he 4sUcrtttatt & farmer. Entered at the Post Office at Eden ton as Second-Class Matter. EDENTON, September 21. Across (X) mark on your paper i means your subscription is due DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. For House of Representatives: HENRY A. BOND, JR. For Sheriff: J. C. WARREN. For Register of Deeds: T. M. SMALL. For Treasurer: W. H. COFFIELD. For Coroner: DR. R. W. WINBORNE. For Surveyor: J. M, JONES. The Democratic Countv Conven vpstpnlav. ! appointed Mr. J. R. B. Hathaway, Chairman, and the two newspaper I editors its Secretaries, and placed j before the people a ticket that should ; livii J 1 1 v- i jii i-uv.iibv-'ii j j- y , be tnumn i;int v elected. ADOve will be found the ticket. They are A. -' good men and deserve the united ; support of the Democratic party. . " . , -lMUIC III UUI IlCAl. " T 4- Scales and 3Plfiixts. Hurrah for Bond ! The weather remains warm. 2.00 Bbls. of new Flour at Wood ard Bros. Mrs. T. C. Budham is visiting at South Mills. Every fisherman should work and vote for H. A. Bond. Mr. W. J. Moore made a business trip to Columbia Friday last. Woodard Bros, are now in their new iron store on King street. 1 he t. inn iv or Mr. II. A. Bond, Sr., have returned from Warrenton. Our friend Mr. V. II. Jones, we hear, will winter at Nag's Head. Merchants, save money by buying vour goods from "Woodard Bros. G. II. Brown, Jr., and G. A. Sparrow will speak here Court week. Mrs. J. II. B. Hathaway and daughter, MissLorena, have returned Perquimans court next week. Chowan court Monday, October 1st. Come to see Woodard Bros. the only Wholesale Grocers in Edenton. The merchants are expecting a big trade this fall. Advertise, and you'll have it. We hear the Rocky Hock troubles have been compromised, and all is well now. Mrs. J. W. Branning, who has been summering North, returned Saturday. Miss Clinnie Cartwright, of E. City, is visiting the family of Mr. L. F. Ziegler. Pure Wines Sherry, Port, Ca tawba and Blackberry. Trices low. Hooper & Co. Notice All kind of Fresh Meats at Central Market and Ice, cheap, by W. II. Harreli.. New subscribers are still corning in. Some seven new ones added to our list this week. French Polish for Ladies Shoes ten cents bottles refilled for less. Hooper & Co. Mr. A. H. Ramsey, who has been summering at Beaufort and More hep.il, has returned. Vote for II. A- Bond, Jr.. the Fisii ekman and Fakmer Candidate and the Democratic Nominee. What's the matter with our Young Men's Democratic Club? No meet ings foj the last two weeks. Bonton Shoe Polish. The very best for fine shoes. Bottles refilled at reduced price. Hooper & Co. All persons having Beer Bottles be'oivdng to us will please return them at once. Mooke fc Wilson. Sunshine Shoe Blacking, best mide. improves and softens leather and holds polish. Hooper & Co. nr:, iinnrh who has been XX1!3S V jni-n-. X'-L I o T T v. u i .. , 7 .- , . timA nf Xff's Head. rciurned Thursday ni'4l'tf Iastwee,c- Mr -md Airs J. C. Finch were Z ZoLZ bless their home. , Don't forget the speaking of the Candidates for Elector in Edenton, Oct. ist. Attention ! Produce handled by Simmons & Co. at 5 per cent. This is a great convenience for the farmers. Mr. Y. O. Elliott has returned from the North, bringing with him a I lame ana wen seiectea stocK or m 1 "11 1 . 1 Woodard Bros, are selling Nails 15c cheaper than the- can be bought in Norfolk or Baltimore 225 kegs on hand. Rev. T. II. Campbell, P. E., will preach in the Methodic Church to-night (Friday Evening Sept. 21) at 8 o'clock. Wanted One or two school girls to board, in private family.- Piano furnished for practiceing. Terms low; apply at this office. A Mr. Hughes, of Bertie, has ; bought the Dixon property on King ' . i St., here, where, we learn lie win engage in the Dairy business. The families of Messrs. B. F. - Elliott and Moses Hobbs are the only ones from Edenton now at Nag's Head. They will return Sunday night. Our special offer, for 30 days, will ciusu untrr lu-uiuiiuy. a(lde(1 about 50 nevv names to our fc f sllbscribers since we made the . offer. Thanks. Mr. W. It. Randolph 'and Miss Missouri Starnes, were married Fri dav night last at the residence of Mrs. Sallie Boyce; Rev. C. P. Bogart, officiating. Mrs. Minnie Waff, wife of Hon. E. F. Waff, died at her home in Cowpen Neck, this countv. after a short ill ness, on Sunday morning last. She was hurried Mondaj-. Messrs. G. II. Brown, Jr., and G. A. Sparrow, candidates for Elector for this District, will address the people of Chowan county at Edenton, on Monday, October 1st. Rev. S. W. Eason, of Hickory. Va., preached at the M. E. Church here Wednesday night. He is a yonnir man and delivered a plain, pointed and very instructive sermon. Messrs. Nottingham & Wrenn, ice and coal dealers at Norfolk, we hear, will soon build a large establishment at their property in this place. We welcome such an enterprise. We were pleased to meet in Eden ton on Monday Hon. T. G. Skinner, the Democratic nominee for Congress for this District. He was .looking well and reports good times ahead. Miss Maggie AVarren, the lovely daughter of our Sheriff, and Miss Madie Badham, daughter of our townsman, Mr. T. C. Badham, left Saturday for St. Mary's School at Raleigh. Wanted A situation as overseer of a farm. Party of good experience and thoroughly acquainted with the business.. Salary moderate. Ad dress, Sydney J. White, lm. Edenton, N. C. Mr. Jno. M. Wozelka has entirely recovered from his recent attack of sickness and is again at his bakery Persons wishing anything in his line of business can now be promptly served. Wedding supplies can be had cheap. Give him a call. Fishermen, read the card of the Gloucester Net & Twine Co.. a firm well known to this Section. Mr. Wm. Stowe, president of this Com pany, has sold nets to Albemarle Sound 4G years, and is well acquaint ed with the wants of the fishermen. The Elizabeth City Fair will be held October ICth, 17th, aud 18th. We have the premium list before us, which is nicely gotten up and well printed. The' Fair promises to be one of the best ever held at E. City and we hope all who can attend will so do. The following families, who have been spending the heated term at Nag's Head a delightful resort hnvrt returned : The families of Messrs. J. A. Woodard, M. F. Bond, ; W. J. Leary, Jr., T. B. Bland. C. W. ' Rea W. H. Butt, W. D. Rea, Edward : Wood and Mrs. Pattie Gilbert, r.nnd for vou. friend Oregon Tln-.ni o-h the Enquirer we learn he . has purchased the store, corner King j U111I Af iin streets, now occupied oy 1 uim .i" 7 - ! t ib E.i.. and will soon occupy it as a wholesale ami retail liquor establishment. Mr. Gre-ury ,s , tmues now, "iu the ol the ioaa. The Edenton High School, Prof. F. P. Hall, principal, will begin its next term Oct. 1st. This school gave perfect satisfaciiou to its patrons last year and won for itself a reputation. Those wishing to enter their children had better apply to Mr. J. R. B. Hathaway at once, as it will be limited this year to 36. The Edenton Graded School, Prof. L. A. Williams," principal assisted by an excellent corps of teachers, opened its Fall term Monday last with 46 scholars. At this writing some 55 have entered a great many from a distance. This is very en- j couraging, and we wish for it the i support of even parent in this ; county. Cards are out for the marriage of Miss Dora D. Shaw, the beautiful and accomplished daughter of our former townsman, Mr. N. L. Shaw, to Rev. L. 11. Pruett, to take place at Harrellsville, N. C, Monday, Oct. 1st. Miss Dara was in our city this week having her wedding outfit made up. The Fisherman and Farmer wi.-hes for them a long, and uninter rupted life. Look-out for the grand display of new Fall &ku at the 3ee Hive. ; Mr. R. J. Mitrhell. who has been j North linking exteii.-ive purchases, has "returned. He says he has bought the ! largest and best stock of fall and j winter goods ever brought to Edenton. j Goods are being r reived and opened daily. Look-out tor his big adver tisement in our next issue. He has the largest and tinest line of ladies goods ever on sale. The State Fair will begin October lGth and last four days. "The list of entries will be fuller than ever. There will be the largest show of fine horses ever made in the State. The finest herds of cattle ever on exhibition will be there. There will be more pens of of line hogs of more breeds than ever before. The poultry will be sight in itself. It will surprise professional breeders. This has been a good fruit year and the exhibits will be in keep ing with it. The crop displays will equal anything ever seen. The races will be standard. The Great Indian Hall Game will be played by a band of Cherokees music. Distinguished Speakers, Meetings of Farmers, merry time and fun for all. liail lload fare only one cent a mile. The Fisherman and Farmer extends thanks for a complimentary ticket. Tell evervbodv that G. H. Brown. r.. and G. A. Sparrow will speak in Edenton, Oct. ist. To employ a female Teacher to teach in a private family. Good references Siven a.ud required. Apply to V. J. Webb, Edeuton, X. A GOLD WATCH WAS DRAWN BY W. Lipsitz, of Edenton, N. C, AT THE Moudav drawing of Louis Seliffs Watcli Club Co. No. 2. The next gold watch will be drawn Monday, September 2J, at 2 o'clock. It only cost you OXE DOLLAR A WEEK to join this Club and only 33 members in the club. Somebody gets a watch EVERY MONDAY. 2UB3C 7 The undersigned will resume her School of Music at her residence on Main St., Edenton. N. C, ON OCTOBER 4TII. Young ladies desiring to study4 Music either Vocal or Instrumental are re spectfully solicited to attend. Terms reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs L. A. w illia::s. We haye prepared a strong and well mad 2 SEINE .v. of n satisfac tory nrice. and Nettings for Traps and Seines of the same grade;! Shad G-ill isTet Netting to take the place of dux. and is more durable. Shall try and make oar deal satisfactory to all buyers. GLOUCESTER SET & TWLECO., Gloucester, Mass. Boston Office, 0-i Commercial St. MEAT-CUTTER. L"ceqn&liel and pro Eocaced tte it for Haib, Sausage. Mince !eat. Scrapple. Croquettes, Uasiburg Steak, ic, ic. No. IjJ scut, express prepaid.cm receipt ot AMERICAN f,',TG CO., 22d 1 WaeLicton Ave., il iThis space belongs to I THE PALAIS ROYALL ! Situated one door South of S weedy j Leary's Barber Shop, Main Street, j EDEXTOX, X. C. L. LEVY, Manager, Is now North purchasing goods. ELIZABETH CITY SCDSEHK. will open its next session MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23RD, 1SSS. FOUR TEACHERS, all graduates and specialists in their r es pec t i y e d e pa r t m e n t s . Board and Tuition for session of thirty-eight weeks in Intermediate course about .lOO. Music and Art are specialties under a competent teacher. Send for catalogue. Addre.-s, S. L. SHEEP, Principal. Or, C. W. GRAXDY. Ch 'in. Board of '.trustees. WOQOARO BROTHERS, Wholesale and Iictail Grocers, Will Duplicat ANY BALTIMORE Bill M. If, DIXON, (Established 1S74.) Pi o visions And Canned Goods, Tobacco, S111111 And Cigars, SALT, WE AND KAY. Goods bought from ihst hands For Cash. Save monev by iietliuLi my 'rices he lore' buying e!ewhere. IROX'FROXT P.RICK BUILD ING. Edenton, IST. O. Tin shop for sale or let Formerly occupied by J. IL Lcll- .rrLY to A.J. Bat email nR TdVO rciF.nn ateo ff.m aij. i'jjh. it Jl UiA JN dt rs arc .-aio an.l .uwn- -:.. i i --I t'Hl.y I v Hi.mo Ai'icncan v.' n.-ri. wmmmmam ! pup-iior t c-thvr r. !!- inr!ie?, or rash r iv.n.l '.. frit mmi. il. am. uiar? ?. Vt. I'll, '-i' Iri ; i nt it., Uo.-t:., :.'.-3. Life of HENRY WARD EEECHERVt: tWIO.V HOOK CO.. tHatiou ii.. llrooklyn, Groceries C. H. SAXSBURY, JR. 1 coram ID BUILDER. EDENTON, N.C. Best of Reference Given. Parties hav ing work would do well to cor respond with him. WOODARD HOUSE EDENTON, N. C. J. L. Rogerson, Prop. This old and established hotel still of fers tirst-clas accommodations to tho traveling public. Terms Reasonable. Sample rooni for traveling salesmen. and conveyances furnished when desired. FKKE HACK AT ALL TilAINS A TKA:n.s. First-class n.u: attached. The best Imported and Domestic Liquors always onhanL HURRAH ! HURRAH! FOR THE NEW YORK Racket Store, Open in Edenton. I keep ail kinds of Dry Goo.ls. Cloth ing. Boots. Shoes, Hats and . Cui'6. Ifemeinber that all my oods are uew. For the next i'O day I will tel! a yard wide cotton cloth at Co, calico at .V, L::if in at 7;c. men suit l'roni c4.('0 to '0.00. ladies hose "c. gents here ."e, straw hats 5c. ladies shoes, all leather 00c j-r air. blacking lc a box, paper pins 2c. titedle 2c a paper, haudkei : chiefs 4c. Come one. come n!l, and give me a call before buying elsewhere. I don't say what my motto but come and see and you will be satisfied. Remember the New York Itackct i Store is nn corner of Main and Kiu (Streets, Old Bond Store. Respectfully, Moses Jeffreys' j LEADER OF LOW PRICES. I Old Bond Store, - - Edenton, K. C. EsTABy?tJLD i852- i CURES OR NO PAY- We at-ssolntely giinmrit- one j.nclincp of CKI.OIIC to cure iir. v cii.- ot M A IA It I A. A' II 1 1. 1.S aiifl l'IVFJC Iiitc-Diitteut, Jivjuittcnt auJ Utlivu Feverw iu Ten day-i or 3IOKY REFUNDED. Z1C2 $i.CO. ;.tkvim.k, July :,, The Celork Co. Gentleman: I have been having ciiills for ;ibiut three enrs, ami hitve tried several remedies but to no avail. About three months ap), I was pi evaded upon to try ( -elore. 1 used one Package of that "never failing lemedj-for chills and to-!a3r I feel no symptoms of their re turn. Yours Kes'p.,. WILLIS IIOFLKR. WHn i- .Mai'sH, Mi., August I, '2 The Celohe Co. Sirs: I have had rather a hard time to introduce Celore, as the people heio thought that nothing would stop tho chills but quinine. But since they havo tried Celore thev ay it not onlx- r-torn the chill but makes a complete cure It is well started now, however, and as I am out of goods, please ship immedi ately. Yours Truly, J. L. UOHINSON. Enclose a 2 cent stamp to these parties and they will vouch for the above letters PKKI'AKLD ONLY IJY THE CELOItE COMPANY. C52-0S4y. dloadst., pjfiLADELriiiA, Pa THE LADIES' FAVORITE. NEVER OUT OF ORDLr.. If yr.u drstirc to piirch."L." a in? ma -hr.. askouroKcnt at your i-L-.te t;-;. r.riccw If yu carrot fin I "ut at'- t. iirect ortjap-fm"1"'-' -1 - . fiEW HOME SCSG KACHSE G-lf ""i- ! rlLSfce vAU Vila iUi iv t