the: weathfr uAHINOTON, Aug. ii roreasst JNorVh and teuth C.roll-a. Oen l,.lly !' Thursday nd Frld.y; no In tmpriure. things THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN B ESTAgLlSHLU lb6. , r , jf f4 )RAIL EXECUTIVES REFUSE MEDIA TORS' TERMS --A-- . --rr-t ' il- r IF rr . x . "DEDICATED TO THE UP-BUILDING OF WESTERN . NORTH CAROLINA", TSHEVILLETNrcTjHURSDAXM PPif'E FIVE CENTS For Intereatintt Point in Wt ern North Carolina and How to Reach Them Over Im proved Scenic Motor Road See Page Two. House Passes Fact Fihding Commission Bill By Big Majority NORTH CAROL COAL S1TUATI SENATE 1! PUT ROTH FACTORS OF r uniicTDv nnnrn niuudiiii ULUILU fi E PRESENTATION GROWING ACUTE BONUS THROUGH BEFORE 1EK END Opponents Appear Dis-; posed to Let Bill Take Course at This Time. MAY BASEFIGHT ON HARDING VETO JUST SUPPOS1N' BY BILLY BORNE. Some Believe. That Hard ing Has Not Changed Attitude Since March Immediate Return of Miners and Shopmen Would Be Relief. Four Republicans Op pose, 24 Democrats Sup port New Measure. BLAND FAILS TO GET AMENDMENT Measures Goes to Senate, Spencer Says He Has Not TirWa HnT-ai "Rill is t XXCiWU XIUJUl OC11 Ull WILL BE CLOSE . WINTER ON FUEL Now Pending. WASHINGTON. Aug. 23. The Administration bill for creation of a Federal Commission to obtain all facts . possible relating to the coal industry and on which miners )nd operators were denied repre sentation, was passed tonight by ho Hni il tn EE. . Three1 separate attempts were made by Representative Bland, Republican, Jlndiana, to amend the bill so as to put representatives of the. miner and mine owners on the commission, but all of them -failed. The House voted down a pro posal by Representative uenison. Republican, Illinois, to reAuce the commission membership from nine to five. But the next moment by an overwhelming vote adopted an amendment by Representative Bankhead, Democrat, Aianro. cutting the salary of commission ers from 310.000 to $7,500. On the heels or. mis, n through, virtually witnout an amendment by Represent, v.; Moore, Democrat, Vlrglnlaft reduc ing1 the appropriation for the cost and upkeep of the commission from 3500.000 to 300,000. Chair man Win-low. of the interstate Commerce Committee, wnu o..- .u. Kill Ihrnmh the KOUWi Needs of Crushers. ihit. the committee wm . a tn h. amnller amount. nn,,,"r.r i.c;n. voted against the bill and 24 Democrats support- I wked to iupply. ed it. It goes ";7, where the Borah commission b 11. slightly different In ome provis ions, is pending. .,, For a time today, leaders were thrown off their feet by action of the rules committee WAiRINQTOW BPIltUT TRI AflRBTIt.LS OITll.M ( H. K C. BRY AXT) I WASHING-TON, Aug. 23. The coal situation in North Carolina is becoming acute, any communi ties, industries and individuals were caught short by the toal and rail strikes. While relief would come sooner if the miners and shopmen returned to work at once It will be a. close Winter on fuel. There Is no way to make the sup ply abundant. Il is too late for that. Appeals are coming frm every section to Senators Simmons ana Overman. In a letter to Senator Simmons today Federal Fuel Distributor Spencer said: "In regard to the needs of the North Carolina Cotton teea Crushers, I have not yet heard from Mr. Seir, regarding the re quirements of these mills. "This industry is iot In class two, and as you are probably ad vised, the present supply ofcoal is only sufficient to take care of in dustries of that classification. We have made some special arrange ments for South Carolina in an at tempt to tide the mills over, until the situation improves, needs of North Carolina win given due consideration as soon as we secure the information .h. .t.t. distributor has been the be .i . ...nnr t 11 n niaiiu l., in voting tu ii . i a A with its provision for miner and ooerator representation, as a suo sUUUe for Ihe Winslow measure President Harding's opposlt on to thi proposal was ?t Jorth on Tuesday. The committee failed nn a tip vote to reconsider Its ao Hon. but later it reported l a rule aiving the Winslow bill the right (if wa ment. way, an W iiiniun ..... , d opening It to: amend-. a. .u- Anil loaders iounu ii An for the flurry, for .under .a pa rib mentary "Ituauon. Unfiled up by Mr. Winslow in regular form and was considered without a rule. NORWOOD AT CAPITAL Of ni'KI.VSS OK THK - tlAUSIQBV Aug. M--:!'raJ,.f; fl Vnrwnnrt of the Democr." Executive Committee has come - . n.i.i.h ... -irf husiness at party headiTuam and to -pul t th. "nisn. Not wanting to risk the Wains as the simmnns received t" following telegram from John G. Dawaon acting ir iclnnton: 'R O. Salf, Director of the State . i v.utributiiiir Committee ap ..,.. . aDDllcation number 100, coal requirements for Kins . j . n tA asime tO Wash ngton It is exceTdihgly urgent hft shipments be Iromediately begun to the city fulfillfng ts re quirements as its quantity on hand is very limited. - Frank Hampton, Senator Sim mons secretary, took this matter "p at once. A real battle for coal is already on. REARRANGEMENTS OR , Gl'ARUS A VETS X. C. AI ST. I WALROIT Va?HVIILE. Tenn., Aug. 23 Par of a walk out by members of .If. hi four brotherhoods of we NashvUle. Chattanooga and St. Uuli Railway svstem was believed to .have RaVverte- today -hen oftWal. of WASHINGTON. D. C, Aug. 23 The Senate moved so rapidly today in its consideration of the soldiers' bonus bill that some lead era regarded passage of the meas ure before the end of this week as more than a possibility. Op ponents were understood to be dis posed to let the bill take its course at this time in the belief that Pres ident Hardin would veto it. Should he do soNihey planned, to center their fight against its passage. There still was. however, no of flclal Information before the Sen- i ate as to the executives view other ' tw. hn. nnnlnln.H In hill lpttPT read to the House last March Just before that body passed the bill. I The President then advised tnnt Congress either find a means of financing the leglslatlou or post pone Its enactment, and some friends of the bill as well as oppon ents believed he still Is of that mind. I Replying to a question by Sena tor Robinson, Democrat. Arkansas. Chairman McCumber. of the finance committee, told the Senate today that there wjis no official informa tion us to what the President would do. He added, however, tnai changes in the bill by wnicn mere would be no neavy arau un i" treasury for the next three years would seem to meet every objec tion the President had urged against the original measure and that he couidfsee no rea-auu ..... the executive should veto the bill a ,i n w rir&wn. After It got to wora on wi uui late today the Senate agreed to the n .nmmlttee amendments to the House bill In exactly 15 minutes snd then it got ahead or iiseu i such an extent that the measure was laid asfoe temporarily, nun mmlitK rnangea cieancu um Republican, New Mexico, called up his substitute,' proposing half cash and half cer tificates of indebtedness for the veterans, but this was rejected without a roll call or any discus sion. : ..ji ." Senator Bursum. proiwu, ins there should be some debate on Ln amendment which he believed would save something llwe $3,000, 000 000 to the-government. Me added that be wanted to speak on his proposal, but would not be ready to proceed until tomorrow. i,. ,,n.nimnui assent action on the substitute was reconsidered and as no other amendments w" nosed the Senate turned to other work. AN FROU Nqw 1 i tic ' WB ' CANNED M m '-s?L-) L Pi summer il E rr4. 1 Says Move Effort To Smash Unionism STILL MOR ARE ARRIv IN NUT 25 ROMS TAKE NW PROFFER Program To Organize Communist Groups In Army And Navy Declared Disclosed By Arrest Of Seventeen Alleged Communists ARMY BOARD SAYS situation looked his home town,. Sallsmiyy, v thmugh the country by automobile ij. rlii i,- u.r. for a few days. A movement to get a pharmacist tin ihn state Board of ;,pn launched by the mareutlcal Association. world Health has State Fhar- LooKlng on medical NEW TYlE OF SEAPIiAXK DEMVEBED TO NAVY BECK NOT GUILTY QF Ml SGONDUGl Official Findings in Okla- homa . Homicide Given at Capital. WASHINGTON, Aug. 23. Lieutenant --Colonel' Paul W. Oetk, army' air r"ice, who wa killed lit April, by a "gun hot wound in the head" Inflicted by a "revolver held ln the hand if "lean P. Day, niikhnmi Citv. died "In the line of duty11 and hia death waa "not due to his own wilful m s nnnHunt " according to official findings of any army Investlgating marta nubile and approved today by Secrteary Weeks. Char ess that Col, Beck was killed dur- WaSHINGTON, Aug. 23 A new s - - Mra Dtty were tyne of seaptane which . is almpt I '"f, nt,ateQ by the report, hi of flying without phot h 6eenT delivered to the JV.v PThe ment. it was announced today. The Slane designed for the training pt Jt'Sasntavlator.. .mblnes .afely f pa.tures never uciwy cm-"-" - nmtr nald. with quaii ' ' Kllllf It tt of ned ana maneuvr;.....,.. iijL?ed at th naval air atat on at AnacbaUa, after a succesiui im mile nht from the factory at Og deneburg. N. Y '.t-ttnitv. in testing i"1""" ,-v.; ..lint ree 'ing his bard! ,l.d in. controls, lak Vra" I.Z.a it of them." to avoli P .Si HftinderT. G. Edlyson, of the - - . ,-, m cs. wno orougiit causing annoyance or eb" Bu7eau of Aeronautics, who hrot to train and yard employee, whart Bure. whlrton "The tn er at w. u n u, - - from work.' MINERS AND OPERATORS REACH AGREEMENT KANSAS CITY. Mo, Aug. 23 .-An agreement Jo .no tne the touinwL.. -' bed . - . inn lain asciitiro the rtrugKit9 want represftntatlor on lotte druggist has' been put forward Wnonm. whlch based on hy members of the associauuu .u. ( Cieveland agreement. me piace. of mines " hnra cf SSerTSSlon1 offlclita nd operators not substantiatea Dy It was Bald. ' Col. Beck was killed in the home of Mr. Day after he and fveral others had been guests at the home one evening. The. killing occurred when Mr. Day returned after taking other guests to their homes and found Col. Beck and Mrs. Day alone. A coroner Jury sJbsequently exonerated Mr. Day. In announcing the board's find -. . ont.rv Weeks said he rnrvarn ino v . . . v . . . Wm. Z. Foster, sougm by Federal Agents, is - In Custody. DECLARES ARREST IS AN "OUTRAGE" Definite 'ConnectionWith Soviet .Internationale Is Alleged. CHICAGO, Aug. 23. William Z. Foster, president of the Trades Union Educational League, who has been sought by Federal agents a" one of those partlt.lpat lnsr in an alleged radical conven tion held in a forest near Bridge man, Mich., was taken Into cus tody tonight while the offices of the educational league. Foster strongly denied having attended the convention which was raided by Federal operatives and state troops. Later a Federal agent accom panied by a representative of the police department and a private detective searched Foster's apart ment but declared they had found nothing of value. Meanwhile Fos ter was held in a police cell for extradition to Michigan. "My arrest is an outrage Foster declared. "I was not at the mooting in Michigan and I will hire the best lawyers in the west to fight extradition." It was said the arrest was ex pected soon of two men said to represent the soviet government of Russia. - flbHLVILLt ROMANCE BY YOUNG S TOLD BRIDE SPEHCEBS HOPS Are Running Full Time With 500 Men Word ing; Place is Normal. BARRETT EXPLAINS CAUSE OF WARRANT Morrison Says Protest on Troops Seems outrage Against State. 8PKNCER, Aug. 23. The arri val of is new employes for. tn 5 Southern shops here to take tin plac ot Milkers is the lone featuis of alrlkb situation umiant. . " . thing is so quiet, that a whteper cmi be heard a-lnng distance. The ni'M men came from New om and walked right into the ahopa linmoleait-d. being escorted by t rt.wen officers, while a score of -f.kms looked on. The shops are runnliiK n full time and the num ber of new employes Is estimated tit 500. , , M ,c slxrt strike of the big four brotherhoods and clerks settled at roon Tuesday by the removal ot ).... i,. (inn. tiin shoo premises, has bei.n forgotten -and train service has hetn restored to normalcy. . Col. Don Scott in charge " of tuoiis encamped three miles irorn town today tendered the services t f thfc anluters in guitruma mw home of tiev Tom P. Jlmlson, who has been seriously threatened since being attacked by J no. Sloop on Monday. It is not thought, howevei, the troops needed. SAMLBt'IU', Aug. 23. A war l .nit charging J. P. Barrett, of Charlotte, editor of the Charlotte I.nbor I'tirald. until recently presi dent, ofC the State Federation of l,Bhor. wllh being drunk and dis orderly while In Salisbury yesler-, dr. v. . was issked by County Prose cuing Attorney Ben D. McCubblns ni'd sent to Charlotte for service Mi1. Mcf'libblns stated he also'wtt Insulng W warrant charging Mr, Banett w!lh carrying concealed viimn 1. wit a nlHtlil &fr. Bar- re It' i;nie to Salisbury to tende:'(ly be outlined as follows any assistance ne con id to nin friend Rev. Tom P. Jlmlson, fol- Leroy O. Gurley Weds Miss Kimball of Mal : -den; Elopement. By CliarUn A. ApplelMH', .Ir. TtnaTON. Mass.. Aug. 23. The ., unld -U'pditlnir band tiodwith red ribbon in the , losing the fltoj; K.V. M BY MEDIATORS Action Follows Full Re jection of Executives DENY ANyTsPLIT n IS INDICATE Western LineT Say They Will Not Yield on : Seniority Point. ; NEW YORK, Aug. 23. (By m Associated Press.) The( Associa tion of Railway Executives by vote of f 54 to today rejected th proposal of the big five train aerv lc brotherhoods, that the carrier:! mi tho nation-wide ahoprnen'i strike by reinstating the men with seniority unimpaired and Bert t. Jewell. cflWial spokeaman for the strikers, declared the association! ln,l closed the door to peace an-V votd for a lock out to amasu At the lima time, splitting away froi the majority wa a group oc lailroHds, principally western line, which debated .. new sug gestion of the brotherhoods that Individual settlementta be effected. Tiii minority, while proteasing iw stand with the majority In re 'ptnnnlr.g the stand on seniority, (Kill indicated that It desired tn hear further regarding the tndl- .tii,,,ii llli.ment suKgestlon. Hale Holden, president of th Clm ago Burlington and Quincy. ' who aittended a meeting of the ( .i iw.i.i 1m tha Ya.le Club i nwi'uiiiy iinw . , . atler the general membership or ,( ne aancoliition had ended Us see- , sion, Joined with membera of the n.ajoilty group In denying that ' thi-re vn any apllt. ' "Thsi e Is no question of m iput. " , he esserted. "The railroads are all . stamllnfc 4Jt on aenlority an.l , any Ind.vdttal aettlement will hava i to bs made in the light of that un-'; dertHiidliig." ; ' I Brief Oiillln' of j Diiy'a Profeedlngs u ' TUB thiy e proceeninga may un-. ASSASSN 'S RISR TOLL TO SEEK FOR LEADER With Griffith and Collins Dead, no Outstanding Leaders Remain. OVBLIN, Aug. 23. (By The Associated Press) Who la to suc ceed Mlrhnnl Collins as head O the Irish Free State la now the ahsorblni lumtinn here. No man remains In the present Irish government with anything like the. varied talents and dom inating nowfrvnt the distinguish ed Irish leader. ITnder Collins the whole ministry has been combined Into a united body. The main out lines of Irish policy were fixed by the Iat Arthur Griffith and the departed Irish commander- in -chief. Their successor, will un doubtedly rontmue along the lines tnat they laid down. V Next to Collins in military lm 9 portance la Richard .Mulcahy. the chief -of -staff of the Frea State army, who holds the entire con fidence of the rank and file ln the Irish milltarv establishment. His fine record In the contlict for Irish freedom also makes him a strong canlidata to succeed his departed chief. On the civil side la William T. Coigrove now the acting head of tne Irish provisional government. NEW FINANCIAL INSTITUTION HAS FORMAL OPENING National Bank of Com merce Opens for Busi ness This Morning. n.jin.i.j to the upbuilding of Western North Carolina by render ing aid in handling of the finances. the National " was formally opened with a recep tion to the public yesterday after JTn and evening and I the ra bua- Iness day or jn wiU open at o'clock th la morn- OTflcera and director acted as hosts to the public between the Sf, of 4 and o'clock and a Srersanfgree'tmg awaited , all who '. ... .i k.u An added charm vrsitea "'- . ".naremant of waa tne " , tb(1 offi rrand"d.c,or. who were , also present at tne iorm. """ -. iided in the reception of ytaltor. With a paid In capital and r nlua of 1125,000. an entirely now Sm? modern 'plant and guided by of th. leading buslnew men .of .V H-r in th capacity of director, he new 1. rUln to mnrtant part in th UoVth of AahTlll. and thi. an- ,e was cut to tow -peed I Ud the plane went Into a long glide. He then fineeded up the engine, and still wiui iut the controls being touched the out rno A continued In -h inai y iii , wllh the throttle wide open. nlann bn to eJImb and hi so doing Sir lA wu cut to about 40 knou. Sne fin off on one wing and dove until :..T 100 knots was registered. when -the plane again Jeveiiea on ... pany. of h. Huff-Navy H N. 1. fulrefed wlS rHanoulw en ??he type which recently passed ireoord brlliJlsg test of wntmuou running on a navy test here. ' , nw RAYS CONGRESS IS -ELlAOW CLEAN THROUGH- LTNCHBRO. -Va.. Aug. rd K ..jrZl n'naT Clerk. u'nio" said her. tonight that with few outstanding excVt Ions, the conges, of the United dwt Is ye ; iclean through, right ,' . , .- w advisea ni wouiu .itornev-general i Tnmr.anii. hit. MKT LEADING but he preferred to have that offi- RAiIOAI BEFORE Sl-SION cial to decide in the light of xthe ( WASHINGTON, Aug. 23.--The inveatlsation, wnat i"-""" l arrest or 11 a.ieneu mi - new m JW Hliwi ' , . , toward re-opening the trial of Judge Day in civil courts-, mu. aerntnrv said he would not recommend anypeclric action of. this sort in irrnii"" papers. The Secretary's approval J-f the findings. It was explained, officlal ly cleared the military record of Col. Beck from any question ot dtahonor. which might have arisen from the manner In which he met hi death and made It possible .for the benencianes ot wi "' - , after the secret convention of the communist party at nriugn " MirhiMn. vesterday by Michigan state authorities disclosed a pro aiam for the organisation of com munist groups in the army and navy and for the initiation of mil itant action on the part of rad ical, in the United States, accord ng to information from official sources In Washington today. William J. Burr... chief of the Bu reau, of Investigation ot the BeP?" " i.,.i rtd ned to comment the Michigan arrets 1, 1,11,1, iir of Dorothv Rleanor Knn ball, attractive Maiden girl, by the girl's mother, caused her roman-1 tie elopement and two secret mar riage ceremonies to become kntwn. This was revealed today by Miss Kimball whose secret marriage to I.eroy It. Gurley, of Ashevllle, N. c.v, is not known to even her most intimate friends until they read of it now. , Seated in the drawing "room of her aunt's home at Number 7 Iawrance Street, Unden, the vi vacious seventeen year oki ormo ( unfolded her romantic story, to the corresoondont of tne n vljle, N. C. Citizen.. Ler'oy an! I became wonderfully attached to erich ether within the lant few months." she declared. "We loved each other and al though we were young there was nothing to prevent our getting married save that Leroy hud one more vear to serve In the nnvv. e Is attached to the U. S. Battle ship Maury and his enlistment vrtll be up next year. , "H pleaded with me not to wait that long, and loving mm as i am, consepted. "It was so romantic that we had planned It for weeks. On May ty night he called for me ed we drove to Providence. K. I., where we had hi. niannii. and In a lew 1. The association met as a, wlioU this worning, almost unanl- 6 muusly decided to . continue M stand against restoring the strlk-, -. ... . i. i . . u 1 , .r .naeente,1 I ay. I it is unuersioon i era wn n uic.r , a.n u......v.--, hnh already been try-J and dire cted tta committee Jlmlson by John Hloop, posloflic; rlcrk. -Monday.i It Is understood Mr. Batrett lng to run down the author it an nnnnynii, us better recently received bv Mr. .Ilinlson and had offered reward of four hundred dollars for evidence t convict the anonymous wrlti.'r. Monday night while three cnmpMiieif of troops were guarding" Kioop, Barrett passed tne guara met lat week with the rotHr 1 hood chiefs to draw up a iBju.a . tlcm embodying this dectsion. f i. lhe committee aubmltted the ! reHolul Ion after the noon recesi,: nnd after its adoption left for thei f.rand Cenlral station and tram . mlted the messlige to the commit. J llnf: while old cltisens here were tec represented the running trane. l.-iVig rtfused admittance Into the ara nhout the postofMce and suc recded ln getting into the postofflce tut here Postmaster Boy den stopped b'ni nnd later he was es corted out of the building. Tues day night he was advertised to ad who have stepped into the shoea M meuiators. inese rooumiun,.: before going into conference, Issued a' statement asserting that thoj strike must be settled because the. pu illc di'ihanded it and aetttin' dress a mass meeting of citizen?, . operate the trains form that partj j collect th customary six months' otner qurl. U ' Cpayea lowed offlcers.k.Ued In line 1 1 Jco.n of duty GRAND JTCRT INDICTS pNE OF "OWN MEMBERS GOt,TSBOROr Aug. 2-The Wayne Courity grand Jury day '"'f. one of Its own members W. W I h ur vln. 70 years of age. on a tatutory charge.. The grand Jury promised to let him Off if he would marry the wonSn" which he proml. I to do. h. h.n he made the attempt, he dfscovered that she had two pieiuivntly In the Interest of the strikers. The nudience gathered In tne rojrthouse and a squad or Hvo of r.iildiers began marching in front of the building, but Mr. IJnr rttt di.l not show up Another spfinkei announced that he was un able -to get there. Later In tho nint he was said to have gone, t) Charlotte. Anniiun ement of the issuing of these warrants, and the posting of Governor Morrlsjn's proclamation on telephone poles and In public places In Salisbury, Spencer and Kast Spenrer, by solillers from ('.imp Morrison, featured an other. we normal day. One companv of soldiers continue on duty ln thid hours we were made man and wife by clty be.ns stationed at the South- ern passenger station, the court living Allen, ece? composed mostly of striking pding over superior court ?."m.nt and cteras. to vote for the ordered an investigation. . . i nf the communists - soviet Russia ana mo r . ..- - Soviet Russia" In the United Mates had been established- with the com munist party, otherwise known In America l under its reorganliatlon name as the Workers Party Many prominent alleged commun ists who attended the convention managed to elude the authorities by Automobile0 according to We.on here. These included, officials serted, William Z. Foster, of the Trade Unions Educational Mague. described as active in communist cnciU; Boris Relnsteln formerly military propagandlth Hjj . man cards are -ataeaea --"" '"yia S? een7 Kk he concluded. OFFICERS SEIZE BIG MOONSHINE STHX on County, s x miles North of But fer .It was of 0 gallon cpsclty. fully equipped and eerved with a 'r... nlrv. line more than a t.W mlli Voi.1. - El" Blklns waa aixeated. - -- rrnrvic CASIXE CACGHT VNPETt FAMJNQ HORSM ITHACA. N. T.. Aug. Ca .i. i- nre lire known as air. i. l!. nu.i. this morning waa ciuiht under her falling ff-ME heT collarbone waa hru'v.J , i, . hfli.v for the New York Tul- "h". h.rf the misfortune of be- tlre section. r r thrown at a barrier. Physicians Th building, which to on of mg y w MBC,n n fan th most ttrMtm "j, . engagement Tabulating Votes Cast In Circulation Drive Delays Announcement Of Winners -We had the most delightful hon eymoon among the hills of Rhode ls tand but It ended soon, because 1 fad to return nulcWy l a few day. "o mother In Maiden and I.eroy was called to hie ship. My nwthe,rIth"' 1 was visiting re atlves. and I tlbbed to her aid told her how fine they w E HAVE ITH US TODAY -W. D. TYLER of the public which knows neea t why a settlement must come." - . Thf brotherhoods then ad-J vnnced another proposal; I. o tha.i the atrlker be 'reinstated in tn p jsitlons of the class they orlgl- l ir.illy held on June 30;'' that allij; be leatored not later than October) 1 und that disputes which mlghtU arise over seniority right be re-j fi-itd to the Railroad Labor IhMid. l.ater It was suggestelii that settlements by. Individual, rof.ds ) made on this basis. Kxprutivr Rt-preseirtatlvea l.liide Press Men ' 4. The tommltteea representlnifi executives and the big five, depart-J l.ig by back stairway to eludaj newf papermen, then- repaired Vi the l'alo Club and brotherhood! Colia4 o tf fwl t SOUTHERN IE. CHURCH TO RAISE SCHOOL STANDARD Delarlng that while a business engagement brought him to Ashe vllle and the Lnd or tne nay at this time he plans to spend at Commission Charge of All GENERAL BOARD OF M. E. SOOT LAITY ORGANIZE Having j Educa tional Institutions Acts counting the mllllona c-iat by the drive member In the tight week' campaign enaea Satutrtay haa proven Digger ii. taan waa at first preaumed. Due the fact tnat aucn m amount of clerical worn - tlou for vote credit under fore going extra vote oner number oi iudkiiii " -----deposited in the ballot box during hi t.. itav of the tig drive, it in k. n.ruaarv to devote another Say or two at leagt to aummlng ujUi result of aoh eontewtant woik an riving th total of rote that each member accumulates Reallylng the tremendous lnter- s. lha' ha been createa Dy big.prixe event ana tne inu. M&MAnB who are inwuua'j . the outcome, the least a few days In the enjoyment of his surroundings, W. V. Tyler, of Dante, Va, president of the Southern Forestry Congress, made known hi delight at being once more, In Western r.onn uarouna. catlon Mn Tylr la sieaa or tne iimi c- . iu8ka. Decision to Increase the stand ards of the colleges and other schools under the supervision of the Methodist Episcopal Church. South, was reached at yesterday' session to the Commission on Edu- ln session at Luke Juna- tate department of the t uncnneiai Coal Corporation which owns mine and forest property covering up ward of 300,000 acres in live ooun The higher standards will be recommended by this committee to the Board of Education of the Church. The commission fixes the ties of Southwest Virginia. Its land, BtandiUX)s whitih go - before the holdings are the largest ot any corporation within that State, he asserted. Mr. Tyler is making Grove Park inn hia hendauarters. He came to the city to confer with other of- u ...i.u'K - . , . line cuy 1 ' " , :udra have been working; Indus-1 . , f tne 8onthern Forestry .-. I. th ennOUnCement .. ,h. forthnnmlni f ,,.w tn make th ennounceme of their findlnga eat the "'"" pjuible moment oomawni th care and accuracy . attend tte count, in. their assistant hope to be able to the full and detailed etat men In Friday paper and re nuset -.h publlo indulgence and p'llenee. Th winner of the regu far prise ar- to b determined be sides th winnere ot th extra gold iiute I'nnirM. UDOn in iortnconiins ..herinr ln Montgomery. Ala. Mr. Tyler waa pleased to le that Tvlr was nleasea to learn Buncombe County haa taken a for ward step In eo-ope ration with State-and National agencies assist ing ln the preventloa vnd control of forest fire. The Virginia man i. awomDanied by hia daughter. Miss Elisabeth Tyler, who la en joying the mountain of the Old North State Board, and in general aupervlses the educational matters pertain ing to the church schools of this denomination throughout the en tire South. . The commission also assists other boards ln standardis ing the educational work. Just what Increased standard win be Disced In effect will not be announced until th commission's decision is amrmea ny tne noarn of Education, but the program .-ill nmvlde higher standards in all colleges and school under th ..fctimh. The membership Is made up of ten practical educator presided over by Dr. W. P. Few, President Body Authorized at Hob Springs conierence: Meets at Junaluska. Judge W. Erskln Williams. prominent attorney or ort Worth. Texas, was elected presi dent and Judge T. H. Tatum. of Sumter, S. C. Recording secretary of the General Board of my Activ ities of the Methodist episcopal Church, South, at the nrst meeting of th board at Lake junaiusns, vesterdav. The board will remala in session three days. Other exec utive and associate secretaries win be elected later. This board was created by th neneml Conference oi tne tnurcn ut Rnrimra. ArK.. last opnn n,l met vesterday far organla( tlon. This hoard will hav charge .u Hi.tinctlve activities of lay men In the church. It is to be th, great promotional Doara oi -w. k or,. i assist all other board In the development of their work. The ultlmaie end Is to mak, an .,i... -..-.rkltiK force in all tn .as i.l churches In Southern .....h..,.n, it la not a board to carry forward 1U own punose but will. Plan and work: for th promotion or.- -yj-

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