if- " ' A-" - r , tiewiyy J IHt ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, THURSDAY MOKINI1MU, ULI. I. FIFTEEN 70,770 70,770 Lines Classified Advertising Inserted During August. Citizen Want Ads Bring Results. PHONE 4201 Why Waste Your Time Running Around Looking for a Purchaser for Whatever You Have for Sale! Citizen Want Ads Will Do the Job at a Small Cost. Try Them. ne Classified Advertising Inserted During August. Citizen Want Ads iirinr Results. PHONE 4201 AUTOMOBILES AUTOVOIl.ES WANTED REAL ESTATE FOR SALL IU:L l-STATF. FOR SALU REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE r".r' 1 pi ir ST . . I RARE VALUES IN USED CARS 2 Franklin Tourings, completely overhauled, in first class condition, each $8."().00 1 Franklin Touring, completely overhauled 750.00 1 Cole 8, 7-Passenger Touring, good condition 800.00 1 Haynes, 7-Pasaenger, good condition. . . GOO. 00 1 One-ton Reldon Truck, flat body; practically new truck 700.00 Demonstrations given on any of these cars without obliga tions to buy. Investigate and know your car. FRANKLIN '1 X. .Market POSITION WANTED IMi married ii'in. ruiiritu duration, desires make connec- llon with rclir.bl:' ooncei n. "Ml invest sty .irn.ind SI. lull) In stock. Employed present, but desire make I'li.inge. -aniiliar with bookkeeping -mil general hank work, h living' si i ved as leller: banking prcferied. V. !., care Abbeville Citizen. POSITRON wanted uy y u'i," lady stenographer with 4 yoai' ex perience, some knowledge of nook keeping, good speller, in at. accurate and rapid: good refer ences. Address .1. M -IS Weathers St., Shelby, N. '-" A-l stenographer wants per manent position at once. Best local references. W. S., care Citizen. WOULD LIKE to care for 2 or 3 , children by day and night in my own home'. Will Klve them the bstitjcraBLWeywt.S'cJ reasonable. V. .V . rare :ftzm: " WAfNTED position as sten.i,'ra- TY. tVDlst or omce assistdntoy jrTpxperleneed young lady; refer ences furnished. Addiesx Bos 1J, McCormlck. S. C. OfilTION WANTKU Young man right years experience grocery Store. Best reference regarding character and ability. Aauress R. P., care Citizen. i POSITION wanted, lady stenogra '.'v. pher, 5 years experience, compe tent, energetic, permanent Or ' substitute work; best references. Thone 2585. BTENO-BOOKKEEPER, oompe , tent, efficient and willing; five years' experience, desires posl . tion at once. Phone "640. WANTED- The care of children In different homes as mother's ' substitute, experienced; good . "references. Call 1501 YOUNG LADY wishes position as cashier or saleslady, experienced : and reliable. Address V. V., care -- Citizen. BOOKKEEPER or other office sork, part time, experienced mm, references. P. H.. care Cit- o. zen. T.ORED man desires work of anv kind around house. Call U. , -S. Kmployment Office. - Phone J3137. 'AS'TED Day work for Mon- davs, Tuesdays and Frulvys Cornelia Slmontoh,' 20 i!udg?r Bt. BY WHITE baker, on bread and i rolls in or out of city. 12 years' experience. J. P. P.. 41 Atkinn "St. . Vl'ANTKU WORK Experienced bookkeeper-stenographer. Would v leave city. .' Z., care Cltlaien. PNFRCETIC woman of reflne- ,.,ot. omnlnvment. can-k s.able manager, phone "WANTED To launder curtains of all kinds. Jennie Curtis. 13 Sa rras St. Phone 23D2. OMPETEXT butler-chaufreur shes a position. A-l refer- ie.s. tJ. ii., care v-iii'en. EAT COLORED woman desires -work as cook or maid; good ref erences. 137 Hill ni. We deliver the goods. We are equipped to do your fur niture moving, baggage '-shipped from and to sta ' tion. Prompt Service, just : price. Call BLUE RIDGE TRANSFER STORAGE 22 S. Market St. Phone 332 ORNAMENTAL plant, su'.'a'ile . for landscape wark. Grown by us. 2t years experience it Ullt mort Nursery. Let us furnish your plants and do vuur land eane work Write for nrice list. f Phon 4 206. Fi M. CMyton and Sons, Blltmore, N. C PUBLlo STENOGRAPHIC SERVICE DUPIJCATTNO MISS E. R. JONES, IT Drhumor Bldg- P"Q ? i SPECIAL to hotels, boaraina; -houses and care, you can mmm "money by getting your chickens, t eggs "and produce from V. V. .Haynie, 184 Broadway. Phon 124 LESSONS In clawlc, folk and ball -room dancing riven oy Hemphill at 71 1-2 Broadway. Wednesday afternoons. Phone 1110. VANTED By expert stenogra pher, hour's dictation daily or substitute work. Phone 41J6. I el V MOTOR CO. Phone 39 1 1 MARDEWANTTD HILLSIDE TERRACE 120 HILLSIDE All mullein conveniences, attrac tive porches and grounds. Pri vate or connecting baths Ex-1 cellent table. T. AVKJtV TAYLOR Phne 4137 LAROE ATTRACTIVE rooms with hoard, running hot and cold water. Single or en suite, with, or without private bath, select neighborhood, near car line. I Reasonable rates. Apply 2(18 Chestnut St. Phone S7K0. - - - - - I ATTRACTIVE glukS enclosed sleeping porch, large healed dressing room adjoin i-.i,'; will accommodate 2 or A pe.sons, excellent table; special rues to permanent people. I'Y.-ji o 360. HARMONY HALL -00 OakT cor ner Wnorlfln hot water heal. ..loaa-in, i, ,,,-,., nvollatii miinli ' - "A Home." Convenient to shop- " ping district. Phone 1698. ( No tubercular. BOARD and roooi In private home, rlean, large comfortable rooms, good table, plenty fresh milk and butter. Blltmore and , Henderson vllle Road, bus line. Phone SSJU. " .J," FOR" RENT Oi or'about "OctiS. large bright well heated first floor apartment, room, sleeping' porch and private bath: excel lent table, no sick. 243 Chestnut. PATTON AVE., comfortable rooms, excellent table board, steam heat. Reasonable rates. Per manent people desired. Phone . 3168-J. THE VILLA "O," 33 Staines Ave. The management has decided to keep open for the Winter. All modern conveniences, hot water heat. 62 ORANGE ST. Sunny rooms and sleeping porches for convalescents, hot water heat. Phqrie 2gsH. ATTRACTIVE glass enclosed sleeping porch and heated dress ing room adjoining bath room. near Manor. Phpne 2208. CASRUMA 2 2 Orange St. Room and board, steam heat, reason able rates, no sick. Phone 2204. MrsW.B;Ra OS OOLF course, room and porch, home atmosphere, hoard option al. Phone 382 or address SeToct, care Cltlren. ROOM AN D BOARD for couple with private family. 15 Louis iana Ave., West Asheville. Phone 1276. 178 H ILLS IDE ST. Attractive rooms with hot water tieat, ex cellent table, no sick. phone 1195. kuuji a.nu uuai;i.i. reasonable rates; also light housekeeping apartment. Apply 23 Central Ave. BOARD and room. gentlemen preferred, centrally located. 23 Flint St. Phone 1890. GOOD. BOARD in private home, choice, clean steam heated rooms. 73 Merrlmon. CONVALESCENTS Call lSr.7; good 'board snd comfortable rooms, steam heat. CLOSE IN No sick, room and board. $6. B0 up. 7 Merrimon Ave. Phone .2870. IDEAL home, privato .family; steam heat, hot water." Phone 799-J, PHONE 919.' 59 Church" St.. for . rpms and good table hoa,rd. ROOM and board. ' 102 Biltmore Ave. Phone 2975. UlOMOHILE5 Better Values in Used Cars 1920 Ford, starter. . .'. . .'. .1230.00 1920 Ford. $200.. extras... 2t.00 1921 Ford, starter.. 275.00 1922 Ford, extras and start er. . JS5.00 1921 Chevrolet, like new.. 825.00 Overland, J pes, roadster 400.00 Studebaker Lighr Six 75.00 Hupmobtle touring 0T5.00 Oakland sedan, like new.. 760.00 Easy Payments. ASHEVILLE OVERLAND ' KNIGHT. INC. 12 E. Walnut St. Phone S97 ONE TON Ford truck, pneumatic tires; 2 1)21 model Ford tour- '' ing cars. 120 model Ford touring cars; on ltlt mode! Ford sedan; one Chandler road ster; one 117 model Peerless; one 7 passenger Hudson, slight ly used; 111 Buick lou.ing car. Will trads peerless lor ral estate. Phone 1S0; cash with terms. See H. H. Cathey. Stan dard Oarage. 438 Hayvrood Rosd.W.A.-hvllJe. FOR SALE 122 Fold Roadster, starter, used little. Box Ml. Asheville. 1 FURNISHED ROOMS ily. 3-room apartment with kitchenette completely furnished, clone in. on car line and good neighbor hood. Price reasonable to permanent partv; no chil dren. Phone 3238. NICKLV furnished, he ied n i l' s, hot. mid I'lilJ running ;it-i :n rooms. rnianenl bbsines mo pie preimied; one oeisiui n. .1 room. $ weekly: two 1:1 .1 i.h.i 1 one bed lit; two in loom, two beds, 1? Augueta Villa. ." 1 '.,. kye St. 1 One large room on lirst Hour with connecting bathroom on second floor with oath and kitchenette. 102 Chest nut St. ATTIC ACT 1 v -; sleeping innuif. In hiKh i tn'ivate liouie, rei thliiK new anil clean. 1ml watei ' heat. i iinnini; water in runiii sleeping pmvh If desired. Ail dress Hoston. rare I'itizi-n. LAIKIE Hunny room and kitchen ette lor iiousekeepiiiK. ho' .iml , cold water. private emi-aime. re.iHoiuible; alMo 3 hue tied , i uoiii.s. $ 1 J per month -:n,-li i close ,i. phone 18."i4. 1 TWO APARTMENTS 1' : n. and vleepiiii; porch; -1 looni-i sleeping porch on car l.io- m ; best residential sertiou. Suit-' a lile I'm run vales, enl PN ne , l.AltliK .siinN. nirel furni-heil I'iKim, adjiiinins bath, fin n;o e beat. 'J 1-:' blocks fi'ntn sfiiare. no nIcK or children. :td a nee Si. Phone i:iti. 1'OK ril-AT- Kurnisi,.! apart ment. -I rooms and bi'l'i, wuh private entrance, lari;e ti u-cli w ith nlas encloHliI' 1"2 S,iiiI!i I'reiu h liroad. ki;i.i:i"i' ii... i,,,- e .Lin, in., mi irniK ftllllislieil Hist lloor nilvi.te en - ! ranee, separate beds, tine lor couple or huftjneru people. 71 i I'ollege St. lKSli:.AHI.l'; aparln enl. n. a ly papered, utiraeticelv furnished. larf;e poivhi .s. In"i ti t :f nl irroiilu-. Xo ciiildren or sick. I'm Ashe laml Ave. ONE LAllCK room and glass en closed sleeiiinjr purcli furiKshed for housekeeping: gas range, to well adults only. Phone 4 2. 2B Clayton. TO Bl'MlNKSS on- pro'esale nil woman, large fun.jslied room in I'harlotte St. section, with liiteheneue. lieasonablc. Phone 419!i. 2. 3 OR 4 ROOM apartment, flint or second rioor. or urfl of seven ' roots hou.se and sleeping porch, garage, cheap. Call 3879-J. ATTRACTIVE' fuinUliel ' is gis -f-' mpiil; 4 large sunny. 'rooms, "fin ' nace heat, private en'.nnire. eli c utc range. Phone 72". HOUSEKEEPING 2 furnished. heat. .1 rooms well bath. Dink, electricity. t Cheap to perrhan ent. 46 i'harlotte. ONE KI'RN'ISHED iied room witu use of kitchen, fuel furnished for cooking, $6 per week; no sick. Phone 33S. CHEEKY room for Klooiny days. Small apartment, cheap for the j winter, no sick. Phone 2844. 131 hestnut St. APART.M ENT Newly" f irnis'uvT. Southern exnosuie. roaM!.ahlo. half block from Moptford car. 22 Blaket I ASHLAND apartments are new 1..' fuiViished, reduced rates for Ce winter. Mrs. J. J. Anders. Mgr. J'lione 1228. fVO FRONT rooms for light housekeeping on second floor or s for roomers, all conveniences. 15 Woodfln, CONNECTING rooms ccmpleteiy furnithed for housekeepl-.ig, close in. 144 Rm'.iln Ave. Plione 839. TWO ' NICELY furnished ' rooms for light housekeeping;. $28 per month. 26 Charlotte. Phone 2331. TWO CONNECTING rooms coni pleH":v furnished, for housekeep ing, In heated h' me. Phone 1312. NICELY furntslied room, Kteam heated, convenient io bath, close in. 123 Montford. Phone 3758. "ROOM, 'KITCHENETTE, sleeping rooms, hot water licit, near square, adults only. 2'J Vance St FURNISHED room, near car line, rates reasonable. Mrs. (1. T. (!ar ren, 29 Orchard St.Phone 1210. VERY DESIRABLE ' bed " room, breakfast optional. 1 id n Place, Grove Park. Prion- 2123. ATTRACTIVE Bed room in pri vate home. Couple or business woman preferred. 23 Orange. TO WELL adults, desirable 3 or 4 room apartment. Cheap to per manent people. 9.ri Cherry. NICELY furnished large front bed room, with privilege of kitchen, close in. Phone 4262. LARGE newly furnished front room, private entrance, board if desired. Phohe 4179. ONE LARGE room furnished for light housekeeping, hot and cold j water. Phone3bl5. THREE furnished apartments, 1 unfurnished of 4 rooms. 117 S. French Broad -Ave. NICELY furnished bed room, . steam heat, close in. No. 6 Cher ry St. Phone 1S33. 2 FURNISHED rooms for llRht housekeeping and sleeping ..porch. Phone 2271. FURNISHED spartment. new and close in. Heated. 163 8. Lib erty. Phone 624. FURN'SHTiD- room" apartment In "The Arlxona." steam heat. Phone 1127. . FURNISHED room anil porch suitable for two business men. Phone 1445. 2-ROOM apartment, all conven ' lences, close to town,' no sick. Phone T2;- CLEAN bed room adjoining bath. $4 per week. Phone S755. 23 Orchard St; FURNISHED i room apartment in "The -Arizona." Steam heat. Phone JJ7: TWO" ROOMs"for light Ilnusekeep- Inc. no sick. 43 Oak St. Phone 268. ONE FURNISHED apartment, k rooms, heated. Call 111 Biltmore Are. TWO" LA ROB hatd bed rooms, clots In. Phona SOI. IK YOU KNEW "f ii dandy house f..r rem a . less minify I hull ul are Hull- paling HOW LONG Would II till, r .Mill In get 1 h-l f ' TRY CITIZEN WANT ill two rMlt ll T Will (I. Hi.t I 1 jU lit1-! u hni vim iint PHONE -1201 A D 1 Auto owners io read U. S. L. Battery ad in Saturday Evening Post this week. U. S. L. BATTERY SERVICE STATION Corner Lexington and Aston j Street i WANTED -A sood used nil bile, pre'.eialily a Ford. Will give ,i sliarea of my sfjck Jiiil.Oinl corporation In Aslie in .i 'vllle and i .ish for difference if di sc -in. Till? .stock is good and will ne w orth more than its par v hi''' ol 1 " 0 in a year. Address I'. O. Uo IV.:,, Asheville. i . . " HAM weavers at Blltmore Indus tries; jireter men wno nave been w'ith us before; a good steady man can make from $4.60 to l.'i a day. piece work. Call and aee .Mr. .May, Foreman Industry Slu p, tlrove Park Inn. i W A. I I'.l - 1 our ordei-s Tni irl til ed or engraved weeding !;. voli tions, announcements, business and calling cards. ." o.nni.nvial and society priming. At.h.ville Printing & Engraving Co'.. 13 Church St. Phone 930. WANTED Your upholstering, re rinlsliiut; and repairing; furni ture crated fin- shipping; had 25 yens' experience, can give you siitisfaeicry work and prompt service. 154 llroadwav. Phone 124. W l. H. ribner. ADVERTISE in the Charlotte Ob server ami do business w'.th the great Piedmont region; lare Sunday edition. 20.600 circula tion, produces results from both Carolina"- Classified rste, 3c word. WANT TO buy a 5 "to 8, room" house or bungalow, well Nvorlh the money em pvei---lreiJ?i-V modern conveniences or consider a building lot. Q. K. care Cillxcn. WANT TO PURCHASE a few in 1 vestment properties, . well worm I the money. If tain Heed ' the cash and willing to sell as a bargain. Please ansts,er Q. L.. f are Citizen. WANTED To ' buy a li "m"lted amount - of Southern Express Company s slock. Advise num her of shares and price you will take for .".me. It. M.. care Citi- zen. WANTED To rent furnished boarding house. 10 to 13 rooms, steam beat preferred, close n. Answer Q. C. care Citizen. WANTED Heated glassed-in porch or well ventilated room and board, by you tie man, coii- va i escent. Ph o ne 10:!. v7NT TO HUY a good building lot on paved street, will not ?o above S2.$00. State location. S. Y., care Citizen. WHEN YOU need a barber, just call 4448. Children' hair cut ting a specialty. WANTED A Majestic range In good condition. Phone 1410. REALJKJjATE JFORSALE BUSINESSBUILD1NG. new bricl?, 50 feet frontage. $1 2,000... MERRIMON SECTION, new 6 room brick, hot water heat, tile bath, $8,600. PINE GROVE AVE., new 6-rooni bungalow, S4.950. Cash $750, balance $45 month. CHARLOTTE SECTION, 8 rooms, two baths, hot water heat, gas, exchange for smaller property. E. ZEPH RAY 12 Temple Court, Phone 531 5-ROOM modern tapestry brick bungalow will soon be complet ed. This Is going to be the pret tiest thing in Uwn. located out Merrlmon way. $6,700: good terms. BROWN REALTY CO. On the Square. Next to City Hall Phone 13 Real Estate Insurance Rentals Loans MESSLER REALTY CO. Second Floor Library Bid?. Phone 3081 MODERN bungalow. 'I rooms j breakfast nook, tile bath, con- erete basemen;, heat plant, near Merrimon car line,. SO. 500. BROWN REALTY CO. Phone 19 BUSINESS" OPPORTUNITIES IF YO,U want, without cost; good interest on your money and want it secured by double amount of Asheville real estate and insured title, see llalsey Leavltt. 3 American Natl. Bank. Pnona 1236. WANTED $1,000 to $3,000 for J to 6 years at 10 per cent, giving first mortgage on property worth $6,000. "Investment," Box 818, Asheviile. WANTED to hear from lady with $600 or $1,000 who wishes per manent connection .nnectlon in grocery Address R. U., care business. Cltir.en UISrUKNIsfrED HOUSES ROOM house for rent.- Wools section, water, lights and sewer, large lot, convenient to car. F. T. Walser. Phone 101$. FOR RENT Unfurnished o room house on paved street, rt-nt car line. $$ month. Apply Hillside. FOR SALE Splendid six-room lumgalcw. tine residential section, paved street, large hit. running 1o street in rear. garage. There is no chance to g( wrong on this prop erty at the price, $1)000.00, FITZC.ERALI) REALTY ' COMPANY Phone I0J7 111 'I I. dim: I.O IS 'i S.ile T-lN.ini. two--, i !i..nse VVItllill line block Melt'ini. ', A e ell .1 n.iod p.'lVed slice.. e,el lent nelithborhood. cl.V.iii.l I.r, in. I will be sold a a s.i ' i i M' e. 1 I i lee A. is been lnw. ie.l W'e j i'i 11111111' ml ibis as mi nr. i",t -j men!, for a re-s.ile. i ii-ii! in- lefment eims me .lllni.st 111, e Ihe' ill st person w it Ii : Irile , i-h ! "ill I.W II tills hlUlle See us A. TWEED REALTY CO. Ph. me 2 lis 304 ili.es I'.hU IE IT'S Rfl Estate or Insurance, we have It. See us b-iiurc you .Uuy. BEAM-LINK & CO.. Real LMato Insuiance Room 2-3-, over Teaguo'a Drug Store. IVon Ave Phone 199.1 We huve e."ir..rlte listings of houses for rent and for sale, in cluding offices over rSmlth's Dri; store. Electrical lJuildlng and FORBES & COMPANY) Member" of the Asheville Real Estate Board 10 Government St. Phone 268 We have two customers i,, rn Grore Park homes, have at leas, two balli Don't delay cullinx us !' lO'ill- III list rooms, i r o u have a place for sale, BROWN REALTY CO. PHONE 1!) ON THE SQUARE. NEXT TO CITY HALL FOR SALE OR RENT, a'.WII cotUige,..city water. 1 1-2 otur . 7" eS' 'b'--iBrid.iim''',tfP"9T,7eny limns, easy icnnn, no; wiu.i. Phone 651o or 3521.: (' For Bargains in Real Estate Any Kind of Insurance Call on GEORGE E. LEE j Cl.lzons Rank. Phone 524 . We pay cash for Reai Estate, we sell on easy terms. List your property with us for sale and for rent. DONNAIIOE & CO. Phone 649 49 Patton Ave. WE HAVE houses and bungalows for sale; also houses for rent. . A man ready to show you nt any time. GREENE & GOODMAN On the Squire Phone 738 FOR SALE or ren!. Houses, lots and suburban properties. Mcdonald & deshleri T8 American National Bonk Bldg. Members Asheville Real Estate Board. If It's for Rent We Have the Key Phone 88 BOYD, CHANCE & BRAY Stoie Leasing Specialty Rooms 10-11 Sondley Bid:;. 15 Hayvood St. BROWN REALTY CO. On the Square, next to City Hall. PHONE 19 We buy, sell, rent and ex change city, suburban and farm property. THIS IS IT 5 -ROOM bungalow, bath, hot nndj tion, price and terms just right: i $500 down; Investigate. It. O. . i , . i, I care Citizen. KOI! SALE S room house, Mont ford section, lot 70x1311. garag". $8,000; terms 1-2 cash, balance 1 and 2 years. See .1. It. Ln v l!ea!ty Co. Phone 12J1lior319. KORSALEN'ew "bungalow with 6 rooms, sleeping porch, tile bath, hot water heat and garage. Ill Virginia Ave., Norwood. Ap p'y to tin ner next door for key. P.srguin: 6 rooms, bath, laige iot, plenty of shade trees, near Manor Grounds, $3,000; good terms. Brown Realty Company, nfxt to Clt' Hnl1- Pho"e is MAKE OFFER on lo's 41 t . 1 1 inclusive, In Green and Thrnsh Lands to Cltv of AslK-vill W. W. Seago, 414 1-2. E. IJjugHs. WlchlU, Kans. FOR SALE or rent by own er, attractive new home in i GrovePark. Call 4272. j OWNER WILL sell new! fl-rootn ! Kit niri, 1... ..11 ,1 . . . ...,,-Ait lences. Near Charlotte car line. Manor section, phone 22. 1 HAVE PURCHASER for board ing house also S-room house. Phone SSI or call at 12 Temple Court. B. Zeph Ray. LIST YOUR property for aie with W. T. Conlev, 123 Soutli Ide Ave. Phone 2580. CHEAP S acres, large dwellirg t Frultlaed Inst. R. Holt. Cher okee, N. C. A .Mill MAIN IDYL 1 j ! i 1 n v. .ii i I .1 III S I .111 . . M : t C I hf. I t . i tn'in. !l v i o k n nil lii'heil V l llrM'.lv. Ill , ;.. .urn if e. ii. Mi Hie , .1,1, ,1,1, Us .lie lie .i I , a lined I Y.. II Id tin I I. e I III' . Imli 0 n Mi : Mm I. h ' I I! 1 . 1 . . 1 1 I III I V, 1 1 1 1 1 r mi .Mnill- leill.ill of leittiH ..l I'hls is .1 ii.- mil In,, I,, Hie .,1,1 Vie 'I'll,. Monif.e ,1 ml Hill '.III 111,, I,e I i I ; I s,.e, ,1 1., I jen ..1 :i Uniitl 111 i s; nielli I .'-.',!.' belllu .1 l I, , 11 ,e ,' ! IMI will ,u i I e I III CHARLIE M. r.ROWN Till: I H l I fin I ii-: i; .1. HARRY Pl.t. pi. 1-'I! SALE nig I'oi.-li Mej , iiiiini by I. ill tee Ir a ml lO-llll. sIl'l'P- llh. elose to line. Lot .'0 fct Price $;; i'T,0 n I. t. N'ew ini iik.i low . close iii i,n .ir line I'he roolliS .'Hid 'laih, r:ievnled Io; f 1)0011 Oil; terms SI 000. 00 e.i.-h, balance 130.00 per ii.onlh. Th" n.'s! li"lli'.ilov,' ,r; .sli,'ile If Mm in, u'l believe i! 1. 1 us show you. ilien tell us we': I S7N30IIU $111(10. (M) cash. bal ance I'HSV. The best liny in Grove Park. Seven rooms, sleeping porch and balb. Hot air heat, large level lot. Price $12,(liili illi Ten mums, iii.se In on lllltvuore AvenirK l.i no reel by 2u0 feet. SI 0.300.00. I'm l 'lit? We have It. STILVVELL & PALMER Tel. lOUli Drhunior Blilg. FOR SALE West. Asheville.' Hlx-romh house, two blocks from car line, on nood street. properTy" In good re pair: nice lot. Offered for S280U with small cash payment! and balance easv. WILLIAM COLEMAN & COMPANY Telephone 2406 LOOKING FOR A HOME? See Our List Before , Yon Buy. MOALE & MERIWETHER Real Estate in All Its Branches Insurance and Bonding 312-313-311 Haywood Bldg Phone 661 Member Asheville Real Estate Hoard. For Sale. Two beautiful lots. Grove Park elevated and with splendid views, and Ihe best buy in that section for tho small amount of $.1500 ami $4000 each. Terms can be had, so don't be afraid of stiff terms. Put Hie first person to make s reasonable deposit gets these beautiful lots. See us tirsl. F. A. TWEED REALTY CO. Phone 269 304 Dales Itldg. On the Square. Next to City Hal GOOD building lot. Coleninn Ave., line view of Grove Park Inn and Kolf course, $2,250.00; terms if desired,. BROWN REALTY CO. on the Square. Next Io City Phone 111 Ha I APARTMENT and house hunting made easy.' Furnished and un furnished houses for sale and for rent. "Good Service and In terest Taken." J. J. HARBY 1202-203 Drhumor Building Til ie A 1 rnonc ii FOR RENT Yory i!pfirM ti-rnoni. modern hiiiiKJiiow, hut ivjtt-r hfnt, Inrco ..-ik rshndn irrf,-, txZ nv niunth. I'nfu rniHh'(l I'll mm-: i!) r.ROWN REALTY. CO. On the Sllllllie. Ne to City Hill WE RENT, sell and ex change all kinds of Real Estate. FORTUNE. INGLE & COXE 11 Electrical Bldg. Phone 2247 WE RUT. "sell ' and exchange all klnts of citv. suburban, farm properties, "AN VWIIERE." Call for what you want. North Carolina Realty Co. J. H GROtlCr Sc'y.-Trea ' 78 Patton Avenue. (South of Postofhce) Asheville. N. C , Phone 2581 Phone $$7. Amer. Nnt! Rk. Bids Established 18R Aston, Stikeleather & Co. All forms of Insurance Real Estate FOR SALE CITY REAL ESTATE '.mm I it 'i ; l .i i . nel Manned, hath, lite water, electric lights. i ii i ii : 1 led, lane lul, garage, line b.rjtioii. concrete street, will, m.iK easy tvniis I5400.M l;ini.l HWKI.I.IM!. vi:li sleepmi; p.. nil. fiHU.iie heated. largS loi. llilNlde e. lion furnished I7S0O.0O 4 tiuo.M Ili'XiiM.IHV, sleeping p., nil, balli. kooiI lot. garage, chicken Im use, vndin. Flirlllilll Avenue unction 8F00.00 " IIiiiiM lir.(i.l,n Mid sleeping porch, balli. electric lights, lot '. .i a I feet; good location; U 1 ,,l 1.1 II. e. S ,i 12 )';H . IliioM ll KI.I.IM!. . uy w.in f-ll.-ule trees, will llllUe (;,nni I, si, Id ,it spei i.il bargain on e;is l!iii'M D KI.I.IM;. cltv water i , , i d . sn loi I tm n sect ion . . SURUDBAN AND FARM PROPERTIES ; .null STORK 1U II.DIMI. dwelling. 2 1-2 acres land; stock merchaa- disc; good country location: easy terms... . . . . $6f00.00 ' At 'I! KM. all teel. rich, on concrete roiid. 5 miles out $3000.00 ACItKS. 4 liolioni. .1 upland, un.nl springs, I miles out 12000.00 1 I At'ltES i ooio dw ellliiK. 'ii'n mil Ai ltllS. ihvi a.ldlli..n.'ll Mlii:S. 14 lling. I.n I II, 1 I) III lies , i.reage at Slim pe, i i lea red. 8 -r in ilw, 13000.00 cleared. 4 -room cottage, good or. hard, 10 miles out. $2000.00 .M ' :i:s FOR RENT FURNISHED S-RooM DWELLING, Grove Park section. $230: 7-room dwelling,, sleeping porch, heating plain, garage, Hillside section. S100; g-i room dwelling, modern garage, servant's quarters, Courtland sec tinii. 103; 7-iooni bungalow, sleeping porch, furnace, garage, .Montford section. $100; 3-iooiu bungalow. 9 1-2 miles out, $35.00. FDR RENT. UNFURNISHED: J-rnom nttage. large lot, no lights, , water at spring nearby; East lliltmore. rear Falrvlew Road, i SI 3.00, but will reduce on long le.ise. j WANTED: I'm- imiulrlng buyers and renters, attractive dwellings.3 Also good country store with some laud. ' NORTH CAROLINA REALTY COMPANY v .1. II. OHOGG, Sec. -Tien. '? Phone 23M Asheville, X. C. 78 Palion Avenue ' 1 Member Asheville Real Estate Hoard ' SANATORIUM FOR SALE J Strictly n going concern and making money. Located-on beautiful elevation with southeastern exposure, superb view, large well ' shaded grounds, practically new building, modern In every detail, hot water heat, can accommodate about 25 guests, completely furnished. This Is the best proposition of its kind on the market. Owner has other Interests that are pressing and says to sell fur nishlng and all for $22,500.00 on easy terms. , l's- . This kind are seldom on the market Orove Park, 1 rooms and bathr' sleeping porch, elevated lot, completely furnished, rents for $12S per month, owner will sell furnishing and all for $8,500. one third cash; worth the price mid then some. On Charlotte Bt. near Manor, S rooms and 2 sleeping 'porches, furnace heat, large ' lot, $8,500. Do yon wnnt a new home Jn one of the best sec. ions of Asheville. facing Orove Parkv full View of golf course. Six rooms, double enclusod sleeping-, porch, hot water heat, 'cement basenient, 2 toilets, servant's room, hardwodd floors, beam cell- ; ing and all the hullt-lhs, gas, $9,600. ' Nice Utile lot, suitable for bungalow, within 200 feet Charlotte Street! car line and near Manor grounds, the only lot In that section ofi ily for uny.hing neur the price; act quick, $1 200. I' W. T. LUNSFORD PHONE 2585 ' I Office and Residence 250 Chestnut St., corner Charlotte , t NEW MERRIMON BUNGALOW FOR ' IMMEDIATE SALE RIOIIT ON MERRIMON CAR LINE, new and attractive, excellent! '. location, splendid view s; house room, breakfast nook, kitchen, plant (register In every room), lot. garage. AN A (iSOLl'TE terms. Immediate possession. LET 18 SHOW tOf' TODAY". WILLIAM COLEMAN & COMPANY Exclusive Agents . Telephone 24 , 18-21-22 Electrical Kldg, APARTMENT AND HOUSE HUNTING MADE EASY: FOR SALE I i Luge handsome boarding house, one of the gi eatest bargains in Ashe-; ville. Eighteen rooms, three baths, hoi water heal. FOR INVESTMENT OR USE i Close ill. good lot and locution. $150.(10 per ini. nth all for $13,000.00; See J. J. HARBY C. M. BROWN Exclusive Agent and 20.1 In huinor I ASTON. STIKELEATHER & CO. I 42 PATTON AVE. PHONES 4266 AND 4267 We protect' vou against automobile accidents. In our monthly publication, now in the mail, there is on page fouf j questions which If you will rend and try to answer, will prevent many fires. . j Do hot forget our Automobile Protection. . . .. , '' . " . ' ASTON. STIKELEATHER & CO. ? 42 PATTON AVE. I, ' .. V' -l PHONES 426S AND 42JT est Asheville; lerms tlOOO.OO cash 13000. 00 i I ik In h. lot IL'Uxlljii feet; large iidlng or rooming house; will btf leiiiis; i 1 1 1 1 1 ; for pHi 1 1, tilnrs. lights, lul fi K v 4 r ( i feet; concrete t4snn.oo bushels apples this year, 7 miles IS750.00 lit. 1 1-2 miles on concrete road; v ne 11500.00 lllng. biii'i. fruit. 10 miles out consists of living room, dining j two bed rooms and bath, heating) cemented basenient, nice level BARGAIN for $7,000. Attractive Completely furnished. Rents for - some terms. Don't phone. :lilg.

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