7 THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, FRIDAY MOKMINU, NOVEMBER 3. 1922. FIVE -.4- Don't wait until it turns cold to order your heater HEAJERS for wood and coal Also Ranges and Oil -Heaters No charge for in stalling. See our j Broadway win- j dow. . i i i J. L. Smathers & Sons : 15 Broadway. 'Phone 226. 24-26 Lexington. ' l ''l OVER FIFTY NEW CASES ARE PLACED ON SUPERIOR COURT DOCKET FOR NOVEMBER TERM SODA FOUNTAINS OF CITY GIVEN RATING Mors than f-0 cases, appealed from th Pullr and Magistrate's Court, have been placed on the docket for trlil during the Novem ber term of tht Superior Court, which convenes on next Thursday, November 9. yulte a number of other .cases, continued from last term will be tried at the coming term. The cases carried up from the I'ollce and Magistrate's Courts follow: Llndaey Moody, larceny; 8. B. Moore, carbreaklng; James Palmer, car-breaking; Major Cleveland, lar ceny; Grover laUeraon, house breaking; Dr. it. M. Queen, violat ing the Htate prohibition laws; Krnest Ilolton. asault with a dead ly weapon; Maria Klshfr, larceny: Korest I'lemmons, larceny; Kex Laster, trnnspoi-tinfr liuuor; W 8. Bradley, transporting; Jno. Cromp ton, assault wiih a deadly weapon; Melvln Cannon, asaault; same, board bill. Doyt Jenkinji. driving auto Intoxicated; James Forney, receiving stolen property; Buddie Karwood. retailing; Henry Smith, assault; Robert Reynolds. statutory; VV. II. Deny, keeping liquor on hand for sa'.e; Fras:er Sander", carrying uoncealod weapons; Will Moore, transporting liquor; I'red Klmpson. highway robbery; Y.i fry. keeping liquor on hand for sale; i.M. Kagan. violating city ordinance; Arthur Uruce, larceny: Kugene I Neahlt, carrying concealed weapon; V. T. Williams, drunk; V. O- Ward. higtiway robbery; Claude Holder, Jr.. same; Leo Mack, assault; Kay Miller, statutory; Craig Htyles, dis orderly conduct; I'earl Kyles, re ceiving stolen property; Willie Young, larceny, transporting, per .lury; Willie Hackeit, perjury; Itoby Matthews, statutory; Hobert Vaughn, statutory; .lames Itarke ioii, forgery; Cleve l'.0(fern. drunk; 1'lorence Owens, vagrancy; Mrs. Woolen, violating city ordinance ; Amoa Slmonton, disponing o mort gaged property; Ceorge Wilson, housebreaking; A W. Penfey. whis key; It. V. Collins, larceny; James Melton. Oscar Deal and Ed Mitchell gambling, and Ed Frlabee, housebreaking. DO YOU IJKJE MAGAZINES? INVEST IN SUBSCRIPTIONS Now la the beat tlmo to subscribe . for Magailnes 'before the iellday rush. ,V'e are a branch of the American Agents Association and by eallng direct with each publisher can assuro prompt attention. 1 For prompt and reliable service bring us your subscriptions new or renewal. , ' . ' ROGERS BOOK STORE Office Outfitters. 17 Harwoos" It. AinsvIM. N. C , rhsejs X Art Bath Room FIXTURES A Real Bath Room is today the center of home, health and comfort. No other part of the home possesses the charm of immaculate cleanliness so peculiar to the com 'pletely equipped bath room. SAN-O-LA Bath Room Ac cessories are the little necessities that go a long way toward making your daily, bath a pleasure.. See ihis line of t i n c rv-i t li U-i J r u:. luwci uan, uuaji sialics, i uiuuiri i luiucia, .uiuouia' bon Soap Tumbler and Tooth Brush Holders, Showers, Toilet Paper Holders, Towel Shelves, Medicine Cabinets, . flttc. V rNorthup-McDuffie Hdw. Co. Headquarters 72-74 Patton Ave. Telephone 142-3771. Artists' Materials Oil Painting, Water Color Painting, Pastel, Crayon Canvas, Stretcher Strips, Paper, Show Card Colors, Brushes, Paletts, Palette Cups. Mediums. Easels, Hasburg's Roman Gold Parchment Paper, Enamelet. . . Where Service Begins. TEUBHERn mXKTS, VMRTWSHES, BRUSH! ARTISTS nflTEnlAl V V'pi Phone 3581, Canvas Stretched if desired. Broadway and Walnut. ft s C a bje s i m m i 1 and all kinds of Ignition Parts. 'WE VTAXT TOrn jBTJSIXESS" Western, Carolina Auto Company, - I m ; ' c m f 7 12-14-1S E. College EC PHONE Ml 9 V EQUIPMENT Bank- - -Office- Store THE MOODY JEFERIES CO.. .Phone IM . .r v.j.:, Ka- Haywood 91. SOUTHERN IMPROVES PASSENGER SERVICE Changes In Trains Between Wanh Injrton and Atlanta to ik Felt sn Carolina Polnia. . Effective Sunday, November 5, the Southern Hallway System will make Important additions and Im provements In Its service between Washington and Atlanta Trains. Numbers 136 and 44 will dieuuen ana operated ns througrh traljis. handling- coaches nnd sleeping ear. between Wash ington and Atlanta, on the follow ing schedules: No. 135: Leave Washington. 8:20 a. m.; leave rsaiisDury. 8:65 p. m.; leave Char lotte. 10:15 p. m., and arrive Atlanta,- 6:25 a. in. WO.4 r Leavtf Atlanta. 9 : 0 0 p. m.; arrive Charlotte, 4:25 a. m.; arriv- Salisbury, 0:00 a. m.; arrive rirenboro. 7-in a m ...i.-. uanviile, :25 a. m.. . and 'arrive Washington, 7:05 p. m. The running time , of Number 35 will be reduced two hours, leav ing Washington 11;00 a. m., Balis- Dury :ou p. m Charlotte 11:00 p. m., and arriving Atlanta 6:40 a. m. Number 85 will be an exclusive passenger train and will handle leen;ng cars from New York to j 'ew Orjeans, Birmingham and Co lumbus. Gt., and from Charlotte, Orecnvillo and Ashevllle to At- These changes will irive greatly Improved service between Atlanta and the territory between Char lotte and Lynchburg and other Carolina points such as Wlnston tjalem, Durham and Raleigh. Running (1ms of Number 38. the "New York and New Orleans Lim ited' will also be reduced so as to put ft out of Atlanta at 12:15 p.m.. and Into Washington nt 7:0rt a. m., and New York 12:30 p. m. Cocxlr's Maintains UnJ fur Sr ral .MoiiiIk Ktfi-y IKtall I laurn Into Consltlerailoii. CIksb attenyon Is beliig given (: I the Health Department to Inspi" - uun or tjie suda rnuntalns of city and each numth the rutlnk iiven by :hs Uc purtnivnt nuru. mry. lionde's Drug Store h.is nisln Mlned a lecunl of 91) cinsecu;. e ly for I he p;iit fey jiuinthn iin.t the fountain has the highest '.al ius In the city. Th( rating announced by the lleallh Department are as follo: tiocKle's. !!); Walker's, U7; Kujsm s. 8 plus. Teasue'a. i: ' I'nck I Square Candy Kitchen. 5: I'nCed Oljur SI .i-.. !J plu.: Owl. 3. far iiik.IiiicI s. VI plus: iikni and lies-I tec. ), Klnlcv's. sii; nlvmpic, i; I'.-ivrai. hV: lihelnheart. sc.. I Sinlth'B, 8!; HrownloH , S and Y. M. I, M plus. Hvery iletall of the founl.iln. In cluding the health of the dispell -set-, in taken into ruiislclei-aUn In arriving at the final rating. nirnlc .1 Mi h a mum. r that It will .e I' .Mll.le I; the future, Hhi'ti It U s drulreil. to add tev tin! s'"r ! Di:s !ruluie. l'lai.s rri.:i! e.1 1 y the Hi in of mith "' i 'si lie . Arc hit ' . ! fc U h'-'i s. on I' I aa.-h C ' c i . .'..'.' i ( ,M.'',' "i''f .'!'.. I. lc 3 mule: t'lkc.i :n i i. : : f-itur and wh.'n c."ii';'e'k . x , I rrt l r-.'.'.er;.i:. lv tn the r.. inli'.: omiii". ' i.ffi 'eil ,m Hi ' - ti-nni-lia i'.ei build-in-. Graphic Message in Exhibit of Models A striking sermon without words is depicted In the window of the Athevllle Chamber of Commerce in the exhibit of a modern coti.age with neat, attractive yard, con' trastecl with a miniature tumble down shack about which tin cans are littered In a grasslees yard. "What can be done In tne rural districts with a little paint and n few llowers," Is the message the contrast is meant to convey. Tho miniature cottage and cabin, to gether with necessary accompany ing materials, were prepared es pecially for exhibit at tho Htate Fair as a private contrlhutio.i by Mrs. Geonrs W. Vanderblit, who has loaned them , to the local Chamber to continue the message to as many persons as possible. MEADOR NAMED FOR GREENVILLE POST Otern Teacher Is Matin Reinhillin tlou Attestant by Brysoii Clia I -tanooga Attorney. , Walter A. Meador, disabled ex servlce man and attorney of Chat tanooga, Tenn., who temporarily suspended, his legal practice last March In order to accept a posl-j tlon as teacher for the United I States Veterans Bureau Hospital, i at Oteen, has been appointed n rehabilitation assistant to fill a vacancy at Greenville, S. C. The appointment was made by M. Hry son. Manager of the Fifth District, United States Veterans Bureau. Mr. Meador was a machinist, aviation section, fnlted States Navy and was wounded in line of duty, with three bars for cam paign service, in addition to a Mexican campaign medal. He Is a member of the Ameri can Legion. Adjutant of the De partment of Tennessee for the Dis abled Veterans of the World War, member of the Knights of Pythias. Royal Arch Mason and member of French Broad Baptist Church, Ashevllle. MANY EOOMS ARE TO BE ADDED TO JENKINS BUILDING Completion of plana Is announc ed for the construction of 20 ad ditional rooms In the Jenkins Building, formerly known as the Klks' Building, facing on Haywood Street. These additions are to be Make plain foods better and you'll eavex Us raisins to make plain feeds more attraf-tiT and you can save food bills. Add the raiiin's test to rnur rice pudding and bread pud.linf. Srrve rUin stewed with cal mest to win little folks. Flavor iin't always a matter of eiprnie. l'ie the raisin's iktrm. Suo-Maid Raiilos should roat you no mors thin the following pricea: Sd4 (ta II sc. Mm .)- 1o Sdmd or SmIss til M.)-lt Always aik for Sun -Maid Raisins HONOR ROLL FOR SHANGHATSCHOOL Shanghai roll of honor for October follows: , ., First Grade Edith Black, Myrtle Roberts, Beverly Carson. Caroyl Black. Richard Carson, Fllete Ar row, Irene. Clinton. Donnle Ball, Julia Ball, James Ball, Carl Garri son, Clifford Herron, Howard Her, ron, Julia Williams, ursncn vnuo. Second Grade Willie Mae Wilde,, Edna 'Black. Mildred Garrieon. Glad son Ball. John Ball. William Carter, Paul ramjknrtM Martin Roberta Third Grade Myrtle BiiTionai, Knth Wvstt. Cecil Arrowood. Ralph Carter, William McDavis, Clyde Bob rtn. Ij.onard Wilde. Poiirfh f lrAde--.lt:tnei an. nutn Chandler, William Garrison, Ituby Roberts, Louise Williams. Fifth Grade Wade Blankenshlp, Marcus England. Lola Roberta Klith tirade Joe Carter. Robbie Chandler, Rena Roberts, Dennis Rob erts, Joe Williams. Seventh Grade Ned Blankenshlp, Joseph Williams, Mary Kate Garrison, Far Baillnaer. Blanche Buckner. ITIrh SchoolJ-Thelma Roberts. Llllie Chandler, Bonnie Chandler, Elsie Ball. Have You Piles ? Then, You Hav Something to Learh Thousands who have piles have not learned that sulck and perma nent relief can only be accomplished with Internal medicine. Neither cut ting nor any amount of treatment with ointments and uppositories will remove tne cause. Bad circulation causes piles. There Is a complete stagnation of blood In the lower bowel and a weakening of the parts. Dr. J. 8. Leonhardt was flrt to find the remedy. His pre scription, HEM-ROID, Is now sold by all druggist. Dr. Leonhardt tried It In 1000 cases with the .marvelous record of success In 98 per cent, and then decided It should be sold under a rigid money-back guarantee. Don't waste any more time with outside applications. Get a package or hem-jiuid irom nmun s j-irug Store today. It has given safe and lasting relief to thousands and should do the same for you It seldom falls. advt. IX V INSTITUTC LA ViGrwrHubowJiCXI TJf ELPIJfO thosa who want to get rid of the Drug. tiquor and Tobacco Habit. Aiso. treatment of Nerve Exhaustion.- Correspondence Confidential. II. years Suc cessful Operation. HILLCREST SCHOOL ROLL OF HONOR Hlllcrest School honor roll follow' First Grade Paula Younge, Essie Devlin. Reva King. Shirley Welch, Ruth Stamey. Gertrude Brookshlre, Richard Penland, Charles Hinps. Walter Wilson, James Melton Francis Devlin, Furman Freely, Jessie Miller, Borlin Brookshiro. Second Grade Daisy Payne, Claude Goodson, Shirley : Warren, George Presley. Third Grade Ruby Stamey, Eleanor Morgan, Helen Hays, llaeei Harri son, Woodrow Goodson. Glen Warren, Lane King, Bernice - Taylor, Annie Mae Taylor. t Fourth Grade Lola Mints, Roy Goodson, Elsie Kerby, Georgia Brook shire, Thelma Goodson. Fifth Grsde John Muse, JlcKlnley Penland, Julia Calmes, Kssle Mae Holt, Edna Justice, Hilda Miller. Sixth Grade Jessie Younge, Lois Younge. Gladys Morgan. Ethel King, Dorothy King. Cash Goodson, Wayne justice, Sherman lounge, uertruae Younge. Seventh Grade Lawrence Taylor, Mildred. Winchester, Blanch Payne Beatrice Davla, Selma Harrison, Cath" erine Goodson. , CANADIAN' MRTAIA SHOW BIO INCREASE OTTAWA, OntNov. 1 Mineral production in Canada during the first six months of 1022 reached a . value of 157,683,944, of which f 28.47S.S4 represented the value of metal production and $31,207,400 the non-metals, according to fig ures Just mad public. As com pared with the production of the first six months of 1921, th value of metals Increased about 12,000, 000 or t.l per cent. jNo One Need Buy; Cutictira Before Hej Tries Free Samples! r-y ' -- The v.; " Therapeutic Appliance Corporation announces the perfection of a new appliance THE THORACOSTASIS A Chest Splint " for - . Tuberculosis of the Lungs Price, complete, $25.00 ' ' Made to measure only - Literature on request THE THERAPEUTIC APPUANCE CORPORATION '4233 Manchester Avenue, St. Louis, Mo, J Extra Value Offerings For Friday and Saturday Boys' AIl-Wool Knicker Suits 100 Suits of all-wool clieviots, serges and worsted, tailored in the season's newest mod els; all seams double sewed, full line pants; sizes from 8' to 1 7. $5.95 Boys' single coats in serges and worsteds; an extra pair knickers to match will make this a very service able suit, at very little money. Bays' Corduroy Pants, extra heavy linen back cor duroy in dark and light shades, full QQsfa lined ; $1.50 value. Week-end special . . U U V Boys' Khaki Shirts and Blouses, full cut of extra heavy, Khaki, with and without collars; QQf $1.50 value. Week-end special ........ OiC Boys' Ribbed Heavy-weight Union Suits, sizes up to 32; $1.50 value. QQ Week-end sale XjOVs Children's Shoes In black and tan, lace and button, all solid leather, hand-turned soles. Sizes 3 to 8. " A $2.50 value. Week-end special. . . fD X.9L0 E. Z. Children's Skuffers. the kind that will stand the "ruff and tuff", brown and black kid and calfrkin; sizes Hi to 2; $5.00 &S QfT value. Week-end special DV0 Growing Girls' School Shoes in black and tan, all leather, Goodyear welts. Values up QQ to $5.50. Week-end special . DJLW Week-End Borgain Basement Special 200 pairs of Ladies' high and low shoes, pumps and Oxfords, black and tan, military and high heels. Shoes in this lot that could up to (PQ Qff J7.50. Week-end special fDLd.TJO We Will Not Disappoint You Folks have come to look forward to our 2-Day Sales Friday and Saturday So we will not disappoint you. Here are a few bargain items Felt Hats, Greenwich Vil lage, Hollywood, Princes Mary and Flap per styles, value up to $5.00 Today and Saturday $2.35. Dresses, Suits and Coats reduced 15. 2 groups of Wool and Silk Ureases, at One lot of Fall and Winter VOAtS . m .as !. Boy.' Overalls . ;.. : ,, Doy" Blouses, i.j ... ., Middy Blouses, fancy collar. , Infants' Gowns. . . . Infants' Dresses. . . . Children's Union Suits. . ... .. . 59c 25c 79c 49c 49c 49c $5.95 $8.95 ,$19.50 69c 89c Boys' ribbed Union Suits. ,. .. .. . Boys' wool Union Suit. ,. ., ,. ,., Children's Outing i7C Gowns m ;., IwC Children's Blouses. i ,. tv .., Knitted Wool Caps. (aJ t.j (t Children's 25c 39c ,ildren. Of Drawers. ,. ,. ,., sJl Wool Hose, CQg CADISON'S Biltmore Avenue. Asheville's Foremost Fashion Store. Chiropractic The Key To Health. Dark days will soon be turned Into irannjr days If joa will allow Chlropraotlo to solve your health problems. See your Chiropractor Drs. Tucker & Tucker CHIROPRACTORS X-Raf Equipment . rhons ISM SSI Haywood. Bids. AabetlllSj N. C ISS Why Joa Should Read i I , Citizen Want Ads j S : In the Classified Columns you get news of the S latest and best things made, the beat services being s S offered, and where you can aavo the moat money in S securing what you need. It doean't require any particular in- , p formation just to go out and buy . S something.. But to buy the best of thar something at a price that is aatisfac-" s tory to you that (a a successful pur- chase. And to make successful pur- .. S chases, you must have information. , Clactified Ads give you just that in- 5 formation. They tell you where to go , S in order to get the best of anything at EES a fair price. Some of the best bargains Sj are sometimes obtainable through the 2 smallest ads. E5 S The Classified Columns are changing every morn- jng new ads coming and goingand they are ar- , ssr ES ranged in a convenient and easily read arrangement sss that is not a puzzle to find anything in particular you 55 might be looking for. t ES S2 . i. ri A j. 1 o those who use tnem propeny, v-iassinea nas S"x are B source of economy and satisfaction that never Ess s runs dry. - .' s 'Phone 4201 g And Be Convinced M lllliillllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllHlllllllillllll'lillllHllllilllllllllHIi.7 TYCOS THERMOMETERS i i mm Don't guess at the -temperature. They are accurate and dependable. Guard the health of your home with a TYCOS THERMOMETER If the room is too cool or too hot, it is likely to cause sick ne'ss. Quit Gambling With Your Health IllROADWAY HQNIS ZSSf as7 A

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