THE SUNDAY CITIZEN, ASHEVTLLE, N. C, OCTOBER 1, 1922. MAMMOTH FURNITURE STORE Notwithstanding the fact that Rugs are J now scarce and hard to get, we have on 5 display a very good showing. We advise you to make selections early, for it will be '... 11 1 r . i unwise to wait ana depend on future de liveries for patterns which we now have in stock. - Sizes' 27''x54" to 9x12. Prices for Tapestry as low as .... . $27i50 Prices for "Wilton as high as $125.00 j. L. Smathers & Sons 15 Broadway. Phono 226. 24-26 Lexington. B BTTT A BOOK A WEEK BUT A BOOK A WEEK MOST POPULAR AUTHORS These authors are among the beat known and have just pro duced new successes that are already among the beet sellers. t THIS FREEDOM, by A. S. M. Hutchinson $3.00 BABBITT, by Sinclair X,ewls S3. 00 CAENAC'S FOLLY, Gilbert Parker $3.00 :rl Mall Orders Filled Promptly.. Pastas; 10. ROGERS BOOK STORK Offloi Outfitter. 17 Hajrood it. Ashevllle, N. 0.. Whm tM Sayn Conservatory of Music announce. Instruction In correct Violin Playing under Elena de Sayn (Exponent Sevctk-Auer) and her assistants $10, $15, $20 and $25 monthly Two Lessons a Week Piano Instruction at same rates Y. W. C. A. BIdg., Oak Street Tel. 4178-J Sayn Conservatory of Music IS CDon't Take Chances s On An Unknown Fuel H Now, if ever, is the time to stick to RELIABLE COALS, such as our 'BETTER IN THE END 5 COAL," the renowned M. & W. For many, many ss Winters it has justified the confidence of our cus- tomers and it will continue to do so THIS year, sr: Better get your orders in NOW. ' The Carolina Coal, and Ice Co. 50 Patton Ave. 'Phone 130. !iIIIII!ll!llllllll!llll!llll!llllllllllllllllIlllUliIIII!liUll aJ "LOOK FOR THE WHITE TRELLIS" CRYSANTHEMUMS ARE BLOOMING .Three, Four and Five Dollars the DOZEN at The FLOWER SHOP MtDDLEMOTJNT GARDENS 45 Patton Avenue , ' ..i,one 8710 Only War By England With All Islam Will Prevent Partial Return Of The Turk To Europe Despite Defeat in First Balkan War, and in World War, Turks Seem Destined to Secure Fairly Good Sized Patch of Europe. THE SWANNANOA- BERKELEY A Modern Brick and Concrete Hotel One Block from PublJo Square Asnerllle, O. o. -Enrnnean-Plaa jaDie u aow rrw 'Rates: $1.50 Dcr day and np Dinner or bupptr, . . .1 v r 750 'S P E C I A L For Week of October lst-7th This week we are offering a our special, subject to the stock on hand 3, Blue Enameled, Covered SAUCE PANS- 1 , 3-quart ; 1 , 4-quart and 1 , 6-quart LL THREE $1.49 this week only, . Hardware Co. r ; Central 21 Biltmore Ave. 'Phone 2747. Br FRANK H. SIMONDS WASHINGTON, Sept. 29 VTn- leaa all slams fall and Great Ilrltaln risks a war not with Turkey but with th. wbola of ltlam. thsaolu tlon of the present Near Eastern crlati la In sight and It will be a Turkish solution. Not only will the Turk' return to Europe, occupy ing his capital freed from Allied garrisons, but ha will resume con trol In Adrlanople and once more hold the eastern bank of the Mar Mra. This means that despite de feat In the World Wars, preceded by defeat In the Flrat Balkan war, the Turk la going to make good his hold on a fairly considerable Jump ing off place In Europe. It would be a mistake, however, to see In this return of the Turk to European soil any real menace to the neighboring Christian states. The Turkish bolt' In Europe has been shot and each recession dur ing the past century and a half has been, save in the case of Adrla nople, a final withdrawal Turkish re-appearance In Eastern Thrace la not Important because of its relation to the Balkans, Its sole real significance lies in the effect it will have upon the Straits. With Turkey re-established at Adrlanople however a new ques tion arises. In the Paris Confer ence days the Bulgarians, support ed by the American representatives and by Frank Polk, who represent ed us In Europe later, strove to re tain their narrow facade upon the Aegean and their single port of Dedeagatch. This territory Anally fell to Greece with Adrlanople and the wHole of Thrace under the at tlement of Sevres. Now however, since Thrace la to go to Turkey, the Bulgarians are renewing their demands for Dedeagatch. Eastern Trace Great Loss To Greece. In losing Eastern Thrace Greece will have to surrender a territory of soma eight or nine thousand square miles, an area about equal to that of New Jersey, with a pop ulation of something more than 600,000. Whip the Greek element in this district Is probably the most numerous and the Greek tradition unmistakable, there are still many Turks in the centre and many Bul gars in the north. Just before the First Balkan War Greece had a population of 2,500, 000, when the, World War had been liquidated. Greece had expanded her European population to noariy 6,000,000. while her possession of the Smyrna district In Asia Minor added still' another 2,000,000. As a result of the changes which are now praotlcally certain, the Greece of Constantino will have to surren der at least half of the territories won by Venlzeloa. Smyrna is lost and Eastern Thrace as good aa lost probably in the end Greece will find herself with some 'five millions of people, that Is about twice her population of ten years ago and with her area similarly doubled. .j. But 11. BwUtrsria-regains hep strip on the Aegean simple Justice would demand that Greek claims In (he Northern Eplrua and in the Aegean islands should be recognized. Vet it la unfortunate for Greece that while France seems to back The Bulgarian claims to Dedeagatch Italy resolutely opposes the Greek rights In the islands and In Eplrus as well. What the Italians desire iff to see Greece reduced to the smallest conceivable limits, what the French are Interested In is in ternosine a strip of Bulgarian ter ritory between the Greeks and the new Turkish frontier, that Is a new barrier to Greek advance to Con stantinople. Adrlanople Txwt To Turkey In 1913. For the world, however the fate of Adrlanople Is of relatively minor significance. It was lost to Turkey in 1913, after a famous siege in which Bulbar and Serb fought as Allies. It waa retaken a few months later by the Turk, when, all the Bulgar troons' were away fighting the Serb. Part of the -city, the quarter across the Marltza was ceded to the Bulgars by the Turks in 1915, just before Bulgaria came In on the German side ana to in sure the Bulgarians rail communi cation on their own soil with the Aeeean at Dedeagatch, which still theirs. In 1918, when the Turks surrendered, .the Greeks In their turn occupied Adrlanople and have held It ever since. What actually counts now In the Near Bast and the Far- East as well is that the British have lost one of the biggest diplomatics bat tles in recent history ana are rac ed now with a dilemma each horn of which carries grave difficulties. To make war upon the victorious Turk Is to risk a long and .expen sive struggle, to make peace Is to surrender most qX the prizes won In the war by the British. Ameri cans are prone to forget that the East,-everything" from-Constalntl- nople to Slam Is the scene or tne greatest effort by British Imperial statesmanship and thus to misin terpret recent events. - , British Control Seemed To Be Set Up. The World war and the which followed, In giving Britain Mesopotamia, Palestine and virtual control at Constantinople, together with the control of the Greek army, the largest and best equipped force In the Near East, seemed to estab lish British control beyond chal lenge. At the same time the Brit ish had been able to reach a basis of agreement with the Arab and to restrict If not to eliminate the French Influence in the Near East resulting from the Syrian mandate. Unhappily for the British tney have been - unable to hold their gains. The Greek army has been destroyed and the Turk has come back victorious and hostile. The Arab has found British poller In Mesopotamia and Palestine very unsatisfactory and la in arms now against his British ally of the war. Finally the whole Mohammedan world is now clamoring that the Turk be permitted to re-occupy Constantinople and Adrlanople and if British policy continues to op nose both these demand; the re sults are bound to be gravs in the extreme. , Mttle Belief Iioyd George Will Insist. But there is very little reason to believe that Uoyd Oeorgs will in sist. What is taking now would seem to Indicate that the necessary change of policy Is rapidly taking form and that all that is now be ing sought Is a decent cover for his inevitable retreat. , Tne dis aster is supreme and final, but there is still a chance of a digni fied retirement which will mini- j mtse the lees of prestige. If not abroad at least in the House of Commons, which Is what really counts for XJoyd George. In any event It la Idle to talk of anothejr. World Wr or of a. general European conflagration. Europe has not the smallest indention of becoming embroiled In what is essentially a British venturo, a gamble for complete control of the Near Emit, which has corns to grief. And neither British finances nor Brltlnh publlo sentiment is In any condition to encourage the present government In risking a new war, which would gravely dis turb the Mohammedan population all over the Empire. There remain two dangers. The Turks moy refuse to permit the British the decent Interval which would enable them to change their policy without too patent surrender to pressui', the British may sek to postpone too long the surr.-ndor which they now have to make. Either eventually might mean conflict along the Aalatle shore of the Stralla, fighting on ths soli which from ths siege Troy to that of Ualllpoll has known many snug gle, but (here Is really no reason why ths Turk should risk war, when ths fruits of victory are as ured and under pressurs, no one changes front so rapidly as Lloyd George. Aotnal War Iwi Isscly As The Days Pass. Probably ws shall havs many alarms In ths next few days and even weeks, we mav even have outpost encounters, but actual war .would seem to be becoming less and lens likely ss the days pass. The key to the Dardanelles Is to be found In Mesopotamia sn Pales tine, in far'. In the whole Moham medan fraction of the British Em pire and the key is thus beyond the Srotectlng reach of the British eet. If Ilrltaln were assured the support of any allies she might stick to her old policy, but this aid has bem refused. Actually what British statesman ship sought to accomplish In- ths case of France and Germany, nnmely to lrolats Frsnce, If the French Insisted upon occupying Ruhr, French and Italian states manship has achieved in the ease of Britain anl Turkey. If Britain moves she will havs to move alone and with the consciousness of the unconcealed disapproval of all Con tinental nations. The Turkish affair is, however, the gravest defeat Uoyd Oeorge has known rince he took office. A whole policy has come crashing down In ruins and the consequence must sffect ths Empire for many years to come. In his duel with France, ton, the Turkish episode, following the Genoa check, repre sents still another soore for 1'oln- (Copyrlght. 1922. by The McClure Newspaper Syndicate) Young men and women Interest ed In a first class bualneaa training are now Invited to call and lnvetl sjate the advantages of Cecil's Business College, located In the Hundley Building, on Haywood Rtreet, quarters formerly occupied by the Emanuel Business College Night School, 7:S0 to 9:30. Mon., Wed. and Frl. nights. Phone 1100. Address Cecil's Business College. Ashevllle. N. C, end Spartanburg, 8. C. ASHEVILLE'S INDUSTRIAL BANK 10 Government (treat Pays On tlms deposits, CAFE SOUND STRONG. Harmon Mllltr, Pres. Chai. G. Lee, V.-Prea. S. Llplntky, V.-Pres. S. i-. Perbes. Tress K.EEKT THE ROTE IN YOUR CftEEKS Men and women seeing j-ou for the first dm are impressed first of all by your face- your complexion. If it is toft, smooth, velvety and of rose-petl texture, they cannot help but admire, tor you are attractive, adorable nd lovely. Keep the rose in your cheeks. You can with the aid of Nadine Face Powder now in the new blue box--for Nadine gives your complexion an adorable loveliness. Nadine' makes your ildrv toft, smooth and velvety and lends that alluring; fra grance of a flower garden. It gives your skin a refreshing; coolness. Nadine too, adhere throughout the social whirl or the motor tour. If not pleased, tell us and we will re fund your jnoney. Price 50c at your toilet counter. If temporarily out, by mail, or send 4c. for miniature sample box. White,' Flesh, Pink, Brunette. NATIONAL TOILET COMPANY, Paris, Tenn. MADINOLA CRKAM, bUkchlag irum, tws tins. Me. BBS SLS NADINE PACE POWDER COMPACTS, (aid latoheS has, 1 NADINE ROUQB, gold BnUh.d bom, . . ... . JO NADINE VANISHING) CREAM, Bow sJoorlBC, Jt NADINE TALCUM, . . . .... ,t ... ' JS IgJiiii-N ,11 WW, li i-..r. r STPTIAN CREAM, ! IVJ." J "'.II' mw :rr&fiXs&&mA Mmrmm .ra n mm i;-- mo r w j r mm vm r iwmr www .Tan 'W?:'&& ' MS ' m -ssssbbss 1 . lVn B7IT17T. A VV II- S V I i ,..--f WHERE J I , I I TV I ilf I - -j?v j .-- l , r '-i Cut tllOWS I Nets Large '4 C Model 1601 J AshPasi 1 STORE CLOSED TOMORROW On Account of RELIGIOUS HOLIDAY See Monday's Citizen , for Tuesday's Offerings CADISON'S Biltmore Avenue. j Everybody's Favorite Store. -: tut: uMiycm a sue Ay FORD OWNER We can save you time and r money on repair work. Bring u your next repair ? Order. All Work Guaranteed. Richbourg Motor Co. Ford and Fordson Sales and Service 'Phone 3866-2266. 52-60 Broadway. A nnnouncing the Arrival of Pretty New Lamps i No home can be marie attractive and cozy without one or more pretty lamp. We have them ' in rich color combination, exquisite designi and quality materials.,7- Boudoir, Table and Floor designav all reasonably priced. BURTON'S Fart Only "The Beautiful Furniture Store On College." Vortex Storis Fuel Waste in Ash air T ACK of DroDer I to escape in th generally starv You can stop this Vortex - Dou suddIv causes partially burned fuel ash pan. Heating plants and stoves the fire and cause large waste or tuel. extravagance with the remarkable ble Down Draft Heater niel Vortex Heaters supply the sciintific and correct amount of air through tte double blast tubes that force the heat out into the room through the steel body. Vortex scien tific air supply decreases ash, saves waste . gases, cleanses the smoke and makes BIG SAVINGS IN FUEL NORTHUP-McDUFFIE HDW. CO., 172-74 Patton Avenue. Te.25" Chiropractic The Key To Health. Dark days will soon be tornesl into annoy daya If yon wtll allow Chlfoprando to solve yonr bealtb problems. See your Chiropractor Drs. Tucker & Tucker CHIROPRACTORS X-Iiay Equipment Pbone 1887 " ' Sit Haywood Bid. ' Asherllle, N. C. Royal Doukon is known the world over and recognized as the most famous English Pottery. We have just received a large shipment of various patterns, including the ' . FAMOUS DICKENS PATTERN This is an excellent gift line and one that will not only please but will be greatly ap preciated and prized.