tt)c tfistyttman & ormrr PUALISHED EVERY FRIDAY BT THE Merman & Farmer PnlsMng Ca.' PRICE $1.50 PER YEAR. A BLIZZARD'S VICTIMS. Many Deaths From Cold and Hunger in the West. Poor Settlers Suffering Intensely for Want of Fuel. A number of lives have been lost in the terri ble blizzard prevailing in the western part of Nebraska, and hundreds of cattle and horses have been frozen to death- In the newly or ganized county of Perkin3 the death of a man and a boy is reported. They were attempting to make their ranch, twen ty miles from Ogallala, when the storm overpowered them. Both were frozen to death. Another man, named John Grant, who had been on railroad construction work on the Black Hills extension of the Burling ton and Missouri River road, was found dead a mile from camp. Reports from Kansas state that deaths from cold and hunger are constantly coming in from the more thinly populated districts, and that many isolated portions have not yet been beard from. L. C. Clark, living near Golden, Grant County, left his family at home to go to Hartland, the nearest railroad point, for the purpose of getting coal, his family being with out fuel. He left Hartland at night and the next morning was found six miles from home, lying by the side of his horses, frozen stiff. Clark's wife and three children had, in the meantime nearly perished, and had only saved themselves by leaving their house and taking refuge from the blizzard in a cave. Two deaths are reported from Greely County, on the Colorado line. A brother and sister named Robert and Rarah Holzapf el, who lived on a claim in an unsettled part of Grant County, found them selves without fuel Sunday evening. They tore down a small shed to burn the lumber, and that night all but the small amount which they had themselves burned was stolen from them. Early in the morning the young man went to the town of Horace, about seven miles distant, and succeeded in getting 200 pounds of coal late in the after noon. Being obliged to travel against the furious wind then blowing, he did not reach home until nearly midnight. His limbs were then numb, and he was so exhausted that it was with great diffiulty that he gained ad miss'oa to the house. He found his sister in bed, insensible and almost stiff. She had been without tire all day, and the poorly built house afforded her little protection. Although the young man was almost frozen, he tried to revive his sister, but without avaiL A farmer named Johnson was found dead near his' house in Greely County, Kansas. He was out looking for fuel and perished. A widow named Mrs. Riley and her two little children perished in the storm near Dighton, in Lane County, Kansas. They were without fuel and the storm came so suddenly upon them that they were unable to get it. The woman's eldest son started out in the storm to get coal. He was over come by the intense cold, but fortunately wandered to the house of a neighbor. He was unable to speak, and his arms, ears and feet were frozen. His life was saved, although he will probably lose his feet. m There are also reports of great suffering in Clark County, Kansas, on the Indian Terri torv line. A family of four were traveling overland, and, being but ten miles from home and several miles from any other house, de termined to reach home that night in spite of the terrible storm. The horses were over come, and the family were obliged to aban don the horses and walk to the nearest house. rM fhild froze to death in its father's arms before shelter was reached, and others were also badly frozen. The condi dition of the people in Western and South western Kansas is very bad. This part of the State has only been re cently settled, and some of the counties are still unorganized. Nearly all the people set tled on Government claims and were without money, depending entirely on the crop to be raised this f all. The crop, however, was a total failure because of drought, leaving the people destitute. The majority of the people Jive in rudely built houses, which afford very little protection. NEWSY GLEANINGS. The Mayors of Florida are to hold a Con vention at Ban ford. The St. Paul ice carnival will begin Janu ary 23 and end February 4. Electric lights are now being used by sub marine divers with great effect. At the recent poultry show in New York some of the turkeys weighed nearly fifty pounds. The enormous deposits of granite of excel lent quality in County Donegal, Ireland, are about to be developed. Important gold and quicksilver discoveries are reported from the southern portion of the Mexican Stats of Tamaulipas. The tearing up of the streets in New York, of which there has been much complaint, is causing a great deal of sickness. Twenty thousand poor children were sup plied with Christmas presents from London Truth. Last 3-ear the limit was 14,0CK. The United States circulates $700,000,003 in paper money. Russia circulates the next largest amount of paper currency 0,00 J, 000. Ducks are so abundant in Georgia that the Savannah market has become glutted. Over 00J were killed in eight days by one hunter. An official return shows that there are up wards of 20,000 tenement houses in New ork City. There are probably 10,000 more m Brooklyn. Ten thousand pounds of Arctic whale bone, representing the "catch" of the bark Ocean, have been sent from San Francisco overland to New Bedford. A traveler, recently returned from a trip to New Mexico, says that in a little valley in the south of the Territory he saw ripe apples, rreen apples and apple blossoms growing in the same orchard. A handsome buck deer was recently shot near Rock Springs, Ky., which for the past ten years had been a target for the rides of Ihe hunters of the neighborhood It weighed 175 pounds and its antlers were of unusual lize. There is a lady in Jackson, Miss., so deeply affected by the loss of her husband, whose death occurred recently, that every day she writes him a long letter, and, with her own hands, places it on his grave. SUMMARY OF CONGRESS, Senate Proceedings. - JIth Day. The resolution offered by .- Mr. Butler for the appointment of a elect com mittee of five to investigate the condition of the five civilized tribes of Indians was taken up and adopted.... The resolution offered by Mr. Beck directing the Post-oftica Com mittee to inquire into the advisability of. re ducing the rate tot letter postage to one cent was taken up and referred to that committee Mr. Dawes called up the bill to amend the law concerning the Commission of Fish and fisheries and moved it be passed. It provides for the appointment by the Presi dent, with the advice and consent of the Senate, of a person of scientific and practical acquaintance with fish and fisheries, as com missioner, at a salary of $5,000, such person not to hold any other United States or State office ...A'motion by Mr. Reagan to reduce the salary to $3,000 was rejected and the bill was passed The joint resolution for a holi day recess was passed after discussion. 12rn Day. Mr. Dolph introduced a bill to provide for the payment of claims for dam ages by Indian depredations Mr. Dolph spoke in favor of the joint resolution propos ing the following constitutional amendment: "Congress shall have power to legislate on the subject of marriage and divorce by gen eral laws applicable alike to all the States and Territories and neither bigamy nor polygamy shalljexist, or be permitted within the United States or any place subject to their jurisdic tion."1 After an executive session the Sen ate adjourned till Wednesday, January 4. House Proceedings. 9th Day. Mr. Randall (Penn.), from the Committee on Rules', submitted a partial re port. It recommends the adoption or. me rules of the Forty-ninth Congress until fur ther order, with a number of changes. The following select committees are provided for: On Reform in the Civil Service, to consist of thirteen members: on Election of President and Vice-President and Representatives in Congreas, to consist of thirteen members; on the Eleventh Census, to consist of thirteen members; on Indian Depredation Claims, to consist of thirteen members; on Ventilation and Acoustics, to consist of seven members; on the Alcoholic Liquor Traffic, to consist of eleven members. After debate the partial re- Eort was agreed to Eight hundred private ills were presented. 10th Day. When the House met the desk recently occupied by Mr. Moffatt, of Michi gan, who died during the morning, was draped in emblems of mourning and decked with flowers, and the chaplain alluded to his death in his prayer. After some miscel laneous business, Mr. Burrows (Mich.) an nounced Mr. Moffatfs death, and a series of resolutions offered by him expressive of the regret with which the House had heard of the sad event and providing for the appointment of a joint Committee of seven Representa tives and three Senators to superintend the funeral and accompany the remains to tha place of burial were passed. The House then adjourned to meet on January 4. THE LABOR WORLD. A mammoth glass factory is to be erected at Toledo. Havana cigar factories have resumed work, though some strikers are still out. Eleven hundred puddling furnaces in Al legheny County, Penn., have been running double time. The nickel mine at Benton, Ark., is a fixed fact. The ore is said to be in inexhaustible quantities. Timber is plenty and water is plenty. Edison electric locomotives are attracting great attention in England. Six of them have been running on a short line, and favor able comments are being made. COUNTY STATEMENT. Accounts Audited By the Board of Commissioners of Chowan County Burins the Year Ending; 30th November, 1887 County Indebtedness, &c. 1SS7. December 6. W. E. Bond for 2 days services as Com missioner W. U. . offield, 3 days' Comm'r A mileage A 1 day A mileage at P. J I Fruden and Yann. Attorneys to Board M. H. Hughes, t day A mileage a Comm'r 1 day A mire' at P. II $4 00 ii r - .10 o 6 John A. Bunch, 4 days and mileage a Comm'r, 1 day and mil'g' at P. II 16 20 D. W. Kaper, for 3,::00 feet lumber for County 49 50 Thos. Paxton, boating lumber to lioiton s Bridge T. M. Small, Clerk to Board A fees for Nov., 1 day mil'g' at P 11 Albemarle Jinquirer, printing proceeding?. tt months G. N. Goodwin. 2 days Judge Election, 1 day Co. Canvasser W. P. Jones, Justice fees,days' 2 Registrar of Voters A registering of new names... WT. J. Webb, 2 days as lU'gistrar, Beg 44 Dames A 1 day as Co. Canvasser J. W. Draper, 1 day Judtre Election J. C. Bond, Copy 2 official Bonds, E!c ction returns, stationery. A' J. W. Spruill, 1 month care; of Court- Hocse A. Perry, repairs om Blount's Bridge, sack ing Couri-house A. T. Bush, registrar of Election A 105 names W. B. Pelton, 2 days Judge Electron . Ward A Baker, making shackles for pris oners C. N. Bunch witness tickets consolidated and canceled M. B. ChappelJ, KegUtrar 2 days A 33 names Louis Levy, 1 day Judge Election 1SS7. January 3. W. G. Ward. 2 davs Judze Election Anderson Ward, 1 day Clerk at Election.. A. J. Ward, 2 days Registrar, 2 days A milnge as Comm'r - L. D. Hblley, 1 day Judge Election Edward Kliiott, 1 day Judge Election J. II. Hettrick, 2 days Judge Election Isaac Nichols, 2 days Judge Election J. C. Bond, record book for Clerk's office and witness ticket J. U. Warren, Shelf., certificates of election not ices to ' poll holders, attendance on B'd Co. Cauvassers, Ac Jacob Wool, 2 cords wood A hauling same for jail Albemarle Knqurer adv. election A 100 posters It. M. Blount, 1 day Judue Election L. W. Parker, subp. 24 witnesses for Grand Jury and 5 days waiting on Grand Jnry T. M. Smail. exrxa work on tax list, mis take in levy Chas. Leary, board of prisioners, brick and cement for jaii T. M. Small. 1 day Ok to bd and fees for Deer and 6s notices to merchants Silas W. ChappeH, 2 dy Judge Electiou. M. H. Dixon, 3 tons coal for Court-house and hauling same February 7. W. E. Leary. 1 day Judge Election, 1 day as Co. Canvasser Geo. N. Goodwin. 2 daps Judge Election, 1 day as Co. Canvasser W. C. Ward, 2 days ludge Election Nov. :S6,1 day on bd Co. Canvassers and 1 day Jdg. Election, Jany, 'S7 L. D. nolley, 1 day Judge Election, Jan. '87 2 00 53 5S 21 00 6 40 6 71 02 00 9 76 2 60 24 CO ;s iui 4 00 NT 08 3 CI' 1 f0 13 0. 2 00 2 00 00 00 4 15 31 SO 5 20 00 00 17 2C 21 00 12 10 '.'7 57 3 0C 19 75 4 SO 6 40 9 8( 00 00 Issc Nichols, 2 days Judge Ejection, January, '87 A. J. Ward, 1 day Registrar, 3 names, 1 day and mileage as Commr WT. J. Webb, 1 day Regi-trar and 3 names It. M. Biount, 1 day Judge Election. Jan. 1SS7 6 19 2 09 2 00 W. II. Coffield, 4 days Judge Election NT..-Mnd 7; W. H. Coffi.-ld. repa:r on 1'ottom Bridge. Wilson Robert. 3 dn Jnilije Eecuoa Nt. 1 nd 4n y. ..... . . . . . . . . . Vf. P. JonetjResri'tr-T, Jnnry, ls.,Co. Canyatser and. m leape.. - J. T. Ptjje, old orders consolidated and canceled .......... J. W. Draper, 1 day judge election in January. 11 J. L. Kogeraon, 1 diy Judje election. IsoTember, SJ, 1 day January ST, and 2 dsy? on bd co canvassers Geo. i . Thomp-on, 2 days judge election, ' o ye mber, S6 -. Lonia Levy, 1 day judge election, January, 'ST. J. W. Spruill, 2 months' care of court Louse : J. C Warren. hff, 1 diy vita bd co cao vasners. and 1 day and milease Trith senatorial canvassers........... ..... .... Albemarle Enquirer, 350 blanks for A."nT.r'B'usbSaayVrcg etraa, registering 3 name January, "37 W. B. Shephard. 3 days as commr, 2 cUys settling with pheriff on siate tax act?.... Jeremiah E1U, 4 dy judge election. No- Ttmber, 8-5 and January, '7 Chas. Lesry. board of prisoners,!'. K., fees. wood for jail, Ac... 'm T. M. Small. 1 day clerk to bd and fees, merchants' return, Ac Febcart 24. Wm. By rum, 15 cords wood, 2 pr pants, 3 pr socks and otner clothing. 6 bush, meal for poorhouse and 3 months ta.'ary as keeper of poorhouse 7. Jno. C. Bond, recording election returns, stationery. Ac J. W. Spruill. 1 month care of C. II T. M. Small. 1 day elk to bd and fees, 1 ro 41 ts 4 5 19 3 CO 2 00 6 00 T 90 3 75 3 09 10 00 6 00 13 60 22 55 57 S7 S T5 2 50 day and niht at P. H., 4c W. J. Webb, 4 davs and mileage as com- mta'ir-ner Wm. II. Bonner, 4 days and mileage as com missioner, and 1 dity at P. IT. J. II. Hettrick. 1 day judge election Janu ary, "87,and 1 day on bd canvasser Chan. Leary, bd prisoners, washing 1 blankets for jail, T. K. fees, fcc Aran. 4. J. G. Ward, 2 days judge election, Janu ary, S7 Jas. II. DaU. 1 day clerk of election, No y ember, 6 M. B. Chappell, 2 days register election, January. '67 L. W. Parker, ervln; 5 no ices or. over seers of roads Dr. K. Dlllard, examination Miss Bettie White frr asylum J. T. Webb, 1 day judge election.January, '87 J.W. Draper.l month care of court-housd, O. II. Darden & C o., 3 months' supplies for poor house W. T. Woodley. 2 days judze election.No- vembcr, 'Stf, and January, 'S7. and 1 day and niileape on bd canvassers Chas. Leary, bd prisones, T. K. fee, 2 cords wood, Ac John C Bond, ; roam paper, blanks, ink and pens May 2. M. B. Chappell, 3 days as crier at co ir spring terni.'aT A. J. Ward, 3 days and mileage as com missioner Dr. Geo. U. Coke, examination of Grizzell Blount, insane J. II. Blount, solicitor, X fee s 9tate cases, spring term, S7 J. V. Warren, summoning 36 jurors,eprinC term, '87 J. C. Warren, services at court, spring term, '87 L W. Parker,subpuenaing 27 witnesses for grand jury W. B. Suepard, 3 days as commr, and 1 day at poor-house and mileage T. M. Small, 2 days elk to bd and fees for March and April John C. Bond, recording report of grand jury, 2 copies of name, and 13 notices to magistrates of appointment J. Wl Draper, 1 month care C II John C. Bond, y fees in 10 state cases, spring term. "87 Chas. Leary, bd prisoners, work on jail, 3 mattresses, T. K. fees, waiting oa court, 15 40 10 SO 12 90 5 00 10 65 3 00 1 00 3 00 3 00 5 00 2 00 1 75 84 70 5 CO 21 80 9 25 6 00 12 30 5 00 6 00 10 SO 25 00 14 10 8 SJ 19 61 4 25 1 75 51 05 Ac. 34 C6 43 30 22 75 2t 00 3 00 1 50 50 00 23 C6 25 00 11 00 16 19 67 95 14 00 34 60 12 00 20 00 12 00 12 00 22 SO 2 00 2 00 2 25 25 40 19 00 71 15 20 70 19 GO 15 90 Wm. Byrum, 3 month's salary as keeper oi P. "n, '1 cords of wood, hauling and packing herrings for P. II - T. D. Byrum, 5,000 herrings and 2 bush ealt for P. II. 1SS7. board Jl'NE 6. prisoners (2), Charles davs. Leary, 35 T. E. Ward, two days' judge election, January, 1SS7 Baker A Son making handle for pump at P. II John c. Bond, extra work in clerk's of fice Arranrinir uaoers, etc 80.1 T . M. Small, 1 day clerk to board and fees for May, one record of mortgages and 1 day with nuance committee July 4. Albcrraarle Enquirer, 6 months' publish ing proceedings of board K. F. Ward, b4 days assessor and list taker in 3d township T. M. Smrtll 1 day clerk to board and fees for June, 62 notices to merchants, and postage, stationery, etc O. 11. Harden A Co., 3 months' supplies to poor house M. W. Elliott, 7 days as assessor and list taker. 3d township W.J. Webb, 4 days and milease as com missioner, 1 day and mileage at P. II., 10 days assessor and list-taker in 4th township, and 1 day on board of equali zation A. Q. Elliott, 6 days as assessor and list taker 2d township W. T. Woodley. 10 days assessor and list taker 3d township Richardson Kunch, 6 days an assessor and list-taker 2d township K. J. Burke, 6 days as assessor and list taker 2d town-h p Charles Leary, board of prisoners in jail ". Joe M:;:(.'M, for carrying Rachel Ilamel to poor house August 1. T. P. Wilcox, reg'r deed E. City, clerk to board railroad assessors J. W. Draper 3 months' care court house, less $J for rent of hali T. M. Small, 3 days cle:k to board and fees for July, and 52 merchants' re turns W. B. Shepard, 2 days s,ittiug with sheriff, 3 days commissioner, 1 day and mileage as railroad assessor, 2 days rev. tax list J. C Warren, expenses pelf and A. J. Batcman carrying Miss Be'.tie White to asvlum V. II.. Bonner, 5 days and mileage as com missioner, 2 days revving tax list, 1 day and mileage at poor houe A. J. Ward, 3 days and mileage a9 com missioner. 1 day revising tax list and 1 diyand mileage at poor house Charles Leary, board prisoners, T. K. fees, etc August 25. Wm. Byrum, 3 months' salary as keeper of l. u.. 2 cords wood, coltin and burial of Bachel llamel, etc September 5. Albermarle Kiiqvircr. publishing proceed ings of board 2 months J. C." Bond, blanks for c.erk's office O. II. Dardcn A Co., 2 monih supplies to poor house E. W. Burton, witness tickets cocsolidaled atd canceled J. W. Draper. 1 month cure court house.. W. II- Cotneld, 1 day and mileage equal izing tax 1 st Theodore It; ),.1- repairs to C. II. cupoia.. T. M, Sma'.'i, 1 !ay clerk to board and fees for Aug., and day and mileage at P. II.. Charles Lc.iry. board of prisoneis in jail... October 3, Edward EU'ott. 1 day judge election, January, 1SS7 45 46 5 33 6 25 40 12 3 6 1 75 2 25 41 92 9 C 16 20 2 00 1 SO 10 00 IS 00 L. W. 1 arkfcr. serving 3 notices on over seers of roads J. N. Bass. 1 day judge election. Novem ber, 1SS6: 3 days as tax assessor Jno. G. Wood, 9 days as assessor and liit-taker W. J. Webb. S days and mneajr a com missioner, 1 dy rev. tar list and 1 day and mileaze at poor hoe -; - M. U. Ward, 1 Uy cleric of election, No vember,. lr6 - -- J.W. Draper, 1 month care couxjnouse. T l fimitl . mitln? ont th tax lists. 17 10 1 00 ico od 4 II 69 19 ! mklnz calculation and copy foroe iff. AlbervkarU Enquirer; montrj pobua!n trocee!in2 1 NOTIVBIB 7 oft Z. W. Evans. S months' auppiiea to poor 100 I house W. P.Jones, 11 days and mileage as com . m ssioner. 3 days and mileage at poor 00 house, 1 day and mileage revu-mg tax 300 i "inn'o'm" a "rfVr' crier and dept. 44 10 thS. at court. X nigtt ana i qj ir II. Jones i ch. of jury.... ...... x w James Daughtrey, 1I reel iumixrr u M. U.SIiugbei,3 "dayV'aV asssessor, 4th Townhip - Jdo. M. Jones, services letting out bridge fer rtfkrhr . .... - 1 73 6 00 2 00 4 17 94 0 ' Albermarle Enquirer. 1 month pab. ?ro- ceedicss V.."i." M. D. Harris, for building Midd.eton W. J. "vVebb'Y day 'letting out MiddVlon bridge J. W. Draper, 1 month care C. II.. W. H. Cemeld judgment agt. Commrs. for asseeeir.g and listing out property in Townthla 2 1 40 40 ! J. L. Rogeron. judgment for same.. W. E. Bond, witness in CoCieid A Koger- 1 00 3 30 90 CO son vs. Comrars E. F. Waff, Justice fees in Doffleld A Rog- erson vs. Commrs W. H. Coffleld. building Wards's Mil bridge J. C. Warren, serviaes at court, fall term 30 00 4 00 ! J. H. Blount, so icitor's fees in 2 State i ca-es J. C. Warren. Bummonine34 jurors' repair ing shatter to office, fUUOnery, etc". .7. 14 Tt Albermarle Enquirer, printing tax notices T for ihflf. and advertising s tme 10 00 Jno. C. Bond, X re ln 11 State cases, rail term 'S7 - J. C. Warren, shff., 4 fees in 22 State cases, ep. and fall 'S7 W. II. Bonner, 3 days and mllg. as commls- 35 03 27 65 7 SO 65 95 30 1 00 60 toner J. R. B. Hathaway, X fees, State ts. L. Levy Chas. Leary. Constable, X feea. State vs. Henry illiams Sheriff Wake County, fees, State vs. L. Levy..... J. II. Garrett, J. P., X fees, State vs. Bul lock Sheriff Bertie Countv, v; fees. State vs. R. Allen & Thos. Gilliam November 7. Dr. R. Dillard, examination of Rachel Ilamel, Insane 5 00 Chas. Leary, bd. prisoners. Sept. and Oct., T. K. fees, waiting on court, etc., 6 pr. blankets for jail, yt duz. chairs, etc., etc. 72 25 T. M. Mnall, 2 days elk. to bd. and fees for Sept. and Oct., repairs on stoves, ab stract of tax Met, etc 66 12 L. W. Parker,8iibpoenaing 87 witnesses for Grand Jury and C dnys' officer of same. . 3S 10 Hooper A Co., 3tove and pipe for Sher iff's office 9 05 March 24. Dr. R. II. Winborne, 12 months as physi- cian to Poor House $50 00 Wm. Byrum, 3 months' salary as keeper of Poor House, wood, potatoes, clothirrg, j etc., for inmates 55 32 Total amt. audited by the Board of Com missioners $2,945 17 Amount of jury tickets issued, spring term, 18S7 125 40 Amount of jury tickets issued, fall term, 1SS7 232 90 Total expenditures of the county for the year..:. S,303 47 Amount county orders outstanding and unpaid fo,4S5 37 Amount of jury tickets outstanding and nnDid 449 70 Amount of witness tickets outstanding and unpaid 141 73 Total amt. unpaid.. $0,076 89 By amt. of county taxlist,general and spe cial, for 1SS7 5,539 16 Indebtedness of county $933 04 The Board held 17 meetings, including 4 at the Poor House. W. B. Shep.ird attended 13 days at $2 $26 00 and traveled 16 miles at 5c. per miie.... 80 W. H. Bonner attended 17 days 34 00 and traveled 216 miies, 5c 10 SO W. I'. Jones attended lo davs at $2 32 00 and traveled 2SS miles at 5 14 40 W. J. Webb attended 15 davs at $2 30 00 and traveled 250 miles at 5c 12 5-j A. J. Ward attended 15 days at $2 30 oo and traveled 576 miles at 5c 28 SJ Amt. paid Commissioners per diem and miieage $'219 30 I certify that the foregoing statement is true and correct as per the records in this office. T. M. SMALL. Edenton, Dec. 1, 1SS7. Register of Deeds. LOUIS F. ZIEGLER, iABINET milER AND UNDERTAKER EDENTON, N. C. KKPAIRINIG, VARNISHING and UPHOLSTER ING FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. A fell supply of cheap wood Coffin. fine Cases and Caskets and Metallic Burial Cases furnished at ehort notice and at low figures. HEARSE AND TEAM FURNISHED WHEN WANTED. As 1 do ALL of my own work it enables me to fil orders cheap. Pictnies i:nd Frames of every variety famished upon orders. Five of biis'rea. the old Hankin's Cabinet Shop, opposite the Woodard Hoae, Main St. Residence, next door. M. E. ELLIOTT WITH CALLAHAN & BENKER, Wholesale Commission Dealers in JC -lrW. JCLS JTJL JL.' GAME AND TEEEAPIN, 3 & 4 Dock Sreet Fish Market, BAY VIEW HOUSE G STREET, Near Court Square, MENTON. N. C. F. A. WHITE. Proprietor. L. Li. RALFE, Clerk. This magui¢ house has jnt litely bn f.n tij and furnished new from top to bottom and U cow public. Its larg and elegant room FACING EDENTON BAY, are an attrtctioa not surpassed In Eastern Ctro'lri, Table will be tnppded w ith the best the market . fords. Polite and attentive servants In attendee. Free Hack to meet Trains and Steamers. 00 I 15 1 00 J 00 j First-class Accommodation in ETcry Way sepl-y Mew Tin EDENTON, N. C. Eavlrg Just purchased a complete set ef NEW TOOLS, &c., I am better prepared to do all kinds of Hoofing, Guttering, Spooling anil Tinwcrk at very short notice. REPAIRING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY EX CUTED. GOOD WORK OR NO PAY. GIVE ME a. TRIAL. J. XI. BELL, Shop at Bond's Bakery. nov2&-ly W. J. MOORE & CO. NEW STOCK Wines, Liquors & Cigars, IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC. California Wines, Foreign and Virginia Clarets. Agents for A. Werner's Celebrated Grape Milknon alcoholic. Call nd examine at BAY VIEW BAR. Louis Tillery, FASHIONABLE BOOT & SHOE MAKER, Edenton, W. C. First-clasB repairing done at ehort notice. Alio keep a frill Rtoclc of .Shoe Findings on hucJ. Your orders eolicited. Prompt attention civen. ly DR. C. P. B0GERT7 Surgeon & Mechanical EDENTOX, X.C. PATIENTS VISITED WHEN REQUESTED ESTABLISHED 16!. J. f. WHARTON, WHOLESALE COMMISSION DEALEE IN Fruit, Produce, Fish, Oysters, Terrapin, Poultry, Game, &c, &c, in eeaaon. No. 5 S. Delaware Ave. Market, FOOT OF DOCK STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Consienmenta policited. Returns made prompt y. Stencils furniehed. ' SAM'L J. SKINNER, Attorney at Law EDENTON, N, C. , Practice In the State and Fede-al Courts. OFFICE, SECOND FLOOR, HOOPER BUILDING -DONE- NEATLY AND PROMPTLY BY Tli Fisherman and Farmer Publishing Company. Shop, PRINTIN6