THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCT. 18, 1922. FIVE MAMMOTH FURNITURE STORE t a I I irsF .1 . . t See our line of the famous , Ideal Cribs ' J.. L. Smathers 6b Sons IS Broadway. 'Phone 226 ' 24-26 Lexington. PICTCRfFItAMIXa PICTCRE FRAMJSf. COVER THAT UNSIGHTLY SPOT So simple it Is to hide an ugly apot on the wall with a beautiful plcture.f It you have, noma chershed, picture put away, hrlng 1, to ua for expert advice as to most suitable frame. We will he glad o show you our many unframed pictures, A number of them are Wallace Nutting's. . - - - ' . .. , . ' - ; .......... ... flee Our "Wonderful Line of Framed Mottoes, ROGERS BOOK STORK Office Outfitter. 17 Haywood St. Ashevllle, M. C, Pfceejs 7t LABOR BODY HONORS DEPARTING RECTOR Ontrnl Ijiilxir Inlim Passe lle0' Itilloiifl nf ltcHH''t for Re. Wll IIn U. rlitrk. rtesnlulli'int of respect for I hi Kev. WIIIIh ii. Clark. Itertor of Trinity, who hits !een called to be come pastnr of the largest Eplsco pul Church In Nashville, Tenn.. were passed last night ly the Central Labor Union, which ex pressed n-jtret that one whi) iind proved himself a "friend of hu manity" ahould be removed from Ashevllle. The resolution follows: "Where as the Kev. Willis G. Clark has proved himself a valiant friend of humanity and hns ever htood ready to support the right and has lifted his voice HKiilnst oppression; nd . whereas It hns com to the atten tion of this body that the Rev. Mr. Clark hns decided to answer tlin call of another church, removed from our midst. "Therefore, be Jt resolved that the Central Labor I'nlon, of Ashe vllle, representing the thousands of working people, hereby x presses Its regrets over the depart ure of Rev. Mr. Clark and extend him and his family Its best wishes for happiness and contentment In their new home. "Therefore, be it resolved that codv, of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes, mvl a copy sent to Kev. Mr. (Jl.irli, Ine Ashevllle Citizen, Ashevllle Times, and the Central Labor Union, Nashville. Tenn. "W. W. WARREN, President, "E. B. HI LL, Secretary." F CAKE DEMONSTRATION Cake demonstration with DAINTY FLOUR at Northup y "Viffii Hardware Company's Store, 72 Patton Ave., today at 2:30 p. m. Baked on a MAJESTIC RANGE by Mrs. Rachel T. Hanaman. Public is cordially invited to try this flour and see this range in operation. Hot biscuits and coffee . will also be served free. ?4rthup-McDuffie Hdw; Co. Q72-77 Patton Ave. Telephones 142-3771. Headquarters.' THE WEATHER ASHBVILLK. Oct. 17. 12 LOCAL WEATHER DATA Atate uf weather, 8 Htate of weather. I p. m Kelatlve huml.lily, 8 a. in Relative humidity. 12:10 p. m.. Kelatlve humidity, 8 p. m Wind direction, t a. m... Wind direction, I p. m. ... Time of aunrlae..r Time of sunset Cloudy . .i. iear .M8 pet. .72 pet. .7a pet. Northwest North .S:9U a. m. p. m. LOCAL TEMPERATURE DATA t a. a. m. 10 a. m. 11 a. m. 12 Noon. 1 p. m. 2 p. m. 2 2 66 ." 64 I p. in. 4 p. m. i T. m. t p. m. 1 p. m. I p. m. The Achievement rf Today But Points to the Pathway of V Tomorrow Through service comes growth and through growth comes greater service. It is to your advantage to become personally acquainted and, to haVe business dealing with the above ""company.' If we fail to give' you proper attention, we solicit your complaint. Our prices will challenge comparison. .'.-.... LET'S GET ACQUAINTED TEUBHERJ R-VTNT BV. CHEMICAL PHlfYTS, VMRTVSHES, CRUSH if. ti a i 1X7.1 4 r x .,:n- x-:: d vauway tuiu iTsmui-pp. ffwiTciTiiw wauiiug auviai Wet hulb temperature, a. m... 61 Wet bulb temperature, 12:30 p. m....M Wet bulb temperature. S p. m 56 Highest ....7; one year ago 72 Lowest 61; one year ago. 40 Absolute maximum. In WO. ....... .71 Absolute minimum, In 1904... 38 Average temperature today 61 Normal 55 I Asheville Audience ' I i Honors Local Talent ! That Aahevilln appreciates and! honors local talent is attested bv ; the manner In which th plav of; Wntklim Kpps Wright, an Ahe v!l!e ln.y. H being received at the, I'a k The.itre during the current I eek t j( cn The Map' as! written by Mr. Wright and as play ! by the l'sck Players la a very delightful comedy. Its lines are crisp and original while the hu mor throughout the entire pluy Is nt the best. "I'ut It On The Map" tells an Interesting atory and presents an attractive romance which Is car ried throughout by Mia Blanche HUcox and Air. Earl Mayo. These two ure vniithful nmiw ... ...... tray the Juvenile anthuslaam and rifiy mat in autnor desired and uruig out every du there is to be had In the characterisations. A lllAtlnej. MrlnrmnnM ..f U Pew IllaV Will hA fflv.n m tl.AU o'clock this afternoon ami fmm the manner In which tickets are being reserved the crowd promises i ue one or me largest of the senson. The presentation of "I'ut H n The Map" calls for the en tire; acting strength of the I'ltiyrri Tax. Collector To Sell Property For Back Taxes Today At public outcry to the hlcheat bidder for cash, pursuant to the l.iws of the State and city. ('. H. Hiirtlett. City Tx follerior. a. noon today will sell the lands of nearly three hundred delinquent taxpayers, who so far have failed to meet their tax obllntlous for the year 121. Mr. Bartlett says there Is about lll.OOO due. on the property and several notices hav been sent out to ea -h of the delinquent urging; them to make settlements. He is sued his final warning about a month ago. Chimney Rock Never Closes. PI 2,000 CASI AMIES IN FlKJCHOW AUG KKPOUTEI1 AMOT, China, , Oct." if. (Ily The Assocluted Press.) Approxi mately 2,000 casualties are re purled at Koochow, capital of Ku lilen province, as a. result of an anempt by the defeated natloniil torces to r-take the city from w hich they hads been driven by the Invading troops of General Hsu Tsung-L'hl. Shoe Expert Gives Demonstration Here lii'iiii'M'MluiK the (iico-Taral Iiep.i 1 1 :n, ,,t f the Thi.iiuis I'lant ! 'iiil-.ui. . MoKton, Man-'. Joseph rietiii I ,,f Cincinnati. ihlo. wh" has I i. ihe 1 1 for the pnat , sexei il ulll itive ileuoinstra- i liilim I'J n Antlionx Hi,.hei. I'nUoi, Mi ri',i,,-li ine Ii.- Ii.u been 1 In Ash.'Mlle has lerlllled Mt the I V. C and the Asheville Nor mal St -Ii, vl He say that a per son's thai. t ti i be determined by their feet. He demonstrates " special hue foi wtiinnn exclusively- "The'iitetl pi.tfi . floxilile ari'h. of .I'f. i ll rtmstrui 1 itn. Is de Hlarnetl to tlixtributc the body wetKht on tbr feet In mh h a man ner that if provides own tuust'le support and reslstluK power by lnulutlliii; nntiirnl actluu of the foot when walking or stundlng. 1 gently building up the weakened, over-ht rained arch ntul foot niufc cleH." lie declares H'K.u-tliny his prod wi". MltS. Mil I I It ILL. Mrs lohn Miller, uf South Hilt more, mother of Mrs II. C. I'laik. of Ashevllle ' serioiL-lk ill nt her honie. suffei-ing from an iittiick of pneumonia. All Records Broken LOCAL PRECIPITATION DATA Normal .inches 2.4 Greatest amount. In 1811 11.12 Least amount. In 1904 0.02 for 24 hours ending p. m. . ... . ..None DAILY WEATH Stations. ASHKVU-&JE Atlanta Augusta Birmingham Charleston Charlotte Oalveston Jacksonville ....... Louisville . ...r. .... Memphis' , Miami Mobile Nashville ., New Orleans New York Oklahoma City .... Raleigh ............ Richmond .......... San Antonio San Francisco Savannah .......... Khreveport Tampa Washington Wilmington ER BULLETIN Loweat. Highest. 2 , 64 70 60 . 72 61 "tV 14 4 48 74 70 3 ,2 40 ? " , W . S4 ' 74 4' 74 4 8 6 ' 76 72 12 ' 68 7 86 '' 72 . 64 74 ii ' . . 74 - -' 76 4 " 6S 4 . syr s -I .,; 7 - Some Folks Have An Idea That They Can Purchase New Fall and Winter Wearing Apparel At Lower Prices than they can in Asheville if these folks had heard a visitor tell our Salesladies how much lower our prices are than in Baltimore, they would then have the correct opinion about our prices. Come in and you'll be convinced that our prices are low for Dresses, Suits, Coats and Hats of merit. t CADISON'S: BILTMORE AVENUE. " 1 3E WEATHER FORECAST (Till 8 p. m. Wednesday) y For Aahevilia and vicinity: Moirtly cloudy and cooler tonight and Weds nesday; probably showers tonight. For North Carolina: Mostly cloudy and cooler tonight and Wednesday; probably ahowera in east and south portions: moderate to . fresh nortn- weast sntrune- to north and north east winds. Kiwanians will please take note that all records in Lyceum in the Caro- lines have been broken by The Piedmont Bureau, the Home agency for Better Lyceum Service. Approximately Two Hundred Carolina Communities are on the Pied mont ' Circuit this Season, which represents more communities than all other agencies combined. And these communites stay with us from year to year. ..'.-;', - ? "The reason is found in the Factjthaq the' Directing Motive and Purpose of The Piedmont Bureau is that of all good Kiwanians, namely, SERVICE to Our Fellows. . This Spirit finds expression in Programs rendered and ' Lectures delivered. Service is Required of AH connected with our Bureau. We will count it a Privilege to Serve you in your Home Community to co-operate with you in bringing better entertainment to your people. . WEATHER CONDITIONS ": The disturbance that was over the Great Lake. Monday morning has moved to tne -north Atlantic coast and pressure continues relatively low In the Southeast. An Intense anti cyclone extendsl from the north I'a clflo coast to the MhslasPPl valley ana soutnwara to nortnern Texas. Rains are reported In the Middle and South Atlantic. States, the Ohio val ley, tne unit gtstes. Arkansas, lowa, Minnesota and Michigan. It is cool er In the Ohio and upper Mississippi valleys, the Lake region, the Plain States and the Rock Mountain region. T. R. TAYLOR. Official in Charge. "OHONE 2747 irfor HARDWARE Service SPECIAL - OCT. 15th to 21st . Buy It, Now You will need it Later COAL HODS 17-in. Japanned Coal Hod with flat - Handle, this week ....... , . . . 34c HAND SAW Diamond Edge Hand Saw, 26-Jn., with apple wood -idle. Special for Monday and Tuesday. .... . . .$2.27 GECO RIFLE 22-caIibre, 24-in. barreL Take Down Rifles Special Monday and Tuesday. .$3.90 Central Hardware Co. ! 2 1 BILTMORE AVENUE. - ;- Grovc'o Taoteto Chill Tonic ifakes the Body Strong. Makes the Blood Rich, eoc Streei; Car Schedule RIVERSIDE! PARK 1:1! and every IS minutes until 11 p". m. DEPOT VIA SOUTHSIDE AVE Lt:30 a. m.. and every 15 minutes until unin ji:ik) p. m. DFIPOT Tla FRENCH BROAD AVE. 8:00 a. m., and every 15 minutes until 11 p. m. CHARLOTTE1 STREET TBRMffNXJS i. m.a and every IS minutes until Jl Pi m., 11: JO car runs through, re turning leaves end ot car line at 11. PATTON AVE.-- a. m., and every 15 minutes until 11 p. m, EAST STREET t a. m.. and every li minutes until. 11 p. m. GRACE VIA MHItRIMO.V AVE I a. m., then every 15 minutes until II p. m. -BILTMORE a. tn.. and then every IS minutes until 11 p. m., last car. DEPOT AM WEST ARHEVILLB VIA SOfTHSIDB AVE 6:30 a. m., and ewry ja minutes until 11 p. m. -SUNDAY SCHEDULE DIFFERS IN THE FOLLOWING PARTICULARS' Cars leaves Square tor Manor S and 4:15 a. m. I arrive 8nuare 6:15. then every minutes until 1:30. Cars leave Square for Depot via Soiithside Ave. 5:31, 5 43, 4:15. 4 7:0. 7:O. 4:0 and I JO i. m. Curt leave Square for Depot via French Broad avenue, i.ii, 4:45, 7:15. 7 45 and 4:15. - Car for Depot leaves Squars :S0 a. m . both Southslde and French BroaJ. First car leave th Square for Charlotte street it 4 a, m., and cv-y 03 mlnuts until S.; nest 1:45. First car leaves the Square West Ashevllle :!'. 7:(M; next, :!. Flrat car leaves Rquare for Biltmor 4:S0 a. m, and every 10 minute until I o'clock. ' Firs car leaves Square for Orae 1:14 . .. and svery 10 minutes until I a- m. With the above exceptions 'Sunday schedules commence at t a. m., and continue ssma a week-days. On evenings when entertainment are tn progress at the Auditorium the tne trip on all Unas will b from entertainment, leaving Square at res umr time and Jrolding ever at ta Aadltoriiua. 5 , ZZg&r ' The Piedmont Bureau Lyceum, Festival. Chautauqua and Concert Artists 0 United Profit -Sharing Coupons PromiumG You can get many beautiful and useful articles in ex change for these U. P. S. coupons which come witht Wrigley's Gum . Arrow Borax Soap Wool Soap i Sunbrite Cleanser Pride Washing Powder Danish Pride Milk Wheeling Matches Uneeda Matches Economy Matches r Rainbow Candy ' Luzianne Coffee Votan Coffee and Teat Pilser Brand Malt Syrup Barker's Animal & Poul try Foods & Remedies ' Hi-Brow Ginger Ale Net? Hampshire Table'1 ; ' --; Syrup ' United Cigar Stores, When She Got Home the Black Was Blue It probably has happened to you. You have bought some dress goods or other material, only to find when you get home and examined it by daylight that the color was wrong. ' -. ( . y - - . i " - "" ' . - r , " 1 If you patronize the merchant who uses the right kind of lighting to show his merchandise, such mistakes aren't likely to happen. To the Merchants of Asheville: In proper store light ing there is a particular Edison MAZDA Lamp for a par ticular sales purpose. JLet is show you how you can re duce the loss from returns and sampling and the ill will resulting from an unsatisfactory sale. Better Lighting will . increase sales too. Asheville Power and Light Co. Salesroom, 102 Patton Avenue. 'Phone 879. ,oupons from all the above can be COM BINED to get the premium you want. ?ome and see the beautiful display at the 1 r Premium Station located at " Pack Square, Asheville, N, C. and learn the. great values given thrifty folks who ,save their coupons. .'A ' :,.-, f Do not trade or hcII l P. 8. coupon. If j on trade T'nltexi proflt Hharlns: Coupona for rauixins or trailing Htamns of other con cerns, you are the loser. .Broker and di-nlcra offer to make ex- change only for profit to IIiciiihcIvcs, ItiiliH-ni l:. P. H. coupon at Premium Ktatlons and got greatest value for yourself in high grade merchandise. , . Write for free lllustratotl catalogue of premiums to J" - v UNITED PROFIT-SHARING CORPORATION Redemption Agent 41 W18th Ktiwt, Nctv Turk 1l Dr. Celia T. Shelmire : CHIROPRACTOR Talk Heialth. MapplneM and Prosperity to every person you meet. , Palmer Method X.Ray Equipment Phone 242 221-22 Haywood Bldg. Ros. 2 I99B USE CITIZEN WANT ADS FOR RESULTS Makes Hard Work Easy! DUSTING, cleaning and polishing hardwood floors is Hsrd", tack.breaa ins work. An almost never ending task and seldom satisfactory th E . ? wa7' , But il is w, quick nd wiKtoiy h new war anna tk 0-Cdr Mian Mop. Willi it you can aprad le minulr. doina what il new lakM yon almort lf a Amy Ton nasplr pea. th. OOdar Poliah Mop enrw the Boor aad wrmry puticl. of dust sad dirt is takea up and held. The floor is ama a hard, duiaole. iaanaw pouaa aaa OsImM0p la alto ! for th duatinv and cleaning of the topa i himM iumitura, betwwn ha banialara ot th Aaira and ia ao mad that you can vat to tha far corner andar tha bed, baneath th radiaaor mad other bant'to-vat-aa-placea. -Satirfactiaa CaartrtaW m Mr UhmmM Tnr an O-Caciar Poliah Mod for two dara at our nak. Teat it vary way hot nw daya and if yoa ara aot dalitted wuh it wa wUijKoaljraiuad jrour oaooej . THREE SIZES $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 rLiv i wu.v.y. v.,.,.. ; y Z a OS BKOAOWAY lHONU ZSBf AN ui zuj a i v 4) ' 11