gx&txmm & garnet. The Official Paper of Chowan! County. K DENT ON, DEC. 27, 1889. Entered at the Post Office at Eden ton as Second-Class Matter. " A cross (X) mark on your paper means your subscription is due. ( ! Businoss IiOcalo. Three Cent per line for all locals under this head. Elsewhere five cents. For the Novelty Rug Machine call; on C. M. Murden. For a safe and certain remedy for fevor and ague, use Dr. J. H. Mc Lean's Chills and Fever Cure; it is warranted to cure for sale by H. A. Bond. No need to take those big cathartic Tiiils: one of T)r. J TT MnTan's Liver and Kiddey Pillits is quite sufficient j and more agreeable sold by II. A. Bond. Faults of digestion cause disorders '6' of the liver, and the whole system ! b comes deranged. Dr, J. H. .McLean's! Sarsapaslla perfects the process of digestion and assmilation, and thus imiKC.i pure biooii soid hy H. A. 13ond. Dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, dis tress after eating, can he cured and prevented by taking Dr. J. H. Mc Lean's Liver and Kidney Fillets (little pills), sold by II. A. Bond. Pimples, blotches, scaly skiu, ugly spots, sores and ulcers, abscesses and tumors, unhealthy discharges, such as cattarah, eczema, ringworm, and other forms of skin diseases, are svmptoms of blood impurity Take Dr. J. H. McLean's Saraparilla sold by H. A. Bond, There are times when a feeling of lassitude will overcome the most robust when the system craves for pure blood, to furnish the elements of health and sivengrt The best remedy for purify ing the blood is Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsaparilla, sold by H. A. Bond. A Blue Cross Mark over this para graph signifies that you are indebted to the Fisherman i Farmer and an early settlement is specially requested. Don' t put it off. Scalos nticl Flaiats. Christmas ! Xmas 363 days off. How Xmas makes the little boy's money tiy. W. S. Pendleton is spending his vacation at home. The German, Monday night, was a pronounced success. Services in all the churches on Xmas day. Music excellent. Bishop Watson held service in E. City oh Christmas morning. Thomas Huson. Esq. of the Roa noke Beacon, was in town this week. Franklinton, N. C. had a twenty five thousand dollar fire on the nighi of the 19th. There will be a children's service at St. John's Church to night. All are invited. Rev. Dr. Harrold and Lady are spending the Christmas with friends in Ht rttord. Rev Ernest Stevens is spending the Christmas with relatives in Petersburg, Va. All the young men from Edenton, studends of Horner's School, Oxford, are as home for the holidays. Ameny and happy New Year to all. "May you live long and pros per." RATS ! Did you ever hear such a continual bursting of explosives as we had for a day or two this week. Turner's N. C Almanac, the most reliable ever published, is for sale at Dr. Loary's Drug Store. Price 10c. xYJ.. ana ii rs. a. ieoiett lett j Monday for their home in Wakefield, j -T. ,1 TUT Ct rr 1 V a. Mrs. JNeniett has, lor some time, ! been quite sick. During: her illness she wi.s the recipient of marked at tention on the purt of a number of our appreciative people to whom sb.6 ! desires, through ns, to tender her grateful acknowledgements. We hope ior uer and early recovery, and return to our city. Manr visitors in town this week. i Mrs. T. H. Leary is at home after a very pleasant visit to E. City. We never saw Xmas more quietly and yet, more universally and appro priately observed in our city. We have a valuable communica- firm rm r.nr deck reQneerir.tr OUT Fair, which will appear in our next. Mrs. Col. Martin, of E. Citv, is v.v- , 1 5 spending the Christmas season with her (jaU(,fater, Mrs. John. G. Wood Bro Creecy, of the Economist, ac- ; knowledges his i Gth milestone pass ed. What a confession for so young a man Mr. W. B. Shepard and Mr. anf. Mrs. Frank Wood are spending the holidavs with friends and connec tions in Hillsboro. Miss Annie Wozelka and Miss Sadie Newman are spending their vacations at home with their parents, so also is Miss Marnie Webb. We acknowledge a call from Cant. ti. at r it t Thev are uo from W s Head tor the holidays. rp. . r ; . 1 he nomination, bv the President. nf rni:.,tnr v. a Whih, r the Fonrt.h T")i strip t of" Morr.li Carol i na. , wa9 confirmed hy the U. S. Senate on the 20th Car load Oars just arrived from G to 18 feet. Prices 0 to 8c in quantities, will save you freight from other mark ets. Also other Fishing supplies. J. E. Bonner. The annual statement of claims audited and allowed by the Bd, of County Commissioners, for the year ending Dec. i, 1889, is in our hand9 for publication and will appear in our next. The Yeopim Union Meeting will meet in the Baptist church Friday morning, the 27th inst., at 11 o'clock, and continue its sessions through Sunday. The public cordially invited to attend all sessions. R. T. Vann, Pastor. The entire force of the Fisherman axd Fai.m.mr office, from the devil up. acknowledges the many courte sies shown bv friends during the week just enaed May they all be blett in Ihcir "basket and store" and be permitted to enjoy many happy returns of this season when "The bird of dawning singeth all the ni.jht long." Let Everybody Attend. For the purpose of organizing a Building and Loan Association, those interested are requested to meet at the Couit House to-night at 8 o'clock. Mr. W. D. Pruden will be present and explain the object, plans, &c., of the organization. It is the best move, for the poor of our place anxious for homes of their own, ever made in Edenton. Let's have a full attendance. There is money in it for the poor man beyond all dispute. A GOOD SUGGESTION. The grounds of the Edenton Agricul tural and Fish Fair are central and admirably located, buildings beautiful and ample, hotel accommodation the very best, the Norfolk Southern R. R. passing through the most fertile North Eastern Counties, theTarboro, William ston & Plymouth R. R. connecting directly with the Roanoke Steamers running directly to Edenton, enabling the people of the Roanoke Valley to bring their products directly to our grounds. The Albemarle Steam Nav igation Co. offers every conveniance to the Chowan and Black ater sections, the Pantego R. R. and Steamer Haven Belle give that, section the best accom modations and with the Albemarle and Croetan sounds every part of the South Eastern Counties can find easy access to our doors. Possessing the above advantages, I suggest that we change the name of our association to "The Eastern North Carolina Agricultural and Fish Association' and that a meet-I ing of the Stockholders be called early j in February, at which time this matter be thoroughly discussed and voted on. In the event of a change I think it best -. . .. to appoint tne directors or the several departments at this meeting no two fIolu any one county, and invite their i cooperation, and that we sell additional stock, not exceeding 20 shares in any countv. Hoping to see this matter fully dis cu&sed in the papers of our section, lam Respectfully, W. K. Capehart, President E. A. & F. Fair. DIRECTORY COUNTY GOVERNMENT : Sheriff J jh. H. Perry, Superior v-ourt Clerk Jno. C. Bond, Register of Deeds T. If. Small, Treasurer K. R. Pendleton, Coroner A- J. Bateman, Jailer Joseph Spruill, - rr T cm A K T LOIUllllSbilUUcJa u. ouf paiu, -rv. . ard, W.J. Webb, W. P. Jenes, W. H. Bonner, Board of Education Rev R. B. Drane, W. B. Felton, Miles W. Elliott. Public School Superintendent Samuel J. Skinner. Health Sup t. Pr. R. w. Winborne. city : Mavor J. R. B. Hathawav, Clerk A. T. Bush, Treasurer H. A. t'ond. Sr. Chief Police Charles Leary. Councilmen J. L. Rotrerson. W. J. Leary. Jr.. M. H. Dixon, J. W. Bran ning. Alfred King, Anderson Lewton. CHURCHES : Methodist Rev. Ernest Stevens, Pas tor. Services morning ai evening of everv Sabbath. Praver meeting everv v. ednenoav ioirot. rvinuav school every Sabbath ;:r 4 p. m. Baptist Rev. R. T. Vann, Pastor. JS.evertl!: T-llZ? Prayer meeting every Thursday night. I Sundav school everv Sabbath. 4 p. in. .. r. t. n SaKhuth Vvr.n,,, Prnver wi-v v el- nesday. Morning prayer at 9:30 every i Fridaj. Sunday school every Sunday 1 evening. A Scrap of Paper Saves Her 1 ife. It was just an ordinary scrap of wrapping paper, but it saved her life" She was in the last stages of consump tion, told by physicians that she was incurable and couid live only a short time: she weighed less than seventy po auds. On a piece of wrapping paper she red of Dr. King's New Discovery, and got a sample bottle: it helped her, she bought a large bottle, i? helped inoro, bought another and grew better fast, continued its use and is now strong healthy, rosy, p ump, weighing 14! pounds. For fuller particulars send stamp to W. H. Co e, Druggist, Fort Smith. Trial bott cs of this wonde fu Discocery free at Dr. V. J. Leary' s Drugstore. FISHERMEN, ATTENTION .' Spot cash buys half patent netting for seines, pound nets. &c , n -w a Fowler's Net And Twine Factory, Elizabeth City, N C. at the following low prices- No. Netting 28c lb. No. 12 " 30c lb. No. 9 " 34c lb. No. G " 42c lb. Write for estimates and sanip! es. EUPEPSY. This is what you ought to have, in fact, you must have it, to fully en joy life. Thousands are searching for it daily, and mourning because the find it not. Thousands upon thou sands of dollars are spent annually b our people in the hope that they mat attain, this boon. And ye'; it may be had by ail. We guarantee that E ec tric Bitters, if used according to direc tions and the use persisted in, wi 1 brinj' you good Digestion ami oust the demon Dyspepsia and install instead Eupepsy. We recommend E etric Hitters for dyspepsia and all d seases of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at 50c and i per botfle by Dr. W. J. Leary, Druggist They Shall Have It. We received a very kind letter from Mr. Harry I. Warren, of Orange C FT, Va , in which he speaks kindly of the Fisherman and Farmer, a copy of which he accidentally ? avv some days be fore, and subscribes for it, sending check in payment for same. He will be remembered as the youngest son of Dr. W. C. Warren who. for many years, did an extensive practice in ou" midst. Mrs. Warren, now 83 years old, is liv ing with him, her son. Sh? also saw tiiep iper, containing many names which she remembered as borne by those who were classed, in former years, among her chief friends and associates, and she, too, de-ires to read the news from her old, old home. They shall have the paper. NOTICE. Teachers in public schools must remember that Pase's Method of feachin has been added to the school list and that thev wili be re- qUired to stand an examination thereon. Mr. Hoooer has the book iin stocK- iJon t tail to provide vour- se!ver w'th a copy p ''nil time for ample preparation before yoar appli- cation for certificate. Sam'l. J. Skinner, County Superintendent. BUCKLEN S ARNICA SALVE. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcere, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Titter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfec satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25c per box. For sale by Dr. W . J. Leary. :o: Everydody county paper. should have their The most delicate constitution can safely n- lr. J. II McLean' fl Tar Wine Lung Balm. It is a sare remedy for coughs, loss of voice, and all throat and lung troubles, fur ale by H. A. Bond. NOTICE. lciniz desirous of retiring fr m mere band is -.ZZfiJZi tuie partie I ensa&re iri business in our town. will sell ihein mr e,tir' swck il Sfoods, m)st everything von -: cnll for, except Dress Good for iadie, wh store l.o'isi 0 feet 1"( s t -1 "'t feet wide. ui in orMer, j mi 2nd story. Call .-nd see me as to terms. H. A. BUND. Sick headache, bilonsaess. nausea, eostiviuess, are promptly and opreeabi.V bani !;cd L. .J. :!. McLmm'a Liver and Kidney Fillets (little pills) for sale by 11. A. Bond. If health ai d life are worth anything, and. you are feeling out ot sorts and tired out, tone up your system by taking Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsaparilla, sold at II. A. Bond's. HORNER SCHOOL, OXFORD, N. C. The Spring1 Session begins J VM' ARY loth, 1890. Xo room held in reserve longer Than one week frotu openiug of session. For catalo ue ad di ess. J. TT. cpc J. C. HORNKR, Oxford. N.C. Or OaPT. T. J. Dkkwry, Boy kins. N. C. For Rent for 1S90. The Collins Point Farm. A ffood truck form. Apply to Juli em Wood P. MATTHEW C. E. Surveyor and Architect, YirpuYmnifY ry r ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Orders left at Woodard House. oe4 y C. F. Campbell & Son, DENTISTS, Bay View Hotel EDENTON, N. C. Ti .77 L-nji j3 j. h ill remain untzll the first Of JipVZtl. All of late improvements, Roots crowned, Bridge work. or. Teeth without plates. Teeth tilled aid saved. PRICES REASONABLE. Bay View. Edenton, Dec. 2nd Fish & Terrapin Trap I ll Dk. S, IMC Adapted to Kiver and Ixn Short Fishing in i to 1 feel wa;er. A Great Catcher! Send for descriptive price list to -J. S. JOHNSON & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF A t. A ' A . A. K A 1S1 South Str- t . Baltimore. Md. WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE Mnrfreesboro, N. C. The next stsKioii lriiison d,i. the 1 stii of Sept 1 889. LJnusally douant arrrm.inod.it ions tor boarders' Able HUt expe: ielien tearhois. I corps f Write for enns verv inotlerau catalogue. K K PARHAM, A. M. GARY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. CARV, Y am. Co., X. C A. E. BOOTH, L. I. PRINCIPAL. The only distinctively Normal 8chool in North Carolina, i'ull faculty f trained teachers, i ie courses of study. Diplomas priven. Special advantages in music. Building large, and well ar ranged. Necessary expenses for term o ten weeks 25 to J?J 0. Write foi ir culars to tlu- 1 Principal M. H. Dixon, IRON FRONT BRICK BUILDING, Edenton, - - N. C, Groceries, Provisions And Tobacco. Crockery & Tinware, Furniture, Salt And Coal. Goods are bought for Casti at close figures and I am prepared f offer induce mcnts tu Louutry Merchants and Con sumers. FISH GILL NETS. For the coming aeaon we, as usual, invite the attention of nil Dealers ;?ul Fibhermeu tooui own brands and makea of Threads. Net s and Nettings. First, our (S) brand of Flax Gillinjr iB ,(,aal in every rr.p(M.t to ou standard of former seasons. This make will hare our name upon every package and is not genuine without it. In cotton Gill Nettings and Twines, we would refer to our "Fishermen" and Gold Medal" Brands, which are exclusively our own and are never sold as twine without OUT name upon each package, containing pounds. For SHAD Netting they are unexcelled, being liht, strong and cheap. We guarantee the qualities of our brands. POUND 4 SElf KETTIMK. Made from ur' Bbepard Gold Medal" Twiti.-.s. These t. ;., as the larger fishermen of the country already know, have do superior, if any equal, a tn-y are manufactured by us directly f r r the raw cotton of a high quality. All orders carefully and promptly ex ecuted and we b'g to assure our old and new friends, always at ad low prices and favorable terms, as from any other par ty in America. American Net and Twine Co. u SSKant Boston, Mas. Branch Office, 172 Fulton St., N. York AND0OME income for all 5 to 10 dollars per day eaiiv made. PJ'-a.i .aot work. Senl 10 cents 3c stampsj l tor irct particulars. bOUTHDBUi iL'M- LiSHiNO And Subsckiption Agency 115 Main St., Norfolk, Vs. n

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