vv ?. "KPj;.i.!!.... r . ! 1 I iTHE .WEATHER - North seid teuth Carolina! Loci I .O'hunosr Shewer Sunday and Mon. ly Little Chang In Temperature.1' THE SUNDAY ""CITIZEN ESTABLISHED 1868. "DEDICATED TO THE UP-BUILDING OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA" ASHEVILLE, N. C, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 2. 1922. PRICE 7c ON TRAINS 10c. 'f Western North Carolina I Where, the World's Moat Scenic Automobile Highway Takea You to the Top of Eit srn America. LEW LEADS III S, MY RE OVER ABERNETHY farift; G o J d s b o ro Man i Show Nomination for ' Reserve Officers i'TUPCC Are to Cnnuene in 'III IILL Fall At CapitalM Movement for National Or- AND THIRD SPEAKING OF SLAVES OF CUSTOM I WON HMD ED Congress Is Likely. J3VANS DEFEATS ?, & JOHN HINSDALE pas . Good Majority ' for. I Solicitor in Seventh L Women Nominated. ? " , -'K v cirri" sews toast ' 2 t.bbobocos sotsi, '" B MOT liKgLtrt- r.ALEIGH. July lj In what la -tded to haveheen tha blttaraat Seal oontaat in jfake County' ry W. F, Evan as emerged rlou over John W, Hinsdale Feranth Dtatrlet Solicitor. Hla rlty la approximately 1,100 on fiee of return practically com !, ' from Wake and FrankHn .lea. . Return received up to ) o'clock 'tonight by- Tha Ra"- . Newt and Obaervar indicate, 't towas Major Matt H. Al- Goldaboro, In tha Third Pin Congressional contest. The i there la unusually clone, hut irna received before midnight x a alight lead for .Allen over mrles Laben Abernethy and his niln.itlon- appear likely on the tV ' thess retuma. . Tha ma- ( v v 111 ba small either way. i Sollcltorehlp conteat 'j ,nd Hlndale" ran nck and I i Raleigh' Evan piled up . I i-lt of around 600 In Wake and FrankHn grave him " $1,400. EPORTED TO U UfaUDGE'S RACE , "crrias saw. Brss.ti ' Y.aaoiorox sorst. MMCa HRKIEY ) A, July 1 W. F. Kvana' - a .over John W. Hlnedale illcitor In tha Seventh DIs y a, majority of from 1,500 po, according to incomplete tMToa JVBw ana rramKiin iefaived Up to. o'clock it. Xxtti ganization Has Inception in Carolina Reserve. WASHINGTON', July 1. - A format call was issued today for a convention here In SeDtember of ; Reserve Officer of the Army to organize tha Reserve Oricers As aoclatton ot tha United States. It was signed by a group of reserve nfflrera headed by Acting Secre tary Roosevelt of the Navy De partment, -who l a Colonel of In fantry Inthe Reserve Corpa. Tha Weatern Carolina Reserve Officers' Association with head quarters In Ashevllle was the first organization of Reserve Officers effected In the country and its con stitution haa been . adopted by groups of officers who have organ ized In various sections of- the Na tion, copying the Ashevllle plan by watts; office Colonel Watts Submits Report of Revenue Department. TOTAL TAXINCOME IS $3,384,907.29 fLow Cost of Operation and Other Details of Of fice Are Forth. citizens of AsheVIll who are Re serve Officers. V oiTir.aK niwi bprbaO TAtBOS'H-llB N'rTRf, tf BROCK HHKLhil RALEIGH, July 1. The collec tion of four and one-half million dollars In taxes at a cost of nround Those in the Reserve Officers one and one-half per cent la the Corps who were charter members record of the State Revenue De of the organization here recently ' partment for the first year of Com announced that an effort would be . mlssloner A. D. Watts' admlnis- made to organize the Reserve 1 nation. The State's fiscal year end Officers' Association of the I'nltedjlna; yesterday. Colonel Watts ihas States and the call Issued in Wash-1 submitted a report on the activities tngton yesterday Indicates the uc-of hla department and Its success cess of the idea pwrmulgated hyiin providing the State'."Tevenue i v.oionei vatta only claims ror his department $3,380,060.99, as this represents the actual amount turned over to the State treasurer from the Income, Inheritance and t:olto'n tax collections. The Rev enue Department does everything but actually turn the monev over to the treasurer, however. In gath- enng tne franchise and license taxes.' and those would bring the relurn for the first year to $4,647,- 795.03. Individuate paid a smalt portion of the Income tax, the corporations contributing to the big end with a total tax of $1,718,433.64, This added to the individual Income tax or biz,6ZZ.76 brings the total in come tax to $3,230,956.30, or $230, 000 In round numbers, more than the General Assembly expected to collect from this source at the time of the creation of the existing De-j partment or Kevenue. Colonel Watta Hat the Income, Inheritance and cotton tax collec tions as follows: Income tax. . . . . .$2,233,781.07 Inheritance. , . i , 857,030. 48 Cotton. ....... 194, 096. J6 ( STATE W. 0. W. IS IN SESSION AT ERSQNVILLE END Sovereign Body Is Met at Knoxville and Accom panied to Scene. rsptdul Ctrrmnnlut, rf JatofOK CiUmt) ' HENI'ERSONVIIi.IE, July 1. r i n v nrini nni Says Shopmen 's Strike fs 100 Percent, While Trains Are Continued Issue Is Declared Now to Be Between Railway Labor Board and Strikers Board Declares All Measures to Stop Strike Ended. Will Give Full Protection to Any Men Who Attempt to Fill Places Declare Terms'" Scab'' and ' "Strikebreakers Not Timely. Stephenson for CXpurity Treas- in Wake by a larfir najorlty, vMn neinar neavier man ir, '. The two candidate!) cup 1 by J. W. Ballay ran w' Im several precincw. The long heralded party of Wood men , of the World, consisting c he- Executive Council of the Uiilted States with Sovereign Commander W. A. Fraeer at Jts head, arrived in Hendersonville to night at . S p'clOck. The executive' offlclala of tho has defeated i Woodmen were met at Knoxville IN GOAL STRIKE PARLXOVERTED PresidenTWarns Servants of People Must Act if Terms Not Reached. Enthusiastic Windup Marks End Of First Extra Vote Period In Citizen Campaign WARREN A Wake wa heavy, both ron pouring to the pffla. . the lntenae- exciteml-nt t by tha heated campalgnpio r waa reported. Evansfap W ha carried both RalWlgh tfake County, thouth J hla, lartera tonhrht would 'not the elt: Reports from the ; Congressional District "the haw fight that haa attracted rid lniereat. ahoxr a close atween Charles L. Abernethy, w Bern, and Major Matt H. of Ooldaboro,. : with . both hg ;lctory.-A complete count necessary todetermlne the rnethr carried Craven an.t et Counties by large mnjori He haa a substantial lead In eo and Jones, but the vote tight. Allen's majority in jrne County is reported to be t probably running to 2,500. claiming Sampson, Onslow nder, while both are claim BPlln. oits received by The Newa Ibservep from the Sixth Dla eut .Henrv W. .Grady inthe fiver R. G. Ward for Judge. I mu piled up a majority of fi 1,000 In Sampson fnalow. ,. ty Ftate Manager E. B. Lewla, of Kinston- Past Head Consul V. E. Grant and 20 local Woodmen of Hendersonville who motored there tn-LA'r the purpose of escorting them if'to Hendersonville hy sjiotor Total. ....... .$3.S4,907.29 - Refunds have been made aa fol lows: Income tax. , . ji . . ' . .$2,824.77 Inheritance. ....... 2,021.53 Duplin MOORE8 IOBK IN lvnrKTiKNBCRO VOTlJfG Ctrrupmimt, Tin AtttrMf CitUn) jB.RL.OTTE, July 1'. With all heard; from in the- county ndle defeats C. C. Moore for of the Superior Court, and R. Renfro defeats W. M. ") Moore for Register or of Mecklenburg County in second primary heA today. r leads' C. C. Moore by 835 and 'Renfro leads W. M. bv about 1.440 votes. C. C. i has been Clerk for 12 yeara W. M. Moore Register of f for 18 years. . speaking of the motor trip to Hen- 'Total dronville anld that after . the party reached the North Carolina h'ishway that the road was excep tionally good and they ware much pleahed' with the scenery, the cli matiit conditions and' the beautiful landscape along tbe wa- The blr' Texan exprfssed hlm- elf with delight as to the exoellenH highways' and stated ''that the 'Woodmen had an investment of five million dollars In North Caro lina bonds, a large proportion of waich whs In state highways. However the road from Pinevllla, Ky. to Knoxville, was hot to be compared with North Carolina highway.- and In speaking of the road around Plneaville, Ky., Mr. Fraser aald "Whoever names this pjrtion of the . Dixie Highway, certainly slandered the South." This po. turn of the road waa very rough and muddy. Mr. Fraser ad- dreesed a ,'ange gathering in Knox . . . . . '. . .$4,$4.S0 , lieaving a total collection from these . three sources of $3,300, 0K0.99. Considerable Revenue Krom utner sources' i Th. RtBtn reretves conIdeiBt.le . and adjourned in a double dead- revenue from sources, not handled WASHINGTON. Julv ' 1. fBv The Associated I'resp.) The con ference called by President Hard-1 Ing to devise methods of settling the coa) strike assembled today, I nmenea to the President's admo nition that If the settlement ef fort failed, "the servants of the American people will be called to the task m the name of American Barely, separated Into one gath- OVER erlng for the anthracite Induat.-y Dwiiu .'. 1.19 U.I.U (III I1L uif. by the Department of Revenue,' the wutomoblle tax bringing n around $3,000000 annually and in surance licenses $1,000,000. the aggregate of all the sources of tax ation none of , which. Incidentally touch the property of North Caio Ilna, running up to around $10, 000. 000. Colonel" Watts has the following lock. The bituminous rejreaenia- tivea, ny Tar tne larger er a antroveriar"sel ed until tomorrow t i o'clock while the anthracite contingent set Its next meeting for Thursday. Only the Intervention of Secre taries Hoover and Davis,- tha gov ernment representatives in Hie bituminous meeting prevented a vote being cast on which those negotiations might have been end- S VOTE COLLINS IS PLA&EDJT 349 His Nomination for Con stable for Asheville Town ' ship Is Evident. W. W. Warren received a nta Jnr'hy 4f S49 over Ren M. Col- i '! ha ec,5n1 Primary held. ! . ...i .k yesterday to elect Asheville township. Another Big Bonus Offer Begins Today Lasting . Just One Week. 170,000 EXTRA VOTES FOR CLUBS Best. Time to Enter Race Is Early, While Big Bonus Offered, lAftt nigllt WltriflMaA an .nil.,.. !atlc Wind Up of the flrat Bonus I ' CHICAGO, .lulv ,1 - ( Hv The As s.wtated I'reasl- With the cotin-try-wltte. strike of ehopmen derlnr ' cl li- vinnn lemlern to le vlrUHlly inn per rent effective, the Nation's i:ieai tninnportatlnn machine con iimieil Us work without Interrup tion. Railway executive were nnanl ' moil in expresnlng their belief thai 'ihe strike would have little effect on the operation of their road nd m ion i i inn anneitcu iiimi aii.v inon toward a settlement would hae to romn from the United Slates Labor Board or the em ployes. It M. Jewell, President of the Railway Department of the Ameri can Federation oMabbr, who yea- tonlay refused to appear at a Fed eral Inquiry Into the strike call. reiterated that the nrHy basis for a settlement was for the roads to agree not to put Into effect wage decreases recently ordered for the shopmen by the 1-abor Boa.d. Hen W. Hooper, chairman of the Railroad Labor Board, declared In a formal atatement that the power of the government couplet with I public sentiment will , give every protection to every railway em. nloye who remains on the J b and to all new men who take the places of the strikers In the preswit Walk out, i Strike Called Against Hoard Derision. Mr. 'Hooper ssserted that the strike waa called against tha de cisions of a Federal tribunal over rulings laid down after careful con sideration of the evidence on both sides and thst there will ba no ef fort to conclude It. The men who .take tho places of the striking rshopmen will render a public ser vli.-e. he declured, and should therefore, be Immune from th characterization of "scab or "strikebreaker." The walk out began In all sec tions of the country promptly at 10 a m.. and in many places tooK on the aapect of a holiday, the men alr.ging and cheering aa they threw down their tools. As reports rime Into union headquarters here Vct Terlod of tbeVClUien Circu- durl.ig the day, leader asserted lailon Drive. , . ... '-, that the ranks l .the tribe: -tfcofee of entrtuslastlo Drlvslw"uId number tr,ore;han tlire)- ures showing the low cost of op eration and other interesting de tails of the work: N "In addition to the taxes col lected, the Department receives tha i-Aturna makes the n nsesament s villa last right and lunched wlth'and certifies the amounts due by h'H-party at noon today in Hot,.ii ,hB rorooratlons of the State to say as to the correction of taxeved. by his department, furnishing fig-. Hardly had the bituminous d?l NNC 0 CAMP Sorlngs. X. c. the Slate Camp, Woodmen of NoWi Carolina, convened In the city hat this morning in extraordinary seailon ,at which time officers and thir activities In the field, which '. Prevent lne sh ved that the order was In splendid fin mcial condition and a substantial ln tAse In membership throughout th state over last year s figures was no k1. Officers are in attendance from W -nlngton, Charlotte. Oreensboro, Di ham, Salisbury, Concord, Lumber to Trboroa, White Oak. Klnston, B: fk Mountain. Fayettevllle. Scot la i Neck and Asheville. The morn Ir session was devoted principally to di ulon by the officers for the good olrhe order and the Woodmen Home, tflbe located by the national organl- Xftlon. The Slate Camp officers will Kain convene Monday morning at the 'uaoraggon Inn, and the national of . ICtfAh'ftMeB' 9 l'dtf Ttl for franchise taxes, which amount ed during the year to $762,780.64, Inrludlns; the amounts assessed against the railroads which have Kentucky and Tennessee had hrnuirht an la nig nut the State to rnciuLivra .irm-Mi. n. - , ...... i , gates assembled In executive ses sion. after hearing the President's address of welcome before John I,. Lewis. President of tho- United Mine Workers of America, raised a question as to the representative character of thi operators' spokes men present. He demanded to know why the New River r.nd Kanawha fields West Virginia, the Upper .Potomac fields, and no M OF NEWiTAR HEELS PLAN SETBIG CELEBRATION JULY FOURTH MY FOURTH jSymbolize Day Wheri Locally, Day Will Be ine Will Be Cosmo- Marked oy upemng 01 5litan Playground. I Biltmore Forest jciud ropriate entertainment fei st Aaheville's new Automi- amp,pthree miles out of tn pon ins Bwa.nnanoa, rtiyei nark not only the ofnr.1 g of this 65-arre par it ?upword of J200.000 valuas s represented in propert: lulpment, hut will stand als omen of the day when thi 4 well fitted by v nature for I purpose, will be developed ( amusement ground capable iwing vast throngs from scattered points. preparation has been to make attractive the for the Fourth of July t mis Tuesaiy; at which ater snorts and danrlna- in t tahlon will be features lai interest. T naer the dl of Mr. and Mrs. E. Grtm ho are to have charge of rk this Summer, arranire for the entertainment of a ewd have been -worked out s-ing an Inspection of the ally-owned tract Saturday i by City and Chamber of ce officials and others, the on was reached thr.t wiih sndlture of not more tna" at the outside an excellent lake emjld be formed along Hgats are already furn'sh ,iadr.Tii!Ctrtc pl,nt "While the anniversary of the collecting of these taxes "The Department also exercises and collection of the license taxes supervision over the assessment levied under Schedule B of the Revenue Act, which amounted to $404,964.00 for the year. "If these two amounts, where most of the work, except the mere receipt of the money, is shown as dons by the Department were add ductlng refunds, have been $4, ed. the total collections after de 547.796.63 for the year. -The Income Tax Collection Discussed. "The net collections or. income taxes Include: "imUvMiiuia S512.622.76: cor- Iporatlb'ns $1,718,483.64; total $2,- 230,956.30. All Or me larger roada of the state have the state enjoined in the Federal Courts from collecting ths income iae due by them, which are estimated to be $160,000. Quite a number of large tax payers havs secured extensions of time for good cause shown and upon the payment of six per cent Interest from March 16 and have not made thelr re tuma and paid their taxea; the office audit of returns filed Is less than half completed: the field audit bv expert examiners has not yet begun, Tind the field deputies-, havs found but little time from their, other duties to devote to se Ogle, president of the National Coal Association and also chair man of the conference, responded that operators' representatives had been named "only from those dis tricts seeking a conference with the miners' union." Secretary Hoover Intervened at this stage, and the matter for the time be ing was nassed over. Immediately, however, the orig inal Issue between the bituminous operators of unionized mines and the miners' union, on which at tempts, failed to bring about nego tiations before the strike took place, was raised, deadlocking the meeting for the rest of the day. t. , , rw-.. s j". :.t . . ' t ? -'.I ,.. liter uie meat is unix siaricu, there is no need to spend fur ther timfe injFie kitchen. reports received last night from I'lectipn officials In each precinct. In the first primary Warren ob tained 'a lead over Collins of 109 votes with 12 candidates in the race. The vote yesterday by precincts follows: Aiiheville, First, AVnrren 47, Collins 48: Second, Warren 4(1 i.ouins n lins 39; Fourth. Warren 74, Col tins 46; Firth,, Warren 43. Collins 87; Slx-ih, Warren 65, Collins 44; Seventh, Wnrren . 84, Collins 4n Eighth, Warren 69, Collins 33; Ninth, Warren 79. Collins S3: Member kept ' th clerical force at Camtialarn J leatlr.nu rian constable of handlittir subscriptions and remit according to 'ancea, and Issuing receipts to tht nuincia imioiikooui me day,, up to and Including the closing hour. It was a busy scene. Home of the Drive Members made more than one trio to the Campaign Head quarters wild the Important sub scription collectiona to count en the bonus vote offer. Beginning Monday a new vote offer of 1711.0(10 Extra Voles on eatltl 136. UO worth tit new Third, Warren 4 3, Col- old subscription collect in TIN will tru iin.0. eueot. muting one weeTi only, eiidlrmr Saturday, July 8th. Another Hlg Kxtra Vote Offer l-IMill-l. There's a. hie extra vote offer announced in today's Issue, where- signing of the Declaration of In-; rurin returns and faxes from de- i H nepenoence "i " "V:.". linquents. When the income tax slon of nriy organlMd, demonstra. M on pe.ember 31i lt tion in Ashevllle a f, confidently believed that fully surrounding to n t h r o u nou t 2 5o0 O0o wil, h(lv bPen ciiect-'i V.stern North j Caro Una hve plans . to But Trw for mote or less elah or, from tnmta. The office au-0 ttinments uitable to the ' All mtm haIf incomplete, together .KQ,ntm LsrCh. day in rhisim- with the returns secured by the? (hat will mark the nay. in inis rm ,., ci0,. of , mediate tectlon win " i" nnenina- r.f the Biltmore Fores. rn.ira cin'h. s't which time th:- handsome new building will be the field deou the returning period, .interest andr penalties have resulted in the colrJ lection of z,sJ.- Tenth, Warren 52, Collins 23; Eleventh, Warren 42, Collins 27; Twelfth, Warren 24, Collins 26; Thirteenth, Warren 5!l, Collins 13; fourteenth, Warren 25. Collins 14: Fifteenth, Warren 4H. Collins 16 by 170,000 extra or additional cijiaitere of the 40,000 member- idilp before jilgnt. Jtr mr. Jewell uaid that reports from It or the 201 Claas One roada ahowsd I pi.ictlcall a 100 per cent walk .iut. He added that he nopeo to he able to give more accurate fig ines by tomorrow night. The only display of force re potted during the day was at Reardstown. 111., where .several hundred shopmen sfter falling to persundn four companions, 'to Join them In the walk out, picked them li.i bodily and carried them out. H iVt seit them home." the leader ' w.vs quoted -as saying, "to svolJ ' trouble." In Chicago, the hub of the wulk mil, where it is esll. mated 1O0.00 men are' affecter;. no iiisturlianres of any kind werrf r .ported, and sll of the roads claimed that both 'passenger and t elght .rains were being 'handled inVto ,h. r. u 2 ""- without interruptions of any kind k. .n .-. mill "Train operations are just at J ""- "verynpe wno turns in usual nnd we are carrying crowds, .hi W.rih ubl'"Pllons during PVen on the extra sections that ii tin nri ii n M m. 1 1 i U I tin tt'JJJ heaverdam. Warren 60, Collins 40-' " ", !m r very "ort d,,r-.day pllg.ima," waa the word from Biltmore. Warren 43. Collins 18 j ",Z",t un I I it' 1 Vk- T.n! freneral offices of the North- Haw Creek, Warren IS, Collini Tnannv , d. i '5 "hc"-t and . western lines. I.'!:-Har.el. Warren 2 Collin, 8 ?rfPPhTS0t 2"? drWn .out "f "' "" not ' etrlke t. Warren received a tots vote of r vhJCh. W0Uld ,become .tiresome lnte.Ier with train movements." "4" and ColHnl 6 " tnJt'h t,hn a:'"v0 pa ""nnt. ,ad H. M. Felton. president of the There were 1545- vol.. cat f"?, ,hePuolic- Instead, lt la short, Chicago Great Western Railroad, which wa light vne little In ' I "Tl."" 1" Tu "C JuRt eight 'h"i'ma of the Western Rail Zt f ivM , " I,,t'8 'n-'eks from the first announce- Kxecutives. "The experience of 'eicst was evident throughout the 1 menh of the i.nniu.ni.', ...,,,. .,-. .J . . V .0 1:113 Dillon m aiinc ine nuuinnrn day In the contest. Warren is President of the Cen tral l,ahor Union and Collins Is a fmpmal Curttpomittl. Tht aitrtvl. Citism ) .'ormer constable and once mem i"r of Asheville Pollen Department. THE Miss Cor-. The Inheritance ...1., ne attraction nt-lia Vandcrbllt will start the plav,Ta -a u i ft m ant tfl nn in tne urn gou played upon the l$-hole course laid out by Donald Ross. A re ception at the Club will follow the tournan.' nt. - In rcet.ts The net collections from inher itances havs been $966,008.9$. Of GAS RANGE CUTS GAS BILLS SAVES THE FLAVOR SAVES. YOUR TIME LESSENS LABOR Let us how 'you this won derful Jcitchen convenience. SUBMARINE EXPUJ8ION THOUGHT IX) KIMj FISH STIIIS ARE CAPTURF.n AND NFXJRO AKRKSTIiD WAiL.lHWURr, July 1. Sheriff gantln enterprise. Columns of f. H. Krlder, Deputies Galllmore J news matter have been dtrvofsd to week or so has elapsed nnd this time nas been spent, In the ma jority of Instances, by the mem bers acquainting their friends with their candidacies and hopes of winning one of the prize uutos. The time is ripe now for real work and subscriptions are plen tiful. Page, after page In Tha Ashevllle ClMxen has been printed. explaining tne details of the gl Pacific! nnd other roads that have h;id extensive shop strikes, shows ni interruption of traffic Is to be expected " - : ' . Among ths presidents of rail roads entering Chicago, th de termination was expressed to have no dealings with ths representa tives of the striking unions. They were unanimous In. declaring thai Ihe Issue was not between the unions snd the railways but be tween the unions and the United . " Slates 1-abor Hoard. The executives also asserted that the strike was far from being 100 1 per cent perfect In the Chicago -district, several thousand men re maining at work. The Illinois Cen- ; tral and the Clover. Iea were re ported to have been the least af fected, although np exact figures were obtainable. The executives la dared that only one of the Pull man shops had been unionised by Mr. Jewell a department and that this shop alone of all ths Pullman .' shops will be ahut down. The con struction department it wa said, -will be available for ths use of the railroads when repairs axe to be ' made. Many other car: building plants, Including the Haskell and Raker shop at Michigan City, . Ind., will be aaked to take care of repair work so that ths rolling stock ot Ihe roada can. be kept In . condition. . , " Meanwhile the labor board r -oelved assurance from the admin istration in .Washington of com- plate backing In Its policies. At Topeka, Kansas, Governor Henry J. Allan summoned ths Industrial Court Judges and Attorney Gen eral, Hapklns Into conference ta consider means for dealing with the strike. In many sections the roads were assured for police pro- . tectlon and f In the larger, cities guards were thrown about . the shops. A slight clash was report ed at Ivy City, Maryland, when striking shopmen from the Belt!- , more and Ohio shops mistook detail of guards for strlbs break era, but no one was Injured. -Congestion Is Reported) In New York City. In New York City the walk out coming In the midst of sua unpar- alleled holiday congestion of trav elers, caused officials to post no tices that "all trains are subject to delay." At- Rochester. N. VY passenger train was, unable to leave on schedule owing to m broak ' down In the mechanism of the locomotive. The Njaw York, New Haven and Hartford Issued a statement saying that out ef I.. ' 50 men on one of three shifts ol shopmen, all but 176 withdrew from service. The statement add- ' ed that "all points are now being covered by oomnetent man " Tk. New York Central announced thst out of 1,000 looomotlvs and shop, men employed between Buffalo and Chicago $0 quit work. Thi road also announced thaf la shop at Colllnwood, near Cleve land, would be doened . Mnni and that all men reporting for uuiy win n given employment' and protection. From Ban Francisco, ft Wa re ported that the walkout was more than 90 par cent effectire in Call- ' fornla. Oregon and WaahlngtonJ Reports from Atlanta said v thai -upwards of 6,000 men In ths southeastern territory answerer) the strike call. The Pennsylvania announced that "practically ail" Its shopmen in the central region, extending from Altoona, vPa to Mansfield, Ohio, walked out. MOST OF M"KJf WKNT OCT DKCI AIUOD IN ATIjANTA. ATLANTA. Ga.. July 1. "(Meat, of the shopmen went out," In tT,,"" words of one railroad ores 1T' ' ' seemed to summarise the tr v 1 shop employes on virtual!' 1 V railroads in southeastern te 'w so far us could be lesrned fro - L tmnnuti an iaf loyner and Swain, the latter of Kannapolls, captured two stills. 25 itallons of liquor and one negro, r'rank Ryan, of Kannanolis. In a raid at the home of the negro Kriday night. The liquor was round stored In cans in sn out house and the stills were buried inder the floor Ryarn was Jailed n Salisbury to await trial Wadnes Cliff Reckling JS J giving .the details of the circula tion drive and the possibilities thn.t tie tnerein. (iood Tim to Fjiier. Kvers-thlng Is awaiting von- en try In the drive and your acqui sition of an automobile valued In price from $3464.90 down to $620.00. The big extra vote offer ts the road to this newspaineh You can ride In the Cadillac auto mobile after August 19 vim ran enjoy any prize In the list witn- out the expenditure of a penny. I Hut you must act you must do something. Wishing for a prize and admiring It will never acquire lt for you unless yon spplv your self to the task at hand. In other i words, "don't hsve vour wishbone 1 where your backbone should be." Clin nut ths LDNWIE TREXLERiLOCAL SERIOUSLY HURT SHOPMEN OB niii in ! finlLWA. k. WASHINGTON. July I Many 4. the grounds will nec.oi the public todsy ana jnonaay. .. cording to announcement maje yesterday by the mnagm'ni;.r a. Uanrtarsonvu e a. ri,.-u.. thle amount the field deputies havs i"u!,,1,L of 5" "! tyn "Jl collected $44,149.11 from kitat "S"."Tf "3 uoavin. ikcuiiiq l"OT I months Tha Hah rnmmlaalnn n.r. has been asked to Investigate to as-, certain the cause. Theodore 1. Em pie of Wilmington, has made the fol lowing statement to the fish commissioner: order to complete arrange-. 4hn nve years before the collec tor the formal opening July tlon. wera made, and $91,179.54 where deatha had occurred more than three years before the 'col lections. V r,..u 1--. . ' 1 . . ' AnDroKlm . "unnr .ua yr my iwo or;of Jun. , ,,, ,7i thoBnd, ot lMd inrew ucpuuPB vn jiuirriinnco worn -t n"""cl L Ta. Ml ltir1nlA ' " VV WyUltTZB Wig JIIi4r-I llllfsj WriTaf. of unutual size, which will wcij;ia4 ance March IS all ot my Held V!??L awiil bis held in I d-p"tla?5?wS"? UB' ith, - connection with the Woodmen of th. World ltathrln,JwhJc,,1af l een described 4n another column of The tnnaay . of license taxes which the dls Practically j ; 1 o(T th. covered and had the sheriff eol- publle and private ornces or TV' r wrni ai rih. City work In wtrnest, to em1n. cense and inheritance tax work with very gratifying results, as the above collection on old estates win be rm 'M-trl $ ann eying nsn were wssneti upon our beaches snd left within our snjpris from st least as fsr South ss Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, to at least aa far North aa Browns Inlet. locsl sportsmen and others hare made a . ----- -v.- . it. -Aa AAA ! ,lua' vl avail "IB 1 am pi ann and the more than 4100.009.900. w. ,ma to r. 01 her rrnri..nn. than these fish werei dene li death by submarine explosions of human origin." - a copy 01 (ass isTTsr was sent 10 (CaaMaaat as r) Senators Simmon .sad Overman. Western North Carolina as the background for the best In the photographers art was pictured in lowing terms yesterday hy Cliff iteckiing, of St. Louis, frrrmerly ft South Carolina, who is spending Several day In Ashevllle. 1 1 Mr. Reckling Is one of the leading experts' ort dry pistes, treed by photogrsphers and Is an ardent "booster" of the Lnd of -the Sky. He is n Ashevllle for the purpose of attending a session of what he terms "the better pho tographers of four States." com prising the Ststes of North snd South Carolina, Tennessee and Georgia, Asheville Is to be congratulated on the progress of the p3st few years, he stayed to a representa tive of The Citizen and evidenced the pride that a true South Caro linian feels In the growth of a sis ter State. I; During hi stay In th city, Mr. Reckling will apeak te the pho tographer and give several dem onstration. . IN ALTERCATION J. Hobart Allport Is Held Under $5,000 Bond on Assault Charge. J. Hobart Allport, of St. Dun slan's Road, la held under $6,000 bond on "charges of asssult with a deadly weapon, and' linnle Trex ler 4". of Emma, Is In a local hospital In grave condition, as the lesult of an altercation which oc curred In Allport's place -of busir i ness nn College Street lust before nomination ' counon ! noon yesterday. and fill It In with vour name- sndi Allport v as arrested at 1 o'clock j address snd foraard Jt postpaid to; this morning, about" three hours im circulation orive nesiiquaTters : after the police rece ved notice of and avail yourself of.thls worul-r-! t he affair. The bond of $5,000 was ful opportunity t. ' one of the set at police headquarters, on sd-pi-ise cars this are without the i Vera ?from sttenUng physk-lans expenditure of s ni.nv snd with-' .ha.. -rr..i.r u-am.h n,.Ki nut hsvlng It. tiki tin. momntju,,,,! morning. J. U Page, profes- - , .rtfB.iir-aai .. i vu cupation. Ho this todsy. Turn to the full page ad today containing the drive members' names who havs been nominated nn .A tha nr.a.nt ilm. m r A a9 the details nt -the hi .nr. vota had gone in to' see shout some re offer. ItMI interest you. Ipalra to a truck. Allport knocked tlie oiu.r man uuwn sna kickpq him "all over the place," accord ing to information in the hands of the police. Physicians state Trexler'a right kidney la seriously lacerated, evidently from a kick or h.svy blow, and that other In ternal Injuries are probable. An operation Is necessary. Allport Is connected with the Allport Construction Company,. Southern Drsv Company. Trexler I an employe of the - Southern Railway end th father of Law rence Trexler, member of the City Folic fore ' ' slnnal bondsman, went security on the bond. " According t9 Allport' state men's to tho poyce, tha fight came when the lie ass passed. Trexler 15 GKRMANS ARK RF.AD IN.SIT.KKIAN FIGHTING BERLIN. July 1. sorts ted Press.) D- fW - 1 - Advices frortrf Glelwlts, . Silesia report 15 killed and 25 wounded In a collision be tween German civilians and a de tachment of French tr.top4 thi morning. A sta.e of siege has been pro claimed. French armored cars are patrolling the street and rifle 'fir ing Is in progress In some of the streets tonight. EY CALL TO STRIKE Men Walk Out in Orderly Manner After Workln.j Hard to Complete Jobs? In compliance wtth orders ts, " celved from the national union headquarters, approximately- Jgfl shopmen, employes of .the South. ern Railway, left their work ys terday morning at 10 o'clock, ,rep. resenting the part of-tbs Ashevllle shopmen In the Natlbn-wlds strike of shop employes. ,' Immediately fallowing the walk out which was In strictly an order- ' ly manner, accompanied by the ' best of feeling between shon ' flclsls and employes, the - rcr gathered for an organisation me"--ing at iO :45 ..p'.cQk.;..4r. the Train- , men's HsII. " ' '. Guy Morris, machinist, was ' elected president of tha organiza tion and the offices of vice-president, secretary and tvo chaplains created, but those . elected to fill iness onices wers noi announced Mr Morris stated last night that he had no statement to tnaks re. girding the strike at present and was nut inclined to discuss ths meeting held following ths -walk OJt. However, It was learned that t plans -were outlined for a central organization of ths various craft members to handle ths strike sit. uation until -order are rrecetve ! from the union heads to "retur i to work. "All trains left Ashenil, on rlrr yssterdsy snd servic was fn , way tntsrupted." it was ttai k, night by S J. Mulvan.y, te.ident of th Ashevllls fl,,,.. Officials of the Southern In As vilie acted as ar lnsnotr.- . tC t , im I m n 11 ' - m m H H M , H M V t j. b in r. SO IS it it - - h -ig f t, : . r-,r-rt ;!t d : ,of ...j ... 1 , d m rn in to ur Ve V ,,t : r n n u n M M II II 1 - - 2t

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