CENTRAL METHODIST ROARI) rADOPTSBUDGET FOR YEAR AND PLAN TO REMODEL PARSONAGE Lible Class to Be Organized on Large Scale Rev. Dr. )C 0. J. Chandler May Become Teacher New Pastor J on Way to Asheville -Budget of $22,970. I f Plant wr announcd for .un- 'ih :rt.-t rtswanW wit: 1, , k,ilett rem.ianina- or the pnin,i.ut- i.tulnol b the l.oai.l ..f ivn'nM .nd the budget for the nn.iii.K .iethi.dlst 'hur.li at ihrir r..ulr : THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. TUESDAY MORNING. NOV. 7, 1921. SEIZE BIG SUPPLY TO HOLD FUNERAL SERVICES IN WHISKEY RAID ! TODAY FOR DR. KARL VON RUCK ELEVEN V Kit i.Mi.vr llirtvr Nrmr, n(cr AiTWt mid llnr Vinn...nlN Honn'li for Mori- In I nrly IIiiiiin. nvfr t! tar was ai ranged at the mi.n;!, uslness i. -salon of the Iluanl (awards of Central Method:.: 'lntrch, held laat night. K. I-. Hrown. Jr., ihalrnian ..? he Finance Committee, reuuitnl budget or izh.vto for the rimuliu: liar and after careful consldprn imii the oudfret was admite.!, u! cufrh- It calls for an lm r",me ' least 31 1-3 per cent for t ar and tlio members will be n.iv 'd of tniR Ini'reant. Th pnrnnnage. n I'hu n b rfet, will bo thoroughly p.iinied. ith eitorlor and Interior, mi ,,. u' repairs made to the plaster- It. Datn room equipment Iniuroved liid electric aystem renovated. 'I'l.e tchen .t'tulpment will nlo i-ouk" for In share of attention a .k e work-will be starte, :mm.T lately. " pian oi visiiatinn was -m i n ed by the members of the bnarl iv. io i iikii limn nu I ' I r'l IZPfl to .point the nec-Ksnrv -oniinitten-i It was announced that Itev. IV- appell, new pastor, Is on his y to Arheville. and a committer. T be named to meet him a he proacnes the i tty and hn w.ll be oorted tc his new flfld. lie i- mlnn through the country -in an tomoblle. ii i ettng. Iiocetnbi"1 1 4. T C Hniltn. J. U. lUciv .' unit. Archibald Nichols and 1. I!, lloteri were appointed to make it iniiHetnei ts for th.. Father iui-1 Son Han iiiet. Friday, Novenu.c 1 ", and ui. attractive, program w .11 I arrangod. Ormnlze large l.iblo l la is The Idea c n Uugo liible . ln. v.as Ultcusifd a.'.il the SilniJ.i; hool i-oi.imltreH teiiiCMte,l to be r.n ihe nprcMfi! v a i i ii iiKeinents mi once It !h thought thHt Key. Hi .r 'h'tndler. assoclatf vast."', will teach the rlass and definite i l-ians will ha annoiiMied within a1 lew dsys. I ". i;. of son etMi.g l''" Hi- '.a ,.f enm iM'... " '' and 1 (I ce lion ' ! :r. -d .,v I'll v I'.i! , e this morni'if unit at 3 .10 ,. .,-k .he offl.-ers w.-r M1I scar, hi k '..r more "n thn t,,.i,.r that thev hail found otilv a email tiart l( i.n- BS. HUDSON DIESAT E I meral Services to Be I Held This Afternoon at 1 1 O'clock. DieUt Corrunmilmc r Jitratlla CO!i ) dOTREAT, N. C, Nov. 6 Mrs. nle Bowman Hudson, wlfo of Lha late .lodge Isaac Hudson, of I'trglnia, died here this afternoon it 2:45 o'clock. Sho was 82 years )f age. , Mrs. Hudson was married twice, ler first husband being the late J. Blair Morton, of Virginia; Sho re ildfld at Montreat for the past ten rrs and was a devoted member f! the' Presbyterian Church. Re- ilajng with her were her two laAighters. Miss Edith Morton and llfrn Annie Hudson, i Survivors, In addition to her lalghtera. are four sona, Rev. J. llr Morton, Charleston. W. V fnank AV. Morton. Pulaski, Va.; ifv. Robert B. Hudson, Sinks itpve, W. Va., and Raymond Hud oft. Washington. Services will be conducted at the Jidence today at 1 o'clock, Rev. W. Belk, officiating. The body 1 be taken to Dublin, Va., for ln nfment, and will be accompanied ft Rev. P.. C Anderson, who will induct the final rites on vtednes- r - 14R.TIMK INDEBTED JTESS fjMBLEM BEFORE PRESIDENT lASmTOK. '- Nov." ttSsmt! ' rnjpona 1 or aettllna; the quettlon f Jie allied war-time lndebtednes.4 the United States have been flouring Into the treasury since President Harding recently ex pressed a willingness to award a fjrize for any practical concrei? niffgestion for Its collection. The President, it was explained nt th" M'hlte House at the time, consltl-l cjfred Interesting suggestions by nu-trerous- Individuals that the d,ebt should be colleced but he had found a unanimous disinclination tf make concrete proposals as to flow collodion was to be accom (dished. Evidently It was said "o hpgh officials at the treasury today ittany persons had taken Ihe r-i Ifnred offer of a prize by the Presi nt literally and daily suggestions to how the various foreign debts ight be liquidated are reachlmr e treasury. One man wrote thfit had i plan but wished to know re concerning the prize befor made Known its details. Iowever. according' to high of- -iaIa, none of the debt liquidation tuggeations so far received liavy offered anything of a constructive nature for the solution, of the orooiem. I The foreign debt funding com mission, it was said, is making.;. tudy of the economic conditions Tf.tnin tne various foreign debtor tuitions Jn he light of their ability t meet their war-time obligations if tnia country. As a result of 'Bis study, it was Indicated, the cpmmission would be In a position know Just what might be ex- iwcted from each debtor nation ii 6d determine ' its policy with ri ect to pressing for payment or awaiting for the development of letter circumstances as the indi- ouai cises might warrant. T, TO HONOR WILSON i f OV ARMISTICE DAY 1. B. Kogers. ha:cmsn of the Public Wt.rshlit t'oiiinuuee. haK announcel the following program lor the Wfdnesdav evening sere ices: 1'. S Smith, chairman of the Noard o' Stiwarils, in i hargf What an We Do to Help tl church'."' will be t he subject : V. H. l'Kttcrso;i. Math Brown. Wilbur Heiendorf and Holmes Hryson will d reus the subject and the pub"c -nrdin!ly Invited to be present. Mr. ami Mrs. Wilbur Pevon dorf havv Invited the members of Ihe board and their wives to meet with then at the Battery Par:; Hotel, the first Monday In Decern- her The Invuatinn was accepted llev. It. i '. Sprinkle, presiding elder, conducted the devotional service of the board meeting anil supper was served by the ladies f the churcr. The ft Lancia I report cave the budget of the year s follows: Pas tor. fo.OOo: rpeilal fund, $1.0"": associate pastor. $l,00a: office secretary. $!i)(: treasurer's assln mnt, J300, sexton. $1,200; confer ence collections, $4,000; presiding eider. $5(mi; coal and lights, $750: bulletin, $420; printing and post age. $200; repair fund, $1,000; ad ditional relief work. $6Q0; music, II.X00; miscellaneous expense. $1, (.00; organ note. $1,600 and Sun day school eotilpment. $300. Assets were reported as follow-j: envelope collection 1 922, $15, 413.25; additional assessment 000 and loose collection, $2 035. 0 totaling $22,498.27. whlnKei, will, ! , they think is 1 lug brought f'om Kouth Carolina, (iti" L'ti Ka'.l -n keg wns foui -l on tnu rront n n-'i or Ullle Jackson s home on Mpru.-e street, in th" . -1-ote,i sci-tliin. and another pa-ilv 1 utl.ter the edce of the porch. H! errs s.h :.l ; A ft-:n1ie and liour chae -if! tlo mo ic.'ii un ne.u' Heuc:i' -'o-! le.iiHed In tlie rapture of art"M-er ?0 gallop I'.ef and a new tour-lng ,ar A negro dllver. who the p,, lice a' iv.m iwis, " 1 e tt ' ' .lohns n. escaped, after Orst m'l Inc several ten gallon tins the fluid down the mountainside No Opposition For Township Constable V. V Wnrifii. who won the Democratic iKiniinallort "for enn-stibli- ffir AHevi!!e Township ly defe.itlnjr ninre than a doin ran- ! dldat" In the ,Tun primary, will (to foffnrn th votrn of th town h'p tnrj.iv nnnppop4l. Ho in prr?! dont ft rl' (Vnir.il Ithnr I'nmii. t k x i ; s m : i : v n 1 n t j: ui:por.ts his i-:xpknsi-:s MASiriN";TV, Now 6 - -Amonc rfporf s nf atni.wiU:n rpinpN nn1 oontrihut ion rwr-w i d hy t h sr lary ff th Sfnatf t.ilay win timt N (vf-;l S.inner,. rpuiii Ira n nna -tttrial candidate in Tniir-ssfp, whr re ported no r'tntrl''i: ions, hut stated he had expend! $ J. n In M own rain palgn nd had rc.iilrihutd Jfi.;"i'.t ti the Kepubilran Stato rorrmnttte. sali:m rorxrx.i: teaciii-;k IS St MMONFD BY IK VIH W I XS T O X - S A I K M , Now ti . AFiss Kmnia, A. Iehman. for fifty two years teat'hpr in Salm CnlloRo here. and known and lovod, throughout the South, died at her hnmn here toniulu after a hriof lllnens. Th end came suddenly aw he lay In the arms of hor Mster, Mrs. Salllo 30. Kapp. Kunrral nrrvtre for Dr. Kri vn IurU. nternathti: !y kilo" n i . tfuu'lty mid mjiv -iaj:jt oil tuhei , i( Uip!. wlio died .Sunday tuu; v , k l.e held thU afternoon ji : f,lt'-k. from ; !'.e i hIU k Itet'd St -h: Ue J . Hi alt.- 1 I'll! M ' 1 . 1 ';ii:." cf Iih I '-'UK I - : !o mi l 4'hur, will h ' h t i i, ' 1 I In' !nr K c t I r Km I ii l; nek, w h i ; piiHUHtt h: 7 3rd h!i tliUy. h..' : ' main pui t ..r hH l'.fe in 1 1 fV- i v i iwiMrrh, studying f r Miativ t I urnlcr one ( th nuilJ's k i i . MchMitLntJ. JJoliert Ki lh, i m.uiy. ho Hnnminc 1 th.'i: ii i I i illMcy vorod h liadlhiH of t I . r ; lttHi Imbued r.; Klvlnff to thfl people tuiuti f the preentton of ; u lircu It . hlldi en. Dr. von K ivM ut i' . i j w hat he had leai nd under th.- i I iiiiuj1" f,-ntlNt, !tMpi'vlii;; '"i I .I..-,-- -..t,l u..t)l , i.uuhOI '., ' In exjtci niu-nun i;h th- m-mm wilh the ajm of 1 ninuin t.'-nt; dren thrown to the dant;:' of r, 1 fertlnn from tuhci ciihidLs. White experimenting with i iJiMis trerttmeitf i-f tuoeri.i!' DEMOCRATIC RALLY AT TRAINMEN'S HALL Hrhl I nrlrr Aiispl of Vouun ntpr rintv Sfern Short Ail- 1';. ou liuck till m.iinta'.ni -t I.Vm that puie uidjntMlu nli . a ., 1 Pa nuu d d 1-. a i i'o SORGEE SECRETARY TROOP F UNIT TO LEAVE TODAY OF MINISTERS BODY FOR EXHIBITION AT FAIR IN GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA r.lldor-o Mow'inrnl for 111) Mi ni f , toil, ! I losl .m l to his lei: :.-ei , t i'l.t-n ,1.- h. c 11I n. i n-or iimr Mil- Mi nib llll.lc uuda ii I I In N.it of mode; II KUCK H,l iiN henc U't ii hv i ise- hi Kene: iiiliy ! inolltloi K nl a i' Mil, . r;l us. f , -u w ho w .i.-i ule o it M l.l I' -, 111 n ' ! ! ' r.i Ml i -liev ii;. th t i f I i 10 v --, i eio " , .; :i ills iilnlin i-otiful,- iti.; i lner. :' the i-' ' -Iiik i: if Ihe H - ll 111 -i r -ii... No hii fid I. o fill a let tl Mi .'.. lll'CII ii OI III Ktlrl, serum In t' pl .i founileit I ' H'lM IMMI U r, Pltii I I s s Al.llV-l HI ltHU'llil Miir i: I ebb I iril'l: l!o . I if. I lem I'hoi, cut will I k tnaus-'h etei . nl In AI.- ll-.le,. 'I I it- ' .ho I i S Macpher iS'Oi I rarei ' made In Ihe ii in. at il'x 'i - III Ml vxls-'.t l: TO M'HMM.I I'ltlK.M I I T. J M V utaiii-' '.en ; i - - ho lnM poll -11 eai l i r at Ion. i : , s.oit i,, WssIiIiib I'Srlinen: ( Inc. h i The ,1 Kianl , .-lulib hen in, i I I.e. .1 4 til. lr . T h in Democratic r.-.' the Trainmen's Ha! last ntpht. under i -the Women Vct t e r-i nl hundred u I A final pre I uas !iell a J I eiot S It eel ; fl lispli-e nf I IjeaKiie and I ireM-nt. Anions (he pf-akers Mere: Miss M i i .Tone;.. Mr W'aUlier. .T l-d. Su.i Kills r, .i.,ne. It. It. Itevnolds m : Mrs. Charles Malcolm 1 Tat t. Til - IX HITS M TOMOBIIJ-. niriKi: n: auk: di.mi .TO.Tlll-: l.. Nov S -- T he i ., .1.,.. lAlll ..t II.A IIk.H.Va.. i -.,.,i-,i.. .0, 0.0-,., - next I oiiihII.hhI I. Inc. Hpeedlnjr in I dm, ntht to the aid of the freighters, -:e'm,,,iir, 0f the Cina.llan Merch -11' Marine. lepovted rilddel leH 111 I adrift for H-veril dn s i-.:S- noi-tluvest nf St. lohn. N V lh" Melkle was expected to reach -i" ilim.iced vessel sonieliine to :,,,-! row nlKht Recording to wl'C ;, repor's t-ci-elveil hei e 1I1, a ' 1 Anierli.i to l'uikll! 11 a nit Sin 1 ma Ureece ' ' - Man ,.f Miem. y cotnlnc to roiati trv while nniiinit tli nutnher of , m,,,.,t in,,- bt-en ill1,. I -eat .,f 1 "'lm lo The in'-: tl'" N.llt.o.H Co II ' UlSe.l ti:t l -f w Ii Mil .ne w ,oi fiilmiltnl in I-,, 1 'iiaiKe.l fT "IH aihlliir; fli.i ' Oltl.it IFIIil II:, -III I, a, I CiMiU In CnriV.liitlnop! ' '., 11 p 1 1 11 1 1, U w ,1, hi -I . I of I i i to mWiii 'l.e -! t r 1 Ci- 111. 1.1 nt .c. li,.-.,.n f - ; I , ' i 1 o,:ia nun t u , ' 'let h of S, oil h 1 ' ,1 . 1 , 1 1 1 ,1 T'le '.ll mil I.,, ii Co'!;.-, I ' 11(1 Mil It , XIT'lUMs 111 M lIN(i MIMMi HI I Ii in , 1 - -in -. Nol 'h I ',1 ' , 1 to- lh . .1 n.l ' w 11 1- I'., '-ii I . M I lts 1 11 m;. 1 . 1. . r 1, e, nMi I lo I l HI IT III ll 1 ll I h- II I'P H 11,1 .in. I A. !!.'! I lilt O 'II Ills III. I ilea In e I r v "'IT- lo-n w a al.t. In tl.ii w . -mi. 11 ,-i I..I.I.,-. . n mi: itoMfT tl l.i:n ITOX l. DIXIT. I'DKMI K t.O i:it.tll o- 'OVM ITK I T Is 1)1 n : M. V I.ST()N-HAI,:M. Xm At .1 11 'i-tinu of Ihe Hoard of lure !..'- of Ihe . M. C A- here to ihl 1r. Howard i: lion.lt lia h r . . -I.le.il of Salem Coll. go. wis S' h-cled as ddei a t p' f l oin lllli it': the .'is-....T.ition 1 .invention 11 Allinllc 1'llv, November 14 to IT Inn I. If. IKTi. 11. a. !;. i;..o I'. - .-I JOHNSON CITV. To tin., Nov 1; Three young men were kille, and (me da n;crously injured Sin. day at Watauga, a small slailon live miles fast of this pnlnt when : K ITT the automobile In which they were riding was struck at a road rums Inu by a Knnthern Railway 1 ; 1 1 :iH ICIISI I A KKN, C.eitnany thrnuch freight train The dead N'.iv li The keel baa b en In '1 men are I'hllllp Uyder. 22, l-'rank j t,,, the clrnt Zeppelin to be .Inhnsnn. 1-. nnd Mr. noaebatim. ' i HAUTKi 11:11 ,',.,, . Nov f San lliii.ln, , lluke( . .i e.1,1,. ,, , ii'.'lli. e 1 oinii.iii. mho. J IhuTfolil 'ion, iSs.i ,,, ..f C, ,.., , .,, 011,1 1 nt,, si,, 1 i.t.'r from 19.1. 1,, 111 ,11,. , 1 home here tomclil. afler i,,, of three week.. ,. i'-" iiann.iin, lie.-eniher Hi. s S.-ii at 1,1. lllii. I.HMXiV Nov , ... :a!e, I-, es I r, em I -1 y t o.l.i annnu-ti-e.i 1 : ...mi or inn remaining inlnor - iN In In gm- m.-iir 11,. le. i,e, (llat his . .,1. lM IH ll Illl'Clf Sill, II ., ,,f I 1 ini'lnliels. Tin, w ill In- ihe small . -1 1 nonet 11, re . 11 11 s r, 1 lir ill' , ahlnc. w in. h w .ia 1 kliol of inner , ahlnet , T he , ahinet In. holes : he 11.1n.s I. 1 of lahor. w hl.-h I . .1 plain l:i titiiation that there is t tnlenllon to ah-.li-n Hie l.il. o 1, urn. i, .. Herbert A.s.iitih in n pee, h in l.omlon tontchl. inol, ....-isio-i I" il.oiv iiimo.s ol ,1 possible tii-w allian.-.i between th. A :. 11 1 1 ll 1 1 11 lil.ct.ils and the . onyerv a 1 1-in the i-ii'ii Ihe consi-r a t IV es I'.nl In si'illle t'll.nlull ii'liN lo I .'in 1 1 1 1 1 ml .. iii.i.oi! (n Ihe new pa 1TI.1 ni.-n 1 He ileMriilied ihe Met of sm h an alliance as whollv fantastl '.M No, 1; .nil'CKi, In I or- Winston -S.i leu, niuhi with . a m:; I Olt ItKi ZKI'PKI.IX IS I.AIH IX if!ll.M AN V 35. John "Brandon, 19 sustalnerl a broken thlch and Internal Injuries not hav-inK fully refralhcd con Hclousnoss after 4S hours. hui:- for Ihe rutted State, kv- intiicnt under the contract siunei' 1.1 Juiirf Hi. A number of run iriiction details are still awaiting leclslon. WASinNTITdN. Nov. -The Atlantic an, I I'n.in.- fleets will ' '''in" toe Joint battle maneu- ers in the I'aelllc next l-Vbilliiy 0011111 a 1 ii. 1 . -mint, , ,,,f t.a :l op-i-.n i in,, an-..,, 1, 1 day. Plans for the manemei, nn beina worked out by Admiral Hilary '. Jones, i-omtnandcr-in-I'hlef of the Atlantic fleet. Miss Arnold Heads Methodist Society .Miss MyrMe Arnold was eleclrd president nf Ihe. Haywood Street .Methodist Young People's S-.i-l-tv at a meetints last night he. ni Ihe residence of .Mr. and Mrs. Ver- ofiiun Horry on startiis Avenue, .she t Hljc.-eeds ,lot. Katml. re.-ilKli4d. The s.icletv Is plan. ilut; In tive an ov-ster sup:er at. .111 iiirly dale. Alter Ihe business session luiM eve-, hinir. a (l.-linlil fill social hour w in enjov cd. t s 1 1 1 s v 1 . 1 : The 1 nm,.. 1 at i,- s I Ii '.-iiii! .1 n.l w as eh. .sod Inn e : ail.lic.ss n- .loseplm, ..,niel. ,.f I 1 1 r-1 u 1 1 . fi.inieilv S.-i-rel.liv of III. Navy under ihe Wilson admiin.. tiallon. who dis.usse.1 In Ho 'I'1 I presence of a re, old breakln,: crowd a1T011s issues between tin l" leading parties Intro, luce, I lo- Hem v R. twl: e K.liior of the Twin Cny Sentinel Mr IViniels reviewed rei-.ir.lM o' j IiI'.l.m sin. e 'he world war. !...' iili'-w lion, them aiKtiment!, i 1 -loov 1 h.,t upon the Itepuhlh-,, , parte lav the onus of the ad' 1 . iinilitlons from which the ,, jMilfered When the soldiers vr'c I ret 111 inn--- home, every nun believ I cd thai the n.ii i . . 11 was on the o I of a long priod of continued pro- I perity. but all election came and I I here never was a a-reater tr.moili , In the world than tylnar the hinds j of Woodrow Wilson with a ilepuii- Mean CoiiRiesa. The ele, tlo-ti was purely a shell shock debauch. Iis I 1 iisnIiib Ihe liepuhllcan record on redinini; tavcM, Mr. Iinnlela nssert - ru mat sucii reductions as were iniide favored cbndly tho exces prollls men and the blub Income tax men nnd there were favors and money for all those who run trlhuled to the Republican cani luilaii fund. "If no bad followed Woodrow Wilson Into the LeagU'i of Nations," declared Mr. Panlcls. "wo would have saved tha Uvea cf millions of people." ANTHONY' PHENOMENAL FALL lANTHONY'S: ..m,'-if.&.-WSj r : Introductory Sale Prices On Queen Quality Footwear iv We have placed in thia, tale an entire line of new Fall and Winter Queen Quality footwear. Our regular price are at a laving of at least 25 per cent, but we place them in this tale at a ttill further reduction at an introductory feature. $7.95 $5.00 and $6.00 quality, at , , $10.00 and $1 1.00 Quality, at $7.00 and $7.50 quality, at flit Itl Ctrrtnndcnct r liXnait CUim j WASHINGTON, Nov. . Satur da.J Armistice. Day, a little band of faithful Wilsonltes will march to lie homo of .Woodrow Wilson on f Street, and present baskets of ibwera and pay their respects. 4rs. Kate Trenholm Abrams. for merly of South Carolina, Is work sr up the demonstration. She la slated by Mrs. H. K. C. Bryant, 4 Tar Heel worshipper of the tricken leader, and others. Gen ial Julian S. Carr, clad In his Con- J derate grey uniform, will-' be ere. Especial Invitation has fen extended to him. Mr. Wilson Is very ponular with; large army of people here. He fts ovations every time ho moves out the city. j adio Program To Broadcast From i Florida Station Word has been received lp Ashe. le that the Morocco Shrine Band ill broadcast Vn 409 meters this fen In at 8 o'clock. Eastern time, fm Radiophone Station, WDAL, XkBonvllle. JIa, iiaaio tans are .l'i(l to tune In CXDRKI-ROOM A1T.ANTA, da.,'- Nov. .- Nego- tlons for the erection of a 600 m hotel In the North side resl . section of Atlanta have just closed in New York by Wil. tm Candler, according lo advices Celved here today, I. Should the woman or maa flow the usher down the aidls? i V. R A. The woman should oreoede Ir escort. BEGINS THIS MORNING Doors Will Open at 9 O tlock Stupendous reductions have been put into effect throughout our entire store; which will substantially fix in the minds of the people of Asheville and Western North Carolina, that Anothony sets another mark in value giving on the highest class merchandise the like has never been seen before. . Come early and lay in your requirements for sometime to come. $8.00 and $9.00 quality at . . .,A Our highest grade Brooklyn bench made, $15.00 values, CO QC at ..; po7D $4.45 $5.95 $6.95 QurnsaUBlity 0c8to $8 95 Dr. Schools, Foot Appliances at Half Price Ladies' Second Floor Offerings Only a Few of Many, Mentioned Bargains for Men From Oar New Fall Stocks All our $1.00 Neckwear in new Fall styles, "TA - . . . OX. All our $1.50 Neckwear in new Fall t f 1A atJl'l7 choice at eV styleschoice $2.00 and $2.50 Neckwear in new Fall styles. d ?C choice at sPleOD 25 Off On All Jewelry During Sale $2.00 and $2.50 Men's Shirits in Madras, Cords and Percales, d1 C ?1.U at $3.00 and $3.50 silk stripes, Russian Cord and Oxford weaves CO 1 C shirts at . $5 and $6 Silk and French Flannel Shirts dur ing sale at ........ $7.50 and $8,50 Silk Shirts, our regular new C C AC Fall arrivals, at VO VD $4.00 and $4.50 Shirts in excellent materials and beautiful d0 QC patterns, at . . $tdVd $3.95 Half Dozen Soft Collars, Summer styles, at . . . . $1.00 $1,00 and $1.50 valuer in Wonderful value in French Wool Half V ntr Ual Half CQ Hose, at . . 0 u Hose, at ,,,,,,,,, sJaC $1,00 values In Men's Silk '$1.50 values in Men's Silk Hose, during 7Qi Hose during fl J f" sale, at , , ,,. sale at 0 0 $2.50 values In Men's Silk Hose (Jl AF during sale at r ,,,,, i?X "s Hart-Schaffner and Marx and Anthony's "Fit-Service" Suits and Overcoats " All prices reduced in a most sensational way on the new Fall arrivals. ' - Ladies' and CKildren's Shoes Third Floor You can take the elevator to the third with the assurance of finding the greatest Shoe values on earth. Styles from evening to hiking will be found in all leathers, Satins, colors and combinations, in values up to $15.00 but only three prices prevail on the third 698 Pairs Ladies' Shoes Evening Slippers, Oxfords, Strap Pumps in patent, calf satin and gold and silver brocaded, pick your size and take your choice at either of the three prices $1.95, $3.95 "d $5.95 Children's Shoes Discontinued This department is to be discontinued and to consummate . , quickly we have moved every pair of chidlren's Shoes tojhe third floor to be sold during this sale. From Infants' soft sole Shoes to Misses' and growing girls. . -You will find a good range of styles and sizes from which to select. 45c, 95c, $1.95, $2.95 '"d$3.95 KNOX SAILORS You will find these as Velours of all colors. Values up to $12.00. -Choice now $6.95' SEMI-DRESS HATS We are offering these In Duvrlyns. Velvets and Velours. All colors. Values to $16.50. Choice JA A now PJtUO New Fall and Winter Dresses in Sale You will find these the most astonishing values and representative cf the very latest fashions. One lot of dresses, including street, sport and afternoon styles in Trioctines,, Poiret Twills, Canton Crepe and Crepe dr. Chines. Values uo to (10. 7C $39.50. Sale price Dls7.lt) One lot of dresses, including sport, street, afternoon and dinner models in Jerseys, Tricotines, Poiret Twills. Canton Crepe, Crepe Satin, Crepe de Chines and Georg ettes. Vnlues up to $5 3.00. COQ 7C Sale price VW.f J One lot of Dresses, including street, afternoon, dinner and evening, in Tricotines. Canton Crepe, Crepe de Chines, Georgettes and Brocaded Chiffons. (fOA Tr Values up to $65.00. Sale price ,. bj7, D Drastic Reductions on' Beautiful Blouses Theaa are hand-mode French Voiles, French Batiste and French Dimity trimmed in real lace. Values up to $12.50. at $5 95 Values up to $10.00, at t $4 95 Ladies' Sweaters One lot valued up to $12.50. flJO AT sale price VJiD One lot valued up to $16.50, d A AT sale price Vs D Silk I Iosiery All silk, silk with lisle topn "and silk and wool mixtures, values up to $3.50. in al! roiors. $1,69 Christmas Only About Six Weeks Off Buy Your Gifts Now and Save 35 Patton Ave.

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