A. H. Mitchell, Editor and Manager. Price $1.50 Per Year. Delivered at doors of city subscribers, as soon as from press, by carriers, without extra charge. 'o name entered without payment, and no paper w?nt after the expiration of time paid for. The Editor dlsclalmsall responaibility forthe views or btatementh of oorrehijondents and re tierves the right at all times to revise or reject anyartlcle he may think projxr lV-fet Advertising Medium in the District. Itates very moderate-.ivcial 1 late 8 on Long Contracts. E DENTON, May 11. NOTICE. The Democratic County Conven tion to select delegates to the State, Congressional and Senatorial Con ventions, will be held at the Court House in Edenton on Saturday, May 26th, at 12 m. The various Townships will hold their Conventions at usual places on Saturday, the 19th of May, 1S88, to select delegates to the County Con vention. W. M. I3oxd, Chairman. Edenton, May 8th, 'SS. Judge Lynch holds another court in Beaufort county, and the wide awake Washington Gazette knows well how to report the proceedings. . It Feends out an extra which we print elsewhere. Editors evidently does not ap prove of single blessedness, judging from the number of marriages this year. Now it is we are to congratu late Bro. Jcsephus Daniels, of the Raleigh Chronicle, and Bro. P. H. Welch, of the Plymouth Monitor, who were both married last week. Our heartiest wishes are extended them and their lovely brides. May they always be happy. - Why is it the Treasurer of the County never handles any cash and never can take up the county orders presented him? Can't some one answer? What is the good of a Treasurer? and why is it he is compel to give a large bond? This is a mystery to many and one which should be solved. A man . holding an order on the county must either lose 20 per cent, or put his order in the waste basket, why is this? Who is the speculator and who gets the 20 per cent? We hope some one will answer this question at once. STEDMAJST. It is a noteworthy fact that in all the articles which we have seen in our exchanges concerning the possible nomination of Maj. Stedman for Governor, no one of them has so far .as we can recollect advanced a single reason why that distinguished leader should not have the party's banner committed to his care in the coming contest. If in this we are remembering cor rectlv we find an unanswerable argument in his behalf. The papers of the State have been heavily laden with articles commendatory of the respective favorites of the writers. Some have sought to show why others mentioned in this connection should not be selected to lead, but the record of the gallant Wilming tonian stands forth to-day as spotless in its purity as when first his friends placed him in the race. If that record was in any way open to attack the assault would long since have been made. Fortunate indeed is the man whose known purity of conduct forbids any impu tation in this day of criticism. PRUDEjY. We find another tribute to the merit of our townsman in the out spoken endorsement given to his claims for nomination to the Supreme Court Bench by the Democrats in convention assembled in old Curri tuck. We are waiting to hear from the other Counties of the District, and in our judgment nearly all of them will give utterance to similar feeling in lonea of equal certainty. The people of our section desire to see the gentleman whose name heads this article placed upon the, bench of our court of last resort. Ihev believe him in every wayi qualified to discharge it3 duties and reflect credit upon the party which selects him for that Ioftv oosition. With a degree of professional at tainment which has placed . him in; the front as a leader of the bar in j this portion of the State, with a record absolutely unassailable, with a firm adherence to everv ru'e of! right, they tender to the State Con vention the name of Hon. W'm. D. Pruden for Associate Justice of tie Supreme Court believing that no better selection can be made. A DOUBLEJRAGEDY. TERRIBLE MURDER SPEEDILY AVENGED. A DESPERATE CHARACTER RIDDLED BY LYNCHERS' BULLETS CRIME 3IAXES WIDOWS ANN ORPHANS. From Washington Gazette Extra. Ayrain has our commumitv been shocked by another terrible tragedy. Like a thunder clap the startling announce me nt came tLiat MTr. JhiM A. Cox, a peaceable and useful citizen and successful lumberman of Blount's Creek, 1G miles from Wash ington, had been murdered by Thoiuas Frazier, an employee of Mr. II. Mac Cox, deceased's brother. Bad blood for Cox hail boiled in the veins of Frazier for some time past, and on Saturday afternoon, sccom panied by two friends, .Newton ami Adam9, he entered Cox's store and demanded liquor, which Cox refused, and then walked off towards his mill, a few yards distant. Frazier, wir had been drinking, now boiling with rage, thought it "d d strand others could buy when he could no,.' and seizins a jruii which was in the hands of one of his friends standing near, emptied the contents of both n " & barrels, which literally riddled Mr. Cox with buck shot, producing almost instant death. Frazier tied through the swamp near by to the house 01 Mr. II. Mac Cox, where his clothes were thinking to secure them and escape, believing his employer absent. Mr. Cox, however, had heard of the murder, but not having left the house, arrested Frazier, and with the aid oi others, who came up, uptmd him and carried him to a small dwelling near the mill, where he was placed under a strong guard, preparatory to bring ing him to this citv, the following morning, for incarcecration iu the county jail. A' magistrate, fearing attempted release by Frazier" s friends, posted sentinels at different points around the premises, securing .1 1 A . 1 i tne lnuruerer wilq neavv enains 1 fastened to a post within the building. Toward morning a company ol masked men, adroitly eluded the sentinels and gained admission to the temporary prison, and overpower ing the guard, took possession oi Frazier, knocked oil the irons, and rared and bound, dragged him near to the exact spot where he stood when he fired the first shot at his innocent victim. Here a volley 01 gun and pistol shots was emptied into his body, instantly killing him and mutilating him almost beyond recognition, and then the Ij-ucuers disperse1, having done their work in much less time thau it takes to tell the story. Frazier was considered a desperate character, having confessed to several other murders, among them the kill ing of Mac Waters, several years ago, while night watch at Kugler's mill, in this town. The community around the scene of the tragedj' is mutch excited, and fears are entertained for the safety of Frazier's friends, who had not been seen since Saturday night, and is supposed to have not an iukling of Uaniier and tied to parts unknown. Frazier was the son of a prominent lawyer in Pender for a number of years. Mr. Cox was a verr biprlilv re- spected citizen, a hard worker, and a useful man. Many will morn his death, out none wi iii feei it so keeniv! ith her five small all pity in their, as his widow with children, whom we sore affliction. ner'8 inquest ' dr of Frazier Later. At the Coro held Sunday over the bodj a verdict of "death at the hands of parties unknown to the jury" was ' rendered. uofang Liniment Mexicax Xcstasc lsnrcrT. Fentratt Xutclc to Very Hone I Wonderful. Tst re. t 3g Si! 1 i i s. tf 53 EST t "V ; S 13 v 2: fJrSiyZ ran i u w issr & ISC 1 i KOIXTKimKT 'PISTTTTirr 'STHOS TIO j M ni&mtm fDIQREH m ' B gjy fiV77 TJV 5--, Season 1888. SHAD! SHAD! SHAD Increased Demand! Increased Facilities REQUIRE Increased Consigmneut ! 14 FuUon Fish Market, J"EU YORK. Wholesale Commission D ,arln all i;intls of Fresn Fisii From the Waters of North Carolina. LSTStencils and stationery sent upon application. 1 S CECAL. Li & 'LE OATO. WHOLESALE isli pealers? Pratt an I Ilollingaworth Streets, DALTIMORE, ID. Quick sales and prompt returns. INVENTION has revolutionized the world during the last half century. Not least anions the wonders of inventive progress is a method and svstem of work I that can be performed all over the coun try without seperating the workers from their homes; pay liberal: any one can do the work: t ither sex, young or old; no special ability required: capital not needed: you are starte I free. Cut this out and return to us and we will send you free, something of great value and importance to you, that will start you iit business, which will bring vou in more money right away, than anything else u theworld. Grand outtit free. Address M. E. ELLIOTT & CO., PRODUCE commercial Agents, yry. r yj p JuJ tu a t JLN . O. R -present t'u most reliable til nis in Ttaltimore. Phila lelphia niui NVw York. Stencils and cardh furnished uhju ap- plication Parties wishing an agent in this section will do well to write them. LATEST FROM k.2 n l ij f4 Shoes and Dry G-oocls House I h iv? just returned fmm iho Northoru ?v.iikets. wl.oro I l o'iht tv. ; Stock ti " oods, whioh for Xovflty. Htauty. Originality, Char.-s M.i-:.;t is not of't'Mi sen in tho tou-u of Elentori. Evry !epu tm-Mit is rnii.p'fjc, u ;, , bitr Har'rain5? in every Hue. No olh can ;ilIY,nl to buy befoi -: is 4" . 1 3- vk. . whicli I can give but a faint co;jt.v'iun iu t!iv? columns uf this j :.?'. Correct Quality Special attention is S-iito t'l 'im ;'-f'2.oU to c 1 . 0 0 . , 1 1 li d O U b ; t'.K' 1 a i-:e . Men's Pa 11 is from Soj to r'.jS.OO. White v;iist Coats l'vu:n GO ct-ot n;. Men's pants oo-1k. heavy qiuviiiy, ICo. t'orscts from cents. Li.i;iit spriii;; cali'o t'rosn 5 cents 2 yard. ?iOA-n cotton Iron: 5 cents. Men's 11?. pa from 5 r:ents. Light !erby Hatst t-xtra fine tonality. :?1.23. I have also opened rp to-n. third door Sont'n of Post Off,. e-. p.'f!.,t !y fr t '..' Ladies .m 1 i'.i i ' to si; .i-v von a !iif n-soi tint siiks, satins and trimmings;..- ra a i sf" wi i ! ma ;e vo i r v. 1 1 u voti wit 11 10 bu or not. 7'V H J. H. BANNER & CO. J'ormei ly Sr. member of Sanner Bros.) Y hoicsale Comraissiou Dealers in . J -V , V . Soft Crabs. Barreled Oysters, &c, Ilollingsworth Street, 15 ALT! MORE, MD. Cnns-Vrnmonts solicited and prompt return marie. Stencils and station erv lurnished upon application. PTPTTT TT nowarclod iVJ.wX3.-Li J. are those who read this and then act; thev will tind iionunible employment that will not take them from their homes and families. The pro- fits are large and sure- for every indus- trious M?rson. many have maue anil are now making several huudred dollars a a month. It is easv for any one to make jsi aod upwards per day. who is willing to work. Either younor old: capi tal not needed: westart you. Every tiling new. No sjecial nbilitv required; you, reader, cau do it a5 well as auv one; write to us at once, for full particulars which we mail free. Address, Stinson & Co., Portland. Maine. Send 1 1 ? ' S ; llOrSJl ' VSoi your ! JoV) WOrk to this oflGG 1 I nil. ! ! b. . . 1 IT nmmnnm 9 Styles, Standard and Low Pi ices. called to ray lnro;9 stock ;e A'-.Mirtiin ;: I'rit-.. i v 1 ' r hi 1 1 e n "s ttiltto'.l -' ' iO; s f 1 o: t ! .0 (.'liiUt it n's but!.ni ij.u; ta-.. 7" cents only. A "!' :i iar.;e iireoi Tu Xotio:is. .i':iiiUo:;, i :;: its a ml many othc merteas to mcntitm. :pe-tii s. ban ji , llui i r V '."; i i,- r-w t oii r i-) ,v: i- r i ? r J . '7 :;t of n- (! i'O. v. Jiitt- m ; I l : S n v i! l ; r-i rl 1 nei: t d ;:ti ia(in-.s Kit iiiii . . 1 ca : 1 ii'i 'it! Very Kesj-eet!. ao is s 1 1 i . 1 ISO 1;L'1 vorM. "Wis" W'Vf 1 J I":li01lt W: ft vl 5 - 1 111(1 take ! S. R. Ccogsins & Sons, BAI J IMOUE, .Mil., ' Tiie Largest osmmssitoit Sil eve U:mt.si r.est i)i ic s obtained and (j nick rtiu jirt gu.uuiiteoi. E-it.'.blihed 1:17. Ship to the old reliable i ; 1 si'JlT OV 1 ( U ! X!L.Jv. OljljOl v jA O VM; VVU Fish Dealers, Baltimore, Md. i m AXLE ItSREASE j BEST IN THE WOULD. Im wearing qualities are unsarpajaed. actual?r ; outlatiiu; two lxxr of any other bmnl. Yry trom Ananat Olla. PTtiET TIIK UKMUIXC . 7X SXLE BT DEALERS GENERALLY. v I;o