Eugene Harrell has been elected Captain of the Governor's Guard. The colored graded school at Kins ton was destroyed by fire Jlondaj, the 12th. Jndge Walter Clark will deliver the Commencement address at the University, June 6th. The State Superintendents of Pub lic Instruction of all the Southern States will meet at Morehead City June 20tn. Randolph county has sixty-four post-offices, a larger number than any other county in the State. Con cord Times. THE NEW DRYDOCK CAVES IN. Yesterday afternoon, while a num ber of men were at work ou the new drydock, a portion of it gave way, and j caved in, about twenty men barely escaped with their lives. This is the second time that this has occured. The land where the dock is being built is made land, consequently it cannot be depended on. A great deal of piling, &c, will have to be done. Norfolk Virginian, 18th. A very worthy colored man named Pat ton Beckham, was found murdered on the plantation of Deputy Sheriff White, in Iredell county, last Tues day morning. A white man named Nance and his two sons are charged A gentleman told us recently that withthe crime and have been arrested. he once had a cousin named Miss Xhcr will make seven Derson9 in lr I. - I -mr j t, ffuu was norn in jiiay ana ner lredell countv iail to be tried for husband died in May. He also said jmurder. that the eleventh child in his father's family was born on the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the year Greenville Reflector. S. L. STORER & CO. ' Successors to Chappel & Storer, Wholesale Commission Dealers and Shipper t of all kinds of Lobsters, Turtle, Etc. 16 Fulton Fish Market, NEW YORK. Stencils and Stationary furnished on application. J. 4. SSOSSiHS & SO., WHOLESALE Coimi tission Merchan ts, The United States Rolling Stock Company has commenced the erection of its projected shops and foundries at Anniston, Ala. The capacity of the works will be, when everything gets in running order, about twenty to twenty five freight cars per day. ana irom six to ten passenger cars per month. At a meeting of the business men or ijolasboro it was determined to organize a stock company for the purpose of building a cotton factory to be operated on the co operative plau. The capital stock will be $1C0,000, and committees have been appointed to solicit subscriptions. News and Observer. Boston has lost her glory, her pride, her hero and her love, Prof. John Lawrence Sullivan failed to knock out Charley Mitchell. Mitchell did not knock out the Boston boy but tired him out. They fought 39 rounds lasting three hours and eleven minutes. Night put an end to the contest. Tarboro Southerner. A FARMERS' CLUB. A Farmers' Club was organized at Yeopim in fourth Township, Chowan county, March 17th, 1888. W. J. Webb, Chairman, called the meeting to order. On motion. W. E. Jordan, was appointed Secretary, and J. N. Bass, Treasurer. On motion, the following gentlemen were appointed as delegates to the County Convention to be held in Edenton on the first JSaturday in April : M. H. Hughes, J. N. Bass, W. II. Jordan and Thos. A. Harrell. As alternates, V. Beasley, Dr. Thos. Leary, R. F. Bass and W. E.Jordan. On motion, the Chairman was made Exofficio Chairman of delegates. Jno. G. Williams, Esq., was ap poiniea to deliver an aaaress on some practical subject at our- next meeting. On motion, agreed that .we meet on Saturday bsfore the 3d Sunday in each month at 3 o'clock r. m. On motion, the Secretary was re quested to furnish copies of these proceedings to the Enquirer and Fisherman & Farmer, and request publication. The meeting "then ad journed, to meet Saturday, April the 14th, at 3 o'clock r. m. W. E. Jordan, Sdct'y. W. J. Webb, Chairman. LOTS GIVEN AWAY ! MERCHANT TAILOR, ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. A full line of Foreign and Domestic Goods always on hand. All work warranted. AT THE EXCELSIOR HOUSE! GREEN FRONT, Main Street, Second Door Sooth of A. T. Bush's corner, CAN BE FOUND Whiskies, Brandies, Wines, Alest etc., the best for the verv lowest cash prices and in quantities sufficient for any demand. Cool Beer on Draught; also Bottle Goods of the best grades. Cigars and Tobacco ofbrandswell established. tSThis establishment is entirelv new and constructed with an eye to ti n convenience of the trade. I invite competition as to the quality of my Mock the completeness of my structure. Give roe a call. I Edenton, x. c. A. L. GREGORY, Proprietor. -AT Montrose, Chowan Co., N. C. i Montrose. N. ., is situated on the Chowan River, and is the terminal of the Suffolk & arolina Railway. The land is high and dry, and the water excellent. 1 win eive lots to persons who will build two story houses in good dress, Fresh. Fish Terrapin, Game and Produce. Sales and Check or Cash Daily. Stencils Free. Telegraph quotations furnished when desired. Remember the ad 1 I 2 Si 44 44 44 44 4 4 44 44 44 44 44 T. J. SCOGGINS & CO., 1 14 Grant Street, Baltimore, Md. Laistphear & Haff, Wholesale Commission Dealers in style, for the following purposes: 1 Lot for Grocery Store. Hardware Gents 'Furnishing: Goods Dry Goods St-re. Shoe and Hat 44 Clothing Stove and Tinware Store. Furniture Store. Agricultural Impliincnts Millinery Store. Bakery Coach Factory. Cotton Tobacco . Shuttle block Factory. Door, sash and Blind, jyy, 70 Fulfmi, Fish .Mavfrpf BOOKS. THRU The following books are published in nt paxnpblet form, printed from pood redl-. tn m c- pap?r and many of them handsomely Illustrated. TUey 4vre without except! on the cheapen fn..K er jt lishtrd iu any land or language, and fnrnjli to the muwi of the people an opportunity --a M.e t -t literature of the day it t!io mot trifiiu-.' exiexie. In any other wrifi tbee yit-ut ra times tue price at which tiiey are here oifcteJ. Each one i complete in itelf : v Wonder of the World. Xtii. am Otii r. ci,. t tains d-aci'iptiuua aiii ill ut at ionn of tl.e ttifwt wnmlrrlnl I nrklof nttuir ami of man. V-rr Itii.r.ilme an1 lualrtu-fivr. i Wonder f tltO be- - V.-t-ti.i i.m i.f iiiti lnaur v-uiiiior-ftiliti l leiiriful tiling louii 1 at the Ixitlortl ! t!in u rii,illi profuse illustrations. A PieiiMure KTertloii," and Other Sketrhea. T.y 'Jomah ALLKS'a WifK." A cr lr-1 lrn .f Srrr:tihly funny ketclir by lh mo.t popular liiiinoronii writer nl tlie ilay. The Aunt Kezlah I'apcr. 17 Cliii Auoitsta, anttinr of The ltu Itocunienti"." A ntrwt ridlculoualy funny tjlt In e very w ay di'ial to "WUow Brlitt." t'hrlntmaa Storle. I'T C'haw.i- 1kkk. l'ni!ni t niimter f tlie in..t ci:ki nitnp Cliriti'-iiaa torl-a errr written by tlie grnlvft w ritf r who llvf J Kjm-Ii nnr tl ciuil'l--tr. The rr-t-lllal Uuktr. A N..r!. Py y. T. PAtrr a. TkeOM (Ulira neat. A Nurl. iyu ti Cum J. TBPrarll krOrraa. A N ul. K Cl. a A i-.i . I . . Hollow Aah HmJL a No,. H; SliH.nniT biuw IUuitratrl. VUtTe llovae. a Nwl. Ht fni W. nnr. ladcr the LI1m. A Vj ti.a autr.or of lw., T!ma." The Dlnnaon Uraeelet. A Naval. Vj !... 11... t Wd. IUutruted. TkeUwTrr'tHwrrl. AVnrrX. Pj M V E. r a im . Tie ftraare ( aw sf Or. Jekyll nud Air. Jlj Jc a Nov!: ilr K. 1.. STttrmim. A WlrLetl Cilrl. A .V-vl. Pf M.av Ca. n. Hat. 4a, A Mivn. iy " iri Vtdr Valwortk'o lManoa! Knnnil dip V" Hilnir l.avmTt. A t'nok of atorlca. iicturea. I Dt- naaa. ptirzle. mi I tnni. for tlie little toil: at licin. I JletweeN Two Rlna. A Nov. l I'otiuliir Km- tat on and IHnlosara. HumoroM, nrama- . Timc. juuairaira tic and putlicti.-, iticlu'iini; all the lntcI. heat an.t rrt popular. The Nclf-iuade Men of llodrrn Tlnaeo. Coutaina pr tvaita .nid l'iorn)tiiea of famous aelf-iuale Aiucrloana. from tba time of Frankiin t'i tlie preser.t. Kuinlllnr Quotntlona. Cont.ifiilnK tlie origin an anthnr- a'lipof many iirrt-a trequetitly m t iu reaJluc auJ couvcra- I tlon. A va!ii.-ililj work of refrrtiire. I Low IJfc In Ju'ew Yerk. A art of 1t1.1 pan plctiirca I r.y tlie aiitV.t r ,f In it FEISE f ISEx Lobsters, Etc. lmwin? the rtark ei-le of li;'e iu tlie creat ritv Jilnttrnttd. The I load to Wealth. Nt a.i advei'.liiiifr rirciilar, I tint a thoroughly pr.irtical roik, )!TiricK ont av way Ly j Tvlikh all may tiinke pioiiey. ea.lly, taplJIy aim horK-atly. One Hundred Popular Sonc antimr.tal, pathetic n l ctimic. Inrlu.l.n; most of the iaroritva. ne and "U fir Noel ilflr. A Novel, r.y Mn. Mat Aonaa Flbmixo. A Burtered Life. A Novel. By Mabioh IIaki.akd. An 4tll Man's Sacriflee. A otc1. Xj Mn. Am . WTrHESS. gWe will Fend any four of the above booVa by mail pot-pald u-on receipt of only 1 S Cent nr tm for XS Crnl s any txcenty-fire tor f0 Cent; the entire list (40 book) for 75 Onto the eutite liit liound in board- . with clotli hack, for SI .10. TUl is the ereateit bargain In books ever offered. Do not fail to take advantr of it. Satisfaction guarantfed. or money refunded. Postage tump taken for fraction" of a dollar. Ai to our reliability, w refer to any newipnner published In New York, likewise to the Commercial Aeenciea, All rdera fiiiel hy , wtarnmaiL Addres all letter- r. M. I.UlXOX. JPnbllaliea-. . 3 Murray Street. New li orkj Tka Mne af llrari. A.Noul. P.y n. I.. rAjot. lorf'a Kortaae. A .Novel. Ity Ft mi ffUMH. A Law Marrlace. A Novel. Hy Mi.a Mriwk. i'ua. Tke allty Kler. a Novel. liyWiiinti'uu.iu. Tk Palaaa f Amm. A Novel. Ity Klobkick Miihiit. Moat i.ranae. A Notc!. l!v Wr. Hrmr Wool. rorrla the Fetten. A .V..v l. Hv Mra. A. iim. A Play wHahf" lnua;hUr. A Novtl. Ily ilia. Aaaia Edwakob. JUuMtralrd. fair Wat Falae. A Novel. Vy the autLor of " IKiia nioru.M JltvtrntrJ. Lancaster Cabin. A Novel. By Mra. M. V. Virroa. llluttruttd. Floreaee I Tlasion'M Oath, a Novel. Ty Mra. Mai A. Dasiaov. ftluitrattd. The Wotaaa Hater. A Novel. Py Ir. J. II. Komaoa. nivtrnttd. Tha CaUforaU Cabla. A Kovtl. Ty M. T. Caliob. 4 Barrel Factory. Cotton Seed Oil Factory. iwannihg factory. WM. T. WOODLEY. Chowan P. O., Chowan Co , N. C Febrnary 29th, 188. New York City. If you want to obtain the highest mar ket price for your Fresh. Fish. STEWART & KEAGLE. Wholesale Commission Merchants. M FRESH FISH DEALERS, Send t6 this office for If country newspapers were to publish the names of subscribers who take, read and enjoy, and are gratified by, yet refuse to pay for, their home papers, tho reputation of most com munities for moral honesty, would depreciate ten per cent., says the Jfew York Sun. An editor's labor is seldom esteemed or compensated. A lawyer will give you five minutes mAxriroL on a t.nnif and r.harcre vnn -" " 1 S5 J $5.00 for it. An editor will give you advice on a hundred tonics and charge you five cents a copy for his paper, and very often five cents given to an editor ill save $5.00 civen to a lawyer. In fact no other business is so universally robbed and Oysters, Produce, Melons and FRUIT. Pratt Street Wharf. Office corner Pratt and Calvert Streets, BALTIMORE, MD. Consignments solicited and prompt returns References Franklin Bank, W. J. Carroll & CO., wholesale grocers. Kea- gle & Geuder, oysters and fruit packers, Baltimore, Md. CHAS. W ATKINS & CO., General Commission Merchants, 1412, 14 & 16 CARY STREET, RICHMOND, : : : VA. Game and Terrapin, SHIP TO I.A.Lee&Co. 27 & 58 Dock St. Fiih market, Philadelphia; - Pa. JOB FROM A Business Card to a mammoth Poster J,S; I- EAIj & Co-'With neatness, correctness and dispatch. v, uuicoaic MClVUXLtlH 111 Fresh Olir MottO : GAt1sall Prices. Every attention will be given to the print ing of hand bills, letter and note heads, bill heads, wedding invitations and programmes. Oysters, Terrapin and Gn m e Pier 16 and 328 S. Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. Consignments solicited and prompt returns made. Pleas send for cards and stencils. THE Sale of North Carolina SALTED HERRING a Specialty l2rLiberal advances made on consign ments. Our long and extensive expe rience in this branch of business, togeth er with the satisfaction that our trans actions have generallv given to our patrons, we hope, will prove a greater guarantee to them for the future than any extravagant promeses than we can inVFST CASH PRIfiFS mafcie. 8Sf WAV To grt a Flrrt-ClaMWatell Is In our Co-Operatirs Clmb. FIIIE 171TCDES AT THTC CHARLES PHILIPSEN, North. .River FISH AND GAMS CO., COMMISSION DEALER IN FRESH FISH, Only $1.00 a Week. Thousands of the best $38.00 Oold Watch ever made are sell ing" in our Co-operative Clubs. Steam Boat Honse AND OYSTER SALOON, King St :i.k)i s w-st ot" Bay V' y Hott-1 and next to the: Dixon lUiiMing, EDENTON, N. 6. R. B. Hayes, Prop'r., Who begs leave to inform his patrons of Chowan and the counties surrounding that on and after October tlie 1st, run ning through the entire winter season, he will be prepared to furnish daily GEO. M. BAKER, Coach. Maker, Edenton, N.C. Terrapin and Game, 25 and 26 Vesev Pier, NEW YORK. SIT AD a specialty Stencils furnished. swindled out of their labor and capi-. jeroleman , 103 Barclav St., and North tal as country newspaper publishers. River Pank, New York. FRESH NORFOLK OYSTERS This is the Seat, Cheapest, Moat Convenient. I and only co-operative System of selling watches. ' in any quantity des'red. inewatcnes are American Lever Stem Winders, r containing every essential to accuracy and dxira- Orders, large or small, from anv dis bility, and have, in addition, numerous patented tatice will be promptlv tided. Dailv improvements foTind in no other watch. They are ' i,..,. nn fhrt rhr,war." Tninnl-P absolutelytbe only XHt and Datnvnrof Move- 5at8 on the tnowar, Koanoke and ments made in the World, and are jeweled ! ocuppernon itivers win enable mm to throughout with UEiruixr: jtuBIES. The supplv regularly and promptlv any par Fatent Stent. Wind and Set is the Etronpcst and in P.orti U'QcViin.rtnn anri Prtf Ar,i i Simplest made. They are fuUtj equal for ap- ftllflH ,.:th' n nl or cr?l i pearance, accuracy, durability ami servxee, , . . latet and imnrovpd Ktvlf i toany$75 Wateh. Our co-operative Club System orders. ! 1U.1" y r wteiaua improvcu bt ic a , brings theia within the reach cf every one. Patronage respectfully BOiicitedj prices to surprise everybody. THPff PYSTH IMP Terms as reasonable as the supply! liefore buving a 13uggv. wagon, cart tn( KDV fltmaiAfi al a. t.0 UUUS. i " " ""a a v " . jw.a r.n.iun t WV7lAIIJH liLllrJ UU. ; them atrial, vou will save monev. If rf P.O. BoxS2S. PIalluI'aj The above firm having just received a new supply of material, also increased their force, wish to state that they an now prepared to do ail kind of Coacli work We refer to any Com- I AGENTS Pnntlll ClieaP I virj: I L.U. Clubs Constantly Forming. Join Bow and Save lloney. At this office. you have repairing of any kind to io they will suit you both "in work and price. Horse shoeing done cheap and neat. tepl4-y