Ut itotumm & farmer. Entered at the Post Office at Eden ton as Second-Class Matter. EDENTON, March 23. A cross (X) mark on your paper means your subscription is due. Scales azid 3Plaxxts. If you want to succeed in business advertise in the Fisherman & Farm. j:k. Since the weater moderation tavel has been on the increase. Miss Emma Jewel is visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Mitchell. The presence of drummers show that the spring trade draweth nigh. Saturday las- was St. Patrick's Day, the day which is dear to all true Irishmen. Mr. Jos. J. Scull, of IIarrell8ville, N. C, died oh the 13th inst., in the 70th 3'ear of his age. That hacking cough can be so quickly cured by Shi lob's Cure. We guarantee it. For sale by Hooper & Co. The friends of Dr. Dilliard gladly welcomed his return on Monday, from an extensive Northern trip. The brick store of V. O. Elliott, Esq., is nearly ready for occupying. It is an ornament, to Main street. Sleepless nights, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the Remedy for you. For sale by Hooper & Co. Better weather is bringing bigger supplies to our market. The fisher man are looking brighter on account of the prospect. Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. For sale by Hooper & Co. The residence of Sheriff Warren presents a handsome appearance. Our building boom tends to the Northern and Western portion of our town. Catarrh Cured, health and sweet breath securred, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by Hooper & Co. We notice one of the eye sores in the middle of Main street has been shun. May the axe of the woodman soon be lodged at the root of all of them. Dr. J. E. Cartland, Dentist, will he at the Bay View House in Edenton until March 26th. Teeth extracted without pai by the U33 of Nitrous Oxide Gas. The new Tug recently purchased by Messrs. Branning & Co., arrived in port this week, and is ready for the business contemplated by her new owners. Marriage among printers is like the -Devil among the tailors," it creates confusion and delay. You see how it is. We were there Foreman, Murray, alias Dollard, the man engaged in the Chapman & Gale robbery, has been sentenced to the penitentiary by the Bridgeport, Conn., authorities for three years. The fine horse, once the favorite driving horse of Dr. Dilliard, Sr., died Tuesday morning, from some un known cause. It's a aad loss especi ally on account of the animal's history and ownership. Remember on the first Saturday in April the County Convention of the Chowan County Farmer Institute will meet in Edenton at the Court House. Let every one interested in agriculture attend. Rev. T. H. Campbell, P. E., preached in the M. E. Church South Sunday night last. Mr. Campbell is a man of power in the pulpit and strongly impressed his hearers with the truth of the gospel he preaches. R. B. Hayes gives notice that he is now soliciting consignments of fish, truck, etc., for some of the best and most reliable firms in Baltimore, Phila delphia and New York. Consult him before making consignments through uiuri (laities. The Elizabeth City Economist says; Married, on Sunday evening last, at the residence of her aunt, Mrs. Thos. Sanderson, in the pres ence of a few friend and the imme diate family, by Rev. Sir. Whitley, Mr. Frank Cook, Jr., and Miss Annie Commander, daughter of our former citizen, Miles Commander. We had the pleasure of a visit last week from our friend Dr. W. G. Brown, optician, who visited our city about two years since and who is uountiesa known to a sreat many oi our readers. He left to attend the ! courts find will be in Edenton asrain Persons desiring Sny- court week. thinS in the way of glasses or spec . tacles would do well 'to see Doctor here. THE EDITOR'S MARRIAGE Mr. A. II. Mitchell, of Edenton, N. C, and Miss Katie B. Elliott recently o Lima. Ohio, were married by Rev. C. P. Bogart at the residence of Mr Johnjeweii in Tunis, N. C, on Wednesday at 2 r. m The happy pair, accompanied by Mr. R. J. Mitchell and Miss Emma Jewel, who were in attendance upon the ceremony, returned to Edenton W ednesday night via Str. Chowan. A party present writes us the follow ing: The 21st was a day that will long be remembered by the pleasant party who were in attendance upon the ii.iuiK m juui xlul Viuug eloom was dispelled by 1 1 o'clock and the sun, in genial splendor, made merry nature smile as if inten ded consouance with tne feelings of all our party. At the appointed hour and at the residence of Mr. John Jewell, we repaired to witness' the marriage ceremony which was per formed by Rev. C. P. Bogart in a style highly commensurate with his II . 1 t 1 1 a K wen esiaDiisnea reputation. Anioner those, present to witness the ceremo ny were Miss Mullin, the charming belle ol lunis, Miss Cora Hare, Mrs. Annie Jewell, Miss Emma Jewell, Mrs. Walter M. Jewell, Mrs. lerrant and son, Messrs. Chariea Xorfleet, Wm. Fleetwood, the writer hereof and others. After the ceremony the entire party proceeded to the II otei De Mail which is situated on the highest hill in the delectab'e city and commanas a periect view oi tne im mediate settlement in the neighbor hood. Here we remained, until the arrival of the Str Chowan, passing the time in pleasantness to which Mrs. Walter Jewell pec:allv contrib utea, dv rendering- aeugnnui music upon the Organ and singing some-oi the songs of long ago, when she too was want to rival the gay and young est oi tne lair in tne merry pastimes of life and was ever ready to lend the charm of her voice, essential, to make melody resistless and add harm on v delightfully rapturous to ears at tunned ana , ta-tes rennea. rt o'clock we espied the Str. Chowan' ploughing the wave, a thing of beauty with flags set and pennants flying in anticipation of our party as passen gers for Edenton. W e promptly boarded her and she as prompth leit un our way to tne ooat the two locomotives which had stopped at lunis with trams and the two mills, all of which were, in line of our route, blew a loner salute to the bride and groom. This was done b' direc tion of Mr. Terrant who also kindly tendered the newly married his car riaee for the occasion Now we are on our way homeward. The Puree! handed the groom a letter from Capt Tno. H. Boeart expressing his regrets at not being able to accom pany the party to Edenton, as he intended, and tendering his congrat ulations and best wishes as well as the hospitalities of his elegant Steam er which were indeed surpassing in everv respect. Our ride down the river was all that could be desired; nothing occured to lessen our joys or impede our progress. Arriving at Edenton we were met by a host ot people, friends of the bride and ! jrroom. who accompanied tnetn to their residence on King street where a sumptuous repast was spread and where congratulations of gathered friends were tendered in matchless profusion. At a late hour callers were received tendering words ot welcome to the bride and best wishes for the happy pair made one. FIRE AT MT. PLEASANT CHURCH. At the conclusion of divine service at Mt. Pleasant Church, Washington countv. on Sundav last, fire was dis- 1j r'::: COVcreu uiiuci uic iuui ajumuij; iiic chimnev. It appears that the lower part of the chimney which rested on the beams, to which the ceiling was nailed, had settled down from the upper part of the chimney which rested on the rafters, through this crack, the flames came in contact with wood work, and set the building on fire. It was lucky that the fire was seen before the congregation left the house, else no doubt the church would have bet-n destroyed. A Mr. Norman and a Mr Moore in at- temDtincr to reach the fire on the roof outside, iost their hold and fell down and over the eaves, catching the rounds of the ladder in their fail, thus no doubt saving their lives. For a few minutes great excitement--ore- vailed, but owing-to the exertions of tne preacner anu uicuiuci ui the church saved. IXGALLS ACCUSED AGAIN. Alexandria Gazette. Senator Ingalls. in the letter he intends lo publish in reference to his recent bloody shirt speech in Con gre:s, should not fail to correct the whopper he told in that speech about j the strength of General Lee's army ; at the time of its surrender. Mr. j Ingalls said that army numbered j seventy -nine thousand men. But j everybody who knows anvthing 1 about that army knows that it num bered less than eight thousand armed men. and General Lee, who surely should haveknown, and whose verac- uy noDoay except 3ir. in trans ever que tioned, often save that as the Another Hertford county man comes to Edenton for employment and finds it with Mr. M. II. Dixon. Corae along, we need aa many as will come. When places cannot be had in stores the pea fields will be opea, herring-cutters will be needed and, after, the corn fields will wave a welcome to the agile strength of the strong and industrious lover of oppor tunity. Come along ! We have in our county, -Mr. D. T. Smithwick who is selling family Bibles. He has also a most excellent work written by J. W. Buell, assisted hv T. DeWit Talmage, called the ''Beautiful Story." This wo: k ie a companion to the Bible containing a'narative history of all the events recorded in the sacred book. Designed to increase our interest in a study of the Bible, and to give a better knowledge of Gods Providence and immeasurable love for the childrer of men; to which is added Golden Gems of religious thoughts Mr. Smithwick is also a Life Insurance ageot. woiking in interest of the Inter States Company, Staunton, Va. M. H. Dixon's CASH PRIGS LIST EDENTON, H. C, MARCH 23, 18S8. G. A. Salt, per sack, Nails, per keg, 10d, White kerosene oil, per-' gallon, Red kerosene oil, per gallon, Best apple vinegar, per gallon, "New Process"" flour, per bbl., "Farmers' Pride" flour, per bbl "Our Level Best'" flour per bbl., Clark's Cream fioui, per bbl.. 78c. $2.45. 9c. ' lGc. 25c. 84.25 S4.G5. $5.40 $6.00 61c. 18c. Granulated sugar per pound, Standard "'A'1 sugar per pound, Light brown sugar per pound, Rio coffee (nice and clean per lb.. Laguayra coffee (superior) per lb., 23c. 2Zc. 2Sc 30c. Roasted and ground coffee (pure) N. Y. Gilt Edge butter per pound. N. Y. Creamery-butter, " (by the keg 2c per pound less.) Cream cheese per pound. 16jc. S.C Hams (small sizes) per pound, 13fC. Bacon Shoulders (best quality) 8c Clear bulk sides per pound, 9c. Fat back pieces per pound, . Tic. Pure leaf lard per poui.d, 9c. Tobacco (plug and twist) per pouud, 25c. Gold leaf twist tobacco per pound, 28c Snuff, 1 ounce cans per dozen, Snuff, 1 ounce cans per gross. 40c- 64.50. 8c. 8ic. lUc. 12Ac. 16c. 18c. 18c. 8c. 12Jc. good All Cucumber pickles per dozen. 21b cans tomatoes per can. 31b cans tomatoes per can, 21b cm corn nr can, Eagle brand condensed milk, 21b cans table peaches per can, 31b cans table peaches, " lib can lobster, per can, Sardines i boxes, Plain candy per pound. iSiTThe above prices will bold until the next issue of this, paper other goods at greatly reduced prices. Unarms Agents wanted to make Five TlrklloYNi nor rlov A rlrlrocc PERKIN'S MEDICAL CO., Richmond, Va, SCHALiL & LE CATO, WHOLESALE Fresh. Fish. Pratt and Hollingstvorth Streets, BALTIMORE, MD. Quick sales and prompt returns. 0. S. HARDING & CO., Wholesale Commission Merchant-, Thresh FisTOT AND GAME,""P 9 & 10, C6 & 37 Pier 15 Dock St. Fish Ma ret, Philadelphia Refer to Corn Exchange Nat. Bank, or aay wholesale fresh fish dealer. J. S. 13 HARTS0CK, Whole-ale Commission Merchant, Washington, D. C. THE ONLY T hoi esa Jc Pi -od 1 1 ce Ho use IN WAMilN-iTON Making a specialty of R0WE & JURXEY, Gene.al Commission Merchants, For the Sale of FRESH FISH OYSTERS, PRODUCE, A:C., New No. 305 S. Charles Street, Baltimore, Md. bliipping Letters It. and J. References .Citizens National Bank and J. S. Johnson & Co., Baltimore: Howard Bros., Norfolk, Va., J. S. Dail iug & Son, Hampton, Va. Holland & go (Successors to Holland & Harrison,) East Main St., FRANKLIN, VA, Dealeisln Fresh and Salt FISH, STURGEON, &C, We keep constantly on hand a full line of vhiske3, apple brandy, tobacco, cigars, groceries, etc. We have arrangements for selling large quantities of Fish along the Sea board & Roanoke Railroad. Orders for goods filieii with dispatch GIVE US A TRIAL. Quick sales and prompt pay. Thanks for past favors. HOLLAND & CO. Refer to Vaughau & co. bankers, Franklin, Va. THE EDEJTOY GRADED SCHOOL Fall Term Ending Dee. 3. 1SS7. Prof. L. A. Williams, Principal. Mrs. R. F. Cheshire, ) Assistant Miss M. A. Thompson, j Teiichers. rates: First Grade, Second " -Third " -Fourth t - annual: quarterly $10.00, - S3.00. - - S1G.00, - . $4.50. - - $20.00, - - S6 00. - - 30.00, - - 38.00. - are made from date of entrance. Proper deductions for pro tracted illness. The next term of this School will begin December 5th, 1887. A special feature of the law incorpo rating our school is that every resident patron is credited with the Public funds apportioned to his children under the school law of the State. Resident children who are dependent ! ! upou the Public School funds for educa- j tion are received into the School at any i ,uriu"1 UJ - "i aiumoro uy r. time without charge. w- & B- K- President St. .Station, . This school and system offers the best i Philadelphia by Pennsylvania R. R. educational advantages attainable in I Dock St. Station: New ork by Penn Edenton. By dividing pupils of several ! sylvm y1' p,er 27 N.grth Ier. grades of advancement, among teachers j OOD, Agent, Edenton, N. C. employed for each grade, better and! " more efficient instruction is obtained at less cost than can be had otherwise. Pupils from other districts are invited to enter the School at above rates of (instruction and thev can obtain good board at moderate prices. By rder of the board of Trustees of the Edenton Graded School, Oct. 1SS7. B. F. Elliott, President. T. C. Badiiam, Sec. pro tern. i GOODS. BOND Keps constantly on hand a large assortment of HARDWARE and CLTLKKY. Nails and cotton card?, colored Paints, putty, S x white Lead, 10 and 10 x 12 Glass, Kerosine Oil irvd and whiti j Linseed Oil, Spts. Terpentine, and Jataa jModicines-P so quite an assortment of aron V. 1'ilJs. the rit meileoine in the world for chills and fevers. He has on hand a large lot of Tin ware, Hroorns, Tubs, well and watr Buckets. The U;t Butter and CI and Lemons. Apples and Onion, h.ijred Haniis and Klegaut side meat, the rerr btt in town. He has just received two Ljlc- r.f I prime Com e "Beautiful Bean. a!M j a nice lot of family Flour in bbls half bbla. the bost in the market, j and see. and Call j Hath JHdliiiK at cost and below. Men's j and boy's calf Boots, men's and wo ; men's Hoes at price below auvthing in . town of like quality. ! Dry Goods at Cost. 75 pairs men's and boy's pant?, wool, Kentucky Jeans. Men's Coats and over-coats. Cainiv. Cakes, trackers. Tobacco, live. rs of M. itches i put up in paekaes of twelv, Ihix4-s fti 10e. Needles. ,r, .vnfs a p:ie Ns. 5 to 10 or 0 u 7. pins, n points. Fih hm k?. Dr.ni combs Bar bers combs, rubber, Haips Harmon icuns, Pur. caps. Nos. 22, 32 and pis tol oar traces, KnIitli rlueuix Mills Mustard, canned ivachfs. Tomatoes. LIMK AND (JUOL'ND AM MX S A Ir C JNSTA N'i LV UN HAND. All of the ft)rornin will le sold at prices to uit the time. Any one iliinr to invest in Real Estate, and will purchase my stock, will sell entire Stock with Store and Ware Holland retire lrom bnsine.-s. Respectfully, H. A. Boiid Edenton, c. 1 A. m Cf NOltFOLk SUL'THKIiX KA1LIUAI) O M l'AXY. Schedule in effect oct. V, un. 1SS7, , .;:iu iraui leaves ;oriJK lU.vJU a. in. A - 1 rr 1 f iu.u a. daiJy except Sunday, and arrives at Edenton 1 :4.j p. m. Leaves Edenton 2:1. r, j nnd arrives at Norfolk at 5 30 p. in. Accommodation leaves Norfolk at 5 i p. m., arrives at Edenton 10 p. m. Leaves Edenton at 4.20 a. m., arrives at i Norfolk 10 a. m., daily except Sundav. Cloae connections at Norfolk with all rail and steamer lines. i At Elizabeth City with steamboat j for all points on Pastiuotank, North and ' Alaator rivers. J At Edenton with N. S. Railroad j company's steamboats, Plymouth, JWary i E. Roberts and Ranker, for all joints ou i Chowan. Scuppernonj; Little, cahsieand Roanoke rivers, and Jamseville A; Wash ington, and Albemarle fc italeieh Rail i Roads. I On and after July 1st. the steamer Plymouth, plying between Edenton and Williamston, will go to Hamilton ou Tuesday and Friday of each wek, 1 wav ing that place at 2 o'clock a. m. on Wednet-day aDd Saturday. Norfolk passenger and freight station at Norfolk and Western Railroad Depot. Freight received daily, except Sun days. Through tickets on sale and baggage checked Drtwen Edeeton and Elizabeth City and Baltimore. Philadelphia and New York by Bay Line and Old Domin- ! ion 6temers and N. Y. P. and N. R. R. j from Norfolk, and between Norfolk and : Washington, Plymouth, Williamstou, ! Winasoraud James vilie. O EASTERN CAROLINA DISrATCII. FAST FREIGHT LINE. Regular line of steamers between Atlantic & North Carolina R. R., New Berne, Washington and Elizabeth City. Daily all rail service between Edenton, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Norfolk. Through cars, as low rates and quicker time than by any other route. Direct all goods to be shipped by Eat- ern Carolina Dispatch, as follow: From Turnips For Sale. A fine lot of White Globe. Yellow Globe and Rutabaga Turnips, at 40 cU. per bufchel, can be had at any time at the residence of Philip McDonald, ON CARTEUETT STREET- NEW H. A.