J A 1 u V- i y Job "Work DONE Very Cheap AT This Office. SEMI -WEBKl y F "T raian H. Mitchell, liusiness Manager. PTTP.T.TKH7.I) SYSHY TUSSD&Y-&KD-FRIP&Y- ?arai er. Rates For ' ADVERTISING i l Moderate AT This Office. 1V. I r Y ar "in- Ii-lUr. i;n;le 0; y T!.r v Mk. Established 1886. EDENTON. N. C, Tuesday, ITovember 29, 1887 NO. 129. We do not sell Gold Dollars FOR Entered at the Post Office at Eden ton as Second-Class Matter. And yet some people would believe such ;i tiling possible. What we will do, how ever, is to Rive you full value for every dollar spent with us. One Dollar spent at our store goes a long ways. Read some of the prices and don't let them predjudice your mine, but come and see with your own two eyes and you will say, it pays to go down town to trade. Examine our all wool flannel dress goods at 30 cents per yard. atoTUts. We have marked down all and counting the weeks 01 the time to of our 2oa worsteaus 10 j.i ceuca. Double width flannel dress good3 at 4Sc Work on the streets. Talking Dolls at O. Newman's, cheap, for Xmas. Mr. J. J. Burgess, of Norfolk, Va., it again in our midst. Glad to shake the hand of Dr. Woou ley on Saturday last. Every day our town is filled with strangers. What's out? A man who cheats the poor printer never meets with any luck. Several new enterprises will soon b,e started in Edenton, we hear. Fine assortment of Christmas Toys just arrived at O. Newman's. Dr. Hathaway, of Avoca, attended the funeral of Dr. Diliiard, Sr., yesterday. Mr. Maurice Wescott and wife, of E. City, is visiting the family of L. E. Ziegler, Esq. The Monitor come3 to us this week enlarged and much improved. to its o wner. Several new families, we hear, will soon settle in Edynton. Let "em come. All are welcome. The new brick office builuings are rapidly being erected in front of the Bay View House. Christmas toys will soon be on mar ket, 'lis tnenwhen the hearts of our little ones are made glad. Two run-a-ways ou Main street was the excitement of yesterday. Uuiy two mashes made tue buggies. Great change in the Ten-Pin Alle . Advantage to t.ie playeir. Cull ut Haves aud get information. r:hrir.riiR5i is but a short time oil now. and the little folks are looking iorwurd Another man stons his paper because ne is asked to settle for it. Such is the tick of we poor printers. Can't ask foi our monev unless we either get our feelings trampled upon or that we loose .subscriber. But our ruie is to send 10 p ipor without it is paid for. Let this be understood by all. Ajrain we call special attention to the i lvertiseiuent of V. V. Elliott, agent for the "Casth Engmc. the simpie-t ei Vmemau.'. Mr. Elliott is a machinist Zv fade :nd is prepared 10 do any work in this line. We hope Mr. Elliott will open soon in our midst a regular mi -rhinp kIiod something: that "Edenton f SCHOOL NOTICE. Edf.ntox N. C, July C To the Public: We ;:r g.'ad to an nounce that Mr. F. P Hall, a craduate of Davidson College, N. C, and a teach er of successful experience, Nv"dl - '' 1st Monday in October next, op.-n a S-hool in Elento:x lor Km; s and viil-. Tneternts will be reao!. able .!; wjii be '-;ibl ir ht d later. Mr. Hall billies with him th" very highest endorsement:-:, a a -.'-nth and a teacher. He is emp'.oyed by a number of citizens, who feel toe need ot infrKinpfi educational advantages J. J. BURGESS with KTIIKKIDGi:. IT L( HI AM A; COM PA XV. established isr.7 COTTOIn FACTORS AITI) !ommi.wion 5tt evehanto. 11 :l,M.rui..r,,M.. Norfolk. Va. Specialties Cotton, Lumber and vanuts. AL0 WITH Tim tr hqIc flip DMtroiiaee i --- aUllV'um.A uiv 4v ------ 1 and wi i prove, vjun iroui " ni c w of our neonie ior 11 hear, "the risrht maiiin the right place. tx ill U ..,..-- Viinl.-.f-iiiiifMiiir . " -. - 1- , m T-k ni 1 T..x lie win jutiicii lif .i.ij-.v4j "u'""ih ; . jj. i'ruuen, A- i- iiiauu, j and night. ' , Bond, J. R. B. Hathaway, Ed wan! j The immense success experienced in j Wood, Committee. j . .-v , . 1 . . ,.,-...LL..i -kirt : i to furnish m v TMtrons ami Inenus at Success ratee ciieap and within the reach of all. ' isvent v-live cents :jr quart, riesn trom Norfolk dailv. 33uying m larg "iFinbOigars Also Vi"!.f)!osale TOBACCONISTS, THE EDE.XT0Y GRADED SCHOOL. 1S8T. . . T . I 1 It ..1. ..... I quantities I can ?.uoni u sn -ncaj. , F:dl pint oysters stewed 2."c. Full fry j paj Q m LllUlllg VOC in .-r-Vcr i us? hiki butter K-. uie me a call. Satisfaction guarantee'. K. B. Hayes. King street, Edectoi.. N C. Just received 1000 yards of Hamburg Edgings exquisit patterns, only 12icts foany you may select. Finer than we ever sold. Have you seen those lovely hats, straw and felt-New York style? Examine our French kid button boot at $1.75. It beats the town. Examine our Ladies' wool Vests at 50c and 93c best quality. Examine those La dies' linen handker chiefs 3 for 25c; a bargain. Fine, regular made. Ladies' hosa war rented fast black at 18c a pair. Best Balbriggan hose at 25c. We have Ball's cele brated corset; the best in the world. A new lot of decor ated china and glass ware on exhibition this week. Me would advise you to CALL EARLY. "First come, first served" Labor is verv much in demand. Some of our timbermen report us beiug ui -able to feecure hands enough to carry their business. Oysters a plenty, this season. Two saloons in town wnero they cau be haa in all styles, ac any price, in any quan tity and at all nours. Our Manager returns thanks to his friend Mr. Brothers lor a pleasant ride. behind ins last trotting coil, lu&i teix, which he much enjoyed. Sunday was almost a perfect day. bright, balmy and beautitui. iii tne churches were open for worship and Un people turned out in good numbers to each. Fun ! fun ! ! fun ! ! ! We are requested to state that every young man in town is invited to meet at the Teu-piu Alley Thursday night at 8 o'clock. Christmas is neariug. Our market is now yery good. Every thing a hungry man needs can be hau. vVe are glad to see it. Edenton has long been in need of a good market. Let it so continue. Foil Sale," and at prices low Five Mules, three good Brood Mares and three Colts, 3 and 4 years old, all broke and good drivers. Apply to J. E. Bonner & Co. fwfer cheaner at Haves' than any house in town. Fried in cracker dust and butter for only 2oc best we ever Ri-psli milk and winter trreens can be had daily at Hayes'. A vouncr man says he intended to go to hear Mr. Smith, on Sunday evening last, but as the text was to be "Thou fool, he feared personalities, auu oam not go. Washington Gazette. The following names are the Roll of Honor of the Edenton High Sciiooi for the mouth ending Nov. 25th: Misses Maggie Fletcher, Gertrude Veuuings. Bes'sTe Warren, Venie Boush and Jenn.e Levy. Air. E. G. Schirman, Merchant Tailor of E. Citv, is here on a visit. Young men, read his advertisement in this paper and give him an order before he leaves. He is a good workman aud lills orders cheap and promptly. Again we had the pleasure of shaking the hind of our friend Prof. J. II. Ziegler, a well known and highly re spected citizen of E. City, on yesterday. He is here on a visit 10 ma auu NE W A D V ERTIS SM EN1 S. Notice the ad by J. M. Skinner house for sale or exchange. Read the. sale notice of the property f Win TI F.lliott. deceased, in this is- vi - - sue. Attention of our fisherman is called to the advertisement of J. S. Johnson oi Co., Baltimore. They sell tisn and Terrapin traps on a new phiu from those now used in our waters a great catcher. The' are also Manufacturers of Twine and Netting. Fisherman, read their ad and trv them with an order. Pf.of. L. A. Williams, Principal A'hs. R. F. CiiESHiui:. ) ArLi uiC Tea c he is I And dealers in Snuff, wood and Clay Pipes, also. Foreign ;ind Domestic j Leaf Tobacco, j 1K and (.K Writer Street. ' NORFOLK, VA. if- -st '. ZslItvrt '111 To Success! ft rates: First Grade, Second Third Fourth anni'al: lU.UU, tcu.oo. Qt'AllTKKLV - CO. . J":'4.t('. - r C) tin. date o. for pro FOR SALE, Or exchange on liberal terras for property in or near Nnriolk. a com fortable House on Oknm St.. Ed n tou. X. C. Appl.r to J. M- minxkr. Fish & Terrapin Traps itcliell's Bee Hive l t. Dec. 28, 18S6. Adapted to River nnd Lomij Shore Fishing in 4 to 10 feet water. A Great Catcher! Send for descriptive price list to MANUFACTURERS OF T Su',:? o'src ! To Excellence! jo liuftid Utiles! T He! ia hi lit f! To Oncl'ity!' To Sd fixfdction. To L'tw Jj'iccs. RUNS DIRECT TO Charges are ma from entrance. Proper deilucions tr-iptwf il'r.ess. The next term of th Scliool will begin D'.viuber h, ItoT A special feature ;. . -mj-i.iv , rating our school is that every resident . patron is credited witn tne i .ioiic ; funds apportioned to Ids children under j the school law ot the 5tate. , liesment en i ! uc n.. ..v nrou the T'ublic Sehool fti'i!s fru-educa-; TT'-j-.gQ I?3,SSGS t() KcOIlOlllV u:theS:h0"lilt :,:'y j Vn.U.11 the i1h.V points issued This school and system offers the best to CVOTV patron (t the eaucationai ao vainavrfs intiuii'ii- argPoin Station No. 1 . THAT'S OUJl STORE. iOTHIjSTG- HOUSE Edenton. By dividing jxim.s it several grades of ail van eutent, ;.;iin.. teac)iejs iiHloyel for ench grade, better and .oore eMicieut instruction i?- obt. -lined at less cost than can be had otherwise. Pupils from other districts are invited to enter the School iit above. 1 ate-s of instruction, and they can obtain good UUUIU itL i UCFCl- .it .3- j . . . " Bv order of the board ot trustees 01 me juace wii,ui.ii. no im- wiu the'Edeuton Graded School. Oct., ISriT. Dillon Store, next to linrber Shop, B. F. Elliott, President. "i1'nwrmv V i"1 T. C. Baddam, Sec. pro teni. a)YaS IKJ., . L. LOUIS LEW, Ag'nt, v. here a hirg, ell '!( ted stock of Clothing, Dry Goo!s. Hals and Notions lv:s iust been received. i cm can hnd A - A m h V-L:J' ; 121 South Street, Baltimore, Mel. s perfect! immense fall S winter stock I hnve received the largest and handsomest line cr l.rtnh!. new and sea o,..,l;o ..ond tr mm.n-s. wrap-, notions. uiuJerwenr, hats, shoes. 'hoots, and men's, youths and boys' clothing ever shown here. ;c rrn:. (Vna-i the nort hern markets, selected bv mvself to suit I the 'requirements of my customers. .Many will wonder :it .ho extraordinary FISHERIES. 9 Fishermen that conclude to fish at THE LAST MOMENT can be supplied with A JV'cttillg good in quality nd good in manufacture, as any made. VVe think our patrons can rely on satis factory rates and reliable wares. Gloucester jet j- Twine Co., Boston Office, 1)4 Commercial St. William Sticvi:, rrrsWcut. iiAi'HAI.L N PirK.upt. which everything is marked down to. All sorts of theories will be advanced, but I have only one reply for all A, O T T C, E . At the late resilience of ! Ready money is the wonderful lever which m. II. Ediott, deceased, 1 will bell jfe is looking well. The Pro! and ius :it public biddings, ou tJieutnoi uecem- A.nd cash will secure the choice of all the wonderful bargains of which 1 mention I r, C-mt Lo1rw - . . bricbt little daughter called to see us .er, the entire cnauie t-Maw oi ui wool.20o ai.dSa centsa this morning. . deceased, cons ist-ng io.o i ,a ' 'Tj vv Ul,(Jers,!,irts. from 25c up: heavy iwill Cotton,, sc: n-avy i-rowu Carts busies, wagons and vehicles of i bbis.) fodder, s-.xor eight bead of ho, es yard varduide ii.ohin-, C: Corsets, z: strip d an.! plum ,AvU, m Pvervdiscrfnl on we on Sat ur- and mules, lot of cattle, hogs, a tto Ho,,, 0c. Cahcoe, mco ever3 ai&cripimu neio . rtf f.,rmit2r utensils, wazons. carts, i uli color, uoiin .4-- .... t , .;.;.. Mlir. ;,.,,,. T.wliri". .lot- Inst ' rat e WltU OUl , 7". V i t . i. ... X.,,i.t.t: Jf- n :nn lMl!'''t Hi ail l-'iiUir-. w., i -'-- " ... ... i 1 ' . . n lin '1 I i r i IT r"tl II.TI t-'t-'i I IJtM..C I All rilii a rood UUSl- ciu, ai.-.u .v . i..i:..,'..,v.vi,,...ti . were very good. THE LIVE, loy; phics hous EDENT0jSt,N.C. J2 eiy eoua. , , , i i auj kitcnen furnituie. pSc Hiientou now riiuh.s .! uess. ueniou i u ha-trains ' Terms made known on day of sale, leadimr towns ot tue ouie iur ua.hdius , rn tott .!t,V inc. i.W. every one to come here to J .m.Ut A either buy or sell. . Tfuaeralof,Df:?-?i"!ar!f-fi -d t? t? -r n AT T laJ-o'rlJ . L.ii. ...t.;.., i "" , t,.,. Mii-viinrs f. mention. unmber of people present, uoui H W-T TilJJ, ,umt mauy oiuci uu..' .miiiit'ou of mv -ool-i nnd colored, attested the universality Ur ninl everv township in I I have bargains in every department and in u- aa tx-aiiuat.oa m3 .00 Ji of the favor in which he has been ever J tQ orders for a standard and prices held. Rev. K. B- Drane read the funeral : his ical work of surpassing bear.ty, j service. Drs. W. R. Capehart and R. ulnes3 aud curacy, which sells ac , II. Windborn and Messrs. j. r. o. nam- . Liberal commissions. Particu fi.v ladies" rubW Coats, 70c; woman every.lay - '"V.. " : ladi-s' and children's Shoe,, lower than ei.se where; men s usiuy bl elf 75 worth 51.50: men's Slouch Hats, uOc, worth tfl.W : U.v liat, 20 cent;-; heavv wimer pUts. S1.00. worth $2.50: nW kiw i'-uw. 4-1S y.ar,, fiom ao un ien!s Suit from :J.50 ny. worth ?7.50; men cheviot Sun,. fc..ut worth "u nns ineiuaiecui uress Suit., 012.G0, worth .-25 00. boy, J,.t- from 12.00 up; men & 'Overcoats, iroia -:o.w u. , , , ..o,. T..r (i. Wi mains. . i. arreu, . " ,: ci , t v . t.'t i lars on application, x - - W. 13. Shepard, Wm. P Jones, and . ;j230 onth Fuu instructions. I D. Pruden were the chosen pan-oearers. ddres PHIL1 The floral triDUte was wui YOU can make rlCO Tn!l i nstrnrtiotiij. Ill U 11 L U J. PHILLIPS Sr HUNT, S05 GV ii.ebietA iij , Broadway, N. Y. JnNoT; im' i Jperfa' Stancl-Clicap Sidc-MAIA ST11EE1. superb.

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