THE PEOPLE'S ONE DOLLAR TUESDAY AND FRIDAY VISITOR. Site $$htvmnn & nxmtx. 8am L. J. Skinxeb, A. E, Mttchet.l, : : Editor. : Mauager. Price $1.00 Per Year. Delivered at doors of city subscribers, aa soon as from preea, by carriers, without extra charge No name entered without payment, and no paper sent after the expiration of time paid for. The Editor disclaims all responsibility for the views or statements of correspondentsand re serves the right at all times to revise or reject any article he may think proper Best Advertising Medium In the District. Kates very moderate Special Kates on Long Contracts. EDENTON. OCT., 4, '87. EDITORIAL. London, Sept. 29. Polydore de Keiser. Esq., alderman for Farripg ton Without and a Roman Catholic, was to-day elected Lord Mayor of London. What means this startling an nouncement? Step by step the church of Rome advances in matters of seculor and political concerns splendid progress which their decend ants have made in growth and gov ernment. Bat while all those wiUbe absent causing a feeling of sadness there will be occasion for contempia . tion as grand and stiring as oar ret rospect has been sad' and shadowy To her absent children oar grand bid Mother can point innumerable evi dences showing that the seed of con tinuing prosperity, so faithfully sown in the past by other hands, have germinated, sprung up and are now ripe for a harvest unending. Where the song of the plow-boy and the sound of the woodman was once only heard, the music of spindles, the roar of machinery and the tread of the iron-horse, all blending in industrial harmony, impregnate the air with the music of a march grand, imposing ind beautiful, making the people rejoice and filling the lap of plenty even unto perfect fulness. At almost every cross-road, in the place of the cider mill and dram shop, there the plzbis 8citum. iNone ot it in the cud of America, and to avoid it m we cannot be too careful. Innlrincr fnwurd. rwrhans. to the neriod " O X 1' ' I 1 1 1 i 11 I A when, history repeating itself, the lex ecclesije shall take the place of , tne cnurcu oi uoa nas ereciea an edifice for prayer and praise, and where the poor and the defenceless orphan once were neglected, now, in TnEWrashincrtonPostsavs: "Ren- the plenitude of a charitv almost E3 mJ I resentativc elect M. C. McClammy, of begotten, there stand asylums sus North Carolina, is stopping at the tained and governed bv a prosperous to a Post reoorter. 'in the interest of PeoP' ueni,on progrea anu umveraax . I 1 T .1 a 1 1 mv constituents, and am going gooa. An mis reunion mere may ue through the Departments with my some who, impressed with the gran 'little hatchet trying to cut off some deur of the progress made bv their DAnnVkllnfln ItvtrtVvci 4 mm 4-t-kA 4 iCk k a rf I Atmuo iiuui vuw "MCtflf0 oho 1farm no Fafnrn tn omce. ana nave graitea in ineir pia- , . ,, , , . ., fruit " welcome OUR MANAGER'S TRIP TO WINDSOR Our Business Manager, in company He may be with the Band, was presant at the laying Ua. Vini I of the Corner-stone of tne Court Mouse McClammy is a. Democrat of the Tilden typo who thinks the favorite ensign of the past (a broom) is not without its virtue still. v!rV A nlann 3 nrna rt mnof "S"" voF. . in Windsor, Saturday last, a full account even tnougn tne rresment snan taKe of which will be given in onr next. four rears to finish the iob. There Saturday night it was his pleasure to J I nt hPTin rtnn nf r.hf most dplichtf ill fititftr- is nothing so pleasant in the South as tainments ever given iu the town and . n1pn ImiiQA.Irppnpr participated in by the heme ladies and L. i - - x. - . , onri mucin rt raracf HoiiTr an-l k -v ra 1 The State Fair reunion of non-res- ience. Among the performers, notably, ident North Carolinians promises to wa& MissKosa M. Kenny, whose match I 1 J t A. 1 .1 " be a most enjoyable feature. Many, for h on an B the tti Q nnarafnnrl nrntni'nnnt raoiMnnfa man "fifor'l in all if a full v utuci Ubabco nui iiAc uttu tuiibcu XT i. ji ti r , . , Iiiu obuppcu itii iAi. xuuuuy iiiau whom but few better Landlords live. B.nm tha hoorfli a fr cnoL- nf nis unremuung exeruon in Denait oi 1 nlpasnrft for all will nver hfl lrinnlw r their native home and mingle again membered, and his unlimited contribu their familiar- voices in the sweet tions, making sojourn dolightful iu his , , .,. place, win ne tuny reciprocated should v'n 'v-i isovnug laiuiuai tne lot oi lite ever mane mm aole or thinirs and incidents of the oast which furnish opportunity. , ii i . 4. . , . Windsor presents a business appear- have swelled history into a mighty ance quifce fn keQpins with other towns book crowded with noble deeds, grand in the East, and her people look, as if I ir.j tt' i... i i a. : i . i i achievements, and brQUant evidences V" of an universal onward. It is pleas- when, in her course, she paused to note ant when, at stated times, the seat- he most worthy among t,he recipiants of tered family, once happy in supposed He hopes to visit the place when the nernPt.nal union nan h hrnncrhr. to Court House is finished to admire the mingle again around the fireside of again with the kind generous and most their old home, to live over, for a hospitable people. while, the long past which has been lost save only to memory in whose J. J. BURGESS with exercise facts and faces as well as ETHERIDGE, FULGHAM & occasions are thrown out upon the surface a feast to the eye of mind and a jov to the soul filled with love of home and a just appreciation of the friends of other days. In this reunion there will be much to recall which will doubtless awake reflections sad beyond discription. 3Iany faces will be missed. The mtnesof many will be mentioned who now sleep in soldier graves awaiting the final transfer when the batalions of earth's mighty force will pitch their tents upon Eden's fields clothed in t'ie immortal armament of heaven. Some will be absent whoje deeds of love and wisdom, whose mighty speech and fearless convictions have mad their names conspicuous in the incomparable catalogue of true great- COMPANY, ESTABLISHED 1867 COTTON FACTORS AND 19 and 20 "NT VH- TT Commerce St JLX U11U11S., V H. Specialties Cotton, Peanuts. Lumber and ALSO WITH THE irijiuta $igar artortj. HAMBERGER BROS., MANCfACTURKRa OF Fine Cigars Also Wholesale TOBACCONISTS, And dealers in Snuff, wood and Clay Pipes, also, Foreign and Demestic Leaf Tobacco, ness. Some will be missed to whose bright example of christian heroism 93 and 95 Water Street, and self-sacrifice the onward of the Church that essential in civiliza tion, is, in great measure, humanly speaking, due. Some will be missed, statesmen, whose spotless charac ter and unrivalled ability gave luster to the State' 8 reputation and whose arduous efforts paved the way for the j NORFOLK, YA. AXLE GREASE HAZEB BEST IX THE WORLD. Its wearing qualities are muni-passed, actually outlasting two boxes of any other brand. Free from Anlm&l Oil. (VGET THE GENUINE FOR SALE BY DEALERS GENERALLY, Steam Boat House AND OYSTER SALOON, King Kt,. 3 doors west of Bay View Hotel , . and next to tiua Dixon Building, ED EAT TO AT, C. ., R. B. Hayes, Prop'r., Who begs leave to inform his patroas of Chowan and the counties surrounding that on and after October the 1st, run ning through the entire winter season, he will be prepared to furnish, daily FRESH NORFOLK OYSTERS in any quantity desired. Orders, large or 6raaII, from any dis tance will be promply filled. Daily boats on the Chowan, Roanoke and Scuppernong Rivers will enable him to sunnlvreirularlvandDromplv any par ties in Bertie, Washington and Hertford counties, either on general or special orders. Patronage respectfully solicited. Trems as reasonable as the supply affords. BAKER & SON", Coach. Makers, Edenton, N.C. The above firm having just received a new supply of material, also increased their force, wish to state that they ara now prepared to do all kind of Coach, work in the very latest and improved style at prices to surprise everybody. Before buying a Buggy, wagon, cart or a wheelbarrow, you should give them atrial, you will save money. If you have repairing of any kind to'do they will suit you both in work ana price. Horse shoeing done cheap and neat. sepl4-y For Sale. Splendid Tract of Land containing about 2C0 Acres, of which. 80 acres are in good condition for culti vation. On this tract is a new two storv Dwelling and a sufficiency of out houses. The land is well adapted to the growing of corn, cotton and all kinds of truck products. It is situated on the county road about Si miles North of Edenton and about 3 miles from Rocky Hock wharf, where daily boats stop en route for Edenton and Franklin, Va., makine close connection with trains bound for Northern markets. I will sell very cheap and make terms easy. For particulars, apply to V. E. Felton, Edenton, N. C. Ell- i " I 42 a .: mm MERCHANT TAILOR, ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. A fall line of Foreign and Domestic Goods always on hand. All work warranted. SAILMAKERS. Canvas furnished at Factory Prices. , Old &vils bought OI TV IV ( and sold. Awnings and flags made to order. XJ VJ.J. J. j AT THE EXCELSIOR HOUSE, GREEN FRONT, Main Street, Second Door South of A. T. Bush's corner, LAN BE FO UND Whiskies, Brandies, wines, Ales, etc., the best for the very lowest cash prices and in quantities sufficient for and demand. Cool Beer on Draught; also Bottle Goods of the best grades. Cigars and Tobacco ofbrands well established. CairThis establishment is entirely new and constructed with an eye to the convenience of the trade. I invite competition as to the quality of my stock and the completeness of my structure. Give mo a coll. Edenton, N. c, A. L. GREGORY, Proprietor. Established 1874 Iron Front Brick Building, Edenton, N. C. Groceries and Provisions, Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, Furniture, Hardware and Crock ery, salt, J-iime, Hay and Coal. ,3TA Large Stock always in store, and, buying from .first hands for cash, en ables me to make low prices to purchasers. - ' n pL G-reat Reductions in all classes of Spring and Summer Goods. In order to reduce stock during this month, and to make room for new Fall and Winter Goods, I am offering my entire stock of Clothing and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. ALSO Spring and Summer Dress Goods, Dress Trim mings, Wash Fabrics, Laces, Whiie Goods, Embroideries, Gloves, Corsets. Hosiery, Un derware. Shoes, Hats. Domestics, Notions, Fancy Goods Etc., of every description at astonishing low prices, of which I mention a few: Boys Suits, ages 10 to 18 years, S2.50 Youths' Suits, round and square cut, sizes 33 to 38, very handsome dark plaid, 5, worth 88. Men's Suits, rouud and square cut, sizes 32 to 42, $3. Men's oue and four buttons 1 Corkscrew cutaway frock j suits, in brown, blue, ! Q1- Kl.w.l- fr,m CO V Men's Corkscrew sack suits. in brown,blue,black at 88 Two hundred childreus Linen Dusters at 50 cents. Seersucker cloth in plain, striped and checked, at 8, 16 and 12 cents a yard, worth double the price. Dress Goods in plain and figured from 6 cents per yard. Fancv Lawns at 4 cents. Light Calico, small figured, from 5 cents. Brown Cotton, heavy quality, from 5 cts. Bleached Cotton from 5 cents. Ijraws and Calico hhirU at 25c apiece. hite and Fancy sJiirtK from 40c up. Fruit of the. Loom at 8 eeuts. 10j Brown Sheetingat 20 cents. Victoria Lawn at deems worth 12. Nainsooks aud Checks from 8 to 10 c ts. Lace from one cent up. Corsets at 30 cents. Ladies Nightgowns and Chemises, some thing entirely new. from 40 ccut. iaaie-t jerseys iroiu io cents. ; Paper of pins' 2 cent. Hair pins at lc j per paper, Safety pins 5c per dozen. . Two hundred pairs Ladle lace- shoes, No. 3 and 4. at 75 cents a pair, worth double th nrirr. One hundred pair of Ladies' Opera Slip pers at 65 cents, and many other things too numerous to mention. Gond for 76-Pago ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE MENTION THIS PAPER." Thanking yoa for past favors and hoping to merit the same in ture, I am lours Respectfully, the fu PERKINS OLD 6TAA D Clieapsidc, EDENTON, A. O 9