4 J ob Work DONE Very Cheap AT This Office. ' Rates For ADVERTISING Moderate AT This Office. n i slh (prmrn sunn RTrim Ham'l. J. Skinner. Editor. A. H. Mitciikll. business Maruv.;r. PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. PrW IVfYrtriSiw IiLwr. fclnl Coy Thr- (Yrtn. Established 1886. EDENTON, Tuesday, September 27, 1887. : NoTTii" a - - . t f ---. - f - Entered at the Post Office at Eden- ton as Second-Class Matter. r n n . rr z-.",-. rr- in Lvp n o 8- o S c d i Pj sss ! Li J ! LJD M Qi nsfl 5 an 2 inn i : " ft 1 is mr - m r m m n r-1 I 1 O 1 X r LOCAL. New Cream Cheese at Dixon's. Perquimons Court this week, Chowan next. New York Butter 30c at Dixon's. Big trade on Saturday, new goods the cause. Cod Fish and Potatoes at Dixon's. Notice the change in the Bee Hive a lvertisemerit. Baltimore Corned Beef at Dixon's. Apples! Apples!! Annies!!! Annl j chtap ! at F. C. Mitchell & Bro.'t?. Messina Lemons 25c doz., at Dixon's. TheStr. Violet, of Lighthouse service, was at our dock Sunday and Monday. Quite a number of our fishermen bean overhauling and repairing their nets this week. Right, r?ow is the time. E. L. Brinkley leaves to day for the Northern markets. Look out for latest styles in Drees geods, Fancy goods and Hats, upon his return. For Sale The best driving Horse in Edenton, with a comparatively new Dog Cart and Harness. For terms apply to M. F. Bond, Esq. First frost of the season Saturdav night. Ice Monday morning was set-n by some of our citizens, covering small places of standing water. Read the new ad of Hayes' Oyster Saloon. Orders from a distance will be filled promptly and at all times during the season. Served in any style. Young men, before buyiug vour fall suits, read the new ad of E. G. Schirman, Merchant Tailor at E. City. He prom ises to give good tits and do work cheap. Try him with an order. Call at H. A.Bond's and get good Uranges, 25c a dozen, Lemons, 30c a doz., bea prize drill bv the colored militarv companies, vo'unteers only). Two oi more to compete. A large crowd is expected and a mo6t pleasant time, bv all, is contemplated. When a young man, in the bud of hope and promise, is suddenly snatched away from his friends in untimelv death, the people, full of simpatby and tender emotion, greatlv mourn. On Saturdav at 8 P. M., Mr. E. G. Brinkley in the 24th vear of his afe nasp? infn j the great beyond. Tuesdav, in company with others, he returned from the Cen tennial celebration at Philadelphia full of life, and with love of country, in which he hoped lorg to live, wonder fully brightened by the grandeur of the display there witnessed. It was with I pleasure he recounted the scenes there Deneia upon which he built his hope and prophesy as to the matchless splendor and excellence of his country's future and continuing advance, not knowing how soon from all he was to be taken. ; Thursday he sickened, Saturday he died. Sunday his remains, fnll j the largest concourse of people for same time seen in our town, were deposited in the church yard where sleep the remains of his parents and other loved ones awaiting the Imal day- This sud den and unexpected visitation gives its weight to the caution, 4Be ye also ready." TT1Z Ivl MI o l - A ... iuu train in august last. oramac was acquitted and Hall was found ETUiltV. TllP inrf WOfllMltnn tUia ,.. I O 1 1 WW U O fc J UUIO .yii j the Best Butter, 30c a pound. Snuff and all niht. .A gainst the partv who so1;! ELIZABETH CITY NOTES. GATHERED BY OUR REPORTER. Court convened Monday morning at 10 o'clock Judge Graves presid ing with his accustomed dignity and ability. The criminal docket was disposed of by Wednesday. Among the number of interesting cases tried was that of Hall and Foreman, i;u!eu wilu oostructinsr the excur- i m. saw mmm. Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Cotton Gins and Pi esses, And Machinery of every description 30 per cent, lower than fivr hA-ftvra Tfirmi o;,, need of anything in this line write me for prices before buying. L0m TIME SiYEN Vmm DESIRED. I am also prepared to furnish Castings of all kinds promptly and at low prices. Address: MMIr SCHOOL NOTICE. Fine Tobacco. Nice a-sortment of Fish Hooks, all cheap. We publish on our s cond nace an rc- i count of the "Centenary celebration of the U. S. Constitution at Philadelphia." Though late appearing, it will doubtless be read by many with some pleasure. Just Received, by H. A. Bond Fresh Oranges, 25c a dozen, Fresh Lemons, 80c a doz., N. Y. State Gilt Edge Butter, 30c a pound, Onions to suit the change, Concentrated Lye and Coudenced Milk. Miss Mary F. Sk nner returned home Friday last Miss Sadie Eason, who has been visitinsr Miss Cora Mitchell. lf't. j f or her home, at Hickory, Va., Friday last VV. B. Shepard, Esq., came home Friday. The Edenton Cornet Band, having accepted an invitation, will be oresent j at the la3riug of the corner stone of the Court House in Windsor on Saturday next. They leave home Fridav no as to , arrive in full time. Edenton N. C, July 23, 18S7. To the Public: We are triad to an nounce that Mr. F. P. Hall, a graduate of Davidson College, N. C, and a teach er of successful expv-. i?iicv, will on the 1st Mouda3" in October next, optu a School in Edenton for bovss and ul-. The terms .."ill e reasonable auu will be published j. Cei. Mr. Hail brings with him the very highesc endorsements, as a gentleman md a teacher, lie u employed by a number oi citizens, wuo . e 1 the need of increivfvid educuta i.i advaita(.s in Edenton and whose only purpose is to ! Court for loti i promote tnat ooject. r.o means will be f ttJ;V j T.. . woicucuueiawoi spared to make the school a success.! otaits. vVe have been appointed to make the j.ne citjr nas again been visited by liquor on the train the jury readera a special virdict. ' This nartv wili h called upon to answer in the Federal d be tnat dreaded enemy of man which took from its inhabitants at 12 o'clock Wednesday. Ida V., an esteemed ladj and beloved wife of J. B. Flora. Esq. She was bined from Christ's church at 4 :30 Thursday. She ,e.i ves, besides her husband, and one child of five years, a host of friends to mourn her loss which, she being only 34 years old, seems as untimely as it is sad and depressing. A loving mother, afaithful friend and, above all, a zealous Christian, she has gone to Him who commanded "Come up higher." 1 In addition to this sad death we have to mention another, that Sarah, daughter of Mrs. Fannie Gold stein, who died at the residence of 4(Q o The N. S. Road will soon commence the erection of a new depot at this ter- i minus. Alreadv work is beeruu on the J C3 ' - tego Road, about which we have before ' rs- N. Shultz, Wednesday moraine; maue some mention. agea o years, t months and 27 da vs. If you are bothered with "hard times" Her remains were carried to .Xoriulk and want to learn how to turn vour time for interment. ! into money quickly pleasantly write to The feast given for the benefit of 115.. Johnson Co., Richmond a. the Academy building, on Mond-.v. carefullv to consider. 1 uesday and ednesday nights, nresided over hv tho in, Una mo na ishermen, while looking over your M.ormino- onoQa in ifa ... n ' mwv J O ts V. and send them an order.' Thev work like the rest evp.rrwherA spph ..ra j cheap and fill orders promptly. I happy in labors of beneficence' and !' All of our citizens who have been are devoted to the cause of progress summering at Nag's Head are now at wherever and whenever and. wemav .uuiuc-uir wsiwuiiuK . il( almost say, iiowever presented. innouncement and to ask the patronage and good will oi' ou; p.oplu lor the School. W. D. Pruden, T. B. Bland, Jno. C. Bond, J. II. B. Hatha a ay. Lvivvuid Wood, Committee. LOUIS F. ZIEG-LER Lahlnet j ulcer and UNDERTAKER, Edenton, X. C. ! When first he ihuik1 among ur, eicht years ago, L. Lry ctmsi.iere! hinis tf compelled to occupy aitorewhich, lioiu its retired situation, he callel country. After, when ojHrt unity ofrTd. he moved to the Rs-nthall store when )mj th oujjht himself in town. Now, con trolled by busimss iiitiwsts, the I. mi moves again, and, this time, to tlio large and sjacious building formerly occupied by Messrs. Skiuner and I'.ir sons, Main street, which situation lu declares to be in the mmdst of the nv and, of all places, most attractive to purcliasers. His life experience as a merchant war rants him in nayiuir that to advertise ; pr.ces amounts to simp.ie nous i . ! Cu I and examine goods, bee for 3'onr I sri ves their quality and then h i ibo ! price control your purciiiiM s he in ; iletermaned to eloe out the remnant d' ! goods on hand in oi -oer to make loom for a New Fall and Winter .Stock wh.ch , will be selected in the great city of N w York with which no market can mic- cebsfully compt te. j Thanking 013- customers and public generally for pa.t favors and asking a ' continuation of the same. I respectfully j subscribe myself for the firm Louis Levy by Dillon building, ftrmeriy occupied Skinner v I'arwons. Look-out for ad when he returns. fishermen, while looking over your charming a succeSs in its display nets, etc., pay a little attention to your -f m ... Ci , 1 J i boats. Read the new ad of Currier, u was doubtless, profitable in il j Burroughs & Co , Sailmakers at E. City realizations. The ladies of E. C.t ' ,1 j j. j mi 1 Til. a U a 1 Repairing, Varnishing and Uphol- riTl AAT r VnM f stering Furniture a specialty. ; oUilUU L j ' J 1 J C J J. A full sumdv of chean wood Co dins. Fine Cases and Caskets and Metallic burial cases furnished at short notice and at low figures. THE EDE.YTO.A GRADED SCHOOL will begin its third annual term October 3rd. 1887, AT THE zvm'ron acad my. WHEN Operating under the amended law of March 7th, 17, the permanence ;md ethciency ot the School is assured. Mrs. It. F. Chebhire and Miss M. A. IIEAliSE AND TEAM FURNISHED WANTED. s I do ALL of mv own work it ena- Tiw.i,,,.,,,,, Ur i 1 ... 1. , . . . . . , , iiuiii toii iiac urzn triJUiLl(l IO It'HJ Jl ' rilft! tn ( tf till nnlurw iliu'in . .1 ' o Pictures and frames of every f lfoo a CP m li $n I w v. 1 - 1 CD Our reporter also learned that-, with many othe. attractions ani amuse ments at the Fair, there will be ;ivon at night, at the Albemarle House, a Tournament Ball, under the manage ment of Messrs. Frank Grice, Louts Selig and G. C. Potter. This will ;.e to their accustomed nlaces which, when filled, adds both to society and business the essentials thereunto belonging and constituent. I have on hand a 6 H. P. "Eclipse" Engine, on sills, one 50 Saw 'Centen nial1' Cottou Gin. Feeder and Coudenser. and one Ball7' Cotton-nress. belt, etc;.. e u 1 - ,, . all in first class running order and ready "l u gl , for use. Price for whole outfit 550, fnd; with the above gentlemen at its delivered at Plvmouth. N. C. Time head, we can safely assure evervone j given if desired on part of purchase "who attends it an evening of mujh money. Address 1. A. Perry, Ply- pleasure and enjoyment, mouth, N. C. tf. The premium list and rules and regu- T lations of the Roanoke and Tar River T ..L jt -r Agricultural Societv for the 18th annual J-iUUJS.-U U b 1UT tflo X1 Z o w Fair to be held at Weldon on the 1st, 2nd. 3rd and 4th of November are neatlv j displayed in pamphlet form. Upon the Emry, Esq., President of the Society. Among the number of its officers ase men of high standing and sound judg ment who, in themselves, constitute a safe guarantee of the success of the exhibition. Thf Rc.htdiile of nrpmiiiins coversa wide ranee and the sums offered are quite liberal. Among the amuse ments there will be an Eating match and a Sack race. On Wednesday there will varietv furnished upon orders Place of business, the old Hankin's cabinet shop, opposite the .V'oodard House, Main St. Residence next door. in the school. Anothtr Instructor quaMfied to pre pare students for College will be em ployed to take charge of the School t its opening. Other teachers will t.e employed to meet the wants of tlm School. This School and system offers the U st educational advantages attainable, tit Edenton. By dividing nuoils of ?ecial We beg leave to sav to our friends in , grades of advancement, among teaehet North Carolina that we are prepared to i employed for each grade, better and SUPPLY i ad more efficient instruction is obtain d . . . -i-n -v- o. 1 at less cot than can be hail otherwise. b JSllin;-gear, (xlll -N els, Seines Tiie trustees invite union vnd co ofN-r-inrl Tronc nf n ation with all who desire efficient i.i- aim oi a ! cation for the children of Edenton. Satisfactory Quality, Manufacture and ' Pupils trom other districts are invited terms. PRICE Advertisement OF LOUIS SELIG j B. F. Elliott, President. I T. C. BaDHaM. Sec. iro tern. September, 155 Water Street, ELIZABETH CITi", TO FISHERMEN for the season of 1 888, 1 And invite early orders that time may lv in nrdflr that. Fiohormpn a, tcoll n Oi AA OOAA A MONTH Cfc II ourselves may be entirely pleased. ' OIUU X YJ OOUUbe made work Al! can re! von getting the best goods LD f.f uf . Antf preferred who can we arecaoable of making i furnish their own horses and give their ' ! whole time to the business. Spare mo- j (jrlOUCester JVet gr Twtlie CO., ments may be proriUble also. A f.-.v I - : rQ nta t rr tf xwr-r a onr !- t.a L rJLUUU.llrC, jllAor. Johnson & Co.. 1013 main-sr.. Rich- Boston Office, 96 Commercial St. 2m mond, Va. au222m

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