in X 1 run re'f mi 4- 1 In tl . fronl of Vrlvi; untl ureii At Itiil wltl i-essi ftatt lectl Ma; 4Y I he ir ec: jfew rat De nap coi bad! i V t-pi mi 1 he J, 'abet? i, n": on? VARIETY SPORTING EVENTS CELEBRATE NATION'S BIRTH ANNIVERSARY SPINK TAKE TWO FROM SPARTS MONDAY COMERS ANVEX 17 INNINGS WITH , noRxirrs, 4 to 3 Columbia Bunch Take Both Sessions, on Home Mold TlRcrs and lnls Shut Out Kach Other iu Monday's I'luy. SPARTANBURG. S. C . .July Greenville won the morning game Spartanburg. to !, scoring four from i runs in m ninth after Hill had been taken nut In Spartanburg's half of the eighth m no-v a pincn hitter to hat for him. Score: Clubs It II. K areenvllle ion mo wit ti 11 1 Spartanburg 000 (inn 02(1.-2 7 1 Batteries Cothran and Wendell, Hill Glard, Fried and Wltry. Come From Behind. '.! GREENVILLE. S. (, July 4 - (irrcn:- tile came from behind In the nintli In-j ilnf here this afternoon and won from iparianDurg by the score of 5 to 4 core. Clubs 'partanhurg (Jreenville It. II. I 1120 inn ri 1 n 1 7 010 100 no; -i R ' Batteries- rrlefl I Ofn i n-amu i L uml Vvltry; Crews and Wendell. i ; Werners Capture Two. XCOLCMHIA, S. C July 4 -Columbia ron two games from Charlotte here to. .lay, taking the, morning contest, 4 to ::, .R seventeen Innings, and winning. 7 to , In the afternoon. The mornlnn ,nnie Jas a pitcher's battle between Webber md Johnson until the latter retired fi r pinch hitter In the fifteenth. Joey's fitting featured the morning game, -rhlle the hitting of Kingston, T'asehal. lacy an! Tavener was the feature 111 .he afternoon. Score. Morning game Clubs H H. K. Charlotte 00ft 000 200 oon 11(113 11 4 Columbia ....100 noo 100 non (hi.--4 12 , Batteries Webber and Kennedy; Johnson, Turk and Casey. .Afternoon game ' Cluba It. H. K. 'harlotte 201 020 000 i 12 2 lUlumbia aoo o;io oix 7 5 0 Shutouts the Rule. CHARLESTON, S. C, July 4. Augus 4 shut out Charleston In the morning 1 .inu, 2 to 0, while the locals won th ,,fternoon game, 4 10 0. The visitors ' uroke Charleston's winning streak of lit .ames. Score ; it 11 1.' Morning game . Clubs Augusta Charleston Batteries Songer 010 010 noo- 2 9 0 000 000 000 and Vasscy, 3 2 La ti ing and Marshall. Afternoon game , Cluba It. ll. K. 6 2 Augusta no ooo 000--.0 Charleston 040 Olio (lOx 4 Baseball Results NATIONAL LEAGUE At Pittsburgh 6-3; St. Louis 6. At Chicago 2-6; Cincinnati 4-2. At Philadelphia 4-2; Boston 6-3. it Brooklyn 1-4; New York 8-7. AMERICAN LEAGUE At St. Louis 1 At Boston 1-3; At Cleveland 6 At New York 6- 6; Detroit 4-7. Washington 4-7 11 Chicago 4-10. 14; Philadelphia 4-4. SOUTHERN LEAGUE At Little Rock 8-5; Memphis 4-6. At Atlanta 7-5; Mobile 2-3. At Birmingham i; New Orleans 2. At Chattanooga 11-6; Nashville. 8-3. At Birmingham 9; New Orleans (1. aft ernoon game lorfelted lo Birmingham In .rat half of seventh account New "Means not returning to play after an argument over a batted ball. 60UTH ATLANTIC At O'-eenvllle 6-5; Spartanburg At Charleston 0-4; Augusta 2-. At Columbia 4-7; Charlotte 3-J INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Afternoon Games At Newark. 4; Jersey City 6. At Rochester 7; Syracuse 6, nlngs.) At Buffalo 9; Toronto 3. At Baltimore 4; Heading 3. . Morning Games At Buffalo 2; Toronto 4. At Rochester 1; Syracuse 3. At Baltimore 6; Reading 2. At Newark 6; Jersey City 1. (10 in- FLORIDA 8TATE Morning Games At Jacksonville 3, Daytona 2. At St. Petersburg 6; Tampa I. At Lakeland -Orlando, rain. Afternoon Games At Jacksonville 1; .Day tuna. 2, (10 In nings.) At Lakeland 3. Orlando 1. At Tampa 0; St. Petersburg 8. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Afternoon Games l,ouis ille 2; Indianapolis 3. St. Paul 1; Minneapolis 6. Columbus 4; Toledo 8. Kansas City-Milwaukee, rain. At At At At Morning Games At Louisville 13; Indianapolis 7. At Minneapolis 4; St. Paul 7. At Kansas City-Milwaukee, rain. At Columbus 3; Toledo 7. TOMMY MILTON WINS 250 MILE AUTO RACE TACOMA, Wash.. Milton won today's .ace on the Tacoma Milton's time for July 4 Tommy 250 mile automobile speedu ay. the 25u miles was iwo hours, 34 mines, of 98 miles an houi . with average Roseoe Searles was second Hi vas two hours, 42 second.-. Joe T .'Cddle Hearne, Torn Alley and Miller finished In the order named. ioiiia Eddie SKI RECORDS BROKEN AT BIG TOURNAMENT TACOMA. Wash . July 4 !n eastern cities sweltered itial ski tournament of th ki club was held on t.ic s Vista. Paradise valley, .M. yesterday. L. Carseu win. up for the second year, w !" Is ownership. Several records were took. ll i. people Mo fifth an , N,,rt nw 1 si ,,;ies of Alia iiint Ita !.: 1 Ho Paradi-e EXTERMINATOR WINS , LATONIA HANDICAP LATONIA, Ky.. July 4 --Kin rm lea ' or. 'idden by Jockey Haynes won, Co m.:, ind a half Independence handicap c, 1:10 1-5. The net variation to me wm aer was $15,725. Woodtrap (in:nrd' sec ond and Lallablee third. fa say Ueu If l;llful female Uclp you aeek To speed production to iU peak, Just run an ad, each day this week, with PF AQWRFH "SKYLANDERS" WIN AFTERNOON CONTEST AND LOSE MORNING GAME TO FAST CANTON NINE W. c. League Standing. Won. I..- 4 ,'i .! Clubs Ashevllle- . . I lendf rsonvill l!reard Canton ... rvt. K67 .;' .:i:i:i Results Yesterday. Morninir -r'untun it Awl,,., in :,iruJ., . ... ..... ,,' , Games This Week. Wednesday and Thursday- I ard at Asheville. HeridrrMonvllIe at i'antn. day and Saturday- Henderson Ashevllle, Canton at I'.rcvard The Asheville SkvUliil.-lH ami l"rl- at Canton basrbaheis day when the A Canton in the mi 11 to I.' A 1 Oate divided games yestor ihcviile nine ton at rmim l.v a s,ore of i I'ark in tlif after- nnori and der the ' 'Sk la llil'T I tin Cant to ., Mori W'l l i' h (ririnus HKIiriuii 1 inn un- 1.1 led In I'll'' of tie were In, Hi larti-- tiuiu- ( 'a ntoniti- hi mi d f,iiir Itliv M-nli-d Sn.ri tin- ui. I interi'stiiig and allne t' il a . hi r of fans. In the morning garni' tin jjfitartMl with a rui-h and ' ' ' ' '11 III"' I I I I I II II I II IZ aRnln in the third and r-mrt li. annevfd two in the founh inn the Canton .layers added font Vihevllle 111, hut ill the fifth. Thin oonipleteil the fruiinu lilt - III the eighth, when Cant,,,, sriued mie and Ashe'ville i,,. Th.. gatm- attraeled a holiday erowd and the Canion fan.s were ent hiiHiast ie when the final Mages of the game xhoweil (heir fav, rites on top The Skylanders displayed exeel lent baseball anil il is thought that they were anxious to get hark to the city for their contest in the afternoon. A crowd estimated at 4MI fans saw the eon lest between the uvo teams. At least ti',11 funs gathered at dates I'ark yesterday afternoon fur the sole purpose of watching tin- Sk.vlaiiders get rct'enge for the tronicing in the inorn. ing by the Canton nine. u is self-ei-deni that they did, scoring four runs CHICKS BREAK EVEN WITH LITTLE ROCK pi;is msk (in k, rouri:iT one to THE B.YKO.NS i Crackers Annex To 1'nim Ili uliis 1111 1 Timely HlttiiiK While Ismkouts fake Morninic and AI'teriKion (iiuiic. L1TTLK ROCK. July 4 - Memphis broke even hy winning from Little Rock this afternoon fi to a, after losing the morning game 6 to 4. Morning game: Heore: K. U.K. Memphis 002 nil (100 4 11 I Little Rock 0011 050 01 x 6 7 2 Batteries: Tnero. Marks and lowle; Robinson and Melteer. Afternoon game Score: R. H. E. Memphis .". 000 Oil 400- 6 II j 1 Liltle Rock 2I0 000 002 t) 12 2 Batteries; Lohman. Zaluiiser and llung- llng; Cooper, llengeveld, Hoblnson and Metteer, PELS FORFEIT A GAME . . winning BIRMINGHAM. July 4 Aft the morning game .i to 2, Birmlngh 101 was awarded the afternoon contest with New Orleans on a forfeiture by I mplre Jorda. by the technical score of 9 to 0. The locals were leading, j to 3, when the game was forfeited during an argument over a ruling hy Jorda that a long drive by Gilbert of New Orleans, was .1 foul. Morning game: Score: It. II. B. New Orleans 001 000 too - : a (I 1 8 1 Ncw- Birmingham Sim 200 00x Batteries: Vance and In berry ton and Brandon. TENTH INNING WINS ATLANTA, July 4. Timely hitting enabled Atlanta to defeat Mobile twice here today, 7 to 2 and 5 to 3. Morning game Score; R. H. K. Mobile 000 001 001 2 fi I Atlanta 102 0 1 11 OOx 7 12 1 Batteries. Sigman und Pond; Marshall and Itariden. Afternoon game: Score: R. 11. B. Mobile 110 000 000 3 ! 4 Atlanta 010 112 lOx S 10 I Batteries: Wells and Shulte; Marklo and Rarlden. LOOKOUTS ARE WINNERS CHATTANOOGA, July 4. Chattanooga defeated Nashville 1 1 to 8 this morning by hitting Payne hard, and won again in the afternoon 6 to 3. on Shay's home run In tiic fifth with two on bases. Morning game Score: It. H. E. 120 001 013 8 10 2 012 260 OOx 11 16 7 and Jomiard; John- Graina. Nashville, Chattanooga Batteries: Payne aon. Wlngfleld and Afternoon game Score Nashville Chattanooga R II. B 000 000 120 3 10 ; 100 040 10x - 6 12 1 Batteries. Statham and Nciderkorn. and Smith; Noel 1 GIBBONS WINS FROM SUMMERS IN THE 11TH I ALLAN TRACK. Idaho. July 4. -Mike Gibbons. SI. I'aul middleweight. de'Vat j ed Al Sonimeis of Spokane, claimant to ttie t'acitlc coast midillewetglit cham pionship today, when Summers' secoints tnrcw tin- lowei into the ring atter one minute of fighting in the 11th round of a scheduled 12 roiinil light. Soniniers was knocked dow n t u ice for a count of nine in tlu imli round PRINCE LOREE WINS EDWARDS 2:08 PACE NORTH RANDALL "' Prince 1 .01 ce, o ned hv Shaw and driven hv Mil.l the Edwards 2 OK class Vi v eland. July I Caplsiiu David McDeMtt. vn C, tile feature of the itpenit'g itavs Randall today, taking dollar Make In two program at North ill, t tin e t hnusa nd tr. light heals. His "ii, V heal, cstab , Make. ! line, III I I 1,'slies a n coi d for ROPER GETS 11.MAIIA. July I c 1 'hicago he. i y w eig ! er Andy Schiuaih 1 W re today. DECISION iW.iili Boh R Won .1 dei 11 a n round bout MUTT AND JEFF X JUiT LCARrJCtj FftOf-V 4oe sPivis that JeFF Hftt) r NARROW escrft PRona JjifouJWirJG AT comev SLN this V M0if)ING. THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 5, 1921. runs were made In the first, one in the second and sewn In the third. Canton ; scored three In Hip third. (loose eggs ailorfieit tin- a..i rf. . l-w fr.nt tlw. tl.l.-.l until tlif .sfv nth. when Ui Kkylanders 1 1 nr scored to 2. scoped five two and th more. The vis KHinc ended. 1 r Mornlnn Game. I .' Ashevil.-i2l IN is Canton (4ij Miller I, F Itlaiock It. I Kaynsaux c. K Alexander Mm Kan I! !' Sentelle I . Hi csl. y . . :ill Clark. I.. I I Keagan .2 11 Clark. A 1 I Itrott 11 II! lilve j Sams S. S iie 1 Astnli - I en."i y ., ,.' Sorrells I Kliuford C lilaloek. '. Tuii.lni se hit S11 ins. 2 Threi -Utse hits l:ie and liiau'an Shilen haes Itronn and lllalork liases on Malls- ; (iff llcns:e. 2. off Son ells. 2. Struck ; out l:- Ibnsley. 7: hy Sorrells. ::. Hoiihii' i:i - lte!. Hit' (iff Sorrelis, s. 1, f llcnsley. !. Attendance- i:,0. I'm : jure I larkeuv j Afternoon Game. 1 T!,i hne,ii and suniman : Ashevi.le (I.'. t'os Canton 2i ; Miller I,. I'' Itlaiock Kayssanx c. F Alexander MorKan It V Hentelle Sn ins . . . HeUS!e.V I 'ressl.y . . . l!rov n . . . Weaver . . Johnson Two- base S. H.. . 3 It. . .2 3.., 1 n . . ..i'... ...('.. Bell Clark, Ji, Clark, A. Blye Sorrells-Jl!a lock Grahl hits Morgan. Brown. Hens- ley C). (irahl, ('lark, l'ressly and Kavs- huux. Threehasi hases l-'ayssaux. hlt Morgan. Stolen Base on balls Off ISIa Pile Dv l'k, :i. off Weaver. I. Hit by lied ball- Alexander. Struck out -Weaver. !i; by Iflaloik. 1 Double Play Brown. Mils (iff Itlaiock. 12. off Sorrells. :., off Weaver. 6 Attendance ti.'iO. I'liipire-Harkens. The . Sportf olio (opielfAf, 1921. hy Public l.rdficr ('iwiipniiy Do lm Timc Ihr tiiitrm to ttira't l.twk in tk "Stmrtlolui" tomonow ona nrr if you me Mfii Ttieir qut-t tft v til h a tlltlv fmlrtrr fl Ih ivntUny jwftr of 7 Aih'rtlle Citlzrn. foil Ihrm. and 1 yii Kith information on any nh ttrt connected wilk tpott. ak the "bportlolto " Against which team did Ruth make the greatest number of home runs last year" II. M. K What Is the record for making dovdile faults in a tennis match? K B In the case of a blocked ball, do 1 the base runner advance only one has.' or go on until the bail Is held by the piic'ier in his box? J II. S. What is the shortest prize fivrlit on record: ft. Mc.M What teams did Adams play with In fore coming to Pittsburgh? G. II. k. ANSWERS TO YESTERDAY'S QUERIES. Hamilton, playing with Philadelphia in 18H4, established the National league record for stolen bases in one game eight. 1 'While no official figures are axailable, if here are probably more baseball nlav- ers In the United States than thele are golfers. When, with two out, batter hits a two-bagger and is thrown out ,1! third, the run counts If the runner crosses the plate before the put-out Is made. Mildred Carl, of New Haven, holds the women's record for pole vaulting 7 feet 2 Inches. If a fielder, not having the ball In his possession, obstruct a base runner, the latter Is entitled to the base. PEOPLES' REGATTA JULY 4TH FEATURE! PHILADELPHIA, July 4. - Oarsmen I the. Leonard fight immediately there of four rowing centers shared in the 'after. glory of victory in the people's regatta. a (eatiire or trie independence Day cele. bratlon here, in a series of hard-fought races today over a mile and a unarter straightaway course on the Schuylkill river. Racing conditions were Ideal, al though the beat caused many of the crew men to topple over at the finish All were (inlckly revived. Philadelphia clubs won eight events; New York entries won three races. Wal ter Hoover, of the Duluth Boat club, two, and the Potomac Boat club, of Wash ington, P. C., one. The Washington Canoe club crews won both canoe 'aces i wnicn were rowed over a half mile course. HAYES BECOMES CLAY COURT TENNIS CHAMP (TCAGO. July 4. Walter T Hayes, of Chicago, succeeded Roland Roberts, of San Francisco, as the national clay court tennis champion today, when he defented Alex. M. Squire, of Chicago, in the final round of singles, fi-0. 6-2, 6-4 The match was played under a broil ing sun. The victory returns to Hayes the cup be won In 1911. I Roberts, the 1920 winner, did not com pete this year. In the doubles final, Hayes and Clif ton B. Herd, of Pasadena. Cal.. suc ceeded Roberts, and Vincent Richards. I of New York, as champions. Thcv dc- I feated John and Ralph II. Burdlc'k. of I j Indianapolis. 6-1. 63. 6-2. As In the singles, the 1:120 champions did fend their title. not de- LOCAL NINE WINS THREE FAST GAMES The Stone.v Reds, a fast baseball nine. f won three games yesterday. The first game wa won from the Weaverville Y. M A. by the score of II to 4, a feature lietng the pitching of Capps tor the j foiiner nine The second garni- was j played with Reenis ("reek, the score be- I nig ' lo H The last game wis plavid j with Grace, the Stoney Reds taking the coiiii'Si with a score of 12 to ;i. 4 KELLY GETS DECISION 1 BENTON HARBOR. Mich. July I - 'Jimmy" Kelly, of ('hicago, won a I in wspaper ,b ci-i.,ii over l-'riinkie Mason. of Ft. Wane. pel, hi a 1" lound boxing ' match today. Righto! Nothing cou aver has a tough - r z r r . . " . -. v " i A" "" -a : , 1 , S- T-J JFF. P6RMIT Ke PWWI BT MAN, HC ' x I EI 1 I ' " (.xnon.niui.rinr I II , . , I I orvw (w I I X I I I mm W OM "tOUft. If , riBS'i l. . . S. ( W6. X XC AIM-T THAT JSS PA6UR0W)rJ ; U'.M l ..e.r.... i"- ' II 13 D YOU SI P rliw II - 1 IV. - t ,u u-.e 1 I OttZmJ ' I ins, ills UAvK? I I -m ZZSz .TKftee I AT Tufte " 1 ' v !, Hirw Poi i i . l i . r tSNt- J r smaV 1 tkicctirtt-iLlc' 1 GIANTS WIN DOUBLE Din conn nnnncDo1 dill rnum uuuuLno CIBS AXD KKIS EACH WIN" UAMH MONDAY I Urates nnex Both KihIk of Ooublc Header From Qua kens Pirates and Cards Get an Even Break. HKOOKLYN. Jul, -New York two games from Hrooklyn today. 8 to I. and 7 to 4. The (Hants batted llitchel hard in the morning game, and Smith and Ituether were unable to stop the Giant hitting In the afternoon game. Morning game: Score: R. H. B. New York .10.1 ion 100 s 14 1 Crooklyn loo "00 hiio - 1 8 '! Batteries: Ryan and Snyder: . Mitchell and Miller, Taylor, Afternoon game: Score: n. 11. K. New York 020 2 (102 7 lit ,1 Hrooklyn ....: 003 lino nin.. 4 7 2 llatteries. Douglas and Snvder: Smith. Unci her and Miller. SPLIT HOLIDAY BILL CHICAGO. July 4 Chicago and Cin cinnati divided the holiday bill today th" visitors taking the morning game 4 to 2. uhllo the locals won in the afternoon 6 to 2. Chicago unalile lo do much with I,uo,ue In the first game, while Brenton was hit hard In the afternoon. Morning game: Score R. H. K. non 020 oil 4 II I 100 mo 000 2 10 0 and Wingo; Martins Cincinnati Chicago Batteries'. Luque and KUleter. Afternoon game: Score: Cincinnati n. h. k. 010 001 000 2 6 2 031 001 lOx 6 16 1 Chicago Batteries: Brenton, Napier and llar- grave; Alexander and Killifcr. BRAVES ALL THE WAY PHILAPKLPHIA. July I Boston won 't both the morning and afternoon games of tho doublejieader from Philadelphia. In the morning Southwnrth's two homers were responsible for the 6 to 4 victory while in the afternoon five errors by the Phillies paved the way for a lo Inning triumph, 3 to 2 by Boston.' Morning game; .Heore: It. H. B. Boston 011 OHO 1122 6 9 Philadelphia 20 0011 022 0 3 Batteries: Orschger. Scott-and O'Ncil; Meadows, Keemin and liruggy Afternoon game: Score. It. H B. Boston 000 fill nOO 13 4 2 Philadt Iphta "00 020 oon 0 2 12 Batteries: Scutt and Gibson; Ring and Druggy, HONORS DIVIDED I PITTSBl'RGII. July I. Pittsburgh and ! St. Louis split even In ("day's games, 1 the I'lrates winning the morning ran 'test. ."1 to 2. and losing in the afternoon ,6 to 3 1 Morning game: ' Score; R II K I St. Louis 010 0110 001 270 I Pittsburgh 22(1 I (m OOx 5 12 1 Batteries: Bailey, Goodwin. Klviere 1 and demons, Glazner and Schmidt. Afternoon game: I Score: R. H E. 1 St Louis 2'in 211 noo 6 7 0 i Pittsburgh 0(10 100 200 3 9 I i Batteries: Pertiea and Dilhocfer; I Cooper. Carlson and Brottcm. LEONARD FREEDMAN BOUT ONLY DEFERED BENTON HARBOR. July 4. "Benny Leonard, whose scheduled bout with "Sailor" Freedman today for the light weight championship, was called off. telephoned from Chicago that he was leaving tonight for New York but would return to fight Freedman July 16. Freed man leaves tomorrow for New York, having been matched to light "Johnnv" Dundee, 15 rounds there July 12. He will return bote to continue training tor I 3 HM X" V I I 1 V- Bottled In Asbevllle By COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. Street Address, DO Blltmore Ave. Phones No. 8C2-3S26 nwr"i 1 mug. .1 1 mmm 1 1 iwr 1 ljiwjl - SU.Bt MAt A H Acr. ViAiiO ' O P K6 HAb LeT 1 I henry camp cTiiRsr LEG OF TOURNEY FOR TROPHY . t mv Henry Camp won the -Connally cup tourney at the Country club yesterday and will have hia name engraved on the trophy. In order to become the owner of the cud it is necessary to win It lookltnree (lines." The cup was originally to in" Hiven 10 toe winner ui 1111 re tuuiiicji, and was won twice by parties previous to the world war. It was found neces sary to discontinue the tournaments and the play for the cup was at a standstill. It was decided recently to play off the trophy in the some way the first tour ney on Independence Iay. It is not necessary that the trophy be won three executive times. In captur ing the tourney yesterday, Mr. Camp will have the only claim to the cup so far, the other names having been re moved. 1'lay in the tonrnement yester day was restricted to members only and a number entered the tourney, which was an eighteen hole handicap. A num ber of the entrants failed to turn in scores at the clwe of the tournaments. The golfers finished in the following order : Total scores. Handicap, shr Total Net Score. Handicap. Score. . 87 2."i 2 . 8 20 fi . 84 17 67 7."i 8 67 .80 12 8 . 91 22 63 '. 84 14 70 . 94 20 74 99 22 77 r lot 2:1 78 . 109 Co 84 Henry C. K. Camp. . Rudd. . . I.. H. Jones.. Henry Westall. Kast Ware ('. Rankin .1. . Woodcock. K. B. Reed . . . Jr Dr. C.W. Millender Dr. .1. A. Slncla L. S. Barrlnger R. B. lxiughran, KENILWORTH LOSES TO BLACK MOUNTAIN' IIosipKal Boys DefeaUxl In Ease Game Yesterday by Score of 6 to 2 OuntO Played at Black Mountain. ; in a fast game yesterday, Kenilworth i hospital was defeated by the Black , Mountain nine by the score, of 6 to 2. the game being a part of the Fourth of julv celebration at Black Mountain. I In the seventh Inning, the hospital hoys voiced disscntion over the decision of t lie umpire, claiming that he had made three unfair decisions in favor of the opponents. It was claimed that the decisions had caused the home boys to secure three runs. R. Brown, pitching for t lie home boys, did good work throughout the game, and Britt for Kenilworth. also pitched a good game, striking out nine men hut allowed three hits. Britt also had to his credit a two base hit. while Graff, for the hos pital, knocked a three-sacker 1 he line-up: Mountain Kenilworth Wolfe Buckncr Foster Gaff Hemphill King McYoung Bianketsliip .. A. Britt Pn. .3li. Black C. Mill. .ss Moore .lb J,. Brown . .c t'. Brown .2I F. Miller ..If I'reist .rf Archer .cf Kerlee , . p It. Brown j FIGHT RECEIPTS ARE GIVEN AS $1,623,380 NEW YORK, July 4. The total gate receipts for the Dempsey-Car. pentler boxing contest amounted to $1,623,380, Tex Rlckard, promoter of the bout, announced tonight. The net 'receipts have not been cal- . culated. SAN DIEGO CHAMPIONS SAN DIEGO, Cat, July 4. San Diego high school defeated West Tech high school of Cleveland, O., -7 to 6 In the 10th inning of the second and deciding game for the national Intel-scholastic baseball championship here today. JiX dll fountains or in bottle ? Little Mm Sweet is me queen of the street: She vamps all the four -year-old swains she can meet Leads them up to the fountain and makes them deliver The price of a nice cooling glass of Green River. job ma rpu niriMr. a v B. R. Branch, no score. Pr. T. P. Sheesbprough, no score. P. H. Branch, no score. K. C, Sawyer, no score. K. C. Snyder, no score, r"iic" Wphh. no score. Dr. C. V. Reynolds, no score. ine Country club course is the dally mocca for a number of local and visit ing golfers and It is expected that the list of summer tourneys will be an nounced shortly. George A. Miller, man ager of the club, has staled that he has been very much pleased with the quality of golf played in the spring tournaments and everything points to many visitors during the summer. The links are re ported to be in excellent condition and many players have said that they have never played the famous outdoor game under better conditions. Henry Burgess, local expert, is in Scotland, where he made 11 strong show ing In the championship tourney. He is expected to return to the city in about thirty days and it is said that his presence Is sorely missed at the Country club. The visitors' list at the rluh is re plete with names of out-of-town golfers. Plans may be worked out shortly for making the' open professional tourney in 1922 one of the largest ever held at the club, and this will mean that practically all o fthc leading golfers of this coun try will participate. Jock Hutchison, who won the championship in England, is one of the local clubs' enthusiastic boosters and takes part in th open tourney each year. He Is certain to b here in 1922. In 1920 and 1921 he nride excellent ' records for the local cou-sc. HE.NDERSONVILLE AND BREVARD DIVIDE UP IlendernonvHlc'e largest Holiday Crowd Witnesses Defeat of Boosters Iw Scraps In Bleachers. Spocial to Tha C'((i2nl HENDERSON VI LLE, July 4. In a ragged and nervous game, with errors the outstanding feature, Brevard defeated Hendersonvllle 5 to 3 before a record breaking holiday crowd here today. Vic tory for the Sapphires came this after noon after they had suffered a 13 to 2 defeat by the Boosters this morning. Lanniug and Lance made up the IP'n dersonville batteries, while Gudger and Hatcher played plcher and catcher for Brevard. Two of Brevard's runs made on errors, the other three being earned. Hndersonville only earned one run. the other two being thro'.wi the P.oosters by Brevard. Interest in the game was d'wded by two or three fights in the gran, Island land bleachers between rival fans uaich I caused police Interference. MONTREAL IS GIVEN DECISION BY PRESS W( ION SOCKET. R. I... July 4. Lvnc'n. bantamweight champion. lop Young Montreal "f p-ov;.ie.,' ' meet this afternoon. Lynch reported that he hail strained a iiga .iei... Jahez White, of Albany, was sub stituted for Lynch in a 12-round. no de cision bout. Young -Montreal won the newspaper decision. For just such happy moments as this, Coca-Cola was created delicious and refreshing. THE COCA-COLA COMPANY ATLANTA, GA. - m m MORTON FOR INDIANS unlive AAU .(A1 ntLLAIV IWH 11 h I li1' . u - mmmM m V-VXKKKS CAPTVU10 TWO THE ATHLETICS FROM . ....,1 Tinker on Ixmir End (it nciiHiii Mi.i -- 11-K Both Scores In TlM-lr iiatjies With Rod t) and the Browns. . CLEVBLANP. July 4.-Cleveland won both games from Chicago today, 6 to 4, In the morning and 1 1 t oil) in the after; nopn, Morton, one of Cleveland's scc-6iul-'str1ng pitchers, is credited with $i)th victories Score: Morning game 'rinb 'fMiiro BIO 120 1100-4 10 0 cS-veland 200 000 lOx -6 10 .Batteries Twombdly. Wieneko and SchSlk;-' t'hle. Morton, Klails and Nuna maker. Afternoon game Clubs-- Chicago"- 280 0;.or,oo-in 12 .1 Clevejand l'l 1-11t 1 9, and Bchalk: Bagby. Caldwell, Morton md Nnemakcr. Athletics Lose Two. NEW YORK. July I N York de- feated Philadelphia twice and 14 to 4. bringing the today, 6 tn 4 Yankee's win- ninir streak to sev straight games. Two home runs hy Baker with Ruth on base each time cameo onv victnrv In the first contest and the Yankees batted Rommel hard in the second game. Score; First game Clubs- Tl. H. K. Philadelphia ooo ooo 130-4 8 3 New York -0 1111 1 0x-6 10 2 Batteries--Keefe and Perkins; llyatt, Shawkey and llofmann. Second game Clubs- R. H. E. Philadelphia too 000 ono 4 11 1 New York IB! 110 Hlx 14 14 1 Batteries Rommel. Wolf and , Perkins; Myatt. Mays and Schang. Senators Win Games. 4. Washington BOSTON. July Hvle lefeated Boston this afternoon, winning 1, and the S"conil, the first game, 1 to I ? 1, 'I Scire ' i First game: Clubs- R- H K. I Washington OnO 030 010 ? 1 ' Boston 100 000 Hid 1 Jt '1 flatteries Zachary and Gharnty; Jones. Karr and Huel. Afternoon game ' Clubs R H E. : Washington 000 1 10 0057 1 1 1 i Washington 000 1 10 (105--7 1 1 3 I Batteries Courtney and Piclnich, iGharrity; Bush and Walters. Good Day For Tigers. I ST. LOl'IS, July t. St. Louis won two games from St. Louis today, taking .the morning contest. I to I. and winning. '7 to 6, in the afternoon: Veach and Hellman made home runs in both games. 1 Score: 1 Morning game Clubs R. Detroit omi 11113 0104 ST. LOl'IS. July 4 Detroit Batteries- U'onard and Basslcr; gihW and Collins. fternoon game Clubs R. n.-lrolt 300 030 0107 H. E. 9 1 won Van. H. E. 12 0 St. Louis Old 001 2026 16 J Batteries Oldham. Middleton and Woodall; Kolp. Baync, Dcbcrry and Sev. ereld. 312 By "BUD" FISHER. 'iii awMva iisv f'"Kf I I h i il .. ' : ' 1 ' ' 1