THE PEOPLE'S ONE DOLLAR TUESDAY AND FRIDAY VISITOR. be githemm & gavmtv. A. H. Mitchell, Manager. Price $1,00 Per Year, Delivered at doors of city snbucrlberB, a toon as from press, by carriers, without extra charge So name entered without payment, and no paper aent after the expiration of time paid for. rPV.o tV11tnvHaIctmaall roarroialhi lit V for the views or statements of correspondents and re serves roe ngui&iaii iimei vo ree any article he may think proper Mamt. Arivortfainir Mcxllnm In the District. Kates very moderate pec lal Kates on Long ixmiracis. EDENTON, NOV., 1, '87. EDITORIAL. Edenton wants manufacturing en terprises something that will make the town more self-supporting and independent. Give us factories and flhops that employ labor. Mr. Eugene G. Harre!, Editor of the North Carolina. Teacher and Secretary of the North Carolina Teachers' Assembly, has been chosen as Secretary of the State Agricultural Society. The selection is a good one. He is, in very way, capable to fill the position. The Fisherman & Farmer was represented at the Fair by its pleas ant Editor and Proprietor, Howard Mitchell, but We suspect he came to the Fair to see the Fair and is more interested in the Fair than in the Fair. -Economist. Right, we were at the Fair. We love to attend a Fair, and we are glad we were there, if the weather was not fair. In the last speech of that grand old Roman, Allan G. Thurman, one of the handsomest tributes is paid to Grover Cleveland that could be paid to any man of modern times. The re-election of a Democratic President he considers the main hope of the nation and the nomination of Cleve land a safe guarantee of the contin uance of his party in power. The old man is wise in council and doubtless the country will recoguize in his late advice something upon which it can safely act. The Henderson Gold Leaf, of Oct., 27th, kindly speaks the following of our townsman, Mr. Samuel J. Skin ner, formerly Editor of the Fisherman & Farmer : Mr. Samuel J. Skinner has retired from the editorial chair of the Eden ton FisnERMAN & Farmer, which position he has filled with ability and evident satisfaction to his readers since the establishment of the paper about a year ago. Mr. Skinner is well known and has many friends and acquaintances in Henderson, where he at one time lived. He is a genial and talented gentleman, and a vigorous and versatile writer, and the Gold Leaf regrets his retirement from newspaperdom. In resuming the practice of his profession, the law, we wish him the highest measure of afirrinernoweri and thrilling influence ""'-'.mTO r- . . r- l will kindle the now siumDenng emuci o of political interest, and ignite that fire or entnusiasm wnose ruaimB d will be heard in every gale, that weep s from the lofty peaks of Alt. Mitchel to old Ucean's aeep. The prescribed qualities in the foregoing are good and, under some cirenmstances would be absolutely essential. For instance, U the party was young, on its first legs, and in its platform " were contained political r rrrm a a rln trioA. In that case the man who could move the people for cine thundering shouts of enthusi asm" would necessarially be the one of all others upon whom to lay the arduous duties of an active canvass. But in the present state of political history when the platforms of the two parties are sufliciently defined, when their history, coupled with tht record of every leader who has figured in connection with them, is fully known to the people and properly appreciated, we are of opinion that success depends not so much upon power to create enthusiasm as upon absolute confiidence in the man, his willingness, ability, and courage to carry out those principles of his party to which he stands by honor and ac ceptance committed. Show the peo pie, from the mountains to the sea, a man known to be the impersonation of honor, a man, whose life has been a safe guarantee of future good con duct, standing upon a platform of principles entirely democratic, and, of himself, he will be able to arouse all the needed enthusiasm in order to complete and triumphant success. Our people have gotton beyond the requirements of other days. Facts and figures, properly stated by faith ful teachers upon the hustings, lay completely in the shade the jocund leader of thought or the roseate de lineator of truth. Flowers are excel lant and oratory charmingly appro priate in funeral orations, memorial occasions or in laying the corner stone of public structures but, from the stump, the people would be better pleased with information such as wonld teach them to make one dollor go as far as two go now something that decreases taxes and increases ability to pay them. This can be done in a plain "horse sense" way; the plainer the better because more easially understood by those who have learned to vote, other things being equal, as interests dictates. Platform being right and the man who stands on it right no fears need be entertained from the people. They are always right. Col. R. B. Creecy can carry the State. So we have said before, so say we now, and so we shall continue to say till the Convention finishes its work. Steam Boat House AND OYSTER SALOON, King St,. 3 doors west of Ray View Motel and next to the Dixon Building, EDENTON, N. C. R.B.Hayes, Prop'r., o wiirt trara lMve to inform his natrons of Chowan and the counties surrounding that on and after October the 1st. run ning through the entire winter season, be will oe prepared to luriu&u uanj FRESH NORFOLK OYSTERS i n any quanti ty desired . nrM larcre or small, from any dis tanrA w ill be nromDlv filled. Daily boats on the Chowan, Roanoke and Scuppernong Rivers will enable him to v ra.rii1a.rlv-and nromDlv anv par- ourpj j - - , ties in Bertie, Washington and Hertford counties, either on general or special orders. Pfttrnnape resnectf ullr solicited. Trems as reasonable as the supply affords. 3RCHA1CT TAILOR, ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. A fall line of Foreign and Domestic Goods always on hand. All work warranted. success. From all quarters of our grand old State the newspaper guardians of her interest are making suitable selections of candidates for the office of Gover nor. The Wilson Mirror asks the question : Where is the man whose magnetic influence and thrilling powers of in spiration will stir and quicken the throbbings of enthusiasm in the bosom of the lone fisherman on the sea cost, as his boat goes drifting on the murky waters, even as they will electrify the pulse of the mountain hunter as his foot-falls alone break the silence of the everlasting and solitary recesses of his own loved tramping ground? Where is the man who can start that thundering shout of enthusiasm whose peals will leap from mountain crag to valley, and from hill to vale, and from the rippling rill to the splashing brooklet, and not lose one echo of its music until it has swept over the entire State, and mingled its thrilling notes with the murmur of tides as they sink into sleep upon the bosom of the sea?" To this the Greensboro Patriot makes reply : Brother, your head is level. That j8 the kind of man we need, and that js the man wt must have, so that his TO TAX PAYERS. The town tax list for 1887, is in my hands for collection. Taxes are now due. I can be found at the Telegraph office on main street at all times ready to eive receipts for same. Pay your taxes at once and save yourselves trouble and costs. A. L. White, Collector. $100 TO $300, A MONTH can be made work incr for us. Aerents referred who can furnish their own horses and give their whole time to the business, boare mo ments may be profitable also. A few vacancies ic towns and cities. B. F. Johnson & Co., 1013 main st.. Rich mond, Va. au23 8m BAKER & SON, coach Makers, Edenton, N.C. milt AXLE GREASE BEST IK THE WOULD. It wearing qualities are unsurpassed, actually outlasting two boxes of any other brand. Yrr from Animal Oils. PTUET TUE GENUINE. FOR SALE BY DEALERS GENERALLY. To the Public, I have concluded to return to my Dravins: Again and all persons wishing any hauling done will do well to call on M. D. HASTE, Edenton, - - N. c. Passengers carried when desired. The above firm having just received a new supply of material, also increased their force, wish to state that they ara now prepared to do all kind of Coach Work in the very latest and improved style at prices to surprise everybody. Before buying a Buggy, wagon, cart or a wheelbarrow, you should give them atrial, you will 6a ve money. If you have repairing of any kind to do they will suit you both in worK ana price. Horse shoeing done cheap and neat. sepl4-y For Sale. A Splendid Tract of Land containing about 200 Acres, of which, 80 acres are in good condition for culti vation. On this tract is a new two story Dwelling and a sufficiency of out houses. The land is well adapted to the growing of corn, cotton and all kinds of truck products. It is situated on the county road about 8 miles North of Edenton and about 3 miles from Rocky Hock wharf, where daily boats stop en route for Edenton and Franklin, Va., making close connection with trains bound for Northern markets. I will sell very cheap and make terms easy. For particulars, apply to V. E. Felton, Edenton, NYC. 1 3 n3 EH S r P-a cgPi -t s i g Gond for76-Pago ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE' MENTION TtjIS APER. SAILMAKERS Canvas furnished at Factory Prices. Old Sails bought HI TV P and sold. Awnings and flags made to order. XJ. vll J. XI AT THE EXCELSIOR HOUSE, GREEN FRONT, Main Street, Second Door South of A. T. Bush's corner, CAN BE FOUND Whiskies, Brandies, Wines, Ales, etc., the best for the very lowest cash prices and in quantities sufficient for and demand. Cool Beer on Draught; also Bottle Goods of the best grades. Cigars and Tobacco ofbrands well established. CiTThis establishment is entirely new and constructed with an eye to the convenience of the trade. I invite competition as to the quality of my stock and the completeness of my structure. Give me a coll. Edenton, x. c. A. L. GKregory, Proprietor. Established 1874 Iron Front Brick Building, Edenton, N. C. and Cigars, Furniture, Hardware and Crock ery. Salt, Lime, Hay and Coal. CfTA lArtret Stock alwavs in store, and. buvincr from first hands for CASH, en ables me to make low prices to purchasers. TO 0 (TO TUT Mi Jai U iili TBI W f 1 M SOW SELLING: Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Cotton Gins and Pi esses, And Machinery of every description 30 per cent, lower than ever before. If you are in need of any thing in this line write me for prices before buying. LOm T3ME SJYEfl WHEN DESiBED. I am also prepared to furnish Castings of all kinds promptly and at low prices. Address : T. A. Perry, ?LiYIa0UTHt IT. C. We beg leave to say to our friends in North Carolina that we are prepared to SUPPLY Fishing-gear, GilJ Nets, Seines and Traps of a Satisfactory Quality, Manufacture and PRICE TO FISHERMEN for the season of 1888, And invite early orders that time may be had to make up and examine careful ly in order that Fishermen as well as ourselves may be entirely pleased. All can rely on getting the best goods we are capable of making. Gloucester Net Twine Co., GLOUCESTER, MASS. Boston Office, 90 Commercial St. 2m ! JEWELRY ! Having just purchased a new stock of fine jewelry I am prepared to fill orders promptly. I am daily receiving GOODS of every description in my line, flood bargains are now offered. Give me a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed. One of the latest novelties, for gentle men, is the Patent Cravat Holder Only 25 cents. Order one. I have the finest line of Gold and Silver watches kept this side of New York. Respectful!-. LOUIS SELIG, Water Street, ELIZABETH CJ ad t