TWLLVt THE SUNDAY CITIZEN, A5HEVI1XE, TV. C, OCTOBER 29. 1921. BREVARD ilKKV.VItl'. IVI St. Kit I..- ,. .r l.e if atuilyuiK Wannoal 'tijHir the mslra of l.i pun! ami i:vitit, MuMr l.xvt-r' riuli haa Im-oii or-iranlat-d In Hn-vard, rnmprlmnir I nimra of thoa who aaptr in Itu'lu'lr the apprfrtdtlnii nf tfi text iinmi. i', tiia artlallo d'vfinpmrnl nf uir imiii rmimlv KnthuiiAniri . over tint project : fort.i rnarkml the auccaaa of ih tirT metlng. tu-l.l early In th ninnth at tor hntii of Mr. O. L. Kr in Tn uhjct fur diactiaalnn wkr t)i- mit I nua of imMUc hlalory. Tfw tint, m ti m rt nnr- a month ai th- h.nn-n ri t i (lin.rnii inatnhara. Ofr.frtM for the vnnuinit yrr m X- Klii ti I'll..'. prcai lnl Ma I had i:,,aiM!i U1frry. vlif-prranlent, an l i Htnra Mr- llllKll WslkT wwtry, Mra. i,,. Simmm. wtiu l lr.i' ac-rfi- ,1 l:h tin- !n uiirtiratlon af minKml , ., m llramrd. 1 tnc mr .. norary memtx-r of thusrliiii. " Simon" l al prMrnt rrtin l""n i r ininkal .t.-t I v It lt Mrivn'r 'i:iltll CYfotl all J r.l .nitrli motor.. I to On-rnvnl'- Mil urJay and P'"- 1 1" vwlimg : rTinlft. Tim Wiitiicd.iy Hi i., liome f Mr W Uilin-lav afUTnooii. Tli" iH f li'" rl.iti r.mi.-i lirid t!i.-ir f""i'l rummaga .air. 1,1 t S.l.l.r.l;.v 1.. tt.r in.i lor un- ii-ii, hi - ,ok Pliil. nut at . K. I laM i.ttmi mill , tl.n 1 1 1. II miiil Tli ladli-a '' A CHARMING HOME IN THE NORTH END Perfect in architectural appointment and radiat ing an atmosphere of refinement, this house in the Montford section will please the most fastidious. - It has beautiful grounds and outlook. A neighbor hood that wins you at once. Surroundings count for so much in the selection of a home. The hard wood floors are of exquisite quality and the lighting arrangement most satisfying. Trie price is $25,000. If you except to the figure, it may be well to con sider renting it; the owner would prefer a good tenant to a purchaser. Phone 1995 for appoint ment. HENRY TALBOT SHARP REALTOR The Home Office 318 Drhumor Bldg. u oake alo at Mala lruf laat wk. at wli1 a good aiim i rrallird for tha banefli of llir in-' Haln.ur orplianac. Un. Hniiry ltrot!i. Mho haa barn vMtlrijr w. and Mra. HlUlard !-., Irft fur hT lirnne TiiMduy. Mi. Kaluh It Klanrr vlaltMl Char, nkm. ( lay. flaaln ami (Iraham ouii. lira tii: wrak, making campaign apa.oh.K KYIikiy nix lit ii anoka in Sylva .ml Kalurilay night In Koaman. Mr. K!hvr la lli flrat ranrfldata fur f-'insrvpa rvr nomlnatHt from Tran aylvauU County. Mr. and Mri Wrlali Uullowuy hava ri-turnad frmn .Monrr.p, whtra Ihey atirnili-.l the Methndlat ('onferano. Un v i". K. 1'iiHtt. furmrr paator of tlie Itaptlat i.'hurcli hrr., occupied th.' pu'pit Knnd.iy morning and fvan l'i!. a ipplylng lli placo rrf Ke. C. !r Smith, aim l.-f t for Atlanta Mon- ilav to .pi-ak In fir Itapttat Tabar nai'Io of that illy luirln hla ab . nc. Mr Smli i vlalt a-vcrul , in Georgia. .Mr. Krank if ir.jwii. who fiaa brn i lir (uoat of Mr and Mr", 'itiomaa oi.daworth. Irft Turaduy for Oualia, Ma. Dr. John Van ite Krva. f rharloa ion. M (.' . aprnt Hatiinlay In Uravard. v -it n.g frli'nd". Mi'ti-rit. Italph Zat-hary imd H M. MiKi.. ait-tiil.-.l tim Toiirlnt-lnduatry i uiif i t-ii'. held in Amiin llle thla jNWrt r(k. Mr. i- II. Mi K.c and two i hildron. if Aah. vlil.-, arr tile (U. j Of Air. and Mr-. W. J. Tutla. Mr V. U. Whit mar and daiia-hter, Mlna Mary, will leave early In So vi nihcr for Klorlda. Thty will motor through tha eoiintiy, kti.pplng to viall frlcnda at tl Ilterint' point" on tliclr way. Hav. L. A. Falia attcndid tha Meth od lut Confi renco hold In Monro laat ' wrek. Mr. It. W. Evrtt aprnt tlia w In -iliimlna. . C. where ha haa barn winning many prlr cfn hla flno oaiiIp eitilbittd at the South Caro lina SUt.i Fair. Ilrrvani waa well rrprpaented In a literary way at the IHatrlet Kedor- niwl .'lull maetlnr at Wavnraville tha mat ww-k. Mra. N. II. Currlr. Mri. T. II. snipman aim ii. j. nnvr ateln wf-re dekn.itna from the Wed nesday Book Club and Mra. John H.-aK"le waa aent l.y the Mathataalan Club. Mra. Beulah Zachary nave an en tertainment In her himio Saturday night In honor of a number of leach -era. A olkfhtful evening waa "pent playing varluua gamea and at a late hour refreahmenta were nerved. Among thoan preaent were Mian Tvncr. Mlfia Mnrlar, Ml t'trkitia Mlaa Weatern. Ml.; Vpahaw. Mian Mary Sleilfje. Ml lonia- Krw in. Mlaa Jennie Ackir. Mfcw Crlap. MlfM (Juy (Jray. Mlaa Nun Kiaele and Mlaa 1'erT Kin-: Ur. Hummey. Ir. rilnwlddle, Maaars. Klave Cnrpenlng, K. J. Mo Mannln. W. S. Hook, A. Kiaer and Italph Duckworth. 11AIT1ST COMAUTTKK Monthly meeting of the finance committee of the Klret Haptlat Churc-h will be held Krkluy eve ning at 7:45 o'clock. LENOIR MARION O atuocay O'tlc Season Wherever tastefully dressed, faultlessly groomed women foregather, there one sees the type of footwear we sponsor -footwear of good style, good quality &nd good taste. , New models are arriving every day, reflecting the latest of the season's modes, marked distinction and much feminine charm. Vet, ihey are modestly priced. Bamboo Suede, one-strap colonial, welt sole and rubber heel ; A A to C. Specially priced i .vol it ivt li. aira 1 1 11 Trie leu enieralnrd a rmniher "I little I..:, rm PrMav after Boon from II to 1 o In honor of the ftttli birth day of her attractive I'ttle daughter. Annie Karh I'Mlld brought ome remrmbrauee for t. little . Iioiioroe. Mtnv chllillah gamea were played during the afternoon, to the great delight of t.'iu little fnlka. Kefreah meiiia were aerved, eonaiating of li-e cream, iwke and amail baaketa of i candle A very delightful meeting of the (J. IV 'il held on Tueadny arter I non i wlih Mm. I-Vank It. Whltvaa i'li wi-- at h. r iittr.:tlv home on Vain . Street The reception room waa lieuiittfuliy (la.'Tiite.i uu o.ioi la and rhrvaaiiiliemunia. After a ,hort l.tiaineaa mietliiK. the hoateaa took i harite of the pnigiam, the auli ject b.lng Aimnals. which proved a veiy int. reeling one. A drawing content W4. then paai-i-il. Mra. It. C. I'owell won the prlje Aaaluted by Mra C. II lleffner. the lioatex aerved delicious refreshment. Oiteetl rf the cluii w.-re M'. i C. Courtney, Mra. . I ritta. Mr. V. C. Moore, Jr . Mr. 1( c. Cowell ui'hI Mra. J. H. Bernanl, of 'uha MisM-a Aiii iiml i.onnie Kartlilng were rol.-"i at ii party at the Hotel M.irtin on .Satiirdny night. The evenlnu alien t playing kamea and I danchm. Tim kiii-hik were Mlnaea Vlntinlii Seehnrn. Addle Hradahaw und Nell Kllllan: Mraara. Tom Ker- f iiaon. of Kerguaon: Uragg. llndd and . W. Koberla. Itelreahmellta wera aerved. Mr. and Mra. W. 1.. Minlefli. Mr. and Mra. U. V. Wllllama und Mr. Jomes Hlckerenn ipent Sunday at the home of Mlaa Annie King at Denver. On their return home, Mlaa King ac companied them and apent aeveral dava with Mra. W. L. Mlnleh,. Mlaa Mabel Ivey, accompanied by three of the teacher at Hnerrlli'a Ford and Mr. Iteglnald Turner, apent the week end here, guest of Mra. V. P. Ivey. Mra. U. H. Muck well, of Wayne. vllle, arrived here Tuesday to visit her mother. Mna. S. M. Clarke, and her daughter, Miaa Margaret Black well, who la a atudent at Davenport College, and other relativea. Mra. J. C. Fletcher and brother, Mr. R. K. Bryan, left Wedneadar for Greenville. 8. C to vlalt their SMeee, Mra. J. M. Ruaaell, and a later, Mrs. Cora Counclll. Mm. II. B. Trull and Utile daugh ter. Kllxabeth. are vlalting relatives at Wingate this week. Mlaa Kiale Bmithdeal. of Advance, arrived Tuesday to visit Mrs. Mark Ooforth. Mrs. Brannon and daughter. Cath erine, arrived home Wednesday from Greenville. 8. C, whore they hav been visiting relatives and friends. Mra. Sarah Wagner, of Valle Cru els, stopped over here a short wntla with Mrs. Joe C. Moore Tuesday on hor way to Gainesville, Ua. ! TQ ERECT ANNEX FOR STATESVILLE HOTEL Work Will Be Started Early Next Spring Say Owners., MAIttO.V. Oct. M Mm J. W. Win- hnrtia delightfully entertained tn members of the San Houcl Club laat Wednesday, October. II. Tha living room and dining room were ties lit I fully decorated with yellow chryean themuma. After playing In, tha hostess, aerved a k.vely salad course and atuffed dates. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. W, I. 1 f ii i ! fi en )VM.v Detobar V7. Mr. and Mra. W. 1. AtweU-"hav moved to their new home on far Avenua. Misa Ola Ward, of Olenwood, waa a week end vlnltor at the home of Mra. J. C. Smith. Mrs. J. : Neat apent several days last week In llaleltjh. whers she at tended the male Fair. Mr. and Mr. C. 8. liar und son. of Lenoir, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Mitchell last week. Mr. anil Mra. J. W. Pless attended the funeral of tha formers uncle, W, A. Hmllh, of llendersonvllle, laat Hun day. . Mr. Jennie IMvls, Robert Davki and Mlaa Lucy lavls have gone to Wellford, 8. ('., to vlalt the formers daughter, Mr. K. A. Burnett. Clarence and Tom Sullivan have re turned to fieir home In Charlotte. after spending a few day with tpetr grandparents, Mr. and Mis. A. L. Page. - Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Kdtvttrd and children, of Forest City, spent the week end in Marlon with Mrs. Kd wards' parents, Mr. and Mrs., K. U. Baber. B. W. Bailey and Miss Margaret Henaley, both of MolJowell County, were married at the Baptist parson age here laat Friday, Itev. J. T. Bow den olTlolaiing. J. S. Keener, sales manager for th I m jii"-nn jitvi vviiiiwii,' i " algnefl. having accepted a position as manager of the Gloucester Lumber Company's commissary at Koseman, N. C. He will leave tha first of .No vember to assume his new duties. Ralph Alexander, of Knoxvllie, Tenn., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Oarfleld Beaman during the week. C. A. Rosenbeck. also of Knoxvllie, I guest of Mr. and Mrs. Beaman. FOREST CITY $7.40 Otter Suede trimmed with patent saddle, welt sole and rubber heel; AA to G. Specially priced ' $7.40 Levitt's Shoe Dept. J. L. Lightsey, Mgr. 3 Biltmore Ave. Phone 256 STATE VILLE, Oct. 28. The Vance Hotel is to have an annex containing from 50 to 60 additional rooms, tho number to bo determin ed by the au-chlter-Vs plana. The hotel now tin 72 rooms, 6S of which are provided with private bath. The annox 1h to be built Just to the rear of the hotel and of the same construction. C. Vance Henkcl, president, and D. W. Auslcy, treasurer of. the hotel company, state that their purpoao Is to assemble all material necessary during the Winter and be ready for construction work to begin in the early Spring. The presont kitchen facilities and equipment and tho present heat ing plant will not have to be In creased, as the company forsaw the possibility of the condition now existing and made provision ac cordingly. A new assembly room Is to be added, twice tho size of the present one. Tho Vance Hotel was opened on the 17th of last Juno and it has en loved a tine patronage from the beginning. IYJRBST CITY. Oct. ;g. Mr. and Mr. George M. Huntley announce the engagement of their daughter. Kllic. to tipurgeon ,Mss. of Mooresvllie. The wedding will take pluce In -November. A wedding of Interest to a wide circle of friends was that or Mlaa Ola Teal, formerly of this city, bur now of High Hhoals. and Krneft U Hhyne. of Pallas, which occurred In Qaatoula Thursday. Mrs. Rhyne Is a daughter of Rev. and Mrs. C. il. Teal, of Forest City. Miss Ruth Moore gave a most beautiful luncheon at her home Sat urday at 1 .o'clock In honor of Miss Esther Suttle. of Shelby, hride-eloct whose marriage takes plaoe on No vember 1. The Woman's Betterment Club served sandwiches, and tea to about 100 tlaatonla people Saturday even ing, who had come here to attend the Saturday evening street service con ducted by Rev. Mr. Haggard, who is conducting a revival In this town. The Uaatonla people remained for the night service. Dr. G. P. Reid, who- has been con fined to his room for a week, is much improved. Miss Kens Neal. of Marion, waa) the Suest of -Miss Virginia Holmes Sun ay. Mrs. John Burgess has returned from Morganton, where she has been visiting for some time. Among tlios.i from here to attend the Textile Uxposltlon at Greenville were Messrs, I. II. Covington. M. fc,. Doreey, X. H. Welch. F. 3. Uamble, A. C Pavis, W, A. Mash. M. U. Gudfrcy and Ernest Koberson. Mr. ami Mra. J. V. Alexander. Mrs. W. C. Uostlc and Missee Xell and Margaret Voung spent the week end In Charlotte. , Dr. and Mra C. . S. McCall and children haw returned from Lenoir and Morganton, where they have been visiting friends and relatives. New Lamp Burns Tho Iredell County Sunday School convention for workers of all -denominations will be held in the First Presbyterian Church, 8th tes ville, on Sunday, Monday and Tues day, November 12. 13 and 14. -A committed of representatives front each Sunday School in fttatesvllk' 94 Air Beats Electric or Gas A new pll lamp that gives a.i amazingly , brilliant, soft, whli light, even better than gas or cleo ir'ctty, hits been teBted by the V. 8. Government and 35 leading uni versities find found to be supcriol tn 10 ordlt.ary oil lamps. It burnt Without odor, smoke or noiso no pumping i.p, Is nimple. clean, safe Burns 84 alt- anil 6 coinmot', Bcrimen'! (coal-oil). The Inventor, V. H. Johnson St., Philadelphia, u ' offering tn send u lamp on 10 j days' FREE trial, or even to giv I cue VRPK to the th-nl user In Is co-operating with It. M. (.ray, ifc4S N Broad I'resKieru. it. u.-iiuiu-n, v ice i irm dent, nnl ('. K. Kelter, Secretary, in making the affair a sih-cpsh. Pr. Joseph- tirotignron ot Auaiiia, i .. p.t,.h 1(,cllIjt v wh wlI hp,,, hjni W. Sims, of ltalelgh and Miss I Miisv I illt..(iu,M -ivrlie him todav for Magoe.' or the North Caiulina. Sti'i day School Association, nil out standing figures in the Vork. will be the principal speakers for the convention. OAPTIST IKAtil K Special Workers league will be formed at the First Baptist Churcn o carry out i campaign during the month of November having as it object In become better acquainted with the 5S8 homes rep resented in the church and other work of lirP character. mil partli ulais. Also ask him U pxplaitv how you can get the agency und without experience 01 money make 250 to 500 pei month. Advt. It I3a Service & Quality (That's Our. Motto) Should .you want something that an up to date, modern' drus store carries' Ask Central for 2 0 0 4 It's there, and some times, before you hang up receiver. Try it We like to p)iease. Aiken & Hester I'resrrlptlon' Kix-clallsts 12 Ilrnadtvay PHONE 2004 orris Kxqiilsltc Candies (Always lYoli) pi f For Charm In the Home T7URNITURE is the real foundation upon which a beautiful home is built and it is not necessary to make any large expenditure to achieve that effect of charm and beauty that everyone wishes. In fact, you can add a piece or two here and there in the various rooms in your home without extravagance and yet make each room look entirely differ ent. Right now, with the new Fall styles on display is the very best time to make youf selections. taaUHIVIMAlCA if Yiiir5ii2ila5i5r,ED are nOt uuuuainiiiinTuiuiriijiodr -WE TI HN HOlKK INTO HOMES" 20 Br.d.y hoiH m bEDAN. Self Starter and Demountable Rims NEW PRICE . $595.00 F. O. B. IKlrolt R I C'HB OURG M O T O R G O.I STATESVILLE TATB8-UXE. Oct. XI In a cere mony charact.rlsed by beauty and iTmplichy. Miss Lh S.ephany wj wedded to lr. Wallace '"" Thgraday afternoon at S oilocg at her home on Walnut Only the famlllea and moat Intlmat frlnU of tha bride and groom wer g"eic. The home waa beautifully decorated. Th reremony s performed by Ksv. Dr. K. N. Callsh, of Richmond, a.. the liuprsHive ring oeremony or tu Jewish Church being- used. The bridal music was rendered by Mlaa Mildred Wallace. Utile Mlsj Marlon Hoffmann, beautifully dressed In pink, was (lower girl. Mls Koae Htepnany. slstur of tha bride, was maid of honor. The groom waa at. tended by his brother, Herbert Hoff mann, of Danville, Va. Tha bride entered with hr brother, Isadora Btephany, of Heaford. Del., who gave her In marriage. Hhe was attired In a modish afternoon gown of blu velvet with steel bead trim mings, with gray hat and shoe, and wore a corsaae of orchids. After the rmnv. tii aursts wert served a delightful loe course In the dining room, which was beautifully ec nrated with vellow chrysanthemums. The larce bridal cake, surmounted by n miniature bride and groom, whlca r.irmed a centerpiece of the taule, was cut by the bridal party. The bride Is tha 'daughter of the late J. Htephany. of Utateavlll. and has a large number of friend. ben very popular in social and civic cir cles In Statesvllle. Xr. Hoffmann is the eldest sou of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hoffmann and Is a popular and uo cenrtil osteopath. After a motor trip to the mountain of Weatern North Carolina. Dr. and Mr. Hoffmann will be at bom In 8tatsvlue. Out-of-town guesta were Mr. and Mr. Isadora Stephany, of Heaford. Del.; U. C. Stephany and Miss Hen rietta Van Leer, of Baltimore; Mrs. liouls Koufmann. Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert HoiTiimnn. Mlsa Marlon and Mas ter Julian Hoffmann, of Danville, Va.: Mr. Maurice kevy and Mrs. Joe Jacobs, of Lancaster, Pa.; Mrs. 8. Leaser. Mrs. .1. Scrameck and Mis liessle Lou Simon, of Augusta. Oa. ; Mr. and Mra Dave Oestrelcher, of Salisbury, ' THE. LARGE BUNGALOW ON TACOMA ST. ill We have looked the town over for a competitive value in the general desirability of the house and all factors that make for ifhe choice of a home. It is well built and on generous lines. ' The lot is of good size and the neighborhood excellent. The price of $7,500 'is reasonable.' Because it is worth investi-. gation and comparison, we invite your consideration of this property, listed exclusively with this firm. Phone 1995. HENRY TALBOT SHARP REALTOR The Home Office 318 Drhumor Bldg. - - i! -A1 v iij ( ' I I 1 Every one appreciates i j., ji" . 1.1 in( ,ool" forward to tho , !; jj 11 thl"BS ,n llfehls ,H IB jjj j II " sea80IT wnen 1,19 new" I I 'ii ' I . I nf 88 of dreBS tyIe v,( ! ' I w!th one knotncr or th, I :J ! I 'nv0'.:s of better Jregers. I f I L-v ' Nevv Styles 1 I (X"" utougnc us va Arrive II I '"tjf lying silliouettes. One is II 1 1 -T iaped and slender. An' nr?rr for- p V . ivli '.xr ,1 . . 4 i 11 a street, afternoon and eve- ajf , !; w other is circular and fulL A A u ! :;- ning; in Coats of fur and If A third is tailored and straight rich materials for any oc- I n I ; il ji Which will you choose? a8lon; ,n ruu fu- .i j j . ! I e c e g from Shoulder I ;. ' j In selecting we have weeded CapM. t0 Chokers: ,n fact ii . . -. oar swjcks are alive witn D j)j out the uncertain styles. You sh. ncw ldcas ln lndl. J h i will find here the fall mode it vitiual atyles for women I I its height, stamped with fash' w" rcally ca,-e; at 3 i . r -' ' 1 which are decidedly moii- ion s jinal approvaL jrr? t-yl ( ur YOUR CAR AT YOUR PRICE Studebaker Light Six Touring, completely reconditioned tDO I tM Overland Late Model 4, Touring, rebuilt and new top, (T Q Q tT good as new ; UOOO Humpmobile Touring, thorough ly recon- (lilCTCr ditioned tDUlD Chandler 7-passenger, (Touring; reconditioned and K newly painted tD O I tJ Oakland Sedan Rebuilt and painted; looks and (JjrTKA runs like new ...... tD f Ford Sedan--Starter, demountable rims, new cord O r7T tires fDO I O Overland 3-passenger, Roadster, in nm class condition ...... aVy ' IWaUOWl $400 Ford Touring Self-starter; 1920 model. ... . Other Good Ud Car, From $95.00 to $900.00 . - v Term MaT Be Arranged if Desired. It Co.U You Nothin, to See The Crt nd but Very Little to Own On Aslieville Overland Knight Inc. r. M-0 Hnannar PlK)li- 3H-22 ; 12-16 . Walnut St. lAsaaaaUfaai aCaaiBBBKjaBm1 3 Phone 2967

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