i :' :,( : ' : -. ' . V' - T.-:.... . . -.!- . " , " V . . ' " - If 'l ; . ";-'. ', : : -"--'A '-' . :5CT cgufCIC.7 r I i j '' ' ' ' ' . 'V - : ' '- ' '"'."-''. "- .."-'r.' ."v-V..' -" ' " '- ' . 1, 1 I fff Iff T g-:: ars --mfigff fs ' :rt f -' 'j ' . V I . : . AND UNI QNpkl ' . '-V" . . I ! if! - . T - ;-- - . :T " ipU- W Q POT iTi A TtLSS "Tjii: liberty of the press-the shield qf freedom the scourge of tyrants.- - V-' .- . IN- . y i-T7" yy Tvrrm Smirk w ,h TERMS tr-Tbro Dollars per annum, mtaria- in advance ((SPECIAL NOTICE. The Southron is con ducted strirtUr kipon the cash system. IS ill ? .i . ah cQmiiiunLfaiioas iot me ooutnroa ana ,m private lettcVs for the Editor as well at all I niers on tuilness, or enclosing money for iibf.Criniirtn.,Wti)nnwnr IUVnrk .i.m i tUbfcriptions, adyertiing or Job Work, should ,.'( airected to Xliomas J. Garner. All letters , Enclosing Advertisements orders for Job , Work mtjrlje directed simply to the Albemarle fc)uthro4, Murfreesboro', N. C ', ', t2i .iulwCMbera -desiring , thir papers leiMrNll'':j!t antKn the Post Office from, wcirjis the one to which they desire tle c janre to be mwde. V ' I 1 f .ICJKTKSiOF ADVERTlSIiMG: Ad erfisemeats m will be inserted for $1 per icrtion and 25ents for each Bfjuare fer hrstjinsertion a BtJsequnt insertion. .Liberal deductions to jntirly advert ijcrs. Transient advertisements itust be paid tor ,m advance. Persons at dis- titnce, unknown to the editor, wishing to ad- veitisenietbe Southron, musit give satisfactory rift-renpfis. 1 Fourtc'n linfes make a P(uare. U . PiiATFORM ! i K TUB . CONTITrJlONAL UNIOX PARTY. r llatfornth adorned bv pariisun I'onveutions of t , j ' ir-- ...... . ..... v. - the counry liawe liad the etiect to mislead and deceive tlie peii'e and at the sa ue time t .wiueit nip imuii,j;u iuvisions oi (lie country, a E f by rijc cacattoH and encouragei! ent of geo gfnp)iij:if ami fMectioaal parties; therefore, JiEpoLt-Ki, TLatit is bth tfce part of pat-- Titetisrii'aiiiil of duty-to rocogni.; no political principle- otherUhiiri "tlieContitutiou of the C'huiilryj! the Union of the Stutjs. and tlie en ft; rcupneift of th laws," and tit as'represttta- i-esuft'jtie Constitutional Uf ioit men 6f the C'tinjlfy' fn h-uiiiriii1 4'onyenti'on asseuibled, we utreitMetlee 'WriHelrc-y to nmintain. nrotuet and u.renu soimrii(l7 and uMtedlv these srreat "'' puh.'ic liberty arxlniuion.il f?afe- iKuM ali i tn borne and ifariMil. Mliciiust iliTit til . I J, ' J .7 "V" rpfeforisJ lo Uc rouiifrv. tho iust riirlits f tijl tie Govevniiu'ni njrain iilacel in (hat con- ' "1 of jjur'tice, traternit v and ciuu Hy, which l-f the cX!u,Mle and eouMiution of our L s -liis soleWy hound every citizen of b Uuitii .S t wsiuiam "amove per- fa .1.1. lett tmiii. eftaWuii justice, insure, domestic A I . . F 1'' trAnqu l iv, provide for the cununon defence. riTOtutit.- tue. general welfare, ii:id secure the LlessiiicsS niberiy-to ourselves aud';iur pos- t Hit st M. TRAVIS & Co., LE ' AND RETAIL. DKALERS is wijoi.i..- STAO'IiE & PANCY DRY GOODS, Mo. 13rveanirc, oriier of Unsik Street. lb Etjl'lJCTFULLY solicit an examination of -L lu'ir extensive, stock" of Foreiira'. and - fA ueHefl Goodspufchaseir fdr exsh of the iBrprte' ,r?S miuiulaHurpi-it--aiyt fit 1 m. .... i . letiily atoned, . . Mi receive goid $emi and ' 'trj-wckiy throu-hwit tfte'TeSr. One of the flrkn (JI. M. DaivW) resides in New York for the siu.t.iTKinsg ot puivbasine goods oa the Jn4st advantageous cash teriris. Hence we are enhbled f self at prices considerably dower in in Uiey w iu possess none oj our tainne9. .il.i.!',. 't.. . ami wbo jiuy oj a Jon? eredu. i'tsdtpeadcnt ji ine? purcjias r American tarries, w nave entered thto tjrranirements with perfectly re liable iufcoriiBg nrias for the importation (to in- uti iirilerk ot (roiul.i of t rench, (ierman ttJd ERrglish uianutacture. To ovir friends in V W'gjiiti juu? . 1m d in a, therefore, ire shall pre eu U IP f-'on.'rif Spring sensoii, a Lit'ge varied lissniin it . of, foreiirn e.nnls. We i. ii , .1 , . . - . , . MU aisp cut. n "ooiis inaiiutvcturea in -N rth I'afolifN. rnm-ssep. Bhoi Lri;!. fie. OurM riseHi '.stock f rooiis is one of the laif-'CSIri i II li.P :Sl:lll. un.l Till Vm- ii't.xi-j i''innnl fail to t.eismiefl ehhor i or lhv l . - - 1 -- v- - In order t.-edin-e the .stock now on hand wu o ler uhnnv Woo. t redimecl nn-N VC i apt-etrt sunic oj tlie goods winch can he bought I of us rilf; aiiril at reilueed prioess Taliestfy V civet, Brussels. Tliree-tiVv, Two- ply and oihei' jlngraiir Carpet ing. Velvet aud ljhissew B.'igS. . Hemp and Iacr Carpet in jr. 4.Hian.f tan njats, .vermes Hint Aiwaea: -I I. L I ; 1 , . , . , . it leiiejasi audi Del.aines. Musvelin Robes .,'BJ.iek ami col d silk Robes and-Silks. L Ail-WoolVml Ititnet Flannel. Cocoa Matting. Cloths, I I 'assijneres and Ve.-.tiiirs. Iloon irts Laiid SM-irtiuirs. Irish liuin. Twilleil tfttopf ete., rkt:, ' , 11-1. r . . . . 1 iieai you viu ir.etersourg, eaii Mii.exam- An our goods ;u(id iud:re for yourselves w hetheryou irbokinot be benefitted by buying s' ; i erv Rsnfttid!v. Js.n.!.l6fift ly. M. M. Davis & Co. BRITTON TODD, & CO,. AjND COMMISSION I Jt o. 09 Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. Ii IlAVli NOW IN Store aud offer to the mefeluints and planters of North,.! Carolina and lrgima I10i pags Riui Lag. and Java coffee, 200 01s. cfrfi'ee, cnishedjnd pow. sugar. M) phds. new crop New Orleans sugar. iioo ,r.is. " uivlassfcs, ot JHs. ttiba n?olasses. - iuo (Bis. cut and gross herrings, f0 ijBls. and Ih'lf his. No. 1. 2 3 mackerell, LW fcacks L,P. fi; O. A. salt, Jt.iWjKegH naias; assorted brands, i Oil Je8 tallowy adamantine sperm caudle oO jjjilarimesli pork, '. 25 dlhds. baeou, sides and shoulders. , '". ! fLXji30 ' A gouil stock of Bagging, Rope, Twiae, and G ian) of nil kinds,. Plaster,'3 lime, iron, buckets, "l.tubsi lai-d, vinegai. soap, tea, sauff, flour jii&c, &ci . ' prjlers Sat t3ie above goods will be filled 6n the most favorable terms with dispatch. ll irsons sendftig us Cotton, may rely on its .bcin1 satjipled, sold, and weighed by one of lie ftrmJ ' Oujr charge for selling cotton,-1 6(i eclats per ikle. Wi have associated with us in the' Grocery a; id jfJominissflon business, Mr. C. C. Pugh, wliOjiWill attfend the Courts of Greensrille unify ' Va., "orthamf-tott end Halifax, -N. C All busiiest connected with the firm, will rieeeive hta attention. .' If - ! BRlTTON, TODD, & CO. Febrnary , 1800, 'v tf -1 ft. r I'csrn -MTPTTriT a cs TT-MTi-r-iT itFitEESBOUO' N. C. WILLIAM LOWE, Proi'eietoe. HE SUBSCRIBER, haviag recently puii ijiased th eligible situated and commodi ous tmblic house in .Murtreesboro . known as the t.' Nicholas Hotel respectfully taforms Lis friends! the patrons of the establishment, phd Jthe public generally, that he will spare no pums or etxpense to preserve the wett-eara-eil, .popularity of, the house. The central po sition and its proximity to the" two. Female Ctollegea, beiag nearly in front of both of them, rfender the location 'eminently oonvcuieat to wersbns f'wiflng the place upon either business fj pleasure..1 The large lot for mulea and hor ses frofttinir tb street affords to drovers an ex- -:t.i.'ff'''t,on'ooitsJiiiUUa. of their fcll.otiv. BtaMp?, fHro well provided witk gjuinps, and aln amultupply of cool and wholesome water. . J il nit, k. Hacks wjII be in waiting upon the arrival of f he boat and guests will be provjded for with cpnveyaijce io any point uesireu. fy2:iW. - 1 . , New Advertisements. STRAYED OR STOLEN. A POINTER PUPPY, white, marked with il liver colored spots. lie has a 1 iTr marked head, with ejace vi mine 01 rn r i . running perpenmcutarly dawn i, , iA. rl ' ,eB.d!8 over half the side to middle of back, and has another n the flank or rump. lie is about 6 months old, and tolerably email for Ut 4 r i-- - age. .tiuy luiormanon concerning mm will begratefully acknowledged by the owner, and. the finder liberally remunerated for his July 19, It ' iIurffeesbortr;-N. G SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF READ Y-M ADE CL0T1II N G. WIIOt'ESALE AND RETAIL. N WALKER & CO., respectfully invite ! the at tention of merchants and others 'v to their present stock of READY-MADE .CLOTHING, all of which are of this season's mafacture, and has been gotten up with' great care, ex pressly to suit the wants of this market. Importing own Cloths, their Cassimers, obtain ing all their goods from the first hands, and possessing superior manufacturing facili ties (being one of the largest manufactvres in the United States,) tkey flatter themselves that they can complete with any establishment North or South either as regards quality of goods, styles or price. An examination of their stock will convince" all of the fact. Particular attention paid in raference sizes. They have also on hand a very large and superior stock of Gentlemen's Furhlshins; Goods of every style and quality, at wholesale or retail. All are invited to call and examine forthemselves. N. WALKER. & CO., March 22-1 j. 45 Sycamore st. CLASSICAL AND. MATHEMATICAL MURFKEESBOItO', X. C, WILL. E. POOf.K, A. M. PRINCIPAL. flMIE SESSIONS of this school commence , , , uar-v' Tt clw Jaarjv' u'1 Ju"- , V,e -L on the first Mondays in ScniMnlmf -m,t use on the last Fridays in x onne extended to thesehool uu.iig ine past live years, rcnuors comment unneoessarv. TERMS PER SESSION OF FIVE MONTHS : Primary Branches ; C $M'- 00 Higher English o;( Ancient Languages and Matiumtics, 17 o -NO EXTRA CHARGE, BOARD FROM SB) TO .S12 PER MONTH. The Priucipal is permitted to' refer t the following gentlemen : Hun. Thomas Bragg y. S. Senator: Rev.' William Hwoper, L. L. IK. President of Chowan Female' Collegiate In stitute; Rev. Joseph 11. Davis, of the Pe tersburg. Female College ; Hon. William N. II. Smith; IIou. Kenneth Rivner. and Dr.1 G. C. Moore, Hertford County; John j?oo!le. ks(., of Pasauotauk ; Ldmun.l Jacobs.'' and of X'asijuotauk lurid ..A. Larncs. i.s,.. of Nortjj to merciiAnts and! farmers. XEW BOOT AXD SIIOSTORE 'PHE SUBSCRIBERS having -formed a co partnership tor the purpose of conduct - j ingupon the cash, principle a wbolosale and . . ieuii ioot aiiustioe Business, at the stand recently occupied figS by Mr.-dV. W. Wilson, and' I1. next door to Messrs. Miller & Peace, i are prepared to oifer to their friends and the public generally a weil selected su.-.ck. I tne casn in tne .or. neru a nit Eastern m:irieis. they can sell upon as good terms either stt I wholesale or retail, as auylioase ni the ejiy. j Conceiving that re have beenvery fortunate i in buyiug a hery stock of Brog-ins aiid aad ; oilier secants .noes, we very respocttuLty ;,.; ,.i.,..o, ..... :..- - "',c F"1"'" "iuu,3 io cxauuiie a'"' general assort- nienrof tine work gotten upn. Philadelphia, lor ladies ,'geatlemea, misses, youths, aiid t-hildren. ' 1 J. J. KIRK II AM, v B". J. BUTTEiiWORTII. January 2. LSdO k - ; 18SO. I860. CLOTHING AND FURNiStlING G-OOI3S. rpiIE MOST COMPLETE .assortment ever -L offered embracing all the new styles; ex tra large sixe .garments of all kinds for fat men; business suits, very handsome; Cloth, Dress and Frocks in Cloth and Cashmere, all made in -the best manner ; two hundred Over cotft and Sacks, all new ; Cloth, Doeskin, Cashmere, Beaver, Bibd's Trecot, Pilot, Peter sham -mid other new styles ; Blankets and i tehawlei youl Jra' clothintr, a full assortment: ditto younra clothintr, a full assortment; Orersacks and Raglands, the finest assortment ever before offered ; Black and Fancy Cash mere Pants ; Velvet and Silk Vests, a Full assortment, all sizes; Gent's Furnishing Goods', the largest variety ever offered; Alexander's best Kid Gloves, twenty dozen just received, with every variety of Riding and Travelling Gloves; Under Shirts and Drawers, the most superior makes; Fine Shirts and Collars just to haad. Call and see the new stock, at: THOMAS W. ROYSTONE S, ' January 2, 18li0. No. 51 Sycamore st. KICKS & SI A CL. A l it. Commission and Forwarding Merchants, A TOBACCO WAREHOUSE, TOWN POINT, Norfolk; va. BFfk Strict and undivided attention given to the sale of Corn, Cottou, Wheat, Naval Stores, Lumber, &e. ' i REFERENCES : James Winston, es., Richmond, Va.; W. H. D'C. Wright, Esq., Baltimore; Dr. A. J. H. Burgess, C. F- Urquhart, Esq., Dr. Thomas Ji Pretlow, Messrs. Gillette & Pretlow, South ampton, Va; W. W. Cobb, Esq., Sussex, Va. ; R. II. Pretlow, jtsq., Surry, Va; Dr. R. R. Wilson, I. of W., Va; Dr. D. P. Cutchins, Pitt, N. C; Richard Walke, Esq., Norfolk, Va; Messrs; Santos, Walke & Co., Norfolk, Va. JBS?" Liberal advances made on consign ments. Orders .for merchants fiUed with care and dispatch. January 2. 18b0, l N0S. 2G AND 28, WATER STREET, - JVorfofk, Va., MANUFACTURER OF PLOWS, HAR ROWS, Cultivators, Corn Shelters, Straw Cutters, Carte, Wag k xv.t. gons,. Uart-Wheels, 4CCAtf ' W'ril Iron Axles. Road ScraDers. Wheel- barrows, etc., etc. iife Dealer in Hoss Powers, Threshers, Fan Mills, Grain Cradles, McCormick's Reapers, and all of the best implements for the Farm; Cut.. and Wrought Nails, Boat and Ship Spikes, Spades, Shovels, Forks, dlakes, Cast Steel Weeding Hoes, Cast Steel Grtib Hoes, Axes, Cart and Waggon Boxes, Clevis Irons, Ox Yokes, Pantry Safes. With a large Stoek of Groceries and Provisions, Tobacco and Segars of Various with many other aeaiiaole goods ia the Agri cultural, ijaraware na urocery iraae. Factory, Nicholson SL, near House anc&.Of fice, Nos. 26 and 28 Water street, Norfolk Va. May 24, 1860. 1 Scotland Neck News,-copy 1 year. ., 55?';' Life fil!s and Fiiffiim Bitters, L HESE MEDICINES have now been before I the public for a period of .THIRTY ijj.-vio, anu uuring mai lime uave maintain- i i i i ? ! eu amgu cuaructer in almost every pan oi the-Globe,' for their extraordinary and imme- 4ifete power of restoring perfect health to i persons suffering under uearljevery kind of disease io whicli the human frame is liable. T. The following are among the distressing va riety of human diseases in which the Veirfetable lAl'e Medicines r Are well know n, to- be infallible. f DYSVEPSIfcy thoroughly .jCleansingUhe fjrsl '&nd4'ivjoiti rtontfiebs, and ereRting a flow of puie healthy bit a, instead". VI the stale acrid kind: FLATULENCY; LOSS OF APPETITE. HEARTBURN,. HEADACHE. RESTLESS- anrl M .1. AXCHtll Y wl,.. l, .,...,.! svmntoms of Dysne.a. will v.nSsh - ! r,.i v : ' i: I COST1VE.NESS, bv cleausiBir' the whole length of the intestines with a solvent process, and without violence; all violent purges leave uie bowels vuli.u two .lays. ti iE E US of all kinds, bv restoring : he blood to a regular circulation,, tbrobgh the process of perspiration in such cases, and iherfhorouirh Solution of all intestinal obstVuctiou in otheis. j The Life Mfidininea hav been known ' to cure RHEUMA'l ISM permanently in three ! weeks, and GOUT in half that time hv re- movine local inflamation from i the mus. les ! and ligaments of the joints. w , i DROPSIES of all kinds, by freeing, and strengthening the kidneys and b.ftdder, they operate most delightfully ou these most impor tant organ, "ajid hence have everbeen found a certain remedy for tLe worst cases pf GRAYliL. Also Vt)iiMs. bv dislodsjinir ti t-iii t lie tin n- I'iugs of the bowels the slimy matter to which I the creatures adhere. i SCUR EY ULCERS, and INVETERATE ! SOuL. ny the perfect . purity -which these Life Medicines give to the blood, and all the humors. i , SCORBUTIC EiUPTIQNS iwidiBAD. COM PLEXIONS, by I lu-ir , ahercn i ve : eilect upon the iiuid-) tli,.t feed the skin, ami i the morbid state of which occa.- otis all ciptive ci i.i pl iiiits. shall, .w, cloudy, and oiiier uinagreoa ble complexions. Tlie ue of these i!ls for a very .shoit time, will eil'ect an en! i re cut e ot . S.V l'f RUEL'M. and a striking inspi oveoieiit in i he eiea rm-ks oi the skm. COMMON COLDS and- INFLUEN ZA will always be cured by one dose, or by two in the worst caes. PILES Too medicines, wa; oii'ia:il propriety of ciued of piles of -' ihefe years stanuing, by the use ot alone. FEVER AND At; UK. tl.e Life M For this scourge of this cooiiiry, these medicines will' be t.uiu.l a ! sate, speedy and i.ei iain remedy .Other ined- 1 icines leave the system subject a return of j the disease a cure by these medicines is per- manent try ttietii. oe sat is tied and be cured. Billions Fevers and Liver Coia plaints. t i.E N j; i '. A L DEBILITY, LOS OF APPii'j'ITE, and DISEASES OF FEMALES the meilieines u been used "with. the most beneficial results in cases of litis desenptiou ; KINGS EVIL and SCRoI'UbA. in its worst 1 owns, vie Ms lo tr.V mild; -vet oe i-i"ul act iota ..,r ;V'-i'V COMPLAINTS of all kibds. PALPITATION OF THE HEART, 1-A INTERS LOLlC,are speedily cured. -frFi ,j' ,i.Y t.t..,, . . -. , ji,m.tHi.u, uii.:.. rert-ons wtiose i const it ill ions hnve hc.-.iin'p imiiiii-.3 hir ih '.n. ! . . i - 'V judicious use of Mercury, will find these niedi- , y , i,h Iff ,!C vr ,:"J ':'."- "e;ite (.'.oil th. 'il..:n nil b .tr,.,.i s.t 1 .-... .... i,.-;..:!(,iv ,,., .1. !, in,Mi;:eiv gooti-r man n most powerun . MOFFAT. rep.-4-:itioiis of S.-;tSiiiiiriiia. I'.-i i'.ired and sold by- W. July ill. if. ) Wi otuSv. .1 v. For b-v. all Irusu;is;s. 13. A. HA it!! I SON.. j . Jl"C0t".S!ia To. Wl .1.1AM .. SHOUT, 1 OPPOSITE. TJliu ' To ll'X 'CLOCK. J -"I'llE S'U BS 'i I BEIUNOW oiler's to the pub I X Jic a eomi'k-te asuatj.ient of .every des ; cription of goods ustiy found in. the Vatch j or Jewelry line, andit the begiiPtlng w ould I say that no i -,i in s. sh.-.ll be '.-i:tirei.: in endeav oring to coiiduci. the business ai'tiM- th:t manner which will demand for i--.elf the support of a libera! public patronage. In rearii to uualitv aiiu prices ot goo-.i. 1 1 y'will be ioiuel to coni- .-'i-.ete wii h any. liie pccifil at t-!it lull of all are -invited to examine the do. ice sr ieci ion of fine goods at No. ilG Sycamore 'street, consist- iuu- partly as follows: . - . . . FINE EN.;i.itS;l WATCHES. LADIES SWLS .1 MWELTY. FIN E .SILVER WARE of every desert pi tod. aud every aificlo usually kept iu this Hue of business Particular at tention wi.l be given to repairing and regula ting hue Watches., Hair Jewelry iuade to or der at Short notice. Remember, to call and examine the stock before purchasing else where. R. A. 1 1 A R RISON. No. 00 Syeiimore st. N. B. All work done prompt Ui, aud war ranted to give enure satisiactiou. j R. A. II. ' X January 2. i8ii. . i " CHEAP 'GOtiDS ! ('HEP GOODS AT j t M. M. DAVIS & CO.'S ESTAIiUfcllEi) I liKAF feTOUE Large Lots-oT Cuinbric Hands at cents a yard ! i , Large Lots ot Cambric Hands at I-. cents a yard! Large Lots of Cambric Hands of very best quality and style 1 Dimity liands at ii 1-4 Cents ! .Dimity Uanus at W 1-2 CeutsrI Swiss Bauds in great, variety! j Best quality, best styles and cheapest CambrioEdging iu the city ! Handsomest and cheapest Needle Worked Collars to be found anywhere, are at M. M. DAVIS & Co. S. Hair, Cord, Caiubric Muslin ! ChecKed Wainsook Muslin ! Jaconet and Cambric Muslin ! ' Nainsook and Mull Muslin ! All other White Goods in abundance. THE BEST BARGAIN OFFERED! Fast "Col'd small figured, yard-wide French' brilliante for Ladies' and Children's Dresses, worth 25cts only 1'2J ciS. ayard"a Yard wide 'reneh Calico -11 J tts.'ayard! Genuine Irish Linen-(pi-nounced an aston ishingly good bargain) worth everywhere G2J cts sold by us at the' low price of 37 cts. a yard. . j Best .12 i Blch'd Cotton in the city ! Sheetings, Shirtings," Pillow Case Linen, Ta- 1 ble Cloths, Napkins, Towels, Diaper, Twill'd i lilcn u Cotton, shirt .Bosoms, Jy;. lYhite, Black and Col'd" Stella Shawls ! v GREAT BARGAINS IN DRESS SILKS ! i: Black Silks in Variety ! Lace; Curtains (from auction) at less than real "value ! I Gents and Ladies Hem-stiched Linen C. Hdkfs Super Piano and Table Covers! Table and Floor Oil Cloth, &c., &o. Call soon at M. M. DAVIS & CO.'S March 15, 18G0. j 1 Branoli T- 33CTr-t, Crocer and Ciiejieral COM3IISSIO MERCHANT. Petersburg, Virginia. EEEPS CONSTANTLY on hand a large and well assorted Stock of Goods, par ticularly adapted to the "wants of fhe Farming Gauntry. Also the best Peruvian Guar-.u, all of which are bought with Cash, and will be XonfgnmentaolEroduce are solicited under the belief ami1, promise that the experience of 85 years will enable hiru to ma.ke prompt and satisfactory returns. February 16,18t0. If. MURFUEESBOHp;N.-a,vTHDRSplY.: IREVNOLUSON INSTITUTE. j. d. boosui,l, . . , J. 31. TAiLOK, rwlTTV VfYT SVSmv nf !,; SAwil will begin on the FIRST MONDAY IN SEPTEMBER, and continue -ten calender mouths. " . . " TEEMS PER 8ESSIO?t OT FITS "MONTHS HALT is advasck: - . Primary English....".;;.: ...t.510 00 " 12 oo - Higher ? , 15 00 , - n . . l i An . i ittBML.il v.oursl , WJ jfj '..i- If?.'"i oimi Boaid, per ca!tnder month,.........' 9 "00 For further particulars, address Principals, Reynoldson, Gates county, X. C. APTAIN EDMUND PARKER, of Gates, having leased lor a term of five years, has thoroughly refurnished the Hotel, and will spare no labor to render his boarders comforta ble and satif ed ; his object being not to make money but to educate his children. SPECIAL NOTICE. At a late meeting of the Board of Trustees f Rcynoldson Institute, the Principal, Mr. J. D. liousliall. was requested to act as Acrent to S011CI1 . "Wripiiou3 to make up tl.e uencit C3 Vi ',e !U,UI'la,IWU of ,,,e deb of V,C InM.U,u,e' IIe' present, conseutetl to do so without ch:"-e' . CROSS, Secy u. r I July 19, I860. 3ms IMPORTANT DISCOVERY. ''pHE SUBSCRIBER has the gratification X of announcing to the public, the discov ery of a principle in medicine more important in its results to humailuy than any other made within the present century. 1 ins principle is believed tobean axtidotf. T0 malap.ia, and is invaluable as an adjunct in the treatment of disease originating in the ma larious countries. IN THE TREATMENT OF ! it is vastly superior to any other known reme dy thoroughly. eradicating the disease from j the syvieiu. '1 tits is abundantly proved by the j fact th;d the disease docs nut return after this j remedy has been used, as w hen treated by j Quinine, Chologogue and other preparations j A single dose of this medicine, which eots I but two cents, will nftcuer cure n case of Ague j and lever then it will fail. The most obdur- ate eases yield to three or four doses. No other preparation is so -reliable none so eco j nomical. ! This principle is now combined with the ihly popular preparation known as V O RT II I XGTO XS CHOLERA AND DIARiiilUiA MEDICINE, a preparation, winch for efficacy, utility, gen uine worth and every finality which niav com- men.! an article to the confidence of an inteili- j jicui iMA.u-, i uiirivaiieii in mis or any oilier i country. This great Family Medicine can now I . , .1.. . it : . i . be out; taiiid at most of the stores in the comi-f' Call and get a bottle. All orders should try be sent to R. II. WOR.THINGT0N, M. D., Proprietor. T M 1 I' . J . . 1 m , l,hti.u m-ii-iMinismagc ionic 1 rauUJ, J'durfreesfcoro', January 2, 18t j.. 1 1J 1 1 xu XI t i v e" "v i i i e s . Man i f act t n ed bv a. X3i. Gt-xxirNro, MURFREESBORO", N. C. "ISABELLA, SCUPPERVONG, Peach, Fra- giant, and several other varieties, prepar ed iVom the n itive fruit, and for sale by tlie Subscriber. These wines are pronounced by gentlemen who have used them, uusurpa-sed in real, original f- ., - jV TrS," '1 nine lioi.ty, and agrecble flavor. Being a gen uine articie. they must be preferred to the for eign honors of spurious ciiaracter now sdd aryong us. Pc.h i.s: ."52 per gallon, or $1 per bottle. Address JAMES H. GATLING.- Murfreesboro", N. C. April 3. 18f. l Fiirnilurc! Fiu nidii e : ! TOMPKINS & ROBINSON, Cabinet Makers, Undertakers and Furniture Dealers, . , i.-pJ.J , .i t! ,n ,UhN ) A'' K " 1 T" , '"V largaml Tft" , as,01,mw" of urnure of ""ery uescriritui'i I.i.tIi description both Antique and Modern! As we a re daily in receipt of new goods, we can guarantee to satisfy the most fastidious. Orders from any section of the country will be promptly attended to with the earliest dis patch. Great.eare displayed in packing goods tor shipment. Having at command the major portion of the Undertaking trade of our section, we can boast of furnishing all the re quisites for the interment of the dead that are necessary. aS we are in possession of every fa cility for (heir prosecution. Agents for Fisk's .Metallic Cases. RgCotiins of all kinds const uutly on hand. Call aud examine our stoik. May 24, 1WJ j " Union IIouso ! EDEN TON, N C, HAVING PURCHASED the above House, heretofore known as the " United States Hotel," I have opcnod.it for the accommoda tion of the travelling community and the pub lic generally, either by (he day, week, or month, believing that I can give entire satis faction. Ifly Table. will be supplied at all times with the best the home and Northern markets can afford. The Union House, situated on Broad Street, near the centre and business portion of the town, lias large, convenient, and well-furnished rooms, and is attended by tractable aud experienced servants, added to Si?', ' ,f!"I gives U at aU time- bis j.. v i jwiiin oil iirji v The BAR will be supplied with the best liquors and cigars. Having LARGE AND COMMODIOUS STABLES, nd an excellent Ostler, he is prepared to board horses by the day, week or month, on accommodating terms. J. D. WILLIAMS. May 17, I860. . . CARRIAGE AXD HARNESS ESTAB LISHMENT. JACKSON, .NORTH CAROLINA. JB. MOTLEY RESPECTFULLY infornw his friends of 3"orthampto.n and surround ing counties, that jie i . i t i- son, Northamppton co., N. C, and has on hand, for sale, on the most accommodating terms, a very large stock of Carriages, Rockaways and Buggies, made of the best material and by. the most ex perienced workmen. L5 lie keeps on hand, harness of various kinds, made up in the best manner, which he will sell low He hopes that Urict attention to his business, and a desire to extend his trade, icuuriNiemeBt stock o vehicles and harness assuring ihem . they cannot do better elsewhere, Harness repaired on the shortest notice, and on reasonable terms. J. B. MOTLEY. March 6, ltMiO. 1 ..MORNING JULY. 26, J8G0.. From the Portsmouth Transcript." '-''., ' ; LINES.; . . T OH ! Liberty, thou hast many noy That o'er the world do roam, . Pray tell me who's thy favorite child 'In this our happy home. ' ' - -. ' . Liberty arose and smiled ; ' j She said, I have 0. favorite, . ' And that is my only child; . . ; -Then sweet Goddess tell, I pray, Tlije name of hi-tVivLen son, " That we may all the homage pay " ;- ThAt he's so justly won! : . With finger pointing upward, . To the high pinnacle of fame, She bid me there behold His bright and honor'd name! My sight ascending up Fame's pillars diny height. I read the name of EVERETT In golden letters bright! America. T, J. GAIt.NLlt, Editor aud Proprietor, Saturday morning, july 20, i8.;o. JOHN FOOL, the Ounosition on. dale lor tiovemor, will nd ere sis the citl liens oi Northampton county, at UICI Sitt'AItC on the aist inst. THE I.DEPEXUEXT CANDIDATE John W. Moore, the independent can didate, in his speech at Iliues', arcrnel that under ad vulomu taxation $500,00(1 of the taxes raised in North Carol ini would come out of the poor man. No how is this ? Tlie indenetideul candidate k,, ,i i i a- . I declared time after time, that Ulldef valorem taxation that the slaves woulJ ! k b:i .1 I v '-aiiH tAcu as to unye every on of them out of the State, and Ieare North toirohna poor and miserable But it at I ... JjJftrs that now he k cdiangitirj hi note anl itecSH'Ibfl'' tlml irrp-Twvrr av $500,000 of the revenue under qi valorem. It requires about $623,000 of reveuue to be raised iu North CaroliniC Five hundred thousaud of this, says Mri Moore, uuder ad valorem, wiU have to raised out of the poor man or upon pm perty, other than slave?, that leaves $125 000 to be raised from the $3,000,00 worth of slave property in the Stat and yet Mr. Moore says that under a valorem, negroes will be so heavily taxe that every one of them will be driven ot of the State. Such transparent demn gogueisra as this is discreditable to a get tleman occupying the position of Mr Moore. Freemen of Hertford: You :ee tha ; Joi n W. Moore is trying to deceive yot He knows and every other sensible tna I knows that ad valorem will not increase the ta-f upon the ioor man. He know; thai it will increase the tax on slave pre perty, and he knows that not one slave wii leave the State on account of the burdei which ad valorem taxation will impose. lib knows that slaves in North Carolina havs been lightly taxed, while land and othe ' property has been heavily taxed. ' II s knows that the labor of the poor whit i man ia heavily taxed, while the lalor c r the negro mechanic is uot taxed at all. II i sees that he and his party is doomed t i defeat, and he is trying to avert such I'a tal consequences by resorting to dem gougeism .and deception. But his. politi cal dishonesty will not avail. -The han. writing is on the icall, and all the political tergiversations which Mr. Moore can r sort to will not save him from a defea . ll'he people may have confidence in him as a private gentleman, but they are opposed to' him as a politician, and hence he B compiled to be defeated To the Whigs and Ad Yalojtm Demoi crats of North Carolina. ' I TS 11 ... -mw , . -f i? etiow-cuizens: iou nave but one i week to work ! We have a great duty perform, and we must commence thp work! We must crush disunion ism if North Carolina, and establish a just ana equal system of taxation. Our Sta debt, in the prospective, is upwards thirteen million. This amount is to paid; and to pay it, under the present system of. raising the revenue, will opf- i ii j i r rate uujusuy ana onerous upon a iarm portion of the citizens cf North Caroli na. Then let ua alter our Constitution w that slaves can be taxed as property Let us adopt ad valorem, as proposed by the Opposition platform, so that the buf- dens of taxation will bear equally ,npnp all th tar naYera in North Carolina Tf jUlmnarlc outljran do this, we must voba for the cmndSW." a" e"ni,,iou , . , . . v S ioun nughl be made in favor of al wuo are in utvor oi equal taxaiiou, ana. who are opposed to dissolving the Union. ' Remember that Gov. Ellis has declared that the seceders are disunionista, j J lore the perpetuity of republican it tloniJcLjiot vote forroen viho fwk..iJ dowjTliitrpia.ra'upou wnicn. the. atruc ture of American liberty rests, and plunge this country into civil war, blood- shed and ruin. rn!biscussiox at hixes siiop. . ' '" . . - J Jift W. Moore, tbe independent car- lidate, in thU county, for the Sepats of Sort Carolina, . In his ppeechat Jlines's jn a .orsday last, the 19th inst, declared Jiat o respectable Democrat .in North Cnrtliua had erer been in favor of taxing Uloter Pities of property excepting r.4indeaToriiiS,t.dcceiTCu by incorrect ! davc-i under tho d valorem system of iaUtffjenLl? :ax uonjorttvoiuer woraa i u We, call uvon the people of Hertford 1 out and hold them up to . ' a J . - 1 x leenwrrw nmi ever uccrcu V'aj UieaW extrjcts'of Gov. ieJ-. tic This b a erave ia AiialnTaTor of Wr,rm- lat,uii ; r a Waith HtZZZZ'tdt &i& 'abo!itIoi . ipon;all other $ccies of ' property and eave out the slave projttrty. Now John V More certainly did make this aser .ion at HinrV, iu a public speech, and if we prove to the contrary and prove that Mr. Moore either through ignorance ordeirn ts deceiretl the people, can any reliance hie placed upon any f Ins statements here- ifter 1 We tliink nt. Now to prove that .Ihn W. Moore 1 j i us mane a Maiemem wnien is unetiv at i 'arience with the truth (anI we arechari able enough to supiec that he made the leclarat ion through ignorance and nut de- j , e .i-u i -,, v ... " " i the first 1 hursdav ;,.ji.. ...:m . ... .i .. . IgbCUDI C Hill Ull U KMI lUC MUUU tun. -.m c i..:.. . ... iu .j. iii'iu, niu nits irrn-u uv Hit" Demorratic party of North Carolina, to i - IT. :.. i . . ' e . I lie uiuitu oiitii.-s ocuiilC. ; Gov. Ileid in his mesage to the Li1 ature of North Carolina il.itcd Uiiici ll.iUH li;iU-H;!i Oct., 14, 152 ues the folloviug lan guage : Taxation is indispensible. but it i .n.- c'' the first duties of "the St:tesm-tti. en b-..t to equalize the burdens as well a the boto-!i, f gbTerumeiit. ' For many years the demand up.n tbe T.--a--ry were s liniiied. tht but linlc ari-iui,.., vas paid t the Mihjc-i-t .i.i-.ii..n uj l.i;.- ears,'lnterii;il Im j.iov.-iti.-n nn 1 mlu-r pu !. lic objects h:i e iln-re:l-el li;i expt-ud t . 4. IndoUT fill.-t';ci.il ylclo ii.i :i-u.i'.- 1 a 11, important :ipc-t. It will b.. .i.r .-i ib n f the $1 "7. 1 -'-T 7 1 Lax. paid int. tin- I i " 1- :r-. ia r8ol. S'lT. M.yi :;'w;iv ,..dl..1. 1 ..n 1 m-l ii. ! own pi ' iet ly : - p,.i 10 4 8 ti inu-r'- riv : atid l J.'-Ji' ''I ..u . ax; amounting iu the aggregate t ih.- -11:11 ..1 Fd 11,02 s;, :li.l j,,, Treasury oil 1 1 . -j rincipal iu-ii.s ..t tiix:iii.,ii : and i..o I s i. paid in .ill others. The land .and 5...!! I mounted to 7-!. l'.2 :J.'.. The tax f..r otmu purposes is collected entirely on land an i J-olls; aud the utimuni i.uid ir.ro ti e Public 1. .'reasqiy oi ifiee t wo iuin i sm ill, hen' tomt-Mted w iih tlie r,-'A f..r"ciu-i: v f . .-i ' rea.' Vte-ti ive no returns in -Jj.lu liie iwiu.ui.t ; if comity ia collectiHi in the State. It is' believed, however, that not more than twenty I per ecu i. oi ine wnoie amount collect eo on r land an.l l.oll .r..v it.i il... I'ul.li.-. T...... h r... , .... ..v baed the estimate of tlie average : mount paid on land accordingly. AN EX- IMIXATIMV IVTll Till-' I'Vloivi: I'lTi.' .'t'P T I U'c l" T I T -11. .if tu ........... ........ i ' s i..-.. 4 .-no o lii.ii i nr. rur-s- " . OlM'i ATLSl EUY I NEl'AL- i i preseiu. j imi, ioanel at interest, ;ays IPo cents, while sil'Mo, li.ruded :igaiut Vr 1 . J'lo... 1 he 'Jmblie convenience nnd public p-dicv. 'ays not hin z at all : SlIUHI invested in lands ays 80o cent, while SUhmi invcsteil in trade ays 10 i cents. Other unjiistdiseriniin.iiioii. uight he k1;dm n. AS A (iENERAL RULE. IT IS P.K1.IEVLP 'HAT THE TAX UPON" THE ESTATE F !ACH Plli;siN SHOI LPI'.E IN i';u'in;. '.'ION TO ITS VALUE. Mibjoet to sit. hex. ep- iiona only :t circuiiistan e and I'lmlimm.inl rinciples tuny justify. Inastnueh a proper- jr vu me one naiKi ouglit not to he ;nale tlie .i i . i . . icSt of publie privilege, neither on the other -Ught tlie alienee of property to exemjit the erson from bearing an i-oiiiable share of the tublie burden. Therefore it i thought just tad proper to impose capitation 'tax. Slaves re reg ar.lefl to som extent as both persons tnd property. Tlie follow ing wise provis;...n n ourStale t'onstitution. whicli ouglit not to e departed from, definer the power 1 legis atioaupou this subjwt : "SKl't tos tit. t. f?lll.il'H"i..l t . 1. .11 l., l .1 1 he state upon all individuals Mibjeet t.. the ane. 2. All free males over the age of t wenty-one u . ii... iv .nr a jj. ,,, inriy-tive eais. indall slaves over the age of twelve e.ais. tnd under the age of fifty years. ,all be sub ject to capitation tav. aud no other )ei-.n 4hallbe subjeet to such : provided that m iii ng herein contained shall prevent exemptions f taxable polls as heretofore pre-cnbe l by. aw in cases of bodily inririnisy." It will le seen that slave propet v inii-t 'ormati exception in framing a sytcm ofa 1 alorem taxation. Persons aud property being the principal tljectsof taxation, they should bear a t iir vnd just relation to each other, in a !.., .,r -evenue. IT IS RELIEVED TIIAT.'.U J I.K 2XCEPTIX(i , SLAVES, Edl n:i:s ESTATE REAL AXD PERSONAL. 1H -DING MONEY, WHETHER AT INTEKEM JR SOT, OUGHT TO BE TAXED ALIKE. ACCORDING TO VALUE. This would ,e yaireevcrs person to contribute in proportion :o the value of his or her estate, and w o ild aqualiie the pubhc btmleu between the va rious classes, upon principles of jn-ti. e. I know of no better rule to ascertain th a ility jf the owner to pay, or the degree of p.ote. ion his estate requires from government, than ?y resorting to the actual value of u.di c ate. This system need not interfere with taxing certain employments, ami the income on pro ressioBB, as is now done. Such persons a d. oat possess personal estate of the value of one i ,u . mna nn7 dollars, ought to be exempt ofa like of all other. A system of revenue, based upon thce prim i plesls reccommended to the favorable consid eration of theGeneral Asssembly." i Now in the extracts which we have gjven, are contained 3s strong ad valorem doctrines as we ever heard upon all other species of property except t-laves. Andyet John W Moore the independent candi date, had the unblushing audacity to fret up before an intelligent portion of .tlie freemen of Hertford aud declare that no respectable Democrat had ever declared j tliat he was in favx of taxin- all snoeie of property adcatorem except alavea. IsjdRlate'ia this coantyi iu hii speech, at Gov. Ileid a respectable Democrat ? If , Hine Shop, declared that portion of l.e i is the asert ions of Jolia V. Moore at ! the people of Hertford were endeavoring lljnea' fall to the ground. Freenn-u of!to array thtf non-slaveholder against the Hertford, can you vot? for ;.. I slaveholder. Mr trvro said at Ahos- platform and then ask themselves if the : DemocrAtie party are not iu favor of tax- i ingtin cups" ''plouglis and plough hoes'' "baby cradles" goo-' egs'' and every . speciea ot" property uti.h r the ad vdn,-, ,i system and leave oii; the neTo.. If it is i ri;iht to tax all other species of pr.p, rtv ' according to' d ,;,-; uh js ",t n."t ri:ht to tax ucut a.! t a'.n m. tho mrt . , ;. ., e . valuable property ni the State. I men of North .Carolina, ak v..urclves this solemn Utti n '. 1U n.jt vote Kr a - ' men wno arc trvi.-ii' to Uirfe u. t)n - in Au-u-t next rebuke . . i , , . )',mr votCs J'-"ar".-"tn and di- unioui.-m. THE ( AMIIKATt.S IN Tin: .Morv. TAI.NS! liOVi:itXlK KI.LlS' . 11 Li: uilvli.x: :i Ilead the Commnnicatiin below, frMn the Ritleigh Register, whidi shows how ; heli ve it until Mr. John W. Moore Gov. Ellis wishes to minister to the appe-! p""Ls them out and proves tbj fact upon ti;e of those whom he, while in tin- Kast, ' 'hem. This manner of electioneering in iu i i 'u pared lo the hnre leech and sniurt -nlting to the .n-slavc holders ho are as ho: o traders. He is not only to iucreasc : l"val to the institution of the south as t'.te dilit uf the Slate, but willing to do so people upon the face of the earth. lor tho.-? fho li'irr HO' . lor no h it "e all upon the people of Hertford to . , fisr 0 Sl it" ilrU. I I What do Eastern viivlii-ate themselves against thcss asper iii' ii think of this ? . j mou and declare their loyalty to South- ! was ur good f.M tun to be pre ini! the ru int-it utioiis hy voting against John W. d;-.-ii-si..t b.tween !.-s-r-. Po.d and Ellis .sn riaKiiu. o-icon 1 ouiiiy. on ttur -iiy. ,in in-'., at.d us we hnve seen "iii rej.oit ufaiiv tueet ing iiee t?:-y-en'ed the Mountain-. I pi.p.ise brii 'Iv cai'ing your attention to the n.aiiuer iu v o ii i.' .. u' gaEat si-ind.iri t..-u and i..ei K!!s ne-puried lhcm-elv ut li.e b- e- liteii' i.:iei loan. i'i:iy bad a g...,d audiiiic". and the" speak -.tig co:ui;ii iieed ui li ieb-k. " The Ooei7H.r had the lead and he Marled oil upon the ame : old argument of luxuries, tin cups, co etc. . 1 wis., i,..re,pjrnela: ,v tu p,.. ... . , t - - -- niiu aien by the cKu Edates unjjie subject of Railroad. fori must remind yob that, our people arc aiiMuiis upon that subje-.t.- as well as .t - ; joreII, iure clenrlv brii.:-the iiiaiir to n .,.l ' i,pUvr t.l tl our Ka.urn fr;eil,iH to ' i..r. : Mh1i1 ,,,e r..,.lUvi. I4n:illia , ,.,..;.,.,.. ' . I ue liumi I l oin lisl,i:rv tss,- t :nui Jli linn. I-1 kt 1.. .... . ... ..luvu .-omit il Iuilc-i.li M...rr.n fln.l 1 'hr... ! kee, to PneKi:. irr theTenne-sce line.rhere intersecting w ,tn a i'.uui prej oed lo W m.ile t the E This U.. 1 etiiM.-' -ee and tieoriria Road. J 1 --- ii.- ir .,-nevilie. and at liial - I'l.-tl .-.-etiv ilbws'id l'ifll'-ii I'.roa. 1 'ij: Ir i.i .so irtaii-biirg. S. I'., to p..iijr -r Ib-ad. i . Paiftt 1. ne-(-e 1.. and i R ..i ii i npon ii at N. I' I". -. Hi! .'i ec: ..ia Ko'l at M. rii.ii.wn. This -.-en retar.iid b;. i iiie'ii.ns pi,., ! mil- Ligi-latot t Il'.iug the gaMe fi .-in.. ...r . . . . . . -. I ,1,.. iiq nan- ' t,. tt K-if 1 i.iettts .. to iit. ti is an in He (I J.l'a', of State aid ) The Slo.-kh..i.t , out tllle. it'll, tin- l..-.-' riing a -1 din-eliv t lii-. e pro ' 1 1" v e 1 1 ... r:,-t ;..!, 1 to buil l it wit h !u -i!.e X. ". I.eivJa- e. iid be remove"!. Rut ! i ' . i . t- nil. 4 liiai sij. h ri roii 1 j-iin- I -iar. row I. aud leading irei- an I b.-; er markets iu Hil 'n tl I .S. ! ii :. oWlie 1 b I l.i i oi Tni en i.- i ' i cut ly re! ii i i il eeliv:'.': e trieii i- ! ii.- w oihl tlii- e'.y injure :he st. by injure :lie -late. Ti tiie Mate r-a 1 rut.ning ' fun i l ilM kt-u have persi-t - r.-in )ve the i e-Ji i-;t ions on the e a'. 1 K retail Lro.-t 1 Rold. The ! ii.. i ! eeii r.'.e and Frenclr lb-ud . n.-r :i-ked "iioci'iil oi' uppi ot.ri i :r l.-ad. but ..a the tout inry. liae-.-.'. i f.. !e al wed the privilege ol ii v.h iM-ltv d ii! fund-'. F.'it our, , b.eriior take t-osni-.n that ,tl ,,; j 'j' ' hui", : , ' luagn in it fir, .' i.mi. l.e will ln-H'OMM END AND ... .m I lit i E i. poll the ne t Legislature lo xol not. oilv all nl pl opri-i; ion l-lli' l)o. kl'-n. but als.j an .i'lioi. M l'l' iI Kl Hos to the I iikmh I'.iio i lb' i. 'I but is the position o.ifcxw.- ... ,. s .mm..- - io.etn..i t... k in latuoy. M ,d,- .n I ! ;- t.,,e. an I ..ilii-r loniil ie of '. he French i Vali.-v. An I wl.eii he crossed vrr on D..clu:. ro.ne. .through thi.'couiity and ,- ' . Mr' ' -UM I'r"I-""". but it Wit not -juiie o i-oi-i lak oiil here, and lie endeavored t- iret 'out of the dilemma bv illing on" Mr. Pool i -i 1 .fcrrlice to t he 1 w to know his position . Mr. iVd I.l I.l Al . 1 1 ' - ne I here, ia- he d: 1 in the French Rroad Vn'lcv. ' boldly and in Ii petideutly. that he ... id" nor reeommend o hi Eastern brethren , , , , ' " v an approp,,.,!,.,:, to Im.iI, mads; that '. a- . . ' I lijr to pied. hnuselfto do all lie ri.ubl ill aiding the iri ml of the Duckton jor trolina, r. u.e, in getting ai Vp- li ... r .ii. I '-i r. .1 i i. . r..uli III vreffifi.r mi . . , , .. , . ,. 1 ,.,,.,,0,11.... for that r e. That he believed ;i io be tl.- interest ot the State stock, liy n. i kin-' the comieetioii at Ducktown, b.u that i . . uld lo-ver re-oiiiiuond hi lt n to' vote nti appropriation Eatern l)Teth- to a.i entirely i ti. i x ijh t pioticuUrly. when the Stale eai. now scarcely pay the interest on her In iu i. bTedness. Thii is the. position of the gentleman on the above proposition. We Hk our Eatern friends to look nt the matter calmlv. anil decide whether they can rote for a t;.crnor w ho - ia in f or of running them . ,.t ill deeper in debt, by aiding a project that m:ek tsKEbAin, and who la seeking to make votes by attempting to ride all hobbiea inJ ,.s. , ALL l( tlDXJi. I Mr. Pool closed up with an eloquent appeal J in behalf of Bell and' Everett, and the crowd ! cheered him loag and loudly. His march has 1 bcB one of triumph through these Western j countiei' . You" , MOUNTAINEER. . Fbajiklix, X. C. - JC See Literarj pepartment" on the 4U ' pge.Tiii XO. 30. HAVE WE ABOLITIONISTS AJIOXG LfJ John W. Moore, the independent can- that these men ought to be marked, and he called own tie w-iJe to hnnbthem public reprob- chanrft -a cbarga Who ia it that nas Lccn arraying the Bon-laTcLoMer n?"- the slaveholder?. It cannot be l',c lavel.olders, becau.-e no slaveholder Is 1uo' enough to be engage-arraying the '"-S'lveholder against his own projKTtr. icn rausl the iion-l iveholdcrs who are e,,?aSei1 in disreputable business, Wljat on-ilaveh.lders in the county of IlcrUura a inev u.ai na.e iecn cnt-ai k in this Lui.ic uf am.vitiir the uou Jave rtt - w Ulolder "Sa" tle projKry of our fellow citizens ? Give us the r.amcJ, Mr. Moore, and kt them be held up to public execra tion. - This is a direct insult offered by John W. Moore to the-nou-slaveholdtTs of Hert ford county. We do not believe there is a non-slavch-ddcr in Hertford county who ; has endeavored to "array the nou-.lave- holder against the lavchlder," and shall M.,re, the only eaudidate in the c:unty who ha ilet larrsl that a portion of the pe .pie of Hertford are endeavoring to ar ray the iion-tdaviholder against the elave hobler. John W. Moore has done a much to array the non-slavtholdcr against the slaveholJo!, we dare say, aa any wan iu the county, aud it he has the hardi hood to charge that there are men iu . Hertford who are endeavoring to arr . anoUier. U ., 11 rir. thn huBMt otr of Heti- . .- . , , . , t , . '-" iunuc .-.on iii.vo.ovv wvnuc we ' do not" believe there is a man in Hertford v 1 counfv who is iniilt v of the charts wbirh , r - j c-. - j o 7 i: 1 t m 1 e 1 . ' ( Mr. Moore has preferred against them. ; Freemen of Hertford, vote against John ' " " ' e I W. Mnorc and rebuke disunionism and at the same time declare vour lovaltv ami 11 . . . ... li.-vot u.n ui uinthorn imlitnlMni Incoimifttencr. Our neighbor down town in his last issue, use the following language: Co!. Mitchell has our heartiest endorsement." Now we would ask Mr. Foster how he .... P.. River, on the Ten- ; can reconcile tnis assertion with bis prcs-M-iheC.a-t Teiiiiete ! ent poition. Col. Mite. 11 has declared , j,uulically that he is in favor of Douglas , i neighbor has rt flvin ;t j- ..j. -- ma.t head the name of Iireckinridge, and i Jot Mitchell has the "hearty endorse ment'' of our neighbor. O ! consistencv thou art a bright jewel. Itrfuord. ' ta-s or two copies of the '"Southron" htre twen ret urned'from the P.i otTrce in thi place, direeied Jo orie John W. Moore. Onrrferria io o-ir --books. ' e discover that John W M.ore lia- n..t ent u in -uarj" 2 bill. Mr. John V. .!- ire. You ought to kii-.w, t That it is a violation of our rules To .top your p.-ipfi- L-fre 3a j.ay your due. So .end ii two dollar at ouc leiure. And we will -op the paper with '.ensure. The above i- ,,.jr hrst nucinpi at poetry ; but we think Mr. Mo..re Wii km, That we do not intend to t..p bis paf-er nw'.l all ai-rcarages are pi T. So he had h well fork over. yieeting ol the Chesapeake fluard. . . At a meeting of iJie't'l.apealiJ'iianU'" of M,.,,,w, t v V..Jteld on U.rd tl.e S.er Noiiliauipton i.u tlie '.th in-t., on their retnti. ir"1" ''.cir cxcurs'.on to Ka.tTilie, Col. Jn. t;., );',1''.,,in:in w" ""V1 ;iir. and Juo. .' Lobitisoti wa apiH,iine.l Secr't irv. The foil , wing re-buiou ere urcsente-I and . unanimously adopted : : RcsOLVKD. Tliat the sincere th uiku of iLe H'heapake (iuards"" be tendered to the At lantic Guards' of Northampton, for iheir lib- ..... eramv in uiniin r i. i.tih ... ring the 'recent excursion ; an I a!o lor iu.iv j c! po't'e anl gen'.leun nly attention show u lh ?,. 5 unU L,Ut in Nr!fcampivii. litsGLvr.u, That our thanks are due to the ..Bf,rJer ,;uaP.i. r.,r n.l kin.ln... Reolveo. That the ul.tSected ho-pitaliiv 0-" thecitiiens of Njithntuptoa eitendcl to the I "i,,RrJ,';" the n..m,ruact of aindness and mark of attentii n fhown us peraonally by j ttte Udiea of Kat ille and viciaity, entitle the.. ; lo our most grate fur remembrance. UtsotVEh. 1 hat the thankaof Jbe -ttuar-U ' be tendered to Mr. J. It. Lirch and family, for their pener.uis and iinrxcet.tionaLle entertaiu- n,,. j Resolved, That the kin-l and naremittii j attention of Capf. Mct'arrick to the cwiufort and accoralatiun of the "iuard,"" a ihr visit to Nonhamptuu and on their return, de serves, and receive their must graceful ac knowledgment. - RcsoLvto, That the compliment of the Hoards"' tendered to Mr. J. Si. Calvert, tf Jackson. X. C. RVsolvet., That ihee proeeedinr be i ub- IilieL JX). G. ROHANNAN, Cum n. Jso. S. Robissot. Seci'y. JulyCth, ' ' 2,000 PEJiSONS PBESEJCTI! Me have only time to state thai ' Meetiag held in thie plaee yerterJay. waa tm . of the Urgeat we ever attend w Si!. 'll&EV"- uch -meeting waa held in thi section, since Pasqeotank U aroused and will do her whole duty. E. City State. f . ! .. - '-T"'-4- V -V- 'A1' .mm e " v