SEVEi c Edwta Clapp ' T. Cousins b tor wocbm IIOI I, UKKII. MM". IT V TO . 11 HIU lOfNTY t i,l f.nwwlw. fit. ttttmttlt ( IN i i;i:i:k.vsmi!ii. Nnv. iv-The h.o.t iuirlhrlv P'prch of tha cot ton I II wee-il aa recorded todty. Hie rt ti 1 1 n at of eexrral of the GROWTH OF MOUNTAIN ORPHANAGE SHOWN IN PICTURES; CARES FOR THE LITTLE ONES WHO ARE TERMED THE "LEFT OVERS" FOR JUST 3 MORE DAYS pc -n the cotton firm tr . T- t -i nnV . .iv ntlln 4fct of thl ii tiiiMforil County. Th l foiiiiil t'lil.iv wr adult lr,'Hi0 nf ttuir It U l 1 Hint thri ar I'lontv mor I. of llim in th roiinir. Uiillforn rro lntlp .Mtti ii tut In 1h pant 'rw vmi, th amount unilar i'ul- IS Riluuorv Atrnuo IMtono 331 tijtioii him li,i rniM, ami It I I'nirl fiat ih nirli'il of lha poati t . . , 1 , . - will atop fur'h'r aprrnil of cotton irimini In OiillfnM THE ASHEVILLE CTTTZETT, THURSDAY MORNING, NOV. 16, 1929. I. BtyOMBETtG, Prop. Get That M 3 AH Women's Low Shoes Less 20 rUR20 Reduction Sale of Women's Oxford Pumps and Slippers, will close Saturday at 9 P. M. Delay meant regret Come choose from our regular stocks including fine Cousins and Clapp Shoes, at the following act ual savings. All $ 6.00 Shoes $ All $ 7.50 Shoes.... $ AH $ 8.50 Shoes $ AH $10.00 Shoe..., ., S ah 1 1.00 Shoes... All $12.50 Shoes.... 4.80 6.00 6.80 8.00 $8.80 $10.00 TERMS CASH Clements & Chambers Leader In F-i"nr T Paitoa Areas t J Vv. V 1fH? t .1 Jv ,1 - '. 7 MOUNTAIN ORPHANAGE, 1922. Krotn a amall four-room roltafo to a modern flraproof atrurtur rapabl of carlns for mor than SO orphans. Is the atory Mill In thr making of the Moun tain Ori'lmnage. A itlanoa at the contraatlns ple turra will ahow how great the step that la being taken with the ptfsent construction of the nttrac ;h new homo at Kwannanoa. Patln bark to 1504. the Or plianag". at prent housed at Bal four, nesr Henderaonvllle. haa ex perienced a steady development frame alnra tha days of the humble cot tage at Crabtrre, In llnynonj County. The purpose of tha Orphanage then, as now, aa to care for hai mlirht be termed "tha left-ovors." those children bereft of parents, and some of them nameless, per hapa, who had no claim upon any other orphanage within the Stale, PHONE 2747 for HARDWARE Service SEA-GULL J7MLT RtTCfiH fiwi HARDWuTttf I m uan, aioaiegJI SpecialNovember 15 and 16 Buy It Nor You Will Need It Later ROOFING " I ply Sea Gull Roofing, good quality, for sheds and chicken houses. tff in Special P 1 e 1 U KEGS .10 gallon Oak Kegs, with 6 hoops, varnished outside. An j Special t?ae 1U STONE JARS 3 gallon Stone Churn Jars, brown and white, glazed. E( Special OUC Central Hardware Co. 21 BILTMORE AVENUE. Institution assert, sheltering and training morn than 300 children. Ken with the larger quarters It haj Ei own far hovond preeent fa cilities ti rare for the children properly. i'MlIM The MounUln Orphanagx, ua it l:aa been upproprialely named, wan the first Institution In the Ap palachian Mountains to caru for ' aya.aaii,,, . We Offer Every Banking Service Commercial Chevklna OirtlO eaten of le posit - Savings For elfrn Kxcliangn Invostmenta aod. sjaia iwposit uoxea, THE NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE EliEVEX CHCROH STREET Quarterly Interest On Savings 4 MOUNTAIN ORPHANAGE. 1904. either fraternal or denominational. It opened with six homeless children. Soon, however, there were othera seeking tha ahelter of the cottage roof, until the place was crowded far beyond comfort and safety, and atlll scores clam ored (or admittance. :U.ter a group of friends made It possible to enlarge the work through tha removal to Balfour. Iju-eer and better1 buildings were provided and more land for culti vation. ' ' - ' . Here the Orphanage nas oeen dolmj splendid work for the past 15 years, those lanuimr. wim wm THURSDA Y, FRIDA Y OQOvOOXMXO and SATURDAY at the IVOR YandBLUESHOP mountain " children homeless this manner, drawing no lines of creed or denomination. The new building, now being oonatruoted upon the former 8Iu der properly near the Ktate Teat Karm, Is located not fnr from Black Mountain upon the Old Hickory Highway about 14 miles from Ashevllle. The farm con tains 135 acres of tillable land, and haa an excellent water aup- ply, all things being conducive to health and happiness amid Ideal mrroundlngH. The proximity to the several religious assembly grounds 1 alo cunsiilered a great atset. Modern equipment for the beiat of manual and literary train ing will be placed at the disposal of th cli.luror, when tna new qun:ters aru cumplcted. i .Al the rata work la now belni; riai-sed. the now structure will soon be enclosed so that construe tt. n tan go foiward even If di' uareeable wea'her ahould be en countered. PRICE Might as well be frank about it this unusually mild weather has created a sluggishness. Folks are not buying things that they are GOING TO NEED, (and they are going to need them sooner than they think a sudden change p weather and watch the scramble.) So, since things won't move of their own ac cord we have resorted to the one sure means of attracting business the matter of PRICE REDUCTIONS on SEASONABLE Wearthings. A bit o fain and we'll all wake up some morning to REAL WINTER and to the fact that we just have to have that Heavy Coat or that Suit. And there'll be no price reductions THEN. "A word to the wise," is it sufficient? , NOW THEN AS TO THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Here are SKIRTS in Prunella and Eponge, pleated and plain models in Stripes or Plaids, good assortment of colors in this showing. Size waist bands 27 to 36. $ 7.50 all Wool Prunella Skirts ..$ 5.95 $10.00 Prunella and Eponge Skirts $ 7.95 $12.50 Prunella and Eponge Skirts $ 9.95 $15.00 Prunella and Eponge Skirts . , .$11.95 The These are All THIS Falls Models The Popular Cap and Scarf Sets colors, Rose, Brown, Tan These in brush wool and Green. Three Day Special. , . . .$5.00 SPORTS COATS All Wool materials in tans and browns. Extra special for three days only . $14.75 POLO COATS ' Tans and browns, silk lined, or plaid backs. A mighty good buy. . $25.00 Polo Coats, at s $18.75 iO Q Had Bad Cough And Pains In Her Lungs All well now, gaining weight and strength; does own house' work. "l.aM Afinhr T took a havv cold I itil getttna wor. until flnallv I lial puln In my hmnchlel tilhs and all tHroiiah my lungs. 1 ha1 a lied couah. ixjuld not slp at ntght. and was sore tlirougti ipv tun. that I cul l bardly stand It. I conwultd thrr ninrent d-n-tors and took thlr medicine, nut rtl dnot ge any ttr i mitrerrit itrath a nun nred tlnir. One doctor toli nie had a dp coi.l In the walls of m lunaa Another a, had bronchia trouble. Il kint changing niy med Irlne anil litirnrd me all over with elfcir!cii . I read In the pspsr about Milk F.mtilalon hlptrir other iteonle. s thought I would try It While I have onlv lakrn four smalt hoi-tlea my luncs Ho not hurt ine any more Mv couaii L- gone ami I have gained frni pound', ana I am tll aainlnc. was able to do the first washing to day that I liave done sines last eo ternber. In faot, f am now doing my worn witn pirasure ann teI like It I a dream that I have inv hsalth again " Mrs. I4ds V.. achllds. 71 Congress Kt., Toledo, Ohio. Milks Kmtilsinn restores healthy, natural howl sot Ion; It la a truly corrective mrdlclne. dolnr itiv with all neerj or pills and phyetcs. It pro motes appetita and quickly puta tha digestive oraana In shape to aaalm- Data fond, and thus hulld flesh and strength. Milks Ktmiletnn la .strongly reoonimended to those whom sickness naa weaaenea: K is a nowerrul aid In resisting and repairing the streets of waatlng diseases. Ohronlo stoinaoh trouble and conatlpatlon are promptly reuevea. Thla Is the only solid emulsion made and to pslstahls thst It is eaten wHh a aooon like Ice cream. Truly won- oecrui tor weak, elekiy rnjldren. No matter how severe vonr case. you are urged to try Milks Emulsion under this auaranlss Tako alx bot- tiea noma witn you, use It according to directions and If not satisfied wth tha results, your money will be promptly refunded. Prtee Haa and tl.30 pep bottle. The MHk Kmulslon Co.. Terre Haute, Ind, bold by drug. giaia everywaeie. aqvi. THE BEAUTIFUL WOMEN OF HISTORY Gave Much Time to llio Improve ment of Their Complexion. MEETINGS DRAW LARGER CROWDS ' Misses' and Ladies Sweaters Twenty per cent discount from regular prices during the three days. Medium weight and light colors. Regular prices are $5.00 and $10.00. Three day prices V.. . . . . $4.00 and $8.00 Coat Suits Tailored models, Navy. Black and Brown, reg ular prices $39.00 to $68.00. Leas 20. Three Day prices. .$31.20 to $54.60 63 HarjuTood Street ASHE171LLE, H C Q Q Q The meetings In observance of World Fellowship Week, ot the Phyllis Wheatley Branch of the colored Y. W. C. A.,' are growing I t Interest. Thursday evening Rev W. O. Hamilton of the Calvary Presbyterian Church, will hava charge, of the meeting, and Mies Grace V. Osborne, secretary of the City Department, Southern Region, '111 also ! present. All meetings through the 'week begin at 8 o'clock. , , BOX SUPPER A box aupper will ba given Sat urday night, November 18. at tha Asalea School House, the proceeds to be used for the benefit of the new church. The public Is in-vKed. In a Hurry? Come here and dine this Noon. The HAYWOOD 31 Haywood Street. Luncheon from 1 2 on. Served Quickly I . 60c It la aald that tha moat beautl ful women of history ara the ones mat spent moat or their time In tha cultivation. Improvement and prolongment of the life of their beauty. They used all tha safe mesne they could find to accom plish this charm. Black and White Beauty Bleach will remove skin blemishes, sucA as tan, sun and wind freckles, blotches, liver spots. It wilt clear your complexion make your akin soft and youthful. Black and White Bleach Is a de lightful perfumed, ptnk-tlnted cold cream compound, approved and used by particular women. It will not grow hair on the face and when applied forma an Invisible coating on the akin. Blacg and White eoan should al ways be used with Black and White Beauty Bleach. Ita regular uae will keep tha skin In perfect condition. All good stores can aunniy you with Keauty Bleach at ROc a Jar and Black and Whlta Soap at 25c a cake. . , Black ami White Toilet Reqnlnltos are sola ail over trie world. advt. All We Need to convince you of the worth of our QUICK Delivery is AN ORDER. 'Phone 183 or 132 0,vw STorjg Corner Haywood and College Sts. Overcoat Today DON'T WAIT Colder days are coming and it's a good tip to buy your new Overcoat here. Our stock is com plete with the newest and most up-to-date Fall models. Regularly sold at $30.00, very special at MEN'S HATS $4.00 Value No man can go wrong in buying a Truly Warner Hat in the newest shades and shapes, gfj Hats in tha $4.95 Men's .Velour very latest styles. Special Don't Put Your Foot Into High Prices Star Brand, all leather. In black and tan, -wUh low rubber heala; English or Bluchar ftr laata. , Opaclal .....M.ejrla JO u. a. Army Shoes, wait sola. , Upeclal .. Munsea tact. $4.45 Btar Brand, in blank or tan, wltH low rubber hee(s. Bpecial ... or vilii t ..$3.95 A Superfine Homestead For Sale The beautiful and spacious residence of Mr. S. Sternberg, located at 1 86 Victoria Drive, consisting of 12 rooms and two baths; hot water heating; two car fire-proof garage. The home is situated on ' seven acres of ground with every new and modern convenience. It is indeed like a fairy tale, and must be seen to be appreciated. , For further information call k S. Sternberg & Go. 333 PHONE DEPOT ST. jy ETTER Furniture for less money JLat merits Chiropractic The Key To Health. ' Dark days will soon be turned Into sunny days If yon will allow ChlropractUi to solve your health problems. See your Chiropractor . Drs. Tucker & Tucker CHIROPRACTORS X-Ray Equipment Phone SSIT ' 12 1 Haywood TUdgv . Aabcrrino, S. a the. Store -of -Largest -Assort' UUiJllUUluliUI I UIUIIIUIIUWJU "We Turn Houses Into Homes." 20 Broadway. 6 Thone 631. Jt 'A V- . V.- V.- . . JW,- ir Tir tt1 "ir fir tit-

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