EIGHT HAPPENINGS OF A DAY IN NORTH CAROLINA 77rA7"aTDOUGHfON ASSERTS DpRSETT n,y , Carikan LETTER CARRIES HALF TRUTH THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, MONDAY MORNING APRIL 4, 1921. ', TOLD BY SPECIAL CORRESPONDENTS GATAWDA CITIZENS STATE PROIITK" " WAN T REDUCTION Seek 33 Per Cent Off Tax Valuation. Large Mass Meeting Held 1 1 au k Measured 31 Inches Tip to Tip A Hot Fight Was Staged (Sptclal to the Citizen) CARTHAGE. April 3 .miii AND S MISTATEMI'BLUE SKY' SCHEIE Says Campbell's Campaign; Manager Seeks Only Political Probe. lasting I'll' men fa rn ii few minutes anil witnessed hy men, her-, of I ' family -r It. I. i y" ; JJJJJ'IJtia JJUKOJ!jH TU . . . . . mn- - turn,, r to .ling about a n i Saturday at newion io ,v.,linB,i n mm-ie island v-- t- ml." A Tftow :h blue darter click. .. haw k l-rii ay r,,n PROVE ALLEGATION ; . 'rrv,o.,,r1:. -tth j i..iy ru.- ntti.- .-i.i-Kr hk -.".?. ! jjouenLon unaueiureu uu (Special to Tho Citizen) 1 returned for 1 h.- .x.h - .0 1 . t,.4 . xiT" lkT. MOWTOy, April .1. - A large mas- an. I gave name. "' OU1U1C1 VUtCB JU1 tllO meeting of representative citizens I r. .ni n, . astir. .1 .11 m ncs u1"" ' i' ' - J sections of Catawba county was held wan fully grown and . '"'Inpcd. l''t "P h! th.' court liou.-o here Saturday aft. r- : game flgM hut was killed l.y the Ion noon for the purpose of discussing nn.l after 11 few moments. onsidcrlng the question 01 wnciuci Payment of Tax. present hjwspiI vaulatn.n of real estate 1 should !. reduced I Alex Vount was elected chairman of the nwl iiiK and .1. Yates Kllllan herniary. The discussion whs vr rv general 11 ml . v cry citizen pi i s .-lit Wits deeply I III. rest. (I III everything lhat was sah I Most of the clti. n . unfamiliar with the law passed l.y the le.-ent general assembly providing for. the machinery to bring shout changes, or reductions In the prtwnt assessed valuations of r. Hl property. Practically . everv land owner win In favor of re.lu. ins the present high osesacd valuations, some being In favor of L'rt per cent .-.ml, others as much an ." per cent. Mr Kllllan stated that he had inform ation from other tortious of the PRESBYTERIAL AUXILIARY MEETS NEXT IN SHELBY THE STARVING1N CHINA Back From Orient, He Tells of Bartering Babes for Morsel of Food. (Special to the Citizen) HI'TIl KHKOR1 "TON. April 3 Hev. N. ('aldwell. of Graham, u returned mU- Wild-Cat Stock Exploiters Want Spring Drive. No Licensed Stock Sales-; men in North Carolina on April First. , (By R. E. POWELL) P.ALKIOK. April 3 Insurance Com misnloner Stacy W. WnA Is seeing un mlstakaMo signs of activity in the ramps of the "Hlue Sky", wild-cat stock ex ploiters and looks forward to a bin Htilne drive on the part of thesfl en emies of prosperity. His office is re AT GREENSBORO APRIL 18 MERCHANTS 111? n . ,vk i-n sud win Httin HUUVtli rllH SPEB Want Him to Address th am 1 M . . "Ul ; Annual uonvention. Four Senators and Manyi Greensboro MeeJ Coneressmen Plan to At- frt - - . . . . "l tend Session. nf Aaaninn 3 Anwrlal in Th Cltliani o,r, it lV ';, ;UuZV ,i,, -T 1, : i "T ,n,.0;'.w..h VrW ihy-i of ngu.r.,. fromo.. iiiK Matmcnf to.la'; "I ha" seen the article in the (ireens- l.r.ro I tally News of April Iiorsett. of Spencer. N. l!i:i, written ! at Shanghai, and w llo is HpendlnK hm fur- companies, mining companies, oiniimiu IoiikIi In the 1 nlte.i Mtates, (ictivereu a i promoting paienin aim rr,,.t i!,.r.tlmr nddresH on "Foreign i schemes, nil BHklng for information as un - Missions" Mountain at the close of the iings ITenlivterlal at the KUlllM Many Interesting Events at 14th Annual Session Rutherfordton. I.v .1 I der date of Man h and wwhirh he signs ,,. ,.rI.h,..,.l'i.n . Lurch Friday nla-it as manager of ranipaiKi. of the con- , tn lntPreHtlng thlnu's t. staut. In his statement Mr. 1'or.set (, .,,, recPUon a, Tal Chow hi 1!K given what h. ( lunns Is only a smal i wnPn (l(t flr,t wf,nt ollt a missionary part of the evidence, and Mates that . . 0rl..n, lie said that he was un- any impartial reuner can see. at once , . . -,,, , , live on tne Illn(1 state (Special to The Cltuesi IlKTllKHK' UtKTO.N. April Th at from the record that T)r. Campbell has . ,ie ,norPfora VP1i n a house-boat mad.' out a dear rase, and that upon . . v aml a haif years. When he first the law and evidence, ne win t,e seaten ; W(,nt al)horP no Btated that tlx? people in congress. Mr. Dorset! evidently not; fron. mm nn1 shtlt tho doors lnjiis only considers himself manager of the I , d hnrr.i ti1s doors. And eecing ' ,, ,,.. MiP.man in all him coming inn peopio uum mv.. and counties were unking for reductions - King's Mountain 1'resl.jterlan Auxiliary ranging from l' to SO p. r cent. olln j n)f., , Hlh nnmN, p.-sslon with the Voder Hated that the, lands ought ; tn, hrrfordton Thursday afternoon. ., tw. FMi'd on a bafls of value agree with the returns of production or .HM Vailed to order by the from rents therefrom. Mr Voder was ofMHS c.rnnne rrnett. of li the opinion mat tne lanon at a tlmo when values were very much FYeHl.ytrrian c u u r c ... ,.. olnlon verv freelv. at 3 o clock. n. ' " , ' president nntestant but also attorney, funds col lector and witness in the case, as he testified at length for tho contestant In the hearing at Salisbury, and gave his backs on him After tho people had remained in thfdr houses for awhile, he sat outside waiting for them and tilowly ona by one some of them ventured to take a look at the "Foreign Devil." One old woman look ing him over said, "What is It?" and a man Baid It must he one of the "Foreign rievita ' Mr Caldwell told them that he was a man and they did not believe This Is the second voluminous state- lmllas, who 1 men l irom ir. norseti inc me ne- "fl!. ',!;, '!:"::',."";: were M.!tH.trK and I should Ignore It entirely r.i ,..,,1 .hot h(, real values of n-al ...,., ' ,,, .,,. nil visitors hv were It not for the gross mls-state- ,,,,.., ,.- nH , .hi. IT"" .. . . .u. i, mraii. false deductions and half truths nreient ime wee much less than i$uZsmZ. and the r.'spons,, wasUlth which this communication Is filled j , he had to prove It to them hy the time when the aasessmenis were , . Mlj( ,;,.rK,. i.r,i i imm .......... re made. Ho was In favor of a horizontal f,r th. reading of the minutes of. Referring to the evidence in Iredell reduction of at hast one-third. Sena- tht. nirili,IK ,, o,,. executive committee, 1 county he states: Some registrars ad tor W. A. Ilf ltihanll explained some of t ( . I r i it t. took place v. hldi showed mltted that they did not intend to give the arguments for and against the ( i ,.rf,, iii . of nine pr sl.yt. rlal officers I Pr. Campbell a square deal, and they hanging of the present valuations wlul- ( :,, ,,., .K;,tes. ! siarted out to elect Mr. Poiighton by In Kaleigh riiirlng tne r ct in .-j..j.. - h,. r, ,,rta of the pre.fient. .mm iilr or. foul means. 1 uety Mr. norsen the general assembly. c.irrlnne 1'iuett. of 1 1 -iui,.,i mrmeis came to liaieign oj secretary. Airs, i: .i Dallas; recording or any one else, to show In the record Iteld. of (jastonla; i this statement or anything like It. the hundred? and appealed to the m.-m- ,i ireasnrer. Mrs. '. V. Murphy, of "Next he says: 'The absentee votes ... rHi assembly for relief. jOWel. w ere read .and approved, after ; were destroyed although the law re- 'illflll'll Ilie M'lHIl l U 111,. .,.,,1,.,..... u..u,,.n ...Ml. .... rad. amended and ,..,nnijitlv the. farmers from the eastern ; 1,1,1, the part of the state lie stated he en-t constitution . n Awn I nuunrtlhtl If. 1 ...l..n,...l davored to gel inc. urun.. ...... - u.x.i'.. ... uass a law leaving the question of val- The I'l eshyterlal re-convened at 8 nations to each county Inasmuch as ! viock p. in., and the devotional exer t here was no state ad valorem. Thlrs(,s were conducted by the Hev. J. (.. was not provided for and tho machinery Oner, pustor of tho local Treshyterlan set tip for changing assessed valuations requires that citizens petition the board of county commissioners and county hoard of appraisers to either reduce the assessed valuations so much hori zontally in each township or county or take up each caso Individually, they In ulrn submitting their decisions and recommendations to the state tux com mission at Halelgh for flna PPrmal. Senator Reinhardt was In favor of reduction of about one-third on real property. Representative J. A. ropt also spoke In favor of a reduction . f about the same amount and expl; lined That a farmer with thousand do.la.a worth of cotton on hnddast year aid still on hnnd this year would give It in at a reduction of the decrease in vali.c which would bu-about two-thrrds and il It would be just to pay tx on real property without uliowlni: for aim lar reduction In the vilue th'rcof. Ex-Representatlve J. Yates Kll an. of thhl county, moved that a petition be presented to the county ? on next Monday, It being tho first M. ii L i. Arit calling for a horizontal church, after wheh tho meering was called to order by the president. The speaker of the evening, Mrs. N. nuckner. of Ashovllle, general secretary of tho North Carolina Baraca-I'hllathea union, was introduced to the I'resby terlal and delivered a splendid address on "Personal Evangelism." In her appeal. Mrs. Buckner empha sized the words of Christ spoken to the faithful women who were last at the cross and the flsrt at the tomb "(Jo quickly and tell my disciples." She told touching Incidents occurring durlne the World war relative to the makes no fiuch requirement unless in cases where the voter has written his name on the back or margin of the bal lot for Identification, and it was not shown that any of the ballots were so marked. Next he says: toiling them to look at his eyes, ears. hands and feet. And continuing he told them that he had thirty-two teeth but the old woman with her soiled harlds had to put her fingers In his mouth and feel and count them before she was satisfied. Gradually he won their confidence until the people flocked out to hear him tell the wonderful story of Jesus and his lovo to the lost of the world. They heard him not only on the Sabhath day hut. for hours In the forenoon and afternoon for 365 days In the year they came and came, and came to h;ar the glad tidings from God to the children of men. hmu to iret Into the state. The old companies that were suspending in Jan uary are also deslrious. of returning to the field where they won so many .vic tories and their oftlcers are getting busy In person, or by attorney, all along the ""commissioner Wade desires to call the attention of the people of the state to the fact that no "Blue Sky' company is now licensed to do business in North Carolina. Further, there Is not a single an oi vi. t- state of North tjarouna. vm ivo, ... 191. all licenses expired by operation of law and on that date not one has been renewed. If any of these are op erating without license, they are oper ating In open violation of the law and the commissioner will take pleasure In prosecuting them when their activities are reported to him. When these companies apply for license, or for the rental of license, they are going to 2nd the states de fenses considerably strengthened, borne of the things which the applicant will have to do arc: . First, secure a license for every sales man that it puts in the field, and ar range a bond of $1,000. in a, reputable bonding company for each mli-Bitwri. Heretofore, a bond with personal securi ties was all that, was required and no justification was"requlred on sucn noun. ' . nan anil afrtfli (Spectil to Th Cltllsn) GREFNSBORO. April J.-rJ. A. ,"" tree, director general of the l.nl,a States Oood Roads aasoclatlons and the Ilankhead National highway association, and C M. Vanatory, member of the board of directors of the Ilankhead Highway association, returned from Washington yesterday, after an absence of two days, where they went on a mission to Invite a number of. notables to attend the meeting of the I nlted States (lood Roads highway association, which jnects In Greensboro April 18-23. Coloifl Cameron, president of the Bankhead National Highway association, was In Washington and assisted In ex tending Invitations to the distinguished guests. The connlttee called upon Gen eral Pershing and In the name of the two associations, of the city of Greens boro, and the state of North Carollnn. extended to him a cordial Invitation to attend the convention. General Per shing received the commltee most gra ciously, and assured them that If It was possible for him to attend that he would do so. He has taken the Invitation un der advisement and on a later date will give his positive reply. . Calls were made on two of the cabi net officers that were desired at tho convention. Both of them were anxious to attend the convention, but on account of congress meeting on April 11th, and being the beginning of tho session they expressed themselves as fearful tnat they could not attend, but would give positive answers on a later date In re gard to the same. Positive acceptances were received from Senators Charles K. Townsend, of Mich igan; Simmons, of North Carolina; hef lln. of -Alabama: Broussard, of Louis iana, and Congressmen W. B. head of Alabama, and Ward of ff-irth Carolina. Major Stedman has certain special engagements ano u pobhm.ic ..c Second, the company can sell stock, w(1 nrran(to to attend. Thomas H. Mc- dozen, can invalidate the law by agree ment." Perhaps this is true, but both Dr. Campbell and myself, If we so elect, can refrain from challenging .for selfish purposes, the votes that were cast under a solemn agreement entered into by the leaders of the two respective parties. The men who voted under these condi tions, both democrats and republicans, considered that If their votes were not challenged on election day that they had r. luul rlvht In i-fito- nnrl evldentlv no work of distributing the testaments ton i)r. Campbell and those apeak- He told of one Chinaman who came to hear him. .clothed in rags, and later on montlw aftd months afterward, lie Dr. Campbell did not learned of the Christ as his savior ami agree to the poll tax agreement In IrcAIn the meantime the missionary naa doll county, ami that no two men. orTleft the city and gone, to the famine striken districts where ne remained tor t ineiion oi - j, . from h" present assessed valuation on real property, which was seconded and cabled unanimously. Practical - every citizen present signed a petition and the following committee was named to Preset the petition before the count j commissioners on Monday: I. Al.x Yount. D. K. Sigmon. Caleb Setzer. CSIIn M Yoder M M. Smyre. Jonas Hun Hu'cker, A. Shuford. a. W Wilson. J,. Shuford, J. vwnons. h. Arndy and J. Y. Kllllan. R. II. T tRBORO GIRL IS MAKING Dicie Howell Has Received Greatest "Merit for Her Operatic Work. (Special to The Cltlien) - RALEIGH, April 3. Hide Howell, tl voung Ameriran soprano who w..o has made such rapid strides since her deput about a year ago In New Yrk city at Aeolian hall, is a native of the south. She was born In Tarboro. and received most of her early ''''" ". southern schools. She att"lfhoSle'" college, well-known Moravian school at Wlnston-Solem. which Is a branch of I s main settlement n Bethlehem, Pa. It s one of tho only two Moravian schools extant in the United States. Miss Howell received not only her ele mentary studies io the regular curl -Hum at Salem, but her early musi cal education was likewise started there. The sopran "s sound musical bask .comes not onlv from her devotion to her vo 1 work for a numberof years s""""'"- the soldiers on the troop trains en route to the war and mentioning the eager ness In which the soldiers received the testaments, and receiving leiiera irom numbers of the boys etlllng of their re ceiving so much help and comfort from the little books and of their apprecia tion of this work of kindness. She urged that the followers of-Chrlst. not onlv ministers of the Gospel, but that men and women go quickly and tell the story of God's love. An appeal was made to study the Bible and pray asking God that he lead and direct In personal work for Christ and that we listen to 'the stillimall voice' and follow him." The Presbyterial took a recess to meet at 9:45 h. m., Friday morning. After the benediction, the ladles of the church held a social get-acqualnted meeting In the Sunday school rooms where not only the delegates and visitors were Invited, hut an invitation was extended to the cogregalion, men and women to remain. Refreshments were served consisting of punch and wafers. The Presbyterial re-convened Friday morning at 9:15 and the devotional ex ercises were held by Mrs. Edward r. Held, of Inolr. president of the North Carolina Synodlcst Auxiliary. After The reading of the minutes or the. preceding day. he roll was called and the additional delegates were en rolled making a total, Including dele gates, officers, an synomcai oiuceia ui 36. Then followed the president s message urging each member 'of the auxiliary to go forward, heed the Lord s command: "Go Ye" do more personal work and win souls for Christ. The president s message was followed bv the reports of Presbyterial secretaries of the various causes which they rep resented and were approved. After the report of Mrs. C. E. Nelsler. secretary of Barium Springs orphanage, the following resolutions were adopted: "That the funds donated by the wom en for dining room and kitchen building be placed In the hands of the building committee to bo used to the best ad vantage of our work at the orphanage. 1 Delegates' hour was taken up with the .in r tlve renorts of the local auxiliaries. A very Interesting and Instructive talk land OI1 yilOOlcJII union ...i.-ir- ninde by -Miss Margaret Rnnkiii. of Charlotte, secretary of synodical presby terial and congregational hrune missions. iitr ( v. Keen. president oi i ne North Carolina Synodical auxiliary, gave crats ruled out ing for him, either democrat or repurj iicj.n has ever ouestloned the moral right at least of those who have voted under these conditions. He states 'that In Iredell county some 60 voted with out paying poll tax. and of course they voted illegally.' It has been clearly been shown in the hearings In Iredell that fls many, If not more, votes were cast for Dr. Campbell by men who had not paid their poll tax, and who were liable for same, than were cast for tne under similar coniktions, and Dr. Camp bell's own witness has testified that Dr. Campbell In the election actually gained votes, or profited by this, and I do not believe that even one of Ir. Campbell s attorneys who has conducted the tfoar ings in Iredell county, will dispute this statement. "Mr Dorsett also says that one 19 year old boy voted, and was promised protection from the law by my friends. This statement has been denied by as creditable witnesses as there are In North Carolina. However, It has been shown that votes were cast for Dr. Campbell by men who were under 21 years of age. and also lly men who were debarred from tho legal right to vote on account of having commlttced a felonv. and who had not been restored to citizenship. It has also heen shown that in one or more cases that deserters one especially who had been convicted and punished, for desertion during the late war, and who had not puid his poll taxvoted for Dr. Campbell. "In regard to the Harding picture, no testimony has been given, or can be glverr; to show that I had any connec tion whatever with the production or circulation of It. or that Dr. Campbell had sutalned any loss on account of the same, except the opinion of Mr. Donsett given In his testimony in Salisbury. "Another Instance of the misrepresen tations contained in the article dr Mr. Dorsett Is the state 'that tinder tho ab .n,u tan.- a ravins' maniac voted the democratic ticket In Ashe county. In , regard to this the testimony given by j the republican judge at the precinct where the vote was cast, the evidence shows that this was an aged Confeder- , ate soldier: that he voted the same way, for the same party ne nun oc.-i. voting for 50 years, and the witness said that he would not swear thai U.'s ! voter was not mentally capable of ptvn- erly casting his own vote. "Mr Dorsett also states tn.u m nio- more than six months, returning the man who had come to him many monins ago, was so changed that Mr. Caldwell did not recognize him. And he inquired of the great change, and the Chinaman said "My Jesus now," meaning that ho had found the Christ as his savior and had learned also to clean his body and his clothing. He spoke at some length of the famine now slaying the tlmusands and thousands of the people, men, women and childron. Mention was made of the dogs that eat the flesh of the people that died, so many of them that were not even burled, and would some times scratch them out of the ground when not burled deeply. The childron are thrown Into the canals diad and" to die. because they have nothing to eat. One child was burled alive by the mother who could not get food for the babe and In despair took such fatal atops to destroy the Innocent soul however some one' discovered the deed and the child was rescued and Its life was spared. Children are sold for 20 cents or some times 35 cents hoping to get something to eat in tills way, some of the poor un fortunate in the famine striken country. In order to try to live, eat grass, bark on the trees, sweet-potato leaves, only to perish and die. In givingn relief some times the starving people were too weak to carrv a bug of 50 jiounds of flour home when given them and would fall dead by the way. The pitiful story was told of the skeleton humans yet alive who said, you "come too late" and they soon left their bodies and their soul took its flight. Mr. Caldwell urged that the Christian people of the I'nlted States contribute to the relief of tbeso striken souls, and the amount of the collection can be cabled to China and begin immediately to help the unfortunate and even if do nations have already heen made, make another, and another and hasten to help while you may savo some of the starving millions. A man can live a whole month on the small sum of J3.00 end today and some day when you are called to stand before the great throne, may you hear the savior say, "In as muPh as e have done it to one of the least of my brethren ye have done it unto me." NEW APARTMENT HOUSE TO GO UP IN GREENSBORO W. W. Dickto Construct Building With Eighteen! Apartments . .... l, nr rnr noies niituv inlj able to the company and the old stunt of endorsing such notes "without course ..(. k. ....r-miiierl The last legis lature passed a law prohibiting this practice and it will no longer be possible for a -slick salesman to load a man up with fvorthless stocks, take his note for It and then let his company stand from under by endorsing the notes without recourse." , , ,. Third, the company making applica tion will receive the closest scrutiny. Under the law- the commissioner ha3 au thority to make an investigation of ete.iy company making application to sell stock at the company's expense, and the commissioner proposes to do this very thing. He believes that a personal investigation by a jpendable represen tative of the insurance department, will be worth more than all of the" recom mendations and affidavits ever collected and filed by one of these "Blue Sky companies. Commissioner Wade Is a friend of legitimate business and would put noth ing In the way of any genuine, bona fide proposition with the right sort of backing and management and with the right sort of motives. He is the eternal foe of all stock promotion schemes that have but scant porspect of enriching anvhodv excent the promoters and he is going to use every means at his com-1 flo-ht timm. To this end he asks the co-operation of all good citi zens. Investors are warned to be on the lookout for stock and bond salesmen of the crooked variety. Theja should Insist that all salesmen show their license from the state department of Insurance and should never purchase unless such license is shwn. Commissioner Wade can do nothing with the promoters who use the malls further than to say this word of warning: These mail order sales companies violate the law of the state but there Is no way of reaching the criminals un til the federal government takes a hand In It and stops such campaigns in states where they are illegal. The use of the malls In this way Is prima facie evidence that the companies are afraid to submit their propositions to the state deparemnt of insurance and that their business would not bear close examina tion. Nine-tenths of these mall order promotion schemes are fakes and "who soever is deceived thereby It not wise." n hi.f nt the nubile roads, ac cepted the Invitation, and will delivtr an address at the convention on April 20 He expects to drive ov.fr th.; bank head highway in an aulimoblle to :ce convention. The bureau of public to: U also agreed to furnish the best exhibit of road scenes, road models and it moving pic ture outfit for the occasion. Their ex hibit will occupy two thousand sauare feet, and will be shipped at once to Greensboro, so as to comnmc j installa tion of the same on April io. A. G Batchelor, executive chairman of the automobile association, also ac cepted an invitation to atteti l the con vention, and deliver an address Mr. Bachelor is deeply Int-srotcd in the Bankhoad highway. The headquarters of the American Automobile association at Washington, New York nnd Phila delphia, are constantly roiitimr tourist.! over this great highway, an1 it is their pleasure from time to time to recom mend the same. He has been and is of valuable service to tne highway and the association. rl 1 IV; Me, '0. 'if -inu-l " "W im- (Special to the Citizen; STATES VI LLK. April 3 - . the North Carolina Merclanis tlon. through their secretary. Leonard of Statesville. today an Invitation to Herbert llo..v. tary of commerce, to address annual convention of the uwt,,eiati w urn. ni low iivttiy nuiei 111 I ,rp.n boro Jtine 21. 22 and 23. Mi iw will be asked to discuss th, ment's relation to business in,.,,' en. s commercial oiiiiook. in t . I ! 1 1 ion tne formal invitation extendei n Wl milled i-iuiipuse'l OI neiiaiors Mm ana uvrrman ann one or tin. men will be asked to call on M ano urge sbs acucpin nee. .at i, am other speaker of national repui:in0B UB (H. (.lie IHIKTIIU.,11 IMUKIMIII. I , f Btj UI -.. IHAH l ..J. ...... . a.JIIHJ. Ul WU.ri ,l. n.Mj.lPeT (a. Hoover aireaay naving neen at- rd name to be announced later v.m! r (. ( ...IK ..--.a un lunillllM iH.riiv ... UK uneu I'.i lc gram, as neretotore. J ne arraugeiiieniH ior llie a.jr.)ac!l'iir convention, which promises to tx (t best In the association's hisn.M. vin u maun uy u vuiivtM.l.uu ( uilllllll 1 i f 90l.tr ed from tho otate directorate l.y prw dent R. B. Peters of Tarboro. . " H, u, Knight, of Greensboro, is chalrm m of ,y. committee, and the other t-ik -n , t rs j Elmer A. Pettlnger of Wilson an , Frank Morris, of Wlnslon-Sni. in. n', last two named are ex-pei.lei ts nf nj state association, ami .nr. .Morns i ii, president of the Merchants Mnniai r,.J insurance company 01 norm t urolim which will have Its annual m i inp t;, second day of the convention. The ta' preiwuciii. Hi.u srcirittij iin t'.'-operi.. with the committee, which is. .-xprctj IO meet in urernmioru at an eni.v ifoN A state-wide organization ami ninitii ship campaign Is to he mur.iI hy n,; association prior to the convn tinn. J associations are to ne lorme.i m .1 nunl of towns and individual nn mhrrn f.. the state association will also he solii-i ed by the state officers. wit .he rfr operation of the organization , '.immio.j-. of the state and local associations, v;, state organization commutes an as u lows: , western Carolina: win. I 'ot 1st .-in. v.narioiie. (j. . (..un n. 01 iii:n roiR' W. R. Sellers of Burlington; A. M. y! of Hickory: J. w. Neeiy or Asneviiie: J M. Hale of Xlt. Airy; V. H. MurrlsoiK! Statesville; J. E. Davis of Concord; M G. Jlc ;urdy of Salisbury. Eastern r"at Una A. A. Joseph of Geldshe, ,j E. a Buekman of Washington: G. .1. Starr I: Wilson; W. C. Owens of Warsaw: J. t Sneed of Durham C. J. Shields of Soji. land Neck; S. D. Broadhurst of Mi. Oiiv.i J. T. McCabc of Elizabeth (it v. IS SHOT BY WATCH WESLEY BIBLE CLASS TO MEET IN G0L0S6HR0 FOR Classes of North Carolina Conference J?lan to Hold Most Interesting Session. COMPLETE 20 MILES OF L soldiers who voK-d both'the vio"ln.kd ptaSo and only JTr"rf repor 'of -he "Laymen's ills- simply on the ground that Mho nor ray b Mh.2 .'. r ln.Menta studies when 'innarv Movement." recently held at ment of poll tax made them Illegal f led she developed a remarkable dramatic, sonrnno voice. Tho last two years at coK". being 1910 and 1911 she finally devoTed exclusively to vocal wort. After, leaving Salem .h ,r ; w e, to Be ...n onri rrifll imieu Iiei Greenville. S. C. where about 1.200 men and 800 women attended the conven tion. The president, called the meeting to order at 2 n. m., and after (he ilovn tif.iiHl hv Rev. 15. '. Long, an Interest - IIl.I (initii. -,u.,..lrt Wliite ill j...- (Ii Vnimp len(,lt-H Work. der the direction ""'"",,,,.,. ' V" V 'K VV , "i. ...or,.: (Iia v.w h nirland oile.i'"W , w is given l,.i ........ ....n...., . - the .xe r.ll(,(.e. .. . h i,,..,l v.ii-U nnrl Snn- 11. it .- ... . " - IHly (.1 M'lll'n - - .-fT. two cars. .unip tn New York production as w i.f song melanin-, t- and their singing diet on. than a month after her arrival in Vork. she obtained a chute h P veil as to make a study oratorios aim ut.i- l.ess 111 New position. lork. sue twimiim " ;:'., ...- , .h n i. st tn tne .mo.ihi Is Baptist church on Fifth avenuf . un der the direction of the well known A. Y-VoVnelh A mtle later she became terlall . unipofei -.lii'ei man. ' M.-s Howell had two years of "'" ' iing before she made lvr New ...k deh-lft in November of last season ,r I ....( iunv InterestlllK recitals, on to continue voice (l(V 0(Jiuw, extension. Miss Jennie Sane. made thev were republicans. This Is anothe Instance of tho gross ignorance, or wil ful perversion, on the part of ..Mi'. Dor sett as to what has heen proven in the case As to the voting of the soldiers. 1 did not challenge any one on account of the non-payment of poll tax, as the record In many places will show. How ever, it is an undisputed fact thai in Iredell, and other counties. Dr. Camp 1...11 has challenged the votes of the ion oy i:ie the L, l Kroi.k Ytl lino i-liiu .. . s ctor. K. .iiuniiiiBioii " ipte .....i.mUsl.iners. after having R. no t..l.. ii, II, I i-..(inr( rif the ollllfcr Peonle's Icactie. of Klncs .Mountain soiniers w no n.i- o.-. ! Preshyterlul." , , ! The presidenl. Miss Pruett read a tel egram from Dr. Byrd, asking the aid and co-operation of the presbyterial for the work in the national capital, at Washington. The speaker of the hour was Intro duced by Rev. .1. C. drier, and the Key. R. ( '. hone, pastor Of uu wni) iie- hyterla n lif,n- the coiTim HSloners oi ins own county. Stanly, and urged that such ex emption be made. "To show how renicuious ami umkui.j i ot,,,osi,r tho article oi .nr. i,ii.-.-.i to what took place in Cabarrus county where he says, "by certain methods (iir.ii;.nili( ..f republican voters were cut "I uirw..; . .... .-. ,-, j, ,,. ,.,ilnr hurch of Gastonia, delivered out. ano i. our .....-i y. ...... - - (Special to The Citizen) GREENSBORO, April 3 W. W. Dick is advertising this morning for a lot of framing and some scores of thousands of brick. Mindful of Greensboro.'s r.eed of apartment houses, the average citizen will be cheered by the announcement that that is what Mr. Dick means to put those materials into. It is to be a hoti!. of 18 apartments, and all is in readiness to begin work. It is expected the" place will be ready for occupancy within four months, which means, of course, that no time is to be lost. The site is admirable a southern ex posure within two or three minutes' walk of tho postofflce. half a block west of the O. Henrv hotel, on Bellemeadc street, just the. Southern Heal Estate dc- lonmcnts that have Interested 'he realty tnatkot of late, and opposite where the extension of library plucc will join Brlh tneade. Mr. Dick has gone thoroughly into the apartment house proposition from all nl1" i tainuskeet lorlo appearance. s well as ti tine a (l 1 1 ress on i nc woui.iiei e.j .... .. " .. j .... -r.. Her Young People." ; 1 anipi.ell. alter a t noi o "" ''"; ,Mi :in,, ,.,ny with a view to making Mr Long was given the privilege of mx esuKa.ioii. . - l .. i . .. , h r,,.. ,,rlse profitable; he will have a the- floor and presented to the preshy- ! of contest . one single G" " n as Set of apartments modern in every detail a (iflSTOHH. I.V (lie lll-'l " special en- . ss Children and In o'li.r .. W ,.-....,.( with nrchastras She has sung with th Haven Symphony orchestra CLEVENrTcOUNTY IS OUT OF MONEY; , JURORS GO UNPAID (Special to the Citizen) , .,..-! ov a (.,-n :iAn abrasion of tls ain.er hv cross cut saw caused ,,,p;next annual meeting pa i t emphasize. tliat that it will be clear- ...ii ftf Tte ion treen. this week. A short time ago Green was -suing vood nnd w hen tree tell, tne .(.,. ..l,.,, i s firmer Wltu wo- result th.U ll.o.l poison developed. H was taken to a hospital and the lend was amputated. Later the arm was i.ni-t-utaierl and he died following the second J.n.r.tln. Mc. Green was 33 years of -.go and leaves me w " ' " . ' wer j i ,i ,i,...or,n's am reuiie.sie.i in ....a .HA (Yinvcn.ctit and . t .1...... .rt L-u1-n .,M (h lll.Uril ill OlllV I.?'".,. ,,rl also asked that the i trict-.Rowan-ii.id only nresbvterial approve the establishment 1 county. pre. o.. i ''J , ,,. rsi.,Prv i state again, and oi a cin.o... .. . ;.. . , . ,f, ProKresshe Program'" on the eight oh. lv shown that while th-rr have Heen lecHves i n c I tI I n K "Spiritual I.if. " some illegal votes nift uml some tr "F angelism " nd "Stewardship." was regularities on l oth shies. some ,n taken ui ar i followed l.y the reports of I stances in which partisan denwMtj. and !he committees, on those objects. , J Sli , itlS Shelby was chosen as tne piace o tiiP;M f ' ..X... -i it .i7,- ,n !,',. r. 'siogati: I'.very ; n ""i on..--. .....i- ..... , . . , woman a sou winner i ne i nrist is m in i ".'.''"," 'V, V;:j,.i; home to thy trienus. aim ten tor it. . ni.. n ..... things he halli done , than were casi ior io. u i ... r....... :an.l mvself. Mr. Dorsett s evident pur- ..f llianks 'ii given' pose is to make this a political Investi-....-. i ...i.iii.rv- f,,r th.n cation, and to have me citeil from; his nrticl. ' is mnking of arrangement and equipment, of a va his am. I. in maKing iplv h H8 experience ha: """ .1" ii"s.i lKh. ,n i, ,h, mnKt desirable, hut nil nrAei,'.-(r.ri... i .utement.s almost entirely or il appoint a , testimony, as ne nas ... euneu . n fc o( a q.U:,v to Httract tlie most desir.thle (Special to The Citizen) RALEIGH. April 3. The fifth annual session of the Wesley Bible Class fed eration of the North Carolina confer ence, Methodist Episcopal church, South will be held in Ooldsboro on the 8th, 9th and 10th of April. Representatives from all organized Wesley Bible classes in the North Carolina conference will attend. Speakers of prominence throughout the south will address the federation. Goldshoro is preparing to entertain the federation with her usual southern hos pitality. It is estimated that from three to five" hundred Wesley Bible class mem bers will be in attendance. The meeting of the federation was held last year at Trinity college, being a joint meetisjg with the Western North Carolina conference federation. rr.(. .. .11 n ilio f oil pr:A on are: D. ROad tO COnneCt Hydel". Dixon. Goldsboro, president; R E. "VMW j d-i- i) . h vlce-nresident Daniel W Terry. Raleigh, vice-president; J. T. Jerome. Durham, field secretary: E. J. Cheatham, Frankllnton. treasurer. The executive committo Is composed of one layman from each district. They as as follows: K. E. Prince, Raleigh: J. C. Lent. St. Paul; W. C. Chad wick. New Bern- W. I. Halstead. South Mills; J. If Wcstbrook, Rocky Mount: D. H. Hood. Dunn;' Dr. M. Bolton, Rich Square. The first meeting will be at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon. April 8, in St. Taul's church. Goldsboro. Tho sessions will continue through Sunday evening, April 10. Friday evening the children's choir of the Methodist orphanage at Raleigh will give a sacred concert, and be enter tained by the federation. The Wesley Bible classes of the North Carolina conference are supporlng many of the orphans at Kaleigh, through reg ular contributions. Saturday morning during the federation the representatives of the various Btnie classes win give their reports on the various activities. Saturday morning and afternoon the sessions will be devoted to a practical discussion of the work of the various departments (n Sunday school. The- de partment of young people and adults will be discussed by Rev. W. C. Owen, superintendent of Young People's and Adult Work, General Sunday School Board. Nashville. The department of in termediate and senior work will be dis cussed by Prof. R. N. Wilson, superin tendent of Intermediate and Senior Work. North Carolina conference. The Private Capital Building Road to Conne and Washington (Special to The Citizen) i KINSTON. April 3. At least one piece I of railroad construction in eastern Car 1 ollna is progressing toward completion. 1 This is the Do-mile line from Wonona. in Washington county, to New Holland, In Hyde. It will open up an agricultural country so fertile and rich in possibil ities that another amazing development, as in the country around Belhaven, Is a certaintv. Private capital Is interested in the road, which will have a connec tion with the Norfolk Southern at Its northern terminus, it is understood. Its construction will mean the most impor tant step yet toward the "opening up" of the low lands of the country border ing the sounds. Reports say 20 miles of the. new line have been completed and that a few months will see regular service insti tuted. The railroad will bring settlers into tho country served and in future years carry out immense quantities of farm produce to tho northern markets. Manv northern and middle western farmers have located In Hyde. Bertie Washington and Beaufort counties, and many more are expected to come to the countrv between Wonona and New Holland. New Holland Is virtually in l-bkb ,ui- A hotel ano omces are sam r. ii Wound Expeed to Prove Fatal Officer Surrenders After Shooting. j (Special to The Citizen ) REIDSVILLE, April S. l:..i. Jamil! the 17-year-old son of Mrs. Jeff Jamil who lives in thesouthern part of Igwn was shot through the stomach ami or ahjy fatally wounded Thursday afternon ; about 12:30 o'clock, near the s.mther) I depot. James Slate, a watchman i the Edna Cotton mills, did the shootll-! It seems that Mate had a warrant young Jarrell. charging him with tj paBs Slate was out looking for 1 younar man ana fonoweu mm tokl rtanvit whpplt It ifl aulH .tarri-l Tens ! to board a passing ' freight. Just brought on the shooting has not learned. Young Jarrell was carried to Dr Oehews rflce. .where atl examination ol the wound was made. It was found that the pistol ball passed through the young man's stomach and made a yen serious wound". It Is doubtful if lis will survive the injury. He w as carried Ii a Danville hospital on train Slate gave himself up and is now in the custody of the town authorities. The local tobacco market clojed fo' the season Thursday with fairly pxl sized breaks of very common tobac But not all the tobacco In farmer' hands has been disposed of, and an tuv sually large amount of the weed wn. be carried over to next selling scaron. The Reidsvllle market sold somethJn over 8,000.000 pounds this season and established a new high record on quan tity sold, though tho preceding crop oH for more money. A heavy frost visited this sectitw Tuesday night, and ' it Is tliought did considerable damage, to the fruit cm and early vegetation. , NINTH DISTRICT OF ODD FELLOWS NAME OFFICERS FOR YEAE i class of t . nants. A h-ating contractor himself, thorough ly familiar with the building mate-ials market. Mr. Dick's decision that now is 1 the time to undertake so extensive a construction enterprise as this is sig- i niflcant. to be located on the drained bed of the lake. Hyde county soil generally is so fertile that corn trows to proportions undreamed of in the middle west, and that grain is a crop staple. The stock -Tcs. nd 'natVve raised -tary be discussed dbuc, 'S Tfre?Uirl0cLrahrrffner; ST- r,h !Sl!fitcV Sunday in the climate from that of the central ,schoor board. and northern parts of the stale and all- Special music will be furnished by tlie 1-r.iai trl-Qni.. IS nil! Oil V K KOB.IIOIUIJ. CnOlT OI CJ I . . n U . .1 V...U.V... v,-."-. I but a fact. great s-H.vniK, go them how for three". A rising vote members of the L riag was Mies Maude Jomf. i 'ildren. ri-v,,iand conntv is out .,, well as the state of Nort'i v. " J-ors and witnesses here tor tne spring term of Superior court can not be paid off until the county commissioners au thorize the county treasurer. Hush St roup, to borrow. All of the tax money has uf t been collected, as collections have l.-en slow on account of the depressed condi tions and the time for settlement has been extended until May 1. Tlmne who have not paid their taxes by May 1 will have their lan.ls advertised and - sold. Ijist month the i-ounty commission, .'s borrowed U0. (Mia and tlris was spent in a week's time for steel bridges conercie abutments, and bridge work and bond interest. kind hospl.airtv an. I also a vote of thanks congress on tne son- grounu ..... . " .i,.'-,i,ir wr i-v,iin I,,.-. democrat rather than let the as- be lection or the new pincers, i ney ..i-.. ... ., .-. - ca'led torw ard and duly installed, ' elded upon Its merits, a shown by the the riraver being made t.y Mrs. Reni. , u-pinno.., i The presbyterial adjourned with prayer lhe v, V. N. Caldwell. COLLEGE STUDENTS TO HOLD BIG MEETING "This is mv last statement through the press, or otherwise, so far -as Mr. IVirsett is concerned, as what is said in the newspapers will be no factor w-hftt (Special to the Citizen) MOL'NT AIRY. April 3 There are three aspirants in the race for the may- I orship of this city. It. II Lewellyn. ('. i A. Shelton. and A. V. West. Mr. West however, states that he will not in a campaign hnt. if elected, will ..ei ve the peopha) faithfully. Mr. Shelton. the last man to ente:- xie race, is at present a city commissioner. The race is ex pected to he ri-se. The Sunday school of the First bap tist chun-h has planned an attractive program for next Sunday morning to in (h.. rietormination of the matter welcome their pastor, Kev. h.ugene uuve, a to whether Dr. Campbell or myself formerly or Dunn. ias Sundays ot was elected to congress Each Sundav school superintendent is requested to send the names of the representatives from his Sunday school to Mr. D., H. Dixon. Goldsboro. Among the prominent speakers, . who have a place on the program are: Rev. W C. Owen, superintendent Young Peo pic's and Adult Department. Nashville, Tenn.; Rev. H. E. Spence, Department of Religious Education. Trinity college. Durham; Rev. Glloeri i . ttowe. eaunr i vnrth Carolina Christian Advocate: Rev. rati Believed to Shot Himself im- Whila Plaoniner TTia Po.,leigh; Rev. A S. Barnes, superintendent wivu,u6 " j Methodist orphsnage, Raleigh; Prof. K. I x. Wilson, professor of chemistry. Trln : ity college: Mr. J. T. Jerome, field sec-iretarv.- Sundav School Board. Durham: i Mr. D. H. Hood. Wesley Bible class teacher. Dunn: Rev. o. T. Adams, pasior St. Faul's church. Goldsboro. volver at His Home. (Special to The Citizen) BURLINGTON, April 3. District offi cers were elected at a meeting of ti Odd Fellows of the. ninth district ft North Carolina held here last nigW Those elected were as follows: K. t Hamilton. Greensboro, president: U Allen, Burlington, vice-president; L. i Davis, High Point, secretary-treasurer. This dlstict comprises the cnuties Alamance, Caswell. Guilford. Randolph and Rockipgham. J. L. Kriddle. Greensboro, presided over the n'" and enthusiastic speeches conwrnnw the work of the ord were m -j John D. Berry, S. l7 Wlutmore. Greenoboro; H. E. Brlggs. of Ore boro; Dr. R. L. Stone, of Spray, a1 George I. aPtton. of Greensboro. The next dlstric convent loi i w In Greensboro. Tbeate of't' con has not been 4eoWe upon, but tw vention wlH meet at the call of tne trict supervisor; S. U W hitmo re J After the business ""!'"nllr,ai ef - jit-Virfnt anrlal hour Uft Joyed. RUSHING WORK Ojn HOTEL CHERK'V GOING UP AT (Speolsl to The ' C'.""' 0 ,w WILSON. April 3--" " rk " number of 5ft are rusWM (t , yP, seven-story Hotel U""- wy ntJ when tho whole world , T n, lal or Wnd the cost of mater i ,am W L" . :a:?Irkeeph Taee with 5 mXnds" orders all work s.ispenn- .hD. materials and labor re (Staned) R. L. DOUGHTON.", (Special to the Citizen) ROCKY MOI'NT. April 3 At a meet ing of former Louishii'g College stu dents held at the First Methodist church yesterday afternoon, plans were outlined hf.vllle Services and perfected for a meeting of all tu- I 11 dent of that mstn tit ion who reside in ' tt" - " the Wasirir.gton district. The meetfog. ' ' . which will have a banquet s a social 1 Attend thei Green Come and hear Kev. Raymond Browning preach in the revival at Balm Grove Methodist church. Westi announced et that time; this snnounce- tendance was 381 with an enrollment of 42. The contest between the bachelors and benedicts which has been funning for the past three months In the Ba raca class, closed last Sunday, but was so close that tho winners could not be at 10 a. m., and ment will be made Sunday morning and tf. :the losing side wltf have to entertain i the winners. In the evening the Friends Furniture i church and the Methodist church will - ... . I .. n , n Hh(ah (w( n .. . i o.- . , ... 1. 1 -. c tuni nun v ui if. i -- ' Tag . durins! tie first week of May .Furniture Co., 5-5T Broadway tf j wolcomins their new pastor . . (Special to The Citizen) WILSON. April. 3. J. O. Lassiter, aged 3". vice pfesldent of the R. G. Las siter Contracting company, of Norfolk. Va., died at 2.30 o'clock yesterday morn ing from a bullet wound said by rela tives to have been accidentally self-Inflicted. Mr. JLassiter was found In an unconscious condition about 11 o'clocj last night In his room at the home of C. E. Blount with a bullet wound In his forehead. His pistol was found nearby. From the position of the body and the wound, physicians and police, expressed the belief that Mr. Isslter accidentally shot himself while cleaning his revolver. The body will be shifped today to Ox ford, his home, for burial. ROCKY MOUNT TO VOTE FOR MANAGER (Special to tho Citizen) ROCKY MOFNT April 1 At the reg ular city, election In May the people of Rockv Mount will pass upon the question of whether the city shall have the city managed form of "government. The les olutlon submitting the question was pass- J ed by tho board of aldermen unanimous ly, f - n(1 unptioB mal he has ""teci i..- . be operations. "The ;JnUCtJZi contai" & stone and brick and win r-ru-iirtJI WILLIAM GERALD ' IS. tkst A.NTLY KILLP . Soec... MCjU'--' MONROE. April -Vittfng f"np"fi mechanic at Iceman Knitting , was insianuy - - M wa -r. rying m - . L- B ni,inr the He waa Lrv"r - -wWk.-".i:l,.Ide6 at an wire 'to "X attempt near the celling Ueraia here last winter Chattanooga nl body' ! fro an;f yea" here for burial. He 7Z ,d old and is atiHfrc" -ernl chHdrfti.