Administration Tariff Bill Compared With The Underwjood And Payne-Aldrich Tariffs THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPT. 13, 1923. NINE umi: Underwood, 10 jr WASHINGTON. Sept. 12. (By Tha Associated Press.) Herewith air riven the more Important diitlrs hi the administration tariff hill as final ly agreed upon In conference, with cimparisons with the Payne-Alilrlrh .-the last republican tariff act -anil tin Underwood lawa: Cattle, from 1 1-2 to to. a pound; I'ayns-Aldrlch. from 2 a heal to 17 1-8 per aent ad valorem; Under wood free. Sheep and goats, $2 a heart; r'ayne Aldrich from 75 cents to 11.50; Under -wood free. Fresh lamb, 4 v cents a pound; 1 1-2; Underwood fret . Hogs, 1-2 cent a pound; l'avne-AI- drk'h a neau; underwood free. Baoon, hams and shoulders, 2 cent a pound; Payne-AUlrlrh i cents a pound: Underwood free. Lard, 1 cent a pound: 1'iiviie-Al-.Aficlt-1 1-2 cem; iTiHlefwndti Tree-" laTtt. -effm-pomitfa ana mibstmiits 4 mts puunu. rajne-AHirli'ir (no ovlslon;) UnderwoiKl free. Milk, fresh. 2 1-2 cents a ir.iil,,,, J-ayne-Aldrlch and Underwood (mi corresponding provision; cream ''0 runts a gallon; Payne-Aldrich r. tents; Underwood free. Milk, crjsdensed or evaporated, un sweetened, 1 cent a pound, sweeten cd, 1 1-2 cents a pound; Payne-Aldrich 2 cents In each case; Under wood free. v Butter and oleomargarine and other butter substitutes. 8 cents a pound-J'ayne-Aldrlch 6 cents; Underwood 1-2 cents. Cheese and substitutes, S rents a pound; Payne-Aldrich 6 tents Un derwood 20 per cent. Poultry live 3 cents a jjfnd: Fayne-Aldrich 3 cents: lTndrwood 1 cent; poultry dead, 6 cents a pound-Payne-Aldrich 5 cents; Underwood 2 cenia. Eggi'"oir pbuTtryTTnhe shell. 8 cents a dozen: Payne-Aldrich 5 cents a dozen; Underwood free. Honey, 3 cents a pound; Pavne-Al-drlch 20 cents a pallon; Underwood 1(1 cent a gallon. Horses and mules, valued at not more than 1150 each, $30 each; valued at over 160 each, 20 per cent; T'avne Aldrlch $30 each, and 25 per cent,' re spectively; Underwood 10 per cent. Fresh or frozen salmon, mackerel and halibut, 2 cents a pound; Payne Aldrlch 1 cent a pound: Underwood )free; other fresh or frozen fish 1 lent a pound; Pnyne-Aldrich same; underwood free. Herring and mackerel, pickled or salted, 1 cent a pound; Payne-Aldrich 1-2 cent a pound; Underwood free. . Barley, 20 eents a bushel;,' Payne Aldrich 30 cents; Underwood 1 cent Corn. 16 cents a hnshnl- ai Wlrlch 15 cents; Underwood free: corn lineal, 30 cents per )00 pounds; Payne- -"v c-t?nis; urwierwooa iree. , Macaroni and noodles, 2 eents a pound; Payne-Aldrich 1 1-2 cents; Underwood 1 cent. Oats. -15 cents s. hihl. pin,A.ti drich 15 cents: Underwood a oatmeal, rolled oats, etc , Gents per 1 fin n ...... .3 . T 1 x I - I . - uuiiiib, j-uyne-.n!aricn 1 rent! a pound; underwood 30 oenta per. ,100 ("uiiiio. V Milled rice, J cents. a pound: Payne Aldrlch same; Underwood 1 cent. Wheat, 80 centa a bushel; Payne Aldrloh 25 cents; Underwood free; wheat flour, 78 cents per 100 pounds-Payne-Aldrich 25 per cent; Under wood free. Apples, 25 cents a bushel; Payne Aldrich 25 cents; Underwood 1 cents Apricots, green, ripe, dried or in brine, 1 l-2o a pound; Payne-Aldrich and Underwood free. Cldar, 5 cents a gallon; Payne-- uih-h v cents; unoerwood J cents. pi-i- li' I'1M!I, ,,,( a 1" u : i I ami ; l-r ,-, M ;,, 1, , Knit l'nilerw,-ar. pounj and :i'i ii,.r I'lnimi and ;,o ?i per per Figs, fresh dried or In brine, cents a pound; Payne-Aldrich 2 1-2 i-viiia; unuerwooa z cents. s Kaislns, I cents a pound; Payne Aldrich 2 1-2 cents; Underwood 2 loins. iLemons, 2 cents a pound; Payne Aldrlch 1 1-2; Underwood 1-2 cent. iimes. oranges and grapefruit, 1 if a ouna ayne-Aldrlch 1 cent; wwu i-a cent. njiives. in brine, green, or ripe 20 cents a gallon; . Payne-Aldrich and tjiiuerwooQ jo cents a gallon. rKuiies anu pears, l-j cent a i-vunu, -ayne-Aiancn same; Under wood 1-S cent. A 'Pineapples, M cent each; Pfyne Aldrlch 4-5 cent; Underwood 1-3 cent. Marmalades, Jellies and fruit but ters, 35 per cent; Payne-Aldrich 5 cvts a pound; Underwood 1 cent a PVund. .Almonds, unshslled, 4 3-4 cents a Pund; Payne-Aldrich 4 cents; Un derwood 3 cents: shelled, 14 cents a pdund; Payne-Aldrich cents; Under wood 4 cents. iAlmonds, unshelled, 4 3-4 cents a l'dund; Payne-Aldrich 4 cents; Un derwood 3 cents; shelled, 14 cents a Ttind; Payne-Aldrich $ cents; Un- Drwood 4 cents. Brazil nuts, 1 cent a pound: Payne 'irloh free; Underwood 1 cent. Cocoanut meat, shredded, 3 1-2 ;',ntj a pound; Payne-Aldrich and l fiderwood 2 cents a pound. Peanuts, ' unshelled, t cent a Pund: I shelled 4 cents a pound; 1 ayne-Aldrlch and Underwood 1 cent " -.pound In each casej t. - ,walnuta of ail kinds shelleW, 4 centa a pound; Payne-Aldrich 5 centa; Un derwood 4 centa Peas, green or dried. 1 cent a Pniind; Payne-Aldrich -12th cent a pound; Underwood ,-l-th Cent a fund. i; finions. 1 cent a pound; Payne-Al-;'Mch 40 cents a bushel; Underwood -f cents a bushel. iTrlsh potatoes, 50 cents per 10ft PJunds;. rayne-Aldrlch 25 cents a t-sshel; Underwood free, i.matoS?' 1-2 ccnt Pound; Payne - Wrlch, 25 per cent; Underwood 15 Pr cent.. . rsn fi CM,ta Vr m pounds; ' i.vne-AIdrlch !S tier .n- it wpod 15 per cent. ' Chocolata-and cocoa, 'i cents a r2.ndV Pame-AJdrich from 1-2 ;r .? . fx"""! to 60 per cent; Under cut m 2,centa a Pund t" 25 per dsTih"": J f?".'" pound: p'yno-ai- Pmd Underwood 1 cents a Sugar and manufactures of: i 1 $7 ,.CU.n. Prne-Aldrlch, woJLtli" 1" Cfbn raw) Under " cnt Cuban rw.) Pound; Payne-Aldrich same; i "derwood t cents. , Sugar, candy and all confectionery ZJT' c,nt: Payne-AIdrtch from 4 re? L". p?nrt nd 16 P1" cent t" 6 !,V Sn,: Ur"'rwcd 1 cents a pound oof and manufactures of: ei...,r wo!- 11 cent a pound of cent", 'on'ont: Payne-Aldrich 33 i Undorwood free. trZ?u!!n "nd ehiMiwn's dress- goods. 11 eents a pound and 5(1 n.r i Payne-Aldrich 11 cents a eeti,. . . , ann " pr ent to 11 Merwood 16 per cent, "veri'tl efVr mn'"'t. and i . j "' trom 33 I Pound and 50 per cent to 44 - r - t""" ana e per cent, 1 oo4 it per cent- Blankets., automobile robes and "mllar article, from II cents a round and 0 per cent to 17 cents a Jund and (40 per cent; Payne-Aldrich m 21 cants a pound and 80 per to 11 cents a pound and 49 per -nt; Underwood 26 per cant. AHos and half feose, gloves ani? Ti'lttnsf from 34 cents a pound and ;HPer eent to 45 cent a pound and ') per cant; Payno-Aldrlch. U cut, i - . .... . - i-i-nt 41 rents rt-nl. U ndrl '.Vnuil, r i rm frini ofl rents a ?iit !o 4.", rents a rent, I'Rvne-Al. ilrlfh 4i centa ;t pund anil g p; rriit. I iidi-r i.u.l :t.",,Pr rent. Sweattri and mtirr out.-r wear knil or rro'-heted, rrum an ceiua a pound and An p,.r . ent tn 45 centa pound and 6u per rent, I'avtie-Al- nnrn 44 rrtitN a prutid and 6i ''it. I'lideruiHid :i."i rent. I'lotliiim' anil hi li. r articles of wear Iiik apparel, nut krnt or rriit-lie ted, Horn i'4 runts a iniiind and 4 per rent tu 4.'i r-nts u iMiiind and 5il nei- cent; I'ayne-Al irlrh 44 renin a pound aim on per i-imt, t min-wond 3, ot-nt. Oriental and rln-nille Asnilnster, curpeta jiutl runs, percent: r'aynr-AJdru-li, tiu , rinjiH a .i-ijaani- -anr-and 4't prf rent. Underwood 35 per rent. AxmiiiNier carpets and tuks not "peclally ptuvided for. and Vt'ilum and ilrusarls carpets n(J ;ruga and vthel and tapestry carpet and niijs. 40 per rent; I 'ayne-Aldrlch 40 centa a wiuartt yard and 40 per com to S ct-ntK a wpiaru yard and 40 per cent: Underwood from 25 per rent to" 3lt per rent. Cotton and manufactures of: I'ottim sewing thread, from 20 per cent to 35 per vent. I'aync-Aldrifh 20 per rent, Underwood 15 per tent. ' Cftton cloth, unblearhed, blrache!, or printed or dyed, :io to 45 ,ier cent; I 'ayne-Aldrlch from 15 to 4u per cent; Underwood from 7 1-! to 80 per cent. Table damask, 30 per rent; Payne Aldrich 40 per cent; Underwood 26 per rent. Quilts for bed spreads, 40 per cent; rayne-Aldricli 45 per rent; Under wood 25 per cent. Sheets, pillow cases, blankets and towels, 25 per tent, Payne-Aldrich 45 per cent; Underwood 25 per cent. Table and bureau covers, napkins, center pieces and dollies, 30 per cent; l'ayne-Aldrlrh 45 per cent; Under wood 30 per cent. , Gloves, from 25 per cent to 75 per cent; Payne-Aldrich 40 per cent to 60 per cent;. Underwood 35 per cent. Hose and half hose 30 to SO per cent; I'ayne-Aldrlch from 65 per cent to 70 per cent; Underwood 40 per cent to 60 per cent. Undorwear and all other wearing apparel, not specially provided lor, 46 per cent; . Payne-Aldrich 35 per tent to 60 per cent; Underwood 30 per cent. Lace window curtains, 60 per rent; Payne-Aldrlch 50 per cent; Under Wood 60 per cent. Klax, hemp and Jute: Linen cloth from 60 to 55 per cent; Payne-Aldrich from 30 per cent to 50 per cent; l'nderwood 36 per cent. foible damask, 40O per cent; Payne Adrich from 45 per cfint to 60 per cent; l'nderwood 35 per cent. Towels and nspklns, 40 to 65 per cent; sheets and pillow cases, 40 per cent; Payne-Aldrich 45 per cent to 50 per cent; Underwood 35 per cent. Linen handkerchiefs, unhenimed. 3: per cent; hemmed, 46 per cent; i ayne-Aldrlch 60 per cent and Un derwood 85 per cent In each case. Clothing and all artlclea of wear ing apparel not specially provided for 35 per cent; Payne-Aldrich 50 per cent; Underwood 40 per cent. . f-s I IK and silk goods: Sewing silk, twist and flose, un gummed, 11,60 a pound, Payne-AI-drlch same; Underwood 15 per cent. Silk cloth, 65 per cent; Payne-Aldrich $1.25 a pound to $4 a pound; Underwood 45 per cent. Knlmnderwear, hdse, half hose'and gloves, 60 per cent; Payne-AIdrlch 60 per cent; Underwood 50 per cent. Outerwear and other knit or :rocheted, SO per cent; Payne-Aldrich 606 per cent; Underwood 60 per cent. Underwood 60 per cent. Henderchlefs and woven mufflers, unhommed, 65 per cent; hemmed or hemstitched, 60 per cent; Payne-Aldrich 60 and 60 per cent, respective ly; Underwood 40 and 60 per cent, respectively. Knit goods, ribbons and other fab rics and articles of artificial silk, 45 cents a pound and 60 per cent; Underwood 60 per cent. Metals and manufactures of: Pig iron, 75 cents a ton; Payne Aldrich 12.50 a ton; Underwood free. Steel wire, 3-4 cent to 1 1-J cents a pound; Payne-AIdrlch 1 cent to 1 8-4 cents; Underwood 15 per cent. Steel rails, 1-10 cent a pound; Payne-AIdrlch 7-40th of one cent; Underwood free. Horseshoes, 1-5 cent a pound; Payne-Aldrlt-h 8-4 of 1 cent a pound; Underwood free. Steel wool. 10 cents a pound and 30 per cent-, Payne-AIdrlch 40 ner cent; Underwood 20 per cent.' isaits. exceeding two inches In length, four-tenths cent a pound; Payne-Aldrich same: Underwood free; If less than two Inches in length, 15 per tent; Payne-AIdrlch 4-10th of 1 cent a pound; Underwood free. Srews. 25 per cent: Pavne-Aldrlch from 1 centa to 10 cents a pound; Underwood 25 per cent. 'tame,- household and hosnltnl utn. slls efnd hollow or flat ware of Iron or steel and enameled or glazed with vitreous glasses, 6 cents a pound and 30 per cent; Payne-AIdrlch 40 per cent; composed wholly or in chief value aluminum 11 cents a pound and 55 per cent; 45 per cent; Underwood 25 per cent; of cop per, ni ass or otner metal, to per cent; Payne-Aldrich 45 per cent: Under wood 25 per cent. Hair, safety, hat and other nln of bnsss,, copper, iron and steel, 15 per cent; I'ayne-Aldrljh 35 per cent Underwood 20 per cent. fountain pens. 72 cents a rimen and 40 per cent: Payne-Aldrich 10 per cent; t naerwood 25 per cent Pocket and other knives bavins tuner mmi uxeu uiuse.s, j-a cent each and 60 per cent, to 85 cents each and 60 per cent: Payne-Aldrich from 40 per cent to zu cents each and 40 per cent; Underwood 35 per cent to .65 per cent, . Table, kitchen, bread, butcher's, Hunting and similar knives, with handles of mother pearl, shell or ivory, animal, horn or sliver, 14 cents each anj 45 per cent; Payne-AIdrlch m cents each and 15 per cent; Un derwood 10 per cent; with handles of hard rubber, bono or celluloid 1 cents each; and 45 per cent; Payne- Ainncn cents eacn ana is nee i,f Underwood 10 per cent; with handles of any other material, from t cents eacli and. 46 per cent to 1 cents each no , per cent: r ayne-Aldrlch 1 cent each and 15 per cent; Under wood so per cent. wrlsenrs and shears, from 1 1-2 cents each and 45 per cent to 20 cents earn and 45 per centffPayne- Aldrlch from 1 1-4 cents each and is per cent to 75 cents a Vzen and jo per cent; underwood 30 per cent fiarety razors and handles and names, in cents each and 80 per cent; straight razors and parts, from 18 centa each and 45 per cent, to 45 cents eacn and 45 Der cent: Pa vn Aldrlch .from IS per cent to 16 rents eacn ann 3d per rent: Underwood 31 per cent to 6 per cent.- Shotguns and rifles, from 11.50 each and .45 per cent to $14 each and 46 per eent; Payne-Aldrich from 11.60 eacn ana 16 per cent to 35 per cent; Underwood 35 per cent. Pistols, from I1.2S each and 51 per cent to 13 6o each and 66 per -eent; Payne-AIdrlch 75 cents each and 26 per cent; Underwood 15 per cent.' . Automobile and motorcycles and parts, 25 per cent; Payne-Aldrich 45 per eent: Underwood 10 per cent to 45 pr cent. Airplanes, hydroplanes, motor boats and parts, 10 per rent: (no corre sponding provision In Payne-AIdrlch and Underwood law.) Bicycles, 10 par cent; Payne- Al- drlrh 15 pr cent. Underwood 25 per Cl lit .Sewing machines, from 15 per cent to 30 per Cent; Payne-AIdrlch 30 per cent; Underwood free. fash registers. 25 per cent. Pavne Allrlrh 41 p.-r cent; Underwdood fi ee. Uream separators where lued above J25H, 25 p,.r cent, Paynr-AI- nricn in per cent, Underwood free, where Mthied at less than' $75. Shovels, scythes, sickles. 3u per rent; Payne-AIdrlch 41 per cent; Un d' rwood free. Aluminum, crude. 5 cents a pound; Payne-Aldrich 7; Underwood 2. Lead bullion, 2 1-8 cents a pound: Payne-AIdrlch same. Underwood 25 per cent. Zinc In blocks or pig", 1 3-4 cents a ..pound,;. ptujuuAidrMtti. 4W rent a pound; Underwood 15 per cent; In I't-fcts. 3 cents a pound; Payne-AI-illirh 1 5-8 cents. Underwood 15 per cent. Tobacco and manufactures of: Wrapper tobacco, unsteaimed. $2.10 u pouno; i ayne-A tlr i i II ith i'. I derwood same, stemmed. $2 75 a pounu: t-ane-Alilrirh $2.50, Under wood same. Illuminating articles cent. Pa ne-Aldrich. A Id rich, cent. f glass. 60 per 45 per tent; Un- Jerwnod. 3" per cent a.1 valorem. I Tallin and kitchen artlclea and uten- i slls of glass. 65 per cent; Payne-Aid- I rich. J5 t 45 per cent; Underwood, 20 to 25 per cent. i Spectacles, eyeglass and goggles, , from 20 cents a dosen to 40 per cent ( nd valorem: Payne-AMrlch .20 cents j to 50 per cent: Underwood. 35 perl cent. incandescent electric light bullisand ; lamiie, 20 per cent; U.tyiie-Ald' Ich. 45; per cent, Underwood, 3ii jier cent. Wood and manufactures of. 1 Logs of fir. spruce, ceilar or wet-i ern hemlock. $1 a thousand board feet; Payne-Aklrirh and Underwood. free. S-panlsh cedar, ebony, mahogany. ; rosewood, etc.. in the log. 10 per cent. ! Payne-Aldrlch and Underwood, free, In sawed boards, 15 per cent, J'ayne-i Aldrlch. fame; I nderwood, l't I cent. In forms of veneers, cent: !' ne-Aldrlch. same: wood, 15 per cent. Toothpicks. 25 per cent: Aldrlch. 2 centj a thousand per cent. Underwood. 25 por cent. i Furniture of rattan, reed, willow orl fibre, 60 per cent; Paynte-Aldrlrh, 35 ; per cent; U nderwood. 15 per cent. Furniture of wood. 33 1-3 per rent; Payne-AIdrlch, 85 per cnt. UnCer-i wood. 15 per cent. Paper: Printing psner,. not r-tjUiu "i-,.v!d- ,f tl for (Exclusive of newsprint, wl.lch i Is free), 1 cent a pound and lu per' cent; Payne-Akirich, fi-iirn 6-lotli cent , a pound t,i 16 per cent; Underwood, i 1-' per cent cent: Payne-AMrlch. 8 per cent: Un- dt-ruood, 35 4'er cent. l.iwthrr 1 'Vi". m, ti's. not over 1? Ittr'ii i i-i Ir'imli. $5 per dozen pai's wc nr.i's and children', not ove: t i, sajiie length. II per dozen pairs, for each lnrh in lingth in ftei-w there. :.' ren's a pair. I'a ne - A ;drlrh, trom I. i-on,i $t.S 1,. t T'i a dozen p.tir. I ' n.l.-r- j ,.f , n i, wool, from J! to $2 id per dozen , In for.- itn pairs. I I'lioph.i', .vu-Mrai instruments eno pari. l l.itiinri Crude petroleum and fuel oil. Ores of gold, silver or nlrkel and, of the platinum metal ;' I 'arrlitio n I a nd , M u:n ( n Pearl, mother of. ami shells, mo 1 .ret. nil, tlakis ,r aiUaneeil tr 1 anv tiilne fro ft the naliital wta'i' jt sketi-lte Works ..r.nit i a 'i a i ' i-i s n-.r...i,l V. b, li 1 I" i li lt lii'h were among t i l and sumptuous .lii' is hopeful tiM) ii'-n imiv see fi'. to, i- for the lots In ' , IT, not i idled eicl.iimlisc. tates d KiK 20 leer I nder- l'ayne- Hnd 16 Killer tobacco; unstemmed, 35 cents a, pound, stemmed, 60 cents a pound ents and 60 rents Payne-Aldrich 36 lUnd respectively; Underwood a p-same Cigars and cigarettes, $4.50 a pound and 2a per cent; Payne-AIdrlch and I. title rwoud same. Spirits, wines and other beverages: "iMtiy ana otner spirits. $5 a proof , j ,t,,nru Z2; I nderwood same. t mtmpagne and other sparkling . V. '.'.,'" " gauon; Payne-Ald- r0oh.J'J a " a": Undehvood same Still wines. $1.25 a gallon; Payne- ,...M a on t nuerwootl. 45 gallon. centa Ale. Porter and beer, $1 a gallon i ayne-Aldrlch and 4-nderwood 45 cents. (irapejulce, containing less than 1 per cent alcohol 70 cents a gallon; containing over 1 per cent alcohol, Or u gallon and $5 a proof gallon on the alcohol; Payne-Aldrtc.-i and Un derwood, no corresponding provisions Oliiger ale, and other similar non alcoholic beveragea, 15 cents a gal lon; Payne-AIdrlch 12 cents; Undor wood 8 cents. Chemicals: Iyes, synthetic chemicals and ex plosives, products of coal tar, in In termediate state, - cents a pound and 50 per cent ad valorem on Amerl- .uaiion; i ay tin-Aldrlch 3a l'nderwood 15 6per cent. svnlhetlr. nl,an,i . o, 'oh i ur, in nnlshed state 7 cents a pound and 70 per ctnt ad valorem on American Valuation-Payne-AIdrlch 30 per Jenl", wood same. Acetic acid (Vinegar) 2 cents a wr;,fre,;,iy"e-Al,jrkh t-nnc acid 17 cents I'ayne-Aldrlch 7 cents- I cents. Alcohol, amy: ( cents a pound-"J- PoSndUn: ;,iir ,," . " cents p ' ajne-Aiarlch 20 hvitti woou tree. tan cent; Dyes. per a pound; derwood 6 per per cent; Ink and ink powders, 2 per cent d valorem. Pavn. am. kP . cent cent; Underwood is .' " 1 8r rlch;; .f "It e; nt ; P-ne-AW. JeLVtLen-VnA0. 5 nt. Ut.LP3lind ; ynAidAcree! Underwood, 1 cent a poundt nsinhn,' VT"6? fr,syn'nec' cnts a pound! cents ' Underwood. C ; ,' -c a gation; under wood, 12 cents a galloii. Linseed oil. s a ne.f n ,. Payne-Aldrich, l cents a t gallon of iVt pounds weight; Underwood. , 10 centa a gallon ot sums weight. i Ollvo oil in containers, ly, cent a x sj-ne-Aiuricn, tv cents a gal lon; Underwood, 30 cents a gallon' in bulk, 8M cents a pound; I'ayne Aldrlch, 40 eents a gallon; Under wood, 20 cents a gallon. Cottonseed oil, 8 cents a pound; Payne-AIdrlch and Underwood, frea. Cocoanut oil, 2 cents a pound; Payne-AIdrlch and Underwood, free. Peanut oil, 4 cents a pound; Payne Aldrhch, free; Underwood, i cents a gallon. Soya bean oil, 2.5 cents a pound; Payne-Aldrich and Underwood, free. Perfumery, Including toilet waters, cosmetic etc., If containing alcoUoL 40 cents a pound and 75 per cent ad valorem; Payne-AIdrlch, 60 oenta a pound and 60 per cent; Underwood, 4 cents and 60 per cent; If not contain ing alcohol, 7a per cent; Payne-AIdrlch and Underwood, (0 per cent. Spirit varnishes, containing Jess than 5 per cent of methyl alcohol, $2.20 a gallon and 25 per cent ad valorem; Payne-AIdrlch, $1.12 a gal lon and 15 per cent; Underwood, $1.83 Snd 15 .per gent; containing mors than per cent of methyl alcohol, 25 par cent ad valorem: Payne-AIdrlch, same; Underwood, 10 per cent. Soap: Castile, 16 per cent; Fayne Aldrich, m cents a pound; Under Wood, 10 per cent; perfumed toilet, 80 per cent; Payne-Aldrlch 60 per oentj Underwood, 30 per cent; unperfumed toilet, 80 per cent; Payne-Aldrloh, 20 per nent; Underwood 10; medicinal, 30 per cent: Payne-AIdrlch. 20 cents a pound; Underwood, 20 per 'cent; all other soap and soap powder, 16 per cent; Payne-Aldrich, 20 per cent; Un derwood, S per cent. Baking soda, M cent a pound; Payne-Aldrich, cent a pound; Un derwood, 14 cent. Tab salt, In containers, 11 cents per 100 pounds: in bulk, 7 cents per 109 pounds; Psyne-Aldrlch, same; Un derwood, free. Starch, potato and" wheat, 1 cent a pound; payne-Aiaricn, 11 cents; Underwood, 1 cent, JmimIpw! t Diamond and other preclmis stones, i.nmit 10 ner centf ' Pavne-AldDctl, free; Underwood, 10 per cent; cut but not set, 20 per cent; rayns-AKrricn, 10 ner cant; Underwood, 20 per cent, , Pearls, not set or strung, 20 per cent; Payne-AIdrlch, 10 per cent; Un- a rwood. 20 Der cent. imitation nrecious stones, cut or facetted, 20 per cent; not cut or facttt ted, M per cent; Payns-Aldricn nd iTniUivnmi. to tier cent. Buckles, card cases, chains, cigar and cigaretta holders and oases, col lar, cult and dross buttons, mesh Cage, nurses, ate 80 per cent; Payne-AId rlch and Underwood. 10 per cent.' Watch movements, w net ner in cases or otherwise, from 75 cents each to ltfl.75 each: Payne-Aldrich, from 7 cnta each to $3 each snd 2i per cent; Underwood. 80 per cent. Watch cases and parts of watches. 46 ner cent: Payne-Aldrich, 40 par , . TTnHrwrtnd. 80 ner cent. Clock and clock movements, 45 rsr cent: Payne-Aldrich, 40 per cent; Un derwood. 10 per oant. , Barthenwars snd . nisflswarsi Common yellow, brown or gray earthenwars, tmdeoorated. 15 per cent ad valorem; Payne-Aldrich, 25 per eent; Underwood, 16 per cent; dec nested. 20 per cent ad valorem Payne-A Wlrlch. 40 per cent; Under wood. 20 per cent. - White aranite ana aami-porcemis earthenwars and stoneware, undee orated, 4 per cant; Payne-Aldrich, 66 per cent; UndeTwood, 36 per cent : If decorated. M per cent; Payne-AIdrlch, (0 per cent; Underwood, 40 per cent. . China, porcelain ana otner vitruiea wares, undecoraten. ti per cent ao valorem; Payne-AIdrlch. 51 per cent; Underwood. 50 per eent; If decorated, 7 per cent; Payne-AIdrlch. 80 per cent: Underwood. 65 per cant. Plain glass bottles, from 1 cent a pound to 60 eents a gross; Pajras- Wrlting, letter snd note psfw. plain, 3 cents a pound snd 15 per cent: Psyne-Aldrlch, same; Underwood, 21 per cent. Paper envelopes, plain, 8 cents a pound and 20 per cent; Payne-Aldrlch, 20 per cent; Underwood, 15 per cent. Plavlng cards. 10 cents a pack and I 20 per cent; Payne-AIdrlch. 1 oenta a pack and so per cent: i nnerwoon, 40 per cel. Sundries; Hoxlng glove, baseballs, footballs, tennis rackets, bala and other similar athletic equipment, 30 per cent; I'ayne-Aldrlch and Underwood, no corresponding provision. Ice and roller skate. 2l per cent; Payne-AIdrlch and Underwood, no corresponding provision. I Boots, shoes or other footwear having uppers of wool, cotton, hair or silk, 3i per cent; Payne-Aldrich and Under wood, no corresponding provision. Hats, bonnets and hoods of straw, grass, horsehair, rattan, etc., blocked or trimmed, 50 per cent; Psyne Aid rich, 60 per cent; Underwood, 15 per cent. Brooms. 13 per cent: Psyne-Aldrlch, 40 per cent; Underwood, 16 per cent Toothprtishes and other toilet brush es. 45 uer cent; Payne-AIdrlch, 40 per cent: Underwood,' 36 per cent. Dice, dominoes, chessmen and bil liard and pool halls and poker chips, 50 per cent; Payne-AIdrlch and Un derwood, 50 per cent. Dolls an toys, 70 per eenot: Payne AIdrlch and l'nderwood. 85 per cent. Matches. 8 cent a gross; Payne Aldrich, 6 cents; Underwood. 3 cents. Furs dreesed on the skin, except silver or black fox, 25 per cent; Payne-Aldrich, 20 per cent; Under wood, 80 fer cent. Manufactures of furs, 50 per cent; Payne-Aldrich, 35 per cent; l'nder wood, 40 per cent. Silver or black fox skins and man ufactures thereof, 60 per cent; Payne AIdrlch. 20 per cent; Underwood, 80 per cent. Wearing apparel. In chief value or fur, not npeclallv provld-ed for, 60 per cent; Payne-Aldrich and Underwood, same. Hats, caps and bonnets of fur, from 11.50 per dozen snd 25 per cent to $16 per dozen and 15 per cit; Psyne Aldrlch, from $1.50 per dozen and 20 per cent to $7 per dozen and 20 per cent; Underwood, 15 per cent. Ibices, lac window curtains and burnt-out laces (other than those of cotton), 90 per cent; Payne-AIdrlch, 70 per cent; Undorwood, 60 per cent. ismbroidenea not specially province for and all fabrics and articles em broidered by hand or machinery, 75 per cent: Payne-Aldrich and Under wood, 80 per cent. Bags, satchels and pocketbooks and other boxes and cases of leather, raw hide or parchment. 30 per cent: Payne AIdrlch. 40 per cent; Underwood. 30 fier cent; If fitted with traveling, uncheon and similar sets, 45 per pe:- rent. I'llvne-sUdrlrh U' derw i d. J.'i oer cent l'hn'ioi!tai'hs ami slmllsr urMri-s ami puis. 3" per cent. I'.tvne- Mdru-n. (,, i(er ' Undent ... 1. 2. l"-r ' cut. l .r.. , clutpien snd similar ar ticle of relisl'U dev'Ilon. from p. r ci nt to Sil per cent. Pvn"-Vd-rl. :i .in I Uiid. rvvoisl. ni col respond -Inc pr.'t 1.1 "i. I'eiH-iles ,.f materials other tnan n eUI 15 cent a gro-. and 2w pet cent, i'.-iviie. Aldrlch. 4,i rents a gross ami 'J.'i per cent; I'nilerwoisl 25 per rent Piioloitraplil.- camera and or:a. 211 p.-r cent. I'iimmc Aidrlrb. 15 per cent. I 'nderwood. i.'i per cent. M ivitii! picture films, sensitized, hut nut eised or developed, four-tenths oi-nt a foot; I'ayne-AMrlch. 2a p, r cent. Uu terw ii'd. free; exposed but not detelKped. 2 -ccn!.s a linear foot Panic Aldrlch ?5 per cent; Un derwood." 2 rent", exposed and de vei 'tied 3 cents a llnesr foot; IVtyne AMiich. 2.". per cent. Underwood, i it iiotilues in any term, i fn fiot I'hviii - Aldrlch I I- sl .. .. .. 1 1 cent Tne-mo"tatlc n.uiies. ,i, j..-. from 15 centa en oh and i per cent to :m rents each and 4a per rent; Pat i,c-Aldrlch nd Underwood, no corresponding provisions Unibn II i. parasols ami Minshades, VlTed W t n OIIU-l lono . y- Ill I llill 45 per cent gris. p.irs I 'oi i -s'tim ;' th. ollMtl l.'S rr i-le an I Sl'illfr i'iimantil.irttire'1 or li beets or plates blot ! Ic ami sulpbat Milpoate m it I i-alia of ami loi Mei . ,u.. m.L roreoll ,tm ' .till i I ill'. le 1 sulphur Mail I l,' .1111 O 'I Ua lion-Sh'-lmps Silk, i li waste dlion nilr.t'e. ... crude. all .il el nit, r . .ik, Nt:tm!iu,l new-iirltit I'aiet- Sulpli'it in any foi m. a ore. Tn r ami pitch of un Tea 'i'tcth natiinil. Tin ore and PI. irk o olr , videil (hat ttieie shall I, upon 1 lark ovi.le of th, a duly of rents a pound ami upon bar. ..,rk. or pig tin, a diiti- f K rents a pound when the American 'nes arc pin during 1 :n"i tons of .asslterlte and bar, Mock and pig (In a year Turpentine, gum snd spirits of. and Mlk t"i' i I n i mb. . si I. . illllill but the llr-: . c k ml Mill i hi in r. ..I . I " ' II, le si pll-s I II mil 11111:1 , I II1U epb. OI elerlri I'.ilii. ;s til.'ll 111.' I I snail rol lie:, th.- irtl'IStll-e fr-ed ItO-j lor.nii limn :is mi.i.iMoii. 'he ijuesn. .'I'ni.-'.'il tin task "f I -'i-'ivcrlng I cm ei ntiivnt fiiinls and hrs Iriown J.'M. I to in Aliiericill Eol'l-,; ! tli'o.lacr iiuil solilie,- from Nome. ' A: i-ku 'Uli t Mi.-in w.i -al l to e- ' eirl-e ijn i: lijliu :i.-i wlttl the t ran I.m. Ion oitrr tninv ovart iires : 1 1 1 , 1 ii, ich neiti't! ui"ti with M'lscnw. I lie Him- iik the taskeof recoverlng -, ,. fn'iic 7 Ul i II v It i :st I' v ith f l in. pr llipo August tjiirni Mane li ,s list li-'- Cll 111 !H U s t tier iniignilireiit wlilrh were tnketi t i liw for- s,'ifekeeple cent ttetat'le tallow. Wax. All barbed wire, whether eiU''nle.i.s; , j urik-lnal painfiuas tn 50 ,n -t- t'SVtie.A per rent; Underwood .l.i per rt-nl. Krrs list: , Agrli-ultural Implements, Including plows, tooth or disk harrows, harves tei 'reapers, aailcultuial drills and pl.iiitors. powers (except lawn mower- ) horserskes. cultivators, thresh ing inarbines, t-otton Bins, wagons and earts. Animals Imported for breeding pur poses Antimony ore. Antitoxins, wirrlnes. Kmm and bacterlnes. Uul phlde of arsenic. ' Asbestos, crude. liibli-s Binding twine made from New Zealand hemp, inanlln, Tamplco liber, sisal grass, or sunn. Bread. Hooks, maps,-music, engraving, etch IligK, bound or iinboiind, if printed inure than 20 years. Bonks- ami pam phlets printed wholly or chiefly In loremn languages. Books, -libraries, usual and reasonable-" furniture and similar household effects or persons or families from foreign countries not intended for sale. Ilornx. crude, old brass Bristles, crude. Bullion, gold or silver. Linotype and all typese-ttlng ma chines, typewriters, 'shoe machinery, and tar and oil spreading machines for road construction. Chalk, crude. Cwal, anthracite, bituminous, culm, slack and shale and coke. Cocoa and t'Scoa beans. Coffee. . Coins or gold, silver, copper or other metals. Copper ore and copper In platea, bars, InRots or pigs. Cork wood or cork bark. Cotton. Fans, common palm-leaf, not or riomented or decorated. Guano, basic slag, manures and other substances used chiefly for fr tillzer. Hair or horses and cattle. Hope made of rawhide. Hides of cattle. Ire. , India rubber and 'gutta-percha, crude. Iodine, crude. Iron ore. Ivory tusks In their natural state. Jet, unmanufactured. Junk. Boots and shoes made wholly or In- chief value of 'eather. Leather cut into shoe uppers, vamps or soles. Aaphalt and bitumen. Lemon Juice and lime Juice, con taining less than 2 per cent of al cohol. .Mechanically ground and chemical wood pulp. Needles, hand sewing or darning. Newspapers snd periodicals. OH cake and oil-cake meal. Oakum. Whole and other fish oils of Amerl can fisheries. Wttt tl , OI I'l tUT i-oliil 1 f and In In or A. " nil. minora l. ami u U1n:,l ti-;n luHi'!: ' in u ! iIm1 s i ni;nis in ..liVtl Mm' Ha r I I'.Mli. h'Uf hi-.r'n mnllHi Mt-(i 1 thr r ; H'M?li'" Mtnl nu.mtiMitv,.l j j il 1til jlroun-l Kutope- Th linlniiH- - i iki flic a iUl tiil ttt. hHn ri'nu)V', all thi irM-tniiH utoiif-i from th J'wrlH. rt't.tlning the pLiliiium unrl Some of thp QiiPi'n'rt Ronm, to Kftthrr with thtifit' f the Ian rrtr'?. trown, ir port oil to Utwe Ihmi when; I FOR I "i I ! by Katneni'ff I has despaired i 1120. of evi Tile c(i (Jlirrti iverlllg CONSTIPATION BILIOUSNESS Headache INDIGESTION Stomach Trouble NERVOUS AND HALF-SICK WOMEN These Letters Recommending Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound will Interest You For Your Own Good Pleaco Read Them Youngitown, Ohio. "Last fall I began to feel mean and my back burt ms and I could baldly do my little bit of Housework. , I was played oat when 1 would jug t sweep one room and would have to rest I would have to put a cushion behind me when I would ait down and at night 1 coulcPnot aleep unless I had something undefr my back. I had awful cramp every month and was iust jiearlv all in. Finally my hus band laid to me one day, Why don't yen try Lydla E. Pinkhara'a medicine ?' and I said, 'I am willing to take anything If I could get well again. ' . So 1 took one botUa and a second on and felt better and the neighbor asked me what I was do ing; and said. 'Surely It must be do ing you good all right' I have just finished my eighth bottle and I can not express to yon how I feel, the way I would like to. If yon can uae this letter you are welcome to It and if any woman doe not believe what I hav written to be true, she can write to me and I will describe my condition to her as I have to you. Mrs. Elmer Heasley, 141 S. Jackson St, Youngstown, Ohio. . "I 'was very nervous and run down," write Mrs. L. E. Wieae of 706 Louisa St, New Orleans, La. "I would often lit down and crv. and was always blue and had no am- Diuon. i was tma way lor over a year and bad allowed myself to get Into quite a serious condition. One day I saw your advertisement Jn the daily paper and began to take Lydia E. Pinkham' Vegetable Compound at once. I have improved ever since taking the third bpttle and I find it is me Dest medicine i nave ever taken." Benefited by First Bottle "I was completely run down and not able to do my housework. I just dragged myself around and did not have energy to get up when once I lat down. I reaa advertisements of Lydia E. Pinkham' Vegetable Compound in our paper The Indiana Daily Times,' and learned all about it I received results from the very first bottle and now I am doing ail my own work, even washing and ironing, and I never felt better in my life. I tell ajl my friend it ia due to you-" Mrs. Elizabeth Reinbold, 403 N. Pine St, Indian apolis, Indiana. You should pay heed to the ex periences of these women. They know how they felt before taking the Vegetable Compound, and after wards, too. meir words are true. Lvdla E.Pinkham'i Private Text-Book unon "Ailment Peculiar to Women" will be sent you free upon request. WMte to the Lydia 13. Pinkham Medieino Co., Lynn, Mass. 3 Hydrometers aV ' re indispensable for taking care of your battery. With the use of a Hydrometer for testing- and fill in;, you often double the life of your, battery. "WE'WAXT YOt'R BI SINKBS" Western Carolina Auto Co. 5 I 12-14.16 E. College St 3 J PHONE 890 - i. v v ( y44faatliakV4lAaVr r r r 1 1 v f u s r t scsav ?' a 4 t ma J 7 ; America's Home Shoe Polish SMINdWBA M0R3E -4 u SEF' 4JasBSsssssssssssl , r Great For School Children The SHINOLA HOME SET helps the children to form lasting habits of economy, by making It easier to get the daily shine. The genuine bristle dauber cleans the shoes, and applies polish easily and quickly. The large Lamb's Wool Polisher brings the shine with a few strokes. For lOOfo neatness, the shoes should be shined dsily with SHINOLA. Shinola Always 10c Black, Tan, Walts, Oa-blood and Brown. bet to Biy "SHINOLA" rTBs:fi:i m JL. l : i i v ' WWtM w , P. vr AShockPraofHlsWip Ray-0-Lite insures alight) you need it most - vhen ShocMbsower IN the Nickel Ray-0-Llte Flashlight, a patented spring shock absorber be tween lamp and battery, brings a Ray O-Iite unharmed through accidents that ruin other flashlights, at times when light Is often of vital Importance This feature adds nothing to the price you pay, but helps you get from Ray-O-Lites what every flashlight user is entitled to good, bright light and plenty of It whenever he wants it. Insist on the flashlight with Mister Ray-O-Lite stamped on the end cap. In flashlights and batteries he is your guar antee of better light and longer service. Your dealer is authorized to refund the purchase price if you are not thoroughly satisfied. FRENCH BATTERY &. CARBON COMPANY Madison, Wisconsin j- A tested battery a tested bnlb and tight before your eyes; clean, fresh, full-powered. That what a Ray-O-Lite bought from tha Famous French Service Cabinet INSURES YOU,, Bay Ray O-Litmt from the stores dis playing them la THIS CAB1NET- Chlcago Cltf New York Atlanta Minn polls LDaila LITE FLASHLIGHTS AND DRY BATTERIES