URGES BUSINESS MEN TO WRITE SENATORS (jtrkliif Their llelp In Bringluic ftiutliia Into Aahcvllle. Conaldfrabl Inte-rail has bean aroused at Ashsvllla over trms kdla' of from 14 to Tt hour of j-J-xpreaa matter from point North tllliroulliiH ul i-jireM iiiaiit-r lur AnhcvlUe by the American Rail way Express Company. Secretary N. Buckner, of th" ! Chamber of Commerce, urge every business man In Aahevlile to write letters to the Chairman of th interstate Commerce C'unimli wloii, protesting agalnt thla prad tire by the American Hallway Kx. jireaa and alao writ leltera to Hen- ii torn Overman and Simmons and (..'iiiigreaaman Weaver urging Hum in make every effort to secure Jua tice l this matter of express rout ing for Ashevllle. J. E. nkagg-s, Ueneral Muimger ,f thu Southeastern Express Com pHiiy. has written the roimwing I letter to M. v. Aloore and torn- I iniriy and a number of other bust InP8a men here which ahowa the importance of prompt action of i he matter of expreas routing now Ihefore the Interstate Commerce I Commission under I. C. C num ir 121 H: 'Tou are possibly aware of the lai't that the Southeastern Express Company Is now engaged In Im itation against the American Rail- way Express Company before th Interstate Commerce Commission, in an effort to force the latter com pany to respect shippers' routing i rmtructlons avoid the use of cir- i nitons routes for the handling of ixpreas traffic, thus delaying same. nd to participate in establishing mint -through rates and routes. "The Interstate Commerce Com mission has recently handed down Ii tentative report In this case, sua iiinlncr nrni'tlrRllv tvrv itrnnnHi- bJNtnn for which the Southeastern W fen contended, and In a few days tlJi nave ine muutrr uy iur imtti f joider. r ln looKtng over our recoras or express received In transfer from the American Railway Express Company, at Spartanburg. S. ('., I have noticed a large volume of ex press moving to your company from New York and other Eastern . avnf.intH. ana in Draciicaiiv everv in- !' fcance It was delayed from 12 to V hours and more. You no doubt have been seriously inconvenienc ed bv these delays, and thin letter ! to Inform you that they are In no way caused by the Southeast ern Express Company, but are the result of the Amerloan Company's arbitrary use of circuitous r-iutea in order to now tne tramc on n.eir lines every possible mile before transferring same to this company I disregarding your Interests and the I interests of the great many other receivers of express In your sec- I lion. "If the Interstate Commerce Commission issues an order sus- Itaining Its tentative report, the American Company will havo to It urn this expreaa over to tne southeastern Expreas Company at .Washington. D. C and If tins is ldone ft will move over the direct cline the line that Is used for the transportation or unitea oiaies Illilll auu linaciciiBria, mm w ' red to you with the mimmam ime. from 84 to 72 hours sooner ntpT U its own service, o,ver WOMEN AND MEDICINE In Europe, years ago, a woman med Hildegarde wrote- a notable -.o o k on medicinal plants. In hose days the men were too busy othering about dogmas as. ro rlon and medicine, and the study f herbs waa thought toeneath their otlce. It was the women, however, ho mostly conducted the 'fhos Hals and cared for the aick,, and hus they learned much of great tiue. mcy let me men iiuv oui he questions of theories, lydia' E. Pinkham's Vegetable ''impound, prepared almost fifty are ago by a woman, L,ydls kd. inkham did then, and does how, i lieve the ailments peculiar 'lo omen. It is a vegetable com ound and of great value for thll urpose. This is proven day after ay, and in your own neighbor nd, by grateful women who have sod It. Advt. MASONIC A special communication of Mt. Hermon Lodge Mo. I 1 8, A. F. and A. M. will be held at Masonic Temple on Friday morning, October 1 3th at 10.00 o'clock to conduct the funeral of late P4other David F. Burns. t Vraternally. JOHN C VANCE, Worshipful Master W. F. RANDOLPH, Secretary. TRITSTKR'S SAI.e Hr rlrtiH) tt th. pomw of ul. contained In 4aM af inHt miili by Loejr r, Juila? and hui ant.nt W. Juillra, t. tka 'undanlnml Trunin, dited Aufuit Inl. ltll, and fern In th. afftf-. of th. Blir af 1m4i af Bus- "l C"unlT. N. c. In Book at MOTiwi anil nii af Truit No. lie. pane fe. ta tiidi rXranaa It bmk; nila. an dafaalt han,.a h"i taada In th. paymaal or tha nata. atwl tha ini-mi lanaraa nr aam oaM or truit. wharabf 1I poaar af tola hai baaraia anaiBti-a. uld an unleaM Tninee Mil Uiarafora. on Kaader, Oe tohor lik, at ll a'elaak noon. h al rublle aittUm for uh, ta tha hlrtll klddar, it in. raun Booia door In tha CUT af Aahirtlla. s-momnlia CotMtr. N. C. tka follaaHnf lind, ituua, Irlni and bainf la Soul Blltoora. Caaati of Bunawbe and Hut. of North t'ltollna, and oalindad end more particular! danrlbad ai fol lo , Baelmliif at a Make In tka aid . P. Clan- Una. fonaarlr 1. U. rampa-ll'a Una, aad " tka aaM Una of tha 1. H. DeM d W. O. Bead Iracti eitandad In a eaatnarlr llnxtlan Mild Inuiaact Hid aoath lino af tha !-"PhoU tract, and rum thanca Nan II dae, !. (eat ta and with tha aaM W. o. Mt -1 Una etl.l laat ta a ataha. ' Seed's cornat: thanaa Sautk ft del. II .r"a " ..' . eiese: inaaca paralM T'1 the nt Una iooth 11 4; e Biln. WM W feat la aeataka: UMnra North It 4af. laat ' ' ft la a auk.: thanca Maul a a a Im la tl teat la a stake: them ft-u-h e4k feat ta a ataka In I ha alii Taa Una V 'ld Ho Nartk I " dee. Ken 411 'feat la ln(ne. eamatfelBt I f I aetaa ae ahem an mmam 07 A. a. naBlat. amOT, daiad '. eoni-n ta all aanxant awl nihil l""re and nna-rlne all aaann-nii and rlbu aT'Tal. ' '"', e died dated June f '" s wrd-d la tha aftae af tka J. "E.".r,s-ds ef Ruacaaba raantx. N. '.. la . 1. " "hlek daed refer- f 1 ' kcr-kr IBada. At s Saetaiakai IftV llll. l I Oct. ,. V- T- Madge Fuller Left Speaking Stage To Train Elephants In the Circus rWaJ,aAa I It's Nothing to read of circus folks graduating from the white tops to the legitimate stage, nothing at u II We've all read of that, but few of us have heard the story of Madge Puller, who loved elephants so that she quit an Ingenue part In a Cleve land stock company to handle the monster elephant herd with Kparks Circus, coming to Ashevllle on Sat urday, Oct. 81. And that's what Madge aTil. Of course. It might be well to stale that Madge, a Macon. Oa , girl, absorbed her love of the circus when a child round-about and impractical route to an Interior transfer point. "You are no doubt Interested in this matter, and If you deslrs to use your Influence to correct thla present existing evil, a letter from you to the Interstate Commerce Commission at Washington, D. i, and also to your Senator and Con gressman, asking for their Inter vention and assistance in avoid ance of these delays, will have weight." EMPLOYERS CAN AID IN REHABILITATION a lain oy viuiam o. v.narirH, slatant employment representative of the IT. 8. Veteran's Bureau, Char- iuuv, anu aiacussions or pmns iur Armistice Day, placing of the cap tured German- cannon, and the trip to New Orleans were the principal matters coming before the Thursday night gathering of the Klfftn Rock well Post, American Legion, meeting at the Y. M. C. A. I - V. U I . I . 0idt,uui uj nnuii iiio employ iiitfni Kit Hall I - nl.nn. 1 ..k.kllll.. I Muimw ,a i,a,.,iiH ' lis ICIItlUllllaiVU service man In touch with positions iur winrn inmy luveiUKOini niiea, were interestlnlgy od by Mr. Charles, who made It plain- that the co-operation of business men who have positions to be filled Is neces sary to make, thA work nf thla tiitaii a success. Mr. Charles Is a member If the Hornets Nest Post, No. . at Charlotte. The local posts of the legion, he pointed out, can also be of service In bringing together the employer and the bureau which will seek to secure trained ex-service men for practically all profeaslons, trades 'and. (agricul tural pursuits when called upon.'Com munlcatlons with Lovell Rhodes or with George Beall. Veteran's Bureau representatives In Ashevllle, will aid employers In locating men they may desire to All special positions. T MclMffn William. U.. I. - J 1 ' " ............ .... i.ui ucen appointed to investigate the 'status of the German gun mounting, reported jjiu uiriumiB 01 tne sist Division . ' "..viii me iCKllltl IlttU Ol - feren tO IVI.nnMla fn aan,,lnM . I , - .., kvui III, ,l cannon properly mounted, were now - iwmii "1 unier cnat no. mistake will be made In placing the trophy properly. ' Arnold H. Vanderhoof, commander of the Klffln Rockwell Post, announ- CHA that tYla. ?AVi Dl.. r,l..l, i, . . , " l" division PosU had requested the legion to ,jiiaiC ui me nrst part of Annlifl... Ila nM,aM . i . . . . In the Auditorium. R. R. wnillams Is ... iic or tne program fol lowing that portion over which Mr Vinrlai-hnnf will n.l. . .u . a L Ti cn"" "e leaion. A nail game and dance, as already ....,., u, win oe otner features of the eelehrstlnn Discussion of plans for the New Orleans trip brought to light the fact 1 hi I Mrnlla a . Na l n i . . . f..ii : mimDer nave laid ip to hold a special Pullman n resarv. a numh.. n on the plat without having actually ISKSn up. The ? "cneauiea to leave AahBviliB Kaluga., . . l" r- .... iur iqe national con veniion ac new Orleans. URIN t NIGHT y MORNING & KEEP YOUR EYES CLEAN CLIAfc AND HIALTHf km tm imm it i CM! soos- umhh "SILLYADS" (CopTTlght, Itaa, R. V. C. Smith) ' After th lady vlltd u with her boy, she knew she hd tha host ihoei under th von. Nlchoii 8hoe Co. 1 Mistress - ThUi new klrt ehowa uf ibovl my anticlpetions." French Maid "I lat what you Anerlcan rail knee?" A calf or any other animal soea above, an tlolpatlona when fed on Milk Made Dairy reed from Scott Feed Co. When the cheap plumber In formed the lady of the house that h would hav to rt aoma for gotten bolta, aha replied that ah waa glad tha Job did not need an other nut. Only nice thing are aaid about plumber from Campbell Vance, Phon U'l., 170 Patton Ave. " It doesn't pay to paint the face, but It pay to faca the paint- when It makes your house look new instead ol old. Paint to faua that pay from Excolalor Paint it Paper Co., Phon II J. should the 1c be taken from Iceland It might remove ti cold, but when tha ,Jr la taken from Iceland, thlnaa will not be so hot there. Ti be aerved rlht. dine t Plaza Reafiurant, Mrs. C. M. Hearden. Over Nichols Shoe Co. The Farrune had a new arrival In their family. Just because it waan t a box, It becam a Mia Fortune. Those with Mr or little fortunes find It economical to visit The Racket Store, II Blltmort Ave. V Ta. V V IP THE In that city, where Sparks' Winter juartera have been located for ycatw She Is one of the moat versatile, khI with the show, for besides present lug her elephant act In ring two. she Is a star In the big equestrian ballet, in which 1" pretty young wrnnen rlli the famous Sparks' dancing and lilKh Jumplng horses. Of the aoHj perform ers with the show, over hi. women, anil all of them are Just n good to look at as la Madge. - You'll see. that this Is so when the three rings, the track end the air are lilli with them on circus day. Party Affiliation Not Required From Those Registering Chairman State Board Elec tions Tells Oldham in Reply of Question. Complaints have been made that certain reglslrArB have requested per sons registering for the approaching elections to state their political af filiation and that thla practice Is not required by law. John C. Oldham, secretary of the Buncombe County- Republican execu tive committee. In order to settle the matter, yesterday sent the following telegram to Chairman Persall, of the State board of elections: "Wire if law requires voter to state his political affiliations when regis tering for November elections." In reply. Chairman Pearson tele graphed Mr. Oldham as follows: "Replying to your wire, voter can not under law be required to' slate his party affiliations when registering for November election." KILL RATS TODAY STEARNS' ELECTRIC PASTE It ftlvo klUa niiea,' cockroaehva, Wntw buRS rAd ant. It foroatbe p9tm to run from building for wtr and tnnh air. at box contalna anourh t kill 10 to 10 rata or mice. 0t It from (MH- drug or tftfnara,! atoro da&lar today. .WDY FOR USK-BETTCR THAN TRAPS Charles E. Hughes . Co., Distributors RADIO- No longer an experiment Hear the arrateat talent perforin POH YOU at home over a "Hl-Orade" Hjwliophone aet Bnllt Here to Hear lone distance proa-rams As e to oper ate aa the old phonograph. .,,',' last na demonatrnte to yon without coat or obligation Tor Ashevllle Phone 249 For West Ashevllle Phone W CITIZEN RADIO SHOP, .Room 25 Citiien Bldf. Asheville, N. C. i "HI-GRADE" RADIOPHONES "nriir here to hear" a Manufactured by -the Hl-Grade Wireless Instrument Co., Room 24 Clllsen Blrtff. AahevUle, N. C. HOLLOW TILE For Building HOLLOW TILE construction is durable, stormproof, fireproof and non-conductive of heat, cold, or moisture. WE'RE exclusive agents for Tile of the Richmond Shale Products Co., and can furnish builders immediately with Partition Floor Split-furring' Backup, and Loadbearing Wall Tile. ' And made in full range of sizes. ' 9 Southern Steel & Cement Co. "Budding for the Future" " Phon 974 laN. PackSq. ATTjAS PORTUAND CEMENT " . ATT.AS WHITE . . ATLAS GRAY TAPESTRY BRICK COMMON BRICK KTKKI- BARS METAL IjATH RNER BRAD - and other building materia la. j ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 13, W. R. MATTHEWS HERE IN INTEREST ORDER ! Is Chief Oiuimnmlcr of the Son ami ItnuKhlcrs of American Utt erly, w I ralcpnal Onlcr. IV R Matthews, of Charlotte, who represent Mecklenberg County in thu J l.egltlature and who Is l ie Demo i rr.i'lc nominee to succeed himself. Is in Ashevllle III ths !iiterrt if the in. and I'authtrra uf Ainrrican l.therty, a fraturnal nerienVI.it y and benevi'lent onter. of which l.r Is i'hief ronmuniltr of the head anip. Mr. Matthews, who l known by a number of Ashavlll people, upectn to siiend reveral days here In the Interest i f the order which he heatis II' Is mopping at tne l.angren Thi. uUJiH ta of the Hons an I Iwugh te ,if American l.lheri ar to coriililiip white male and female per notu of sound bodily health exan,. plar h.itilts and good moml charac ter, between the aces t IS and Ml ynir. Into a .ecr-t fraternal, liene flcisry and benevolent order;- provide fum! f.ir-lhelr relief; comfort the nick atd cheur the unfnrtunate hv attentive iniulstrutioni In tlmi-s or airrow and distree. promotw fra: ternal lovu and unity; create a fund from which, on reasonable and satis factory proof of death of a ben-tlciary member who has complied with all the requirements of the order, there shall be paid a sum not to nceen' IJ.OnO to the peraun or personf named In his certificate, aa benffh-lnry or beneficiaries, which beneficiary or beneficiaries shall be his wife, chil dren, adopted ehlldren. parents, hroih cr. sister or other blood relation or to persons dependent upon the member." The charter members of this order are men and women who fill most prominent positions In life In their home cities, and Mr. Matthew-, mates thea the restrictions are such that only those who meet rigid require ments of good clllsenshlp are eli gible. XF0" THI RKUt'O' Coughs. Colds. Crouj WHOOPIN0 C0U0H, HOARSEN ES BRONCHITIS -SOLD EVERYWHERE- Overcoats And Sweaters For the SMALL BOYS -2 to 8 Year Rightly Priced OVERCOATS SWEATERS ( MACK.INAW3 For the Big Boys 10 to 1 8 Years Spalding ' SPORT SWEATERS Coat and Slip-Over ' Solid colors, Combination and White $10.00 and $12.00 Size 36 to 42 Watch Your Step, Today la Friday The Thirteenth t are late for WakhiM thU in r:iiii and find th milkumn lt.irr ymi liy ; If you k" 1" ' ir;ir.ic ami find your tlrm are puiti'f nrt or your car bun lukt-n ni siiiTiuu fllKl In th nig hi, if ou slip on h hnnii r or rind imililiiic rlht ( thi offlr. )tir lean hHik In uir ,-hair nl Rluji' at (ha calfmUr Today In mI.i v . t hp thlritirt.l h S;ok ifm to hav almrtt. out t hit .lu v I i I ho Ini'onx'fiiiniit'f of mniikiiul ftiul irudltion )imk t!d u thi it hm unlucky day 8". If m' r v ( 'linn uoi'K wronn. don't lilar.ie yra;i M-t - ?ilnif the .-alfiidar. creamyow demand Delightful poWJera 0) ) lotions and ionics . JYV In fact alt TOILET REQUISITES Sold and explained on ivanest. tou may find out lust What you meed by calling et MRS. DALE'S MARINELLO SHOP M Hsywood St. Phone 1671 - -f . 79c Flower Vase Very attractive pat tern. A useful article In every home 50c 1 50c SPECIALS for FRIDAY and SATURDAY Great Shopping Days. Scan these values once you notice how much you save, you won't miss coming here! 65c WOMEN'S VESTS Long sleeve, high neck, medium weight, good quality 50c 6bc MEN'S FIBRE SILK HOSE G o o d quality Extra heavy heal tnd toe, pair 50c MUSLIN PANTS women s iviusiin Pontt, good-quality. Lace and em broidery trimmed, special 50c $1.98 WOMEN'S HATS One table Wo nen's and Chil dren's Sailor and trimmed Hats, Velvets, Felts and Velcurs 50c 65c WOMEN'S BRASSIERES 'ash Satin, eavy weight in eah colorVery secial at 50c 89c BOYS' SHIRTS Good quality per cale and madras, in hand same stripes and pat terns. Special 50c 75c MUSLIN GOWNS Women' a hand embroidered Mus lin Gowns in pink ' and white. Very j special at. 50c 75e BOYS' CLOTH HATS Willba sold spe xfX - 5 cif Friday a n A f-itufday for only 50c I t .1 75; i ! ! T 1 1922. Firms In Exchange Business Locations ol (in i t . 'inpHiiv hM i P. P. DALLEY IV1SITOHN ALWAYS WPIA'OMI arrsc PROM MILLS DIRBOT TO YOU IS..00 Pl IU'HASKS DIM.IVKRKW TWEKl 10c PALM OLIVE SOAP As a special we are offering Fri day and Saturday 7 cakes for 50c' 75o MUSLIN PETTICOATS ruin and em broidery trimmed. Extra well made. A decided value 50c $1.00 SHIRT WAISTS Women s V o i le and Dimity Waists. Tailored and fancy. Fri day and Saturday 50c 10c MEN'S HANDKER CHIEFS Extra good qual ity cambric. Fri day and Saturday, 6 for 50c MEN'S LINEN COLLARS Well known Slide- t Arell Brand 3roken sizes, spc :ial. 3 for . 50c 75c MEN'S AND BOYS' SUSPENDERS jVery best grade , elastic. Well made j and durable, Fri 1 day and Saturday 50c $1.00 BUNGALOW PRONS I Made of good Vjf j uality Gingham, rercaie and Chambray all tizes 50c 69c CHILDREN'S SOCKS All colors a n A sires, a deemed value ' for Friday and 5 a t u f day, priced special 50c; "it .U ti-d a -l.nl whrhy thrv l ' 1 1 M 1 1 )f IlllMllK local Ion. Thu iimiiii' ivmimn) iIh n t. run i iifuitu-M In i hi f.iliiif to ih f tht- I'juk'- 'itl .lew.-it .-.tin In ft W f ( rrn 'jiioliiiM t. rrlto- Pin All shoes are easilu mm Shoe Polish The standardise value Ever ijbodtj knows the qualify Compare the quantity Liquids and Pastes for White, Black, Tan, Brown and Ox-Blood Shoes. COMPANY Inc., Buffalo, N. Y. Z 35c for 65c FABRIC GLOVES Best quality, Itl I biacic, Drown, I grey, white, mode, beaver, ponjree and cream 50c ALL 10c LACES' Including L i ncn finish, clunys, and others. Friday and Saturday only, 7 yards for 50c i BOYS'sSKULL CAPS In big assortment $1. of color combina tion. Every boy should have at least one of these school caps, at 50c . : ) 29c BATH TOWELS G o od heavy weight Bath Tow els, ' special for Friday and Satui day at 50c 59c WOMEN'S HOSE Women's good quality Lisle Hoae in black, brown and white at 50c 79c CHILDREN'S ROMPERS Made of gingham ind Chambray fast colors. Extra good values, 50c 19c DRESS GINGHAM Good quality riaias, Lhecki; and Stripes. Spe- cial Friday and a la. for 50c i ' ftl i L 69c COVERED KETTLE 6-quart aize Pre ( i rr fl), a. 1 serving Ket t le, grey enamel ware, ."pedal at 50c I HZ N1NJE t)r- u i puny w It) handli part for tlifdo ran Mr. WhUiiiIrr announfM (hat will' nell th 1'ftiRtt and Jftwt In Huncomtiir Conniv At tult but In lh olhwr I'oiiiiMfH in thin nMlon h Will act ui'lv a wholesaler. smnca wim . WomenV tlose (lood quality cottur lloiti lu black, white and bruwn, Krldny onrl Saturday, I puti 50c 29c NAINSOOK Very beat quality, For Friday and Saturday, special 3 yards for 50c '60c BATH TOWELS' These a r extra large and heavy Turkish Bath Towels, a good value for 50c MENUS' and BOYS' TIES One lot of good quality knit Ties n a number of patterns. Special 50c loc COAL SCUTTLES Extra heavy I weight, built o give the best serv- ice. Black nnisn trs I 50c MEN'S WORK SOCKS Regular 1 5c val i t t ues. Special for Friday and Satur day, 4 pairs for 50c MELBA BOUQUET TALCUM There is no Tal ;um more delight ful or refreshing han Melba Bou ruet ' Ul 50c MEN'S HOSE SUP PORTERS Well made, extra good quality elas tic. Very special 9 50c TEA KETTLES 2-quart size-grey le n a m e 1 ware. Jgood value at 50c ft tuP. mm i "Continued Sunday"