TH eorge. idtferifc ;n.v ;auy -jally 2 Th.. lo Ion? ich i a re; : to itJmnJ iy art IKRf; l:i ft 1 Ulurt ! foed, ' rami nt t- 1 dene ?0 cl.:- . t 0U J . .oj.oj fKtlll , iend - - ! in bet r; I it of tha 1 of I wl a c ; t re d It f ail I hi p; iutjl eclK' Itid , pligj t rag A cn4i ith ia 1 intaraj citad-j FOUR THE A3HV1LIE CfTlZtfl. WEDNESDAY MORNEYC, SEPT. IJ, 1922. THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN tht. errors ff 'a-::.-::.:.r. r 2 - i-r--Grg ?;"--( ."r.i-.ei A H S f'j-4.f ' r -. r?,r K R- .', i, Hi gin . , i.i ift i . t a . ?' r '... r-.A-'fr ,, tr . ' a ' I n: '." .l' ,'.K ' l ii .'. .-, r ?..-- . ..;! fM-U4X' . . 4;,. A4"".r i rr' - . ; 4. ! ; Cv.y ?". ' , i ,-.;- - . I.? C- -m r-r -, i . . . . :m J1 ID (iirff la .-hili aivi embus') !.!; -1 - ' - .- ! I'f 'j rV;-4?-,- . t .1-1 r 4 Tl f T' rl n : "- f . .r. .. 1 4 jf JW .-. 4 SJ-'t--- ?.'. . . ..' f f (Hi ! i iB t"atd xi f. ' t)!:r -'"jni. i rtr ;i a4. '... r I ItMiiT.aad ipart.lay. Monrh is vaw. . ITi, fc4 J.4&. ,3 J. A4 . a4a... ..Vj, : I iy 4vr;, 1 Wi,waf ". 4e.a. 1 i; Pvnttr e-.r. 1 ;.r adsw -..-e : V Th It glad tc publish lettsrs. net ; to Ivrg, on matter of gcr ir.r. Hit aairb. mmr8ir.iJ:kjf mart be a-tctr paniat by lb rI tas. if t!;t n r vn vhta ''j ; ra fc pf(i!;r.4 erirf a oo-r. da jIie. Th ; ClUx. ef c-ttra. rtawTca h r'.''! W r j r artte rMrtvt frr ttia -o'4 of tfca Fa. j Ar. Op pon unity For Schoola And Lbcr Uniorj .. v ' ,.. f.M t-tr. fnrl ;a fc;j: '.r t.'r.rr un. f.-m (,r:u ;a 1. r. . tif -: -4 a y Ij'r.rtt t : . .r f s 7a ,.. r..j r.r 1 .( trr.: lfcn. It lu : '.'t f'.'- r ?..: r 4 n ; ' i-. l .;. a r. J u. Jjr, 10 ' it .-. - r . .: ri: j3i :." ,' r.;A-: .ivi :et4 ten - - $. fr-.m (laex.. I-. h ...'.! ; r ,.-'. of tar mr.. uij :. o? kiaj. a.r?-.-l . i r. o cf c.-t. 4.1: ! .-.-.4 aavt b4 ? r.i. t-4 a empar-'. -i --r.'Ji-.-: -ftj-y h t --S t pf in In- ; The Nature Of The Kw. T r.: N.-jf. ruin nr. a a'-',. urctt !i Xia Ter Cy a f, :-U at cABia W:::iaj K aaa. tati- a.-.-l rei.i. :o tr;art thlck-tecar! jv.irr.: T.n-- a a, rr.3 Li'i.ra dai, cd I asr. f- -44 T.vjr f--.joa r r itaiti Ti dt4 ijvrtwi.-. Krtr. Un-i.1j Kix n;a-..l 6x4 a lev kiun U:cr la a r.'.tj.u: f-ra e4 aior.e; osaaia Astiaj en ! f raw:-z i'a a awavoaj) Miara 'fea ic w It 4wn ' avoir AorM Carolina THE -PICKET' J .r - a r. ir :.-..-.i--.of"-a4 i a jV-;' 4w:t Mn -'-'i ar. iu R w ; !rr -rrr) fort- ,r. : t'-.r.-'i it '4un:; in :h !i':jr papn V " ' arry S aiw. t J;-".- n f.-a:Ti- T:..: r; .1:-jf j ::- dereuri rip'A after t a " r n-.-.r r'J una , n . h'.rr.. H ' 1.4: !h it. H haa rrvaJa i! h.j profe. .... ;j i'.ic-;ac4 ma i. - .". i rv.r.:i i.a a&w.i "r ci - ii.4i iiaiit , fx. ..... a c.rtta . i&.ift .'.-ii.'a Itiia, at f :f :'. .'j : :aat f - Uito ta . n f-. -r .f i-.e i, - t ? . 4r .Lr. ?ra: H.rl wf . ;r:r.'j a t. m;--h is ta-fe : ar.d crr prhrj. pr 4&y bT4rv4fr pubiiafc 4.r.s : ij!iB North ::.4r... it vr i..4-ur . ' Tf KjiV-ia (: mii 11 .. rth Carl:s. . '..- .-lar j ;-4.r.f 4 - t; traiirf f n .in tiuc 'T4i - . f N'r. Can- ' jj - 4i of fra:u aad -.!- Iippuf-,. trf-acht. dt- !. .r.;. 4t. .u!tta : carr; Chat ar-.'rfria Infn kj'io'Ij' pvnx evar tba fTt tha r..!roi wra Scana tftmand-ua . 4 ji , 1 lOf fair pU in' r:-..t ,r ar r.I'.-d with' haa d;itrat:- r,A h:n;f out- ' e-n 1,1 oa::r;wttli j am ur.d.r sowam-et cB:rol. b;r ih, j lo rl f hT t""!'" t-t th h r.-t prt -ir.mni of that law. whieh t'm cam cut I h co arl. aff wft:eh b rrjita w of txva UB1U4 BtatM Treaaury. ttet thar I ,lw "' c Tr r l' i . . c r. t'a .... . . .. . - I to iima.f. Anl 'ha: it a.! ha '.hlr.xa abo'jL ! t... v. ! at. ir ni Trs; -h aertg 4a:tT of pop- , j kl.: a :d Xorih Carole t J j.r ,.:e to !h jiuar jr.jie. thai nt daatha from typhoid fever I , r-j.-a in i4 w niia in x 4 - rc of tj-phid 10 ii;rrji.j. ni Tn: :a a.i r -.nir.xa local. Tk.. k... MEMBERS THE AiWX-TJlTKD PRES ar 4 Mm 9i0ctmm mt mm 4T4TMM4 M M 94r. 4M L. ,. ,. -.......fc,. .h, T-J ar R, mora af t to fnd in ht a eh.-d ' if V4- W ail Uaiaa. ; ; at ta r.v rat were cona.draDfy ahortned. ' ; ;i. i.;.n-4, an3 t .- lht every towti 1 tv.. .w. 1. .v.. ! of -ir.:lerat. for cthera than you r toh" :n Haia. ! Tfiftf fit.M a ' Af r 'I 4- - a r.e4 to ha tha r;!- - nr' 'Jn''r -h'' ,ar-f-'"51 rth. " anoii! j.-..m ar awmuiw to ih aea. ' ' ;hive" ." i ' ur .v.-a r.j ta.r.:a.i , Wednesday Morning. Sept. 13. 1922. Some of The CUiztn't Ambition For Athecilie and Wentern !iorth Carolina: 1. A Bard-ararfacayJ h'.nhwtr from Athc--rlTla ta th,i of ery eotioty a i Joiataa' BuneotDb. . rUr4-arfc4 hia-harayaeeaMxstiactha eapnaia au msunuia eoanti. . Kor toariat botela In th! who! aAnttn region AND ANOTHER C0M HERCIAL HOTEL roa HEVItJUE. 4. KaCiilit'itneat ef addittonal Surnmer Camp HchooLa. I. In-rea4 oh of tb foreata for ra. raatloa aa4 aoort. A cantrai nark wtta a aratam ef amaller parka. T. A aoilaca la Aahanilia bnilt anon Toaaitatipaa araad aaouca to aupport a rrat onleeralty. a- A greater Hummer School., with enr- Itetilara arranajedl to cly vocaitoaai tralnlnr lo arta an4 fnduatrlea. .- That ru merit ait d!r;ariia tba fact that '. it aKpir.e'a r. rotd ao auoated that they may bu.Id up a ; ji i i2 aurptst for ere4:t and for a rainy day qmi i 11 thus fr hf 'M ieM!,r Wia'Js k:a- , Tht are aer.4 in th maati- ;,4.M i ik. 4. r. t . .. . ' ".it rj-anufacture of the aa harmfui h'laor ha, i' tjie of toba.-to. , oad In the aVp. Bat a newapaper J In or, i T.'i.; r.ave inn iarfeat pulp! aiae a forum; the public can reavl and Judg. D" " ' ,e" " nlm tnan n r;l rverthea. it M a pity that tb public ' " ' ' t ;; ;re o! furniture. -,..n k.4 k.j ,..,.,. K. 1 vTien he bei;e thai he ran make a qulcir' Tt'- e have the aeotmd iai tfsttli stvt haya ha4 an opportunity when at J a:umi.nam piaat in the world. aehool ar.d thia ef eoorae include the labor ! r4 l:"'r d"Rk ,rhlc! k;Iii! Thit ive the iargeat t Tiut e are se.;unJ ia the mar.u- ' fnton men ar.d their Jea4?r(. to learn at leaat j the baaie principle of economic crA ean t away with Is. he mi'A do it." If piant in the world. Tnai the aamiary privy law - - . u .. , ........ .. ' . i . . : ' m Ih4 i ...f 'i4 vtr naiMfi hv I 1 any irtate. from a ir..Lr avsd Back To The Bliddle Ages f fradarte J, Maaklp. ona of Tbt Citizen , Waahlngton eorraapondanta, la amazlncly opti mlatic Not the aalticf eonfUenea and far- flung hope ef the man. "Tha paycholotint. . ha aaid in aa artlcj publlahed on thia pas jaaterday, "with hia uncanny knowledge of hunum complex, may anon b expected to TUX aJi imporunt part Is our court cf Juatlce." If. befora framing that preaictloji. he had a rod ltd oonditlona In North Carol! aa and many 'other States, that optimtara would not have perched ao in-ondly upwi h:a prophetls pen. J Hi article cam only a few day after an , Interchange of editorial comment between The Craenifooro New and The Goidboro New had brought out the faet that, when thia State dl- y ' cover a man to be criminally Ihaane. ahr f a locfc him wp In a penileasUry and refimea him medical treatment f:r the lirkneae of h! artind. In other wnrd. while Mr. Jiaiiitln telia t Oertnan court employing fxychologi! I & Jja" on diacrepande in evidence, we cling t-. a ca:om that disgraced tip Middle A. : bare saved ao many miundrtanding and heart-turning, ao much atony of mind, so much printer Ink. We recommend that a Primer of Economics, short and simple, be prepared and mad a compulsory study in every grammar school, in every trade-union hall, in every business organization. It should stats hrt thst capital is not wealth. Capital, joined with labor, produce wealth; neither prodJce it alone, although labor leader have the l!uor that kills alfwly. he will at ones ahuc axpct. make and -II that which kill, sadden. That j J.X U the nature of the beaet everywhere. The! 7 hat e have the largest denim I mill In the worM. man who patron: a bootlegijr is taking a I That North Carolina haa the . . . ,,, ru. , . I h:ehet mountain eaat of the M.a- chance fn his life. When he survives, he t, Fiimls, That more people were vfcecinai rti ascainxt typhoid fever in 12! .hui in any other State. - v- lA.T;w Jf. -n v ( 6C Wt2 D-'Y4 LOO OftFUL UKOflfQKffLZ'BfT VK JVmJfCJ Mr Vff FT Jlrrmv ivnnoiM -wim VtKK &0 r PLTY M Wvr?? WnZJr fcr IAT l rtUCH CL S IXb' W kO0f X FULL't 06 FOX JQURRL AOw-AAT&RfPtS WTVICS W?7?5 A Arc WFPF ? TM FJWArj jrU GOOD - TOO . , , t ' a -a x. '" -. -r-j- . r. r s nri sated not by th bootlegger'f "honesty" but because circumstance have not made it easier - . . , ,, , that more children were vaccj- for tho bootlegger to ae.l w.ft rilti aeam.t diphthen toin r j antitoxin' than in any other South- j em c'tate. Kepublicana e-videnny perceived the danger TnAt over 59 P'r cent ot the i population of the State are served been known to make the opposite claim. If; of the people getting hot under the coiiar as j by whole time health department. a result of having no heat under the houw. ! u ,hf. Urgnt d8nbutins center . t '.'A h J-o-eie-tr:c power in the f.Tid. it The Cif.xen ha often emphiid the im osibUlty of our courts dieniriT an even- band-d justlre wi'hout the aid of an expert jiiychologiet and paychiatrut h(M buine 4t should b to establish the reip'n:bitity : trresponsibility of the ac used. Hut it would ts of little avail to determine the mental con dition of a priaoner If, after finding him ab normal, we locked him up In a Jail and made ntt even a pretwie of providing the profex- . sional rkill that would hal his mental sick ness. s "Having no fund fop the cars of then Insane," Mya ' The O!dsboro News, "the man ag"mer.t of the ftat peni'en'isry can not run a lioepi'al " Enormous indictment! Illlmit able vaete! Men who m.ght be re'.ired to tennc.-n and returne-i t ihe world's worker left to be'-omo Iranian for l.f. jch wanton dt motion, s-jch ,:) cruelty, ba neither labor alone could produce wealth, Russia would today be the richest country Instead of tii world's tragedy. Old Father Abraham, al u ot far back s Adam. was. a capitalist. hut the darkest age of history contained none. Th countries of those periods were as Rossta today, made up of non-capitalist. c autocrats and oppressor (knowing nothing of enterprise) md slaves. Capital ia enterpriae. specialized knowledge and good credit. It is very shy. th avt. And wealth is dependent upon cir culation of capital; movement. Rob and pllaaga a merchandise shop, and what have you? Per haps of the goods the shop puts out in a year, and then a dead shop v dead gooe that lays for th community no more rf-rido-n egg: stagnation. Tfiat is Russia. By all means, let us have a few leesons In ef4n write. e . A Forward Step For The Episcopal j , JIhVvTkr"n" 5 P?r Church Yfte Aahevhie- Missionary District of the Protestant Episcopal Church is new the AShe vllle Iioceae. Approval by the General Con- . . . ' -K veniion 01 in rejuei or xne a:sir:ct cnurcne was not unexpected, but nevertheless the con- That Xor:h Carolina ha tt.e highest birth rate. 33 4. and one among the lowest death rases, ll.v of any flat In the Union. NO WO.NDEP. THEI HESITATE HE'S ONLY A NEU'SPAPER MAN. Vv'HAT DOES HE KNOW OF BUSINESS I By JOHN LATHROP In Editor And Publisher. .In your heart, Mr. Business man Critic of the Newspaper Press, im agine you every 2 hour having to tell to the whole world thi- thing you Have done. Have you, . Mr. Average Business Man and Mr Average Citizen and Citlxenesa kept ao closely to tha lino of rigid truth ? as you understood truth aa this I newspaper puousner wno lays ta-, fore you and all men his daily; record 7 May you. Justly anf falr- xr. - ' ; p.a.n. KONusinmi "j an j that full meed of credit for sincer- VIS- a pereonii, ipecieu 1 qaate supply ot ina, oiacK ana Jty wni(,h honest men mm .... .'t.i ugui,i.4.c-y w : vwrr-u. wiiK!i ai rnusi oe DuugiiL manifest? ek-cted, he would have to do with ' ject as to oualitT and time of de- . ,nwspafter man referred to the si-ai and .-.fhe himnMi nf i Iv4w to oit ri.i.4U the beginning was not elected. that municipality, immediately af-; own "and the other manufacturer 'natead a man of immensely lesser ter he was nominated, his oppo- ; troubles. ' business experience got the office. nent. a merehant dr. i H mini r.....u. -j .i.i cut this defeat was not . charac- clared that the other nominee was ! and operate most expensive fac- j leristlc f the recognition of news- oniy a newspaper man. w am n.a tory. into which every factor enters- !" " hat knor of aithMM?" which makes up the operations of wlk1f. ' ilfe- Durln contact with neanng t.iis declaration in cam- i other manufacturers. This plant 'w poini up to date, and maintain- rfaer?. 01 P";ic concerns, tateiy, vention'a action will bring satisfaction Enisconaliana and contrratulationa fmm iieir I r a""'- "BOlltlcal flappcrism') friend in other communions. The change In - organization of the district ia a measure of its growth in communicant. in financial resource and Sn it Influence aa an agency for the promotion of epiritual inter ests in Westarn North Carolina- Establish m iCopyrigtit. lilt ) i '-ou:nem eauors lament tnat in paign meeting. I asked the nes-;mustbe l 1 i'i i4Ae arui r ini-rra; 1:1 ntrt 111 : r, . ,.0 . man .ft.- k. I . . . . Vi . A i. tkn, .. . . , -. LI.L to , politic the women of the South meeting, these jaiiona: I will insure evenness of nrodumion '.tVhat is your function in news- I for time, tide and preaa time wait j paper work ? Have you succeeded on no man. In the days of my youth, down in In your business? How long have He must deal with labor in prac I:. I J'O'J conducted it?" tically every branch pressmen. Where ai; women are charming! "For twenty years." he replied. I machinists, compositors, stereotyp and fair. s "i have been the publisher of mvm electrotypers., engineers, Bre- I was taught to believe that a maid ; daiiy newspaper in this city, "l , ate", paper hapdlera, engravers, should receive s have made it a profitable concern. ma.lers, driver of trucks, book- Jlan's homage and chivalrous ; 1 have paid every obligation. 1 JTteepers, clerks, collectors and a care .have never had a not go to pro-! dozen other kinds. I was taught that her place was ten. My. credit is good at tht A salesman? He must sell every . spieaa woman Krace bank and with the ui.r.'v hnncA. " aay on snort time orders thousands " mxnrm n im cps4.imt And to radiate feminine charm. It ltd me to om mental .r. and thousands of Individual niece, who waa in Tears man duty was j uiation a to this: What a a sue-1 of n's product. He must get the 1 newspaper man!" And that man's primal I have discovered that at least half of them have had some training in journalism. And one must con feas that. In meeting thee leaders in keeping track of large current event or national and internation al import, the task is easier and the result more satisfactory when j the other man shall have been one oniy w newspaper man. For,' If ao, how human, ho understanding, how broadly ln; lonnca on wnat nas been an what 1 that fellow proves to b sheltering beauty The result in Maine indicate a conviction that republican steps toward stable comlitkmj '.ive been mis-steps. And to leave aU its tricks to the province of man. Even Maine Is Apathetic Xaine time-honored barometer of nation al i-oi!!ic. registers a reading easily accom noiUtfd, perhaj-s. to the faith of orthodox Republican' or Iemorrai. "Hut the fact atand out tha? all Republican ma;or.Ua ar rather rif.'ssri ifiy ut dowr;. In thre-quafers 'f th Htate, !he Repui hcan vote fell off 12.00H below f.rjrfw while the Democrats gained S"Ci. Kenator Hale, Administration supporter and personal Jrier.d of President Harding, is re electxi. til-, whole t.cke! probably is. but ii. the ."ev ;tid District I'.vpreserKativa Vhite is having an iiric ifiifortably close rate with Mr M:J:j"i! ! n- rnocrat. Jf VI,ite loses, the nv.t UMtiperatitious iit;pu! in 4.n will feel a c. reep' nation Kn -wn tr iho4 w rr han'lwr.:injr on the wa'i fr M tii e has . seldom Iw.t l a Democrat to any effh-e tha- svn a narrow margti or Church in this territory is now able to atand I on lt. own feat and perform i" task on terms I of C'luaiity with the ma, yn::i tr.1- rhu-'. h 1'lie pe-oide of tht rev.on are l.rnir.g t'e habit of taking stock of their ma "erf.? pro- . .u k . . . ... , j She wxs taught to eipeef that the ? ' v' ' '''' ' " ' 'f men wuid protect proveir.enr of asri ulture, the development water power and manufactures, the betterment .f the puMi." n hole and the bu!!ding of high way. inarms a : vil! ue eq'-.ny welci-rned ,' ceaf jI newspaper publisher? What product to his customers with such ! From fnrce prriu-uve of harm. I u his business, when you take it to' ; She w hs scn ioied to place poli- j piece and look at the severs' I . ' naer ine can, j parts? I it jjalioed, after that process of analysis, to assert: That the successful daily news paper publisher is competent to claim classification among the men protect i wno spea with authontv on na- Fair w.-man from things that ' tional business affairs, on the basin annoy. i of his experiences in his own Lusi- And that however ciever no maiden j neaI should ever And. talking with various men He other than aenti and cov. kirk un in tha And. without quj-on, any eent tha-1 "h a "'' ahrlnk from publishing world, these were the ) attempting to think conclusion: s forward stP jn apl.-ttual achievement On political points of the day. 1 The successful dailv newspa- t uj per puojisner in a mar.uf ioturer. s.-m- ma.e auorer j -i;n au c the problet;w that face In superior masculine way. any other manufacturer, and some i-he darned it unce.-itle for ro- that are peculiar to the-publishing man to vote t business. And the mere thought of politics ! , . f. ... , . captured her stoat. . k- c j speed as no other manufacturer- i Tba lip-stick is beli-reH by rr.a t-i!:htir that :h t-ig sii- k. - sense of literary values, in order properly to supervise edttvnal LYRICS OF LIFE 1 By Dou!as raliot!.) Ma On Moto-Moter -rr, A T-. A: :ey c nt'jir plain I ad 'h.v is miir 'ier:t tha; riot. Co it. .r. cf a tin -. thrush th.t the ercirs h t t- a y h v i.fir i f h ; l'1 , 1 r w'i i. . Tlii was wen in its ear. out the . dontrtmcnl I v"'"' dismay j 3. He is and must be alway a j Now wasen the fair Southern correct judge of the state of the l.t!l'l 1 With woeful admission that this j pet tradition I Pi. 11 goren with tyrannous hand. j We are plaintively told that this j (aistorn of 61d t Perift aUogether'too much j And th 1! men now attack her and i and rail her a slicker. j A politifa! flipper, and such. ; Thoutrh t.-.ey've taught that the i r-trne ,-ts crattl by men. i W ' w,- tnn disgraceful for fmin;n ken. Felix Mils. salesman must at collect for his product from thou sands of customers agents and subscribers and the fleeting buyer! on the street and In the public place. j But he selis more than the fin- ! ishned manufactured material pro- duct. For the newspaper publish-' er is a salesman of advertising j space, which he must (it as to! price to the cost of production and the ability of the other business man to pay. To do this, he must maintain a staff of keen, expert, efficient solicitors and "ad" writer. with such a man over them as is competent to judge as to what kind and how much of advertising uusiiiesH man snouid buy iv i mii per ceiu result. . A Judge of literary values? Some of the cynics will laugh at that cynics of the ciasa who drool away their time for days to produce of ten that which posseases no more tain. H must Answers To Question! j i miuf TIm AMwrUM ciueae le (mautw Suras, nun J. auasiav -IM". Wis-Uiau. u. u. txos sliw Mruut u itfnnaatlaa. zs Bums UM tlta aertl 4 14(41. S1MI 4M aitibrlsl How a wLU at anews a tain 0K444O4 uvaaiM, Mr mo-iai4 k3.4 r44Mn 44 say KI4MSL KIK4 iw smttaa muair a krisar. til wl 444 artdtsa aaa aamaaa ma M Q. Are bathing place an imf porta nt factor in tranamltting dls .4 i -i t.f-ra.iy th is goe. So goes i vitstorj In or." t;. d .strict wr.u dafense nor To eape the charge of j Hok ,;k ""ghed n .-. balances and four Middle Age barbarism. North Carolina must ! pro lie psjvtiiatr!' a! reatn.ent f'-r her ;nr.t ; ' r "''" I'" ' If 111 prisoners. T' do J111r.ce in her court. " ,h" "-v,r tbu "s she have the serv.c-s if ir! h i and "' !f r1 l" "' 'I'-tie enthusiasm psjchlatria-. This .-a;e r.'t --.f? .rd ?., -r i.l! "n "' t; 'h'' " sa!wrts f.r tha avccompiiali :rmany In hiiimsnwu a. 1 .-.lightnn-.nt. i'"'C!i'-'' she Adruimstrat. r., ,f tbouaanu) of :; ,-,:.. 4e. ,,r Rnub.. .i:..m do not take rotih jtb- , t Kg, The "i.xr.T who says A: r '; l.- .i-;. 'on the East b llrr-ry ("s'-ot L .-dge a p. .on Wet by Hiram John.- r.. " n.ig'ht add t Henry Cabot I.cre is srre bounder. i J ! t to go to 'he t help guaran- I .- the f:. ;., a:: maj.r:- The line of as- r s Vst.c. i the ah rts-. distance into difficulties almost i.-resimble. 4 The Turk'B pursuit of the Gek u to the Quick Man of' Europe. i gress. what ffi-i '. or the ni:i- ..r.i rt il lalis in States where :tffecii...n f.-r he flrjrd iM l'a:- is far Us. ardent? In tn.4e ar.d doubtf-i! Stat.-s whte .ndependents dec -ile the ,- .e i niy a Revubii- an leadership tonftd'ntly M.nd t the p.ditica; signa will be .-.lie .iny f-r-.ain;y ,.f indorsement. If there Is ' -ntroversy over the real meanlr.f of h..v llnir.e g-r.e. it ... at least sure 'hv h lei't goirg n- i rnaily s-j-or.g for normal' v . j Tv r.r.te's ritht: -h' r?v. ia v-"r 1 i iha' s v t.,. n-ak--- th heat. Av i n::irried women a!! alopg n -nil kep !h.f-:r ''rc-.i.tT rve-t I' c a lilt! tv.ih. n wv.- l f'f k.ndn'-ss ri-".v ;,r j then. .t;'r- .a-ion lMi; tard From ths- (..d rj.arrte.l. men Ari' even -hn upon s hii'. A hiii shjt's hrsr.i to i.r.ii.. Th- !.; .f r.-.gines n a bf will h.'fr fur a time titnr'.t a rar. t ir r eri. ad a v . f. . In- a. that many women are Wi-hou't a little s-.r.fe. . t . if she ptta a !i-ti h. Th-y way some women do. Jt air. ; no fault of hers. I Set. Tlie one to I l.ime .s you. Thr tanit is y.urs. as l:ke as nor. The mcto-meter'e trere To h-iw a car or woman's go; To have a little care. (Copyright. ltU. ry Th 'McClure Ncwspa-a fyndiiat i ease? H. E. V A. A questionnaire on the sub; Ject was sent to J.000 physician recently. Of tha 150 replies rj ceivea. 70 per cent, believed bat ing places are important factort In spreading some diseases; 2a pet cent, thought they were not; foul per cent, expressed no opinion. Tht writers considered infections ol . . . . , . . - ! ... - --- . I 4V4. Mt 11444 thmaf nliln vanRTC I raino. xor upon mat nuxing nierary and social value I . j " - i ana nowing and mercurial thing I man quite as often some bright iuv-inUnw hi very business existence depend, i ""--'g reporter dashes off at fore- "m.. 5 tK.Uch .ad bee 1 Uf 4. He is and must be. according ' draft speed in half an hour mitted at bathing places. Anothaf to his conceptions, a servant of the I He mu"t see that th editorial 2.ues"on t1 to which tners. puoiic good; tor. unless he con- i uepanment maintains a level of .... """" aeuwrai vine and freshen that conviction meri' ih writing and gathering . en , ea ,.etllw accidents w every day. in the minds of a given ' nes and opinions and all of the transraission f disease , was portion of the newspaper reading multitude of specialties that make fater,d?nBer ln "r'mln re public, that he is conserving the ' UP th modem newspaper and do M opinions were given. Sixty- public good, he wid lose his fol- " 'thin the economic limit of the 1 ' . y ceni. ronaiaerea oantit-r . lowing and his business will die ' newspaperV-financlal rsaonre ! ,nfecUo. ,ne more important; Jf the dea-h. For the man who alt at ih. 1er. cent- drowning or accidents. 5. He is a s.iesman who must fountainhead of authority In the . a n rnt- neld tnat 11. iu 11. i.i.i-;ii..i among me mil. m a uatiy newspaper must lions of mental reactions and opin- . Kf pP always ;n mind the two e ior.s and prejudices and peculiari- j fer.tiais a high grade product and vi i.i itjp." ai iars;e. - is tu cost what the I . He is. above all; day by day. ! nswpaper may afford to pay aa ! the explcrer of an unknown sea. ! we!1 2 to find th money with i the traveler across an unknown which to pay for It. j land, the analj-zer of a cor-relation ' A public servant Aga-n the lit of social forces which are a com- j tie cynic mav laugh But recall , bination of a trillion of the min-! the course of Journalism which I utiae of humanity component 1 every day has to lav before the elements. 1 .hi. ..,.,!. 1. . . v' mportant forward 1 -, u. v. . . .v. "'"f11 work r. The Scissors Route THE WILIAM.TON BRIDGE. t.Vew and observeri The buildir.g of the Williamston brirli;e .;ver the Roanoke the form al ; of w hich was celebrated- jesterday at Williamston was one of "h moves that have been made in the ia'.e a part i f the general move ment f r the facilitation of travel I r were equally important. Q. Is the highest tlam In thi world In this country? J. J. A. The Shoshone dam ln Wyom ing is the highest ln tha world. W has a height of 328.4 feet. Anil P.lf sialyl . I' '.pSnill .n ....I1AIV11.I - . . . ' . . VI . .;' , ""I., psiitnii v.ij. luaii ana woman, which can but iron-rigid in determining, and I not be hidden away in records of, ,w hui uumtnni;, ito i meeiinfs ana secret conferring tor never! out must in the very nature of his uriaieni to k qestree It nas been long understood that m.v k. ia.... i. 'f-.n "err fa- .n? ' I thr?uh O-cle f year, carries on with exceptions here and there the 'NortVlinThas not .tood i jmefT because tasks .ooked difficult i , "nsmusi b. a m.iSon1 hhi nVr?0?? U to- r e!arv. it has gone ahead and I J.llf,. !"'h i i" .' very hrt is for the good Th V'terans' Bureau, with Jul.- v::h the Turks a bolder, ought to keep the. veterans fmm hav-l r.p. t t,.n,e rr..,,-,. gie ln their cumber aoraany iiag-holders. . Ana .Mm"t J-tn i-t-riojs. we tiiav ;aii major arroci t-EiJAL FEE. " ra!V o ask y-uraad sir, .niter .vour 'U.ghter ! f ii ha- las t . i.4-her v.. 11 '.-i,r 1 in ( -'iid make n-f sii,::hie w ire j Ii-.t;.ff No. I ..i t th.mi-. she would :rs. t,!f :iJ,e i. l..n Tin-4'l it.t Five dr.n b.g thing in a big way. The building cf the Wililarr.eton bridge is one of these things. It will prove a wonderful and not a convenience alone but a pay ing mve-strnen is to ne, socially, politically, econ- j of the people? rtnal.y, the newspaper of tnd.avs omtcally and from th standpoint of the patriot. A manufacturer? Each U hour he utilise fnna nf n.or.ntn. Transportaiion t bought in a changing market which tac.iiie wot an tne time for m- j must b transported by rati or wa ,rea!"d r-chf- Iter, trucked through the, streets. . ., . 'and arrive at the printing plant in Q. Dor. , .team pat.-i come i just thoe quantitie. and at Just to a stop at the end of u stroke? j ,hee hour, when they are needed tor r. cannot store hi paper u- J B ' A. At the end of ch stroke the pistnn is stationary for a frac tion of a cond. . --. plie in a w arehouse aa may most ! omer manuracturer. H. mi bring thU newsprint to 'recording of ti. curnt facu" icaieraay. it is admitted, there uc weaanesse. somewhat of pandering much of narrow par tisanship, sometime less than 100 per cent, honesty in reporting and printing what the world was do ing. Today the lesson learned, the da.Iy newspaper publisher reaches out into the rich field of fact, and redeems the public nreo .i,. confidence of the people by per i forming honest Work and faithful Q. Who wera the Biddenden Maids? A. H. Ii. A. This nam waa given to two unmarried sisters named Wary ana Ehzabeth Chulkhurat. born at Bid denden In 1100, and Joined to gether, aa tradition state, by tn shoulders and hips. They livsa for 34 years, when one died aaa the other, persisting ln a. refusal to be separated from the corps' of her gister, succumbed after sot hours. . - - - Q. Where is the largest In the world? J. G. R. A. The Cnlversity of . Washing ton at Seattle haa a stage in w stadium which ta aid to b. tW largest in the world. Q. What was the former Mf' ness. religion and organUatJon r- liation of the present Commissi er of Prohibition? F. M. A. Ray Asa Haynea was tw editor of th Pispatch at HillsNW hio. He is a Methodist, a. Ma and a Woodman. ! Q. What ia a social was R. - A Social wasps ar those U live in colonies and are all Pt makers. Their nests ar stomeUst" of large sire and shelter a P many individuals. - i Si