4 XI ,o - , r ... ermari r'arm A. H. Mitchell, Editor and Badness Manager. (t The Smallest Hair Throws a Sliadow. ft PrW PftYmr Ol.C Hlngl Copy Yr itui Established 1886. EDENTON, N. C, FRIDAY, February 24, 1888. NO. 142. WOODARD HOUSE EDEfJTOfJ, W, C. J. Li. Rogerson, Prop. This old and established hotel still of fers first-class accommodations to the traveling public. Terms Reasonable. Sample room for traveling salesmen, and conveyances furnished when desired. FREE HACK AT ALL. TRAINS A steamkks. First-class bar attached. Ttie best Imported and Domestic Liquors always on hand. TTT?T) sea wonders exist in thou xJ XJjlIjl sands of forms, but are surpassed by the marvels of invention. Those who are in need of profitable work that can be done while living at home should at once send their address to Hallett & Co., Portland, Maine, and re ceive free, full information how either 6ex, of all ages, can earn from $5 to $25 per day and upwards wherever they live. You are started free. Capital not re quired. Some have made over 850 in a single day at this work. All succeed. Back Again! The undersigned having returned to Edentoa and opened the same saloon on Main street as occupied last season, gives notica that they will keep a fresh sup plv of Norfolk Oysters on hand during the entire season, which will be seryed in any style desired Stewed, Fried, on Hall iSnell or by -Measure, in any quantity and at very low prices. Thanking for past favors and soliciting further patronage, we ar Yours, xc, Caskie Sr CJiamberlain. S. P. Wixon, Agent for the Standard Serving Machine of the World THE IMPROVED FAMILY SINGER, ALSO JProduce Commercial Agent. Office at J. C. Sharp's Store, EDENTON, N. C. A Store and Bakery- Situated on Main Street in the business part of the city the most desirable stand in Eden- ton. The Bakery is well furnished and the store 111 perfect order. Terms reasonable Apply to J.P.HettricJc. THE Bcsf way To get a Firt-ClaaV.tl& lain ourCo-OperaiirsClab. (HIE HATCHES AT THX LOWEST CASH PRICES $1.00 a Weelt. Thousands of tho best $38. OO CUld Watch ever made are sell ing in our Co-operative Clubs, This is the Hemt, Cheapest, Moat Convenient, and only co-operative System of selling watches. Tho watches' are American Lever Stem Winders, containing -every essential to accuracy and dura bility, and have, in addition, numerous patented Improvements found in no other watch. They axe absolutely the only XHtst and Dampproef Move rtrnts mado in. the World, and . are jeweled throughout with . UEXUIXE Ji TJJtlES. The Patent Stem Wint and Set Is the" strongest and KSiapIfest made." They are fMy ifqXal for ap pearance, accuracy, durability eMd:merviee, to any $75 Watch. Our co-operative Clnb System brines them within the reach of every one. r .the KEYSTONE WATCH CLUB CO. P.O.Box92S. Piuia.P4 996 Chestnut St We refer to Any Oatn-1 1 GENTS i mercial Ajncy. W1NTED Onlv Join Hovr and Sara Money, A DISPUTED QUESTION. Taken from Virginian. Tell me, is flirting wicked? Think o'er it once or twice, For if 'twere very naughty, It could "t be so nice. Why, most young people like it, But the parants all objeet; Thev must have all forgotten Their young days, I expect. "Would life be worth the living, Without 6onie shady nook, Some dark and hidden corner, Or meaning in a look, The sofas that are nicest, Hold two but can't hold three, And hours pass as moments On a bench beneath a tree. A shy glance quickly given, A blush, a little stare, A sweet word softly uttered, A treasured lock of hair. Some long talk in the twilight. Some walk beneath the moon; Oh ! isn't it a pity, Such pleasures pass so soon? Beneath the swinging mistletoe, A sweet, but stolen kiss, You'll surely not acknowledge There's any harm in this? There's no use talking o'er it, With frowns instead of mirth, There always will be flirting While girls are on the earth. AROUND THE WORLD. A DAY IN YOKOHAMA. Written for Fisherman & Farmer. On the afternoon of September 2d, 1883, we bid adieu to the Sand wich Islands and shaped our course far the land of the setting- sun. The docks were throunged with friends to witness our departure and to wave us a last farewell. How deeply we regretted 10 leave these is axds and as its coral bound coast and pictur esque mountains faded from our view we turned away with a sigh thinking of the" many friends we had left behn d, perhaps never to meei again in this world and should we never meet, them aga n the fire of fr end sh ps which glows upon the altar of our hearts wii always burn with the same ruddy blaze as in d tys of yore. For several hours we were busily engaged in getting the ship snug for a long passage but as the setting sun like a huge b ill of fire disappeared below the western horizon we ceased our labors for a moment to gaze with rapture upon the magnificence and grandeur tf the heavens sproad out before our vision Far over the western se the day lay dying, fiercely and long had he waged the " unequal combat, but now he lay prone and helpless upon his bleeding side trans fixed by the spear of the pursueing hoars, from out of his jagged wound gushes the rushing life flood, redden ing the western heavens with its unceasing flow, from out of his throat scarred and marred by the recent conflict comes the death moan sure presage of the arch enemy creeping on insideously. He grasps, he groans, his spirit flees away, all nature holds a solemn silence as his darlr sister weeping drops over the wafers her tears, the glistening dew and scat ters broidcast from her "hands the glittering stars which falltfirnoticed upon this sombre coverlid over her brothers face; such is the scene which we hame witnessed, no mortal tongue can describe its impressive sublimity and we have tried' by this grotesque comparison, to give a faint concep tion of the grandeur of the heavens before our vision. It would perhaps nrove uninterestin" to recount onr ' proe uninierebiin , tu icwum uur daily routine while at sea. Unless daily we are troubled with bad weither there is very little work to do, never theless watches are kept t night and day, the s ulors are divided nvo two watches cd'ed the Starboard and Port watches, and one of these watches are on d-ck - continually, each watch p mains' on deck four hours except from 4 to 8 o'c ock p. m., which four hours re divided into two watches called the dog . 1 - t t .t nmuuij, cW1Waiu two of these hours and the Port watch bad to keep a sharp lookout o pre the other tw hours, thus enabling vent running som of them down. each watch to tret eight hours s eep n each side Jof .the bav los ing ; , . , o . t- mountains and picturesque vaUev : every other night. Gn September met our g .ze, dott d here and there 12th, at 4 30 p. m., having crossed with a little village or hamlet, whose the 1 80th meridian of West' Imgi- i tile covered house tops flashed nd i tudeand entered into East Loneitude scintillated under the genial rays of! the next day was Sept 14th, hs the 13th was dropped, this being the parallel of Longitude whe: e we lose one day in go'mz around the wor d. So Thursday Sept., 13th, iS8j, we have never seen The monotonv of the voyage was not dispel ed by any greater calamity thai occasional showers of rain, un ii Oct 5t , nhen a rapid!y filling Barometer gave notice of an approaching storm, and as we are in th t prt of the world frequency, at th s time of the year, by terrible storms tailed Typhoons, .we used extra urectutioua t make everything seaworthy and snug, ;ind in a few houis we had tha ship in shape to me t the storm. About 12:30 p. m., the next day the wind suddenly died out. Ail hands were cal'ed to shovten sai', but too late, for before this o der co'jld be Gomplied with, like the rush of a whir wind the storm was upon us, te 'ring into ribbons three of our largest sails "Sunny skies vrerk overcast, Winds and waves were howling Like ten thousand angry beasts. Around our vessel prowling." After a hard ba tle wiih the ele ments we succeeded in saving our remaining sails. We were under steam and sail trying to re ch the Japan coast b fore the gale struc us, and was only 160 miles from Yokohama whe'i it burst upon us. We could do nothing but steam h-ad to the wind wnich was now blowing so hard that the orders issued by the Captain throngh a speaking trumpet could rot be heard about the decks. The decks were sanded to keep our footing and life lines stretched fore and aft. Hatches were battened down to keep the water out which would dash over us in sheets bloivn up by the fury of the wind. For three days t e storm raged in all its fury. On the evening of October 8th the fury of the wind commenced to deer- ase. While the wind was blowing the seis did not rise but as it abated the seas released from the mighty 'embrace of the wind rose mountains high; heavy seas would wash our dee s fore and aft as our good ship ptowed her way through'them likea thin of life; now on the top ofa mighty wave the next moment tp be hid in the trough of the sea with mighty walls of water all around us Rolling so heavy that it was difficult to keep our feet even by holding last to .the life lines about the deck, the ' heaviest rolls being 3 each way. On the morn ing 'of the 9th, the sun came out brighVand warm. How. glad we were to see its. bright r.iys once, more as we shaped butcourse for Yokohama, a distance of sg'mi'es We had been blown 409 miles out 01 our course by j the Typhoon: for this was one of 'those terrible Typhoons which blow off the ccast of Japan and are so dis- - r astrous to vessels in its coarse. We learned later, that 19 vessels were lost I off the coast in this Rale. We had seen no land jet, although a sharp lookout was kept for it. About 4 a. m. the nth, we sighted No Sima light the entrance to Yeddo HaV, and at daylight we sighted land. About 7 a. m. we passed the light house and en'ered Yeddo Bay. We pa-sed several steamers bound in and u flying the Japanese flag Tr.e bay is covered with fishing junks. j queer looking crafts with one and 1 j f I WO HIRSTS ltlQ DaiTlDOO Sell S. We the sun. to be co. n't i n'uho. Don Ahturo. CURIOUS THINGS STOMACH. IN HIS Baltimore Sun. j A remarkable operation was per- ' formed on the little sou of Joseph; Doward, proprietor of the Salisbury ! Marhle works, by Dr. G. II. Cantwell j of Wilmington, Del., one day last! week. For some time past the bov ! hud been troubled witUa restlessness which could not he .accounted for. and at night he would awaken his parents by the most fearful shriek. Medicine was given for the removal of tape worms, and the boy was relieved of a tape worm measuring 18 feet. Still hit restlessness did not cease and he was taken to Wil mington, where the surgeon took from thetoy'8 stomach seven reptiles j resembling scorpions. Some of them j were deatl and some alive, the others having been killed by the use of eiec- j tnciry. ine reptiles are arotit as large as the end of the thumb of a man and about an inch long. Thej are perfectly formed and have the usual head and tail of the scorpion. When taken out they were fastened on to u huge tape worm. Physician sav there is no such, case on record. The largest of the reptiles is on exhi- bition at a drug store in Wilmington, 1 he boy teems much improved and is J bright and lively as ever. Tle doc- ! tors cannot account for the appear- J ance of the reptiles in the boj's storn- ach -exce t on the hypothesis that he ! drank the eggs while drinking from a i stream, it is thought bv some that 1 the so called scorpions may be what are commonly known as "spring - cleaners,' a little reptile resembling a scorpion, een iu almost any spring. E. W. Albaugh & Son, j Wholesale Commission Merchants ! FRESH FISH, Terrapin, Oysters, Game and No. 221 .Light Sikekt Wharf, Baltimore, Md. Consignments Solicited. Prompt Re turns, our motto. Reference Citizens National Bank Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants And Dealers in FISH; Richmond, ;va. 1 Consignments of North CaroJinaIIerf- ;"nK solicited, and proceeds tefiiitteVi .in- casn. . On account of our intimate acqualn Unce, and frequent transaction with the are able to handle N. C. Fishtotbe very best possible advantage and we are known everywhere as the largest dis- tributors in this market. t Fish 5c TeiTaT)in Trat) I'M. Dm. M, IM. Adapted to Hiver and Lone Shore Fishing in 4 to 10 feet water. A Gfreat Catcher! Send for descriptive price list to J. S- JOHNSON & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF m South Street, Baltimore, Md. H.M. ROGERS & CO Commission JllcrcJuints IN ALL KINDS OK Fresh. Fish. 11 Fulton Fish Mkt.. and 207 'Front St.. NEW YORK. Special attention paid to the Slf AI trade. Stencils furnished. .i. S. B. MILLER & CO., 77 holesale .Commission 2ish Jgealers, Xo. 7 Fcltox Market, New York. Samuel R. Miller. Clarence G. Miller. j j SaiU'l. T. Skidmore, Commission Wliolesale j ' C ' A A-LJL Dealer, 142 and 144 IWkman St.. OpiKeite Fultou Market, NEW VOSK, murrey & trester, j Wholesale dealers' in ! Fresh and Salt Fish Pier 19 JV. Delaware Ave. Philadelphia . J.H.Edwards Dealer in Freslr and; salt t Fish, I'-- : stnrgebnr eto. V ALSO WHOLESALE HANUFACTUREK OT Mat trasses, Bedding, etc. Goods and prices guaranteed satisfac tory. For reference apply to Vaughau A Co., bankers, Franklin, Va.

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