I u f . S ..... F isiiiermaini j aimer. A. H. Mitchell, iviitor and Business Manager. it The Smallest Hair Throws a Sliadow.' .Injrl Cory Kve OUi Established 1886. EDENTON, N C, FRIDAY, March 30, 1888. No. 147. WOODARD HOUSE EDENTON. N. C. J. L. Rogerson, Prop. This old and established hotel still of fers first-class accommodations to the traveling public. Terms Reasonable. Sample room for traveling saleamen,and conveyances furnished when desired. FRKE HACK AT ALL TRAINS & steamers. First-class bar attached. The best Imported and Domestic Liquors always on hand. Tl?T?p sea WONDEBS exist in thou J JLAJuAJl sands of forms, but are surpassed by the marvels of invention. Those who are in need of profitable work that can bo done while living at home should at once send their address to Hallett & Co., Portland, Maine, and re ceive free, full information how either sex, of all ages, can earn from $5 to $25 per day and upwards wherever they live. You are started free. Capital not re quired. Some have made over 50 in a single day at this work. All succeed. Back Again ! The undersigned having returned to Edenton and opened the same saloon on Main street as occupied last season, gives notice that they will keep a fresh sup plv of Norfolk Oysters on hand during the entire season, which will be served in any style desired Stewed, Fried, on Hali Shell or by Measure, in any quantity and at very low prices. Thanking for past favors and soliciting further patronage, we are Yours, &c, Caskie Sr Chamberlain. E. W. Albaugh & Son, Wholesale Commission Merchants FRESH FISH, Terrapin, Oysters, Game and No. 321 Light SlKKET W'HAKF, Baltimore, Md. Consignments Solicited. Prompt Re turns, our motto. m Reference Citizens National Bank. Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants And Dealers in FISH, RfCHHOftD, VA. Consignments of North Carolina Her ring solicited, and proceeds remitted in cash. On account of our intimate acquain tance, and frequent transaction with the Grocery trade of the west and south we are able to handle N. C. Fish to the very best possible advantage, and we are known exery where, as the largest dis tributors in this market. TAYLOR & MAYO, Wholesale Commission Dealers In Iresh ish NO. 25 T. WHARF, Boston, Mass. Sole nronrietors of the Celebrated waquoit Oysters. CiTWe make a specialty of SHAD in j their season. Prompt returns and best 4 references given. red. Groo PLOUGHING. Bluebird. Robin. Sparrow, Blackbird, Lark and Dove, Searching over slices The ploughshare throws above; Often finding luncheon As they flit along Scarce they heed tbo ploughman 'Tween the feast and song. Merry tioupe of warblers, Heralding the spring With many a tuneful twitter And many a flashing wing ! Blue and black and golden, Gray and red and brown. Mingling in the furrow As the ploughshare sinks it down. Turn for another furrow, Yet along the row; Nearly now among" them - How they rise and go Circling all behind me To the fresh-turned soil I So they ever follow Till the field is ploughed. Thus the weary burdens, Mortals have to bear, Can be made much lighter If we weigh them fair: Bluebird, Robin, Sparrow, Blackbird. Lark ard Dove, God sends to cheer the ploughman Who heeds His6ignsof love. W. Cotten Downing. March 15th, 8S. AROUND THE WORLD. MADAGASCAR. Written for Fisherman & Farmer. During the last few davs of our stay in Batavia we were kept very busy preparing for a long sea voyage across the Indian Ocean. At 8 a. m., December 2 2d, 1883, we "hove up anchor and left Batavia Java, under steam. About six months previous to this date a terrible volcanic erup tion had occurred in Java, the whole of Tava beads about 25 miles of the island had sank, with a loss of 25,000 lives; seven rocky islands had sprung up in the Straits of Sunda. As we entered Sunda Straits we encoun tered large fields of pumice stone and ashes which had been thrown up during the recent eruption. The straits was covered with lumps ol pumice stone, some of them ven. lanre pieces. We were all very anxious to secure pieces as relics, and we managed to secure seveial pieces. The facts that we have related con cerning this eruption are as we heard them while at Batavia. The papers of the United States at that time contained a graphic account of the catastrophe. And nearly 3000 miles from the scene of the eruption we saw pieces of the pumice stone float ing on the ocean. About 2 a. m., on the 23d, we entered the Indian ocean and shaped our course for Madagas car, distance about 3.660 miles. Christmas day came in. bright and very warm; how different from our Christmas at home! Some of us had hung up our stocking the night before but received no presents, as old father Neptune will not allow Santa Clause to invade his domains. We had while in port provided for this day, and although we were at sea several hundred miles from land we had a regular Christmas dinner, but instead of turkeys we had chick ens and ducks. And as we sat down to the table our thoughts were across two oceans to the dear ones at home who no doubt were thinking of us as they sat down to their Christmas dinner. The day was observed by divine sei vice during the morning. We had a very pleasant passage across the Indian ocean, nothing to break the monotony of the voyage except several water spouts which we saw about three miles away. Y e did not see land or sail until the 1 morning of January iSth, 18S4, we: sighted the coast of Madagascar, j On our arrival at Tamatave, which , is the principal sea port town, we found the port blockaded by several French Man of Wars, and as we had no bill of health from Java we were compelled to go in Quarentin, which did not make any difference to us, as we were not allowed, communication with the shore. The French had possession 0 the town. We were unable to learn what the difficulty was between France and Madagascar, there was not much fighting done on either side. The Hovas, natives, hap! a battery several miles from the town and shots were occasionally exchanged, but the Hovas could do no damage to the town as their guns were inferior to those of the French, consequently they were afraid to get within range of the ships laying. at anchor off the town. Thie island is governed by a Queen who holds her court at Tanan, the cap ital; her name is Ranava'amaujaka. We had not the pleasure of seeing her majesty, we heard that she was a very fine looking woman. At the expiration of three days we were allowed to haul down our Quarentine flag; when the Amer can Consul paid us a visit he was brought to the ship by one of the French boats, as our b ats were not permit ted inside of the blockade. From the Consul we learned that the French had some claim on Madagas car which the Queen refused to acknowledge, and France had sent several vessels of war to compel them to accede to her claims, with the exception of occasional skirm ishes with the natives there had not een any battles fought up to that time. Our ship lay about four miles from the town 'and close to a sm 11 island covered with a dense woods, which was infested with w ild animals, at night we could hear the cries of the beasts on the island. This is'and was the home of hundreds of large vampire bats. We could see them flying from the is'and to the main land in the morning, and back again at night. We were short of provisions and , as we were unable to obtain thm at Tamatave we left there on the morn ing of the 25th, for asma?l village on the main island called Fenerive. about 60 miles above Tamatave. where we arrived the same af.ernoon. We found that the village cons sted of about 1 5 houses and about 60 inhab. itants, chiefly natives. We were not able to obtain much provisions here. We found beef very plentiful and cheap, also all kinds of tropical fruits iu the greatest abundance; bananas, or mges, pine apples, mangoves and cocoanuts. The largest and finest bunches of bananas seeing for 25c. We were able to obtain a few chick ens and ducks at a rather high price. We found vegetables very scarce and so what we needed .most, we could only get but a small quantity. As there wos no place to obtain provis ions nearer than the East coast of Africa we were in a right bad fix. We had onh' iayed in sufficient provisions at Jars to last us to this place as we knew we coald get plenty at Tamatave, not knowing the port wa3 blockadid. We ware determined hot to go hungry long as there was plenty of j fruit to get. so we boaght a large nuts. Beef we' found very plentiful as large numbers of cattle run wild on , the island. As fresh beef would not keep long in this hot climate we ' could not take but a small quantity The fate of the poor lard sometimes. sailor is indeed h to be continued. Don Artuko. CONSUL JERN1GAN FROM. HEARD The News and Observer gives the following : us We have an exceedingly pleasant , letter IromConsulJernigan, at liiogo, ' Japan, accompanying specimens of; English papers published in Ykoha- . an( whicll are Yerv creditHhle in all m w for OThMMi we ar mnp.M ntiltr ed respects, showing more clearly than anything else how the whole world is closely bound together already by the ties of commerce and how the 1-n-lish language is rapidly becoming the universal language, in trade at least. Mr. Jernigau writes, with all the longing for home of the genuine tar-heel : "Sometimes I ret terribly home- sick. There is no place like modest, . true old North Carolina her eastern : plains, her rolling midland, her western mountains and her beautiful daughters and patriotic sons." lie. -ays he and all who are with him are , well. He is doing very excellent and creditable work al his distant pot, a fact which his reports, highly : to sea with us. journals, fully attest. We have our-' JJEW YORK. selves inane extracts from tm ot , . -w.u. ctm ... 1 1 11 Special attention paid to the SHAD these reports which were decidedly. trade. stencils furnished. interesting as well as of permanent - . oeuctit tb the commerce of thy couu- j ry. IS. B. MILLER & CO., Last Week there was caught at j Wholesale (ovimisst'on Croatan flsherr, by Evans, of Manteo, two herrings, each of which measured 144 inches in length, inches in breadth and 2 inches in thickness. Economist. . PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY Save your fruit ! Save your flow- ers ! Save everything that makee aome pleasant and profitable by pur- chasing a Patent Force rinkler and Novelty j PUMP. I Te most perfect and effective land ! appa atus ever invented for throwing j ..... 1 water, .f rice $i.so. ror sa e Dy S.P. Wixan1 Dealer 1 142 .n1 144 TWVmnn St.. Sharp's Store, Edenton. CFDon't forget the linger. INVENTION ha revolutionized the world during the last half century. Not least among the wonders of inventive progress is a method and system of work that can be performed all ovr thecoun- try without seperating the workers from their homes; pay liberal; any one can do special ability required; capital not needed; you are started free. Cut this out and return to us and wc will send you free, something of great value and importance to you, that will start you iu business, which will bring you iu more money right away, than anything else in the world. Grand outfit free. Address True & Co., Augusta, Maine. Clothing. The undersigned returns thanks for the liberal share of patronage received and now has A FINE LINE OF GOODS for the Spring and Summer of 18S8. The best in the market; call and examine them and give your orders. W. T. Merchant Tailor, Edenton. M. E. Elliott, PRODUCE CommerCial Agent, YT J:ajJia KJJiS, akj Parties wishing an agent in this section will do well to write hin. j pjg & Terrapin Trap ! Adapted to River and Lons Shore Fi shins in 4 to 10 feet water. A Great Catcher! Send for descriptive price list to . S. JOHNSON & CO., MANUFACTURER O" t t m m Y G, 151 South treet, Baltimore, Md. II. M. ROGERS & CO Com m ission Jfri'ci a 11 fs IN ALL KINDS OF Fresh. Fish. 11 Fulton Fish Mkt. ana 207 Front St. No. 7 Fulton Market, New York. Samuel B.Miller. Clarence G. Miller, Sam'l. T. Wholesale Skidmore, Commission 142 and 144 Beekman St. Opposite Fulton Market, NEW YORK. CURREY & TRESTER, Wholesale dealers in - jo 1-- E7 TeSll a HQ bait X1 lSil Clysters, (Same, gto&utt&t Pier 10 JV. Delaware Ave. Philadelphia J.H.Edwards Dealer in Fresh and Salt Fish, Sturgeon, etc. FRANKLIN, - VA. ALSO WHOLESALE MANUFACTURER Of Mattrasscs, Bedding, etc. Goods and price guaranteed satisfac tory. For reference apply to Vaughan Jt Co., bankers, Franklin, Va.