-J i i. ! 1 i! fl PACE SIXTEEN J THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCT. 18, 1922. FLAN BUILDING TO HAVE EIGHT STORIES OtwtrartJn of Final Two !fow - I'ndcr War. With Addition lo Come With City urowtn. Excavation! hav bn started at Patton Avnu and Otta trt 1 for what will b In th Immedlat futur a two atory fireproof or at Icaat a aeml-firanroor hnmn bulldlnr. aa constructed that In lima It may ba Increased lo heicht of alx or alfht alorlea whan th itrowth of Aahavllla warrant a thla Investment. ' Fronting upon Patton Avanua for a width of 10 feet, tha pro noaad building, according to Tench C. CoKe. la designed for two store, each IS fact .deep while tha particular use for tha second atory la yet to ba determln- cd. Tha coat of -tha structure, alao annd UDon whether rullv nre proof materlala are utilised, or merely, aeml-tlreproof. The building will be modern in very reaneot and will ba ready. It la hoped, by April or even before, It good weather permit. .j T. K. RAY IMPROVEP " Friend of Thomaa B. Hay will fee. (lad to know that Mr. Hay la so much Improved that he haa returned home from a local hos pital after an lllneea of aeveral weeks. Do We Frame Pic i tures? I WeU, Rather!!! REALTORS LUNCHEON PLANNED ON FRIDAY Question of Kariual Propertf Hating to I Taken jp 1ouk to lirtwtrr Ply. Mem here of th Aahevtlle Real Batata Hoard are to meet Friday night. October 10. at 1 o'clock at the rooma of the Merchant' Aaao rlatlon on Wroadway for a lunch eon gathering at whlrh time it I expected that upward of 40 will be preaent. - Kxcluslv luting of property in place of ceneral llatlnar will ba a aubleot broucht UD for dlacuaalon at the forthcoming gainsnng. Three minute talka are to ba made by intereated Ilealtor. according to the program outlined ny ii. Frank Gudger. Socretay, who. In hla lett announcing the proposed dinner. aya. "If Aahevllle la to crow Into a much greater City, tha agency aueation will agitate our craft mora and more, an oi couraa. Aahevllla will be a mcger Clty-aom think the biggest in theBnte. We miut map out om program for tha better Intrencn inent of our bualneaa and a more general recognition of the value of the Realtor to thla community. ' Elks Lodge Will Meet Tonight At 8 O'clock The Rika' Lodge No. 1401. wilt meet tonight in the Hall at 75 1-1 Broadway at I o'clock for the purpose of tranaactlng bualneaa of Importance. All member are re quested to be preaent and visiting Elka have been extended a cor dial invitation to attend. 3 Great variety of moulding, Brinz in your picture to be framed by experts. Chimney Rock Never Closes. Bought your Barler Oil Heater ; yet) We control the hand softest and hottest oil heater on the market. Now is the time you need it.' : .We prevail in heavy, plate Silverware, guaranteed, with put limit. J. H. LAW 21 Haywood St. AT TTTK FIRST RIGW OF EYE TROl7BI;E CONStW IS Tour eyesight la jrotiT moat valuable asset. Do not neglect It. Consult , Charles H. Honess, OPTOMETRIST , t eya. Strain Spaolallit M Patten Av-, aim i,v Ud Typewriters , overhauled. Practically Ilka new. Underwood, Remingtons,' , Victor. Prise right. J. M. HEARN & CO. Government St , Phone MS SEVERE WINTER -MAYBE And you'll need" SUN RA Coal. It's a free-burning, red ash Coal. i Superior for Stoves, Range, or Grate. Our Terms Are Cah CITIZENS TRANSFER AND COAL CO. Julian Woodcock, Owner 24 PHONES 25 HAW CREEK SCHOOL BONDS CARRY RY OR MAJORITY. PLAN $60,000 STRUCTURE With til vote cast In favor of a bond Issue and SI agalnnt it, tha election for liO.000 achool bonda In th Haw Creek 1-Hatrlct carried yesterday by a majority of If votea, or, with II persona voting for it more than voted against it.' Tho school enrollment 1 now loo. Immediately th bond are Issued. It I th purpose of tha officials to borrow 110,00 from th Stat In order to put 110.000 Into a modern II room structure which It la hoped will be ready for ua by thr opening of th achool term next Spetember. Oym nealutn and auditorium com bined will be Included in a brick building. It Is likely. That tha district haa ambl tlona to' lift the standard of high achool work to a full ac credited basis. I th report brought by Frank Wells. Hu perlntendent of Publlo In struction, who assert It like ly that the number of teach ers at the Haw Creek School will be Increased from th preaent staff of eight when thla la accomplished. Addi tional grounds will alao be ' secured for the new achool. Superintendent Well believe. Many believe that th Band Hill District will have aecured enough, petition calling for a 110,000 bond Issue to call the election. Petit tone now In clr-' culation. It la thought, will be brought before th next meet ing of the County School Hoard, taking pine Novem- bar f. ASKS REGARDING WATER SUPPLY Report of Aahevllle' famou water muat have traveled far afield when they bring Inquiries from distant Honolulu. Tha ques tion are directed to th Chamber of Commerce by Master - David Stuart Judd concerning the source of aupply, method by which puri fied, and way in which It la dis tributed. It chanced that th re porter to' whose attention tha In quiry was called, recognized th name of the youthful questioner aa the son of a former Mlaa Mattl Caae, of Aahevllle, now tha wife of a missionary in Honolulu. . DAUGHTER BORN Born to Mr. and Mr. Benjamin Wye he, of Charlotte, a daughter. at Mission Hospital, October 17. Bank Proceedings In Superior Court Today The caae of the Bank of West Aahevllle agalnat th Central Bank and Trust Company la acheduled to b taken up in the Superior Court thla morning. Tha ault of the Deaver Dry Oooda Company agalnat S. C. Teague reached the Jury, yesterday. 8. K. Israel aecured a Judgment for tha aum of $600 against J. A. Burnett. New Army' Wool Blankets I pounds. $145 at th Racket Store, 10 Blltmor Ave. . 1 Whitman's Hot Ooode's. Advt. Chocolate . at Chimney Rock Never Closes. GIFTS THAT LAST, Ear - Drops of Geuine Lapis, Onyx, Chrysophrase, Chalcedony and Carnelian, trimmed in Crystal and $4.50 - ,,id $4.50 " ' ' ' ARTHUR M. FIELD CO.' ESTABLISHED 1181 THE HALLMARK STORE WINS MUCH PRAISE North Carolina Leada Southern Mate In Flanr-nwma, Hays Bul letin From Washington. A letter from the director of the Rtate Employment Service ha been received by J. C. Cold, heud of the local employment office, commending the latter lor hi ef fort The Btat IMrector uys: "Th Btat and Federal Kmploy ment ofllce In your Cltv has been doing splendid work. Beside the Immediate benefit to wigo-earn-or and employer pf varloua classes, th City Itself receive a claaa of publicity that la worth V..HV mora Ihin the email Slim nnronrlated for maintenance of th office In the employment of stenographer and defraying the coat of a telephone." la a recent bulletin Issued at Washington, North Carolina lead any other Southern Stat in lae placement of worker. Funeral Thursday For . John Young, Colored Funeral aervlcee will be held for John Young, colored, Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clork .under the "direction of Skyland Banner Knight of Pythlaa Lodge at Mount Zlon Baptist Church, Rev. Jacob R. Nelson, officiating. Young for year was employed by the old Elks' Club, then located in the Drhumor Building, on Patton Ave nue. Young leaves a wire ana other relatives. Interment will take place at Aahevllle Cemetery. Eight Civil Exams Here In November Elcht examination will be given in Aahevllle In November by the Civil Service Commission. The following schedule ha been an nounced: November 15, auditor, income tax unit; November 1$, assistant nematologlst; November 21, music teacher, Indian ervice; November 22, cold storage warehouse truck er, cold storage warehouse assist ant. Junior laboratory aid, junior bacteriologist. AMPUTATE ARM OF. RAILWAHMPLOYE I I Thailon Now In iBHlwoew Hospital Kufforlng From Krrtous Injuries Rcorlmd la Aorldcnfcj I L. Thaxton. who w rlot ly Injured in an secldent at Kldga crest last Saturday morning, waa reported resting aa well a could he expected at Blltmor Hospital last vnlng. Mr. Thaxton waa Injured. It ia ald, while he wn discharging hla dutle aa brakeinnn for th Southern-Rallww Com-' pany. He ha been a trainman for th past nln year. A a result of the accident, Mr. Thaxton suffered th loss of an arm, which wa amputated.- H reside with hi aunt. Mra. D. 8. Jllnton, 110 Barnard Streety HOLD NO SESSION OF BOARD TUESDAY Du to the fact the Mayor waa Invited to deliver the add res of welcome to the District Klwan lan now In eaaion her, no meet ing of the Board of City Commis sioners was held yesterday. Com missioner Fltxpatrlck is a member of the organization. - Flret-Hoor The MEN'S 5HOP First. Fk MYERS BARN bOOR HANGERS Stelnway, Hallet and Davl Pianos and Player Piano W. H. RYMER, Incorporated It Government Street Formerly Battery rarK Place . HILIS EVO. Fresh. Fat SQUIRRELS Place Your Order Early ' 'PHONES '356 1-3562 Dr. Hunt's Condition Is Reported Improved The many friends of Dr. Fred erick L. Hunt, who ha been se riously 111 for several week at the Biltmore Hospital, will be glad to learn that he has Improved enough to be moved to his home on Hill sltje Street. ' , . THE WHITES MARKET Women's Oxf ords $5 $7 $9 There are many entirely new models new leathers, new colorings and many new attractive style innovations in our Oxfords and Straps, 1923 models With guaranteed mileage, and the best service to be found anywhere Try Us. SPORT STRAPS Pongee Colors, Patent Trim and Oxfords. Price $7.00 "d $9.00 FOR FIFTY YEARS People have found service and quality in every line. at -j.V "Asheville's Oldest Drug Store." Grant 's Pharmacy DRUGS AND SEEDS Next to Fir Department WHY NOT BE COMFORTABLE? Enjoy the HEALTHY WARMTH of bur MOIST AIR CIRCULATING HEAT SYSTEM The COST is LITTLE compared with the VALUE You can heat your house with the fuel you use in an open grate. ' We will be pleased to give you an estimate. W. H. ARTHUR COMPANY, 75-77 Broadway ' Phone .21 16 KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR EYES nave us fit thorn with glasses n soon as needed. SWUtMlJ ft Su-a know us bythis sion" 7 PATTON AVE. "Faultless," adjustable Track and Hangers. With rollei; bearings. Protected from the :; Weather T.S. ' Morrison & Co., 49 Broadway. , lllllllllllllll!l!!!!lllllllllll!IM OPEN FIRE, FURNACE or I s , RANGE each demands a.cer- H tain kind of fuel What burns S well in one is a total loss in the S ' other. , , S IF YOU WISH TO KNOW THE RIGHT fuel for YOUR . use, Call US. s s The Carolina Coal and Ice Co. 50 Patton Ave. 'Phone 130. FIillllIIIUIlHIIiilllllUlllllljJIllllIllllllllilllliilllHIlHI DOBBS HATS Well-informed New Yorkers ac cept Dobbs Hats as the authentic expression of Fifth Avenue fashion. Wherever this leadership may have rested in the past it -is firmly fixed today in the establishment of Dobbs & Co. The new models for.Autumn and Winter have the characteristic distinction. , $7J00 up. NUMBER ELEVEN ON PATTON AVI 5 mm SOMETIMES Art and Invention fail to satisfy Fashion's ceaseless demand for "something neV." Then, frequently, she oetaacs nerscii to uie uc 01 me pasi, auai off some heirloom rich in tradition, adds a touch of today and lot the world takes a re-awakened interest in it Just now it's candles. Home-makers have rediscovered the beauties of candles and candle-light Bet ter materials and modern facilities for unique lighting and decorative effects have greatly heightened their charm. And truly there is nothing which lends so gracious a charm to the dinner table as the soft light of candles, cast from above silver or crys tal candelabra. M Indeed, to the hostess who would create an atmosphere pf beauty, candles and candelabra are entirely indispensable HENDERSON 52 Patton Avenue. Your Jeweler Near Postoffice. $6.50 TOASTERS $6.50 EDISON "HOT POINT" Toasts quickly and Just as ion want It. mono ror 7 M Pstton Atcv Phone 4TB Opp. P. O, I ................................ "Look h or 1 he White Trellis" : When flowers are fading out-of-doors, FLOWERS in- doors are doubly welcome. JJ 1 THE FLOWER SHOP Middlemount Gardens UBIKO BUTTERMILK MASHES There is a Ubiko Feed for every age and purpose. If you raise your flock by the Ubiko system you can be assured of thrifty chicks and productive hens. i "Quality In Feed Is Economy In Feeding" J. D. EARLE FEED COMPANY, Wholesale Distributors. We have fine Broiling Steaks and the Mushrooms to go with them it NStar Market Two 'Phones 1917 1, 'Phone 127 'QUALITYi Blue Gem COAL Jellico CROWN Merchants Transfer & Coal Co., 27 Patton Avenue. 45 Psttoa Avenue Phone 87 IS The Asheville Telegraph Florist 'PHONE n Vitalized Food "VEGEX" r vjtamne Teaat Extract. Not only does It aupply the hoiilfi d u wat?r.5u "ake a delicious bouillon. To boiling; milk you have a dainty, nutritious- bisque. It make won derful gravy, and a particularly good sandwich filling , , p" Jar, 40c. 70c and $1.25. If you are tired, run down, over or under weight. Investigate this. JESSE J. YATES, 'Pte33f- n City Market Demonstrating Capital Coffee at Northup-McDuffie Hardware Store. 36.W B. & B. Drug Store PHONE 3657 YES ! ! Thla 1 the Drug Store that everyone 1 talking about. 1 Give us a trial and you'll know why. BLANTON-BLAUVELT DRUG CO., 61 Haywood Street VModern and Superior Prescription facilities .FAIR 'Phones 1331-3067. PRfPFC THE SWANNANOA - BERKELEY One B.c.W Kateas Hote' BreakhUU wf cf HAWK. Wr?'ni,er ' 'i REMOVAL NOTICE We are now located in our new home and invite the public to come in and inspect our new quarters at 157 Biltmore Ave. T. P. Johnson & Co. . Sheet Metal Work. PHONE 325 - " This Cable-Nelson Piano . IN THE ( DUNHAM THRIFT PIANO CLUE 1 rAY ONLY $2.50 A WEEK r Dunhams Music House 'The Home of High Grade Piano X

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