PROCEEDINGS OP CHOWAN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Edentox, N. C, May 7th, '88. Present W. B. Shepard, A. T. Ward, W. H. Bonner and W. J. Webb. The minutes oflast meeting were read and approved. The fol lowing accounts were ordered to be paid : CM. Murden's account for repairs on Pump at Poor House. S0.60. John M. Jones, for 5 days as Crier at Court, one night with Jury, and witness ticket in State vs Robert Jones, Si 2.10. J. W. Draper, one month care of Court House, Si. 75. D. M. Lee, witness in State vs Geo. Lewis, $2.70. V. Beasley, witness in State vs Fisher Felton, $2.72. E. R. Outlaw, SherifT of -Bertie county, fees in State vs Geo. Lewis, $2.40. John C. Bond, Clerk, fees in 7 State cases, $39.00. J. C. Watren, fees in 4 State cases spring term 1 888, $3.10. H. DeB. Hooper, J. P., fees in 4 State cases, $2.60. E. R. Outlaw, arrest and 1 5 days board of George Lewis, T. K. fees, etc., S5.60. W. J. Webb, 3 days and mileage as Commissioner, S8.10. Charles Leary, board of 10 Prisoners, S T. K. fees, putting down carpet in Court House, waiting on Court 5 days, etc., S21.40. J. C. Warren, for extra services at Court, spring term, 1888, $20.00. J. C. Warren, summoning 36 Jurors, superintending the repairs on Jail and fence, 2 loads wood and cutting same, $22.65. L. W. Parker, subpoena ing 50 witnesses for Grand Jury, and 5 days waiting on said Jury, M. H. Dixon, one Ton of Coal for Sheriff's office, S7.00. J. H. Blount, Solicitor, for 4 convictions, spring term, 1888, Si 2.00. Drs. Coke & Hoskins, medical attendance on Geo. Lewis in Jail 8 days, S16.25. The Clerk of the Board was instructed to meet with the Com missioners on the first Monday in June next for the purpose of Levying the Countv Taxes for 1S88. Also to meet on that day to elect a Board of County Commissioners. Thos. E. Winslow was appointed a special surveyor to survey lands entered by Jacob Wool. The County Treasurer made his report, which was approved and ordered to be recorded and filed. The County Treasurer is instructed to use the special Tax Fund in paying any or all orders issued prior to the first day of January, 18S7. On motion adjourned at 5 p. m. T. M. Small, Clerk. A Peanut "trust" has been formed at Norfolk, Va. Mt. Airy has decided to have a big celebration June 7th. New Berne is retailing with native strawberries. herself At U. S. District court at New Berne, a counterfeiter was convicted last week. The Greenville (N. C.) Standard is dead. Its editor, G. B. King, will practice law. Goldsboro's ice factory has been incorporated and will commence operations in June. The trial of the Elizabeth City Steam Fire Engine, Inez." last week, was satisfactory. A son of Mr. Simpson Pierce, of Winton township, was drowned in the Chowan river last Sunda'. Iudex. Judge Connor has appointed W. J. Kingclerk of the superior court for Franklin county, vice A. W. Pearce resigned. Governor Scales has given notifi cation that the encampment of the State Guard at VrightsvilIe will begin on July 17th. Three cotton factories are in prog ress at Charlotte, and two at Fay etteville. There are now fifteen fac tories in construction in the State. The new Methodist Church at Manteo N. C., will be dedicated on Sunday next, the dedicatory sermon will be preached bv the Rv. J. G. T.pnrmn of F.liz-iheth Pifv. TI.a nnh. 4 are invited to be present. Arrangements are in progress for the establishment of a free hospital at Durham. It will be in the main Ikept np by the various churches. The citizens of Wilmington have held a mass meeting to arrange for the entertainment of the visitors dur ing the State Guard Encampment in July. It may be the case, after all the talk, that the damage by the late April frosts was not as great as claimed. It is now certain that in most sections there will be a fair supply of tobacco plants. Raleigh shows some gains in cotton receipts this year over last. The bridges near the city were in many cases swept away by th famous freshet of November last, and this cansed a considerable diversion of cotton to other markets. Wm. Cobb a blacksmith of this town bought a load of coal a few days ago, and while taking it from the wagon found a human scalp, j which seemed to be in a perfect state, of preservation, the scalp was covered i with a large coating of dark brown i hair. E. City talcon. Rev. J. S. Dill, of Goldsboro, has annual sermon at the commencement of the Chowan Baptist Female Insti tute in June. Mr. Dill has recently inoved to this State from Georgia, and has the reputation of being a polished gentleman and a fine speak er. Index. WOODARD HOUSE edemtom, n. c. J. L. Rogerson, Prop. This old and established hotel still of fers first-class accommodations to the traveling public. Terms Reasonable. Sample room for traveling salesmen,and conveyances furnished when desired FREE HACK AT ALL TRAINS Jc steamehs First-class bar attached. The best Imported and Domestic Liquors always on hand. STEWART & KEAGLE, Wholesale Commission Merchants, Hi FRESH FISH DEALERS Ovsters, Produce, Melons and FRUIT. Pratt Street Wharf. Office corner Pratt and Calvert Streets, BALTIMORE, MD. Consignments solicited and prompt returns References Franklin Bank, W. J. Carroll & CO., wholesale grocers, Kea gle & Geuder. oysters and fruit packers, Baltimore, Md. CHAS7m General Commission Merchants, 1412, 14 & 16 CARY STREET, RICHMOND, : : : VA. Sale of 'North Carolina SALTED HERRING a Specialty. "Liberal advances made on consign ments. Our long: and extensive expe rience in this braach of business, togeth er with the satisfaction that our trans actions iKive geueraliv given to our patrons, we hope, will prove a greater guarantee to them for the future than any extravagant promeses than we can make. CHARLES PHILIPSEN, Horth. River FISH AND CO., COM3IISSIOX DEALER IX FRESH FISH, Terrapin and Game, 23 and 26 Vesev Pier, NEW YORK. SIT AD a specialty Stencils furnished.! Kefer by permission to Demarest & ? Jeroleman, 103 Barclay St. River Bank, New York. and North ; S. L. STORER & CO. j Successors to Chappel & Storer, Wholesale Commisoion Dealers and Shippers of all kinds of Thresh. "Wish.. ! Lobsters, Turtle, Etc. 16 Fulton Fish Market, NEW YORK. Stencils and Stationary f urnished on application. . -j. scossms a so., WHOLESALE Commission Mcicha n ts, Fresh Fish Terrapin, Game and Produce. Sales and Shec'c or Cash Daily. Stencils Free. Telegraph quotations furnished when des-ind Remember the ad dress, J.J, SCOGGINS & CO., 112 cS: 114 Grant Street, Baltimore, Md. Lanphear & Haff, Wholesale Commission Dealer in Lobsters, Etc. No. 12 Fulton Fish Market, New York City. j If you want to obtain the highest mar- ket price for your Fresh. Fisli Game . and Terrapin. ship to L A. Lee So Co. 27 & 5S Dock St. Fish market, Philadelphia; - Pa. JOS. D. IsTEAL & CO., "Wholesale Commission MercliLts in Fresli Fisli, 0-sters, Tcnapin and Game Pier 1G and 328 S. Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. Consignments solicited and uromnt returns ma !e. Please send for cards aud stencils. THE BSf WAY To get a Firs-ClasVatcli is in our Co-Opcrative Clabs. IE UflTPHC 1L I e s l Is si L AT THX LOVEST CASH PHI3ES s W88; Tlionsnnds of the best S3S.OO 0 1; in 1 1 1 Gold Watcli over made are sell-1 ptqti vai rnr rvrt,T'i i ins: in cur Co-operative Clubs. 1 1 -N V ; Tliisis th-3 B'ff, Cheaprmt, Moot ConrmUnt, Ju anv quantit V dfsired. I end only co-operative Systera of ?Uin v. aWhes. ; " The-vvntchcs are American Lever Mora Winder'. Orders, Iar or small, from anv dis cont&inin every essential to uc-cur.icy and dura- : f ;i i ,.ftll.rf.. -1 1 1 "i ; i bi'.ity, f.nd bar-, in addition, numerous patented Jance ih be inoirtl bUed Dail iaiproveniciits found ia no other watdu Tiicy ere , boats on toe ,uowai', boanoke atii absolutely the only Ditst Hnd Uainpprocf&ttrrc- Scunpernong Rivers will (-nable him to j wimm mde m the TVorld, and nre jeweled i snT,plv re-.,larlv i;rontpt!v at:vpar Faieniistem Wind cut is the strongest audi tus 111 Bert;". v ahm,ton ami Hiltfoir eixplest made. T7ieu ere ful'y tqaal for ap- ! pcarance, accurncittduraon.ttif ntul rrvicrf to any $ 75 Watch . Our co-orera.t ire Club Systera I 7? THE . YSTO - . . r-c awl itT, ! Q'i S'.V I e 7 Vtrc f-r to 27 Ocaj. 1 ; C cMS !&&r tl Hubs Coastantlv Fcnri? jem .low end Save Iloney. far? MERCHANT TAILOR, ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. A full line of Foreign and Domestic Goods always on hand. All work Warranted. AT THE EXCELSIOR HOUSE, GREEN FRONT, Main Street, Second Door South of A. T. Butdi's corner, L AX BE FOUND Whiskies, Brandies, wines. Ales, etc., the best for the verv lowest cash pi ices ami in quantities sttfScier.t for any demand. Cool Beer on Draught; also Bottle Goods ol' the lest grades. Cigars and Tobacco ofbrands well established. tSThis establishment is entirelv new ami constrrctol with an y to x.,i convenience of the trade. I invite competition af to the qualii v ol my stock uud the completeness of my structure. Give me a cull. Edenton, x. c. A. L. Gregory, Proprietor. Send to tliis office for job MIHHl! Business Card to ;With neatness, correctness and dispatch. Our Motto: . -kvery attention will be given to the print ing of nand bills, letter and note heads, rvn! Heads, wedding invitations and programmes. bi.ku'A. pr; Sena iqr full Elustratect Catalog-ae, S7, 89 and 6 1 Steam Boat House AND OYSTER SALOON, Kii.LC St., " i! - -i s vi sf I'iiy 'l,-v Ilr. t-I jiiid nt xi in ihtf 1 ;i..'ii j ninh;iz. FI)FJ'TOJ A'. C. B. Hayes, Proper., :Vho betTs leavp to inform 1 is jr:tro:s of r i ; ("liowaii axiiJ t'". counties s inouutiiu i j tliaton and alter October til 1st, ran-'; i ning tlmr..qh 1 1 e entire wintT sensoi). ! he will be prerarl to fui i.i.-h daily counties, either on t;ener A or orders. t., t ... . n 0 rspeotfull v soliciteil. o iTri. At this office. FROM A a mammoth Poster Q-or d V ork At Small Prices. aii. 1 Elm Street, CINCINNATI, Ohio. IO. M. BAKER. Coach. Maker, kdenton, 3ST.C. 11 ; gEX--UMr - - - V , Tl)e above lirrn ha, in j it r',;v d a new f-npply of mat-rial. ;.i- irici-.. l tlt'. ir foice, wish to t::.tethat tin-; ar; now i'i vpuitl to do i.11 kind oi UvJt-LOii VV Uii2u j in th-? very In test and i:nprivrd style a; j prices to sin everybody. t Before b: ;; a Uu-y, va?on. cart ' or a v. het-il ;ir io-, wmi .-hould ji vj t;om ;i t: ia . t.: . -II savr mom y. if yu I;av j ; mi ti' f ,'iny kind t do rbf-v v. il! -uit von bvth in work and , price. Horse shoeing done cheap and n at. bei14-y VJ w . , m THE "Vojiiolo fo-r rJicy ur V-;fc-, V j.' a

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