FABIW CLUBS. MEETINGS OF TOWNSHIPS, &C. The farmers of Edenton Township met in Edenton at the Court House on Saturday, March 10th, for the purpose of organizing a Township Club. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Jno. G. Williams and, in the absence of the President, Hon. W. D. Pruden was elected as Chairman, and A. H. Mitchell, editor of Fisiikk man & Farmer as Secretary. : After reading the Objects and Aims" of the club, by Mr. Jno. G. Williams, the chair appointed the following gentlemen as delegates to the County Convention which meets in Edenton the first Saturday in April 3Iessrs. Jno. G. Williams, W. H. Coflield and S. F. Small. Messrs. Jno. McGuire, J. F. Lane, in value, you expect your home paper to go in for it "teeth and toe nail." don't you? Yet yoa kick like a steer when the editor deep anything that nould not be noticed in anybody else, and you object to his paper because it hasn't as much reading matter in it as a "city paper," don't you? Still, on the whole, dear reader, you think your home paper a mighty good thing for the town, and yet by your actions you preclude the home paper from thinking the town is a good thing for it by not giving it sufficient patronage, don't you? You would not expect the home paper only circulating in hundreds to give you as much reading matter as a city paper circulating thousands, would you? You would not expect the price of the former to be as low as as the latter to give you the local dots and the thousand and one little newsy things and nothings that you get in the former, would you? Do you think that a newspaper publisher can live on wind? And do you think that he can forever digest the consol ing fact that his paper ig "a good S. L. STORER & CO. Successors to Chappel & Storer, Wholesale Commissiou Dealers and Shippers of all &inds of - 3B& 3 WSUlXlXX JLYJeitX MERCHANT TAILOR, JJXtJ&ll J-O-LL, j A fuU line of Foreign and Domestic Goods always on nana. all worK warranted. Lobsters, Turtle, Etc. 16 Fulton Fish Market, NEW YORK. AT THE EXCELSIOll HOUSE, GREEN FRONT, Main Street, Second Door South of A. T. Buths corner, CAW BE FOUND Whiskies, Brandies, wines, Ales, etc., Stencils and Stationary furnished on tne est for tne verv lowest cash prices and in quantities sufficient forany dematd. application: ! Cool Beer on Draught; also Bottle Goods of the best piules. 3. 5. S0SS!?J3 & SO !SarsanT0baccoobrands well established. WHOLESALE Commission Merch ants, 133; mis estaDiisnment is entirelv new and constructed with an eve to tlu i convenience of the trade. I invite competition as to the quality of my Mock ai.d J the completeness of my structure. Give me a call. frhinrr frr t H O t Marti ' whn i a ronaiiraa Jno. Hobbs and W. II. Bonner were nothing in return? He can't do it. lectea as alternates to the Conven- lean he? Ex. tion. On motion, the meeting adjourned to meet again the first Saturday in April. A. II. Mitciiell, Sect'y. W. D. Vrvdes, Chairman. farmers' CLUB ROCKV TOWNSHIP. HOCK LOTS GIVEN AWAY ! Fresh. Fish -AT Montrose, Chowan Co., JV. C. Montrose, N. C, is situated on the Chowan River, and is the terminal of the Suffolk & Carolina Railway. The dres. Terrapin, Game and Produce. Sales and Check or Cash Daily. Stencils Free. Telegraph quotations furnished when desired. Remember the ad- Rocky Hock, March 12th, '88. Mr. Kditor: A Farmer's Club was organized at the Coflield School house, in second Township, Chowan county, March 10th. by the following gentlemen, viz : Drs. R. II. & R. W. Winborns, Dr. J. M. Hayes, Rich ard Elliott, K. J. Burke. J. M. Fore hand, C. R. Goodwin, Jno. E. Coflield, L. W. Parker, W. B. Felton and B. L. Evans. J. M. Forehand, Chairman, called the meeting to order. On motion, W. B. Felton was appointed Secre tary. On motion the following gentlemen were appointed Vice Presidents for their respective districts, viz: L. W. Parker, for School district No. 8; Richard Elliott, for district No. 7; Jno. E. Coffiield, for district No. 6; W. P. Jones, for district No. 16; Cul- len Bunch for district No. 15; and Jno. A. Byrum for district No . On motion, W. B. Feltoa was ap pointed treasurer for second Township. land is. nign and dry, and the water excellent. I will give lots to persons who will build two story houses in good style, for the following purposes: 1 Lot for Grocery Store. Hardware Gents Furnishing Goods Dry Goods Store. Shoe and Hat r Clothing Stove and Tinware Store. Furniture Store. Agricultural Implimonts Millinery Store. Bakery Coach Factory. Cotton . Tobacco 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u ft It t 4 t mt 4 J. J. SUOGGINS '& CO., ii2 & 1 14 Grant Street, Baltimore, Md. Lanphear & Haff, "Wholesale Commission Dealers in Edenton, X. C. A. L. GREGORY, Proprietor. c!k3 y GMT S EACH! The following book are published In ueat pamphlet form, rnntrd frum garni readable tri on tt-nl r'aper ami many of them handsomely llluxU-ateJ. They are without exception the cttcafM Ixnk evrr ui itttiej in any land or language, and furnUli to the luasM-s of the people an opportunity to Mrure the i-t literature of the day at the uot trillins- exneue. In any other aerie thre great orki would coj-1 tDtiy timed the price at which they are here ottered. Each one is complete iu itnelf: Wonder of tao Warld. Natch l and Ornit. t'on (In il.-Mcripti.Mia and Illustration, of tbe rnixl wotulcrlul work nt nature and of man. Very int.-rr.tlnr anj lntru. Il- Wonder of tno Neil. A tlracrltion of l.'io many wniuicr ft! an.1 heautlful ttitnjc Itnn4 at the bottom of tlie ix-cau, w Ith a.ofuv t II mirations. "A IMc-aaare KtertUa," and Other Kketraca. Ky Juhuk ALt-K.N'a Win," Jk, rollrctinn of trrrltll.y-funuj ketrhra by ll.e nin.t popular tmmorotia writer ( tlir !.y. The Aunt Kclah Paper, bjr Cliii Augitti, author f The KttKC IocuneDta." A ntnat ridleulonaiy funnr in arerr war etjiial to ''Widow t'.cdutt." ihrintniaa Kioriea, by Chbi. Ikkks. cnuitiun a Tbe rrelUal Kableav A Xoul. By V. T. Catrra. l'beola HaUat kHU A !. y St.4i a rout j. 1'kr I'i-aH aflhtkOccaa. A h; i'liii iriiiiti. 1 1 olio k Aaii Hall. A Novel. Hy ataauaaar Buit. TUrutraletl. I'llTe lie ae. A Noval. By Ftt W. rtaara. 1 Mdrr ta I.lhx-a. A Novel. V.J tUa autLor f ' Tl'orua." The IUaaNil llraeeleU A N.vrl. py Mn.Hivit W---H. .iuala!. 1 bo Luwyer'aHeerrt. A Vnvcl. Iy all-. M. F. r.iiw. 'I hr htrauic ('tor lr. JeLjll aad Mr. llyac a N!. Hr K. T.. Sr.TlKurm. FSSSH i nurtitx-rof the tnoat ciiarmlnc CtarU'tiaa ilori.n fitr written i A Wlckfd tilrU A Novel, p v W ar C'ait. Hat. tr the rrcatr.t rllxr who ever llve.t Urlif in UrompMr. I l.ndy alwsrtaV llaaaaida. A ovtI. y ' 1 1 m Kound the Ktrnlnf Lam. A lw.k of torUa.i.iclu.rs, ! ntit." pnziltK anit caturt, (r tii. little folk at lu:r.ir. I Jtet ween Twa flu A Notrl. py tlia author of I'opulnr ICct-ltatloaa and IMn'ocnrt. liuiiwrou. orn. : Tl'ornr." IUuttrafd. tic and patuil.-. inrlu.liuK all the latest. l--t mj mt popular. I Tbe Nine af Heart. A Novel. T.y P. I.. Paaao. j The!flf.inad Mp mt Modern TI bio. Contain, f-or- IFvrla'a Kartaae. Aovl. P.y Kt oarit WaaiKN. ; traita and bioKraphlea of famou. aclf-iuaav ArurrU-aiis. from tl.a. I A Lar M arr-tajrc A Novel. Ii- Miaa Mn.nri. j time of Franklin tn the present. j The 4lltjr Itlver. A Novel. l(rWn.ktni'iii.i iM. ! Familiar Qaotntlona. Containing the nrlr'n and anthor- j The I'olaoa mt A a pa. A N-vrl. Jiy rionurR Mi.bt.t. i ahipof many pluaoea frequently met iurradiuf atiJ roiiveraa- j Moat lraf(b A rol. Py V.ii. lir.sat Wooti. i tlon. A trainable work of referet.re. i i'rrlC the Fetter. A 5..' I. 11. v Alia. Ai cxavi ra. ' f a i irA fl x.' X" l . ...i.. ,.r it.i i a i . f. . v . . . uHt. . . . f mi , Lobsters, Etc. Jro. 12 Fulton Fish Market, fooir";ra. ioitY. If you want to obtain the highest mar ket price lor your Fresh. Fish. I ahowlnr tbe dark aida of I: lu th great rity lanttratctl, The Kaad to Wealth. Not an advet tlin circular, J bat a thorouchly practical work, po'iitinn 't way y i which all may make money, eaally, rapld!y an.t t.one.tly. One Hundred Popular Sohc. retit!ni:ntal.paihct!c and comic, tnclmltuc moat of tbe favorliea. new and old j hi r Noel' Heir. A Novel. H Min. Mat Ausii Flvmivu. A Rartered Life. A. Novel. Py Mattioi IIablaho. An Old Man's Sacrifice. A Kovcl. 11 y Mr a. Ana B. aTVBtJ. Ebvikbi, lV,iftrd. Fair att Falae. A Novel. p.y tiie autl.or of "IV a Tuorne,' . ntret-i. Uaraitcr'l Cakla- A Novel, tj Jlra. M.V.Vic-r a. JUnMtrattd. JTloreneo Ivlvtxtoa'a Oath. A Novel, riy Mi. U A. PaMBo. UtaelftKeef. Tke Wmrm Hater. A Novel. T j Ir. J. M. P.rBii.,.. iuuafra. Th C'alirorala Cah In. A Novel. Py M. T. Caldob. yWe will Bend any bur of the aboro book by roa.l pott-paid upon receiptor only 1 Cental anyfen frr C'enta; any twenty Jive tor HO Cental the entire lift (40 bookf) for 75 Ont tl.a entire liat bound in boarda with cloth back. forSI.l. TUla is the createst bargain in book a ererolTered. Donotf all toUkeadTantarecf il. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. 1'ostace atampa taken lor fraction of a dollar. A toourrellatility, , we refer to any nevrapaner publiahe1 In New Vork. likewiae to the Commercial Atrencie. All order filled t y . retain mail. Addreaa all letter- F. M. lUJPXON.Pnbllakcr. Ji: CU Mttrray tttreet. Aevr Iforaw. Barrel. Factor j. Cotton Seed Oil Factory. Canning Factory. WM. T WOODLEY. Chowan P. O., Chowan Co., N. C February 29th, 1888. STEWART & KEAGLE, Wholesale Commission Merchants, Hi FRESH FISH DEALERS, Send to this office for JOB Game and Terrapin, SHIP TO I.A.Lee &Co. Oa motion, the following gentlemen r r7 27 & 58 Dock St. Fish market, Were aDDOinted Executive Committer llvcf Pre PrnHnoo MnTrmc fiTifl PhiloHAlhift. "r for their respective districts, viz: FRUIT. . C. R. Goodwin for district No. 7: B. Pratt Street FROM A Business Card to a mammoth Poster -L. &vaB8, for district No. 6; E. E. Everett, lor district No. 8; W. R. Leary, for district No. . ; Jos'l II. White, for district Nd. 15; Rich ardson Bunch, for district No. 16. On motion, three delegates from each district were appointed to the vuuulj uuvciiiiun io oe neia in Edenton on the - 1st Saturday in April, as follows : From 6th district, Jno. E. Cofdeld, B. L.Evans and J. A. Bunch. From 7th district. Richard Elliott, C. R. Goodwin and Isaac Layden. From 8th district, L. Wr. Parker, E. E. Everett and Geo. N. Goodwin. From district, et Wharf. Office corner Pratt JOS D "NT "RAT. Rr Hn ttt-t. j. i - and caivert streets, , V ' with neatness, correctness and dispatch. A T TTMHT? p m liolesale Commission Mei charts in I Fresh Fish:! i Ajur motto : Jno. A. Byram, W. R. Leary and JosephusTynch. From 15th district, Cullen Bunch, JosT H. White and Jno. L. Bats. From 16th district. W. P. Jones, Richardson Bunch and Jno. T. Webb. On motion, Drs. R. H. Winborne and J. M. Hayes were appointed to deliver addresses on some practical ubjects at our next meeting, to be held on the 4th Saturday evening in May next. On motion, the proceedings be sent to the Enquirer and Fisherman fe Farmer for publication. Adjourned in order. W. B. Felton, Sect'y. J. 31. Forehand, Pres. BALTIMORE. MD. Consignments solicited and prompt returns References Franklin - Bank, W. J. Carroll & CO., wholesale grocers. Kea gle & Geuder. oysters and fruit packers, Baltimore, Md. General Commission Merchants, 1412, 14 & 16 CARY STREET, RICHMOND, : : : VA. Sale of Worth Carolina SALTED HERRING a Specialty CiTLiberal advances made on consign ments. Our long and extensive expe riencein this branch of business, toeeth er with the satisfaction that our trans actions have generally given to our patrons, we hope, will prove a greater guarantee to them for the future than any extravagant promeses than we can make. YOU THINK, DON'T YOU? When you want newspaper favors you strike for your home paper," don't you? If you want your town ' CHARLES PHILIPSEN, North River FISH AND GAME CO., COMMISSION DEALER IN FRESH FISH Terrapin and Game, 25 and 26 Vesey Pier, NEW YORK. SHAD a specialty Stencils furnished. Kefer by permission to Demarest & boomed and your property increased Riyer Bank, New York. Oysters, Terrapin and G.i me Pier 16 and 32S S. Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. Consignments solicited and prompt returns made. Ple&se send for cards and stencils. THE 8sf way To get a Vit-ClJaaiWalla lain our Co-Operativ dabs. hue mmm ----- -- . W BBW S ' -7 A Only SI.00 a Ueeli. mm v Good Work At Small Prices. Every attertion will be given to the print ing of hand bills, letter and note heads, bill heads, wedding invitations and programmes. Steam House Boat AND OYSTER SALOON. King St., 3 doorK wrst of Hay Vl--w HoU-l ami next to the Dixon iiiiildfug, EDEjYTOjY, jY. 6. R. B. Hayes. Prop'r., Vho begs leave to inform his patrons of Chowan and the counties surrounding tnaton and after October the 1st, run ning through the entire winter season, he will be prepared to furnish daily GEO. M. BAKER, Coach Maker, Edenton, N.c. C. Km ' - . v . a" t ' - - . -o-a ' - Thousands of tbo best S3S.OO Gold Watch ercr made are sell ings in our Co-operative Clubs. This Is the 130t, Cheapest, Most ConvmUnt, f and only co-operative System of selling watches, i The watches are American Ivr fitem Winir., i containing every essential to accuracy and dura- Orders, large or small, from anv dis puny, and have, addition, numerous patented tance will be nromDtlv filled. Dailv Scuppernong Rivers will enable him to ! FRESH NORFOLK OYSTERS in any quantity desired. - improvements found in no other watch. They are absolutely the only XHtst and Ditntnnsf Jforr- tnent made in the World, and are Jeweled The above firm having just received a new supply of material, also increase.! their force, wish to state that they ar- throughout With JHJBIES. The 1 sudd! v reerularlv and nromntlv anv nar ir'Stei7 the strongest and i ties in Bertie, Washington and Hertford I pearanee, accuracy, durability and. service. counties, eitner on general to any $75 Watch, Our co-operative Club System ' oraers. brings them within the reach of every one. f Patronage THE ICE YSTOIME Terms as reasonable as the supply th a rMl w. il mmm a aaM ai aaaa mm ' auoius. A?I17AIUH liLUU UU.i ; now prepared to do all kind of Coacli Work 1 or special respectfully solicited. -.V1 We refer to any Com-1 AGEKTS ! iTrinting CJieaP mercial Agency. IWANTED. , j J . Clubs Constantly Perming: A T TnlC C Join How and Save Honey. At this office. in the very latest atid improved style a prices to surprise everybody. Seforebuvin a Buggy, wagon, cart or a wheelbarrow, 3-ou should give them atrial, you will save money. If you have repairing of any kind to do they will suit you both in work and pric. Horse shoeing done cheap and neat. sep 14 -y