THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, FRIDAY MORNING, Sfc-fl fcMBfcK t, 1W2 70,770 JJnea Clauified AdrertUInf Inserted During Angus t. Cituen Want Ad Bring Results. PHONE 4201 Why Waste If our Time Running Around Looking for a Purchaser for Whatever You Have for Sale! Citizen Want Ada Will Do the Job at a Small Coat Try Them. 70,7 70 Lines Classined Advertising Insert, During August AY Citiien Want Ads Bring Results PHONE 4201 BOARDERS WANTED I . -m fi m t XT n vnun IN V U o i i n u i uun GOOD MONEY IN REAL ESTATE THINK OF BILTM0RE AVE.. THE , BLACK PROPERTY AT AUCTION WEDNESDAY OCT. 4th. AT 10 :50 A. M. TJQtJRTLAN DTERItACE" 17 Courmnd Are. Mrs. Charles Rasseil xttrsctlv nd-convsftlnt location: ' til rooms with hot and cold wat er, private bath and connecting bath, excellent meals an serv ice. Pnone l. HILLSIDE TERRACE in modern conveniences, attrac tive porchea and grounds. Prl - vate or connecting hatha. Kx cedent table. T.. AVERY TAYLOR . rhnif jUflMONY HALL SO Oak7 cor ner Woodfln, hot water heat, pleaiant room, excellent meals. "A Horn." Convenient to shop ping district. Phona 16S. No tuberculara. . Bon-Air 64 Asheland Clone In. Special rates to perma- nents. Phone Z291. . MRS. I. O. HI LI, ,. B's. Call 8574 or write Box 23 West Ashevilts (or room and ' board. Ideal sleeping porches, on herd, country, with modern conveniences. Rates $12.50 to tis.oo. FOR RENT On or about Oct. 13. large bright, well heated fl t '; floor apartment, room, sleeping : porch and private bath;- exoel- lentjable, no alck. 213 Chestnut. REST A WHILE, WeaverylH, N. ! C. Special rates for boarders through October. Mrs. E. J. Lil ly. Phone I?. 2 rings, Weaver- vme. ix. c ROOM and board in good location nloe airy rooms and sleeping porches; will take convalescents. 52 Spears Ave. Phone 366B. ON GOLF course, cheerful room, home environment, board op tional. Phone 312 or address Select, care Cltlien. ROOM and board In nice qiiet private horns, large front airy : room, next to bath, couple pre ferred. Phons 1544. . SOSEWOOD INN 45 Spruce. New management, excellent . table, clean rooms, steam heat. ' Phone 2623. CONVALESCENT to share room with lady. "Interesting Winter . rates. Ideal location. Phone 4350. CASRTJMA 22 Orange Bt. Room ' and board, reasonable rates, no sick. Phone 2204. Mrs. W. B. A FEW guests for October, young . girls chaperoned. Mrs. J. B. Kroadfoot. Black Mountain. N. v C. . ' SLEEPING porch, dressing room ' - adjoining bath room In 1 new ' home, best location. Phone 220S. ROOM and board for one Udy and - gentleman, convalescent. 172 Montford. Phone 498. 'CLOSE IN No sick,' room and m board. $6.50 and up. i aierri- mon Ave. Phone 2670. JTO LADY boarders, wanted work ; Ing girls preferred, very reason able. Phone 4140. . SjAROE rooms, twin beds, hot I water heat, excellent table, no slck.93 Church 8t.s .VERY A'rTRACTIVE rooms and E board at 178 Hillside: no sick. Phots 1895 JJOARD and room in , private i home. 18 College Park. pnone 7 94. UNFURNISHED HOUSES AT AUCTION. WEDNES I DAY, OCT. 4th. 10:30 A. I H nttUIXTOOO T rT2 A J PART OF THE BLACK x ivui x x , x vux x , VALLEY ST.. ON BILT MORE AVE. J. JEFFRESS REALTY COMPANY J. T. HORNEY -AUCTIONEER - C. IFOR fiENT, new, modern, f 5-room bungalow, , on car line, close in. Phone 4200. S-ROOM house for rent, Woolsey . section, watgr, lights and sewer, " large lot, convenient to ar. F. I T. Walser. Phone 1013. TWO 8 -room houses, new, baths, -runnrng-atsn-otl-Jlltmor near car. P. jJ. Herron, Skyland, . N. C. . 6 ROOMS, sleeping porch "with ' heat, convenient to car line. Call . 330 Hillside. ' FOR RENT 42 Summit St., Bilt more.. Price ' $25 . per month, Phone 1942. - MONEY TO LOAN BILTMOR E AVE.. THE GATEWAY TO ASHE VILLE FROM THE EAST AND SOUTH. YOU CAN'T GO WRONG IN INVESTING YOUR HARD EARNEDMONEY IN SOME OF THE BUS INESS LOTS AT AUC TION OCT. 4th. 10:30 ' A. M. - ' $1,000,000 to loan on five years time on Ashevllle residential 3 business property; also farm loans. Six per cnt. Hulsey Leavltt, 39 American National jajjr Bldg. ACXNTS WANTED APART OF THE FAULlT- NER & KENT FARM.' NEAR BILTMORE FOR EST DEVELOPMENT AT AUCTION WEDNES DAY, OGT. 4th. 3 P. M. lUSIC BY THE BAND. SALE5IAN WANTED HAVE YOU confidence In your sales ability? W ar prepared to offer 4 such men oe women , an established and clean cut ; service to sell In Southern States, exclusive - territory. Writ Box (49, Asherill. WANTED THE RCK.SKI.L C. Hons.. Trai fer and Storage Company, ot AtlanU. Oa., will have two big furniture trucks leaving Ashe Mlle tor Atlanta on Sx: .'rd'iy r Monday.. Anyone bavin? furni ture to be mouU to Attain 1 can save packing, drayage and freight and make the transfer quickly by arranging with Home to handle direct with hi true'ts. TelphoneS876for Information. WANTED to rant C 5 or 6 room house, or 3 or 4 room apartment. ; unfurnished, close in; will be perman ent if reasonable. State location and price. Ad dress "L. L.," care Citizen. C. J! JEFFRESS REALTY CO. SELLS AT AUC TION. A PART OF THE BLACK PROPERTY OCT. 4fh, 10:30 A.,M. WANTED Your orders for print ed; or engraved wedding in vita tlons, announcements, business and calling cards, commercial and society printing. Ashevllle Printing Engraving Co. 15 Church St. Phone 980. ADVERTISE in the Charlotte Ob server and do business with the great Piedmont region; large Sunday edition. , 28,500 circula tion, produces result from both Carolines. Classified rate, 2c word. WE REPAIR typewriters, cash registers and sewing machines of all. makes; satisfaction guar anteed or money refunded. O. RUBIN, MGR. JPhOne J240-J. WANTED At once," office furni ture, slightly used, including flat top desk and chairs; also filing cabinet. What have you to ofTerT Phone us at. once. Phone 4103-J. WANTED To rent good 5 or. room home with garage. Mont ford section: must be reason able. Q. N., care Citizen WANTED To rent unfurnished house with at least '2 alecDing porches, desirable location, long . lease. Phone 2246. WANTED-jpNatlonal cash register. state description ana price. Chas. Koontz, 99 Bowery, NY DOUBLE flat top desk and Under wood typewriter. E. C. Llule, 10 Government St. DOUBLE fiat top office desk, type writer desk and safe cabinet. O,. I., are Citizen FOR KALSOMININO and paint ing, call phons 7(2. Larkln De rymple. WANTED Cash register; must be in good condition. Phone 1016. PORTABLE garage wanted. Call 4009. FURNLSHED HOUSES AT AUCTION, CHAS. STE PHENS' FARM CUT IN- 1-.IQ SMATI TRACTS. RItttr-OTTFERTILE. SELLING AT YOUR P R I C E. WEDNESDAY, r OCT. 4th, 3 P. M. CV J. JEFFRESS REALTY ; COMPANY SALES MANAGERS J. T. HORNEY AUCTIONEER FOR RENT Furnished 6 room bungalow, handsomely furnish ed, strictly up to date; hot water 'heat, ready for- occupancy; ev erything complete; lawn of 8 ' acres, trees, shrubbery,- views, cow and chickens on place, ser vants house. Rent $176 month. J. R. Law Realty Co., Realtors, 1 Law Bldg. Phone 1206 Of 8196. FOR - RENT Furnished house, 7 rooms, one of most complete residences In Aftheville, servants' house, double garage, all modern conveniences, none better, 20d month. Another house, facing golf course, $125 month. See J. R. law Realty Co., Realtors. LawBldg. . Phone 120 or 31M. FOR RENT- Unfurnished, four - rooms and bath, apartment sec ond . floor, -corner of Hanover ., and Haywood Road. 7 and 9 Hanover St. Mr. ' Montgomery. Rent $21, month; reference re quired or phone izs. FOR RENT Furnished, Wrenns Nest Cottage, furnace . heated two Are places, three ords wood, on place. Seven rooms, Urge sleeping porch. Reason able,- if rented at once. Phone 4234. " --V NEW 8-room heated house, Wea vervllle, N. C, school and col lege facilities, highway and trol- Iiyto-Asheviller-reasntUle-4ent.. Mrs. E. J. l,iiiy. rnone im, z rings, Weavervllle, N. C. i to WELL adults for 6 months be. ginning Nov. l. t room lurnian- ed bungalow, furnace heat, ga- rase. 5 Edgswood Road, Grace 1 Car. - ' l . FOR RENT P'urnished 4 room house In Weavervllle, rent ,'re sonable. Apply F. -. Read, Ashevtlle, Route 3. 6 AND 4 ROOM apartment com nletelv furnished as homes every convenience. Charlotte St. Apply 194 FURNISHED bungalow, complete, best location, with heat, close In, x.near car line. . Phone 2282. 65 Austin Ave. ROOMS and bath, near car line, Biltmore. reasonable rent. Phone 2490. "UNFURNISHED ROOMS THREE housekeeping rooma unn furnished, single room furnished, modern, clean, comfortabls, in expensive, close in. Also garage. Phone 4 04 1 FOR RENT 6-rooms, sleeping : porch nd bath. 12 Pearl 8t. Phone 4022. jOB 8 CONNECTING rooms for - housekeeping. 45 Hollywood St. Phone 2211. ' ' ' . 2 OR i CONNE-TiiNU rooms ior housekeeping. Ktouywooa ci. Phon e 2212. J ROOMS unfurnlsnea ana sleep ing porch. 7 J -pruce. I LARGE rooms, close In. $20 per rn on thFnonesj rTiJRNisHED ROOMS BED ROOM to DusineMcoupm; electric grill K aesirea. Igee Psrk. Phone leer. HOUSEKEEPING 2, $ rooms well furnished, bath, heat. aink. No sick. 4 Charlotte. FOR SALE Artists' Canvas, Brushes, complete Line. Teubner-Palnier Paint and Chemical Co. Broadway and Walnut Phone 3581 DUE to change of plans owner wishes to sell his new fine furniture, suita ble for six-room house. 'Prefer selling all to one party. Apply T. L care Citizen. . FOR SALE Saddle horse. I!.i Top," blue ribbon winner Bllt more Forest riding club home show, 1922; Kentucky bred, 3 Kuited; 6 years old, beautiful In action, spirited, kind disposition, suitable for either lady or gen tleman. Frank Littleford. Sky la nd.N. C. Phone89S. WELL established grocery busi ness. - Uood location ana place for meat market, two dwelling rooma upstairs. Rent cheap. Reason for selling, owner mov ing South for Winter. Phone SS7. FOR SALE Pure Porto Hifo sweet potatoes In 100 pound bags. Price 11.10 per bag, f. o b. shipping point. Good smooth potatoes o( fine quality. Carolina Milling Co..J)ilIon,8C. 28 WINDOW screens, .6 screen doors. New standard sizes. Cost i $100.00. Big discount for cash. See Chas. M. Ray, 202 Broadway or Phone 124 for. appointment, 24 LBS. Chesterfield Hour $1; one bushel Irish potatoes $1; one bushel sweet potatots $1; S lbs. of Scoco lard $1.25. V. V. Hay- nie. 154 Broadway. Phonp 124 COTTON SEED hulls. AVhon you need anything In this line,- loose or sacked, writ or wire us, Bridger Corporation, Bladen boro, N. C. FOR SALE until Saturday, gas stove iu.uw. tirussei rug nice mattress $5.00. $115.00 seal coat, size 36, $25.00. 32 No. Ann St. DON'T SCATTER the dust Let the Apex electric, cleaner help you. Phone 3409 for free dm onstratlon. Perclval Shuttles. GOOD paying cash stand, close to schoql, on main highway, living rooms. low rent. Address a. a., care Citizen. ' j CUT FLOWERS Dahlias snd few Gladioli. 50e dozen, i dozen delivered. Strieker Farm. Phono 1706. UPRIGHT PIANO, fine condition, Cash or terms - $165.00. Main floor J. L. Bmathera and Son. BASE burner heater; Cost $100, $30. Fresh home mad grape jelly. Phone 4004. --. FOR SALE National cash regis ter, almost new. Low price. y. G., care Citizen. . ROLLER top oak .desk, practically new, big bargain ror quick sale, Phone 1884.; WOOD yard. Kindling and other wood. Mtarnez , wooa xara Phone 1371. ' ' ' YOUNG bird dog, ready to begin hunting, all papers, to register. Call I960. ' SINGER sewing machine, splendid working condition. ' rnone 1160-J. See St. Dunstan jots before you buy. Phone 4001. ELECTRIC washing machine, good condition. Phone 1027. FOR SALE 2 pointer pups about 5 months old. Phone'124. POSITION WANTED WORK WANTED of any kind, by young man having Ave yeaxs t'X nerience driving automobiles and trucks, 18 months as press man in lob printing shop, also am a fair Ford mechanic. Would go to work for small wages if there Is any chance of ad vancement. : W. R. O. 91 Wood fin St., Ashevllle, N. C. EXPERIENCED stenographer de- c a permanent position; not atrald of hard work; don't an swer this ad If you want a be ginner; have had 11 years' ex perience; employed out desire to change: also experienced in bookkeeping and general office work. O. I care Cltiaen. - WA'NTED Young married , man wants permanent 'position In or near Ashevllle, experience years In general store. 1 year hotel clerk, 2 years travell-ig salesman; best reference, if you have anything to offer. Address J. E. Cherry, Box 1402, Ashe- ville, N. C. EXPERIENCED double entry bookkeeper desires position at once where hard work and abil ity will be appreciated. . First class recommendations. . Phone 64. WANTED Position as cook or maid In private family; 1 years' experience; goosSrefereno. Ad- dress A. B. I., car Citizen., STENOGRAPHERS, booklfeepers, office workers, etc., furnished promptly without charge to em ployers. Phone 617. SANATORIUM, . boarding houss and . hotel help furnished promptly without charge to em ployers. Phone 6 17. WANTED- By experienced busi ness woman, position with firm In Western. N. 'C, as sr.endgra- . , i ton ' pner. rnunv oo,i. COOKS, maids, waitresses, nurses. houseboys. furnished promptly without charge to employers. Phone 617. ASHEVILLE Employment Agency furnishes help promptly without chsrge to employers. Phone 417. DRUGGIST wants 10 days' relief work. - Any nart of store. ..Ad- dress Druggist, csr Citizen. ' WISHES a position . as practical nurse, no objection to tubercu losis. ., B., care Citizen. WANTED To launder curtains of alt kinds. Jennie Curtis. 13 Sas safras St. Phone 2993. ; POSITION as cook , In . private family. Essie Rose, 13 Fredrick St., Phone 1932. r STENOGRAPHER with 7 years experience desires position. P. O. Box 1437. WANTED Plain sewing and mending by the day or at home. pnon 4Q88. GRADUATE nurse desire private duty. Phon 807. FURNISHED ROOMS wTiWmrfHW INVESTING YOUR GOOD MONEY IN REAL ESTATE THINK OF HILTMORE AVE- THE BLACK PROPERTY AT AUCTION WEDNESDAY OCT. 4th. AT 10:30-A. M. LARGE comfortable rooms with or without sleeping porch and connecting bath. Fine location, close in, hot water heat, 192 Chestnut. FOR RENT 1 or nicely fur nished rooms , bath between, furnace heat, in family of twa adults; best location, 1 ) blooka from square, 1-2 block College St. csr line. 3d Vance St. Phone J 366. 1 TWO LARGE, beautiful looms furnished for housekeeping, heated by furnace, running water, bath .-idjulnlnit. location unexcelled, close In. Immediate . possession. Otis Miller. 93 Mont ford. SPEND October In tne country! excellent table and all modern conveniences, sunny porches fac ing the Cragglea; open fires. Write Mrs. C. H. Alexandor, Swannanoa, N. C. or phons 6806. , JENKINS BLDO., formerly Elks7 Bldg. Fireproof, all outside rooms, hot and cold running water, tub and shower baths, with all hotel appointments. Corner Haywood and .lnut. FURNISHED apartment,' well ren ovated, with hot! and cold water, private entrance; also large bed room, adjoining bath, to well adults, reasonable. 106 Ashland Ave. Phone 1864. FOR RENT Furnlshol 8 room apartment, kitchenette, large bed room and sleeping porch; gas range; on oar line. 260 Chestnut St. Phone 2585. TWO connecting rooms furnished, light housekeeping, coal and gas range, sink, connecting bath. 43 Chestnut St. Phone 3974. 3 NICELY furnished rooms for housekeeping: lights, and water furnished. $28 per month. 2$ Charlotte St. Phone 2351. FURNISHED apartment; steam heat, private bath and entrance, first floor, garage, W. Ashevllle on car lln. Phon 4129. CONNECTING rooms furnished for housekeeping; gas, , phon. $23 per month; on Patton Ave. car line; house No. 328. (- ONE -LARGE bed room, private family, no sick, private entrance and lavatory; heated. 206 Mr rimon Ave. Phone 4470. TWO connecting housekeeping rooms, newly furnished, near bath, also on large housckeep- - lnjr room, phone ib HEATED apartment furnished, 2 bed rooms, living .room, dining , room, kitchen and bath room. Call 111 Biltmore Ave. VERY desirable 2 room apart ment,, completely ' furnished for housekeeping, sink In kltchon, 8Jne3.8! NICELY furnished front room, suitable for 3 gentlemen; no sick, private family, near Audi torium. Call 8908. TWO CLEAN rooms, well furnish ed, for housekeeping, to well adults. Close: in, on car line. Phone 402. " CONNECTING'room completely furnished for ' housekeeping, close in. 144 Rankin Ave. Phon 839. TWO WELL furnished rooms, . steam heated, close In, no sick or children. 18 Orange. Phone 431. r ' TWO LARGE connecting-rooml, well furnished for housekeeping, close in. 34 Cherry .St. Phone 1 1024. A DESIRABLE ' apartment fully , furnished, 2 . large rooms up stairs, Oct. 1. Otis MUler 83 Montford. DESIRABLB housekeeping apart ment, walking -distance Of square, reasonable rates. Phone 1998. .. . ., FURNISHED 4 room apartment, close in, "'tth private bath. " Phone ' . 89 Ashland. No ' c. i , ROOM.kiTCHENETTE, Bleeping rooms, hot water heat, near square, adults 6nly. 29 Vane St. . CLEAN nicely furnished bed rooms, 8 blocks from P. O. Rates reasonable. Phone 4626. THREE connctirur rooms, first , floor, furnished for housekeep ing. Phone 1118; 20 jSJaytO'l. FOR.RENTTH!room house, part ly furnished, close In, near car line, reasonable. Phone 253. TWO ROOM apartment furnished, - first floor, gas and sink, no cnil-'- dren. reasonable. 78 Starnea. NICELY furnished room. 21Edt win. Place, CVove Park, near Charlotte. Phone 4149. ' ONE LARGE furnished room. Housekeeping If desired. 228 Montford, Phone 2846. -J - 2 FURNISHED rooms for house keeping, close in, reasonable. 90 Starnes. Phqns 1922. FOR RENT Furnished apart ment, close .In, moieri conven iences. Phone 4080. WILL SHARE home for winter with well adults; terms reason able. Phone 1060. ' LARGE airy housekeeping rooms. furnished, reasonable rates. 64 N. French Broad. FURNISHED ROOMS Two at tractive bedrooms, heated, c!ose in. Phone 3692. ONE FURNISHED, 2 unfurnished, for light housekeeping. . Phone 2918. 17 Ora. 2, 3 OR 4 room apartment, first or second floor, garage. Cheap. Call 8879-J. SEVEN . completely - furnished rooms. Phon 2354 or Call 96 Central Ave. , OCTOBER 1. 3 furnished rooms, sleeping porch, steam heat. Phone 4004. FURNISHED 2 or 3 rooma for housekeeping, close In, no sick. 95 Btarnes. , NIC ELYFUR N 1 8 H E D-iron t bed room, in private home, close in. Phone 485, - . ONE BED room and kitchenette, , gas range, no. sick. Phon 2820. FURNISHED apartment, close In. Phone 243$ after 4:30 o. r. AUTOMOBILES USED CARS See oifr stock 40 cars, all sizes, makes to select from ; easy terms. WESTERN CAROLINA AUTG CO. -12-14 16 Easi College St. Phone 890. "W Want Your Business" L " OVERLAND touring car. in fair running order, $95.00 easy payments. ASHEVILLE OVERLAND KNIGHT. INC, 22 East Walnut St. Phone 2967 B I HTM ORE AVE.. THE" GATEWAY TO ASHE VrLLE FROM THE EAST AND SOUTH. YOU CAN'T GO WRONG IN INVESTING YOUR HARD EARNEDMONEY IN SOME OF THE BUS INESS LOTS 7 AT AUC TION OCT. 4th, 10:30 A. M. FORDS FORDS One 1922 model touring car with starrer. One 1921 model touring car with starter. One 1921 model sedan car with starrer. Three 1920 model touring cars with starter. One 1920 model roadster car with starter.' 8E BAKER, REPUBLIC TRUCK ' ' CO. Lexington and Walnut FOR SALE or exchange, 6 passen ger touring car, 6 good tires, new paint; . good terms; ex change for 2-ton truck or trao tor. Williams. Phon 1887. FOR RALE 1 Buick 7 passenger, -22 -model, like new; 1 Esse touring car, good condition. , Weaver Motor Co,, 29-31 Spruce 8 Phone 441. FORD coupe, 1922 model; owner leaving citv. reason for selling. ''Vor Information 'call 3096. FINE FIVE passenger automobile. Will sell or trade for real estate. Q.P.,ar Citizen. FORD TOURING car, $235. Good . as new. Quick sale. Phon ' . 1926. . SPECIAL ORNAMENTAL plants, suitable for landscape work. Grown by , us. 25 years experience at Bilt more Nursery. Let us furnish your plants and do your land scape work. Writo for nHCff list. Phone 4206, F. M. Crayton and Sons, Biltmore, N. C.. ' GOWNS Mad to order, remodeling coats, silts and gowns ot all kinds. ROBEY'S ; 201 Drhumqr Bldg. ' Opposite Goode's Drug Store ; 2n(1 "' ' C. J. JEFFRESS REALTY CO. SELLS AT AUC TION. A PART OF THE BLACK PROPERTY ' OCT. 4th, 10:30 A. M. FULLER brushes. Try a Fuller broom; outlasts four corn brooms; much lighter and. eas ier to handle, excellent for all sweeping purposes. Louis ft, Kates,, 11 Cullowheo St. Phone 2597, City. ' Letter Shop MIS-H.C7AV1B Public stenographic service, ' du plicatlng. 62 Am'n. Natl. Bank Bldg., Asheville, N. C. Phone 2247, MILLINERY Of exgclusie design, remodeling ROBEY'S 204 Drhumor Bldg. Opposite Goode's .Drug Stor- . 2nd floor ; DIXIE Detective Agency, over Teague's Drug Stor, commercial collecting; bad checks, a special ty. Fred Sluder, Manager GARAGE for rent, and gas range for sale. 84 Elizabeth St. Phone 4039-J. LOST THURSDAY afternoon at Ashe vllle station, $400 In travelers checks and $20 bill in snap cover. Liberal reward if return , ed to J. H. Sadler, Langren Hotel. . . STRAYED or stolen. In W. Ashe vllle, tan and white Collie,- one year old, slightly lame. Any in formation as to his whereabouts l!L P Pjd :vl48 LOST Thursday afternoon, email leather case containing roll of ? bills. Please return to 174 Hay wood or Ph44Reward BEAGLE hound, - female, black, whit and tan.' Rturn to Na tional Barber Shop for reward. Biltmore. ; ,.:'- LOST N. Pack Square, small green change purse. Reward. Return 41 Edgemont. Phone . 3760. ... ' - ,; ' LOST Spectacles with tortoise ehell rims snd gold bows, in blsck case. Phon 1027. COLLIE pup. Owner's nam on collar. Return 15 Chestnut St. Phon J48. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BROWN REALTY CO. Exclusive Agents ARCO GARDENS "Where Your Rent Money Will Buy a Horn-." Phone 19 1 N. East Pack Square No. LOOKING FOR A HOME? See Our List Before You Buy. MOALE & MERIWETHER Real Estate in All Its Branches Insurance and Bonding 312-313-314 Haywood Bldg. Phone 661 Member Ashevllle Real Estate Hoard. Phona 387. Amur. Nnt Bk. Bldg. Established 1S5 Aston, Stikeleather & Co. All forms of Insurance Real Estate 5 ROOMS snd glass enclosed sleeping porch, Isrge lot. nlre shade, beautiful views, W. Aihe vllle, 15 minutes from car lint; bargaln.K. II., care Citizen. OWNER wants to sell 4 room bun galow, lot 61x153, W. Ashevllle; quick eale. 2,600. Uox 98 CHEAP-5 acres? large dwelling at Frultland Inst. R. Holt, Cher- okee, N. C, HELP WANTEB" EMPLOYERS W can furnish you all kinds ot help, free of charge to employer ' and employee. Call 8187 for In formation. Stats and U. 8. free Employment Service. Asheville. N. C. HELP WANTEDMALE WANTED Several experl enced motor truck sales men that wish to make Eermanent conn ections. o not apply unless you have a record as a pro ducer. We do not want any beginners or has beens, . but men that can deliver the goods. International Harvester Co. of A., 212 S. Cedar St., Charlott9, n. c . :.'- WANTED First class stenographer ; married man preferred; salary $150.00 a month-. Add,re replies to S. R., . care uitizen. WANTED To sub-let brick work setting of stons. painting and ' plastering, First Bsnk and Trust Co. Building, Hendersonvllle, N. C. Apply King - Lumber Co., Charlottesville, Va. . FAST GROWING business requires requires hustling younir mun, permanent contract, oanh guar ant and good references necea sary. Address Q. O , care Citi ien MEN WANTED To open a"n3 manage Colleotiv Agency Oftlce. r-Must have ureviousxprmci Address Manager, Box 667, Greensboro, N. C MEN Learn barber trad, abort ' course, job waiting; wages high. Writ Molar Barber Col lea. 192 Marietta St.. .Atlanta. Help wanted -, FttoAm NEAT, HONEST colored woman wanted to helD with house work and cooking: references reaulr- ed. Boxwood Cottage, Grace. WANTED Middle sgea woman 10 . do general light house work, t . ' W. Leach, Weavervllle, N. C. WANTED An experienced whit waitress, Phone 267. FOR RENT , FOR RENT Must be rented at once Nothing like It In Asheville, hot ,, .water heat, four bed rooms,1 gas, sleeping porch, near '"Manor." furntehed excellently and com- pletely, includIngplanor$8fr. CHARLIE M. BROWN THE HOME FINDER v ' J. J. HARBY Drhumor Bldg Phone 8941 BILTMORE AVETIS THE PROPERTY TO BUY IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A GOOD INVEST MENT, AT AUCTION. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 4th. 10:30Jl il. : Jl-ROOM hous'wlthbths. 7 hardwood -floors, 2 kitchenettes. 2 sleeping porohes, cottage and garage; larg lot. close to Square, Ideal rooming and hoarding house; will rent partly furnished on 12 months' time. Phone 19, BACkMTN. C furnlshed cf.t tage, garage, close in, fine school, -churches, good roads. Prlca $35 per month; second 'furnished cottage, 11-4 mile from village. Prlc $20 per month.AddressJ. B.Broadf oot. BAUTIFUL mahogany ease Stsrr piano' for rent to responsible party. $6 per month. Mrs. Geo. Forrester. Bird Whistle Bunga low, Linden Ave. ATTRACTIVELY furnished home In Grove Park; 4 bed rooms. 2 baths, sleeping pprch, servants' room and garage. . Address T. Crare Citizen. J FOR RENT In good location, 2 large rooms snd on small con necting room suitable for doctor or dentist ftlce. phon315. FOR-RENT, furnished bed rooms, also one 3-room unfurnished apartment. tun heat. No sick. Phone 2009. KEAii ESTATE FOR SALE W. T. LUNSFORD Phone 2585 Ideally located on a beautiful woerted knoll, overlooking Grove Parky . hr. nrf n l.rnnm hiinsulnw. furimo heat piped to all room, lot 52x160, eastern exposure, accept vacant lot as par! pay n, is im on a Knlndid 7-rouin. 2-storv house vacant lots, near Hillside Stie-n; If you know property values yon will buy this at $8,600. ' j Here's something worth the money something tnat will appeal to anyone who Insists on the best location at- a moderst price. Grove Park. 7 rooms, hot water heat, cement basement, servant's room, storage room and servant's toilet in basement, eastern (t posure. hardwood floor, beam celling, extra larg nclos4 sleep ing porch It's new, $8,500. ;. J New 6-rooni brick veneer, hot water heat, oentent basement, break' fast nook, Merrlmon car Una. The house Is two-story and thor oughly well built, beautiful lot with giant oakshad trees, la best seo.lon. In fact a HOME. $8,500. . I ' Snappy new bungalow, flv block's from square, hardwood floors,' north side, easy term. There are very few that compar with It tnr K 000. - Good corner lot, In Montford section, near school and car line, $1,408. Nice lot for bungalow, Hlllsid Street. $1,000. . ? W. T. LUNSFORD ' i y Phone 2585 - Offlc at Reaidence. . 250 Chestnut Street, Corner Charlott. " WHICH 18 YOUR CHOICE In other words, where do you prffer llvingr Tnose are in jacis- the location Is second to lion or thereabouts.' The nicest lawn and shade. Rock foundation the choicest oak the rock of Gibraltar. 3 largo and on small bed room. Tn ar rangement Is 99 45-100 per cent perfeot. Yes, It has th heat and, garage. It's a bang-up first class horn offered at least three thousand under Us honest-to-goodness value. Good terms, $11,500.00, It cos: them much of fourtan thousand leaving city. . "It Can Be Done" ' , , W. T. ROWLAND & CO., REALTORS 218-219-220, Drhumor Bldg. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE 5-room bungalow, Merrlmon Av.. $3,150. Term Ilk rent. Five-Room bungalow, new. $1,000 cash, balance $"5,000, $50.00 . month. ' . ' ...... Six-room bungalow In 3 mlnufes walk Pack Square. $6,250, $1,000 - cash, balance Building and Loan. The best bungalow In Ashevllle- If you don't believe it let us show . you, then tell us weT, $7,860, ,' $1,000 cash, balance easy, If It for rent w have It . , STILWELL'& PALMER , 319-320 Drhumor Bldg,- PHONS 1088 SMALC"TRCT"At AUC TION, W-E D N E S D AY, OCT. 4th, 3:00 P. M. A PART OF THE FAULK NER & KENT FARM. C. J. JEFFRESS REALTY COMPANY 'SALES MANAGERS J. T. HORNEY AUCTIONEER , , FOR SALE " I -room bungalow, Chestnut Street, $6,600. S-room bungalow, on ear lln. i $6,000, (-room and sleeping porch, $7,260. 7-'Oom, 2-spartment, $7,000, BLUE RIDGE REALTY CO. Room 7. Coxe Building Phone 406 I , .I. K.WHlTpi5 FORAL-Thre lots for sale' on BtnJustan's Clreli-T-t 75 ft. : front. Fine view. ij.000.00. Another 75 ft. lot only 1, 500.00. Also on 70 ft. front lot $1,500. Terms 1-8 to 1-4 cash, balance easy. Nice trees on each lot, all ' on Circle. Water and cewer con ' neotlon. See us for nice build ing lots. J. R. Law Realty Co., , Realtors Law Bldg. Phone 1208 or 2196. .- .. ; .. FlLTMOSE fAVES. IS THE PROPERTY TO BUY IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A GOOD INVEST ' MENT. AT - AUCTION, WEDNESDAY, OCT, 4th. 10:30 A. M. For BVrgaina i in Real Estate '. or Any Kind of Insurance Call on , .GEORGE E. LEE Over Citizen Bank. Phone 624 If If for Rent W Have th Key Phon 88 BOYD. CHANCE & BRAY Stor Leasing Specialty Rooms 10-11 Sondley Bldg. 15 Haywood BL , W have complete . listings of houses for rent and for sale, in cluding offices over Smith's Drug Ktore. Electrical Building . and CoxEstat ProperUes. FORBES & COMPANY Member of th Ashevllle Real Estate Board 10 Government Bt. Phone268 APARTMENT ana house hunting made easy. Furnished and un furnished houses for sale and for rent. "Good Servlc and In terest Taken." " J. J. HARBY 1202-203 Drhumor Building .Phone 3941 WE) BUT, sell and exchange all kinds of city, suburban, farm properties, "ANYWHERE." Call for what you want. North Carolina Realty Co. J. H. OROGO. Seo'y.-Treas . 78 Patton Avenue. , (South of Poetofflce) Ashevill. C. Phone 2581 FOR'saLE By owner,, two story houss, fin condition, flv .larg room, enclosed sleeping porch, bath, pantry and closets, extra large lot. Some terms. Se own er. 64 W. Chestnut. FOR SALE or rent by own er, attractive new home in Grove Park. Call 4272 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE refined neighborhood, owner will and give very ny terms on nai with furnace heat, and two food RESIDENTIAL STREET ' In Ashevllle. The lot Is 70X19S V. " t , - floors all over. House built UK. REAL ESTATE FOR SAW $7900. MONTFORD AVE. $7900. r SENSATIONAL SACRIFICE 9 -room house with two baths, 65 - foot front on two paved. streets, can be mad Into three os more apartment; now has two. We want th ceh; have an offer of a loan of $4000. tou must pay the bonus If you' want terms. Several thousand ot a good living can be mad on this pro. - erty. Don't wait, Phone 8941 see it, 'CHARLIE M. BROWN THE HOME FINDER , . J.. J. HARBY IJrhumor Building SMALL TRACT AT AUcf TION, WEDNESDAY. OCT. 4th. 8:00 P. M. A PART OF THE FAULK NER & KENT FARM. C. J. JEFFRESS REALTY " - COMPANY - is SALES MANAGERS J. T. HORNEY AUCTIONEER THE" BESTBUY"in'luhe'vlil. 1 3 - rooms, - 2 baths, heating planr, etc. A splendid residence; lot 160 front, by 300 feet depth, on . one of 'principal street; th- house or lot either Is worth $15. 000 but ' that : amount will take bath.- ' First com, first ' served George E.-L, over . Citizen s Bank. Phone 624. V i. Real Estate Rentals Insurance Loans MESSLER REALTY CO. Second Floor Library Bid; , - Phone 8081 WE RENT, sell and e change all kinds of Real Estate. . . ' FORTUNE. INGLE & COXE 11 Electrical Bldg. .-" Phone 2247 . iFTRtl Estat or Insurance , w have It. Be u befor you buy. i k BEAM-LINK & CO.. i Rear EsUt Insurance : Rooms 2-8-4, over Tagu' Drug : Store, Patton Av. Phon 1990 FOR SALE OR RENT room cottage, city water, 1 l- acres of land, Just out of city limits, easy terms. Call owner. Phon 6513 or 8621 We pay cash for Reai Estate, we sell on easy terms. List your property with us for Bale and for rent. . , DONNAHOE & CO. Phone 649 49 Patton Ave. FOR SALE or renL Houes. lots and suburbs properties. Mcdonald & deshleri 28 American National Bank Bid. Member. Ashevllle Rest ,, Estate . Board. . WE HAVE house and bungalows for sale; also houses for rent, A man ready to show you at any , time. " GREENE & GOODMAN On the Square ' Phone 731 WANTED 5' room cotUse ift"2 to 5 acres of land, on the out skirts of town, not over T mile, must he on hard r.wil, mh '. some terms. P-hone 1S0S and -. for Brown, or write Box Sjl, 'Asheville. M' M