- . . -r x s ilr1 isttermaB & Farmer0 A. H. Mitchell, TIditor and HusJneBS Manager. tf The Smallest Hair Throws a Shadow." Prlc Ter Year 01.00 ''vinjcla Cory Y iVui Established 1886. EDESTTOftT. K. CM FRIDAY, April 13, 1888. NO. 149. WOODARD HOUSE J. L. Rogerson, Prop. This old and established hotel still of fers first class accommodations to the traveling public. Terms Reasonable. Sample room for traveling salesmen,and conveyances furnished when desired. rilF.i: HACK ATAL.Ii TRAINS STEAMEKS. First-class bar attached. The best Imported and Domestic Liquors always i on nana. DEEP sands onders exist in thou- ot rorms, Out are surpassed by the marvels of invention. May " Those who are in need of profitable work ; The" south 'wind and the brook did say that can be done while living at home! Were Svlnh or Hoiiri W n f.,:.v" -Would at once send their addresb to iT;.l!-tr & Co.. Portland. Maine, and re- 1 ceive free, full information how either sex, of all ages, can earn from 5 to $25 per day anu up wards wherever they live You are started free. Capital not re uuired. Some have made over $50 in a single day at this work. All succeed Back Again ! The undersigned having returned to Edeuton and opened the same saloon on Main street as occupied last season, gives noticj that they will keep a fresh sup plv of Norfolk Oysters on hand during the entire season, which will be seryed in any style desired Stewed, Fried, on Hall kSneli or by ivl easure, in any quantity and at very low prices Thanking for past favors and soliciting farther patronage, we ar lours, xc, Caskie Chamberlain. E. W. Albaxigh & Son Wholesale Commission Merchants FRESH FISH, Terrapin. Oysters, Game and Xo. 221 Light Street Wiiakf, Baltimore, Md. Consignments Solicited. Prompt Re turns, our motto. Reference Citizens National Bank. Wholesale Grocers, Commission Mhrchaxw And Dealers in FISH, SJCHEOMf VA. Consignments of North Carolina Her ring solicited, and proceeds remitted in cash. On account of our intimate acquain tance, and frequent transaction with the Grocery trade of the west and eouth we are able to handle N. C. Fish to the very best possible advantage, and we are known exery where as the largest dis tributors in this market. TAYLOR & MAYO, Wholesale Commission Dealers In NO. 25 T. WII RF, Boston, Mass. Sole proprietors Wuquoit Oysters. of the Celebrated tUe make a specialty of SHAD in the.rseasou. Prompt returns and best reierences Riven. t resli Hisn lINFELICE." Written for Fisherman & Fabmer. My love dwelt in a sunny clime. Where roses bloomed and souir-birda trilled, And rich Golconda's deepest mine, A million times emptied and filled. Could not outshine her sparkling eyes, Naught to one tres cf her dark hair. Nor could the softest summer skies Unfold a flower half so fair As those upon her cheek and lips, And ever on her finger tips, My love was so beyond compare, Ah ! she was so beyond compare. Nor could the lissome, swift gazelle Dance lighter long the moonlit lea, Thau she attuned to rise and swell Of terpsichorean melodv: Iler voice, the music of the lute O er waters at the sunset hour Surpassing; tender, soft and sweet As zephyrs from a lotus bower; And wnen Pi.tUmn.J ua My love was 60 beyond compare. My love she loved me well and true, And told me when she would be mine; And I could wait, for well I knew Tho stars would ever fail to shine, Would cease to roll the ocean blue. No more come seed and harvest time, As soon as I could once forget Her brilliant eyes and curls of jet, Hpr rosj' cheeks and hand so fair, My love wai so beyond compaie. Methinks I hear again the bells, From up in old St. Matthew's tower, King out the merry wedding peals For my true love's own bridal hour. The hour passed! ray love wr.s w.'d. My fair, sweet love beyond compare, Thi orange blossoms crowned her head And mingled with her raven hair, But was she happy? oh ! was she? She wed not ms! alas! not me. V. Cotten Downing. Dp: a ii Editor : Owing to a pres.' of business I was unable to give you Around the World" this week Yon will find enclosed a clipping from a Sandwich Island paper which you can publish. I will try and give you "Around the Worid" next week. Yours Truly, Dox Amu no. WHAT A CURSE IT Is ! IS TITEISE NO WAY OF PUTTING A STOl TO INTEMPERANCE. Johnny Hodges, of Sargent's Tom perance Tales, is not the only one who has made this exclamation an nquiry. Johnny, as I hope every seaman knows, for every seaman should be familiar with those titles. T say, Johnny Hodges had hij own rials in a miserably drunken wife, and had ample reason to speak of Uk use of intoxicating drinks as a bitter curse, and to desire that a speed nd mirht be out to intemnermira Uut there are worse cases than that of Hodge's. Let us look at some o! them. The poor sickly wife, with her itwrving babes, sees her once temper Ate, industrious, nfl'ecLinnate husband, scflL'jrennnr home ironi a debauch. where he hns consumed the only means of providing fuel and bre.-ui for those whom he had sworn to feed. clothe and cherish. Hi idiotic lmirh alternating with insane rae, causes he rags which cover his children's nakedness, to shako through fear, mid hey cling to their mother for protec tion, lhe wretched woman, as she ooks back on the past and antici ates the future, cries out innnguish ot sprit, " hat a curse ! Is there no irospect of putting an end to intern jerance?" The widowed mother, whoe poverty on the one hand, and whose desire or her sou's future welfare on tbe other, wrung Irom her a reluctant consent that he should tempt the danger of the sea. on bidding him adieu, beseeches him to fear God, reverence his name and revere his Sabbaths; to beware of the intoxica ting cup. of the house of the strange woman, and of the SOCtetT Of the i prof.ine and vulgar; to read dailr a ' . - t. , ' , JUJ , ana make a conscience of secret prayer She follovrs him with her prayers and , best vrishes, and waits with anxiety j nent, and where rnon-fy is in demand, tu her of hia welfare; waits with I yielding large profits, whether invest emotions which only a mother, and a led in banking, in manufactures, in widowed mother, can know. Months roll away. She hears, at length, that her son had safely weath- ered the stormy Cape; had been de- livered from many a danger, and had entered the calm waters of the Pacific, jnew enterprises starting, the chance Again she hears that he has escaped 'for employment at good wages in a contact with the Northern ice-berg healthy country where living is very when there Reamed but a step between . cheap. All these things are combin hirn and death. She hears, still ing to turn emigration of the well to agaiu, that the ship which bears this do classes iSouthw-rd. And, then, solace of her heart, now anchored fortunate'y the South lias not been near one of the sannv isles of the Pacific, is soon to leave on its homeward-bound passage, to cruise along a while, then press all sail for its original port. Her heart beats with joyous emotions when, as she wakes from pleasant dreams in which she found herself, embraces her Jong absent boy. Ihit here comes another letter, in a strange hand, and with such s. seal ! With a trembling linnd she opens it, and finds it addressed to the mother of who, she learns on reading furiiier, sleeps his last sleep on port of ie Island, near the . She gathers from the letter that her poor boy, in racing his horse with some jovial companion, was thrown to the ground with such violence as to cause h.s death, in a few hours, and as the truth flashes ncrorfs her mind, that her child fills n drunkard' i grave, the broken-hearted nother exclaims, Waat a curse it t! Is there no prospect of putiiug in end to intemperance.' She cries, iifting her eyes upward, "Thou rulest Lie raging of the sea. When the waves thereof :.rise thou stilles them." lint, O God; What can con iroi the lust lor gain in the bosom3 o the dealers in intoxicating drinks:' Ts there no end to be put to intern perance? What a cutse ! Let ns talk about it, and s?e tht !ieees8it3 tne prospect, aud ih means of reform. Yours, Amicus. MOVING SOUTHWARD. From Baltimore Journal of Commerce The tide of emigration is rapid 1 setting from the North ;nd West in the Sou h. People have grown tired of the buzzards which cause such gre it suffering, so many deaths and such immense financial loss, and they are gradually awakening to the fact that in the South there are ndvan tages scarcely dreamed of in their oft n snow covert. d homes. Fanners who can work oniv about six :no V-.s in the ye:r, are learriing that in a dozen Southern States their ou'door Aork can extend over it Jeast Un months; that live s ock 'needs but little shelter and food during ti-e win ter ss compared with the North: that Miming can be made far more profit able than in anv other section of our countrv, .nd that evert thing needed j to eibure a prosperous) ana n pp and h nnv 1 i.fe is found in ihe.'South. ManuJac turers are beginning to understand ihat the advantages possessed by the South lor ind str ai enterprises n ' everv kind :-re not equaled elsewhere , 1 1 ...... i k.j. .. , ! is iouna m unilinuea . supp:y, ana . rrrHwtVir tlr man ; furrnrpr i v: n . . worker, in iron or wood or cotton, he can secure these maTerijdji at a lower ; ..... , , cost than in the .North and YVtst;tne cost of manufacturing them is less, , , , , andal other advantages are on the f nt!i Tb ,-mit-, let L; fiK nmJnr 1 seeking prohtab.e employment for his money finds in the bouth a rap- idly developing country, where the j railroad building, or in leal estate. J Contractors and mechanics ee in the j rapid development of the South, in j the wonderful activity in building! ; operations, and in the thousands of! 'overrun bv the anarchists and social ists who have crowded to tlu North west. This in itself is proving agreat attraction to many. THE FISHERY MUDDLE. President Iahscn, of the Xationa.1 ! Fishing Association, has taken strong : ground aga ns the Fisheries Treaty and opposes free fish tooth and n-til. Trie fishermen, he contends, ask j neither subsidy nor boni.tv, but sim piy equil protection. They do not use or wish to use. Canadian waters for practical nshinti. but want iheir commercial rights therein ch-r-nerl . ar.d maintained, and as for the ( cean tisir-rics they do not regar i tlv.m as j within the co;sid ration or (ii d).m I tion of Canada. The 60,000 fi her j men in the United Stales look to the ' Go-, merriment to afford them th- same I immunity from the encroachments of j foreign labor and oppression that is j g vcii men eugagrd n other great j industries. Mr. liaison's vie '-a art! -ntit ed to serious thought a? the j exponents of those of t: e New Fng j land fishermen who are ntit'eJ toi b the legislation and diplomatic ; advantages to be had Mamie Journal. ;-4uiH TvroiiFOLk souTJtnitN i?ai:.i:uai co:- 1N l'ANV. Schedule in effect oct. Cki. 1S7. Mail Tmiu leaves Norfolk 10:;0 n. m., .laily excej)t SuuJ;;y. z.ul unixvn l;t fideiit.on 1:4.". m Leaves E.lf Titon 2:15, -iiul arrivi s at Norf!k at T oO p. m. Aeooiiiiiioi.-vtio(i l"avfa Ioifoik at 5 ;. in., mriv.-'M ;.t Ivionton 10 p. in.. Le.ives Ivienton nt 4. SO ft. m., hi rives at 1 Norfolk JO a. in., daily exempt Siirujfvv. ' t "lose tiiKjctio.s at Norfuik wiili ali ! nil and steamer iim-s. At Elizabeth C'tA' with p .earn boats for all pintson Pahipiotank, Nnthaud ! Alaafr livers. At E'leucor; with X. S. Railroad t-ompany ?reanl:oats. PJymoutl:. Mum ; 1. Huberts aritl liai.er. lor all puiit on , C'hov-ii.Scuppcr::ri!a: Little, cnlrKieain! j iioalioke rivers. a.ti J:-iii:rti'vi!l-& W; bii iuton, and Albemarle & Iwiiti.h liail Roads. Ou and after July 1 -1 . tht ? termer ! PJviuouttt, jly in..? bfttv-eii Edenttm and ' Willi m-iit;, to iiauiikon on, Tuesday asui Friilay of eeh tek, leav- in that place at 2 o'clock a. m. on ; v ediiehday and aturda-. i Nirloik pass?ui?er r.iid freight station at Norfolk and extern Kail road D-ot. Freight iceived Uuily, except Sun days. Through tickets on sale ami baggage checked between Edentou ami Kliz.d tJi .ty and Haltiinore. Philadeljiiiia and New York by Bay Line and OM Doiniu- i ion steamers ami N. Y. I, und X. l liom Norfolk, and betu-eii Norjolk and asningioii, I'.ymout.i, v iiuanision, inusorami jatneivn ie. M. K. KIN(1. (leneral 3Iinager. o EASTERN CAKOLIXA filSPATC It. ?T :i V j'P X AAAljLvjrAA X Regular line of stumer between - Atlantic & North -Carolina il. R., .New Uerne, Washingiou ami Elizabeth itv. Dailvall rail s riee between E.!entn. New Tork, Philadelphia. Baltimore and Norfolk. Through twr , as low ratKand quicker time than by anv other route. ( Direct all to be shipped by Eat- ; ,rn arolina Dispatch, as foi.ow: From Norfolk by N. S; li. R. : Baltimore by p.; w Pl u - PlPS;ril.nt st stuti..,, PhillolnhiA hr ivmurlvnnia Ti. rc Dock St. Statiou: New York by Peuu- 8vlvauia R. R., pier 27 North River. ; E. WOOD, Agent, Edentou, N. C. j j Fig & Terrapin Trap ef ruDttu Adapted to River and Loni: Shore Fishimr in -I to 10 feet water. A Great Catcher! Send for descriptive price list to 3. 3. OOHMSOfl & CO., M A N IT V A CT U II K US OF 151 South tr.vt, Baltimore, Md. H.r.iioG-Ens&co Conun ission .Mrrcta is IN ALL KINDS OF Fresli Fisli 11 t " . . l . t:,.i. Afi.i. . ...t I...... i NEW YORK. Special attention p.iii t tlu SHAD trnilo. Stencils f n: u.-!.nl. 3 B. MILLUR & CO., TP h olcsa Id ( om m isMon. 2$ Xo. 7 Fulton Maiiki-:?, New York. Samuel Ti. f Uler. C!arence G. Miller. I Sam'L T. Skiclmorft. Tf V olesale Lrmimlxsiou 142 and 1 11 !?eekmnr, St.. Opjosite Fiiltai Mi.rkit, uiRSY & Tipster, Wholesal e dealer?, in Fresh and Salt Fish, tistfvp, amc, produce &c Pier j!) Y. JJrtf u:u rc . Ire. PlailPcdelpkia J.H. Edwards Dealer in H reSil ailQ SalL T 1SH. r Sturgeon, etc. FBAflKUtt, - VA. ALSO WIIOLESALC MAX UFA CT W KER Or Mat trasses, Bedding, etc. fioOviK and prices Kuarantfd Mtisfac torv. For reference apply to VauLun t A- rv li.-ttr. Fruukliti. Va. j V W M 1 i - Fish D