Entered at the Post Office at ton as Second-Class Matter. EDENTON. March 16.. 9 paper A cross (X) mark on your means your subscription is due. Scales and. its. plover nay :?i per juuios acuixons i tt . A rwi i .y : Several cases before the major this week. Gibs Laundry Starch 25c at Dixons See the Ten Cent Counter at J. C. Sharp's. 1 he conscaoie is at worK on oar streets. Rockland Lime $1.75 bbl at Dixons Dull with our merchants on Satur day last. Laundry Soap 30c doz. at Dixon's. A tramp printer dropped in to see as on Tuesday. Tbe weather is as cold as we ever saw it in March. Seine Twine and Net Thread at Dixon's. To-morrow is St. Patrick's Day. Look-out watermen. A female base ball club has been organized in town. 2000 aacks "bonded" Salt for cur ing fish daily expected by M.H. Dixon For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. Sold by Hooper Co. Rev. Mr. Campbell, Presiding El der, will preach at the M. E. Church Sunday night. Croup, whoopio cough and Bron chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's cure. Sold by Hooper & co. The only Genuine B. F. Graveley's fine chewing Tobacco in town is at E. L. Brinklevs. Pleasant call this week from our friend Mr. Thos Phelphs, who is now mate on Str, McCall. M. II. Dixon retails Groceries at ivholesale prices and keeps a full stock. See his price list.- Shiloh's Cough and consumption cure i6 sold by us on a guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by Hooper & co. A shooting and cutting affray, we hear, took place on "Black Cat" Alley Monday night last. Rev. F. M. Satterwhite will preach on Sunday morning at the Baptist Church a sermon specially to the children. ' Mr. E. G. Schirman, Merchant Tailor, at Elizabeth City, called to see us on Tuesday. He was here taking orders for spring suits. Shiloh's vitilizer is what you need for constipation, loss of appetite, dizzi ness and all symptoms of dyspepsia, price l6 and 15 cents: per bottle. Sold by Hooper & Co. Bateman'8 Cleaning Powder is one of the best things we have ever tried on brass and silver. It does what its guaranteed to do. Cost only 10c. Dr. J. E. Cartland, Dentist, will be at the Bay View House in Edenton until March 26th. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas. Miss Claud Woodard, after a pleas ant stay in Currituck county, returned home on Monday, bringing with her Miss Sudie Shaw, a charming daugh ter of Dr. Shaw. In :he report of the Farmers' Township Club meeting, to "be found on our 8th page, the name of Mr. A. A. Perry, as a delegate to the con vsntion, was omitted. Sunday last was a terrible day. The winds blew the rains fell fen ces were blown to pices and stock helped themselves. Churches well attended, considering the weather. Ladies, you are all invited to see the new goods on the Ten Cent counter, and the new Shoes and gilt edge "Shoe Dressing." All these are to be found at J. C. Shaps. Call early. Mr. J. II. Edwards, one of our Franklin fi9h advertisers, called to nee us on Tuesday last. He reports Franklin market as being good and says lie can now handle thirty boxes of fish daily, to advantage. R. B. Haves gives notice that he is now soliciting consignments of fish, truck, &c, for some of the best and most reliable firms in Baltimore, Phila delphia and New York. Consult him before making consignments through other parties. . The fishermen are all looking "blue" never before have they seen such distressing times the season third gone and no fish caught as yet. If the weather don't improve soon it will cause many of our people to suffer. If you want good Clothing and an excellent fit go to W. T. Hall, our Merchant Tailor. He guarantees to sell goods cheaper than any tailor in Eastern Carolina. All work guaran-, -vrL- or a Tin tPr? K-mls to look at: call and Ir. C. H. Sanatory gave ns a call last night. He is one of oar leading j,aiid best contractors and deserves Jvdea'jther patronage of onr people. Hp was raised in Ed en ton and is an ex celent workman. ,.ow vyfc on xown uouncumen hare Ul&A Mtepa for the betterment of .WateV street,? we hope they'll not! make it-long ih; beginning the work. It is necessary to start it as soon as possible as the street is rapidly wVshng away. - Many new subscribers come to ns rolnntarily, a fact which Ms to be appreciated more than' if they had been drummed into it. Thi shows that our efforts to furnish a good paper are not without reward that upon merit alone does it commend itself to patronage. . Mrl Jeptha Boyce died in Edenton Sunday evening last at the age of about 36 years. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn his death, to whom we extend our deep est sympathy. He was buried in St. Paul's Cemetary Monday evening; Rev. C. P. Bogart, officiating. On Tuesday next the Editor of the Fisherman & Farmer will leave to fill a very important engagement at Tunis, N. C, and will return on Wed nesday night via of Str. Chowan. He will be glad to have his friends call to see him on Thursday next at his residence on King street. We have just opened our large magnificent stock of White Goods, and have prepared a Sample Box, containing a large assortment of Embroideries and White Goods, which we will be pleased to send to any lady in need of those goods, that will apply at the store, also would be pleased to show those goods to any one. E. L. Brinkley. THE STORM. OUR FISHERMEN 'S NET'S BADLY DAM- AGED NO FISH CAlGIIT THE " ..NORTHERN BLIZZARD, &C. On Sunday last a storrn set in from the North West ar.d lasted till yesterday, which done much damage to the Albemarle fishermen Their nets were blown to pieces, stakes b'own up and many will lo e lots of time and money in repairing them. The storrrf fs reported as one q the severest for many years For over four days none, of the fishermen could go to their nets. Some of the seine fishermen had to quit worW and hang up, while some, who tried to fish, had their seines blown away and perhaps lost.. V-At this .writing things here are in a terrible s ate' of affaire, and the damage to nets and seines cannot be estimated. V'The seas' ,n -s reported as one of the wors- onrec ord no fish has yet been caught and our fishermen nre alHookrng blue.'' Some of them will not be ab e to pay out of debt. Reports of the storm from the North are terrible. New iork, Washington, Baltirhbre ahid Boston all reporrthe wind and snow as doing gre it damage. Wrecks after wrecks have been report d along the coa t. Trains and steam rs all stopped running. The snow lay so heavy upon the wires that hundreds of telegraph and telephone "poh s strong as they are, were snapped off. New York advices say: The State of New York is absolutely snowed under. The oldest person never saw its equal; not one train was. dispatched by either the Erie or Centr d Mon day, something unprecedented. Telegrams from distances of two huf dred miles have the same story to tell, namely "It's the worst storm ever known here." " "' The police authorities say the storm has not been equaled since 155 Owing to the tremendous gale and terrible Fnow storm, there h ve been no arrivals or. departures from this port. Navigation has been almost wholly abandoned in the rivers .and harbor, and even the bo-its on the different ferries made only infrequent trips. Frozen ears and feet were never so numerous. The drug stores were filled with patients all day and even ing. A woman absolutely froze to death at the corner of Fulton and Broadway streets,popularly supposed to be the busiest four corners on the earth. - I mm NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. We ask our readers to notice the "adM of Mr. D. T. Smithwick, agent for Bibles and Life Insurance, in this issue. riciiarman vnn arp invited to h Q-f Schall & Le Cato, of j . , . -r- i r Baltimore, an o'a reiiaDie r isn nrm and a. good one to deal with. Try them, fishermen. In this issue will be f und the card of J. H. Sanner & Co . ana excellent La iimore run nrm, wnicn we inMie our fishermen to read- Their agent. Mr. J. S. Lynch, is at the Wood rd House. A TRIP TO PLYMOUTH. The editor, in company with sev eral Edentonians. Prof. L- A. Wil liams and wife, Mr R. F. Cheshire and w fe, Mr. A. T. Bush and wife, and Mrs. F. A. White, pid our neighbor town, Plymouth, a flying visit, which was very pleasant, on Friday last We boanled the ele gant and swift . running steamer, S. A. McCall, and as usu il, we found all the officers as polite and accom modating as any we have ever trav elled with. We soon arrived at Plymouth, and spending the evening very pleasantly in walking around lhe town, we made our w.iy to the Latham House, where everything nice and comfortable was found Aftt-r attending service a the Baptist chuich, by Rev. T. W. B bb, we again found ourselves a the Hotel, waiting the arrival of the Str. Chowan, and after having some ex cellent vocal and instrumental music, so charmingly rendered by Prof L. A. Williams and wife, we boarded the elegant Str.-. Chowan at a very late hur for home. Just be ore day Saturday morning we arrived home well pleased-with our trip, which we hope will soonrbe repeated The editr nvt many of his friends; among them - he encountered th' genth manly and accomplished ex edit r of the- Plymouth Sun Mr. Thos. Armstead: and found him as loquacious and as interesting as ever We were- exceedingly J pleased to hear that h- will s; on start a paper called the "Roanoke Herald," which we wish abundant success. -. The entire --'patty returns the.r sincere thanks to the officers of ihe Str. Chowan. . especially Captain Withy, them. for t? e courtesies s itwn We have-in our couuty, Mr. D. T Smithwick who issellihjr family Bible. He has alo a mofit excellent irork written bv J. W. Buell, aeai6ted by T. DeWit Ta'lmagr. called: .the "Beautiful Story." This work is 'a compaiiion to the Bible coutainin a uarative history of all the -events recorded i 11 the sacred book. Designed to increase our interest in a study of the Bible, and to Rive a better knowledge of Gods Providence and immeasurable love for the rhildrer of men: to which is added Golden Gems of religious thoughts., . Mr. Sinithwick is also a Life Insurance age' t. woiking in interest of the Inur States Company, Staunton, Va. M. H. Dixon's CASH- PRICE LIST .EDENTON, N, C., MARCH 16, 1888. G. A. Salt, per sack. Nails, pier keg 10 :', White kerosene oil, per gallon. Red kerosene oil, per gallon, Best apple rinegnr, per gallon, "New Process'1 flour, per bbl.. 7Sc. 2.45. 9c. 16c, 25c. S4.25. S4.65. 5.40. S6.00. 7ic. lie. 6ic. 18c. , 23c. 23c. Farmers? Pride" flour; per bbl., "Our lievel Best,, flour per bbl., Clark's Greara flour, per bbl.. Granulated 6Ugar per pound, Standard "A "sugar per pound, Light brown sugar per pound, Rio coffee (nice and clean) per lb.. Laguayra coffee (superior) per lb., Roasted and ground coffee (pure) N. V. Gilt Edge butter per pound. N. Y. Creamery butter, " t4 28c SOc. (by the keg 2c per pound less.) Cream cheese per pound, 16jrc. S.C. flails (small sizes) per pound, 13 Jc. Bacou Shoti'ioni (lir UHlity) 8c. Clear bulk sides per pound, . 9c. Fat back-pieces per pound, 7c. Pure leaf lard per pound, 9c. Tobacco (plug and twist) per pound, 25c. Gold leaf twiet tobacco per pound, 2c. ftuuli, 1 ounce cans per aozeu, 4uc. Snuff, 1 ounce cans per gross, 84 50. Cucumber pickles per dozan, 8c. 21b cans tomatoes per can, 8c. 31b cans tomatoes per can, llc. 2lb cans corn per can, 12c. Eagle brand .condensed milk, 16Jc. 21 b cans tabie Dei.ches per can, 18c. 31b cans table peaches, 44 lib can lobster, per can, Sardines i boxes, Plain candy per pound, fiThe above prices will hold until the next issue of this paper 18c. 8c. 12ic. good All other goods at greatlv reduced prices. M. H. DIXON. Schall & Le Cato, WHOLESALE Fish. Dealers, L Pratt and Hollingaworth Streets, BALTIMORE, MD. Quick sales and prompt returns. 0. S. HARDING & CO., t W holesalc Commission Merchants 1 resli Fis 0 Terrapin AND GAME ,m 9 & 10, 36 & 37 Pier 15 Dock St. Fish Ma ret, PMladelphia , Refer to Corn Exchange Nat. Bank, or aay wholesale fresh fish dealer. J. S. B. HARTS0CK, Wholesale Commission Merchant, Washington, D. C. THE ONLY Wholesale Produce H0USC IX WASHINGTON Making a specialty of Jr " R0WE& JURNEY, Gene.al Commission JMefchants. For the Sale of FRESH FISH OYSTERS produce .vc Baltimore, Md. ! Slapping Letters 11. and J. References ditizens National Bank and J. S. Johnson & Co.-, " Baltimore ; j Howard Bios.. Norfolk. Va, J. S Dap- i ing & ijon, Hampton, Va. , (Succepsorp OyJIolland Sb Harrison,) EfisfMaiii St.,'; FRANKLIN, VA., Dealeip In Fresh and Salt FISH, STURGEON, &C , ' "We "Iceep constantly on hand a full line'Of vHiiskey'.'apple brandy, tobacco, cigais, KJceriet, etc. We have arrangements for selling large quantities of Fish aloug the Sea board & Roanoke Railroad. Orders for goods rilled with dispatch GIVE US A TRIAL. Quick K-iles and prompt pay. Thanks for past favors. HOLLAND & CO. Refer to Vaughan & Co. bankers, Franklin. Va. THE EDEJfTOA" GRADED SCHOOL Fall Term Ending Dec. 3. 1887. Prof. L. A. Williams, Principal. Mks. R. F. Cheshire. ) Assistant Miss M. A. Thompson, j' Teachers. rati:?: First Grade, Second ' -Third -Fourth - annual: QUARTERLY - ,3.00. . $4.50. - $6.00. - $8.00. .SI 0.00, S16.00, - S20.00, - S30.00, - made from Charges are date of for pro- entrance. Proper deductions tracted illness. The next term of this School will begin December oth, 1887. A special feature of the law incorpo rating our school is that everv resident patron is credited with tne I'uduc j funds apportioned to his children under olland the school law of the State. time than by any otnei rouie. Resident children who are dependent Direct all goods to be shipped by East upon the Public School funds for educa- j em Curolina Dispatch, as follow: From tion are received into the School at any Norfolk by N. S. R. R.; Baltimore by r. time without charge. i w. & B. R. Ii. : President St. Station. Tliis school and system offers the best j Philadelphia by Pennsylvania R. R. educational advantages attainable in ! Dock St. Station: New York by Penu Edenton. By dividing pupils of several j sylvania R. R., Pier 27 North River. grades of advancement, among teachers ; E. WOOD, Agent, Edenton, N. C. employed for each grade, better and j - more efficient instruction is obtained at less coet than can be had otherwise. Pupils from other districts are invited to enter the School at above rates of instru ction and they can obtain good board at moderate prices. Bv order of the board of Trustees of the Euenton Graded School, Oct. 1887. B. F. Elliott, President. T. C. Badham, Sec. pro tern. NEW GOODS. H. A; BOND v ; Kevps eonstantl j"" on a?5CrLraeiit hand of Urge HARDWARE and CUTLERY, 1 I Nails and toi ton.. cards, white Lead, colored PainU, FuttT, 8x10 and 10 x 12 - Glass, Kerosine Oil (red and white) Linsejed Oil, JBpv. Terpentine, and Jajau i Varnish? " Ilakeeps also quite an affortment of ; Medicines Pardons P. Pills, the bet ; medecine. in the world for chills and ferers. He has on hand a large lot of Tinware, Brooms, Tubs, well and water j Buckets. , The best Butter and Cheese. Oranges and Lemons. AppTrs and Onions. bagei Ilains anil Elegant side meat, the rery beet in town! He;'" has" just received two bags of t prime Loner rteautilui ttean, am a nice lot of family Fiour in bblh. anil - La,f bb,,- lhe u' the rket. Call i H AtR inn- at rrt and below. MenH I and boy's' calf Boots, men's and wo men's Hoes at prires below anything iu town of like quality. Dry goods at cost. 75 pairs men's and boy's Kentucky Jeans. Meu's pant, wool. Coats and over-coats. Caud v. cakes, crackers. Tobacco, hTe ; gro of Matches (put upn packages of twelve boxes) fo lOo. Needles, o centn 5 l0Tor c 7- rin ,r? ; points. Fish hooks. DresMUg combs liar- ; bers combs, rubber, Harp Harruon j icans, Pur. cap, Nos. 22,32 and 58 pi i tol cartragee, English rtueoix Mill Mustard, canned Peaches, Tomatoes. LIME AND G HOUND ALUMS SALT CONSTANTLY ON i HAND. ' j All of the lbre:om will lt sold at prices to suit the times. ! Any one wishing to invest in j Real Kstate, and will purchasb !mv stock, will sell entire Stock J "rZTZLZ. ; Respectfully, H. A.. Bond, Edenton, N. c. NOKFOLk SOUTH KIIN ItAfliltOAD COM .... I'AXY. I Schedule in effect oct. 3rd, 1887. 1 Mail Train leaves Norfolk 10::i0 a. m.r ; daily except Sunday, and arrives at Edeutonl:45 p. m. Leaves FJenton 2:13v j and arrives at Norfolk at '5:S0 p. in. Accommodation Iraves Norfolk at 5 p. m., arrives at Edentcrti AO p. m. Leaves Edenton at 4:20 a. m., arrives at ; Norfolk 10 a. in ." daily except Sunday I Close connections at Norfolk with alL . rail and Htemner lines. At Elizabeth City with Bteamboat 'for all rnjiutson PaAtiuotank, North ami Alagator rivers. ! At Edenton with N. S. Railroad ! compan3'V 6ttfaniboatK. Plymoutlr, Mary E. Roberts and Hauler, forall oi.nt or 1 Chowan. Scuppernonj; Little, cahbieani 1 Rjanoke rivers, aul Jamseville & Wasli injjton, and Albemarle & Raleigh Rail I Road). i i, ! On and after July lrt the steamer ; Plymouth, plying between IMeutoni and WdliumRtou, will o to Hamilton, on Tuesday and Friday of each ww?k, leav ! ing that place at 2 o'clock a. in. ou i Weduefeday and Saturday. ' Norfolk passenger auJ freight statiou I at Norfolk and A estttrn Railroad D,ot. Freight leceived dailv, except Sun days. Through tickets on sale ami baggage checked between Edentou and Elizabeth ; City and Baltimore, Philadelphia, rind New York by Bay Line and ()fJd Domin ion steamer and N. Y. P. and N. It. U. from Norfolk, and bttwreeu Norfolk and , Washington. Plymouth, Williarnston, Viuooi iijJ Jaiii-ville. M. K. KlN(i. (ieneral Manager. -o- EASTEI1N 'A IJOLINA IHSI'ATCH. FAS' FliEIGKT Regular line of steamers Atlantic & North Carolina R betwfu . R., New- Berne. Washington and Elizabeth City. Daily all rail service between Edenton, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and iNorioiK. Tlirough cars, as low rates and quicker Turnips For Sale. A fine lot of White (jlobe. Yellow Globe and Rutabaga Turnip, at 40 cu. per bushel, can be had at any time a. the residence of Philip McDonald, OX CARTERETT STREET. see them. i