ELEVEN 70,770 Lines ClMfid Advertising InMrted During August. Cin'ien Want Ads Bring Results. PHONE 4201 Why Waste Your Time Running Around Looking for a Purchaser for Whatever You Have for Sale! Citizen Want Ad Will Do the Job at a'Small Cost. Try Them. 70,770 Lines Classified Advertising Inserted During August. Citiien Want Ads Bring Results. PHONE 4201 shed and 4 THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, MONDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 2, 1922. wen A. ft i ooi kit. Ivu ath, ert. VuTT een, two 1-1 lock fla ir dar, )ti4 T.,' ej nt ' lal. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE J. T. BLEDSOE & CO. Real Estate. Insurance. Building No. 10 N.Tack Square Thorn 41 Lirchmont, garage. new S-room bungalow, eleping porch, hoi IUI wuaiiv. jinr inpuu.iiu, mini! mall am Ilk rsnt. Hlr furnace, HVI11 en t . Iial- Crssient afreet, itn-room houae, newly dona ovar, luvel lt ;.nx.':ii. garage. Price $6600.00; extrji good terms. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Vontford Ave. Nina-room houHe. with 5 large hulls and iwo hatha. Houaa la In first rlasa older; would make three nice spartnients with very little expense. mI la 15 foot front ami f. es two atreatl. It la a good buy ai $$000.00. Can make some innn. Let's aho you. Maxwell Street, right at the top of the hUl and .-lone to Orange street School. Sevan-room houae. rock foundation, cement liuseniem' heat plant, level lot. The houae ia in the hand of the painters and will' be put In flrat class ahape. Price ITtfoo.OO, good terms FOR RENT fnfurnished, 6 rooms, bath, garage, $40.00. t Furnished, 6 rooms, sleeping porch, ISO. 00. furnlahed, Hillside, nix-room, aleeping porch, heat, $101) 00. furnished, Biltmore Road, aeven-room, heat, double J. T. BLEDSOE & CO. No. 10 K. Pack Square garage, $ 150.00. Phone 4i I or lido FOR SALE 2 miles of city, new 4 -room houae. 1-2 acre' land, on good road, near tine scnooi, only xi,3oo; terms. 3-room house, Z miles city, near fine school, 1-2 acre land. This la real bargains. $3,500; terms. 5-room and aleeping porch, large airy rooms, netr high school and a aanay lor ir.zsu.uo. 7-room house, paved street and near car lino, large lot. $7,000. S-room bungalow, Merrimon section, $6,000. ( rooms and bath, furnace heat, $5,500. 2 lots. West Asheville, $500 each. We have several houses for rent, furaished and unfurnished. BLUE RIDGE REALTY CO. Room 7, Coxe Building J. E. WHITESIDE & SON" Phone 406 3 t- BOARDERS WANTED .WSTtAWTEACE 37 Courttand Aye. . Mrs. Charier Russeil Attractive and convenient location all rooms with hot and void wat er, private bath and connecting baths, excellent meals and serv ice. Phone 610 HILLSIDE TERRACE 120 HILLSIDE All modern conveniences, attrac live porches and grounds. Prl vate or connecting baths. Ex cellent table. T. AVERT TAYLOR PhoneJUS 7 HARMON Y HALL 60 Oak. cor ner Woodfln, hot water heat, pleasant rooms, excellent meals. "A Home." Convenient to shop ping district. Phone 1688. No tubereulara. Bon-Air J 66 Asheland lose in. Special rates to perma nents. . Phone 2291. MRS. I. O. HILL T. B'i, Call .8676 or write Box 23. West Asheville for room and board. Ideal sleeping porches, on herd, country, with modern conveniences. Rates $13.60 to j 16.00. '- 67 SPRUCE ST. 2 very attrac tive furnace heated rooms ad joining bath; could furnish breakfast and 6 o'clock dinner if desired, no sick. Phone 2526. ROOM and board, sleeping porches with heat, all modern conven iences; will take convalescents. 62 Spears Ave, Phone 8881 AUTOMOBILES USED CARSSee our stock 40 cars, all sizes, makes to select from ; easy terms. ' WESTERN CAROLINA ' AUTO CO. 12-1416 East CollegeSt, Phone 890 "We Want Tour Business" I O.N GOLF course, cheerful room, home environment, board op tional. Phone 382 or address Select, care Citizen. I"WO ROOMS with sleeping porch, meals given; single $15: uouDie $25 per week. Phone 1084. 153 Broaoway. wrs.-v.anm. , IOSEWQOD INN J 4ij Spruce. New management, eaueueuv table, clean rooms, steam neat. Phone 2691, SINGLE anddouble rooms with excellent meals at modern rates, central location. 23 Flint St. Phone 1890. WILLYS-KNIGHT TOURING A late model car that has been thoroughly overhauled, repaint ed. Equipped with new top. $950.00 Terms may be arranged. ASHEVILLE OVERLAND- KNIGHT. INC. 12 E. Walnut St. Phone 2867 FOR SALE or exchange, 5 passen ger touring car, 6 good tires, new paint; good terms; ex change for 2-ton truck or trac tor. Williams. Phone 1637. .CASRUMA 22 Orange St. Room nnt hoard, reasonable rates, no leU. Phnne 2204. Mrs. W. B. Ray. . . BLEEPING porch, dressing room. adjoining bath room in new homebesMocat:Phone2J0S. CLOSE IN No sick, room and board. $6.80 and up. 7 .Merri mon Are. Phoney 70. ROOM and board for two gentle- mn. convalescent. 178 Mont ford Ave. Phone 498. LARGE rooms, twin beds, hot water heat, excellent table, no sick. S Church 8t. BOARD and room In home. 1$ College Park.. 74. ROOM snd board. private . Phpne 103 Biltmore , ... Pknna IS7S. V-eAUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE DRIVE EM YOURSELF New 1923 Buickby the mile, week or month. . Cadallic and Hudson. 7 passenger with drivers, i-none - 00 2236. TAXI CALL .3- M6NEY TO LOAN $1,000,000 to loan on five years .time on Asheville resident, .9 business property: also fari loans Six per cent. J1'8". Leavitt. 39 American .National bank BIdg.. 1921 MODEL Haynes, good condi tion; will exchange for smail car and difference or trade for real estate, or would sell for cash. Phone 2399-J. : FORD'sEDAN; late 1921 model looks, runs like new; never abused. I Cheap for Cash. P. O. Box 1331. ' FOR SALE Ford roadster, start er, first class condition; fused BARGAIN Ford tourlne, good battery and tires. Price $240; terms'. Phone 1942. ' A wonderful bargain :r sold in next ten days. Brand new six-room modern bun galow, good lot. Pine Grove Ave.. $-1050; small cash payment, balance In Build ing and Loan. Wm. Colc man Co. Phone 24!)G. Real Estate Insurance Rentals Loans MESSLEIi REALTY CO. Second Floor Library Bid?. Phone 3081 WE RENT, sell and ex change all kinds of Real Estate. FORTUNE. INGLE & COXE 11 Electrical Rldg. Phone 2247 WE BUY. self and "exchange all kinds of city, suburban, farm properties, "ANT WHERE." Call for whut vnll want North Carolina Realty Co. J. II (1ROGU. Secy.-Trcus 7S Pation Avenue. (South of PostotTiie) Asheville. N. C. Phone 2581 FOIt SALIC Nice 7 loom bunga low, 2 blocks off MerrlniOTi Ave., recently built; furnace he.it. un cage, nice lot. Price t", '.::. Terms $1,000 cash. bnl.ti-c $H0 monthly and intwre.it payable semi-annually. J. It. I.nv llunliy Co.. Realtors, Law Bids. Phone 1206 or 3196. FOR SALE or rent by own er, attractive new home in Grove Park. Call 4272 CHEAP 5 acres, large" dwelling at Frultland Inst. R. Holt, Cher okee. N. C. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SAI K I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HiV IX) VOl' MKK HIT WATI.K AM' HOT WATKI! HK.VT? (loud co'.tage. en eptluually pie;y liille lot. tan lied, moms and a mull room now uaed for sleeping purposes, hall up "d down lairs, the regular living room. dinniK room, kitchen, pantry, Inrse back and front iiorch. Yes it hiis the genuine hot water beat and A-l basement. The price on lick l $.1500 no, but for all cash, $6000.00. THIS OXE i'iihi'thk'uhnki; OVER $11000 ut It certainly la a dandy gnod. sensible home, no splendidly built, and. the arrangement In Just what the Indies love. Every Hu h of floor ing select oak, furnace heat, rock foundation, located on t tic prettiest street in Ashevillo and on one (,f her choicest lots. The section ia the best also. It has the KHraae, Awful good term.', leaving city. $1 1000.00. Ijarge enough for large or small funi-v family. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE rWSATE On the lleiirtersonvllle bigbnay. chfo lo Ho- Itlltmore high chool xood t loom boiite, largo lot. inottor:) con eniencen, well w ort iMiii ; the owner hems s.i ell for $4,350; good terniM It III k ipiii-k. THIS ONE HERE IH ANOTHER HUMDINGER. j T)e lot Is so wonderful, section so good, trees so shudy. Hot wutei j heat. 4 bed rooms, one on flrat lloor with toilet and l uinon ; j Nortli Asheville. Just on Merrlmrtn: the lot Is it wliule. 150 feel j frontage. 200 feet across rear; nearly 175 feel deep, extra line terma, $12600.00. Immediate possession. , One T-iooni luuine. sleeping poicli. h!I imo.Ici n t onv enli'iica, garage lot I INxMii. all kinds of fruit, goml K.i:il"li large shady lawn. lietlKc and Mowers, on paved jitrcet ne. ir r.ilinune high school. For Rent Unfurnished One 7 room house near Itlltmore liik'i school. 4ii per momh One .' room lint over store. Hilt moie. JIN per month. F. A. WALTON REALTY COMPANY I'oniniet c Mldu I'hon REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WILLIAM COLEMAN fc COMPANY REAL ESTATE FIRE INSURANCE For Sale J A BEAUTIFUL Grove I'srk home, ideally situaleil, with lugriliienl view of the inountainK, Infcjse conists of seven rooms, sun porch tfour bed iooiiim. Uu vleepins porches, class enclosed; hot water heat; laifS I'H, garage. $111,0110. lieauuulila tcima. A SELECT on I he Square s:7. Now is the time to SALT DOWN some good lots. Ing faster than a flea can hop. AshcMlle i.-' grow- YOl CAN'T BEAT THE MANOR GROUNDS for real iiiifl homey living We have lota there 76 feet by 150 for $2100.00 a buy. WE ALL KNOW WHAT FOREST HILL IS DOING. We have a lot up on that remarkable elevat on; it's a htiKe affair The views are good enough for any Mr. Man. $3500. Two years hence you'll ssy it's cheap at $5000. BROWN REALTY CO. Exclusive Agents ARCO GARDENS i ; "Where Your Rent Money i Will Buy a Home." No. Phone 19 1 N. East Pack Square Home on Merrimon Avenue, ten rooms, beautiful Interior. tw hatha, stenm heut; large, attractive ground. A HOME COM PLETE. $20,000. - NEAR THE M,NOR anil Golf Unks. one of the best locations in the north sectlest house consists of elehi rooms, with all modern conveniences four bed rooms (sleeping porch); jood basement, Keating plant; Uu"' double garage, servants' nuartara. $15,000. Trrma. a FOREST HILL HOME . Excellently situated, new und attractive; modern In every way; fni terior arrangement particularly attractive: steam heat, good baae ment, garage, sic. . $9,750. . 2 ONE BLOCK FROM MONTFORD IN MANY WAYS KENILWORTH IS IN We certainly have aome lovely wooded lots over the price $1000 up to $3500. It's so far yet so near. A CLASS BY ITSELF. ranging In BILTMORE FOREST IS PERFECTLY STANDARD. This subdivision needs no boosting. We have nice large lots here ranging eleven hundred twenty-five dollurs up to lifteen thou sand. Of course they hafter be nice and you also hafter be nice to be able to buy in Biltmore Forest. PHONE 4201 CITIZEN WANT ADS BRING RESULTS Citizen Want Ads offers a solution to all your problems, no mat ter what they may be. There's always someone eager to buy, sell or trade and you'll surely find them through a Citi zen Want Ad. Hundreds of people are using this powerful medium every day, and you' can do likewise with cer tain success. Watch the columns and send in your ad today! The cost is small. PHONE 4201 ."3 FOR SALE Brand new guaran teed plumbing material at cost, due to overstock. Read what $100 cash will buy: 1 6-foot bath tub with all high - grade nickel plated trimmings; 1 18x21 apron lavatory with all best quality N. P. trimmings; 1 18x30 sink with faucets and trap; 1 30-gallon extra heavy range boiler and stand; 1 high grade water closet combination, all N. P. trimmings. The above sold in sets only for $100 while they last. Fixtures can be had for - less money, but not of this quul ityS. M. Stevens. Artists' Material Canvas, Brushes, complete Line. Teubner-Palmer Paint and Chemical Co. Broadway and Walnut Phone S581 Mr. Jenkins ssys he has caught up now and is anxious to show "above the average" houses. He has been quite busy lately listing some good ones. Just try Jenklos. Mrs. Rhodehamel is anxious to show you any property in West Ashe vllle. She Is making a study of the other side of the Frencn Brosd. She knows this side pretty well too. She will tackle anything in the Real Estate line. Keeps right after you too, Mr. Trumbo knows the Black Mountain road and vlcinl.y from A to lzzard; he has many listings up in that beautiful nature spot ranging from -small lots up to thousand acre cut over mountain tracts. He also specializes in FARMS and believe me, he is SOME FARM SALESMAN. He has the goods. Old W. T. As previously intimated W. T. Just droops 'round snd picks 'em up hsre, there and yonder, but his heart is in BUSI NESS PROPERTY. He believes that -few men ever went wrong dealing1 in BUSINESS PROPERTY. He says HE KNOWS ASHEVILLE pretty darn well. How do you lige this selling force. Bee It. , "It Can Bs Pone.' ;. ,,. .-rW.,. :,'.,'" ' r W. T. ROWLAND & CO., REALTORS "' 218-I19-220 Drhumor BIdg. r STILWELL & PALMER m Drhumor BIdg. 1. Bungalow, close in; five moms and bath, garage. Tel. 1066 $4500.00. Hendersonvllle Road. Good six-room house, lot 368. feet front. Room for four- more good building sites. It will not be long be fore water and sewer connections can be hud. Price $6500.00; terms $1508 eash, balance $500 per yea. Ten rooms and bath, three blocks north of Pack Square, lot 75 feet front. The house Is In perfect condition. Price $7800.00 and we csn arrange very easy terms. WELL established grocery busi ness. Good location ana place for meat market, two dwelling rooms upstairs. Rent cheap.' Reason for selling, owner mov ing South for Winter. Phone 997. LAW BOOKS Set V. S. Reports. Iwyers' Edition; U. 8. Digests: Federal Statutes annotated; calf binding, good s new. Address L., P. O. Box 130, Fletcher, N. C. '19 MODEL Ford touring;. Price $136. Metzger's Weldins Shop, W. Asheville. LOST LADIES' brown fur neck piece Sunday, between - Hendersonville h i g hway and Christ School Mill. Rewrad if returned to Mrs, C, P. Ellis, Ross craggojSJcylMdJC. LOST-On road Between Ashe ville, Marion. Little Switzerland or Linvllle, eight goif clubs. Finder by returning to The Citi zen at Asheville will receive a re ward of$Jl 0. . L08T Brief case containing valu sble papers, on or near Blake St. Reward for return. Chas. E. Miller. 18 Blake St. Phone 1969. IST 140 in $10 bills, between 24 LBS. Chesterfield tlour $1; one bushel Irish potatoss $!; one bushel sweet potatots $1; 8 lbs. of Scoco lard $1.25.-V. Hay nle. 154 Broadway. Pnone 124. PRACTICALLY new American walnut bed room suit with Eng lander twin beds; also excellent kitchen range. Apply 113 Wood ward Ave., Norwood Park. COTTON SEED buila. When vou need anything in this line, loose or sacked, write or wire us. Bridger Corporation, Bladen boro, N. C. ' '-', WE REPAIR all makes of sewing machines snd guarantee our work. Singer Sewing Machine Co., IS Government St. Phone 213. DON'T SCATTER the uet. Let the Apex electric cleaner help you. Phone 3409 for free dem onetratlon. Perclval Shuttles. FOR SALE: Pedigreed Airedale puppies Eligible for. registra tion In American Kennel Club. C. E. Rhea, Greeneville, Tenn. Five-room bungalow, S. P. and bath, hot air heat, garage, lot 67x157. Priced $5000.00. Located one block off Merrimon Ave Bee this one today. Tomorrow It may be sold. LOOKING FOR A HOME? Sec Our List Before Yon Buy. MOALE & MERIWETHER Real Estate in AH Its Branches Insurance and Bonding 312-313-314 Haywood BIdg. Phone 661 Member Asheville Real Estate Board. . . . FOR SALE Three lota for sale on St. Dustan's Circle. Lot 76 ft. "front. Fine . view. $2,000.00. Another 75 ft. lot only 51,500.30. Also one 70 ft. front lot $1,500. ' Terms 1-3 to 1-4 cj.h, balance easy. Nice trees on each lot, all on Circle. Water and cevver con nections. See us for nice build ing lots. J. R. Law Realty '-0., Realtors Law BIdg. Phonri 1208 - or 8196. Phone 387. Amer. Nat. Bk. BIdg. Established 186$ Aston, Stikeleather & Co. All forms of Insurance 1 Real Estate For Sargainis 'in ReaFEstate or Any Kind of Insurance Call on . - GEORGE E. LEE ' Over Citizens Bank. Phone $24 A nice slx-ivoom, two-story house, on paved street and conveniently located. Owner leaving city and give us price of $8,500 for Imme diate rale. I f FOR RENT ,? J: UNFURNISH ED Nine-room houe on Merrimon Avenue, splendid to ! cation, steam "heat. $100 per month. ' . i !' ' - . . . . ... t j; UNFURNISHED Norwood Park. New seven-room bungalow on Vlr glnla Avenue, attractive and modern, furnace heat. Six months' . lease. $66.00 per month. " li FURNISHED Bungalow, seven rooms and bath, on Monttord Avenue? house practically new 'and modern, furnace heat, et?. Well fur' nished. Garage. $100 per month ela months' loase, 1 t I ' WILLIAM COLEMAN & COMPANY Real Estate WILLIAM COLEMAN Telephone 2496 . J. E. CAUBLB . Fire Insurance ( J. M. COLEMAN If It's for Rent We Have the Key Phone 88 , BOYD. CHANCE & BRAY Store Leasing Specialty Rooms 10-11 Sondley BIdg. 18 Haywood St. One to trade on. Five-room bungalow. A lot or good light car is the first payment required,. , Priest $2100.00. . FOR RENT? WE HAVE IT C. E. Stilwell Thurman Palmer 49 Patton Avenue Phone 649 DONNAHOE & COMPANY - FOR SALE : ? Very attractive 6-room bungalow, eastern exposure, garage, large garden, nice shrubbery, house practically new. Owner must sell. Price $6400.00. Can arrange easyi terms. . 'j We are building a 6-room bungalow with enclosed sleeping porch, and heat plant, n a I"t on Hillside Street, between Merrimon Avenue and East Street, Plans and specifications can be seen at our office. 6-room, 3-story cottage, near Chestnut; Street, cash and $50 per month and interest. Price $4300.00. $500 HOWARD watch, 17 jewels, solid gold hunting case, size la, cost $226; perfect time piece, bar gain. S. Z., care Citizen. FOR SALE Cook stove, oil heat er, sheet Iron heater,- two rugs snd typewriter. 24 8. French Broad. Phone 3850. Pack Ronare and Orchard St. If money Is returned no questions : will be asked. 63 Orchsrd St. AMETHYST brooch Tost, oval shspe, gold band around it. Phone Mrs. C N, Webster, 13T Biltmore Ave. 1 BEAGLE hound, female, - black, tan and white. In Biltmore. 350 rewsrdPJmns36S7. . . . n n A -Aiithi nlff. rtvnt Wii(e'"--"----'- - - v,..-nn .ii aide of lace soua ui- V ",,,"."" 300. Reward. . cau less. DANDT cash business, good loca tion, reasonable rent; reason for selling. $500 takes it. Q. D., care Citizen. UPRIGHT PIANO, "fine condition. Cash or terms $166.00. Main floor J. L. Smathers and Son. . FOR SALE Furniture of 10 room house, practically new. 16 forest Mill, pnone sits. SOLID walnut, 8 piece bed room suit, marble top. good condition. Phone 3349. YOUNG bird dog. ready to begin papers to register. Phone 64$ DONNAHOE & COMPANY REAL ESTATE AN6 BUILDERS APARTMENT and hoisse hunting made easy. Furnished and un furnished houses for sale and for rent. "Cood Service and In terest Taken." J. J. HARBY 202-203 Drhumor Building Phone 3941 IF IT'S Real Estate or lnstirancu we have it. See us bforo you buy. BEAM-LINK & CO.. Real Estato Insurance Rooms 2-3-4, over Teague's Drug Store, Patton Ave. Phone 1990 F. A. TWEED REALTY COMPANY -. " REAL ESTATE FIRE INSURANCE ' , :;- ';v;;"Vv ' . " .'" FOR SALE rn':'r?'k:'K Six-room bungalow Including' sleeping porch, practically nsw, within two tlocksof-Charlotts Street. -Built by contractor for' his home, but recently decided Jo sell at a very reasonable figure; modern conveniences. Price $6500.00,' terms $1000 cash, bal ance like rent. , .. . - .. Pearson "Drive, within one block lot Montford Avenue, nsw bungalow Just completed, 6 rooms including sleeping porch and all modern conveniences, reasonable terms. Price . $6600.0. . t : j " --i- , V ' 'f Beautiful building lot. Hillside Street, size 50x160, nice shade trees, Pries $2600 cash. . u , ; . Ashland Avenue," 8-roetn house, modern conveniences, lot 60x150, and) situated in best section. Prico $5500.00. Flint Street, 6-roorr. bungalow and situated In hest section, lot 60x18(1 feet. Prce $7500,00, , . , ,. . Merrimon Avenue, practically pew "6-room bungalow on beautiful elef vated lot, 70 feet front, ito reet in aeptn, garage targe enougn ios a Packard truck snd a splendid buy. Price $8600.00. Norwood, one block of Merrimon Avenue, 6-room bungalow, includ Ing large sleeping porch and reception room cross entire fron of house. Price $7500.00 unfurnished, $8600.00 including furnl ture. Small cosh payment, balance monthly. We 'have oomplete listings of houses for rent and for sale, in cluding offices over Smith's Dr':g Store. Electrical Building end Coxe Estate Properties. FORBES & COMPANYI Members of the Asheville Real Estate Board 10 . Government St. Phone26$ i FOR SALE OR RENT 4 room cottage, city water, 1 1-2 acres of " Iandr"JiiT"OUr oT"T:lty limits, easy terms. Call owner. Phone 6513 or 3621.: We pay cash f or Real Estate? we sell ,on easy terms. List your property with us for sale and for rent. DONNAHOE & CO. Phone 649 49 Patton Ave. GOOD HOMES Seven 'rooms, 2 baths, furnace, nice lot with trees.' shrubbery, fruit, . flowers, hsl -block from car llni. $6300. Also s nice 6-room cottage adjoining this property for $5,000. A large 6-room house, on a good street, with heating plant, garage, completely furnished, for $12,500. . -MESSLER REALTY- CO. REALTORS , ,. '' ' .... .- ; .. ' 1 ' . . Exclusive Agents f Library Building- Phone 3081 FOR BALE or rent. Houses, lots snd suburban properties. . McDONALD & DESHLER 28 Americsn National Bsnk BIdg. Members Asheville Real Estate Board. WE HAVE houses and bungalows for sale; also houses for rent. ' A man ready to show you at any time. GREENE & GOODMAN Onjthe Square .?hone ,31 BY OWNER Desirable house In Kenllworth. 6 rooms, bath, extra large glaas enclosed sleeping porch, wonderful views, unex celled neighborhood, very Kt trsctive terms. Phone 3370. South French Broad, 8-room house on a beautiful elevated lot. east 4 ern exposure, and situated In the best section. Price $10,000,001 Reasonable terms. ,! ' 1 South French Brosd. 6-room, 2-story house within two blocks of As4 ton Park, on level lot, nice shade trees. Price '$1500.00; hav4 loan arranged. $5,000 payable monthly. St. Dunstan's Circle, 2 beautiful building lots, 200 feet front and elej vated lots, nice shade trees, vlewg of Biltmore Forest, ideal see tlon, for a lsrge house.' . j West Asheville, 5'-room bungalow within iiwo. Mocks of Postofflce, good section, "lot 100 feet front, 200 feet depth, $3500.00; termsf ..; , - I Adjoining tGrove Park, practically new 7-room bungalow. Including aleeniiia pnrrh. mtidjarneon'Mnlentfest big lot aiyl a good fcoj and must be sold within next ten days, or price goes up $500, Price $7500.00. ( , v j" F. A. PJIONE 269 TWEED REALTY COMPANY OFFICE 304 OATES BLDGj f 'i Member Asheville Real Estate Board j fl FOR SALE or trade, & room house in good neighborhood, on paved street: will take medium priced lot or good sutomobile on first payment. Price $6,000. Phone 4044 in eyenlng. j ROOMS snd glass enclosed sleeping porch, large lot. n're shade, beautiful Views, W. Ashe ville, la minutes from car line; . ', bargain. K. H.. care Citizen. W. T, LUNSFORD ; Phone 2585 Ideally located on a beautiful woioded knoll, overlooking Grove Parle, a brand new 6-room bungalow, furnace heat piped to all rooms, : lot 62x150, eastern exposure,, refined neighborhood, owner wUI accept vacant lot as part pay and give, very csy terms on bal ance. $6,850.00. A splendid 7-room, 2-story house with furnace heat, and two good - vacant lots, near Hillside Street; it you know property values you ' will buy this at $8,500. f Here's something worth the money1 something tnat will appeal to . snyone who Insists on the test location at u moderate price. Grove Park, 7 rooms, hot water heat, "cement basement, servant's room, storage room and servant's toilet In basement, eastern ex . posure. hardwood floors, beam ceiling,' extra large enclosed sleep ing porch it's new, $9,500. , New 6-room brick veneer, hot water heat, cement basement, break fast noojc, Merrimon car line. The bouse is two-story and trior-, oughly well built, beautiful lot with giant Oak shade trees, la best section, in fact a HOME, $3,500. Snappy new bungalow,' Ave blocks from square, hardwood floors. north side, essy terms. There are very few ttat compare with it for 5.000. - Good corner lot. In Montford section, near school and car Una. $1,404. Nice lot for bungalow. Hillside Street, $1,000. w W. T. LUNSFORD. Phone 2535 Office at Residence, 250 Chestnut Street. Corner Charlotte. f !

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