PACL SIXTEEN THE ASHEVILLE. CITIZEN TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 28, 1922? BAPTIST CAMPAIGN ; ENDS NEXT SUNDAY LOCAL OFFICFRH MAKE AX-NOl'NCKMENT Publicity Director of Drive Kays Reports I nd Ira l Kuuo Will fit-t Vnot. : "Nsxt Bunclay, December , will close ona of the most strenuous carrrpalfins ever engaged In by Baptist of thla BtRte." said J. H. Orogf, publicity director of the campaign for Western North Car olina, yeaterday. It the Baptists Of North Carolina succeed in rais ing the half million dollars that til due on their pledges In the 15 million campaign tw-o weeks ngo. they will aceomplleh a feat that will astonish the world. But will they do It? That remains to be Been. They can do it. If they will." i Other officer of tha campaign srs: Itev. J. J. Gentry. Director; ti. O. Morgan, B. Y. 1. U. Direc tor, with Allen Illddlck a associ ate; Miss Annie Logan. W. M. U. Director, and Mra. C. A. Clutx. Director. The following statement aa given out with reference to the campaign by Mr. Orogg: j "The Baptiat people, many of hem at leest, are no I'viger poor. It la estimated that the annual In om of Southern Baptists la a billion dollars. If that be trii.i. then North Carolina Baptists have an annual Income of I10ft.0on.o00. Tf Uiey were alve only a tithe of their income to benevolent ob jects, they would give thla year 110,000,000. flu fur they have not reached one million, but an other half million thla week will put them well beyond the million mark. Thla la not tine cent more than Is needed to meot the barest I necessities and aave from disaster tha aeven object aharlng In tnu ..r.i.aa n (he i-nmnlilifn n ri ' .' Mate, home and foreign mlaalons. Distributing a new dictionary Thomasvllle nrphunage, Chrlstlnn has brought thla paper many com eduontlon. old ministers' rellf and pllmentary remarks,. One sub hoepltalH. acrluer who presented coupona "In eveiv nook mil corner of yesterday .for a half dozen dlr N'nrth Carolina thla week, and all tloiiarlea for different employee MANY PRAISE OFFER OF NEW DICTIONARY Language) Ciuldo Miould Kwp Apwv With How of Added Word Nnwmwa Apprel. over the Mouth, the faithful pun tors, the loyal laymen, the elect ladies ikrnl zealous young people of the Baptist churches are doing their bes to carry their people "over the top." In moat cases they are well organized and train ed for this task. "Every Bant 1st In North Caro lina la asked to give the money equivalent of at least one day's work to th Ir orphanage at Thomasvlllo ms a thank offering during the ThnnkSKlvIng season. This should be sent direct to Treasurer F. . B. Hamrlck, Thomr vllle, by tre church treasurers. Thla offering will doubtless go be yond $100,000 and greatly help the nrtlmu,te result of the campaign." "WE ARE ! THANKFUL" That we can provide es sential, lor food cheer and lavish entertainment Turkey Dishes. Celery Dishes, Cranberry Dishes. ' Gigantic Punch Bowls, Punch Classes, Wine Classes, Crape Juice or Sherbert C! and members of hla fajnllv said ne aeeinea u neunwnry iimi dictionary should progress with the language Just as a newspaper does. The world- moves rapidly these day, and only The New I'nlversltles In npace with " today's growth of the language. While readers are eager for the book on account of Its being- au thoritative and complete, 'Its ab solute newness appeals to thou sands. It has been many a long year tint's an actually nsw diction ary was given to the public. Tha New Universities Dictionary la new In all the word Implies ;iew in contents, new in type, new In ar rangements of helps to word study. Particularly Is It new in making the study of today's English easy for young people who are no situ ated that they cannot attend At BiltmOre Baptist utruction. Unaided, a'yaung man the correct use of the Engllnn of nwslern business and society If they but follow the directions of the great university teachers whose articles on "Standard Eng lish," "Practical Syntax" f which means: How to make good sen tences.) "Punctuation" and "Kthy mology" appear, plainly wrlttei in simple English, In this book. HOLIDAY READING BOOKS SUGGESTED Public Library Wl'l Not Take a Holiday Nor Will Many of Its Hook. Thanksgiving Program Hnci'lal ThankSvlvinir service will he held Inis evening at 7:30 '-''c't at Hlltinoru Itaptlt Church. A number of five min u.e talks will be ttlven and the choir will render music suitable o the occasion. A special offer 'ng will be taken for the Baptist Orphanage at Thomasvllle. MBS. IIKNRK'KSON BETTER Mrs. James L. Henrlckson Is much Improved from an Illness of, five weeks. Che expects to return to her home In Spartan) urg soon. Fifteen Street Lights Are Ordered Installed Splendid Carving Sets. Cut lery and Silverware. i Lei hospitality prevail at this joyous season. J. H. LAW 21 Haywood St YOUR EYES v Are worth ths prtcs of 1! the rlasses ever mads and tike ft not you need but one pair. Why hesitate over sncn an important matter as ' ycur eyesight and possibly your future usefulness? Charles H. Honess, OfTOMtTRItT Crs.ptrat seolallrl S4 Patten Av Inoe , PARDEE COAL Burns Brightly Because it is far above the ordinary Coal. Fine fuel for Furnace, Stove or Open-Crate. Slow-burning, heat-giving, and nearly smokeless. Our Terms Are Cash CITIZENS TRANSFER AND COAL CO., Julian Woodcock, Owner 24 'PHONES 25 Hoard of City Commissioners on esterday authorized the Installa tion of IS new street lights after, recommendations had been' made by Commissioner R. J. Sherrlll. of labile Works. The lights will be of 100' and 250 candle power Incandescent and will be lnstallel at the following places: View Street, Clinton Street, Short Roberts Street, Brownwood Avenue and Elkln Street, Lang well Avenue and Ector Street. I Baker Street, Weaver Street, j lirvemee Alley, ArDorvnie i'arg on Houston Street. Plsgah Avenue and Ilnzel Green Itoad, Biltmore j Avenue and Meadow Koad, Bilt- I more Avenue near Swannanoa I Hill. College Street and Lexington I Avenue. 1 Building permits were issued as follows: W. It. Campbell, res idence, Macon Avenue, $16,000; L. , ; H. Jackson, two residences, Oreen i Street. $7,000 each; H. O. .Earl, residence, 141 State Street, $3,000. The day before a holiday Is al ways marked at the public library by a large Issue of books and with tomorrow ThaiikM.-lvir.g Day It Is likely that this condition will pre vail today even though the library will he open Thursday as usual. And there Is quite a stock of re cent .hooks an J 'some 'toot so recent but which many have not read. The declaration for an ppen door policy made by the United S,tntes a few days ago at Lautanno sug gests Kelnsch's Secret Diplomacy, a well read boik. and The Turk In Europe. Pomp or Power, aurnor anonyinoua. la a highly attractive new accession which sketches much European ilplomacy. Holllrg-sworth's Judging Hu man Character la tse kind of l, ok which Interests many, simi lar to Characterc locy, and faintly suggesting Cheircsophy and Phre nology which flnlm that character may he Judged by the bumps on the head and the lines In the hand. An analogy may be drawn In a way between these and Dr. Blsch's Tour Inner Self which ex plains one to himself. The Coue fnlth cure books do not undertake to explain much of anything but lay down simple rules and many are reading them. Some attractive older books ass to be found In elegantly rebpund titles. Included are Maeterlinck Life of the Bee; the poems of Burns Shelley and Keats; Steven son's treasure Itland, a stirring romance In faultless language, large print and Illustrations: Cur wood's Grizzly King; Hergeshei mer's Happy End. Ptlll others, bound In green or maroon, are McCarter s Vanguard of the flnlns, a Zane Grey style of story; Bret Harte's Openings In the Old Trail; Midas & Son, by McKenna, author of Bonla; Burr s A Dealer in Empire: Edwards' A Man's World; Jules Verne'a A Floating City and other marvelous stories Le Blanc's new Tremen hous rnt Is of this type. Irvln Cobb's " ndry Accounts is a new shelving. THANKSGIVING DAY SEALS GO ON SALE Effort to Be Made) to Sri! SO.000 Seals During Holidays In Ahr-rule. Elks To Arrange For Memorial Services And Christmas Tree Tonight The regular .weekly meetlAg of i the Ashevllle Lodge B. P. O.'Elks. will be held tonight at 8 o'clock at the Elks' Home on Broadway. Matters of Importance Including i the arrangements for the Christ mas tree and memorial services to be held next Sunday, December S at the Ma'estlc Theatre. All members and vi-ltlng Elks are urged to attend fonlsht's ses sion of the lodse. To Entertain Oteen Patients With Music Thanksgiving Day Carl Behr, Director of the Bat tery Park Trio, will play a num beiwf cello and zither solos fo' the soldier-patients at Oteen or tho" afternoon of Thanksgiving Dav. , vfi.. i-ita Ttnndte. at the piano will accompany Mr. Behr. Tiles' two well known musicians hav frequently visited the Institution where the hoys who were dlsaJjle, durlng the -World War are seeklnp their health, nnd have many friends at the hospital. Hold Funeral Today For Bowles Infant Funeral services for Kobert E Bowles, Jr., three-year old son o Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Bowles, wn died In Columbia, S. C, Tuesday, will be held this morning at 10 o'clock at Lewis Undertaking es tablishment on College Street, in terment will take place at River side Cemetery. ' ' Thanksgiving Day will see 'the commencement of Red Cross sea' sales In Ashevllle when,. under th( leadership of Mrs. James M. Oud ger. Jr., general chairman, volun teer workers take up strategic positions on the city streets oiler ing the familiar seals, the pro ceeds from the sales of which will be used toward stamping out tuberculosis within the Slate. While workers will be aeon Thursday, the real campaign which Is to continue through Christmas, will not commence until Friday. Plans are being worked out by which' various or ganizations, church circles clubs, schools and other bodies will be given charge of the sales for a particular day, and every effort made to reach the goal which has been placed at 10)00 seals and J600 worth of bonds. Taking the tip from Kipling, the leaders have selected for their mottoVhls familiar lines: "It ain't the Individual or the army as a whole "But the eveilastln' team work of every hloomin' soul; "It ain't the guns nor armaments, nor funds that they can pay, "But 'the close co-operation that makes them win .the day." Mrs. R. M. Wells has been se lected as chnlrman for the seal sales In West Ashevllle. Miss Ella Handte &nd Miss Louise Jackson are to be the team captains for the first day's sale. Dr. J. w. Walker, colored, has volunteered to handle the sale of Red Cross seals amonff the scchools. churchei and other organizations for color. ed In Ashevllle. i FINANCIAL JOORNAL FRAISES CHEVROLET Loral Dralm-s Are Macta Elated Over Re ports of Great Increases In Output. The firm of Chambers and Weaver Is much elated over .a re cent article appearing in ths. Wall Street Journal with referenoe to the growth of the output of Chev rolet products, which thla year has been four times as great as that of the corresponding period last year. Mention also Is made of the fact that S changes were made In Model "41)0" In the year ending July 1. 123. and that In the new model II additional changes have been made. The publication states that In the first nine months of 1(22. ths output was 171,771 cars. Every part of the car, which had given trouble, haa been re designed and the new Superior models have a remarkable -un of sales, say the local officials. Docket Committee . Is Named By Judge Judge Henry P. Lane has ap pointed a .special committee of local attorneys to 'make a careful study of the docket and see If something can be done to elimi nate congestion. The committee consists of J. E. Merrlmon, chair man; Zeb F. Curtis, W. G Fortune and J. Y. Jordan, Jr. First Floor THE MEN'S SHOP n,, School Children To Get Two Holidays Children of the local public school system will pot be requirec to return to school Friday and when they leave the schools today they will not return until next Monday, In view of the fact that tomorrow , is Thanksgiving Day. Local school officials made this announcement yesterday. MOTOR COMPANY SUES. Stetson Motor Supply Company filed suit in te Superior Court yes terday against W. W. Jones, ask- ng judgment on several promls ory nqtes said to have been given y the defendant for an amount due for the purchase of an auto- r.oblle. QUALITY Optical Seryice 4 moderate prices 'KNCW US BYTMIS SIQN" $7.00 Men's Winter Shoes Reduced to $4.95 Special Thanksgiving SHOE REDUCTIONS Timely savings in Winter Shoes for Men, . Women and Children. Tan or black, in kid or calf skin. Every buy . money saver to you. Rubbers, Men and Women, $1.25 $6.00 Boots, reduced to $3.95 ... ITIll! air TS THAT LAST , Gifts of Jevtelry The p-ob'em or selecting eifts that will be appreciated finds Its solution In Our store. No matter whom you wish to remem ber yon car come to us with the utmst confidence of flndrnK Just 'what yt i want at the price that yon wish to pay. Gifts of Jewelry are most appropriate and enduring especially when coming from tills store, where the name Is a guarantee of finest quality, charming desifrna, and superior taste. Wo extend a hearty invitation to you to call and Inspect onr stock. Arthur M. Field Co. Established 1889. THI HALLMARK STORK 7S PATTON AVK. IHIercules , An initial invest ment of a few doU lars,withanupkeep cost of a few cents a day, brings you the best farm hand you canfind.A T. S. Morrison & Company AdENTS 1 19 Broadway lf" S) mes POWDERS FOR THE PRETTY FACE O' MILADY AH the ones that are considered GOOD. In all the required shades.' JUST PHONE, IF YOU WILL 33 Patton Avenue. 'Phone 260. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Thanksgiving Service DR. R. J. BATEMAN Will Speak WEDNESDAY EVENING, 7:30 Special Music by the Choir. MOi Uhe Cmsfmmdtore FOR MENMJgMEN BOYd Mark Gross (London) Leather Novelties for men and. women UNUSUAL, individual, practical and most desirable are the high quality gifts one selects from our exclusive show ing of. Mark Cross imported novelties. Tiree large cases are filled with sugges tions for both men and women. We men tion a few things: . Pis Skin Change Purtes in three convenient sizes. Also black Change Purses. Tan and black Leather Back Clothes Brushes. . . 'Fancy lined Collar Routes In grey, tan and black. . . Novel Ash Trays with nickel bowl, and green, red and yellow colored bases.. . i Enameled Ash Trays with colored center con taining pressed butterflies. . Attractive novelties in Jewel Cases. Ebony Military Brushes In black or tan leather cases. Handsomely Fitted ' Leather Traveling Cases tor both- men and women. ' Novel Elephant Wall Brush Holders In black and Mahogany. Novel Bridge and Poker Sets. Playing Cards and leather cases. . Handsome Pitted Sew ing Baskets In assorted sizes and lovely shades. i . 4 And Numbers 5f Other Novel and Different Gift Things SHOP TODAY! Store Closed Thursday NUMBER ELEVEN ON PATTON A IRVm g. COBB IS MAbE MAJOR IN RESERVE CORPS NEW YORK, Nov. 28. Presl- dent Harding has granted a com- lilU m laalnn mm a m a isW In th A intelligence division of ths offioi. reserve corns to Irvin 8. C6M writer and author, as a reward his services during the World V it was announced today, 1" ' . tag PI 100 Efficiency In All Lines . Your prescriptions filled with purest drugs and utmost care "AshevuVs Oldest Drug Store" Grant's Pharmacy Next to Fire Department; Druys and Seeds. H-E-A-T Sounds good Feels better. Especially our installations of HEALTHY-WARM MOIST AIR HEATING SYSTEMS. Too low in cost to deprive, yourself of. We shall be' pleased to give you estimate. W. H. ARTHUR COMPANY, 75-77 Broadway Phone 2116 THANKSGIVING DINNER REGULAR TURKEY DINNER, $1.50 PER PLATE Y. W. C. A. LUNCH ROOM Waitress Service ALSO TURKEY AND ALL THE FIXINGS. IN The Cafeteria, 48 Haywood St Thanksgvirig- Day Hours 12:30-3:00 5:45-7:30 TWO THOUSAND POUNDS OF j SATISFACTION TO EVERY TON 5 Burn it and See. Just say, "M&W" TERMS CASH HEN woman loses her love for jewel and man loses the sentiment that prompts the giving to her of beautiful gems, the world will indeed be a sorry place in which to live. Happy indeed is the miss or mad em who on Christma morn is remembered with the one gift every woman ap-1 preciates most and happy the man or youth whose affec tions are so wisely and adequately expressed. For there is that about gifts of jewelry which wine its way to the heart and remains ihere as long as jewelry keeps that enduring charm the charm of "gifts that last" Our Christmas showing this year is the most complete that we could offer. Here you will find just the article she most wants, be it ring, wrist watch, mesh bag, toilet ware, or any other of the, hundreds of pretty things she would admire. And we have many distinctive pieces which will prove wise purchases at today's price. HENDERSON 52 Patton Avenue. Your Jeweler Near Postoffics. The Carolina Coal and Ice Co., 50 Palton Avenue. 'Phone 130. QUALITY" V Blue Gem COAL Jellico CROWN Merchants Transfer & Coal Co., . 27 Patton Avenue. 'Phones 1331-3067. Let Us Supply You With Your Thanksgiving Vegetables Cauliflowers. Green Brans. Eggplants, Brussels. Sprouts. Bplnach. new Beets, Carrots. Oysterplant, Cucumbers, Turnips, Cabbage," 8weet Potatoes. Peppers. Parsley. Parsnips. Sare. Cranberries, Cocoanuts. Herbert Squash. Celery. Head Lettuce, Malsga G rapes. Oranges, Bananas. Tangerines, Grape Fruits, Lemons, Apples. - JESSE J. YATES ' PHOXE 334 Place Your Order For. Your Thanksgiving Turkey NOW To Insure Yourself of a Good" One. ar Market Two 'Phones 1917 1 'Phone 127 P36mE B. & B. Drug Store 2 We have your favorite Candy for Thantopvin?-J NORR1S MISS HOLADAY ELMER'S ii', AD size packages. I ( Z ' ..'"' -': -f : BLANTON BLAUVELT DRUG CO I I i vt m st CITT MARKET 61 Haywood Street , " - t ..E........-" P4,p PRICES