature, of -health work for wo men. An Invitation will also ba gIVert to Dr. Irf,-nH At.fladdier, of Chlcaao, who attended the camp at Ashevllliv last year sirtl wlihgave a series of lecture on henltn suancationa for glrla and women of areat value -it the new move, and for better. health fur women of the coantry. . Decide on Uniforms. - - The central.- committee inimiiiiniislv decided to. have two uniforms for., thu 1921 ' camp .for Ashovllle, i ono for drill Work in camp and a nifty uniform for dress and street wear, that Kill make the If, B.: T. . C camp distinctive at a glance. .. e '...'' ; .. .' , ... ..".:i ; At the .sugaestlon of Mrs. - Cliase, of Chapel Hill, the day's schedule for the camp , will kIvo a little., mure time' be tween breakfast' and the policing of the arounds ' and tents,, and a- longer reat period between dinner and tbr o'clock, in the' afternoon. ; :Y -. ,'" "' r -, A number of ..the ladlci present, re ported that J in ! varloua Inwua - m the sute, among them : Halelali, 'i Goldebord and Chapels J Ci It. . -members. uf .the last year's flemp. and mmnlwia of women's clul is are Iwildinif regular weekly meet I n as for setting Dp vaorcHtes and drills, and making an active canvas for .''tnem hers to .attend the .isisi . Aphovlllo' canip.. lmmedlKla.stp- win tunen ti as- . peraonaj -matter 'for fenator Hard mg. me Pennsylvania leader said that he had "no ideas" in that re spert end had taken little interest In reports from Marlon regarding Inter national quostlona..r In HM fiold con. greas, the . senator said, would "Wage the way," and would not take a pro gram from ny secretary of state, no matter who he may be." " """. Senator Penrose also conferred with his colleague, Senator " Knox, . vof Pennsylvania -wbn hmt -, a 4 , - . ' " ...... J Mt .TJtu, IIVU from a conference nut. r-. elect Hardin at. Marlon. ,onr. 11,n" notd today by v sltors waa a loss fn weight. The aen- f.8Ibto but ha. thVuse of rolling chair. , He said todatthat ST, b tt s-t the Vapu ?on. 'y?UA ; Several of the rooms of his hour smta i,.-i. arranged for office purposes" TABLE LOT rnihlo material f.. Eflher' ilh attpli- I are .In lie f . i e j eemiii . .V a camii .lieu I.I llUl. t to vllleh Coming of Peace Agreeable .nj.wiuw.m oi war, commumsm;. Finds Dwind- iing favor Among Ger- r r man Proletariat. .'' clu' tCL"--y tho Aaso. elated TressO-Tho feature of Ger many intoi-nnt It.nol ei.i !n rJ? J!r0en i?tpr"t o the opeie n of tha, New. Year is the prosper-"' : wtth" te tftilted" -woiio opinion' views - the oom in g of pace aa ono of tho few agreeblaftcrmaths pf the' war. This itaisiy oncauee tnere ticver was a pronounced faelin of hostility to America.; There also Is the con vie tlon, that the Vite4 States, will hot present staggering bills for Indemni ties, nnd that ' commercial relations with the United States wjll . be. re sumed on a lurgn.and aenemtia cai. A spring influt of American topr, lets; also is ,'one of the- fomfnriakin speculations indulged in as av natural I rcauii or. tne recent Amoiican and tleKman ghlpplp agreement ; Grmany enter tho new year with a growing sense of . the aravltv nt Versalllc end of the immensity of! the cost she Is called on to pay for a ! lost' world war. Another prominent j manifestation on the' opening of 1921 1 Is the steady drift away from polttl-l Cat and economic radicalism so that no matter bow the treaty is modified i of' Changed in the near future Ger-: muhy in resigned tif her Inevitable lot and is seeking to meet it hv an intert-' slflcotlon of effort and of explolta-i .Hon throughout her wido Held of In-j dustrlcg and resources, S" - .y'j. ,. .,: ,.-; -J '.. '' '-r ,,.l'toplai." Kspcrlniciite. . '"".'.Ii While' 'the speutrp of bulahevism" j cont'hiues to -cast a MnlHter ; shadow ! acroas tho - en at Prussian frontier,!! .Gertnah prophets of Itusalnn1 com-Jr' munism areHndlng dwindling. favor unions; the rank and file of the j ntait proletariat. Thut'thts lay , tnal' condition Jiv -tlermany ti" i thS face of the fat-' that thK f government succeeded In re'!' itself nt' homo la' rot-el ' flllfl'- - 'I.e.,, ,.- ,1.. . aii aav lona'tho rti.m 'n, bitterly attacked and warmly, defend ed. It remained, however, for Choir man Graham,, of the investigating committee, ' which went over the ' l ift 'lu' A'bama settlement, into ' which he declared, there,had been dumped with reckless regard for the future - enough money to erect half of the public buildings. In Washing ton."'. , . -. i i'. '-, ' S p.- ... , -, The othep aide of the picture was presented by Representative Garrett, democrat, of Tennessee., hlmslf a " member of the Investigating Iwdv, ho pleaded for funds with which ti ' Ko ahead with -construction the -d"mVn,amed for th President, and "h" Ji'1l.woiiJ(l be vtuf oog in the Amei lean machinery of The charge by. Mr. Garrett that tha people of the south could see in the opposition to the measure no ground etoept sectionalism, was vigorously denied -by, Chairman Graham, who sgld a dam like that now being con structed In the Tennessee, river never had been built. In the history of tha world and probably never would. . Ai -Most Vital Asset. ' - From the nronosal tdvunMi k nuumem vepicsentatlvea that the j1,0"" Put Into the sundrr civil bill the IIO.Ooq.000 atrlcken out by com- -mlttee. the debate Jumped from tho dam itself to nitrate plants two mlleg away, involving the policy of tha gov. ernment In selecting Muscle Bhoals a a site and building thtro a project ooKtin upwards of f 100,009,000. , ' Mr, Garrett; declared that ,to stop Work now on, tho undertaking, 30 per Oent complete, and for which UT.- P00.0OQ had been expended not only Would bring . great loss to tha nv. ; ernment, but would ba "the height of folly when nitrate s establishment i iiiieu m ji a most vital assets in time of war. Mr Graham, ort tho i othep hand, contepded that congress "should not 'go deeper into th v,ni v, There wag decided opposition frorrf some quartera tt bill now pnndlnr which would- convert the AUhama plant Into-fertilizer factories, "mem bers professing to seo the spectra of government ownership. Represenutive Bankhead ' de met.. rrat. Alabama, declared experts stated that Muscle rlhoals could ba ancee... fully operated as a convmei-clal nbinty" Completion of the . dam, he ftrgued. was nftceasarj'' as part xt tha nitrate Dlant .machinery, big enough to ger.' ' vice American , farmers) trying' "for t cheaper products needed for the yield ' of bountiful crops, , Free 1921 Calendar' ForijEvery Reader ; Of The Citizen - It U waiting, dosplte the fact that never alnca printing grew to tnodem proportions has. there , been, sm-h a SCtuHjity of paper, or such high prices. , IVsplte thmo diffkiul-tles, we have made sura- that non of our resiiors need HiilTer the inconveniences ot ilo-.. Ing without; a caltndar. M'a have procured from the Nave Department a. special edition of free art calendars. On these calendar there Is" a drawing by IereadiM'ker. one of America's aceat: artist., tt la reproduced In, colors onltlit Cant- -board, with o. Tieat," serviceubla. pad.' The rejuult Is beau,ttful and In every way satisfactory product, These cal endars are free as long as they, butt, : . They msy toe procured througli our , Waalilng-ton Information Bureau. C.ii i out ;tbe coupon -below and lollew In-- i iractlons. oive.yout calentUr prlvi- i lens to Cnc)e Sam. Ijet your ',eahn- i dr carry , a nieiwajre -of vpatrtntiant. ur iiopv is waiting for ou It you acUauickly. t , filling' outj the cnpBn.s print and address , vr-be eiure to wiii. r ar. . Asl "If r,- '-e? - made- the S' . ncv to Mak ing o a )-"'. -If ' -iv: ' .nd "In I:.'. .f il. ' '.' ' C. , ' v J' 4, 'SiCdi.evJu aiT V

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