PAGE TWELVE I JOSEPH HYDE PRATT SPEAKS AT KIWANIS BOUND MAGAZINES AVAILABLE TODAY Cl-Vn 1TAX TOIIMATIOX Or' f. More Addition at Pihllo library OUi; ClitH AND HANI i j . ' . 1 1 KJuaiilana PaM IlMolutiun Thank-r- ins Tlmne Khn Afclet In Mak ing Coutontlon ISuifrw. Members of tha Kiwsnl "lb !iari of thn ambitions ami Mim .jf Ihora iiromotlns thn Western Sorth Carolina Tourlat t.'onfronco, t the regular weekly luncheon- ouMttlnir. at the Battery 1'ark Ho- 'v'. yesterday, when Colonel Jnwph ' tfyds Pratt. Director of the North .' Carolina CJeolorlral and Economic Survey made a ahort. but Interest- in address. r Colonel Iratt thanked the mem intra of thn dub for tholr Intereat lit aiding thn preliminary measures tor the holding of re Conferenre rind, briefly outlined the Ideas and purpose of lho organization. S Fred W. Thomaa offered a mo- lion aeklng that the Public Affaire Qpmmlttu of the Klwanta Club in veetlfrat the needs for a health imrati in Buncouib County, which Itxn pawed and the Committee J 1 report back to the Uub. -.' t Clarence Sawyer. General Chair man for the recent Ulatrlct Con vention, offered a resolution thank ing the ladles taking part In the Convention fur their ejc.ellnnt co operation and the following were voted thanka.of the Ktwanlana for aiding in making the' gathering a mccess: James Howell. Mrs. K. K. Wooater. John B. Carroll and B. V. Tipton as' well as others ren dering aid. ' is. Marcus Bterne. Jr.; made a short talk ort his Impression of the : gathering and quoted those In at tendance (mm nearby rltles as . well as International officials in Inrlaiki I'onaUr rattirlirn Kiel Ion amd lramatlo Work". in THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN I REED INTERESTED SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 28, 1922. NOTED ENGINEER TO VISIT WATERSHEDS Ther will he available today in the public llhr-y for week-end rending bound roplea of the is sues nf a number of magnslnes f"r the nrst hidf of this year, six numbers of each periodic! in one volumii These magaslnes are At lantic, llsrpers. American Journal of Hoclology, Itsvlew of Heviews. Living Age. filmllar volumes of other magsilnee of this year were shelved a short time sgo and have breti vecy popular since thay f ford a variety of reading matter In one bonk. A. hundred or more attractively rebound novels htive been shelved In the last two days, these includ ing such widely rend authors as Zane Orey, Kthel lell, Chambers, Galsworthy. Wells' and Klchmond. The Important dramatic works of Beaumont and Fletcher, and John son appenr in new bindings anil also Curtis' popular Norwiy and Sweden and the much-used Traut wine's Civil Engineers' rocket Book. JOII.V Tl. FRKF.MAW TO ARRIVE THIS ArTKlUOON Kipcrted to Hncnd Several Days In Ashrvtlta Making Study ol lalrr eiltnaUosk 1 Make LAW'S Your Rendezvous -. 2 Out-of-Townerg, gather here t& replenish Home Supplies. f The distributing point, for Silverware, China and Glass. I louse Furnishing Goods, Cut lery, etc," ' j f- ;. ' Select Gift for the 'Bride, or a pleasant Remembrance for the Stay-at-Home. ; j.V 4 fj-Tho Barler Oil Heater de fies all competition. Safe, odor fess and hot as mustard. I J. R LAW 21 HAYWOOD ST. asserting that It was one of the mart successful District Conven tions ever held in Klwanls. Flute selections were rendered by Mr. Barber, pf Canada, with Mies Elta Handle at the piano. Merrill P. flalllher offered a resolution aaklng that the Klwanls member take steps to form a band and Glee Club, utilising the talent in the club for the entertain ment of the members and for" oth er purposes. This resolution was paused and immediate steps will be taken to form the organisation. John II. Freeman, noted eirgl neer. who will arrive in Ashevllle early this afternoon for the pur pose of making an Investigation of the Wter supply situation for the city of Ashevllle, will Inspect the two watersheds this afternoon. In company with R. J. Bherrltl, Commissioner of t Public Work, and Charle E. Waddell, Consult ing Engineer. Mr. Freeman Is expected to spend at least threa or four days In Ashevills, making a careful study of the situation, after which he will probably take a week to prepare his report, giving the City Commissioner hi opinion of the situation within about ten days. commissioner Sherrlll assarts tnat no atMs have been taken to ouiia tns proposed Impounding reservoir and definite action will probably follow the report of Mr. Freeman, which may decide the ruture of the water supply prob lem for Ashevllle. Mr. TYeeman Is an authority pn the subject and his report will b awaited with Interest by all who have followed the situation as af fecting the city supply. MUSICAL MONDAY AT LOCAL COLLEGE '-'AT. THE. FIRST SIGN OF EtE TKOUBIE OONSl'Ir t'S - Tour eyesight Is your most valuable asset. Do not neglect It. Consult Charles H. Honess, O'TOMITRItT f Cys-sfaln Specialist i M Patten Av Since 1,0 Burn Wood For Fall Fires Our seasoned Oak Wood brings cheer and warmth to home firesides. We've plenty for you. Cut any length desired. ' For Grate, Stove or Fire-place. Our Terms Are Cash CITIZENS TRANSFER AND COAL CO. Jitliaa Woodcock, Owner 24 PHONES 28 WOODFIN SCHOOL TO RESUME WORK Wood fin High Bchool. which' has been closed since Wednesday, in order that contractors might in stall a new heating lant. will re- lima r a. vi 1 1 i . . k.u.l ' Monday morning. According to information ' ob tained from Roy J. Hart. Prlncl- Miiw !Trle M. Evans, Director of Music at Weaver Will llate t'liarge) of KvcnU A splendU musical program will be given Monday evening at ( o'clock at the auditorium of Weaver College. The program en titled "A Htudy In Effects" will be given under the supervision of Miss Pearls M. Evans, the Director of Music, sa follows: Ghost Trocesslon Itrounoff. Hhadow Osnce -McUowell. Etude (A Play In the Moonlight) Heller Miss Msud Rurrls. Curious Story Heller Mis Al ms Medler. Reading with Music. "Hallo we'en" Florence Msxlm Miss Mary Ervln Klnsland. The Owl Swift. Dance of the Marionettes Mrs. Crosby Adams Miss Ruth Purr is. Dance of the Gnomes Whelp ley Miss Evans and Mr. Mutt. Witches FllchtrH. M. Russell TMisses Mlllholland and Aycock. i ne rtauniea ouse -w . ury ant Miss Jettle Mlllhollnjid. ltesdisfi with Music: Where the Bpankweed (iros James Whit comb Riley Miss Doris Weaver. The Tree Toad James Whit comb Riley Miss Frances Hodge. Fairies' Music Pox-K. P. Hall Miss Ituth Allen Klnsland. Vocal Bolo: The Haunt of the Witches Cossard Mr. William- Jones. 1 Tarn O'Shanter Warren Miss Maud Burrls. Chorus: Jack O'Lantern Jo Bratton. BANKING CLASS IS RAPIDLY INCREASING HOLDING COMPANY NOW INCORPORATED Ptnsra nf Innnrnnmtlnn sjIajI hv pal, work upon the four addition. 1 tne Pack Theatre Holding Corpor al rooms la moving at such a rapid pace that officials expect to b able to oocupy them early in Jan TRUNK HOSPITAL W, KEBt'IIJ. p.lnt, BltUr mur Tnnk n4 mtlu U Uts ssw. Lockl pot ss. km Stud J. M. HEARN & CO. 4 Government St. Phone 44 atlon yesterday with John H. Cathey, Clerk of Superior Court. show the following as stockhold ers: 8. Sternberg. 8. H. Friedman. D. W. Mlsenhelmer, C. S. Reed. M. H. Harris, M Jarmuth, Harmon Mil ler and W. T. Rowland. All are of Ashevllle and all except- the last two" own 10 shares of stock each, the last two " holding five shares of stock each. Authorised capital In the corporation Is . 1100,000, the shares having a par I value of 1100 each. Stslnway, Hallet an Davis Pianos and Player Pianos W. H. RYMER, Incorporated -' 18 Government Street Formerly Battery rark Pise OIFTS THAT UAST , Umbrellas at 20. Per Cent Reduction If yon drwiro a neat, Ineonspicuoas handle, with a good high grade cover, we can furnish it, at 20 per cent off the origi nal price. We are ckxHng out a nice selection Jn the very latest styles, with hollow ribs and rain-proofed Ilnc-tf-silk covers, es pecially suited for traveling purposes, as the detachable handles enable you to at them nicely In your trunk or suit case. ARTHUR M. FIELD CO. ESTABLISHED 1S . , THE HALLMARK ajORB IN REALTYCOMPANY Fwnoh Broad Company Secures ORIces In Central Business Iocs tlon 1iartcr txpected I with charter expected at an ear ly date for tne newiy organiseu French Broad Realty Company, olllcea secured in a central Joca tlon and numerous plans ou. foot for business activity, considerable Interest is being Shown in the net company. K. K. Reed, Ashevllle capitalist, who Is Interested In nuirirrous bus- I iipss ventures that have proved 01 vtd Importance in upbuitaing tne trslness interests of the city Is one f TTTe Incorporators arvd associat ed with him are: Dr. J. O. -An-ieiaon, Dr. A. T. Prltchaird, Dr. . W. Galloway, Oeorge M. Prjtch ird and Ouy Weaver. BAPTIST SECRETARY COVERS FIELD HERE Rev. Dr. B. D. Gray In Charge of Homo Mission Work In soutn cna Convention. Rev. Dr. R. D. Gray, Secretary of the Home Mission- Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, left Ashevllle yesterday, after spending a day In the city looking over the Baptist field. , x Psw TLv r was 4t Iniifth JKr It Vi sences while Captain J. K. HelstArJnor. J. J. Gentry, Snllstment evan gelist, - whose work 4s under the supervision of the Home Mission Board andV is very much pleased with the situation in Ashevllle and vicinity.. j .- . . He was a guest of the -Klwanls Club at the luncheon-meeting 'yes terday and was Impressed with the spirit of the organl:ition . and many other signs of progress in the city. :.., r "WILDBERG" Milk Bottle Crates Kight New Members Enrolled at lawOMertinc Ilrevard Bunkers to Attend tlasxcu. At the third class meeting of the Ashevllle Chanter of the A merle a r Institute of Banking, - eight IuN tlooal new meinliera were enrolled for the study. They aro as fol lows: Miss Bettle Knowden, -ornes and Company; Miss Ruth Chedster Grove Park inn; Charles A. Tay lor. Assistant Cashier. Centra Bank and Trust Company: 1). U Perry, American National Bwnk V. It. Patterson, Wachovia Bani and Trust Company: A. C. Coffey Blltmore Kstate; Miss Virginia Garllck and Mr. Allison. Thomas H. Shtpman. Pryildem of the Brevurd Banking Company. has arranged fur three or tour o the employees of the Brevard Banking Company to attend tbe meetings ea- h Thursday night, the first of which will enroll at the next meeting. The class has made a remarka ble record this year in member ship. From ninety bank em ployee in Ashevllle, over fifty of them have enrolled for study. The Interest manifested should " prove arr Incentlvo to the remaining few who have not As yet Joined, to do so within tho next week. The attendance of tho meetings Is very regular. Captain W. V. Duncan having reported four al- Fl rat-Floor The MEN'S SHOP 'm-Ploos reports seven. lieutenants have been appointed by the captains to assure loo per cent membership meetings In tho future. BATEMAN back FROM REVIVAL Returned from a successful re vival which he assisted In conduct ing at the First Baptist Church of Durham, the Rev. Dr. R. J. Bate man, Pastor of the First Baptist Church, will lead the Citizens' Bible Class, meeting at the. Ma jestic Theatre Sunday morning, and will lso conduct both morn ing and evening services as usual at the First Baptist Church. Ella mnsrm 3 Enthusiasm and Zeal distinguishes onr OPTICAL SERVICE from the ordinary. TRY rs NEXT TIME ' You Can't Dodge Between Rain Drops SO you had best be prepared with a smart cravenetted, wool Gabar. dine Coat. v V ' , A recent shipment brings our stock up to a full range of sizes in our very popular seller at just '$25. They are belted models with satin trim; well tailored Coats. . As good ' fo'r cool, sunny days as for the rainy ones. . Single and double breasted Whipcordsjn. heather mix tures $35 and $37.50 . 'KNOW US BY THIS SISN 7S IATTON AVC. Black Satin .'..' Straps, Brocade Back, Baby Louis' hels . -$4, $5 $6 TOD AY'S SHOE OFPERINGS in ladies' dress shoes and oxfords, patent, tan and black kid, always consider duality when vou Drice' our shoes. they give the long mileage, every purse finds a shoe here to ht t. Nichohze your feet. Felt Slippers Men's and Women's $1 " $2.25 Try a Sugar Cured Morning Glory Ham. Also Armour Star Hams. All Sausage sold by us is home-made. Star Market Two 'Phones 1917 1 'Phone 127 ft Republicans Today is your last Chance to Register Double NaUed Hardwood Boxes With Reinforced Wires A handy, durable Crate at a reasonable i ' . - , :y price. 51 T. S. Morrison & Co. NUMBER ELEVEN ON PATTON AVE WE are asked so many and such varied questions on pearls and their care,, ' that a few moments may well be spent in re viewing the subject. After being worn, s pearl necklace should be gently run through a soft chamois or similar cloth to remove moisture and dust: then placed in its case, which is dust and moisture proof. This is the proverbial ounce of prevention which often renders unnecessary the pound of cure. The best cleaning method consists in rubbing each pearl individu ally with a soft damp cloth which has been moistened in a fine soap solution, and drying, with a clean cloth. '. ' ' ' "V. . Both genuine and imitation pearls require care; and it is surprising how often they are mis treated, for every wonfan( treasures her pearls. They are suitable for almost any costume, and .they add "the necessary "finishing touch" to many a gown. Indeed they are quite the most in ( dispensable of Madam's jewels.- HfeNDERSON '.' . . 52 Patton Avenue. Your Jeweler Porto Rico Molasses Good for baking and cooking, goes much further than any adulterated article. Each can has a splendid ginger snap recipe. Per quart, 30c. JESSE J. YATES, 37 Haywood St. Phone 1715 Jones' Dairy Farm Sausage, 42c. w I Radiator; Hose Just received direct from Sassenheim, Holland: Hyacinths, Tulips, Johnquils. Poeticus Ornatus Narcissus. Grandiflora Paper White Narcissus. Crocus and Freesia. These are a fine lot of bulbs. All Dutch grown. Hyacinths, 10c each. $1.00 dozen. Grant's Pharmacy Next to Fire Department 1 DRUGS AND SEEDS WE BUY ANYTHING and SELL EVERYTHING Structural Materials a Specialty. All Sizes and Lengths of I Beams S. Sternberg & Co. Depot Street Phdne 333 1 ! 3 r i Hood Lncliig, T"'ks tor all makes of cars and trucks. "WE WAXT TOIII BUSINESS" Western Carolina, Auto pompany 12-14-16 E. College St. ' PHONE 890 ! I 9 0 I Near Postoff ice4 UNION GRAINS DAIRY RATION , , . , f v. '-......'' : ' '..'''' !.;"-''-' ' V " , . : The most profitable investment a dairyman can make from the" standpoint of increased milk production. Try it and be convinced. "Quality in Feed is Economy in Feeding" For Sale by Retail Dealers J. D. Earle Feed Company Wholesale Distributors 6NE& & B. Drug Store 1 v ............................ PHONE i 3657 " A STORE OFTEX GA1XS ITS REPUTATION" FROM THE SJ CONFIDENCE IT INSPIRES, and not from tbe Icnfth or time it has been in business. Such a store is ours. BLANTON-BLAUVELT DRUG CO., ! 61 Haywood Street - fyodern and SuPerr Prescription pacHiUes J a......... ........ r mvu xko. For Sunday Dinner Corn-Fed NATIVE DUCKS Raised Especially for Hill 'PHONES 3561-3562 THE WHITE MARKET To Those of You Who are Really Z - 5 Interested in How to Get the 5 Most from Your Fuel Investment, We offer this advice g BUY M & W and then READ NOVEMBER DE- LINEATOR to learn HOW to use it. The two make a wonderful combination. The Carolina Coal and Ice Co. ; SO, Patton Avenue 'Phone 130 5 TERMS CASH , 5 Order some of Our Baked Goods Try a French Loaf. . . . 10c Special Loaf 07c Hotel Loaf. 12Vfcc Try the Doughnuts we make at dozen 15c Our cakes will convince you that we'make them like they are made at home. Fruit Cakes are ready l ib - 2 lb., 3 lb. and 5 lb. " EDWIN C. JARRETT, 12 North Pack Square and City Market. krQUALITYi Blue Gem COAL Jellicp CROWN . Merchants Transfer & Coal Co i MsVSfliBH H ; ! i 1 1 1 'Phones 1331-3067. Ill WHY NOT BE COMFORTABLE? Enjoy the HEALTHY WARMTH of our MOIST AIR CIRCULATING HEAT SYSTEM . ' The COST is LITTLE compared with the VALUE You can heat your house with the fuel you use in open grate. We wifl be pleased to give you an estimate. W. H. ARTHUR COMPANY, 75-77 Broadway Phone 116 BRYAN KNOLL Grove Park AT AUCTION TODAY -11 A. M. 0 27 Patton Avenue. 1 iFAIR PRIC1 ES. I . BBBBS1BSBBSB&. I