rr TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE. Astronomers Go to California to Make Observations. One of the corps of astronomers attached to the Harvard College Observatory will go to California with telescopes and other ap paratus to be used injobserving the total solar eclipse which is due on New Year's Day. Later in the month Professor W. H. Picker ing, A. Lawrence Rotch, Samuel Bailey, E. H. Kiri and Robert Slack, the remaining members of the expedition, 'will join him. The party will occupy a position near the town of Willow, in tho Sacremento Valley, the observation station having an altitude of 2000 feet above the sea level and being about two hundred miles from San Fran cisco. The telescopes to le taken are of thirteen inches and eiht inches diameter, and they will remain for a time on Wilson's Peak, in Southern California, after which they rill be taken to Peru and placed in the permanent observatory there to be established by Har vard University to co-operate in the South ern hemisphere with the observatory in Cam bridge. The work of making a complete survey of the Southern heavens upon the Cambridge plan has been for a year or more in contem plation, and is to be prosecuted with all the appliances commanded by modern science. THE MARKETS. 44 SEW YORK. Beef 3 05 5 Calves. common to prime.... 2 ".5 4 Lambs j? (r? J? Hogs-Live 00V& Dressed mV4 - Flour Citv Mill Extra. 5 00 g o Patents ?. J Wheat-No. 2 Red 1 UitsS 1 Rve State Earlev No. 1 bi(& Corn Ungraded Mixed 4 J (3 Oats . 1 White State.... Mixed Western 2S Hay o. 1 l9 Straw Loner Rye i0 Lard City Steam b Butter State Creamery.... 0 (t Dairy Wet. Im. Creamery 20 Factor v 132 Cheese State Factory. 10i (5 Skims Medium. ... 4 Western Eggs State aud Penn o BUFFALO. Steers Western 3 2.5 4 Sheer Medium to Good ... 4 00 4 Lambs Fair to Goo 1 4 15 (cj 5 Hogs Good to Choice Y orks 5 55 (a. 5 Flour h'amilv 5 00 ict 5 so 25 40 15 25 ?K 45 75 Wheat-No. -Ka1. 1 12 ((t 1 Corn 2$o. 2. Yellow s3 Oats No. 2. Wnite (& Barley State. & BOSTON. Flour Spring Wheat pat's.. 7 40 7 Corn Steamer Yellow 502(c3 Oats No. 2 W hite KG 14 Kye State 63 WATKRTOWS (JIAS3.) CATTIES MABKBT Beef Dressed weight S SheetJ Live weight 05 51 3'J SIX y bo 45 22 15 6 io4 00 23 50 f.5 25 14 4a SA) 75 61 Lambs Hogs Northern PHILADELPHIA. Flour Penn. family Wheat No. 2, lied. .ov... Corn No. 2, jiz Mixed... Oats Ungraded White Rye No. 2 Butter Creamerv Extra... Cheese N. Y. Full Cream.. 4 1 7 dS 75 05 3) (3 & 9 4K 00 5) 72 20 THE LABOR WOBLD, The Farm and Labor party is a Minnesota Institution. Dear bread this winter i3 what the labor ing men must look forward to. Mrs. M. Thomas is a practical shoemaker living in Camas, Indian Territory. New Britain (Conn.) Knights have de bates on the tariff at their meetings. English cc operators now number abou 850,000, representing over 4,000,000. Five New York Union cigarmakers were fined $20 each for working during a strike. The stone-pavers of Omaha, Neb., have organized a union, with 100 charter mem bers. Switchmen along the line of the Northern Pacific Railroad have struck for an increase in wages. There are thousands of idle carpenters on the Pacific coast and no hope of immediate employment. The strike of house carpenters in Dundee, Scotland, for an advance of a half-penny an hour has been successful. "Those who build palaces should not dwell in hovels," is the motto of the Brother hood of Carpenters and J oiners. The latest statistics from London show a marked increase in the number of women employed in the different trades. The first shoe factory in New England to run exclusively by electricity is that of Packard & Grower, at Brockton, Mass. A new labor organization has been formed and is known as the "Brotherhood of Rail way Porters1." It has a membership of six thousand. The PennsylvaniaRailroad Company has given contracts to three different concerns tor 500 cars each, and are making 500 at their own. works. The carpenters cf Fresno, Cal., have formed an alliance with tho bricklayers, the plasterers, and the hod carriers to uphold their demand for a nine-hour day. Steps are being taken by the Carpenters and Joiners' Brotherhood in Massachusetts tending toward the calling of a convention to take concerted action in demanding eight hours in 18'JO. A sort of Knights of Labor has been started in London and called the Amalga mated Society of General Laborers. It is composed of every description of laborers in the metropolis. There are now about twenty shirt manu factories in San Francisco, employing alto gether about 2000 men and women, and turn ing out manufactures that will be worth this year 1,500,000. Nearly 300 delegates, representing the 25,00J employes of the Reading Railroad, met at Reading, Penn., to act upon Presi dent Corbin's scheme to create a relief asso ciation for the company's employes. When the new mills are completed Trion, Ga., will contain 2l,400 spindles, GOO looms, and will consume 11,000 bales cotton per year. The number of operatives will be S00 and the pay- roll $20,000 per month. A member of the New York Musical Mu tual Protective Union denies the report that "dummies1' were placed in bands supplied by leaders of the union for political parades. The Balfe Club allows members only to play in bands. The Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants in Great Britain and Ireland re cently met at Preston. Their condition is nourishing, tne memuersuip ueuig n,uou aim ( the income for 1S87 having been 114,41o and the expenditures 82,025. The harp, which is the oldest musical instrument, is becoming the latest fad. Liivfnff on the Kepntation of Others. "Take everything that I have but my good name; leave me that and I am content." So Eaid the philosopher. So say all manufactur ers of genuine articles to that horde of imita tors which thrives upon the reputation of oth ers. The good name of Aixcock's Poroc3 Plasters has induced many adventurers to put la the market imitations that are not only lackinz in the best elements of the genuine ar ticle, but are often harmful in their effects. The public should be on their guard against these f raud3, and, when an external remedy is needed.be sure to insist upon having Allcock's Porous Plaster. Lord Bute gave a dinner to the Associated Chamber of Commerce, at Cardiff, recently, which cost n arly i 12,000. The Excitement Not Over. Ihe rush on the druggists still continues and daily scores of people call for a bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs for the cure of Coughs, Cold3, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. Kemp's Balsam, the stan dard family remedy,i3 sold on a guarantee and never fails to give entire satisfaction. Price 60c and SL Trial size free. Senator JONES.of Nevada, Is a firm believer In luck, and tells o many strange things that have happened to him-elf. A V Piit and Call." This is a funny phrase to the uninitiated,but all the brokers understand it. They use it when a person gives a certain per cent, for the option of buying or selling stock on a fixed day, at a price stated on the day the option is given. It is often a serious operation to the dealer, but there is a more serious "put and call" than this: when you are "put to bed with a severe cold and your friends "call" a physi cian. Avoid all this by keeping in the house Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. The freat cure for pulmonary and blood disea-es. ts action is marvelous. It curses the worst cough, whether acute, lingering, or chronic. For Weak Lungs, Spiting of Blood, Short Breath, Consumption, Night-Sweats, and kin dred affections, it surpasses all other medi cines. . Hudson, N. Y., has a Stingy Club, whose members pledge themselves neither to treat nor to accept a treat. A Word to the Wise Is Sufficient." Catarrh Is not simply an inconvenience, un pleasant to the sufferer and disgusting to oth ers it is an advanced outpost of approaching disease of worse type. Do not neglect its warn ing; it brings deadly evils in its train. Before it is too late, use Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. It reaches the seat of the ailment, and is the only thing that will. You may dose yourself with quack medicines 'till it is too late 'till the streamlet becomes a resistless torrent. It is the matured invention of a scientific physician. "A word to the wise is sufficient." The whole Court at Berlin is now composed of new people. The friends of the late Emperor have disappeared. Many men of many minds; Many pills of various kinds. Bu for a mild, effective, vegetable purgative, you had better get Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pur gative Pellets. They cure sick headache, bil ious headache, dizziness, constipation, indiges tion, and bilious attacks; 25 cents a vial, by druggists. The best of the trees which Mr. Gladstone will fall in the future will be manufactured into snuff-boxes. For Bruises, Burns. ! Strong Evidence. New Proofs. Crashed. AiUand. Ablmi Co..W!..My J0 I8. Mr. JOES J05E3 wit run ott by uv-l&n vnder doctor c&r 3 wttkt; two bottles of St. Jftcob Oil cnrd him sousd tad vU; no return of plA. WALZIZ CO.. DrujflJt. ITamllr Us. niiopoiii. m.. My t. usi. For Earner of Tr St. Jacobs OU fca ba tud la rtr itjnily. X txUtrc it is Ui best raised tor burns, rwslllaari, cuts, brsJsoa and sprains cts prspsred. JOSEPH EHATE&. Zllght Away. Bt. Vxia.azs, Wis.. MT tS. 'IS. Z braed my left bnd bxilj nA it vu rved rlxht nit by St. Jacobs OU. P. A. SCHZT7IXZ2. AT SST70OISTS AMD CEALEXS. THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO.. Baltimore. UtL Diamond Vera-Cura FOR DYSPEPSIA. A rOimVE CTTRE F0S IITDIGE3TI0N AST) iil Stoma& Trouble! A ruing Therefrom. Yovr Druggiti or General Dealer trt3 ffft Yerrf Cur a for you if not already in stoc:, or it triU fc tent by mail on receipt oJ' ett. (5 boxes $1.00) in etampa. Sample sent on receipt of 2-cerU stamp. THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO.. Baltlmort, U4. Sol Proprietors iu.d Aluauicturvrs. Fiv't; CPCkt dMM S&fiWtiEAj:, - - . - - I SJK 1 3s. n fl im 1511 J fi f i H 4 ISS fYi USA. J ELY'S CRtAM BALM COLD IN HEAD. ELTBK0S.,t6 Warren St., N. Y. DEDERICK'S HAY PRESSES. Made of steel, lighter, stronger, cheaper, more power, everlasting and competition distanced.' For proof order on trial, to keep the best and Ret any other alongside if you can. Beversible Fall Circle lien tresses, ail sizes. Address for circulars and location of Western and Southern Storehouses and Agents. P. K. DEDEKICK St CO., ALBANY, X. T. Children Starvinsr to Death On account of their inability to digest food, will find a most marvelous food and rem? dy in Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites. Very palatable and easily digested. Dr. S. W. Cohen, of Waco, Texas, says: "I have used your Emul ion in Infantile wasting with good results. It no only restores wasted tissues, but gives strength and in creases the appetite. I am glad to use such a reliable article." A sew religious order has been started by a man named -May called the "Brotherhood of the Sun." Best, easiest to use and cheapest. Piso's Remedy for Catarrh. By druggists. 50c. The Pennock Battery Electric Light Co No dynamo or machinery. It is believed that this stock will prove a second r.ell Telt-rhone, wh.cL Etock sold from $1 to $3ttO. The Pennock stock is now offered at SI per share. Thi is a reni chance for investors to make money. Send fo circular. Geo. 13. Peknock, 110 Quincy St.,Chicao, 1 11 AND TRADERS generally. MERCHANTS, BUTCHERS We want a good man m yonr locality to pics ai CALF SKINS forns. Cash Furnished on satisfactory guaranty Addiess C. S. Page, Hyde Park, Vermont, U. S. Aft niPnt ALL CJET PENSIONS i SOLDIERS s srs: McCormick & tsons, Washington, P.O. Cincinnati. O. iPIUM HABIT Painlessly cured In 10 to 51 Days. Sanitarium or Homt Treatment. Trial Free. No Cure. No Pay. Thi 12 llunuiiie Remedy Co., la Favette lim. HflEJE ST ITU V. Eook-keepina-, Business Forms. Unit. Penmanship, Arithmetic, Short-hand, etc. thoroughly tauKht by MALL. Circulars free. Bryant's College, 437 Main St., liuilalo. N. Y. Bl Dill a Great English Gout and I3ir S rlllSi Rheumatic Remedy. QTftl Box, 34; round 14 Tills. -T VNTED Reliable, energetic, cxt erienced men on salary to sell nursery Btock. 0. D. Green & Co., Scranton, Pa. lUlUTm TO BUY A FARM in this locality. K An I fcU Curtis & Wright, '233 Broadway. N. Y. SB" to SS a day. Samrles worth $1.50 FREE Lines not under the horse'a feet. Write V Brewster Safety liein Holder Co., Holiey.Mich. flflf Lire at home and make more money working for us than Uvasfl at anythinerelse in the world. Either aex. Costly outfit VKM.IL. Terms FlttE. Address, TKl'K Sl Co., Augusta, Maine. CAUTIOW Beware of Fraud. a my n-tme ac-1 the price are stamped on tlx; bottom of all ray advertised eboes before leariax tle factory, hlch protect the wearers a?iot hih prices and inferior Ris. If a dealer offers Y. L Iougla s-bot-s at a re duced price, or sav be has tbttu witlKut mj rane and price stampevl on tie txticui, put Lira down as a fraud. h W . L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. FOR GENTLEMEN". The onlv cnlf S3 SEAMLESS Shoo cmnoth Inside. NO TAC KS or 1VAX TIIKE AI to hurt the fct-t, ea?y as hand-stwed and WILL NOT IiIJ W. DOUGLAS S4 SITOE, the original and only hand-sewed welt $ 4 shoe. Equals custom-made shoes costing from e to $' W. L. DOUGLAS S3.SO POLICE SHOE. Railroad Men and Letter Carriers all wear them. Smooth Inside as a Hand-Sewed thoc. No Tacks or Wax Thread to hurt the feet. W.L. DOUGL AS SHOE Is unexcelled for heavy wear. Hest Calf Shoe for the price. W. L. I)OU;LAS AVO It KING- MAX'S SHOE is the bes-t in the world for rough wear: one pan ousrht to wear a man a vear. W. L. DOUGLAS 3 SHOE FOIt HOIS is the best School shoe in the world. W. L. DOUGLAS S1.75 YOUTH'S School Shoe jrives the small Boys a chance to wear tlie best shoes in the world. ,AU made in Contrress. Button and Lace. If not sold bv vour Oealer, write XV. L. DOUGLAS. BROCKTON. MASS. MARVELOUS Cares & Prevent, Colds, Couchs, Soro Throat, Hoarseness, Stiff Neck, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Headache, Toothache, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Asthma, Bruises, 5?nrnlnt Qnlcker Than Anj Knorrn Kemedf. No mtt- bow violent or ncracixt-zz the pain tb Rheumatic, l-lndlen. Infna. Cr.pp-IM. Nrrroua. eurai.c or prvtrauxl witii dljM a n.ay iuSer, Radway's Ready Relief lLAfTord Intnnt Ene. INTF.KNALLT A half to a twjo. nful in half a tnnal.ler of water will in a few minut- rore Crrr.r. Spa-ii.s. Siur Stoma-fi. Naua. orn:tinr. Heart burn. Nervouce!, ! il.-wn'-m, S:-k Ha,.. h Diarrh-ia. Cohc. Elitul-nry and ail intt-rns.1 rir.a. tlana in it various forms cirl and XTeTnu-cl. There i not a remedial a-r.t m th wrrU that rill cure Fever an I Aoie and all otht-r fevers (aj,iNl WJ'JyiYJ'11-L6, sickly ulUDWAEa ACHES AND PAINS. For headache (whether rick rr wrmnm, tthach Deurala-.a, rheumatism. liimlairo. pain and weai oetu in the hack, spine or kidney. p-.n around th hver. pleurisy, sw.-lhmr of the joint and pain of all kinds the applieatioii f l:.vlwaya Kea.tr Krlirf wtll thcrd lmmliate ease, and ita counnm-vl um for lew davs eCect a inntstnt cure. lTioe, 60 oastt Sold by all druKyiata. u PILL NEHORY DISCOVERY. Any book learned In one reading. :iiud wnuderiuif cured. Speakiiii; vithout note. Wholly unlike artificial ytem. I'iracy eon d em ued by Mipicine Court. Great inducements to corretp.iiueiice claPBe. 1'roppectus, witli opinions of lr. Win. A Ham mond, the world-famed Specialist in Mind diseases, lianiel Cireenleaf Thompson, the .Teat Psj-chl-oirist.J. AI. Uncklej', I). !., Editor of the Chris ian Advocate. Kschard Proctor the Scientist, aiut others, sent iost free by , r L'LiOF. A. LOIS-ETT-K. 237 Fifth Ave., ew York. The Great Liyer mi Stomacl Remefly. For the cure of all disorders of the Stomach. IJTer Bowels, Kilneys, lllalder. Nervous Iuseanen. Loa of Appetite, Headache. Constipation. Cotivenea, Indi restion, liiliousness. Fever, Inflammation of th Bowels, I'iles and ail derangements of the Internal Viscera. Purely veu-etat-le, containing no mercury, minerals, or deleterious drujra. PERFECT DlCESTIOHtTui.hP.1 Pilla. By bo doin? SGI ilk ADAGS3E Dyppei'Sia. Foul Stomach. BiliousnesB. will be avoid ed. a the rnoa tnat is eaten contributes its nounnn- tntr itoih- FOR CON SUMPTI0N rties for tho suiuort of tho natural wast of t he I nly. tWObserve the following symptoms resultinjr from Disease of the Digestive Organs: Constipation. Inward Piles, Fullness of the IU00J in the Head. Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea. Heartburn. Distrust of FcmhI. Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering of the Heart. ChokiiiK or SuQocatintr Sensations when in a lying posture, Dimness f Vision, Dots or Webs l-forw th Sirht. lever and Dull Pain in the Head, lk-nciency of l'erupiratir.n. Yellowness of the Skin and Eyea. Pain in the Side, t h -t. i.imbs, and Sudden Fluahes of Heat, UurninK in th Fleslu A few doses of KAIMVAV'S PI 1I will fre the system of all the above named disorders. Price '25 ct. per box. Sold by all drurKit. Send a letter etamp to I) It. It AO WA fc GO. No. 3'Z Warren Stn-t. New York. l-y"Informauon worth thousands will e sent to you. TO THE PUBLIC. Be sure and ask for RAPWAY3 and see that the name "KAJDWAY" is on what yon buy. N U-43 N Y t gents wanted. $1 an hour. 50 new articles. Cat'lgrue i and samples free. C. E. Marshall. Lockiort. N Y. nFPDI CO nWFft Are the BEST. rCCnLEiUll 14 1 CO Bold BT DBUOGISTS. AXLE BEST IS THE WORLD UllbMUl I2f Get the Genuine. Sold Everywhere. UT S7 Mail Routes5iiSp how to secure them. Zevely & Finley, Washington, D.U Tde man who has invested lrom three to live dollars in a Kubber Coat, and et his first half hour's experience m r storm finds to his sorrow that it is hardly a better protection than a mos quito netting, not only feels chatTined at being so badly taken in, but also feels if he does not look exactly like WET m J J 5 i J 'i J" J I I 5 We oiltr the man who wants hervice (not style) a garment that will keep him dry in the hardest storm. It is called TOWEli'S FISH BRAND SLICKEK." a name familiar to every Cow-boy all over the land. With them the only perfect Wind and Waterproof Coat is "Tower's Fish Brand Slicker." Ask tor the FISH BRAND ' Slicker u U vssm H a ana xaxe nootner. 11 your mreseei'd does not have the fish bkasi, send for descriptive catalogue. A.J. Tow v r. if s i ruin on s Sr., Itofon. Ma". b FEATURES FOR 1889. Serial Stories 150 Short Stories Profusely Illustrated by Eminent Artists. Tales of Adventure; Illustrated Articles of Travel; 1,000 Anecdotes; Historical and Scientific Articles; Sketches of Eminent Men; Humor; Poetry. $5,000 in Prizes for Short Stories. Three Prizes of $1,000 each, three of $750, and three of $250, are offered by the Publishers of Tot Companion for the best Short Stories. Send stamp for full particulars in regard to the conditions of tho offer. Four Holiday lumbers Are in preparation, and will be exceedingly attractive, filled with the special work of our favorite writers, and profusely illustrated. Thanksgiving Christmas New Year's Easter. These Souvenir Numbers -will be sent to Each Subscriber. The Illustrated Supplements Which -were given with nearly every issue during the last year, have become an important part of the paper, and will be continued. No other paper attempts to give such a large increase of matter and illustrations without increase of price. A paper worth $2.50 for only $1.75 a year. I ill m H m s 1 m If m The Right m H on. Gladstone Has written, especially for Thb Companion, an article on "The Future of the English-speaking Races," which appears in the first issue in November, ' Household Articles will be published frequently, giving useful information in various departments of home life-Cooking, Embroidery, and Decoration of the Home, without and within. The Editorial Page gives timely articles about current events at home and abroad. The Children's Page is always crowded with Stones, Anecdotes, Rhymes and Puzzles adapted to the Youngest Readers. Two Millions of Readers Weekly. v Cr.tMV.A. V.A -rrlll Kn r n R tflift ftlio. With name and P. O. address and 1.75 for ayr' tubTC Pi Xfte companion, we win eenu , j i-rvrr it and for a full year from that date. Thi offer inclndei the FOUR HOLIDAY lT.lIHt;it5!. the lLLllliAir,u a r t - w, Send money by Post-Offlce Money Order, Express Money Order. Check, or KeCIstered tetter. FREE-to i Jan. 1 tST" Specimen Copies and Colored Announcement free. Please mention this paper. Address THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 45 Temple Place, Boston, Mass. ....-..-..M't i 1