i . ,v ZEN 28 Pages 24 u . DEDICATED TO THE UP-BUILDING : OF ? WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA ASHEVILLE, N. C, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 1, 1922. PRICE 7c ON TRAINS 10c. -n- Nations' Association (1 Smte Commissioners i j ChaTefHprtsMade (fiJoRehWHighRates NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS ARE IN ORDER - - BY BUSHNELL Ma lTV TURN OVeRHNCHtfRF! SOlJED: I'LL SILLHOMOAB filSOLVCO! MOONS thc ruai ic -piRce hrj runed POISON I'MTHKOUM-Vve hot -ner"t MV SRRRJ' Jil RETIRE RNt alvE on hy pnit For iVea? Conference '''' "rtfiafcajS'f j ""' l"w? -rt 7 i'i'..-wiw : v.-tt -'awi!Lj mif m ,y ww r ir m a.m-siMtti 'MiHtiHiWii.lw'H ' ESTABLISHED 183. V Result From Plan I 1 1 Rtjwveo: ill not Mrm nv i I 1- I UkIKH RMY iHOR TCR TURN TW fl tr tn " I 1 AU Alt OUJ CMOXgRRRSW I' nrTiTiniirn m ' Y,7 & 'kestigation Bought on : w proposed Increase. I JiUlJNIA-CAKOLINA If lATVma TTTTVT VTTtTtl Jblared Basis for. Bates ; Jreated When Carriers : iiaa.rreerHandi ; I: AliEIOHi ' po. . Si Petltjon- . i Interstate Commerce cora pn for th uspensloii of pro I ffiread. freight rate be ,A Virginia end North Carolina fta to ..become effective Jan- It I 15.- the Btata Coi-Deratlon tt are. trying to not only ro te rata: to the former high ' fel, which tha Commerce com tston found to fa tir-.eetsAnahlit 'nvaaa to tha Increased level but Wv tha carrier ar now rate Wta- for other North -alto proa '- , .!.. . -" commlMloii pe v - Tha CorpWte Commerce -commission to posed rata tncn f nit hearlns r l oiirtean ta against tha Inc, tha corpoi" "Utlon, bearli nmmlstloner f .1 nil ' 'and.B,c ' " j J" Ilina 'ihive. that th. Jh. aDPllcatlon ' ETO'SSK. r,h atate. of the oro- tll after a 1 estimation. trttument . eet forta Igm'fnteslon'e lttnlt-e t Iixwell ana 1- be- ' Intrs(k.t Confident WUlRegain Faith of Country looA for Fu Restoration rcupus 9 aeiier in Q Democracy This Year ,1" NEW TORK. Dec. 81. Predictions that' the year ; 1923 would i ehow that the democratic party "has entire :: ly regained tha confidence of the nation,4, was made by . Woodrow Wilson in a ,New iTear'e letter to the Wonien'a ; Ueraocratlc Political league,' -made publto here today. iteplylng t a birthday lot- ter gent on , behalf of the j league by M1m Lillian R. Sire, r presidout, , the former tretddnt wrote: i . . lrhe' meseage from the Wo r men'e Democratlo Political tffBlrilA Mva m m . V.rv o-roa t ..' IWMUlCi RUU, A W1BU IU C4 " presf to yon and through you to your associates of the , league my heartfelt thanks for 'the cheer It ns given me, ; together with my best wishes for tiha New Tear which Is r; certain to show that the demo , oratlo party has entirely re .'' gained the confidence of the nation" ( OUR 1EIJT IPLQMAT1C ONS WITH BERLIN RENEWED German Charge' Presents His Credentials to Hughes Saturday. faring rundiatlon,t)f ',Za o, become effeo Jt "i-Uaaila-.' 1 It Pm WASHINGTON, Dec. 31 -Diplomatic relations between Germany nd the.. United States were re sumed officially late .today when Karl Lang, charge d'affaires' from the Berlin government presented hi letters ot credence andwa re ueived bv Secretary Hushes. ' .j : ( an ins." tuea ""i""' A nis credentials; to r; uugnes at n,i .wsat-Mn-T'TttiJO otlock,.ntrBt'hittJtac'ri J. that f i carriers p""-" pncni warf Tesumeo na oipiomauc tPDeatl ft"" '"""'" weiationa wmcn nave oeen Dronen lount von BernstofC, the German bassador here, was handed hl sports. ' i . 'he receDtion by". Secretary HWhea of Herr Lang-was rather a i A unusual Incident la that Mr. arrived In Washington only laol Wednesday -and It has not customary for new envoys to pretkit their . credentials in so a period of tlmo after arrlv Ing. Tbe decision to receive Herr LangVs Germany's diplomatic rep resentative was occasioned by his desiroto be received vith other dl)lomatlt, corps by at the New next Monday. In .! ininf. in the eastern part ot accordak with that desire, state tA Carolina aSd it haa alwaytl aepartiT,t otnclala arranged an 7S to ' and it iTatM 1X 11 with other diplomats ; , ,- - - - 1 1 - " - ' ' ; v I. "THtRftRfeR- ' VW, TRXAtVeR W COHJOMR- WtJ- OFF WTH THE OLD Ye ReWVRDi JU QWTRtRRTW- R&SOiVfOi JURRYMYTRXeS-' RtSOtVCOt tit Btt f"V X' ON WITH THE NCWI 'CRT W0i6M TRRYMY TRUZ RRTHCR THRU 60 TOMl-ANTll HY JMJW INTO Vj vQ 0 ' RN'TUVCOM-W I D0ffT6t7 HuRt UPHOLD TH' CONSTITUTION 6VT iRLOMtHtHt W 3S& UCS Jf FOR MY PRODUCTS, TtfPUKHHStNX IP PRICES FOR AJCCESJRRU OFVfQHtRS 3HY40 - JSy 0 f j&b--- FVINERttFMY jl rr- e-J &t'h-jr rim FREiH'IiaiOPOuftLSPOr MOD EIIIG y he AS TO TONNAGE Delegations Discussing Possible Change Regard ing Auxiliaries. SIX POWER PACT IS CONTEMPLATED Would Provide for Allo cation of German Cables in the Pacific. WASHINGTON, Deo. SI. (By tha Asaoctaied Press.) Tha United Htatm Japan and the Netherlands Washington negotiation approach- MEET COME TO TORE No Clear Idea Exists but Eltment Is Being Wide- ' ly Discussed. . silence"kept IN ' OFFICIAL CIECLES Nothing on Agenda Point? fto Action Chinese Tea Points Factor. WASHINGTON. . Dec. the Associated Prass.)- Bt.(By -With the tali heir to Germany's former Pe el iVo cables under a tentative six power treaty brought forth today in the arm negotiations.: v. While . expert sub-committees worked on left-over detail of tha naval discussion, the delegate of the United State. Japan, Great Britain, FVanoe, Italy and the Netherlands put , their head to gether and caina- to a general ac cord over th cable problems. Under th proposal,, yt 16 be formally accepted, v th United States , would aacur title to th . Yap-Guam- cable, Japan would se cure th tap-BhanghH Una, and th Netherlands would vbecoma possessed of th section connecting Vap and Mndo,.:n",'' . ' 1 Th settlement would expand .m.i convenient' point ( lustlfy thaprc d artftces na w w 1.r,3ietltiner andother an siore filly present petition tat that th gen als for the rate now in t-.-,.. noints in Virginia orth Carolina wa made by rrief themselves at a Urn they had a freer hand in their Bj-uctlon. . ' were tnJ ' ralnd' will of ' fit ther "war by th un- the carriers no comweiuna li otwate?. rU or commer- membfe of dlplor ffTompeXn to'make.them be- Pj4d. Hfrdlng Alterna Beute Availabie ttore t7orkEcononjy and Hn Case'AdYets JDsd- Vl Law X:r.fcrc:cnv lzzZz "I sfon of Court.. Making Mt Mitchell accessible- that Is, the task now in fall swing with upward of a mil already paved in cinders and rapid prog ress being made upon the down ward descent. 5 '" ' The Mt.- Mitchell Development company, it has been learned, ' is pushing the construction 'of this scenic highway destined to become of paramount value, not only to western North Carolina of which the tragedy-crowned peak is the roof, but also to all of the east. where teeming million turn their: audienc ..u.twiin(d discretion . 10 aim iv Ki. ftTll high, both fori be recel f iurooe of rtvenue from these i rate an tot i"wy D,fa nth rnit." ' V, ' POSED INCl8-,,, n0 botw V'."-- .. . T . - . ... ..1 J rtcr tq cities In eono one ivorvn Sun. I other than Winston- pimnr .Txrnve about lm rcent and to these twT ut jrty per cent the pe- ilk commission further 4. "the carriers are pro- , . .km nn iin case incrrowsu ' 5 or wuely f!-Hh- their com I, HA ween pwrim by Year' da Th ne A. G. Proc' those to Harding Prochnlk, country eyes -in vacation H'me to a play ground of superlative. . - r Borne time ago, it witl be recall ed, the development company an nounced their intention to build this scenic highway, making us in large measure of the exoellerlt road bed so many year utilized r the logging and passenger railway, operated by Fred A. Perley and W. 11. Crockett, these men being also !k, also will be among interested in the automobile high- , tial, Declare Garyr-, ' WASHINGTON, Dao: 1 1 :-Muoft of promts in the new year is een by Secretaries Hoover and Weeks, who in statements issued tonight declared the American people could took forward into 19 3 aa a yea of recuperation. ..;- :'y ' ; "ponslderlng that' we have gone through the greatest war in his tory: and considering the dangers that we have passed through In th great readjustment' of 1981," said Secretary Hoover, "w have a lot to be chaerful over and we have ahead of us very substantial liopoa 5 Dl RQGRAM STOCK IN COUNTY Tew Year! Merry Mak , i live il'rdrj Kinds - h . the OGciala;-- . Prent Harding on New Austrian charge,. Edgar after Austrt offlclal capa denttals as retary Hughe greeted by President his reception. Mr. 1 has been in this some j, time looking Interests In an un presented his ere- Irian charge to Sec- inm wck. ".rfii n lower in NortU tnd point. North of Vlr- at ana poinia . ct that omewnat being published to and point abov inaicaiou any view crease in th Virginia i'il.niina local rate, " "llo- thought" and gtagmwrt , ait anxiously for the ;hett further rjilromd-econo- iay per rail requonu" intinue th brief, f "If ime h not come. crtalnly , w.. mm. vnen inere ib no further arbitrary and lupriMd gnral advanoe in MALL MAJO (Bf THS DUHLIN. In nwest majorltl cation of the corded today council, which meeting; meclaU lord mayor. way project The end of logging operation on the Mt. Mitchell area was reached recently, so that the ' question of the removal or continuance of the railroad had to be decided. The owners, believing' that in the age of the automobile, It would be to the Interests of a far larger num ber to build an automobile high way, set about with suuhv plans. II. K. Carrier, well: known business man, of Blck Mountain, - being taken in as a member of the, new of steady improvement both at home and abroad.", . . "Th industrial and oclal up heaval resulting ."from the . wsr reached its crista during the old year," said Secretary Weeks, "the 1 period - of ' adjustment has - been trying for the people and govern-: ment alike, bnt the rapidity with which tho American people havo been putting their affairs in order during the past few months makes th outlook for complete industrial readjustment and resulting pros perity during the coming , year bright.".,. .,"';..;,'' ' . 1- READJUSTMENT NOT OVER, SAYS GARY FOR TREATY lsy mm) . -of (he nar- 'l'or ol ratlfl- treaty was re- I he fTork .nnnnlv .16 to.lt, -at a-1 development company. Immoned jy thei, As th track is torn up, cinders Wave ' 1 Sweei u They Wilson Sentiment Vest As People See ere Misled In 1920 WASHtNdTON, ' Dee, Si. -An appropriation for the enforcement of prohibition during the next fis cal year Amounting to, f 9,000,000 perhaps slightly more a compared with th treasury department', re quest for an appropriation' of $10, OMO.ooo, .will be recommended to the house by its appropriation commltteu, JT was said today by committee members. v , Th tentative draft of th treas. ury appropriation bill, th first of thc annual supply mpaaures that wilf be considered ' by , congre. ha been completed by the sub committee and ' probably will be taken up by the house the latter part of next , week. ' The appro priation committee must approve it before It can reach the floors While no announcement has been mads ot total carried in the bill, marked slashes in the esti mated budget expenditure of Hen, 000,000 for the treasury 'de partment during the lineal year be ginning next July 1 are understood tc have been made. , . Ing their conclusion. President Harding' proposal for v future s- 1 He of similar international nteet. , ing Is coming to th front onco mora In th informal discussion of th. delegate. i;; V; --.;r - '::'' -.-si . X Thu far, it outward manifesta tions are taken as a guide, the fu ture conference question haa been on ot th least clearly defined of all th issue considered her. Most of the delegate believ they cau see th nd of their labor in con nection with both armament ami in tar east, nut non seems t have a clear Idea of what action la likely to b Uken In the direc tion of a reconvening of tha pow ers to discus world problem., . Whn th President sn for a oontinulng aerie of interna - out not invauaat s in agreement nonai gathering first emanate.i previously reacnea between tha from the Whit IIous ariy in tti United State and. Japan alon for a grant of American cable and wlrle right on Yap island. Th two together would finally and th oonlrovsrsy over Yap and it ca bles which began at Versailles. 1 . Of th xprt . ub-oommlus, three reached agreemtnt and a fourth reported aubstantlal ' prog- (fs ,',"'' 4 "v, -"v.'.' . Th' uh-commltl on aircraft completed a report Mid to recom mend giut any present attempt rm negotiation It wa iiald liv nign gaaimnistratton , official tha t, the plan might be regarded s a tapping slon tq an "association of nation.'' Mr, Harding, It w.n declared, would be greatly diss p. pointed It n agreement for fix tura meeting cam out of th j Washington conversation. In all discussion of th ubi.-t in eonfereno and th admlniu- uon ciruie, attention J called t what already haa been done in tho it limitation of air armament, and direction of futur conferences, a t tv w.ri ligoinai any restrictions . lurming ac least a plime-meal !.- tnsi One .Per Cent Found" In VVvl mf. .v-K . Are Now Replenished. , All dairy cattle In Buncombe county have been tuberculin tested lines the pur milk law, anactnd at the last general session' of the legislature, went Into ffect In this couqty. : - : . . - ,. : - . '' On of the remarkable features of the .law 1 claimed In the pro vision for the relief of th owner, whose cattle might', he found in fected and ordered killed. In th Original law as passed and made applicable to Buncombe an. appro priation wo authorised and doub. led by the federal government, and While out of th nearly 9,000 head of dairy cattle . inspected In "this county an average of about on per cant were found Infected, th appropriation was soon exhausted. At th recent special, session of th general , assembly a measure was passea might curtail. Commercial aoi'lul dovelopnx'nt. -ry i ' Drai'tlntf of iliu Hunt rpahltiHnn ) tn iti.ti,.i .. , n: u 1 r eiii)- v. 01 ciiiiuuiUuii. t On.i' : liuiiur rlnnmg toward I'rnMtUuni'a hu. rest -uiitti of Til f.inr.r,, .. , i- treaty,' provtiiin fP :j between the- bulled ,!,., tli. Iii'llaiii, Japan and Pi"."!-' In av threntuneil brcacli of tn rce ia changes wr mad la the original" th Pacillct the creatlqn of con proposal to- reaftittf existing prttt nines qx internatignai law la re spect to search and selsura, y . Naval cspeits in still another conference sub-division agreed on a Standard International "ton" measuremanti . to ba applied hare ftor In naval, dlscuaiiion in . plaOk of the varying if nit o( measur now in use. :,i? The sub-oommitte, which is charged with completing detail of the ngval limitation plan, lnyuilng determination ot method orttcrap ping and replacement, organised its method ot procedure at it first mooting and prepared to press it work forward, by dregarding the new year1 holiday and . meUn again Monday -"wV. :. i s- ... r. In th tr Eatnt negotlatloni result , wr ot ; . o . promising China rasertdv her . dcslr 10 bring th deadlocked Shantung problem' before th full oonffr. v TiTIVELOP NEW I WEEVIL- POLICY "i3HlNGTON, Do." ir-0" tv of '. nw policy t.v to -fc.ir. th boll weevil I reTuroTth.' national conter i.. .lonitur oon to b Jbf Secretary Wall.c ws VfiA. today in official fJjLm It. mM -said, HB tedlT.WJM m C?Z w . .kifth wntild eon- way 4nd mean ot more jf : r?.iv.i.. the boll weev. :hS7oduodwld.prdaam. a portion of th. cotto belt urt aeaon. Th weeyll la it lJlx.A!rL h.it ha reach- -TONorthjan; 'i TPS ., 1 ift rf. a. a. ' WASHINGTON, revival ef tn Woodro' tlment throutrnout alamiina- th republl ingtoa visitor irom e Dort entnusiasm tor ax SCaatS' Citoiss I3i. Th en. itlon la .'ash-ere- llson. bf the l drlt- - . today cwn "--,.-..- of torn mor m th pest was necessary. 'jINEREMAINS- -"LEAD OF SOVIETS Strong republican state middle west ar.Baia i" ing parte to him. Nnw'rennrts Of a popu for Mr. wraon . and ms -eicn pollele were brought herlpday by iormeiC Representative res, democrat. 1 nansas. nfaine neonle are- beginning to Sllw tnev iwera, mjsiea m n th election , were held toqft if would be ' overwhelmingly r0- drjtio., ...... a' mi. m nin throuahout the n.w fait. At least three h ...iiani ara exnected from Mt. vn or eight from MImo: two or tnr irom tr.-m.r and stockmeir h h.n forced -into the bankrupt COUrt by W ' conaiuon.. w v....i Imnrovt. They SObJ 1 1 that th. repubUcav at tner ara nu mu promises mad by tf Question of on another! ""I 'won er how much difference there, is oeiwnn oecuon and Article 107' They are doming around tJ Wllapri and coming fast. ..; , 4 ; rYou can tli th differencd In public meetings and On th atreet You can make a speech ther and mention hi nam and Bolides and they are greeted with enthusiastic, applause,. -. t. i ' "Th feeling ot th people seem to be that of the old nerro nossura hunter that treed a bear Instead of the gam he sought, when h said, 'I'se don been windled.' "'1 ; . MISSISSIPPI LOSES t T0 CUBA ELEVEN Cnlvoraity. - HravUy Outwolghed and Outgeneraled Fail to Score. HAVANA. ' cisba, Dao,- ItHaarlly utwelched and outeneraled, tha football team of Mississippi univer sity went down In defeat har trxi.v tor th Cuba Athlatlo cliA alavan NEW YORK, Dee. SI. - More work, economy and enforcement of law and order are the prime es sentials of -the 'day, in the opin ion ot Elbert H.' Gary, chairman of the United State Steel corporation who today Issued the following statement; . , ., t : "Readjustments and reconstruc tion are .not .complete. Difficul ties still embarrass and Industrial disturbance threaten. - "Extravagance and indolence are prevallentCrlnte and misdemean or ar oomtnon. Profiteering still exists, , - .i - "There 1 "urgent need for mor! work, economy and saving. Strict er observance -and enforcement of law ar demanded. ' . : "Even though theifresent period I somewhat critical, it is certain th opportunity for. established peace, progress and prosperity J better than ever before. ' r "The' signs which are apparent ihdtcat that condition industrial, commercial, ..financial, social and political, ar improving and will bo more1 satisfactory durln th (present year than they were dur- mi iiiii ui course in situation may be changed by fail a re of the Washington conference, by unfav orable legislation or by nnglect (o thoroughly and continuously main tain law and order,,1 W have- no present reason for expecting cither of them." . .' ' f i ! i approoriatlnr 11.000 additional, with which outstanding claims may be paid before the new once and to. again- request confer. a eoore of ltvjto 0. ityli unpt Kuaaisn eltw 01 ,:";7 th. aaanlml , e ninth all-Russlan ' .... hafim It tot. Wedn-day nlgM. riB Taiscatcli racrtvad UK B-a-VfV itfvy I 1 . r 17 P. M II 1 t if s f I f 1 : h renubllcan party f 1 lure to deliver a X Uyre. said. "Th seem to db- 11a with no tP' J dera it la c oi; ht I changing wong 1 Wilson. Many rii Plvtn out football without a slncla" at- at' a forward osaa tha Cuh.n ered six points In the first qiiari r mtiu ..'ffi in ina wnen Hon. a, ngnt nsiroacK, ran if yards nd en oucaea tn line twice for. a ..Um. . . ' . . . f-7 kiMssippi failed "' miserably ''At ttsclts, trying 13 forwar wimoui success I'al 11th Romero' open field' running g sirengia 10 ma wiMwa often. , the defenslv work, with Qui. 1 xtv-pouna oanier, piaoinsin lie, avs tbs Invader bo chsne n (round. ' , , came- was eseaedlngly remft uinaroi's eirhstithtJ r n' 64 WERE LYNCHED : DI7RING PAST YEAR -TU8GBOEB. . Ala., Deo. Jl. Sixty-four person war lynched during 19 Jl. according, to. .flguras ot the Tuskegee institute,, wh'.ch today mada.jubli it annual re port ot th. subject; Th figure compared with, 1 . lynchlnga In 1920, and accorolng to th insti tute, brought tbeitotal aumger of mob victim to 409 In tb t( year period Inef ll. . i Ff ty-nln of trs lynched due Ing 191 were gro and flv werk white per git. Two negro aw war incHPed: ' " Law officer rventd lynching lit IJ Inataiceaf th renort de clared, eight .thes being In northern statesfafld 94 . In th south. Armed forces wer used to repel woiW.t lynching l vMOia.'i " BRITISH SHIP IS STRANDED AGAIN ELIZABETH CITY.. N. C Dee. )1. More than a thousand cases of liquor found aboard the two masted British Schooner "Messen ger of Peso'' which stratidrfd on Ocracokavbar Friday resulted in the elxui of the crew rbyuoast guard station - craw Nov . 181, at PorUtmouh, Va., Friday night. Th ''Moasenger of Peac" will be held pending the" action of th prohibi tion commission at Raleigh and thd couecuf of custom at w liming ton, 1 h of whom were Immti dlaU'Iy notified.' -:.' tf i selxed schooner's clearane paiif 4, showed that she left Nassau for Vlallfax. Th master of th vessel claims he had put in at Ocrr.coke inlet to secure water and prevision when the -stranded ves sel was' boarded-' by' th " Coast guard station crew. -.The "Messenger' of t Peace" stranded on August , st" almost the sam" snot whore tha latert mishap ' occurred, v "Itemnrk , of member, of her crew - ld to a search of the sohooner by coat tcuard : officials at that tint but n" liqubr wa discovered. -The owner and t master thea, mw 4.' Caiman,- of ' Nassau, . ' .; Th 'Messenger of heaca" l an anilnuated vessel and Is" said year Sfo she belonged to the. Bishop pf me- Panama, wno' used - tier in islting the islands of the group, , ALLEGE "BRIBE TS ! OFFERED TO AGENT WASH INOTON. Do. Il-Th arrest of a member of tha crew at a ' gasoline - yacht captured off Tampa, Ha., on, a charge of offer ing a bribe of 11,000. to a pro. hibition agent was -reported to prohibition headquarter today by rrvnihttion Director A. L. Allen of Florida. The yacht, h' de clared, was conveying ISO case of wnisKy from Bermud.. ' ' Mr.. Allen also renorted the dl cevery at New Bmyrn Fla., of 444 cats er liquor, timed iss grapefruit, from DearneM, Flawtdith Buckey Brokerage company. CoKimbus, Ohio. Inquiry at Columbus, lui declared, re vealed ne such concern and no clue x th shipper brt - bean un. earthed. v' At JacVtnnvllU, Mr, Alien, atatad. tie ha cwifltcafed 100 cas ef ilnuor oein- snipped in zu o'r' as fresh fish, from West Palm i f'h to. Kan sas uiiy. "So far," , r bn nnabla te loratf Mted with thla ahlpn) war a'l th'.t j ' annual appropriation, beainnlne with the A weal , year In July, Is available, with th appropriation of $5,000 by the. state the federal government haa added an equal sum, making the total sufficient to meet th claims' In , ;. Buncombe, Forsyth, New Hanover, Kowari and othr counties where- the pure milk law prevails. TO largest single claim outstanding In Bun combe county. Is due . the, Farm school for ottle ituun Infected and disposed of according tq pro visions of the' law. . . v ence discussion of the 11 demands. Japan Will oppose both proposal and there are indication, that she will not be alone. 1 . .Meantime cable advice regard ing thi conference at Cannes and indications among various dele gations her revived discussion of a possible' change of attitude on the part ot France whioh would permit an agreement, In tha , not fax distant- future on submarines and auxiliary craft. There wa no otficlal background for such aKex- pectatlon but tb Cannes dellber. ' Durlna tho vear wblrh rin..A I atlon between Premier-, Brian last midnight, marked so far gln, Lloyd George ar tojb watctv - ictnumi m ri tm)lA hopefully from Washington. Farmers Declare Bluff, And r 1 " Fraud Behind Agricultural I Conference President Calls WAHinNGIXW, Dec 3t-lt medial measures to meet the pres ent "farm situation and 'laying down ef a permanent - policy, for development of self sustaining ag r'.olilturo , ar expocted . to result from the national agricultural con ference to be callfid by Bocretary Wallace at -the request of Presi dent Harding. ' The conference,' it wasf Indicated , today,' , pTobably would meet about January 15, In Washington., ; '' i-v K'': Ftrmer and representative 1 of oorrelated line intfrested in farm ers products, wilt make up the per sonnel of th conference which. It wae said, would number, between on hundred and ne hundred and fifty. Parmer organization, man ufacturer .of farmers' . products, transportation interests, marketing agenclst. shipping Interests, ferti liser makers, farm Implement man ufacturers, packers, state agricul tural and state agricultural -collega representatives, cotton, grain, liva tock, fruit commission men, ex perts of rural social problem and bankers, ar expected to mak up th eonfereno.' .mv .v - An official of th-agricultural department today , . asserted that th conference in finding measures to relieve distress oZJarmers would at th same time be reviving bull- p esijii .allUlna Jiuouga. eetra i ferener .7 tatlon, manufacturing. and market ing, and .these In-turn, would have ub-ommitte on each of the ag ricultural product such as wheal, corn, cotton, tobacco, fruit and .the Ilk. .; '-' - . Questions of tranportton, ag ricultural financing, utilization , of land resources forestry, policies on leasing which would include corr trot end rents, various aspect of marketing including - statistics, warehousing and terminal devel opment and rural aoclal Jlfe lit the opinion of th agricultural depart ment official probably would be on th program of the conference. ! Policies respecting more efficient production and Involving control ot animal and plant diseases. It 1 thought, will evolve from the con ference deliberation. This would Include a new national policy tor fighting- th boll weevil, which worked cuch disastrous results In many secttont of the cotton belt last year and for eradication of th crop borer (nfhieJ Jraa-fipeared on the edge of the corn belt. - While preparation for th con ference, were being mad today, th Farmer National council through Its headquarters her Is sued a statement which lit part afdt . , - f ' . " '' . "Th President' proposed en u,,iH ouuununications and oth -agencies to cjv th Chinese pr.n. lemss and th virtual d-!hi.,.t , have another, arms conforen--,5 t !r seven years hence to diwu-. 1 enslon of th naval holiday, , r pointed to by American rr -fiat as steps In the right direction, - But whether dsflnlf. cr.n,.r, - , plan for periodical consults! . m to be laid befor the ciif. . . before it end remains m 1 -swered, question, ; . Xs'.l.f h, ,. White House tior tho 1 i(uiiii win mine a r nd the plenipoixiii.'.i.r!- . . other powers are in a v tltude becauna thev , proposal shouM , , from the United 6tat.;. No item providing for . eton of a future conf..rnc. t 1?. on.' th formal aae,,. , -VVaahlngton conference, but t not generally connidered a obstacle to consideration. t i Subject. It Is pointed out thf ttpportunlfy for furth.r , , aiM-ompllshment toward the 'a?-., elation ideal". U afforded t y tb . Chines ."(an points" aoep-d i a basis of -discussion li ti f(,r eastern negotiations. 'The '.Inst if the Chinese was: - "Provision la to b mia for fi tjirw conference to be.'held from time to time, for the dlscusMon e.f international qucntiona relative t.. molt pollele of the signatory p - -.wiiuuii nereio; . ,., . .,J5!t5vr'lp,n n regard t cattered projects for future Joint action by the powers, or in regar l to knit them all together undr i assocjat on'pUu, it Is oo.isidare l practically assured that before it adjourn the Washington -meet-in will arrange for coming together " mvh year hr.- . rhat proposal has been tousldtre-l in ome detail and most of vh del egate are ' understood to hav 1 greed that uurt a conftirnce , ... ran. aetermin whethor th.. naval holMnv -in ronit.i .i,i .: , v 10 oa eontiuutti. om , pow- FIVE ARRESTS AIT MADE IN CHABL01 CUA ttLQTTH. ; Dec. ' 3 1 J . 1 and Kelly ( West, brothers. ,,,ii West, cousin, Ben Hteadumn , 1 Ebbi .: Walsh, all ., of. v . known families if Chariot to. v locked tip Saturday rhai'g.1 , i, teallng amdmobllt-s and Wii' taring two drug stores hpro u 1 , -thP psst week. Tha boy ,' Jail Saturday -'nlitht li dfi 1,000 bona each, though 'v - Uter""4 "na woul(l j r 4.1 it i V . v"l9-. i'bvr U in Ja.ll pi default or a 12 tioo i.' 1 led with, receiving, si, l altertm them - h- m. , "' '"' rla tlou ot the farmers' purchasing power, ' ,'''' J Th ponfrenc w! first meet and man out Its ownprogram of work. ' It was uggetd that th mmihiri nrnhablv would then dl nlviie thmselv Into cfprr I i tr 01 proaariior ; 1 and cb' car reccf Ef 0271 A ton, 1 i IT, th : l r S4', emp: .farmlmjrintereat j related thereto, t .lilch have xpl. VI doubtless b kjuf and frn nfrfrenire r. ' (Fv T he r 'i a v 1 nu : i - 1 i t r. V if-