six THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, TUESDAY MORNING, NOV. 14, 1922. IN THE REALM OF WOMEN res s Sale q rtahce Mrs. L. E. Fisher, Editor. 'Phone 2167, between 2 and 7 o'clock. f Jmpo . if ml i.1 F V Hi to r if?' if- MR, AND MRS. KINO ARE ON DELIGHTFUL AUTO TRIP The many rriemla ,,f Mr and Mr II I.. KIiik will lir in t r- i . l III Imm of the pleasure Ihi y are f jtjt.j . tiig na m'"r (rip In (ir.UKiM. Mi Kins In In hi' entity-firm year anil Ina g ikt wife Is 711 yearn ynunf They left- here lam week li.v mnlur uii'l topped In lrehllle, S. l. for I. hort vlli to Ihrlr nephew. Mr nrtKk Nash Driving Ihn oau rm. Mr. Klnir continued ihe Joarn ami Im and Mr. King arc now vimim; (rienda In Aufiiata. ia.. where th- ra being- enenalve ijr entertain-"!. On tha. return trln, the Klna w ill eiup In Orerr. 8. C , fur a Mxll to r. lu ilvaa. Tha Aiifimta lleralil aiiai .'lie '!W,wlnc to tuiy of Mr. Kii.k: "Mr. H. U Kin, of Aalievllle. Biieat f Mr J. J tiaion. la vlaltlng Autumu for Ilia tirt lima In i ar.- Dur ing lha War llalaeer. tha f.M:ts Mr. king waa In Majur Ganeral W. If. T. Valliera tlvleon of tha Army of tl, PonfadarMy and Ina old tlmn were forcibly rvcaKad tndajr w nan iie av tha, aiaiua vt lianarm! Walker on tha Canfadarata Bwauuient' nn Monti, ment HtraaL Altar tha war. Mr Klin taurtit ai'huoi f'ir 0 yeara p.nd la nor anloylns 11 'a and vlaltlns ulil frianda and lnjlioa ina :ounuy in lila ear. Ha aaa ha remember m at MANOR OIVSS BRIDGE FOR I win. In In. nor of their houaa ual. QUESTS FRIDAY EVENING . si Amila Mre, of Weavi-rvllle. Tin- niaiiaaeinent of The Manor eii.l,,, n i.niiaii Maiwell, of I'alypw in tinned, at a moat r J llc hrliliie luiriv o honor of Ita itiu-ta on rri il .y evening. Klglit table were made iii for plav an.l rrfr-hmiit wfra rvril followlna- Ilia umo. Mm. 11. K. UrailiWId wiiii the lnh arore amonK ladn-a and Mr. Tldrman wa awuriled the (anih-man a prlia. M SUNDAY AFTERNOON TEA IS ENJOYED AT S)ILTMORE CLUB K-iilliliilt tha liard or alvlnf op. iMiitunliy lo tha huay ntlrman on- ittiKrnt of membprMilp of fiult wirla Th o.n r.-imirad to VS'hlakay t'rt'ck in auicnu hlki. w hora th delh'loua hlvahM cn wrvad with rra-kra. Htiilwli hii. plcklaa. roffaa. atr. Tha (iirata wrra: Mlna MnavCi'll. Mlaa Mraran. MIh Kata and Julia Fair. win, .Mrln Hoiinlraa. and l.awrrn- NNrlglll. tiluHKow. litrka, II. V. anl kcII, Johi) lirlyht Hill and Knunrii Hfllamy. Mr. and Mr. Itlohard Iiulnan. whti wara married In Montana two werka nao. arrived In Aahrvlllv from life, ihr iiwiiiHgeinent of tha HHimnre I ()(.(r honeymoon on Sunday nn.rnlnir miiJ Mr n ml Ihe Ilaaaanllf wfian, duiinc tha war. : waa In tha hvaplial heva aurferlng irnm wnunaa rroalvaa In iwlliex at Kranklln. Tann..'and Atlanta, a lovely yount woman. t faced and K"n tic. vial td tha hospital -avery day bringing nourlthmant and flowera. Una day aha aad to him, "I am gnlng to get you a faurloiigh.' .Neit day tha doctor lookad him up for l he firm lima, aiamlna hla wound and lie waa granted a month's Irava of Rb aen to visit ' hla noma. Mr. Klna recajled har name aa Mlaa Evans, and una wonders If the description iloe not pre-emlnentlv fit Mra. William . Bva. Br. Tha Mra. Kvo referred to 1a ona of Augusta's moat prominent ladka." M , REV. AND MRS. HOWARD ARC DELIGHTFULLY HONORED Tha B. Y. P. V. of tha branch nroad Avrnua Baptlat Church dr. Itghtfully entertained racantlV In honor of Rev. and Mra. If. H. Howard at tha homa of Mr. and Mra. W. ii. . Hack. Tha homa waa artlatically dec oratad, a color achama of pink and whlla balng rarrled throughout. Varl" oua Interesting games war plaved ann a arucioua aaiad course was Koreat t'oumry t'luh hits inaugurated Informal leas for tha Hunuxy after iiixina of the Winter month, the lirst of the aeries being given in tills Sundnv paxl. Mrs. Alan Melsmuld Mrs. .Iiinlua . Adams lxnirnl Israe number of gentlemen . jjirr-peni 10 i niti over i nr irRruji. evidence oi ine Hnprreiaiioii oi many. MRS. SAWYERTOENTERTAIN MATRONS' WEDNESDAY CLUB Mrs. Clarance Sawyer will be the hoMeaa for the Matrons' Wednesday t'lub a( her home on Itiltmore Av nue tomorrow afternoon, i'lay will begin at o'clock. .! . he I MRS. WILSON TO BE HOSTESS FOR WOMAN'S CLUB TODAY .Mrs. K. r'.V Wilson will be. the hostess for tlie .meeting of the Woman's I'lub this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at her home, 313 Merrlmon Avenue. AW members are urged to bring Qonirlbuiioii of clothing for the bagwhlch Mrs. Charles M. Plat I has ta pack and send the Crossnorc School In Avery County. . . LADIES' AUXILIARY, O. R. C, , TO MEET THIS AFTERNOON The ladles Auxiliary to o. It served. Mr. and Mrs. Howard were tormeriy ot cocoa, Kla. The follow ing guests were present: Mr. and Mns. J. W. Vesey. Kr., Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Vesey, Jr., Mr, and Mra. Krcd Coiner, Mra. J. A. Urovra, Miss Kvelyn Galyean, Mlaa Alverta Ualy enn. Miss Ixirlne Keck, Miss Ada Heck. Miss Valley Beck. Mlaa Thelma Kllllan. Mlaa liesler Kllilam, Miss : Kdlth Hall, Mr. Gordon Jones, Mr J.ynn Beck, Mr. Louis McKlroy, Mr Mamuol llatemaa and Mr. Cellla Hunt. M J ARMISTICE DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT HIGHLY ENJOYED A very auccessful dance waa given nir Saturday night at the studio of Ma. ,T. Ia Volllns. Tha atudlo waj artistically decorated for Armistice mght. confetti and aerpentlnaa adding to- tha pleasure of those preaent. fanclng waa enjoyed to the ao rompanlment of Mr. Albert Dunn's orchestra which furnished an i.x cellent program. t " , S .4 dOLE-NICHCLS -A. very prelty wedding was aolente iier1 last Saturday at high noon af Ihe Ueaverdam llantlnt Church, when: Mlaa Neta. Cole mid- Mr. I4vls Jv. ! isicnnis were, waltwa in. marriage. Hev till hold It regular meeting this af ternoon at 2 o'clock In the K. of !'. Hall on lllltmcre Avenue. Members will please note the change of hour m m 3 to z o clock. The annual elec tion of officers will. he held and a full attendance of members is desired. Jt J MOORE-WOOD WEDDING TODAY INTERESTS ASHEVILLE SOCIETY A.ihevlllB society la chiefly Inter ested today In the Moore-Wood mar riage which will he solemnised at Trinity Church this afternoon at 3 o'clock On account of the prom inence of the two families, the affair will be largely attended. The last of the iiremiDtlnl parties given In honor of the bride-elect wan the dinner tendered last evening by Mies. Violet Henry and Mlsa l.enore Henry at their beautiful home. "Zenlandla." Guests at the dinner wera Miss Moore, Miss Kllxabeth Merrlmon. Mrs. Francis jinurne. Miss Klisabeth (Vhapman, Mr. Henry Slevs ena, Mr. James Hall Wood, Jr., Mr Albert Wood, UT. Kdward King, Hr. Arthur Ambler and Mr. Bingham McKee. .... . MRS. FAUCETTE TO GIVE LARGE BRIDGE THURSDAY jjra. j. w. r'aucette will entertain at a large bridge luncheon at the rniimcre f orest Country Club on Thursday. There will ba U tables ui piayers, MRS. DICKINSON TO HONOR i .HB FATHER'S BIRTHDAY firs. r.. IllCKlnSnn Will unlarOln at her liome on Hillside Street to morrow afternoon . with an Informal parly In honor of the 4th blrthiay of he father. The gUVSt list Will Kb llnll.d relatives and -a few close friends. ,4 FLORA MaeOONALD GIRLS "ruNSINQ Bin niNurs and will be al In tue to their friend ut the home of .Mr. Ixiughran's par ents; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Umghran. mi tlroadway for a while. Mrs. Kilas llernard lias returned to iier home i n Kilgeninnt lloud after a visit to her sinter, Mrs. Hnhard Stockton, at W liiMon-rtulrin and to friends in tireerisboro. Mra. Warren Allen, who has been Ihe guest of Mrs. T. P". Malloy for several weeks, left on Hatunhiy uftrr- nton fcr her home In Haltlniore. t Mr. Taylor HleiNoe. who Is' a stu dent at Ihe University of North Cam. Una, spent the week-end here with hla parents. Mr. and Mis. .1. T. litcdeoe. at their home In Urove l ark. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard While, of Greensboro, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ilurrill Wood, having come up to attend the marriage of Mlsa lOditlt Moore and .Mr. James Hall Wood. Jr.. which takea placo at Trinity Church this aflernun at 3 o'clock. Mrs. H. C. Johnson bus returned lo her home on Merrlmon Avenue after a Iwo months' absence sp.-nt with her daughter, Mrs. Cllve Hur- nelt. in Hantlagn, Ca!., and in visit ing her brother. Ir. W. W. Greer, in Austin, Trvas. Ir. It. C. Long left yesterday to attend the meeting of the Southern Medical Association In ijesslon at Chattanooga, Tenn. Before return ing lo Aahevllle, Dr. Long will visit at his old home In HlrmhiKlmni. Ala., lo confer with onlclaia In regard lo Ihe erection of a large tubercular hispltal In Alabama. Mrs. S. J. Kisendrath, of Wlnnatka. 111., and Miss Agnea Hchwuh. of Chicago, arrived on Sunday for a stay of several weeks at Margo Terrace. WAf7 1 OAe Vaini- &ox Varieties iiaKe ot The Manor for the Winter1 while her daughter:, are attending Gfue I 'ark School. . j Mrs Allen M. rwrt. of Chlcar.o. Is at The Muitor for an extended slay. ' . . Mrs . Ksther Wleav-nfeld and email son, of New York, spent the week-'! end at Margo Terrace. i Mr. f. II. Green ami Mr. Carl' Oreen -are leaving- this morning by ' motor lor a. nusiness trip to -Atlanta. They, will .-return the latter gn- Ihe week. , . ' Mr. A. L. Htocktou. managing edU ' lr and part owner of The Greens, j boro Dally News, formerly a real- I dent of .ihls city, is lyre visiting relatives and friends. Miss Dorothy Ambler who lias been spending a few days i the guest of! Miss Cary Harrlroti nt Gastonla, re- , turned to the city yesterday. .Mrs. V. C. Munduy leaves today! for Atlanta after spending several, months with l,e unn i, ,- t . , , "v.., ..... , -, m. ua, on itiaae Mtreet. . Dw,oWo-,u. m ui-.x iioi. nr. -.1- iimoiiwrM The Athwlllt ( ilic-ii ) rtciatlng. The church was' tastefully JJKU a('HXiju, ,v 1.1 Klnrn decorated wit inoiiutuln laurel, AH.' ' .Ma 'IV nt.ld Hluninae of Raleigh lire ... ,mTi 'oim munr io w nijio ; 1'teioiiio; n v,"i - logei her Dinner chrvaant hem uma. The brlrtu I party entered to-the tfralna of Ixihengrln'a wedding march, played by MIks Bernlce rUrinRfieM. Mr, Dykenian, muti-on of lamor, was i Ihe only attendant. of -the bride, while Mr.. W. J. Dykeman. uncle of . the groom, waa best man. I'rior to the ceremony Mlsa Maaurl Cule eang "I Love you Truly." , Tha bride we a beautifully attired In a traveling ault of dark blue nicotine with gray accessories, and wore a corsage of pink carnations. Tha matron of honor was beautiful II a gown of dark brown crepe de chine and carried a exquisite bouquet , of yellow chrysanthemums. The gift tif the bride to the matron of honor was a gold brooch with amethyst, while the gift of tha groom to the best man waa a gold scarf pin. Immediately following the cere mony, a reception was given at the home of the hrlde'a mother. Mra Iiretf Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Nichols left for a honeymoon trip to Wash ington. New York and Philadelphia. They will realde in Carmel. K, V : the home of the groom. jl a, MISS CLAUDIUS E-NTERTAINS AT DORTCH AVENUE HOME On last Friday evening. Miss 'Vir ginia Claudius entertained a few ii lends at her tortch Avenue homo, Uamee and-musin occupied the eve- nmga entertainment. Those enjoy ing tha affair were, Mra. F. K. Gard ner. Mlaa Eileen Gardner, Mlaa Metta , Northern, Mlsa Mury Cliff and Mr. Alan V. Boot en. bl) Flora MurDonnlit girls who will it-mi ie suat Teachers' Ancin llr.h meeting oil Thanksgiving D.iv. The dinner w IK be given at tlie Presliyterliui Church ftl 6 o'clock with Ivan C. U. Vardell. Jr., president of the State . Music Teachers' na tion and head cf (he conservatorv of I music tif the college, and it ir iii fe oi tne puniicity department as guests of the alumnae. Mrs. Harry Linde mann. 222 llillshoro Street, asks that nil Flora .Mar-Donald girls coming to Kaleigh notify her at once. The slogan adopted by the branch and being sent out In the "KMC glrla' rally for Turkey ny in' Halel'sh.'" a) j MRS, BUNN ENTERTAINS . , MEETING OF BUNCO CLUB aMra. John Bunn was the hostess for -the last meeting of the Bunco t l;ih. After several spirited games pi-lsea were awarded and Mrs. James Colvln was recipient of top score while Mis. Honda McGuIre received the consolation, i KINDERGARTEN CLASS TO i'ww ' . MEET THIS AFTERNOON 'The November meeting of the Abbeville Kindergarten Study Class will be held at the West Ashevillc School building this afternoon at 4:30 o CIOCK. . ii MISS MEARES IS HONORED AT WILMINGTON OYSTER ROAST muni.Mrru.n, Nov. 13. One cf the most enjoyable entertainments of the past week was an oyster roast given by Mr. and Mra. Kenneth Burg- Mlss Uleannr Simpson Is leaving to morrow frr her home in Cincinnati after a visit to Mrs.- William Krnnt ther hi me in Orovo Pai. Mra. W. AV. Ashe la here from her homo at Andrews vlaltlng Mrs. J. 1'. Haneen at her home on Cumberland Circle. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Auhtln. of Unlontown, Pa., have taken a house on I'ldgemont Bead for the Winter. Mra. II. S. Bradfleld Is nt The Manor until her new home In Kvelyn Place la completed. It". Messrs. Dan Tcmpklna and John H. Mori-Is. of Sylva. motored to the city lust night and attended the offering at the Auditorium. Colenel Sanford H. Cohen has re turned to the city, after a stay of icveral weeks at his home In Auxunta. Un., and Is slopping at the laiugrvn. I J Mi'.- and Mrs. Ralph 1 Ml more aad three chlltlren. of Arden, have inav.d lo the city to make their future Homo and arc domiciled at f Merrlmon Avenue; v BIG ATTENDANCE AT BAPTIST MEETINGS gegan Jfere yesterday OUR November Dress Sale opened yesterday with several hun dred Dresses on special sale. In addition to the garments bought especially for the Sale there are many other Dresses that have been taken from regular stock and reduced in price for this event. And, too, there is a special discount of 20 on all Dresses now in our reg ular stock. . IS THIS NOT A DRESS SALE OF IMPORTANCE? Those who are familiar with the Bon Marche sales will not hesi tate in choosing their Dresses here, for they know that values are the order of the day. To those not familiar with our sales we extend a cordial invitation to call and inspect the bargains offered. Such an inspection, we are sure, will be the forerunner of a purchase. - Poiret Twill, Tricotine, Wool Crepe, Canton Crepe; Crepe Back Satin, Frost Crepe and Malcra Pasha Dress in colore of navy, blue, black, tan, cocoa, brown and various color combinations are in cluded in this Sale. Styles are the latest and there are so many quality Dresses here that one should have little trouble making her selections. . The prices: $10.9S; $14.9S( $22-95, $29'95, 39 9S ond-noor The WOMEN'S SHOP Second-Mom Mr. end Mrs. Gordon Harvov. i f Hondersonville anil : rlavannuh. Oa. passed through the city yestcr hy en route, to riavnrinuh. loiter tlit-.v will go to Florida for tlie Winter. Miss Ktselle Crowd! is spenditic: u w days with her parent:) at .ML. 1'leaaant near Concord. Mrs. -W. F. Landrum and Miss Amalee Wallnou, of Charlotte, spent the week-end In Asheville ,with friends. Dr. Joseph B.- reenc is In Chat tanooga. Tenn., atcndlng the meet ing of the Southern Medical Associa tion. ' Mrs. J. P. Johnson, of Ilenderson vllle, has arrived to spend the Win ter with her daughter, Mrs. W. ft. McGuIre, at her home on Flint Street. Mrs. Robert Young and daughter, Miss Oeorgla Young, of Swannanoa, am spending some time with the tormer'a daughter, Mrs. Joe Duwfan at her homo on Starnea Avenue-. Mr. Wilbur Ilnvendorf left Sunday afternocn for New York where he will be two weeks on business. air. and Airs. Henry T. Kaurot and daughter, Miss Julia lielle. who have been at The Manor for some time, nave returned lo their heme In nicago. ( .Much Interest In Shown i:i tlie Coming Itc-enforrcnicnt (am-PHlfc-n In liuncomho Cnuntj. The seven Uaptist Conference hMd Kundny In various sections i the county In the Interest of the c'.-mlng lit-inforcement Campaign. were well attended and a deep In terest in Ihe drive waa manifest. Xhe following facts were empha sized by Jie speakers of the local Sunday 3' hool Association of the denomination: . s "First, The object of the Rein- forcement. Campaign and the plan ot -organization to carry It ou Second. Vie Gospel of Healing and Minlsterins to the Aged and Help less. . Third, Hod's Command to Preach the Gospel-and to Teach. Fourth. God's- Answer to the Southern Baptists Foreign Mission Program During the last Three! Years. ! Aside from the carrying out of this program, at these seven Instl, ttttes. In the afternoon, speakers v.ent to nearly all tlie 70 Hunt 1st (huii-hea in the county, and ma.lo 4 talk on the Fame line of sub .ecta thin were discussed in the i.ficrnoo:i conference and urged die attendance from all churohcS to these conferences in the after noon. - - , While it is a fact, that ioiiif few I.nptlsis . nnd now and then a tiutrch swings out of line, and does i, i t war:.i up to the. importance uun necce-Eiiy of this work, yet, n.-oc.Hii.v speaKing, a -verv cn thuiiiistl'? Interest has been show!" unit irom present indications, the ci-mpalgn i:i progressing; in a very satisfactory manner, the leaders er.y, 1 ' N Two Groups of Children's Dresses We Especially Recommend JERSEY DRESSES AT $7.50 Fine quality Jersey Dresses for children, from 7 to 16 years of age, embroidery and self-trimming, ,in tan, henna, blue, green-and color combina-i tions, special values in the November Dress Sale, ate $7.50 GIRLS' DRESSES AT $13.95 Homespun, Velvet, Poiret Twill and Wool Crepe Dresses of the better sort for girls, in sizes up to 1 6 years, a variety of colors, each made the more enticing because of the Cl 0 OC attractive trimmings.. .., ........ tPlOeaD other dresses for girls from $5.95 to $15.95 ) In the Drapery Department Dotted Swiss Curtain Ruffled, -Dotted Swiss Curtains, 2J4 yards., long, very specially priced at, pair. WJLL GIVE PLAY ' AT EMMA SCHOOL The faculty of Emma, Ilisrh School will grive a play Friday evening, nt 8 o'clock, entitled "Son John." The proceeds will go to the establishment of u library for the .school. The admission fee is small. ' . Boudoir Lamp Stands Mahogany colored Boudoir Lamp Stands, very special Values at, each . . . Floor Lamp Stands , Floor Lamp Stands, regular, values of $8.50, extra special values, at.' (Main FlporJ , $1.98 $1.75 $5.95 Men's Night Shirts I Men's Outing Night Shirts, all sizes, full cut and well made, each Some Underwear Attractions $1.25 Hand Made Garments A 'rare bargain in Philippine hand made Gowns and Teddies, Ane quality Muslin. S y AQ beautiful designs, special, each. ... , vaai4o Princess Sh'p Special fine quality Sateen frincess Mips, colors are AO ' navy, brown and black, sizes 36 to 44, special 70C ' (Third Floor) Princess Slips Doubled and Serve A Double Purpose PERHAPS this fact tells the tale of the continued popularity of the Princess Slip. At any rate, the demand continues and we meet it with these: Mrs K. V. Van Ouzcn.'of Atlanta, was a visitor in the city yesterday mill was a guest at Margu Terrace. lls Pauline WjttMHI and Miss Kleamr Holt linve returned to Slurs mil t uiirge, arter spendlnir the weck cntl vrirh the fornier's parents, - Sir and Sirs. S. K. Wnddell, on Vetncll Avoiilic. Mrs. W. K. M'alkrr lias returned to her heme in lUn-k Hill. s. ('., alter a short visit to her nmlher, Mrs f K. Wherry, on Cherry Ptrcet. lir-. and Mrs. ,lue -esPyt on .fnhe land vpniic, hd us their riics! f,,r the n-t-rlf-end, I heir niece.- Miss Kve lyn I'lrKanl, of Knnwille. Sfis.i I'ltkaid ij verv prominent in e.luci lijiiiHi ciri'lcs. nnd is at present (each. Inu in the deaf and dirmli school ir thin .it v. mZ BS -sasaaaaas-- ar "Ba V jfshevilWs Quality pepartmerit Stcre' 19-21-23 Patton Avenue. 'Phone 2500. Mrs i:. M. GorreM has taken SILK SLIPS ENGLISH SATEEN SLIPS Black, navy, brown and white Sateen Slips with camisole top, double to yoke, sizes: 38, 40. 42, 44; priced $3.50 and $4.00. Exquisite white and pink Silk Slips, styles and sizes same as above; priced at $6.00 and $8.00. at ajaa. - (' lUfl V1 mm eSwsKsr:! ni i&r row At riri M foGlve an crartaxed and tired srstaai a night bt rafrsabinerastBodabrlcht tomarrosc is tha work of Nt tablets. Nature's Remedy keeps body functions regular, improves appeutn, relleres coosdpatlotL tortured by eczema Teething rash, prickly hat, edema, chafing, and other sltin disorders to which babies are subject can be quickly t.ibdued by Resinol. Apply this pure, soothing, healing ointment to the af fected parts and note how toon baby's fretful crying stops as itscooling touch relieves the itching and burning. Rerinol Soap for biVy'i hair keep. . it oft atd inky. At all druzfislt. Resinol i Donald & Donald, Furniture We have a complete line of good Furniture, Rugs, Linoleum, Ranges and Stoves. You will find our prices very reasonable. Let us fill your next order, Donald & Donald, 26 Broadway. 'Phone 441. . '' Biltmore Suits Tailored to Order 22 LYLE JACKSON t ROYAL TAIIOHS PACK SQUARE THE SWANNANOA - BERKELEY , . A Modern Brick ana Concrete Hotel One Block from Pobllo Sqnare AsherlUe, O. O. r.., xaPnI" . Table d'Bote B real. fast Hateas 91.30 per day and np Dinner or Supper. ....... Wv C. HAWK, Mgr. tmmmmmmammmmammad'.i NUMBER ELEVEN -ON PATTON AVE. I U . vf fjyffi- 1 For ch. Ill I Tr aill 1 drrn and Fcialt. Ills m JUNIORI- On-thlrd th reffQ- lar does. MaJvot am Incrediaoti, lhQ candy roatrd. For chil dren and Fcialtft. To the FIVE THOUSAND V and More Who Visited v The FLOWER SHOP Middlemount Gardens On yesterday, the day of our formal opening, we wish to thank you for your presence and for thus giving us an opportunity to demonstrate the fulfillment of our promise to give to Ashe ville one of the finest flower shops in the coun try. , "Look For The White Trellis" j e and drop in at anytime The FLOWER SHOP- 33 Haywood Street. ' Flowerphone 3716. CLEARANCE Our Semi-Annual SALE On Ladies'. Misses' and Children's SUITS, COATS and DRESSES Which Began Yesterday and closinf Saturday, November 18, is a very timely announcement to replenish that planned Winter wardrobe of yours at the handsome saving of lfo Discount. V Remember every Suit, Coat and Dress in our Ready-to Wear department on second floor and every Suit, Coat and Dress in our children's department on third floor is in cluded in this tale. ' , We shall not attempt to give you a detailed description of the goods on sale, but simply state that each and every garment was purchased to provide the needs of our regular clientele, and has the long established guarantee of Lowen-bein-Rutenberg Co.. for satisfaction back of it. Come early, and get your share while stocks are at their best. - , ' .:'-... 45 Patton Avenue. 4

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