f v J kA V T Fishe rman A. H. MiTCHXLL, Editor and Business Manager. 27te Smallest Hair Tlirows a Shadow." rric Per Yer 01.QO Single OojT Kive 1&. Established 1886. EDENTON, N. C FRIDAY, June 1, 1888. NO. 154. THE EJDEJVTOJV GRADED SCHOOL Fall Term Ending Dec. 3: 1887. Prof. L. A. Williams, Principal. Mrs. R. F. Cheshire, ) Assistant Miss M. A. Thompson, j Teachers. RATES annual: quarterly - $10.00, - - S3.00. - S16.00, - . S4.50. - $20.00, - - SG.00. - 30.00, - - 8.00. First Grade, Second Third Fourth Charges ajre made from date of entrance. Proper deductions for pro tracted illness. The next term of this School will begin December 5th, 1837. A special feature of the law incorpo rating our school is that every resident patron is credited with the Public funds apportioned to his children under the school law of the State. Resident children who are dependent mon the Public School funds for educa tion are received into the School at any j time without charge. This school and system offers the best educational advantages attainable in Edenton. By dividing pupils of several grades of advancement, among teachers employed for each grade, better and more efficient instruction is obtained at less cost than can be had otherwise. Pupils from other districts are invited to enter the School at above rates of instruction and they can obtain good board at moderate prices. By order of the board of Trustees of the Edenton Graded School, Oct. 1S87. B. F. Elliott, President. T. C. Badham, Sec. pro tern. yT?T7'T) sea wonders exist in thou LXjLj1 sands of forms, but are surpassed by the marvels of invention. Those who are in need of profitable work that can be done while living at home should at once send their address to Hallett & Co., Portland, Maine, and re ceive free, full information how either Hoc, of all ages, can earn irom 0 to 5 per day and upwards wnerever tney 11 v You are started free. Capital not re ouired. Some have made over 00 in a single day at this work. All succeed. E. W. Albangh & Son, Wholesale Commission Merchants FRESH FISH, Terrapin, Oysters, Game and No. 2LM Light Street Wiiakf, Baltimore, Md. Consignments Solicited. Prompt Re turns, our motto. Reference Citizens National Bank. Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants And Dealers in FISH, Consignments of North Carolina Her ring solicited, and proceeds remitted in cash. On account of our intimate acquain tance, and frequent transaction with the Grocery trade of the west and south we are able to handle N. C. Fish to the very best possible advantage, and we are known exerywhere as the largt?st dis tributors in this market. TAYLOR & MAYO, Wholes;! le Commission Dealers In ;resli Mish -i3.d. Oixi3.xa.oci. Goods, N O. 25 T. WHEF, Boston, Mass. Sole proprietors of the Celebrated waquoit Oysters. tWe make a specialty of SHAD in their season. Prompt returns and best references given. HOPE, A BLESSED BALM. BY WILLIE D. UPSHAW. There is a word I can't explain; It thrills me o'er and o'er. And were it not for its effect My bliss would be no more. Its inspiration, I long have felt; Of it I've often thought; Its prospects I have oft divulged, And this sweet word is "Hope." Its very sound seems to impart Its meaning oh, how great ! Yet to explain would useless be Could we not of it partake. How dull would be this life of ours When adverse clouds do come To know that they would last always No sunshine ever dawn ! How sore when tossed on life's rough By billows, fierce and wild, To have no hope for a bettr time, A season, calm and mild ! How hard when weary hearts and hands Toil with a task undone. To know always -one harder far Awaits to be begun. But how sweet to feel., when we almost faint, And the way seems dark and long, That by and by we'll reach the end And join in the gladsome song. To hope is natural to human kind; It begins in childhood years, And lead, us captives, towards some goal Through mirth and gloom and tears. It is a sweet and blessed balm That makes lifes burdens light. And sheds about our faltering steps Rays that disperse the niht. But best of all, is the Christian s hope. For its possessor not ashamed Crosses are easy for His sake. That a crown in Heaven be gained. It gives a sweet a trusting peace Which passeth understanding; Bids tears to dry sad hearts look up Our lips, our all, commanding. When fade this world's delusive hopes, And fallen lie earth's castles down, Bethlehem's Star grows brighter still, And points us to the waiting crown. Oft do I lie near to despair As I think of iknow," "to-daj-, '' And to persist in such, it seems, Would wear my life away. But ever as these adverse clouds Around me gather dark, There comes from this 'Star of Hope' A shining, cheering spark. It lifts me from the sinking sand On the "Rock of Ages" plants, Where waves may buffie and storms descend, Yet onward I will advance. And 'twill be so oh, blessed thought ! Till time is with me no more, Then liirht mv nath across death's stream To a blissful "evermore." Hope! ah Hope! to thee I'll cling, Let thy Star be dim or brigut; If built on Faith, 'twill ever last nd lead me Home to Light. Sunny South. THE TEACHERS' ASSEMBLY. The Teachers' Assembly of the "Old North State," that will hold its fifth annual session at Morehead City from the 13th to the 29th of June, is one of the most popular and noted educational gatherings in America The good results that this Assembly has accomplished since its organiza ion at Haywood White Sulphur Springs, on the 1 6th of June, 1SS4. ust four years ago, is not to be estimated. "Its prime objects are health, rest, recreation and instruction for the weary teacher, just from the fatigue and discouragements of the school room. It has wonderfully accomplished all the objects, and at the same time wielded an influence which has been seen and felt for good in almost every school in the State." ' By the liberality of the railroad officials and the proprietors of the Atlantic Hotel in Morehead City, the expenses of this most delightful social and professional annual reunion has been reduced to a verv small amount. The railroad fare is only one and a : half cents per mile each way, while the hotel charges are only one dollar per day. Every white teacher in the State that can afford to do so should attend.- Seaboard Reflector. THE CHOWAN DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. Pursuant to call of Executive Committee the Democratic County Convention of Chowan was called to border by V. M. Bend on Saturday, May 26th. at 12 m. A. H. Mitchell was requested to act as temporary Secretary. On motion of J. M. , , 1 j - (-"--. - ' the nermanent ortraniz :tion of the Con f ntion. The fj! lowing were a pointed delegates an I a tcrnates o the CMaeand reception at night. The oiH.-.rs : Convention : i 7N -Dr. R. II. Win borne C. S. Vann, S. J. Skinner, VV. M. uond, Julian Wood. Altf.rn ati s : Jno. G. Yjod, Dr. G. 11. Co'.;e. W. J. Webb, W. J. Lear-, Jr , ' ; . Goodwin. 'i'hc fui:ovi?,pr were .'iproinicd de'eates and alternates to Congres sional and Senatorial Conventions: Dkj.h gatks : W. J). -ruden, A. J. Ward, W. J. Leary, Jr., I. Jones, J. Skinner, Dr. R. II. Winborne, Jno. M. Jones Dr. W. T. Wo.-dley,' W. M. Bond, A. J. Bateman, C. S. Vann, J. L. Roger son, J. R. B. Hathaway, I. J. Burke. A lt k uxatf.s : Vr . II. C oin el d , W. B. F-Vton, E. F. Waif, W. J. Webb, A. T. Boush, J. E. Bonner, II. Ci. vSkianer, W. H. Jordan. AJoses Hobbs, Jno. Tdoliowell, M. W. Elliott, S. E. Bunch. R. N. Ilincs, E. D. Bond. On motion the flowing resolution offered by Dr. R ll. Winborne was unanimously adopted : Wiierkas we hrve noticed with much pleasure the unanimity with which the counties in this District have selected our rountyman, W. D. Pruden, Esq., as their choice for one of the, Ae.-ociate Justices of cur Supreme Court, which tribute to his worth we believe in every vy to be merited, therefore, Resolved : That we make mere solid the voice of the Frst District of North Carolina by instructing our delegates to use all fair means lo secure the nomination of W. D Pruden, Esq., for a sent upon our highest State Court. That we pie sent his name to the State Conven tion with every confidence in his integrity and his ability as a man, as a lawver to discbarge the duties of the high office with honor to his native State andi "with credit to himself. The Chairman stated that owing to supposed uncertainty as to who composed the Executive Committee he would be glad to have the Con- vent ion take such steps as were necessary to remove any doubt there from. The following resolution was then adopted: Resolvkd : That, in those Town ships wherein the organization is complete, the Township Executive Committee appoint at once a number of the County Executive Committee, and in those Townships wherein there is doubt as to who is the Town ship Executive Committee the Dem ocrats of such Townships meet at once and appoint a number for that Township as one of the County Executive Committee, and that the menbers so chosen should meet in Edenton on the 2d Saturday in June to complete the organization. On motion, the Fjshermax & f Farmer and Enquirer were request ed to publish the above proceedings. On motion adjourned. W. M. Bond, Ch'm. A. H. Mitchell, Sect'y- by the results of the war, swore off ! from luxuries, but the other day he . . . x 1- , could not resist sampling a bottle of 1855 Madeira, which made his eye bright and his wit sparkle. Virgin- ian. COM Murfreesboro Index. The commencement exercises the Chowan Baptist Female Institute, of this place, comes off Tuesday evening and Wednesday. June 19th j and 20th. Tuesday evening, sermon ) before the graduating class by Rev. ! J. S. Dill, of Goldsboro. Wednesday morning-, exerciser by the graduating ; ! class, and the aufeu! address hv Rev. T. ( .J. Jones, of Norfolk.. Concert of the two Literary Societies ar? : 2s. A.. Bessie V. eriluiiutun, President: Addie Upton' Vice Presi- dent; Ella Morriss, Secretary ; Annie Bond, Treasurer; Julia Brewer, Mar- hal; Anna Vaiier2, Deader; and Tranche Bon-Ms-dl, V-'.l-dietorin "C. O. V. A.," Lillian. D.-miel, Presi dent; M;trv C. Coitoa. Vice President; L;zz:e E. Woodson, Secretary; Fan nie Corr, Treasurer; Josie Bhue, Marshal; Mary Savage, Reader; Fannie Knight. Salutatorian, and Willie Stephenso,n Boquet Bearer. The graduating class is composed of eight young ladies: Miss Mary Cotten, of Scotland X Miss Blanche Bouhall, of Bellcross; Miss Lillian Daniel, of Weldon; Miss Lizzie Woodson, of Kempsville, Ya.; Miss Georgie Brown. Murfreesboro; Miss Fannie Corr, of Gloucester ( IE, Va.; Miss Mary Savage, of Como. and Miss county. an me Km:-lit of Gates C3 The imports of markerr-i at Boston thib year to April 27 were -LUi bbis. against 14.4-4 7 to the s:.ine dale ia?t vear. Gazette. ' -.ir -.-J" " jyroKFOLk souTin-:T! t.ailkoap com- Schedule in kffect apiul SO, 16SS. Mail Train leaves Norfolk 1 0:30 a. m., daily ext"it Sunday, and arrives at Edenton 1 :4.j p. m. Leaves Edenton 2:10, and arrives at Norfolk at 0:30 j. 111. ; Accommodation loaves Norfolk at 0:00 p. m., arrives at Edenton 12.00 p. in. ; Leaves Edenton at 4:00 a. 111., arrives at ' Norfolk 10 a. in., daily except Sundav. Close connections at Norfolk with ail rail and steamer lines. At Elizabeth City with steamboats for all points on Pasouofcauk, North and i Alagator rivei-s. At Edenton with N. S. Railroad company's steamboats, Plymouth. Mary E. Roberts and Ranker, for all points on . Chowan. ScuppernonarLittln, Ca-hieand .' Roanoke rivers, and Jarr.se ville Waslj- intou, and Albemarle &z Raieih Rail' Roads. The steamer Plymouth, plying be tween Pitenton and Vv liliam.-rioi-i, will j go to Hamilton on Tuesday aL.d Fritlay ! of each week, leaving that place at 2 ; o'clock a. in., on Wednetday and j Saturday. Norfolk passenger and freight station at Norfolk and western Railroad Depot, j Freight received daHv, except Through tickets on sale and baggage t cheeked between Edenton and Elizabeth ! City and Baltimore, Philadelphia and t ! New York by Bay Line and Old Doiui ion steamers andN. 1. P. and N. II. form Norfolk, and between Norfolk and Washington, Plymouth, Williamston. , Windsor and Jamesville. i M. K. KING, General Manager. ! -o- EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH. FAST FREIGHT Regular line of steamers between Atlantic & North Carolina R. R., New ' Berne, Washington and Elizabeth City, j Dailvall rail service between Edenton, ; New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and j Norfolk. Tlirnimh rnr. nslnwrntpsnrnl n mVl-pr i j - j-. j - . . A ( ! time than by any other route. ! ern Carolina Dispatch, as follows: Prom iioik oy is. o. t. muimore or f. , & b. R. R.: President St. fetation, Philajelphia by Pennsylvania R. R. ! Dock St. Station; New Y'ork by Penn- j sylvania R. R., Pier 27 North River. ! E- WOOD, Agent, Edenton, N. C. j C. B. F. INSTITUTE MENCEMENT. Fish & Terrapin Trap 1 fat. Dec Zft, !. Adapted to River and Long Shore Fishing in 4 to 10 feet water. A Great Catcher! Send for 'U-M'ript i 0 price U-t to MANl'I-WC TrUEIiS OF nTTTTu.i ty x 'xoJ vi mm y " lSlouth treet, j Baltimore, Md. IT. M. IHK-i-E&S&ro (t onma'sshtH Alrrcliaiitx IX ALL LI.NLS Ol' Fresh. Fisli 5 11 Fulton Fish Mkt.. and 207 Front St., NEWYOEK. Sprcj:l attention paid to S1IA1) trade Slaicils furnished. S. B. L1ILLEE & CO., 117 alesa Ic (.ni)i m i.ssloit Xo. 7 Fri.Tox 1ak!ci:t, New York. Samuel R Miller. CJan-ia- G. Miller Sam'l. T. Skidmore, n Itolesalc Commission. isli Deale, 142 and 144 Detkman St., Oipositf? Fulfon Market, CURREY & TRESTER, Wholesale dealerfi in Fresh and Salt Fish 0yOt W niUC, VOllUf C Pier 19 Jr. Delaware Ave. Pliiladelphia rq m - 1 M U .ri TlfQ ViC! Dealer in t--i -i oT4- IT-J-mVi -C reSll ailQ bai X Jt1 liJU, Sturgeon, etc. ffV-SU?? -i?d 1?A Tri.I. r r , , -rt 77'.,- t McittraSSCS, Bedding, etc. Goods and prices guaranteed satisfac- tory por reference apply to Vaughan & Coi bankers, Franklin, Va. Ux::iVi

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