t L THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, FRIDAY MORNINO. SEPTEMBER 29, lilt REQUESTS THAT NUMBERS . REPEATED OVER CITIZEN'S JADIO STATION MADE THURSDAY - Yodel Sons; of James Howell Is Popular With Those Who V listen in" on Program Rendered Over Ra diophone -Dunn's Orchestra Also Wins Favor With Selections. An Indus ( talaphon calls A-,u-ailng aavaraj aurabars to ba rri-atsd, Indlcatad that tha can crt raadarad bjr tha Cltisan'a Ki.llopbona Broadcasting Station, WKAJ, wm a aucrw and waa an yd by Uia anoraa of paraonr, vho "lltnd In" with their re tfivlng ta. Th program win -ll balanced and thoaa randarlug sanctions wara at thalr bast. KapaeUtl mention ahould l-i-ia.U or tha jrodal song rrmleratl I y Jama Howtll. for no ) thuit lf a doaan enthusiast. Imiim - ft'ntaly attar tha song tslrnhnnrl Tha CttUsa and raqutatad that h rrpaat ilia numban Mr. Howtll l-it tha building Immediately ami for thla rnwon the number coiill lot be rttidtreU u'". O. I Steven the operator chart, of the elation, announce,! that untl further notlie the ton rert will he given on Tuesrtuy and Thursday evening from 7 to i orlorlt. He 'requests all persona, who are t n Joying the i-onrerte. to kindly notify him and If they have any suaafatloii to offer, ha will Clarity repel vs them. Wulte a few numl in of inerli were ren'lfreil by Dunn' Popular Orrheatra. Th program waa at fellows: "O' ",ar' l.lnf." vnrnl eolo Jamea M. Hall. Mm. Mae Woods!!, accompanist. 1 Somellrre. Iiear Heart. Home l iny," aovul solo by Earl OoaaeU. X'ra Wooilull. aroompaniai, rtuetle of Spring." Mra. Sparks In M Heart. On My Mind, All Hay laonr." Dunn's Orchestra. Mr. Dunn at plHno. "D'Hnli Mlo." duet by Jamea Howell and Jamea Hall. Mr Womlall. iicrompanlat. Klttnn on the Kea." piano aolo, Frank Jackson. "On l he Mountain Bide," yodel orr. Jimh Howell. "KrcWc'i Old imrratn, violin nlo. V. ri Roblnaon. k'in Mamma. Klaa Pana." Ilium's Orchestra. '.Hllver Threuda A mora, the Cold," von) dual, Mra. Woodall uril Mr. Cosset!. 'Tould I Forget," vocal aolo .fiimea Unwell, Mra. W'oodall, tnmpanlat "les ea Amphnrea," puma aolo, X'ra. Wjodall. XMW UNIVERSALXAil Immediate Delivery On FORD RUNABOUTS $348.00 F.O.B. Detroit Starter $70.00; Demountable Rims $25.00 Terms if desired. Riclibburg Motor Co. Ford and Fordson Sales and Service 'Phones 3866-2266. ( 52-60 Broadway. McCarthy Back From Study Of Large Fire tract In Maryland K. K Mft'arthjr. of the Appalachian Fore.: Kxperlment Station, haa Just corrrplrt.d a atud- of a ..niw-arr tire In north.a.tern Maryland. The worn don. In co-op. rat Ion witn tn Maryland Hut Board of Forestry and on the land of the Whltaker iron company. The molat land, amounting to about 10 per rent of tha area of the tract, haa produced a heavy crop of yellow popiar aeeannga minor the nr. in April, thua unaablliur Hie conmanv by rotting tha older timber at true lime, to r.placa It with a mora val- uahle species. Tne fnreat la now of aprout oalc ana growing very siowiy. Organized Crafts To Meet And Ask Removal Of Attorney General A mm meeting of all affiliated with the varloua labor untona of the city haa been called for Sunday for tne purpnaa o; entering a formal protest againat tha Injunction granted the rauroana by Jude wilkeraon and to ndorae any movement for the Im- peaohment of Attorney Ueneral uauoerty. WIDOW. AND VICTIM IN CHURCH MURDER ONCK CLOSE FRIENDS. PHOTO SHOWS THE SWANNANOA : BERKELEY Modern Brick and Concrete Hotel " Oiic, Block from Public Square Aahevllle, C, O. r . m."p"n rUn ' ' 1 T"bl IHote Breakfast Itatoat 1.60 per day and np ' Dlnnrr r KupiK, 7Ro W. C. HAWK, Mgr. . . Hold District Meet Of Holiness Church (If HI Cirrtptodntt Tk4 iHtttUr CUUn) CftEENSHOKO.' Bept. f Tha 13th annual conference of the Southern Dlatrlct of the International yollntea Church la being held here, with a conalderabte number of miniatera, del. egatea and deaconeaaea In attendance. North Carolina, Kentucky and Tn neeaee are repreaented In the, con ference. Rev. ft. M. SUkel.alh.r, dla trlct auperlntendent, la prealdl::?. Reporta ehow large gaina in men be m hip throughout the dlatrlct. ADRIAN VAN DEN BOOM PIES. AT WAJLWer COVE WHNBTON-SALKM, Sept. 2. Adrian Van Den doom, aucceeaful manufacturer of Walnut Cove, died at hla home there today. A native of Holland, Van Den Boom came to thla country 12 yeara ago, first locating In Niagara Falla, N. Y., and later go ing to Walnut Cove where he en. g.'ged In tha manufacture of collapsi ble boxea. - Piles Disappear Peterson's Ointment! "Please let me tell you," aays Peteraon, "that for inatant relief from the misery of blind, bleeding or Itching; pilea, there la nothing to good aa Peteraon'a Ointment, aa thousand have testified." Beat for old aorea and Itching akin. All druggist, 15c, fOc, $1.00 $2.60, $5.00. Advt. iff aV ' e' fy Mra. Edward W. Hall, left, and Mra. Jamea MiUa, murdered woman. Mrs. Edward W. Hall, wife of the murdered rector of New Bruns wick, N. J., hai told officials that she harbored no jealousy for Mra James Mills, choir leader, whoie body was found with that of Hall in a woods near that town. Both had been ihot to death. The photo above is recalled, by friends of the two families. Mrs. ilall and Mrs. Mills were together often while Mrs. Mills was aiding Rev. and Mrs. Hall in church duties. ROTARY WILL AID YOUNG COLLEGE MEN Appoint Committee to 'Consider Matter and .Make llcpori ran to ftalae a 10,000. , Wallace B. Davis. W. U Brooker and Solon Bryan were ' named on a special committee yesterday at av meeting or tne notary jiuo io ne vlse ways and means for the launch ing of a project to aid young men seeking to obtain a college education. Under the plan, a tuna or siw.wiu is to be raised to aid worthy young men. The fund will be loaned to the youths "whose applications are passed upon favorably by nve trus tees. Pour Der cent interest will be charged, and the money will become due one, two and three years after they leave college. . It l the plan or ine cmo memoers to rat.se the money within the next five years by assessing flit per an num against each member. , : Rutherfordton Bank Opens Branch To Meet Needs At Union Mills CONCERT IS FOR OTEEN PATIENTS Patients In Ward I- at Oteen yes terday afternoon enjoyed an excellent mualoal concert by Carl Behr Asne-vllle-Boston 8ymphony Club and the Battery Park Trio. The appearance was arranged by Mr. W. D. Harrla, and the patienta appeared grateful for lihe afternoon of mue4a. Mr. Behr rendered several 'cello solos, with Miss Blta Handte accom panist, and they were well received. The patienta expresses the hope that thia aggregation of musicians wtll find time to return to the hospital tor another concert. SUCCESS ATTENDS "BOOK EXCHANGE" The first day of the book exchange conducted by the parent-'t eaoaer as Hoclation at Montford Grammar School yesterday showed the ve"nture wtll be a success. A largo number of chil dren carried books and left them with those In charae Ladles in charge were Mr. Uustav Lichtenfels, Mr. H. D. Crelfhton, Mra. C, O. Brlggs, Mrs. W. M. Kuck er. Mrs. B. Fearlman, Mrs. 1. U. Rhlnehardt and Mrs. D. T. Bhelton. GOLDEN OPPORTUNITIES DOLLAR' DAY MANY SPECIAL VALUES ' at the SUSQUEHANNA TODAY Just for DOLLAR DAY! Discount on every WILTON RUG in our store aasSaSSl salseBaBBaBBSBBs bbbbs3 Offer Extraord inary! Buy any. $16.00 (or over) 25 in. Floor Lamp Rhada at Its regular " low cash price and get Mahogany Full Slie Stand for only $1.00 EXTRA We will only sell hIx In this offer. Furnish Your Living Room at DOLLAR DAY Savings 1 Discount on all Living Room Furniture. AU Overstuffed, Reed, Mahogany and Oak Suites are included. ISptHM Ctrrnpndtnre T isrrlllf CUUml RUTHEflFOHDTON, Sept. 28 ThO Citlsens Bank and Trust Company, of Kntherfordton, this week opened s branch bank at Union Milla, with W. Gordon Hcogglna, of Union Mills, the third assistant cashier of this bask ing Institution, as acHing cashier. This Is the second branch bank (hut thin banking concern has-established In Rutherford County, the first ono l" "iii located at Bplndale, the progr' mill town, near hore, and prc:i ' ..' a suburb of Rutherford ton. ' Mv. ('nKctlns was associated with the Commercial Bank, of this city before the World War, as assistant cashier. The rillxena of Union M1II3 and vicinity will be pleased to learn of this announcement, since the I'aonles Bank,of Union Mills, iai!ed andJater went into the hands of ia receiver, and It will doubtless be many months before the ffalrs of the defunct rmnk are settled, as legal proceedings have begun In the Superior Court of ttuth- erford County for adjustment. Sage and Sulphur Darkens Gray Hair It's Grandmother's Recipe to Restore Color, Gloss and Attractiveness. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK STATEMENT S7x.14, heavy quality Itnir Rues, with bordered ends 81.00 Regular value tl.50 White I'lininekNl Bath Itoom ,Nl(Kb) $1.00 Itcgnliir value $I.-V i:lra tiood Quality Door Mnts; size 14x24 $1.00 38-ln. Window Khadca. Grrcn. White or Krru, 6 ft. long, 2 for $1.00 Rcgalur taJue $1.40 18s.1B t.old Seal Con golrum An Rugs, S for 81.00 Regular value $1.30 Buy a White Koamrlrri Child's Crib nt Ha regular price of SS.75 and ct a S 1 Mattreas for 81.00 KXTR- 43i3e IVppercll JrtDow Oaaea, S for, ' 81.00 niDiiminrm I vOO 1UUAHK ? nK Kll WK AIJI- rWiT luuuuiniiiin 1 uiuiiTuii "We Turn Houses Into Homes." 20 BROADWAY. 'PHONE 631. IVadirr Pillows, Slae 17x24. Art Tioklng $1.00 4 WASHINGTON, Sept. 28. Combined resources and llnhllltlea of the 12 Federaf Reserve Banks at the close of business September S7, were re ported tonight by the Federal Reserve Board In thousands of dollars as follows: Resources Oold and gold certificates 272,0nO. Oold settlement fund. Federal Re serve Foard I5S2.4B4. Total gold held by hanks J8S4.4M. Gold with Federal Reserve agents $2,10.5S2. , Gold redemption fund $51,927. Total gold reserves 3,076.43. t Tjegal tender notes, silver, etc., $128,14. Trial reserves $3,323,237. Bills discounted: J! Secured by United States Ooyern inient obligations $13S.12. Other bills discounted $281,078. i. Bills bought in open narket $238, 113. 1 Total bills on haeTd $658,298. I United States bonds and notes i 1229.158. , United States certificates of ln JdebtednesR. one year certificates. PIU 1 man act $&n.fino. Other certificates $171,788. I Munclpal warrants 15. J Total earning assets $1,109.7S7. I Bank premises $44.4"S. j Five, per cent redemption fund I against Federal Reserve Bank notes :i.ni7. Uncollected Items $693,911. All other resources $15,076. Total resources $4.9970,281. Liabilities Capital paid In $106,172. Surplus $216,398. , Peposlts: ' Government $19,945. Member hank, reserve account $197,975. Other deposits $22.21S. Total deposits $1,140.1.13. Federal Reserve notes In actual circulation $ Federal Reserve Bank notes In cir culation, net liability $48,065. iererrea availability Items $495 471 All other llnhllltlea $23,6.18. Total liabilities Jt.97U:61. Almost every one know that Page Ton and Sulphur, properly ompounded, brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair when laded, streaked or gray, leais ago. the only way to get this mixture vaa to make it at home. vhich is mussy and troublesome. Nowadays,- by-asking at -any drug store ft.r "Wyeth'a Bage and Bul phur Compound," you wtll get ft Urge bottle of this famous old recipe, Improved by the addition of other ingredients, at a small cost. ' Don't :-tay gray Try It! No oie can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, aa It does it o naturally and evenly. You dampen n sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your nair, iHKing one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair aiaappetira. and after another an plication er two your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy and at tractive. Advt. 1 How Old Are You By Your Hair Tou may be Wrty In years, but If you are bald-headed, gray, or your hair Is drytbrUtle scraggly and. ugly looking, people wtll surely take you to be many yeara older. When your hair becomes faded, atreaked and wispy, falls out badly and pew tinir does not grow, the roots must he Immediately vitalised and properly nourished. To do thla quick ly and safely there Is nothing so ef fective, as Parisian Sage (liquid form) which you ran get at all good drug and toilet counters. It'a guaranteed to abolish dandruff, rtop f calp Itch and falling hair 'and stimulate new hair to grow or money refunded. It'a In great demand by discriminating women because it makes the hair so soft, lustrous, easy to arrange attractively and appear heavier than It really la. A maasaga with Parisian Sage Is a real delight easy to use, not sticky, and daintily perfumed an antiseptic, clean liquid that doea not change the natural color of the hair. Smith's Drug Store will supply you and guarantee money refunded If you are not entirely satisfied Advt. TnVSTKK'S SALS Mr virtu, at u sowr M !. ensutrM Is a 4et .r tmat nui'. hf Mitt Lnult. Whit, and bu.fun.l. H. Whll'. t.LK lliul ilar of Jum. 1.11, .nil iwirM In Bank K MnrttaaM ant mI Tnt.t No. Ill, mm Ni. 14, cl is. Henrnla of !-t .f RuiMflmh. Corny, N. 0., and default hiring han ni.fi. In th. iwjrnint of Ifte ' not teruriMl by uld t1 f irtfat. wnerby th. snwrr ar . hai btmtt opcractv., th. ondtr alftTwd Tnuta. will, tharrfm, ao Mnnd.7. OrtA er lath, lt!J. at II .'elo-k noon, fall at aubl.f auntae r eann ts w. Blahaat ktdder, at th. Ceart Houaa denf nf Bunenrrh. Cmmty, N, C, th. ullmrtna lH of land In Was Aabntll., vm a part of th. Chr of Aahill., N. C .ne Mr. IM Na, II at a aiib-dtrUlna knaain aa Homar H-tttu, . alat a whlrh la duly raanrdad la tha cuTtr. "f th. Rslatar of laaw). of BmeHnli. caaaty. N. f , In I'l.l Bat No, J, p Na. II, lea bain town-lad and mm MKlfluaarlj da aerlHM aa r A ot , Baetnntn. on . lUka la tb. Mat Sa.riia at Rajraroad llna.1, th. non hwi mrrmr 4 Lot Na. 14 af aati pla. runa thorn, aellh th. aArUi Una tt atld Lot No 1 4 Souill 41 da.. alia. Hut flit faat to a atek.i taanr. N4ih at da. avis. Koot as ft-H lm . a'aa, tho miUMaat eor a Lot No. It of aud rhatar. anUl I'M aAatli iTa af la No. It North 4 4 doa. il Mia Lydla E. I'lnkham'a Vegetable t,it Ja i1 X " .'I "J? M OM EX M EX ADM IKE Men admire a pretty face, a good Pgure, but more than all a buoy ant dlspoaltlon and tho charm of happy content. There 1b no ques tion but what a light-hearted wo man is the ioy of a man's life, hut no woman can be happy and Joyful when dragged down b the ail ments that ao Often develop head aches. . backache, nervousness and "the blue." ' , We are continually publishing In thla paper letters from women who have been restored to health by Compound after doctor and other medicines have failed to heli them. If you are ill why not give It a trial? Advt BAPTIST MEETING PLANSGOMPLETE ftlmiitlonn Coiiferervr Will Tak rimf Sunday, tH-tober Mm n n.un Cbulfli. Final arrangementa for .tha Educational" Conference at Swan nanoa Baptist Church, Hund, October S. hava been completed The conference will take place luidiir t!io auBplcee of the Bun mbe County Baptist Hundny ... a... ..I iaayiwiufllir) m-lth J. Ha (iron. U. Priiiant. priairr. Tbe meetinif will otn v M tha inrtmlnir and Will U I IIH r til I"" ""r" It. st until 4 p. m. The program i ..llakaaa. luining. i 10:00 A. M. Devotional set v-1 :cia: al'iit.ng. Scripture reaaing. prayer, Kev. W. U Moreti. 10:15 Importance of Mtisio In the Hun.lay School and Church, Eine.t U Hayes. in an itha KhnuM There Be n Church Hfd IJegular Church Berv lea In aoh Community7 iu Hayes. 10.(0 Why Should There Ha Sunday School in Each Church? W. B. Frady. 1110 How Should Sunday Pfhool Be Conducted tt Get the Leat Results? J. F. Bpivey. 1 :J0-Why la It the Duty of r- ,-,t,. ...k Maimber to I'av His proportionate Fart of All Church and Mlinlon Expenses? Lee Owan- bey. ' , .. . ak. el,aeF On t'lS Ilun Or The Modern JonaJl. f. . Qrogg. ' ...a .!.. Vanaaioiltt nf FuntlS to Run the 'lluncoiuhe Count.' Uiptist Sunday ricnoot nrrJl the collection. O. K. Strad- j fry- .j ' I 1I:S0 Dinner on ma i 1:80 Kinging -by ail choir present. All aingert Invited. 1 1 45 How Often Should There T Church Servloee In Each Church? E. B. Moore. 00 Why Should Sundayl Pfhool Be Held Every Sunday? D. I Ledlette: , o.aa i.k'ViA Ttnea a Keat. Com-I foi table Church Building and Well . Kept Church (Irounds Say to the! Community gna tne. oii; A dame. J:5 The Fruits of Neglected Religion by Church Members, !. S:00-i-Vhi) Ia Responalhle to ' Ood fof the Soula That Uo TfTjJ Krom' My Community? Rm (Judge) J. J. Gentry, Enllatm,,, Evangelist, . , By Trogrkm ComniittH i i. wivsto.n-sal.km, 8eii.":i ' Henderson, an Itinerant prncn.r , arrested here today on a warrant'., from Wilkes County charging t, !' fendant with bigamy, it t ; that Henderson lias tlirea wives. He was taken i.i vll? ninanuuiv una oiivvi matin llmuiary hearing tomorruv WEAK WOMEN ATTENTION tf you suffer with PEMAI.F. TRor BLKS, such aa Ovarian 1'alna. p,,,.' In the lower part of your Htomac. Bearing-down rains, Headache Baa ache, llllnful or Irregular Perusia li you have that tired, wornout, nervgul and run-down feeling so common u women. If yhu have tried all uJ of medlclnea and doctors, mm though you have been told t .iat Operation was necessary, vol' Mti UK MAPR- WELL AND STRONn AOAIN. Write for TREK booklet i information and advice tod. THE PCLVO MEDICINE CO. Dept. C-1 Memehia, Ttsa, Extra Special 7 TODAY I CRYSTAL WATER SET ; SET CONSISTS OF 7 PIECES Substantial, -Artistic and Fire Polished ' A Regular $5.00 Value f - THIS lovely Water Set conaigts of 7 pieces. 6 glasses and large pitcher. The glasses hold Vi pint each, and the pitcher 3 pints. ' The pride and joy of every housewife. This glassware has the sheen and brilliance of the finest pro ducts of European skill, and initialed in sterling sliver. . Priced ridiculously low for dollar day today PAT , 34.36 P. BURTON COLLEGE STREET IMP: - , JKl.ll.QKKSjaM.MJL JCAtAIAllAAYAyjVg.tfAV,r'.I .rT'JTTIr 1 ,li -AU 1 Mill II ruriiaWllr " "- -- T aaHMa.su 1fii II It TV Ti ig T JTv's,' ATFll. yiTVVTIrf. ' nr-.frv r II 1 saaaaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeas w j- i a aalit Biad Moulh tl .t. )a all. Wart Ttita sih ! vi MetavKcr, 1.11 E . BWilUU'H. Tvuim Ua.it. tw. a n 1. a If You Haven Got It You Won't Spend It That's one of the secrets of successful saving. It's only human to spend money that's lying idle and waiting " in your pocket. The temptation is too great, your wants too numerous. Many people hare found this out and have taken advantage of their knowledge by putting their money out of harm's way. They have opened savings accounts with The Wachovia where their money increases steadily under the en couragement of 4 interest compounded quarterly. Open an account with us and add to it regularly. IS mCHOVIA BANK AND TRUST COMPANY NORTH CAROLINA AshMrill. . High Point ' Winston-Salem FOR EVERY FINANCiAT. vrm. Commercial Bankir-Trut-Savir-SafelDerKH!t-IveerInM,rnce . v Raleigh Salisbury L.sal m 14