-X 7 Job Work DONE Very Cheap AT This Office. 'gg. SEMI - WEEHL y 1 Rates For ADVERTISING Moderate AT This Office. b ishermaii IS .Farmer0 A;,,ri!a,.na8er. PUBLISHED SY33Y TU5SDAY &KD FRIDAY. '.V: TOIi. I- EDENTON, N. 07FFiday, September 9, "1887. - NoTlO in 11 I a 1 ri .-?.-( i.-j.'-,.' xv&v rfv lew- i n I ."' 'V .A fftafffffHti '.W.!J ' ' i - O Entered nt the Post Office at Eden- i ton as Second-Class Matter. LOCAL,. New sweet potatoes in market. Go to Bateman's for New York Butter. Just received a Fine lot September an oyster "em come. month. Let Ju?t received A Fin", lot of candies, zJUJ-J cakes, etc., at Bateman's. The ditches on Queen street are in bad condition. Just received A Fresh lot of Crack ers and Cheese at A. J. Bateman's. Cool and dry excellant weather for gathering crops. CD The Str. Plymouth brought to the N. S. R. R. wharf, Wednesday last, a turtle weighing 2G5 lbs., ,from the Roanoke ; river. The monstrous nmphibian was shipped North and will douht'ess tick'e the palate of some, patrons of gastron- omy, commanding their best apprecia- ; tion. i The Superintendent of Public Instruc tion, pro tempore, was engaged yester ; day in examining applicants for teach ers certihcates. the examination is quite perfect, testing thoroughly the qualificationb of the examined and yet without being a bugbear to the natural'y timid. More hereafter respecting it. When a man ha3 the hide of a rhinoc eros, the conscience oi a mule ai d iiu: mean submissiveness of a toad he m .iJrni nate.s in obsequiousness and presents himself a pattern of noxious degeneracy. Watch a man when he flatters his ene mies end complimerts those he hates. There is unnatural ness in such a cours- Ml it li p 1 p Is Iff We regret to add Mr. Irvin Harris to our sick list this week. Fine lot of Eye Glasses just received at Bateman's. Come and examine them. The first new cotton of the season was purchased this week by Harrell, & Co. : ! t that may justly arouse the suspicions of j "pTlCSS CGIOrS OHyiil. tu nonest ana tne toou. Engines, Boilers, Sptv Mills, Octton Gins and Pi esses; And Machinery of every description 30 per cent, lower than ever before. If von are in I of anvthinff m this line me T 111 for The large procession which followed r the remains of Miss Annie Wool to the 1 grave on Tuesday was truly indicative j of the estimate in which she was held : rjy our entire population, wnataics ,wl n i , son it teaches those of her voung friends I auu at 1U in. Go to Bateman's for Good F. milv who now mourn her absence. To be LQir& has LVt-h Vv ..id uin.OJ I am also prepare! to iiini:s--h CasthsL-v oi'al! kii;sls promptly Flour, Sugar, etc. cheap as the che.i. est. Mrs. L. F. Ziegler returned home Thursday from a visit to relatives at E. City. We had the pleasure of meeting with Mr. E. G. Schirau, Tailor of E Cit; , Wednesday. The revival services in the colored Baptist church continue with uuabating interest. Brown & Co., millers, are putting up their planer and will soon be ready to furnish planed timoer. Pleased to shake the hand of Captain Harney, of Str. Dickerman, yesterday while passing through our town. The condition or IC-iv. J . vv m. .Lee is reported better to-day. We trust he may soon become entirely restored. 1 ho Str. Li,;a is no v.- on the line from i'raiikim to Eden ton in the place of Str. ; 'ho wan which is now undergoing re ..;is. respected we must . be worthy. To be mourned when called from time we must make our life ike hers useful, re spected, essential. AN EXCITING CASE. C. SHARP, MERCHANT. CHAR1FD WITH HORSE-WHIPPING A YOUNG W TTE G1KL GREAT IN'TEuilST MANI FESTED APPLAUSE IN THE COURT ROOM, &C. . CD Iloaci notice of Euenlon Graded School to be fouud in tliis issue. The School .vili begin September 20, at the Asademy ts usual. Farmers, now is the time you should fik.j ywar jioiu paper. Remember it will cost 3 011 only 1.00 per year two issues a week. The condition of our town wa3 never more healthy. Shall we thank the health officers for it or, is it due to nat ural causes? Remember the meeting of the Reform Club Monday night. It promises to be verv interestim:, and a large attendance1 is therefore expected. Improvements are being made in some of the old mansions oi the town while two new residences are rapidly reaching handsome completion. Wanted A man to do good Black Smith work and Horse Shoeiug. Per manent position g'in ran teed. Apply to I. A. Harris, Edenton, N. C. Read on our editorial rage the letter fi-om Miss Rebecca Cameron of Hills horo. written for the Public Ledger, and learn what reputation SOME FOLKS are making for themselves. Our farmers are saving an abundance of fodder. We are glad of it. They have bought too much hay heretofore thus spending inoue- which ought to have been kept at home. Our young friend. Mr. L. D. Bond, passed "through town Wednesday. He is now representing a Mine cigar factory at Baltimore. We extend our congrat ulat.ousaud wish him abundant success. Our butchers are furnishing their customers this season with most excel- i laut beef. Hope they will continue a i the season advances, as upon them we fcj j are almost entirely dependant for our j usual table supply at this season. Our merchants are receiving a portion of their fall stock preparatory for the expected increase of trade. Hope they may not be disappointed, especially since business with them presupposes thrift in all other branches of enterprise and industry. Mr. II . A. Bond, Sr., returned from Warreuton Wednesday night. We wel come his return and congratulate him upon his improved appearance. Thre is nothing like the hills for our low-land inhabitants. None sojourn among them without benefit. L. Lew, Esq., leaves next week for DAYthe FREIGHT New York to purchase his fall and win- laSiSiW the annual holiday festivities of the Hebrews wmcn, with tneni, is liKe our 'Christmas pastime. We wish him a pleasant vacation. Address: fcK I'ERRX. Y;Y r y t rr- y v X A A v r A SCHOOL 1STOTICE. Edenton N. C, Jvdy 2S, 1SS7. To the Public: We are glad to an nounce that Mr. F. P. Hall, a graduate At 4:30 Thursday our Mayor opened Court to try one of the most exciting and interesting cases heard for many years, to wit: State vs J. C. Sharp charged with cruelly beatiDg Rachel Griffin, a young white girl of Rixteen who, at the time, was living in the house of Sharp's Grand mother in Edenton. The evidence abundantly sustaiued the charge and the Court imposed a tine of .oO. 00 and costs, saying, at the same time, that nothing short of imprison- ;vnr wonia re ni'pjn;! tv imposed otic ; for coasidt rations which should be had 'soared to make - the school for the eufeeoied conuuion ot lus Grand parent, whose h'irt beir.i:" de'xas"d, might not be able to f-r.;..i th shock winch tiie news of such a judgement would bring her. The court room was tilled with spec tators, interested in the case and eager to see full justice meetedunto the man charged. Such was the intensity of the feeling that the crowd could not refrain from applauding, now and then, as council for the prosecution would warm up to the importance of the case in dis cussing certain evidence bearing there upon. Had the case been tried in other and Pss civilized communities, among people who had less respect for law, .we honestly believe that cries for lynching would have been irrepressible. We say this not to prejudice any one 'against, the unfortunate man charged, but sim ply to show the intensity of the feeling everywhere manifested and to show that at least a little of that mar hood of o tr fathers is left which wouh- imr'i a blow, if need be, in defense of v umanly virtue and character. When first he came iiinnn;- 11", eight ; years age, L. Levy eon-ioeied hiii.e.f 1 . t II T l. I f'i 1 lin. ' 11.. 1 t . 1 . V. I . I 1 I I f . I of Davidson College, N. C, and a teach- j Us re:i.t., tuMi-.n. i,.'. ned o':ntrv. t ... ....rl ---tl.-.i.-..-.-.v-.-'iIIy-vI.. lsr Tdouday in Uctober next, open a ; n,ityoi Ut ti.t. -4 1 1 School in Eilenton for boys and girls. i thou-dit liio..- - 1 n- ur. 1 lie terms will be reasonable and win 1 , I. ., i l,v . - . 1 ; the verv be published later- Mr. Hall brings with him highest endorsements, as a and a teacher." lie is - employed by a number of eitiz.-ns, who feel the need of increased educational advantages ij Edenton and whose o.LY purpose is U nromote that obiect. No niars v.-T: i I i fj a .- i.cces '. We have been appointed to m-i1 0 the announcement and tr nsk the p.itroii. ad .od of our ).; r;;'" ii tiiv.' School. W; D. Pruden, T. B. Bhm.l, J o. C. Bond, J. R. B Hathaway, V00d, Committee. 1 ct- this t i : ! 1 b d:! r e. ; . . . ue 1Je u heJi hJ ;. Xii .-.', eu- Jit.- h: ;u , to the love,. ,-! y er ;.a.t P.ir- -Ni t : i ; ' ' 1 ( I lie 1 l i'' uy .illW to -1 LOUIS F. ZIEG-LER Uihinet Maker awl U N D E RT A K E li, moves airui n. a nd . :,ivi-f rno t. i , . gentleman ,.,..,,: 1 ;:. sons, M:i ". ; -1 1 ' et . " d.cliie-. In he in tJi.' i;:ii-t d, el ;!! pi:;--,.-. . .... , ;.U 1 :;:v:,vrs. 'i;i't Aj'i ic' . tu-. : - I i ' 1 i t -i 1 . ' I I i 1 . - ' C ' - ' ' ' ' priest ;;.o- to .-. : 1 , !-' (....I .it. . 1- ' .. T'-es ii, . ' price control your p ,: !; - determined In cld.-r r.i! i good on h.t : 1: (;,: 1 ,1 lor a New Fan :.;:! '. 1; t r M ' 111 i e s ..;!. j ,'i ..'. YorJ: v.itii uii.-,n 1.0 m.uket t ess: id' v -or,:p ti . 'l ii.iii;- n. y . 1 1 ,:nei s ?md puh'lic g nerai'y !or :,:' iif. . ;ii:i ::.!; i.- ;i t out: ,'i .1: i: c.:' 4.J.- I 1 1 t ) : 1 . y 1 v. b.-f'.. f l;e t; v b j I a, nnn El ward !..., t (,iii (" - . 1 , - , i 1 -. ' ' i .m h' is : 1 1 1 . . s i , of t. 1 1 , 1 K '- !. v : eafi m'ic- -V V2'a.v; S,.'V' JUoms .Levy, 1 'l': tepn.rin'j. "arnl.'miii .-' - u , 1 , 1 1' r . 1 n storlnj: Furniture a si r t'l.- .Li 'ok-out li.r ad j e ii j 1 n-ii by - o.-. .ei: he returns. MARRIED. Mr. Charles Benbury- and Miss Mattie Black were married at E. City, Wednes day night, in the M. E. church by Rev. W. T. Whitlev. SCHOOL NOTICE. THE EDEXTOX GRADED SCHOOL will begin its third annual term September 26, 1887, AT TIIE EDENTON A.C;D? full Upj!y of ell: Mp Wood Co'ii.'i Fin" Cases ;n;d C.-:slc't-. and Mct-dlie. bip-ei' e.-.-es furr;:!ed nt short notice and at Iw figures. ti 1 m. s & s - . . ... . MM VV . J . O O L' e Co O' O . , Wines. Lirraors and (J:garc- Inipcrtscl and clointic: 'IE wjii;n Agents for A. ' rape J.'ILK-- . n exiiiuiift . at a 1 Ce'.d I ted ...-. '.O I Mid :CD TflAM rUIiNISHKD WANTLD. As I do ALL : :iv . ."a work it ena bles me to till or BAY VIEW BAR. s eh- Ptetaic-s ;ml I'r-i o. ev.-r;, rurnishe i upon orders I'.'. ice bus:ne.s, til; Mbin"t -h . OJ7 ''-i Mouse. Main St. R'-s'd. va 1 old Ha: tie . :u e 1: -xt r v . in s so- r. m o ...m. this Tarer . . . ... JO HIS If '""1?."iJ,"V Operating under the amended law of March 7th, 18S7, the permanence and eihciency of the School isassnrie'd. Mrs. R. F. Cheshire and Miss M. A. Thompson have been engaged to teach in the school. ' . Another Instructor qua'itied to pre pare students for College will be era ployed to take charge of the School at its opening. Other teachers will be e aployed to meet the. wuuto of the S hool. This School and systejn offers the best elucational a Ivantiges attiinable in Edenton. By dividing pupils of several grades of advancement, among teachers employed, for each grade, better and and more efficient instruction is obtained at less cost than can be had otherwise. The trustees invito union vni fo Der ation with all who desire erUcieut edu cation for the children of E lenton. Pupils from other districts ar- in v'ted to enter the School upon moJjrate terms. B. F. Elliott, President. T. C. BaJDHA-M, Sec. pro tern. Sentenbr, 1837. A' At-iAi. &UAAUIX We beg leave to say to our friends in ?orth Carolina that we are prepared to SUPPLY I'ishintr-'-ear, Gill Xets, Soines ; nd Traps of a Sat is factory Quality. Manufacture and piIice TO FISHERMEN for tli e season of 1 888, A SjdL'ii.ii' XT i . i g ;; ! - .. I i. i- , l .:-. i . ' . i i ' ' at o Mi til.- 1 1 ; . I stoj v 1 5 .. ! ' : i .i : . . : -ho;; 'i :.. ; . : a :.r.' . !; ' i :.. :: : 1 t ".'' I: i . ; i U ' i . I '. . ii ;; 1 i o.id a L-e ;. t ' . L to . a... .'. . .i i'CiC v." !;.;'. ,! i j o 1 1 e tor )'., :''.: II ruakiii eh- e'ii:i ( :. bound fo.- '; r':-'.ii :ii n !; I will '-! very eia-a- .... : easy. j!:irtb:!Ldr.-. a 1'C L- OI jLjc'wIICI j -. or .-Ml nil li i- a i.- .d,i.., r ..-a " i- ai .' i ; a - I. y oi i n- t i it) . . I r. f I . ii. . oirt, Noi tli of o i. !i,"'y ..-;.; ii i. b f . . V .. , .iv t-T!l .Vn.l ;:ivit? earl- orders that time may be had to make up and examine careful- !y in order that Fishermen as well as ourselves may h, entirely pleased. All can rely on getting th" n.-st goods we are capable of making. Gloucester .Arf $ Twine Co.. GLOUCESTER, MASS. Boston OiSce, 9G Commercial St. 2m Edenton, N. G. ' L ' , 'be made wor; i:;g for Hf. Age. . ir j rt. .erred who furmsh th'-ir own horMh uiid give ii ir wbo'. time to the b :.-,... e::-ni-uta may be prv.'. aLfle ai-. A it- v vacancies ig towns aral cities, li. i. Johnson fc Co., 1C!S siain st.. Rich mond, Va. au2Jom

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