THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 17, 1912 SIX ol'.n! pri km umf ulv, sell of not kts ing uno in,, pel) O ur ten and br . lot do V muc llq( IW an til Tin ' wi oal dul me pe 1 tht col w OKI Ja' Ml JU U tJ J4S l. .q C.i r: ( e hi ; lit Cl tl " 6, y C V U n I : V h i i i ft r. S ! i ND PERSON AL-N 1 The Cleonian literary society met the Utter part of the week at the written out and pinned on tnem, in 5 til,h school. After a bri-f discussion ordfr that thy misrht all become ar i the following officers were elected ' qualnlcd. .Miss Thelma Kmathers. I for tha ensuing- term; Miss Maurice . pre sldent of the class, presented the Bledsoe, president: Miss Bonnie Schoffner, vice-president; Mls Mar is euerlte Overall, secretary; Mint Jaannetta Nance, treasurer; Miss I.ll- i I lian Kin, supervisor; Mies Kliraheth f I lian Kin, supervisor; Mi ; f rille. critic; Miss Ethel liurnani. re- - i porter; Mlsa Ausrusta Harnett custo i a dfan. With the election of these offl . errs the society Is looking forward to 1 , one of the moat successful terms since : t til orsantzalion. J A 1 Tha Travelers' club held an Inter ; -t eating meeting the latter part, of the '! ht waek at the home of Mrs. Our Weav ;t S rr, 11 Cotirtlsnd avenue. The nieai i tj hershlp of the club is limlu.1 to $ & and with tha election of Mm. .1. T. ! J Homey tha membership list was enm- at plated. Mrs. Clinton Hunhes In t i oharr of the meeting, but (rave pre J $ faranoa to Mlsa Morrison, who epoke at lenrth and most Interestingly on J , China Home Life Past and Present,'.' ' and Mica Morrison, liarloa been bom 'tij f in China, and ependlnp much of her j )tfa there, was eminently qualified to tall tha quaint customs of th Flory i Kintaom. Mlsa Morrisson s motnet was Interested In the lleratur of V China and translated Into English i many of tha poems and legends. The r; next meeting; of the club will he rI i tha home of Mrs. Charles M. Hrltt, 27 1 Coleman avenue. January '.'7. - A J fTha many friends In Ashevllle aid tfendersnvtlle of Miss Marie Virginia C Hayei and Mr. William Powell Polts, if both of tha latter place, will lie In terested to learn of their niarrlago j which occurred In fpartanburg, a. i' November t, 1921. The ceremony was 4 performed by Rev. Dr. William Pell, s of tha First Baptist church, In the presence of Miss !ehlla r'louse. of j: HeuderaonvlIU, and Mr. Z. Tl. Coving- ton, of Ashovllle. The bride Is one j of Hendersonvllle's charming young '' business woman and has had charge ' of McClelland 's store. Mr. Potts Tn ona of the successful young business "4 man or tne same city, on the an nounoemant of their marriage Mr. y and Mrs. Potts left Immediately for i Klorlda where they will spend their J honeymoon at the different resorts. ( After their return they will make ! their home fn Hendersonvlllo where , they bava hosts of friends. j Tha recent anow outlined the fig ; i nraa of . "the bride and groom" on y Plsgah and brought to mind the Tn : dlan legend ooncornlng them. The -.legend concerning them, another of i Sulphur Springs and Plsgah, will ap ' pear In tha nait issue of Plverslon, ; ' Ashevtlle's new and Interesting seml- monthly magailne. Miss Kva I'lamon i don Boyd will contribute the legend i ary atrolea. j Mr. John Worsley gave a stag din. 1 tier at hla home, Friday tha 13th, in . celebtwMon of hla birthday annlver- i sary. Mr, Woraley'a guests, at his ? homa on Cantral avenue were; Cspt. "harle Pinner, Capt. H. K. Miller, J ! Mr. H. M, Jordan, Mr. A. J. Hmlth, , : Mr, Alexander IMgges, Mr. U. U Al- , llaon, Mr. F. A. Woodcock, and Mr. Rlohard A. Miller. A J ; . Tha Weber Literary aoclety held i j an enthusiastic meeting recently at , ; tha high school. There was an elec : ! tlon of officers wlthth following re. ,-Mlilt.. Mlaa V.leanne Vtnnimin tirAi.1- I ' ' i dent! Mlsa Mary Harris. vlce-oreeU i dent; Missy Martha Hall, secretary . and treasurer; Mlsa Hdlth Harris, '. ' critic; Miss Dorothy Mathews, cn , , sr; Miss Frances Nichols, niarghal; . : Miss Farncas Barker, reporter. MTst ; ; , DTfmn ib lacuity auvisor. ill ja jg ; i i Tha Woman' club meets this 6ft , t i noon at 8:J0 o'clock at the high v i school, MJss Ixils Love, Miss hue Mobbina and Mlaa Eleanor Htratton I balng tha hostesses. Tha meeting wH , oe neia in tne lunch room or tho 5 f f building which la on tha ground floor, , and In order that there will be no 1 1 confusion aa to the location of the ! lunch room tha hostesses will have J ae-verai girl assistants who will be : atationedat the various doors, to dll ; j raot tha club members. . it .it i 3 rars. t nariea m. fiatr, 'accompanied 8 5 Mr. A. W. Khymer, the county wel' 1 i J fare officer," and ; ) Peach about 20 4 JS ) Sunday, and In .! i made a most atli f j rara onicer, and several friends, to or 3u miles away. the church there. aUrrlni aoueal In the Intereet of the rura' welfare v.. ' Jment Mrs. Piatt clearly and vividly J 5 net forth tha purpose of the work am i? 5the urgent need of the supjiort i,f . t , tha Community In relieving the dls- j alreaa fn tha remote country ilihtriets f l Mra, Piatt aroused the Interest and j j enthusiasm of her hearers, and or i jganlxatiort was effected to . holp in lit h welfare work. Mr.-Rhymer has s u grlven an open Invitation to tho wo- fiimen of. Ashevllle who arc tntsrestcd . j j In tha work, or would learn more of i i J lla purpose, to go with Itlni on some t i ?of his tripe. He nitty he renched In ij hla office In the court house and $ solicits tha co-operation of women in i thla Interesting and Important move. s ment. . A The girls of the Uoberts Philalhea class of Centra Methodist rhnrvh i f I V were entertained recently by the 4 j lJormltory club of the Y. M. c. A. j I i ;'The entire lower floor of the V. M. I ; - C A., was thrown open for the oc- : t ' caalon, A member of tho Dormitory A i I I-club met the guests at the door and Unusflally Good Suits Greatly Underpriced They are Suits of excellent quality, material and work manship and very smartly styled ones too Veldyne, Du vet de Laine, Moussyne, Trico tine, Suedene and Tweed in the popular shades and trim Styles are comprehensive and prices are so decidedly underpriced that no woman who likes to wear a Suit can afford to ignore such a aplendid opportunity ' $19.75, $25.00 Suits. $15.75 $55.00, $65.00 Suits, $34.75 $29.50. $39.50 Suits, $19.75 $69.50, $79.50 Suits, $39.75 $45.00, $49.50 Suits. $24.75 $85.00,$95.00 Suits. $55.00 1 law that everyone hsl their namts Hihles which the Roberts Philalhea girls are furnishing for the rooms of the Y. M. ('. A., and these were ac cepted on behalf of that organiiatlon hy Mr. II. L. Stripe. There were various gurnes played and In the con tots Miss LouIsa Davis and Mrs Menard Henderson won loxes of fandy. Miss lues Kessler and Miss llattle McKay furnished the music during the serving of the refresh ments which were excellently pre pared and served by Mr. I. 8. Tate. Mr. Paul Mlimis and Mr. A.- Miller in te op -stairs dining room. Mr. Wild er, who, Is deprived of speech and hearing, pantomimed ' several Plbie Morles, and those who beard him were- itekod to name the tstory he portrayed. There was also a mock wedding which added to the amuse ments of the evening. Tho party fin ally broke up with the singing of "Hood Night Ladies'" and "Until We Meet Asaln." . J The. membra' of All Soul's choir will bo entertained Wednesday even ing st. i.M o'clock at the Parish house in Blltmore. It w ill he 'a mask party, and all of the guests are asked to come masked. A A Miss Elisabeth Donnahoa entertain ed the Kenllworth Bridge club Satur day afternoon in the hospital. Plus and yrllow were the colors used In the decorations. Mrs. M. 11. Koster won the highest srore and the con solation went to Mrs. ,Stult. A A , Miss Msrgaret Twls entertained very agreeably the latter part of the week, at the home of her sister, Mrs. Carl Hamford, 92 Washington road. The affair was entirely Informal, there was dancing and for those who pre ferred bridge, several tables were ar ranged. There was a buffet supper which was announced with a pretty incident. A large-tray laden with old fashioned corsage bouquets was brought in a presented to each of the guests. The flowers were cleverly constructed of yellow candy covered with oiled paper, each had a spray of maiden hair fern and a ruffle ' lace pnper tied with gauxe ribbons. Among Miss Iewls' guests were Alias Kdlth lrftwrence, Mrs. Bess Brown, Miss Katherlno Adams, Miss Mnrv Albertson, Miss Florence Oeg, Miss Ruth Hrown, Miss Opal Brown, Miss Edna Young, Miss Tanner. Mrs. Edith Palttrcr, Miss Rosalie Bowen, Miss Mary Owynn, Mrs. Clarence Robinson, Miss Renn Nichols. Miss Vienna Nichols. Miss Ruth Wstts. Miss Vir ginia Williamson, Mrs. T. B. Newmnn, Miss Clorence Martin, Miss Katherlne Cosgrovr, Miss Polly Morrow, Miss Lottie Bailey and Miss McConnell, .4 Mlsa Eugenia Clark, the daughter of Chief Justice Walter Clark, of Raleigh, whose engagements to Iev. John Allen McLean, of Morganton, was recently announced, Is visiting friends in Winston-Salem and Is be ing extensively entertained. Mrs. Janiei It. Davla Was a recent hostess at her home In that city at a partv given In honor of Mitts Clark. Theru was a lingerie gift for the br do tn he. and prises were given In a contest. The wedding of Miss Clark and Rev. mi. miTuf-nii uoch piace rcDruary b ill Raleigh. .4 A Mrs. T. Oalumbeek and her mother. Mrs. II. Kruhauf were hostesses yes terday afternoon at a bridge party given at the Piping-Hot tea hotise for the - out-of-town , vlsltora of their AsheVllle friends. There were about 28 present at tho party. Mr. W. J. McCnnless was hostess og t. Johna auxiliary of Trinity church, at a. meeting of the latter. Tha annual reports were read and as sured the members of the prosperous year Just, ended. Tho meeting was very largely attended. Following the business, tea was aervert by the hos tess, i no next meeting will be on the fourth Wednesday at S o'clock In the evening, tho place yet to be de cided upon. A A The Balm Grove Missionary society will meet at tha homaf Mrs. C. F Foister, 1182 Haywood road, this after noon at 3 o'clock. A A The Goucher College club will meet at the home of Mrs. L. W.' Griffith, 124 Montford avenue, Wednesday af ternoon at 3 o'clock. A 4 Mr. and Mrs. L R. Calvert, of Ashland. Ky., are in Ashevllle for a etay and are guests at tho Manor. Mrs. William Blood has returned from Washington. D. C. Miss Farmy MeClintock', of Harrls burg, Ta.. Is visiting friends In Ashe vllle for a few weeks. Mr. Philip Cooke. Jr . who Is a stu-1 dent at tho A. M. N. A., at Flat Rock, I spent, the week-end with relatives In tho city. Miss Helen Crawford who has been at her homo in Black Mountain for a 10 days ntny lias returned to tho city. Pr. Charles P. Norburn, V. S. W, who Is station at League Island hos pital, near Philadelphia, is expected NOW HAS SWEET TOOTH Mr. Evan had never liked cakes, puddings or paetrles; that Is. until ho w urged to try some deasort recently that Mr. Evana felt aure he'd like. And. now, ha Insists up on desserts regularly. You see, the particular dessert that converted Mr. Evana had been flavored with Blue Ribbon Vanilla. Instead of being elrnply aweet and Insipid, It was dellciously flavored with pure vanilla. Men are always positive In their llkea that's -why women who make a success of married life always use Blue Bib bon Extracts. (Advertisement.) shortly to visit his parents, at their home near the Ashevllle school. Mrs. Annie I. Martin has closed her home Woodfteld, near Flat Rock, and Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Mets In Atlanta for several weeks. Mrs Philip S. Henry, Miss Violet and Miss lonore Henry are at the Hotel Chatham. In New York, where they will remain until they sail for Europe shortly with Mr. Henry.. Mrs. W.'lt. Howard who has made Ashevllle her home for some years leaves today for Tarhoro, and the eastern part of the ststo where In future she will reside. Mrs. Howard's many friends In Ashevllle will regret to learn of her permanent departure. Mrs. Carl A. Mef'anless. wlio was Miss Ruth Wiley before her marriage, is visiting her mother, Mrs. A. L. Wiley on Montford avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Williams and small son, were recent guest at the Ta-Mlaml hotel. Miss Mamie Jackson who has been visiting friends In the city for several weeks has returned to her horns In Birmingham, Ala. Mr. and Mrs. Y. Philadelphia, aro Terrace. A. Wright, jr., of guests at Margo Mr. and Mrs. Charles Neville Buck who were here for a few days with Mrs. J. Taylor Amiss went last week to Camden, R '. Mr. Pnek s th well known author, whose books In the Ashevllle library Includn 'JCall of the Cumberlands,: 'Pagan of the Hills" and his last book, "Roof Tree." Mr. Frank I. Conder returned yes terday from a business trip to Colum bia and other South Carolina points. Mr. .T. O. Adams has returned from a brief trip to Washington, D. C. Mr. J. M. Chilea who has been In Washington, D. C, on business has returned to tho city. MaJ. A. J. Miller, commanding offi cer at Oteen, left. Sunday for Wash ington for a brief stay. Miss Mary Powell has returned to their home In Hartford. Conn., af'er spending several months In the city. Mrs. Q. Forrest Butterworth. ot Rye, N. Y., Is visiting her parents, Bishop and Mrs. J. M. Horner, Raven scroft drive. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Hendricks, of Cincinnati, Ohio, are In Ashevllle for a stay of several weeks. Judge J. GreeiiNboro, city today. T. Shaw has gone to and will return to the Miss Lutie Thompson, of Norfolk, Vs., Is the guest of friends In the city. Mrs. Cleorge Hunter and small son, who has been visiting relatives In the city have returned to their home In Charlotte. Mr. Castnn Meares has Bono tu1 Beaoty Unsurpassed Tha wondtrtullr rtflW. pwh whHa camptexkm rendered, brings back tha appeannca of youth. Re sults ar Instant HUhl antiseptic. Enrta a soft and soothing acttoo. Over 73 rears m um. Stud He. for Trial Sim run. T.Hortmsa son new larnwiy The Cruise Shop During the week of January lfith, for the waqt of display apace, wo offer One-Half Off on all Han Goods We) have some very Bno switches and all kind of hair Roods. IHra't mlsa thin opportunity. It will pay yon to try our hot oil walp treanmcnta, . Facial Treatments, Shampooing, Manicuring 23 llaywood St. Tliones 18-2497 'PENNILESS FRIEND LEAVES ACTRESS ' LIFE'S SAVINGS fa ' A."! Mlsa Marie ShotwelL Miss Maria Shotwell, a well known motion pictur and legiti mate actresa, has often played the parts where she is supposed to be the darling of the rods and have ail the luck in the world showered upon her before the finis of the play, but now she is experiencing the same thing in real life. Twelve years afro she stopped to talk to a shabby little woman standing on a crowded New York street and today a for tune of $100,000 is awaiting bet from that same little old woman whom Miss Shotwell bad always thoiwrht penniless, Washington and New York on busi ness and will be out of town several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Lascomb Barnard who have been visiting friends in the city have returned to Durham. NEW YORK SPOT COTTON KW YOfiK. Jan. 16. Spot cotton, quiet; middling. 17.95. Startling v?'" is I I ronized Yeast FREE! Mail Coupon below for Amazing 3-Day Trial Treatment. Watch the Quick Results! 1 JSsZ jtr What a Difference! The above illustration will give yon aa Idea of what a wonderful improvement an addition of 15 pounds makes in a ferson's figure. Read in panel how RONIZED YEAST builds weight. WARNING! Not avea It will brine the Trim (i -' certain types which r :1 n xiicinal value. By insisting r,r th -AST, and refusing cheaper .vi.doatitutea, you can be rare that you are tak Q Ing a vitamins tonic treatment which ia un surpassed in effectiveness, convenience and genuine health-building value. Tablets FuU Sized Packages of IRONIZED YEAST Sold HOW TO GET RID OF CATARRH A Simple, Safe, Inexpen sive Method That Clears Out the Head, ' Nose and Throat. Ther j no disease nmre often- live or fisagreeable, or no disease that will lead to aa much scrlouj trouble aa catarrh. , Yoa can now get rid of It by A simple, safe, pleasant home remedy discovered by Dr. Bloaser, a catarrh special ist. Dr. Blosscr's Remedy Is com posed of medicinal herbs, '.lowers and berries, which you smoko In a datnty pipe or cigarette. The amoke-vapor la iiihak-d Into all Mie air passages of the head, nose, throat and lungs and enrries medi cine where sprays, douches) and ointments cannot possibly reach. Its efffct la soothing and healing and Is entirely harmless. It con tains no cubebs jr tobacco, and may be used by women and chil dren as well aa men. If you suffer from catarrh, as thma, catarrhal deafness, or II subject to frequent tolds, you ' should trv this remedy. Satis factory results cuaranteed. Dr. Blosser'a Remedy may be had at any - well stocked drug store; or if you desire proof of Us beneficial and pleatant effect, send ten centa (coin or stamps) to The Blosser Co.. 25 liD, At lanta, Ga., for a trial package. Advt. B1LTM0RE BANK HAS BUSINESS MEETING T. C. Harrell. Elected Cashier of Oteen Branch Which Will Be Opened January 25. Signs of prosperity were in evi dence at the annual meeting of the stockholders of the. Blltniore-Oteen bank, held yesterday afternoon. C. J. Barrett was elected vice-president ana managing director of the Oteen branch, which will be open ed January 25. T. C. Harrell was elected cashier and will take charge of the work at the hospital. W. A. McOeachy, cashier of the Hiltmore bank made his report and although the institution was open ed In November, deposits on De cember 81 were $51,000. It was as serted following the meeting that deposits today aro approximately $56,000. All officers and directors were re-elected, with the exception of Mr. Barrett who becomes an offi cer, aa follows: .1. O. Htikeleather. president; J. T. Roberts. vicc president; C. W. Wrenshall. vice president and W. A. McfJeachy. cashier. The directors arc: J. O. Adams, C. J. Barrett W. B. Davis, Proof That New Firm Flesh Beautifies Skin and Gives New Energy to Thin, Run-down Folks Do you need more flesh ? Are you run-down, pale or scrawny looking ? Do yoa lack energy or is your skin blemished by hnmilating pimples, blackheads, or boils? If so, here is good news for yoa 1 Simply mail the coupon below for the famous Three Day 'FREE Trial Treatment of IRONIZED YEAST: Take these remarkable tablets two with each meal. Then get ready for a surprise! Watch the Quick Results! You amply will not believe your eyes whea yoa se bow quickly your skin begins to freshen, and how quickly pimples, etc begin to disappear. You will notice aa almost Immediate increase in, appetite and energy. And aa for putting new, hard flesh oa your bones not flabby fat, bnt good firm flesh thin people report gaining five pounds ana more oa the very first package of IRONIZED YEAST! Yeast Best When I ronized The reason IRONIZED YEAST brings such splendid results is simply this IRON IZED YEAST is scientifically correct in every way, containing in highly concentrated form a specially cultured yeast which is grown under tin strictest supervision for medirnal pur pose a yeast which is un equalled for its richness in the essential Water Soluble B vita mine. In addition it contains the correct amount of the two other vitamines Fat Soluble A and Water Soluble C which are equally important to health, yet which are lacking in the average modern diet. These three vitamines bring excellent results even if taken alone but when taken with a proper amount of easily as similated organic iron, as In IRONIZED YEAST, these results are secured often in jud half tha usual Haul Try I ronized Yeast Today If yon want to banish akin eruptions and quickly acq tors a fresh, clean-looking skin if you are thin and run-down and want to fill out your figure wtth firm, hard flesh and ta crease your energy so that work win be a pleasure instead of a tax then try IRONIZED YEAST at once. Simply mail the coupon for th wonderful Three Day FREE Trial Test Or go to your druggist and get IRONIZED YEAST on our absolute a-uarantee that the first naekaaw will desired results, brini satisfactory results hava absolutely You will positively be on IRONIZED RONIZED YEAST shows in 700. Get it today! imitations or I ri i rree Ths Ironlted Teast Co.. Atlanta, Ga., Dept 71. Please send me the famous three day free trial treatment of IRONIZED YEAST. Name . . Address. City.... 1 Only One UNDERWEAR CLEARANCE If you missed the opening Av nf cur anecial clearance of women's Knit Underwear you should visit the store early today before all the best values have been taken We are offering standard made Underwear at prices unheard of in this vicinity. The garments are divided in to the following three lots: 150 Women's Union Suits, all sizes, all styles, wool, wool andcotton and cotton, sleeves, some sleeve less, ankle and knee lengths, light, medium and heavy weights, values as high as $3.50. Special at $1.00 100 Women's Vests. Pants, Drawers and Corset Covers, originallyjuiced up to $2.00. Special at 59c ) 25 Gauze Vests, regular 39c value. Special at 19c Third Floor. Clyde S. Reed. Jamea T. Roberts, Dr. J. A. Sinclair, .1. G. Stlke leather, Ed. F. Vandlver, R. R. Williams, C. N. Wrenshall and W. A. McOeachy. The cashier of the Oteen branch will come to Ashevllle from Sun bury, where ho has been cashier of the Farmers Bank. BIG CIRCULATION AT CITY LIBRARY Good weather that is good for reading, and the liberal accession of new books the past few weeks have decidedly stimulated the cir culation of tho Pack Memorial Builds READ! "fUlaad M Pound." "1 (aiiud lOsoaadisfta kif only om sad on, sab bona of Iraoisod YmL Fori ta all Um tlsa mow, It k th root vowfcrftl tmk bid awl las far eaapUxiaa. kaJwIshtt, "Cats. S Fmbmm" "AfUr t bor J IrosM Tost I fsiaod S poaao. Mr fUa bu dcand m oWfaUy, ao isdito. tioa iml Id W ud aerty." A. G. Brava. Tk) tiptswawat fc m linbm voaocrfaL OoJaod sis poaads, cos ao boortilr, sad aa jut fall of aaw pop sad tatrgy. Noon ksva tbat tlnd fnllsfr K. B. Caraloa or vnnr monev instantly refnndaJ. amased at the quick improvement : nr. . a inai coupon State.. Trial Fasfcaga ta a Pa!!? i.ssw.aaaj. 1 w" 1 at all Druggists NEW JIFFION DRESSES Too artistic to be called a mere house dress, yet these days of modern conveniences when work is so simplified, arouse dress takes on a gay artistic , note. ' ' rl Cay shades of sturdy cfambray imitation French linen, percale .and gingham, are decorated 'most effectively by contrasting color combinations, dainty pipings and bits of fancy stitchery. 'Practical too!" Women exclaim about the practicality of Jiffions. No fastenings. Easy to slip into. Easy to iron. Durable yet dainty. Doesn't this sound attract ive for a house-dress! $1.75 (Firt Public library. The first week of January made a new weekly rec ord for circulation, with an issue of 3,248 volumes and the second week surpassed It with an output of 2,270. On Saturday 633 books luiiad tn borrowers, four loss than the 643 loaned tho Saturday in November following armistice oi day. Additional copies win "bo shelv ed today or tomorrow of such high favorites as Brass, the Council of Seven, If Winter Comes, Alias the Lone Wolf, and Everybody's Man among novels, and in non-llctlon Tumulty's Woodrow Wilson and jvoit) We have J ' -i mi C (A& x 3er.K mss -xati HOT WATER all the time" Since we bought a CADET we have oceans of hot water aU the time. Now I can use all I want without thought of expense for the CADET is very rwm)fa, A little fire keeps the tank full of piping hot water. The CADET burns coal and wood no gas. The fire pot is entirely surrounded by galvanized coils that can not nut, which insures dean hot water. I (imply wou!4 not take anything for my , j" 1 n US-Miomct v PATENTED JUNE 27, 191 You too can hava hotwateraUthetime,and stoneAurth ! yewpraaentco. Ltt us send you a littl. booklet, "Now . wfsllthatuna". ItoowsimfuUmformadoa on the tADBT, togedwr with our complttt ftisfattimt or monty back ptcrtmtt. ATLANTA STOVE WORKS Etctmivt Manufacture ATLANTA, i ft Ihtwd CADET tmk, J. R. RICH CO., 21 Broadway. On Sale One Special Lot Of Winter SUITS $22.50 and $27.50 It will ay you to see what we have to offer. HENRY BROS. TAILORS and CLOTHIERS .. . 10 NrPack Sqf. ,;.',".. . ..''.I $2.00 Floor.) Washington Cleseupe. Several at tractive titles in non-fiction will be added for the first time to th library. ,.- . Tbe recent VMt here of Charltst Neville Buck suggests the lar&t popularity of his books In the U c?j library, 'particularly tha Call tne Cumberland, tne Paron f. the Hills ana tha Roof Tree, hl latest production, CHICA.GO DAIRY CHICAGO, Jan.' W,fiutter, owf; creamery extras. 22: firsts. 2762; standards, 31; egga, lower; firsts. Si; refrigerator firsts? 22JS. OA. kk.ntmAddmoUtd

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