&. 'famH9r :o(al, tufcg&tptnitnt .uiSnM to pittalm, Mtnrr, Mmlifip tljr flirts: anti 3?iciiiff4 oHiiierrfat antrr (iKcralJiTfCJs. ' 1 ' A O .Cliaiiifca.io no PartyN Avbitrer Sirar, f Sesvvc to Tiut-i uliore e'er alic t4ati the way," A . : , ; V3 I - . f t J' ' ' I . "V VOLUME L." ; : : - " CLINTON INDEPENDENT, , PPBIRIIED irVXR.J : BY 20aAB L. TZS.XIB3, . Zditor ft Prb?riator t2 per .vnwim, if paid ir abtascz; if not 7.. piJ Within f dfittMasrai .after the aubsetip- . Aion yea begins ; f 2 if npt f-ad n&til tin .. ? " end nt 'H j"?", ' '. -i - .7 J .. aJjOinL, waes eas-e be pnbl istabi - Xerm of Adverlisf ii?. 7o t enare of 12 Knfs, fVr tLe first f(ejtIon fkndecb fuctcjfjnsertiu ?& cts.; 1 KuarforS iintb5 $ laoptUr., (5 ; 1 rCr'cf ?12. Longer ons in proportion. Abvr.n nMW-STs not pM withii. !OtLy.s fcftor ihe 11 in -tertian, y iil be eiiarcI owe roi'CTR mora. A'lveitiement ?jy tUi y-mr must be r uu QVAKxttur, or mf fourti i'wiU be aiUJ lJ d.iy after the euj of the qvtfrter. jy IkwtM Oaui 'ius;rtel fr 75 tents tor the fcrt vnVC5 cents for each, ulscient. insertion, or rcr ftfcouai. JOS WORK or At,t :KscEirrtos neatlt exccctko cpo'x Reasonable' Terms. this Office. ecu uts. Tins Suporjor -jCoart for, this county U LelJ in the tixth Jloudiiy after the fuiirfh MunIay in March aud September of&ch ye.ir. . . VV m. Mclvoy, Clerk of the court rf Iav IVttick Murnby. Ciefk ol the .Court o HLt. .Strange fck-ljteitor for the 5(h Jti(i ial Di'mict., i i , 'I'he Oiurt oi can and quarter sessions i lit-lil on the third Moulny u Februarv ui'l May, August atj'J November. J. n.'lirSman, Clerk; . U . C llolineb, Chairman of the General Court A. .A.-McKoy, ik)iuitor. W . CrttmpIyK ijf't rifl. ,h V,: t?f II'-- C'TuOtf. Ji4 i bos. M. V;i;i.-oiJ. bJ;tU(.u;I I J. It. Ma:XcU'a;id D..A Uuzol. j or. oountv Sarv: vow , A. .Monk, Oh Ivfillar.J Janie S. llines ft'nd V'. OT Devane, .. A. jDarden, Kxamiriiug C )'uinitttt . CLIXTOX. Town Corimiss.'oiierx. JJ. C. Hof rites, I'stondent of l'o!ic. J. C. Carhd, Ckrk. . ; ' Or. T. J. Boyki'n j : Treasurer. LyC . Itubbinl, Jms. A. Moore. Toicn -Constable - lsaac'lbtykln. J'l Master . ' The Northern nnd Southern mail, from Warisaw on the Wilmingtuu and Weldon yfT't Ikiil road, arrives at Cliatafi ftvery evening ( " J ' at 10 o'clock. Saturday evnino-s exceptel . 1 r r . -s i I Jirt Western Mail, irora YavAmMh ar. h 1 M. Saturdays excepted. The mad to supply tue County Jl'osI Oflice, leaver" Cli-itou erery Wednesday- i tnornin, and return Tl ursday evtning. e"Arricultmal Society meets in the Coi-ri House on the first Saturday 1x2 e&ch . month, at H o clpi:. .. , TIC CJUCAT BATTLE. I i COMMENCED thoUiauds of yeara ago an! will probably continue for thou&uidi to ; eonid. ilunj' o!u:era huve been enli ted on .-1 h, f . 1 e ; a a p have fallen", while othr 1 "truYt ihrtt"ui:irewa.rdty lrem tae riel I, vad ra- j tirtil to jngiviwn inaetivuy. A:aop ne J nlistmei.t of ou the side of truth aad progreaa Ha t be found I .The CI iu ton ludependent A net an! npiey paper pobIihed every Wedneaday at Clinton . C. by E. h. Perkins ditor and Proprietor j The 'Popularity of the Independent i In iatj for it a wide pfad eircnlan'ou. It ha. -cnliated th good -will of the teesa and tne people. The Proprietor ia sparing bo paina bur expn to ni-ke it cue of th tuosfr truly liUrary aad eutertainiag paper ia the eoua try, and calluru tha friend- of Southern Literature to aid him in earrjiug out these lao d&bbi de.irai. . . i .- Oi?iiilorts of llic Press. T1 X'-rth . 0-irtiiH cays: "We have i? ih'bsUel ia CUnton, SarapsiB eauuty, Ir. U Pr'ti in ditj-kP nft I'lNirvri tor - It w a at1y printed ad apisy sheet, and K Mh editor it wtl quelle 1 to dlacha-sre the dutiea of bU new stAtioo- Tit Independent i trvoted to Literature, tho Arts ao-l Sei-oe and General News, free from P-oUtical aud Itidi iouj bias. . . "t ' We welconw tba Dttir to the editorial f fraternky, od hope he will meet ihe suecesu to whieh his rayuUtion. a a ready writer fustly .entitrf -hicu"f ' " Tba miming! Journal ay?c "It x oeatly piiuted, I fair sit?, gives evidence f aprijbt- iiosis aud tact iniw editorial maaageoiiBt v and will, we trust, iaect with liberal-su r port. Clinton is oae of the mct flourish teg tdages. and Sanj -son amon ihe eost rrospercU5 ani & ' -InfjwTnv Nniinr rrrf-rrx-A cTrtW'RArR.T? intelligent connj 4U?V1t n!, there- lore vrr rair li- new jpr , ler The WUmifflH C'mmt rcinl n&yr: "The eliur !ata that bh er nhail be "indt-peo deat ia ererTtl.iuz asJ- neutral i in nothing;-'" Thi i a eeritI cai.-i, an4 sbnlJAe mr gr trallj aatj t-i, ao ibat o raany imli vi Janl sniv net upufe that the newepair tliy vth-wr tnoss be pn.ea epeein-'ly ur thrvt Hi Jspitii of ike J aavis, fita.fc'litori-i' eucecta," ' ' . '- 1- J "The Wlhtttngton Jltrold T1 Inde- pen'ieint looka 03. the aanny de of things, auJ biu fair to bean ntertu:nig and valaabe jarrf We wih it uceeuj.' ! Tit -v. '.-Sl'tdtrJ "TUe InJepen- detit U neatly' printed, an4 is an j interesting shcott, y - ' ' TLjvV- irf( sayr. U lileiary in it obapdettr. nl makes nuprftfiuU'ti t It U & iieat! y pr.ateJ abeet, aud tbep'kd dirt jat tie! price. ' " f- Tb V. C. Advocdtt: i&ys; "Ibba'neat sh'et-t and Well edited. Th4 Ahtii!e Newt n&s: ' it U an interesting j)fipcrj . ?2 Ifpaid in Advance. $ii if riot paid ia three moathi f 5 -J if not paid uutil tb cul of l,iubs of netc alenbr3 can be furnjsbeci a Uowk ' 8 Kew Subscribers for $3 -5 " ' - . ;w . 8. 10 M " " 4 15 tl'o those who are :-already s-alcjilejs aii will interest themselves, vre oi'Ritbe fo! liberal JnIii cmenls. As an inducement to. our iend to l.elp ti.j we now. make the t.Hovvini otW to tlibe who will feecrro subscribe r, wi;h the cil in advmtce. We wM stud fie, for ote yer, Harper-' Magazine to -.any one who will send native r.ewsalKCiibtM'with the caali j'.'the Ladies' Ipository one year to any one who will "send' us turea new n bscribeis .with .the' cash ; TheJassachu.-tt- IVacherone year to anyone' who will bnd( u- threi new stjbscribers; with the cash ; The Scientific Ainsricm for fiye new. .ubsciibers with the cah; iho Monthly Hainbow a ?jhnd'd paper"' oiie year t a iy t-BT-Vrlo' Will !C:f J -Wi tU'O sub'-ciiber iVv, i;iv.r.-j-, o is a CrrAU ' l j s':r.e of the best leading Ihe world adonis. ! in .fr.varJing the names r.ehi.einber the j cash must, accompany . the order. Also j indicate which of tht above periodicals yon j want sent, and we will order it imniL'diafct' fly. , Who wili embrace, tbis splendid op portunity of supplying tliemehtis asx! amnios with readmsr rich and rare. tol POUT A NT T O IN VEN TORS. PnosPi3-C'ri;s op t if 12 IlTV!iT0;&S' GUIDE & ADVERTI ' SEfi. ' ! '' rpiII3 PAPER WILL CE .DJ5V()TED TO X. the iuterett ot Inventors. aiub will be ub lished at tho eity; of Washington, I). C, and city of Qn-acr.'ltl. j Tie ohjtMit of this pnper is to be a'modiuni. for tke eircubitirn ot Iir.pro'reiuenjt.- iu tlie ife cbanic Art?, and to bring before the puhbc tlie Invftctions ot its patrons in a moreeonspicuoua maaucr thun any other ad veTt.Uuijg mcdiaiQ in the world. j We propose to issue 5000 copies per n eek, equal to 2i0,oo0 per year, to be printed on good paper. Aid gotten up iu the tyle uf our ti-t cU9we-W'ly pujiei,tocheuiate gratuitma-. lv thrabont. tli.- ITujird ff?:t-.: :tjl 'A.'-2.U.. IiaehAaver: ier .will b entitled to five cornea . fef eaeh -fiTUfire f hU ndvertueraeiii, for his own pnyate dUti ib mum. This paper-witi cefttam a wc-c-blv iist.of Pa- .kaU i-'sced, cnd'severa.1 eolamna of valuable leading matter, tighly iriiportaat to inventors pd other. x. !t)ufxmaiu object wt!lft to enhance the val- ui et j(iic :i 1 ci property, ana nnnn' nt "jiubliaihe mil'inns of iolar-i of iiroperty in. yeledfli pKt entSk The want ct a':b a tiu-di am i tbj(rcnsou why so many patei.ta fail to retmuserate the owners of tlierii. '' f '-Wo will n';t m General ents lA tie sale if n. likHt..l .. . -. 1 Oil AU.mf :.r- j r . .. T " J- ... . tnution in refjrenc to 1 ateut ari 1 atf ntu Property will be giren by ad.h-iiu, T. G, Clayton. Wa'bu jlo 1- t". or ti. 1- liervey. Quincy, II li naif, as vfe wiiliu eonnetion with cur oiparoustQ. seep a uenerai nMrmgence Office to furiiub th public, vith, infori!:dti n ia referred to Patent and Pateatsd Property. All iuvtrntor will pKiM; fvrward t u their addrs, and decrtt'tion ol their invoiUiou. ! We -ill t na a medium betwjh Invnitr who Yth to have money fumited toearry oat their iuvritioni. and Capitalist wbo widi to invent money in Patents and Patented' Pr-' perty. ' ' , Per oo wishing tdvrts will please st ti the numbc-r of ?juart. they tiiy wart. - Engra ving of a'l descriptions, wiil he furuiabd at as low price as at any other pliee. vVeintend to comuienee the iue of this nflper abvait the firet of April, 18A. Inventors and othera who wish to adert!e iu oar pape;, will please inform us immediately Tsaus or Ad taruixs : . 1 Spcarx, mouthf, - I " 9 - - I 1 year, . - - . S 00 12 ts i iSOv j ! .! U0 i X - .1 -, ' oer :iare. iuaVa, 16-Oii 1 -T i a 1 S I. Hi I 4 M and rer for 1 ye, per (-Adveitiseniecta toast, bo invariably be j paid ia aiaaee Iness with the Patent Gtice. rrocoptiy attecd i to. - n :r, vtav -&ku r P.tt. H L KKKVBY, Qumey, Mitk ee.,111. 1 Mr J fl ggr-Person who with lu have thif' paper t tho sen rafi with goiuen uaiuUt'obj which te ca: ent w inem ruisny, can ao o oy .aaare, : tfte .Ali n'Alpr far a, eve iu r,.,' that it was, nillar r sriar. r.av.M t zLG "III S Ut soru ao-Jay, Wi.:,-w:r, eJcia Attention So r.rocurina- Patiniraud airbus ? deue and iuxunaat fvliSe; -ia get.l.i VKXta-i-d CLINTON, NORTH CAioC.tTiyt4, SEPTfLMB ER 2i5 lf, 1 0 P FiSCt?i 'jl U t 'i Cify anl Comiti y. "God m'de the conn try a.l r. the tvwu,r kays a devout . , Vi poet, tv he ow iove r ii. f, o ni j " the tiro i intleeu broad rd lobt.-y Lcrv'; Abd in some of tae fctare fcu'.'-'r i .', tliisa contrast, iheiVtn?y U frui X" ttiinif, matt riaf icr lTityi.J eral succc.:ve .'day, TtJ charms t ''f eo.uctiy will not tettri le t thc-o vw hntj it eeiJom; iHthout thaim 1MI- !!au vir ' may'" We the ce i.t o'..ij the ccuotry'h ci:anu ar4..f"t rc wide, ifLot uuiveraa .iv:l.:ii doubleri are few, the Opeu Jibb' 'v. j UuMiiwas i " f ' j af HiJs 1 J. -f-' liere it can where tijyuiy airs, tie wide ti- and soft music of N :.ure iniitti'ii'fc Is not the towu h inj-mado j U- . deed? The los of brick, and r'ij.'.jj; irnbrokeii;r5iii!3- frowning 'on tha p:.i r ' edestriaa, reS acting f ouj uhIc of iike witiis, the aheady, without .adding uitesiiy Um-biick'ayyr s iuduuy and bknl, pic claim it. ine kidc-alKf vt i ; 1 J the ceaseless tramp T r;'-'u rtiiou vl.tyw . Xhe pav4eVAchouig w rth .lb . 7 U of armed bouts, ana the ioult-r ctatl A armetl wheels, 2rccia;m9 it. claimJ. in the din, cuncu.n, coi....-,:i, j binding-clotidi of dust, tid Mn circiilatMg, Val.iii;d, cuUhm, m i t-.e pui,rt'n.; odors t j ."'. . . . ed .se r-ttj sdij ?i t!ie ptowess find trinmpbi ct inech. 'cai j kdl and'..ndatry; paut 'v-ce, 11 t to. set: forth bu':iiin iv m in W nt Hic a, J weif.as in soi: vf i..s m-jre cred till lbe&e tbi!iy.-f 1: were easy to .1 ti e lifet- speak of roan, point to no, ,-, A uniyr totwai il 11 a a US LUC JJi 1 i.Oil t 1 .... p., . object on ibe c-u vas as tliy inuktr ud builder; not witi out God, iudeed, thv-rgn ) Ood, may hare b -cti but htlie revgniu;d, l eitber iu th b4 iiing or in oijc!, ut 1 I'hatever jrrc-at 'abytou' hasaivn Inhj t rue to t:titj to .1 mil a shelU.r t-r uie worst ciuutu&ls. a' rcceplaui for the tr- ; ..... ... - 1 cesi bociiii- uiseuf.?? ty wiucu iuc g..uv S , 1 jxliti:; is utiected. Pavs we, tben J kbUia in ttfolatter, Tte Ct fiir,-s ,V -!',.- Ji.rfJMa orcljf from' iLe picy fle J .. thoognt. At le!'S,( ar;ioa Iffc.'-.:'. fuj p.ia?e occurs ; vheu the .tlietn.tnfctrrfaue6 fr"'? '. i i.n.-.ili ' , ' . , , . , A .. ! , , . : " .... : f ! -AAVBiiion uoe? noi commence wu lj ju hit. in snwfie. and t, :it !.' ;- ! .i . ti:e fitv uus. ana iei ana luuu-j-t ". i i t k i sj)k'ftl attraction to tboe wh in'; !f docrs iu t?reen an I d'aUv meadow t it attractive unuer the mot.1 uyo-i: :ib l.irdsnpsi . dinird ! .t ims RncJ... . . i ."i : , .. m f . . ' . . : . . ., . , incs tft re waiting our street?, wh from tl.e. city " to .f, ;ii2Ces .j, 1!lam w.d h.a achievemeulj t-.f fisil,nn UironVh oidv a h countn- fri;m mac ux to inan'o Author, ui.d u-e. 'Aoiki attc-t Ili- mjst; wisdom, , and xfHr, wisdom, und p?Hr. . f . ; . . 1 .rT r ll" .Vn(ll:,r .'iri tHIIl:'). Tr'il f, ,1! Ill' j r I I ... . 1 ' ; obeel in her. u aru.tioyut fluerv, uit . ... J , .- ipou tut eye, that; j. teui of nlaem.-at, ; f.,.. 1 V ., ... . " . , ' roi of iibcratiou fiom tliialdom ciule 0 . acknowledges, uuctnc:outIy often, lie fT;steriowa lii'flueiirO'. ' t f Van at utia boundle?, to whiob b'.e non- suiJeaH- awakes. The can-y, of celestial Ul'Mef sprtail out like 2) i-ii.te cuitaiu over . J 1 "V. tlie race 01 ueaven, !- t:o loit-rer piwiiay j shutout by i.ainpar: i cf msoii-wwri, 1 J oUl.pertaii '.no rHpiu'vus eye to taKe in ; the waoii h'.ipa-.:i W'v-'avt', trora pole u poie, i L -oka;r io th? .highest height "of that glo.'ious Ved.,. g.eaj"'.J" 1 in the H'gU tinru wih co jo ties stipa'ngles,. and v- acribiuT cy day totf hn-;.. pathway, of sun 'ri. i!.-.rT hc r r.i mi:i to , . ; . a t ... U1S cour.-e iiKk ui may bo that tjidy 2 from your y-r raze r or use eanu.i u jec!jire. bs,,,, ! of d-Uli:ii di . : . - . . . , . . Unc too woadetfut lvr tnfe; 55.. V., I cannot attain lu.to it ?n JJ,U is indeed a. lbjt it Kjrvt?s to brnic the Infinite bcfv'e ou,and t' sug5eQ.hus how S: Mlu and '.JUMgnificant 'is suan, UU-jJd the proa ie't luuiiuuitiij. v,t OM iu'!l'-f:i.ri!ii-ii ri.iri ' jJUf prUe. and- skill, "beside. 'H:."t whose 4Ai !;.-ade the Mm to 10 rul le by jday, .and t-h ht, K i the sUrs 5 moon t j.fihityi'bv ni twinkle Iroai "the a IliCO'tt 4?ab4y -reniofe realm where they maiiitx!1 their empire. Wbea bueh a j-eiitiiiiftii utrii'-s home upon the iitboring lxiri it finds p!.i ire. it Sud f proht, to rele've nIf with, il : pn.je-bfe. 'tU2 burst w Ue lfsiuo;-1 U;,rj, l$l man, that thou art 1 1 ti'ui u? bun. .1. t .. .. r, tl.f ll ... it i I ti'tJ SAU W IXIl(. iuni .li:u i I ru . t. .i -.. .. ;.t me- woouroua eas: oi , ttion: Uie "um peep.r.g vier tun. cowua ? ! w,;th the richasl greu, or okiuimer reai-i. wiudiu? and ciorjui2r iv flows .ibrousb C 'jtr ttiiCcu i - .:ii - : I it" " I ? .. . . 7 . ; ! neTP-srJ us ."53- iTJ.'ti llra-breth- ed-TfPen ite 1 1 - ' : irT- " v w . " otr; fcjMJ7Town hay, o uaregafdeu 1 vcu roi fl'prtrage tu Aionic lactate : 1 " - r "As when to Uif. ra wwn&i . ti Ar.v . Beautiful but True. In a late article .'Labet. It Wffins vith a mother look vit!i 7 fatherN'nji!1 of approba tion, or a siu of reproot -with a sintei'a utle pieure .of the hand, or a brother's fo) . d r-efcepti- cm id e. a wi 1 1 luruming bees and ral4?s ben-bive-j-witii pleasant walks in . f-hstdy laU'., and vtith ihoughta dirrcied jw'eet. aud kindly ton., and worda Qi laaturft the acts of be-iovolenee, to deedl ,;f vinb-?. and to the so'Jice otil good to UOd hmir-fclf. . ; - The Se'jitk fire norJ&Flfijipy.Tp Mt'-et'klntj and the msthropnc cheiiah ihn ide, jbxt if they do no -good, " thVy at least caue no misery to. other. But a j retritmtTi'ViPybe has rii crerd, that he j wfrf'wtsjaw bii!i!-eif up in Lis own selfish "'com to tl.. 1 If ft uy 11 Z& sn i. ..J in r raid's Marazirw?f this brief but beatiii r:t' Hi " ' pla;3, and .refuses t adc viHle human uf-.v- j tV-rfii, mH not only lack the sympathy -of nis teiiow wrien m i m neei or v, out find l.imse'f nkimatcS arranged at " ' " " - L !, har of a Tro!i.!? conscience. And iro!ii2 conscience-. Auu if he can boa-it with truth, a.-, ia aldji pOAsibie, tliat lie i not tluoject ,aUiTuHl dtvjwindt 'tl leat ncYf' ' " a.t of the l4'uStVvJ?Pt,U(,t H' c'lV U0 know not the te".'Vjmjr.t accomiwnv- i A"CJ;i the v- "''J-h,,;,!,!,,.'., .wu- 1 .w,., Uuvcsville. Ia' .Wid yon tMt-air tll us v .-.Jidn v '' -yM-'Tf .i"rr I bf. -M-it . f- ,..,i-m. I"!":5'1 b lt and cheapen ti!e to ..Msei .' Cli'4ii',"i. -j:'... mcf 1 cream caui.-oi ou naa is oiive oil ' a i-.ift llcRy that 1 H4ver met with a .'.rvn j esiiifi .,-snv i'n tiviJnali-ifi , .... diere was hf- '111,-1 1. , . . . , . . , , i In , or isei intellect und been all 1 12, UI)-i een moulded, h 1. .('K aroii Hi iie circle 01 vur 1 own exni'.rjt-'ncjc. and vou cm sustain tin- . t r 1,'-. .! ji . . t.ici. J. job al tn- soaJen !ac.3S ou meS eS if. your ;auy watKS, feic.j!eni, 01 ncirryi T . 1 ... w j J ? d'snkfi ' -. r mecfal a? (pjireiiieut-. le sitise of ! the eoert-ion th-it d rouged aud drove them 1 in kiriifn .!-i!av t Ji rr:iirr;i lnii rrh S nf . i isnrna , T , ' . f - , ,f , "Z ar-d over deserts 01 wee.rine-r. to t -m nt-s Look at the musty hbra- wLo6o Manners no .. JL t , . " " n 1 1 ! wim hi, learned bVir?ue! ill he -has f 1-. ct a rle.-arwho thinks that ..".mttfib-ctual truths arts , 'j;.ivaL;'i;i, a;id that to-hics , ., . t 1- ' - 1 i- oitiy for the liTUorant: Jbxaniire the ' 1,, ! , . 4 vv hbt, tody at y ur leisure, ami Ull me vhat'5U,th;nk of e.Ju atiiU without love j iL-.a0ii'. forcu, j-utgement ' aa s ! trfbufvecid, aiid service to biMUanity al-' iti. 't!&.'u-a4e' u.e in life ! Jilucaii(.,;i. which sf;Mi'.I be a broad libtto 'he w ,'er aims f cx.'itence, U- now uoihiii juV a sjckmv g;em. Deep Cultivation. Mr. IL-.tiviis !ia Flecribed the.pract'ce i mrwmrai 'f .th 'V narrower in .MaJetrm wiiiul LVaher t-ronincr. S Ih f.mnd be.-iu a ticker. ' ' i ..- ...i. wtnoli .-rto -A rmarKao.e. and -irilcinir Jeason.f.-r . . . .1 The. e vre cf new sto:ks being very ! Sr-"e3 'a they sre usually I rotight bom the heck linoyarJs of ierni any, every ex- ptdie-.t Jas , been tried in order to pofctrue I th evil m long as possible; but r.o inn- irmj:, or prucni', 0' atteu'Uon is of anyi u iUJJ, Or pT ni; ?.!.'l tl us. t vine is not a native ct that isianU l,er Hl.tbs-ter neck, and ipped tJi 'nectar t p''-ye' cor;e raising tuclf id tpy, uk! kti?Y growing Weil for a few years, 'th'i ' of her cherry lij:s a prtedmg there w-s I t lJ; -fi1 '"'tion.the i-Jwte:.rtd a liab-:-f'".-tlt.l;etitraies vA in ikes iuftriur wine. ! the feast harm in. consider 'n that thev I1 w':''" rtvtcli, nnd cut olh first r)m o'dv fi.-ue.'3y i found in deep j nomftbing w9tweei a beigh-ho end a )-- I -ouje happened," be sy. uto. . ' j tess Nearly a core tJf 1 - , '-'Ornmoo'p!aofcs were dispoawl cf. Then j : work, were nUndins i a i'Totlowed a silence, broker, only by 51 r. -to see the process liofers, h-ird at work. htig tintich a diep a they were tail , P siock! ' the eiMh from one, side a?vd throw-! Mjj i .".. .... . . rv tlra rf". I I . r I.. J. ....... ti .-. I pt :tbey wer- trencinng ..od w- l fWJif frh pianlingtreuching iary fa i , ! : -H rn m .it?.s s a lerwariK. a rat-rp iint! L - r Lu wiliest, w -'wointedj f iV f.JH OVC ot h .n tliat were hciag oroken j . . ...... i ao, - a trroier,J irruUtton atut a thicit in - ft. I. f -ron ai d IirMi'u -'t, . - - - , j :ed tarue of line; and added t . commoniy deposited by the j I iy wuen u-vw, i aiierward that potah and soda existed n u.c ue je;usit. Now t?e--e "antral are U - . i ? i . , . . " . rr i;: -f.iit tn inn bni ni tr.i i.i-n.i : - - Ite v:ae, to .apply p. miner- i ' gr tjr ijf m m-r Ufttle &!kxH t eotA e! tUt notldr but J pniii of at dertk t thA action TOOU WoM keep? p the urply far of !h r - - - r- Sji" - r t ii rD0T Teartr for triTfcoots of delicate piula j will IIU!, travel UmUU TIUUI - lUt ujri ; The vegetable rdens which aopply Cerent Garderi, and k'ther i market cf lit fof orre feet deep. ttffcunplv the trate I ottJiseral mattef to. the soil above. , jUSark uaM MJrjrcss. I 4- r r . Labels far Fruit" Trees. The !nbl whkh come from th rfutserv tree., are (ve rfuxserv itx tree., are not deaigaed tn fiLiaa.nirff an a ejr) thould be rerlhcj wjjyhi permanerd rnei at the first leisure after plwntiop. Bo par ticular that the wira by which the label is Jittached w not round the bdy of the youn g tree, otherwise wiM, as the tree grona, Ve burifd in it and materially injure tLe tree. The;yery bt.t label we have ever used ia a strip of thin sheet zinc, alout four inches lon: and three fourtiis of an inch .wide, at onej end, cu. so a$ to tper to a point at the-bther-ijdp-w-hich after wri ting the name of thcrtiN g. the date when et out, and where obtained, .can lie bent round one of the Mnall brarcho. with the writino outside,! and as the branch grows it will expand without ii juring it. The ink for writing .on thesfa laWli. is made thus : .Take of yerdigri an f al am moniac, each 2 orachms; Ifynpblack, I drachm water; 14 onnccs, to ha well mix ed in jnortar.j adding the water gradual ly. It mut be kept;' in a clita slopped vial. Write oti ihe.2inc with ijie ink, af-, fier w,aH,lS 'r- P R rc'n'J . 1 1 .. ! 1 1 I'll ter. - it is dry youj nay espjee t to ih5e:4h e . It iait.be ground foryr, and 4, fourial-- A ji"r I rvfeJ-r Mealy .pofates are th" best 'Ithorlenr" in the worid. I Olive oil is- comiiarit iVelv- fhealtfiiul. but potatoes or menl are Ftill . . ; r iir..M.- r.:.L.. ueiier. tr uici xuic i varum. WortsvH Ij:sat Jaines F.i.IIer. AVLr'te- a 1 iue's Confers, X. V., states, in ihe Coitn ri .t . t ?i i I ,, ! try fre illeman. ihat b liaa valuable 1, ... , . - . , ... i . . h. . .1, 5 :. , r ,1. .. r. nvi r nil a . ri ' i. 1 mi iiiv iwi'it- in 111c 11. LTll. n . 1 M w... ,1 tn..r,,J llii.m 4 I, ..s , . . , .1 , ' l. f , , , 1 1 . . 1 severd tunes. 15v tow means it.wps re- j moved entirely in a few' weeks, wiUkjui i any annoyance to the aaimal. 1 I ;. 1 v. i 10 mc-uf China. From ii KiscI ?h Almanac we cut h 'recn)i for mniul'ii I ; cmn, a long; .rime since, au'i 1, or jjonu- I I . '"tv having iKCurred for tryinir, v.j Svjnd . ', .? ,, f- 'n. ., , - ter ihe article was repaired , . .'. ;, 1 - . 3 , . , . , I'. U ibus mate : j j Take a very thick olutiorif 'urn nra bic iu water, and stirinto "it piaster of Paria until the rmxtuic become! a vi-Mv-i. , ba-to the fncl'irev Anplv it with j a brush tt edge, and stick them togetiief. 1m three day the article cannot again be Dri'j..-n in the 6uie place. The wbis-'iiiN of the etment rtne'era it doubly valuable. 1 .4BC - -I" t:" Mr. Pc i.riB roiti' hi liiin.'rp. nitr. Iri Iii"S bnn.'rc-T Krtnth vUt to Miss. Cliri (V'.r w inlier r-nin'. S tic f.mnd Iter iu a f.cln. ' 1 - i . . . !'ii. Ydon: in the oar or: stole !n aim aroui.d f " - I . . ua.i come to an! agreement, and were jen- j orally reported to be on tho iiih-r'ad to I matrimony. Tb.e lid v tok dl , -ie' !y , even indiUerfrutlv, to judge from the Uvi- : ludo'of , r attitude in tho iocW, !it lay uf It 'an and her visitation of! brvktr. Oi'dy by 51 r. Ppp Uf-,ing at the injiiiUK., and is Ciarkja fAimiig Lerse'if u;critstnghy. j At !e:.gtli Pdpp propoou a pr r;iec.:i ' fW4:rufcre mabr ivw this snbaod Ia bftm df v r. f "N Jl. CiariakAl'it won't iii-srff ' 4iv ' -' in the gradual cokirfe oOirnc. no than f ptpn;oirfWeidir.T. and rei'U' tto . 'ewtn? for Pk Crmt. R If., ! lt I Hi III f ycrte I',v - tnd ice crsira. l-'Ciartsia'dtclwed bytb, a ' di.: - .7' "I wish ' b- iti I . . . . I J l ' y. at t ome, lor i Lrej ,mi1i v. -!..' i. t-M . '-IndM KHid IVnr,;: -wl.lt Llii V 7 ii You expect w-ar sddi You expecti.ur eddm- to uke place ! three weeks! don't you ..1". 1 f l M ITJ IIC 1 UU. "We I am vrry U dUanrj ut too. but must do it. I caunot marry' H;! bTr,- t'l.i. k. V. . sip . I Dotit interrnnt rrr I m.i :T ..' i 1 t. ' - i nnriymi yei a-ni;e not lor . . i i f ' a ; j s ocajng ot ill ' WrCUria-j ia.w&;$ : KSMBER SOU r 1 1- 1 mcd whS iJ.ltfoa jo . U . . - ; all, ready and orrkjwilh waili.vy , . , :, ' f; do'.roa put !t e, v'enr ! . , , .-. - ,4 : yc;. r.L rtuttfor t - H '" . ----- niy mind b made tip. ' WM lat At:y you J r mo tvhv.iffou haveJa, reason) Jut it ought to Vt me know it, and in.kvbe it would u fcfr oe; But I won't be iiit:?Cod would it p'liP nj reason ; JTlhen, touII have to remain unsat U"!. I tell vou I hnve a reaaon i ten you i nnve a reaaoni ana opo nal rnoreuojon want i i1 v MI km Imw it ii-T'tA niirt.i1 Vfti ti long I did'tt strike while iron wi Lot- Oj you are tired of me, and wiah to get rid offy tne. Well, if that i- joar wih, go ah ad. r . "Mr. Poppy, you're a duncevouVc (06IP ' .' I f '3Iay be X aro, and maybe I. ain't, aU Popp, riMog witli his temper, 'but thij Til ay, Miss Cfari8a, if you don't tH ru why jou postrx'r.o the .wedding, fdr a few mouths, you may postpon it brver, to far avl ant ronceihtd. TU me (jlariaa; els I iiWi;ar tliat when I leave ibis houso to-uiclii, I w ill oeveYt fx-t in it gia T Well, then, youd belter go r , . 44 Very wIL Gj night. My Cooled Jl. I'opps reacheil U c doorCliriKfcij follow ed hino; .r ?ecirg.ihut he was inamet, ciicd to him to ktiy. Poppa r?iu'c back. Claiissn put her htad on h: ahouldar and cnel. lt pp melted. Popp poko first. ' -"Well," dear jrUat'a tbe matter i - 7 'Oh, 1 thb?voureo uoreasoowib And cruel ! inded, 1 hare a , CPt'i f-R puttinc off ur inariiarr but I cannot X m!i:Jt;!l via what it J. Oh, dear "fyjir writ'et'Mr.X. do"cxcue me !' And bt cried tt little more. f W ell, C!a ri--a, tell mo lL is. T)o you put i off ro piCflae.your fslher br my of ; vour .rcdatiotkS r . Jiu 'yOQ' fiiit tt ',tl ?wr ;rW. , . . tli Tncr cok rj'ing oie"?' No." Toy.iii want to go any whero, or d any thing particibir, that Wrh tcep yyti fiom marrying T' "No." 'In God's vaine then, CTat is( liat d you wnt? Why keep mo iu tin's mm perjff t ' Oh, Mr. Popps, vou'rV w wucl ! 3I'iv V T .x.t.l.t . . H ..1.A ,.l...i.t.. 1 ..1 r 1 , m "Just a you please, 3Ii' . oler Popp aorain picked up his baL nd "Oh, Mr. Popj, pray don't go -Jun't go lyetawbder j "Tben, liiss Clarissa, tell me tLe obsla c'e. ' Pi-pps t7n evidently deu-rrnine'l.. Chr- i'jfa put her hbad on his shoulder, tailoring Il under a strange agitation. Suveral limw T sbe ise ayed to jpeak. At 'length h'-J breathed into in car thesa tearful worui: "the wcalktr'i to 'hot.'" Popps viltd. Wlien 4nr tf-rrit IJt he wm advocating a trip ir th Whit Moutitiins. : i . Shocking Dr. '3Iar relate that an idiot in heOioapil.al of iSnLjUurg aprcfcrihg to b singubnly inui eptill of .fear, an experirrfeat tf an app-illin cliaraetcr m l appalfug conseq'ien'c wat uihj upon him, a a rner.us of putting hia u..e;-tibil-' ify to the test. It was proposal to produeo it, higi th iinpreaaioii lii.it "oj saw a dco' man coirieJo lif. A pcron, aocf'rdingly , and tnv.'Tcd in a hr ud, and tLe idiot 'd- to watch Ver th.j dei.d lt,: "4'"v i' ;-.. . . ,. ...... - r' GTS rd .it t'j ho klill: and tbjj . . t . 1 - - r . I t,,c eel of th ut.fortunaU f unurf4ii, atd -then unmoted by hi crf.; cu f bi bead.. He then ealtbly r-sumed Li sSa-. '",jn by the real crp-,c. ;' J Funny Mctf;'f.-1, Lu:ic Ol- ercf nays lb 1 iUiwing m Lauded iuU thfc telegraph U c.ty a few days eiucq"; "T, . t-He was office in that To "ilird LpLtie f Jho, 13 and li that'thore k "utt - a.rUlIiiV. hft thcr utte sp.ir.ab!e leUeyn- Sl4rjj amount finoiier saved virt - v.v. 1 1 nJ """S write, but I w iM " " "7 H ,,V r,.U , nd we shad apeak Uce, t-j f.vc. Peac be to tl ee. Our (riturit a!ute tl ee.- . Gleet tly friend by t&rce.M3rd John. ii.it. uua r-. , " ( ) The Chlne tea CTOp. it Li said, will - ii - - - u tt iin rifm T"6" There are do )lid rocU in the AicU region v owin- 0 b; r j frcita. . i' i ' : . v ., 1 V r ' . 1: . ! ... . . 1 4 ;" r 1 r, ki t s 'ti- . 7 f n -- 4.. c Yi: . i i- d, ' ' - ' "-fa-. .-SSW :. TV &.ar.'?'iflwuS". ,;r-r-iSC?t" '3 '--e,