S. B. MILLER & CO., WHOLESALE COMMISSION i&ht $$htxmm & farmer. The Official Paper of Chowan County. AGAIN VICTORIOUS ! N ORF Lk SOUTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY. UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED BY THE CHOWAN COUNTY FARMERS' AL- LIANCE JULY 4, 1889. Resolved, That we adopt the Fish erman and Farmer as the organ of Chowan County Alliauce and of the Sub Alliances composing it. FARMERS' ALLIANCE. Declaration of Principles. Profoundly impressed that we, the Farmers Alliance, united by the strong and faithful ties of financial and home interests, should set forth our declara tion of intentions: we therefore, re solve: 1 To labor for the education of the agricultural classes, in the science of economical government, in a strictly nou partisan spirit. 2 To endorse the motto: "In things es sential, unity, and all things, charity. 3 To develop a better state, mentally, morally, socially, and financially. 4 To create a better understanding for sustaining civil officers in maintaining law and order. 5 To constantly strive to secure entire harmony and good will among all mankind and brotherly love among ourselves. 6 To suppress personal, local, section al, and national prejudice: all unheal thy rivalry and selfish ambition. The brightest jewels which it garners are the tears of widows and orphans, and its imperative commands are to visit the homes where lacerated hearts are bleeding, to assuage the sufferings of a brother or sister; bury the dead: care for the widows and educate the orphans; to exercise charity to offen ders; to construe words and deeds in their most favorable light, granting honesty of purpose and good intentions to others, and tt j otect the principles of the Alliance unto death. It's laws are reason and equity: it's cardinal doctrines inspire purity of thought and life: it's intentions are, "peace on earth good will towards all men. Article X Of Constitution. Sec. 1. Any member who shall here after disclose any of the workings of the Order, or who may impart the pass word of the Order knowingly to anyone not entitled to the same, or who shall disclose any, of the secrets pertaining to the business of the Order, shall, on conviction thereof be immediately ex pelled by the body , and shall not be eligible to membership thereafter. CARRIER'S ADDRESS A merry Christmas to you, Friend, And a happy New Year, too; May you enjoy all they send, Is my hearty wish for you, This joyous time has once more Come round to us again; And it conies alike to rich and poor, As the sunshine and the rain. To some, with joy 'twill ever fill, A life already full, And make the Earth seem brighter still, When ne'er yet 'twas dull. To others 'tis an oasis green, In the world's dull stony soil. And marking only a resting-place, In a life of barren toil. This year has lived its numbered days, And joined time's endless store; And its griefs and joys are added too, To those that are gone before. Our grand and glorious leaders, Kings of Nation's make, Have sacrificed their party, For truth and honor's sake. All honor to them, just the same, They did as they thought right; They o partners in cur country's fame And render it more bright. All honor to the Old North State, From mountains to the sea, She proves her sons all Democrats Whate'er else they be. So we'll sing the old year to its rest, And give welcome to the new. We'll iaugh and shout with boyish zest, Anil welcome Christmas too. If you are fortune-favored, friend, And on Christmas joys revel. Spare a moment, now and then, To think of the printer's "devil. " Every week of the dying year, Has found him serving you, And now he comes with Christmas cheer To see what you will do. If you, like him, have worked for nought And have no cash to pay, Return his greeting as you ought. And send him on his way. But it you can afford a mite, No matter what it is, May fortune make your Christmas bright, As you will brighten his. George W. Bunch, Carrier. The above was printed upon a neat Calendar card for 1890 and presented to the cit patrons of the Fisherman and ! Farmer by its carrier. He returns I thatit., tnrough us, to such of them as generously contributed to his pleasure on Ci r stmas movLing. v7e reproduce, the address that subscribers abroad may I have opportunity. He is an orphan boy learning the printing business. Ed. Diploma awarded THE FISHERMAN $ FARMER AT THE EDENTON FAIR FOR THE BEST Job Printing Send in a TRIAL ORDER. We guarantee the very best work at astonishing low prices. We mean exactly wbatwesf.v. Try us. TIIJE INTERNATIONAL TYPEWRITER ! 1, .' " A strictly first-class machine. Fully war ranted. Made from very best material, by skilled workmen, and with the best tools that have ever been devised for the purpose. Warranted to do all that can be resonably expected of the very best typewriter extant. Capable of writing 150 words per minute or more according to the ability of the operator. Price - $100.00. If there is no agent in your town, ad dress the manufacturers, THE PARISH MFG. CO., Agents Wanted. PARISH:, N. T. FDCC STENOGRAPHY and TYPEWRIT rlfECa ING FREE. First class facilities and best of teachers. Address, with stamp for return postage, THE PARISH MFG. CO., Parish, N. Y. CAPT. H. COVERT Has opened a Grocery on the corner of Main and Carteret St. and is now ready to take in exchange for goods all kinds of Hags and Metal : Cotton Rags, 50c pei hundred, Woolen Rags, 2oc Wraught Iron, 20c " Cast Iron, :15c tk Old Rubber, (boots and shoes) SI " Copper, 84 Brass, S3 Ziuk, SI " Dry Bones, 2oc " The highest market price will be paid. sep 13tf. rTcACO- 28 UNION SQUARE.NY.san? ST.L0UI5.M0 DALLAS.TEX. Superior Court Chowan t ounty. R. J. Mitchell vs Cora E: Mitchell and others. Under an order in above cause I will sell for cash, at public sale, at Court House door in Edenton, N. C, ou Mon day, Jan. 6th, 1890, that piece of land in Edenton. N. C, bounded north bv the lot occupied by Mrs. J. F. Lee, east bv lot of Ann Mayo, south by King street, and west by lot of Abram Bonner. R. J. Mitchell, i omirfr. December 2nd, 1389. 4vv AUTOMATIC SEWING MACHINE Has no equal is delivered free every where. Please send full Post Office ad dress, including County, and also your shipping address, including railroad sta tion most convenient to you. One cent postal expense will bring to you some thing new and important for every fam ily. For full particulars please send to No. 457 West 26th Street, New York City. tgj WOOD W ORKtTjXg3 AftACMEHf ) mm be No. 7 Fulton Market, New York. Samuel B. Miller. Clarence G. Miller SAM'L. T. SKIDMORE, WHOLESALE COMMISSION FISH Dealer 142 & 144 p-t Opposite Fulton Market, New York City. C. T.Lanphear. A. W. Half. LANPHEAR & HAFF, Wholesale Commission Dealers in FRESH FISH, LOBSTEHS. U. No. 12 Fulton Fish Market, NEW YORK CITY. iSorth Carolina SHAD a specialty. HORACE E. ST1LLMAN Wholesale Commission Merchants. Fresh Fish, Lobsteis, Terrapin. Green Turtle, GAME, FROGS, Soft and Shcdded 'rabs. Prawn. Hard and Soft lams. Scollops &c. 4 Fulton Fish Market, NEW YORK. Consignments Solicited. U. G. LINDER. J. A. LINDER P P TTKDTR rPO Successors to A. li. HIGBIE .V CO. Commission Merchants and Wholesale DEALERS IN FRESH FISH, Q-aine and Terrapin. 30. 31, 40 & 41 Dock St. Wharf Philadelphia, Pa. North Carolina, ( In the Office of CI "k. Chowan County. J Superior Court. Notice is hereby given of the incor poration of the '"Beaver Hill Cemetery Association That the names of the incorporators are W. D Pruden, Wm. J. Leary Jr. C E. Robinson, Jacob Wool, Jno. L. Rogerson. R. J. Mitchell. J. R. B. Hathaway C S. Vann, R. N. Mines, L. L. Brink ley, Thos. H. Leary M. D. and J. E. Bonner and such others as they may associate with them. That the principal place of business shall be in Edenton. N. O. and its general pur pose is to "Purchase and hold laud not exceeding fifty acres, locating and establishing a Cemetery near E-lenton ;u the county of howan, State of Noth Carolina, and to sell or otherwise dispose of said land in suitable lots to be used exclusively as a place of burial of thn dead provided nothing but white persons shall be intered therein. That the duration of the corporation shall be thirty" years. The capital stock shall not be less than fifteen dund red dollar, nor more than ten thousand dollars divided into shares of the par value of ten dollars. Jno. C. Bond. Clerk S. C Chowan Co., N. C I Storm Calendar and Weather Fore j casts for 1890, by Rev. Irl R. Hicks, mailed to any address, on receipt of a two cent nostape staran. j - The Dr.. J. H. McLean Med. Co., i St. Louis, Mo. Subscribe for this paper. Sc hedule in effect apbi:. 29. 19 Mail Train leaves Norfolk 10:80 a. m.. daily except Sunday, and arrives :t Eden ton ::;5 p.m. Leaves EH en too 2:10, and arrives at Norfolk at 5:40 p. m. Freight Train leaves Berkley at 7:60 a. m.. arrives in Edenton at 'Z V.Q p. in. Leaves Edeotoo at a. m.. arrives in Berkley at 6:80 p. m. At Norfolk close connections with all rail and steamer hues. At Elizabeth City with steamboats for all points on Pasquotank. North and Aiag&tor rivers. At Eden ton with N. S. Railroad company s steamboats, Plymouth, are! Mary E. Robert for all points on Chow an. Scappernong Little, caehieand Lion.) oke riveib. ami Jarrevilie 6: Wash iiiKt n, ami Albemai !e A: Raleigh Rail Roj s, also it! Str. Have. Belle for Markey i Ferrv and p ints on tlie A. & P. R. R. The steamer Plynn uth, plying be tween Eden ton aud V illiainston. will go to Hamilton o T eday and Friday f each wok, leaving that place at 2 o'clock a. m., on Wednesday and Saturday. Norfolk assenger and freight station at Norfolk and wester n Railroad Depot. Freight received daily, except Sun days. Through tickets on sale and baggage chjtrKeti between Eel eu ton and Elizabeth i . .';. tiinole, ui.aoi ipitiu t u New York by Bay Line and Oid Domin ion Rtesmr and N Y. P. and N. It. II. form Norfolk, and between Norfolk au: VVftshiogton, Plymouth, Williamtoii. Windsor and James vi He. M. K. KING. General Manager. u CAROLINA DISPATCH. yy m V YYYTJ1 A .. A A AJ a Ad a J? xx&t iXkj A A Regular line of steamers between Atlantic & North Carolina R. R., New Berne, Washington and Elizabeth uity. Daily al! rail service between Edenton. New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Norfolk. Through car?, as Jow rates and quicker time than by any other route. Di) ect ail goods to oe shipped by East ern Carolina Dispatch, as follows: From orfe.K by N. S. R. Li. Baltimore by i'. v. & i. B. K.; Piesi ent St. SStation. Philarielphia k3' Pennvlvania H. k. D ck St. Scation: NV York bv Penn- Ivania E. P., Pier 2? North River. E. WOOD, Agent, Edenton, N. c. Che Albemarle Stea JL "W1 NVYiatioii Co. Ei ists despite of p:ophesy and opposi- lior. It will continue to serve the people ycco pie according to roiiow- iug schedule Rend it: ! hmmmMLsm :y fe? STEAMER LOTA, C-A pt. Gro. H. Wit hey, leaves Franklin, Va.. on arrival ot Mail train from Ports mouth Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days, touching all landings on Chowan river and arriving at Edenton at 9 p. in. R turning, will arrive at Franklin in C:m to onnect with Raleigh Express, at 4 j. m. tor Norfolk. J. IT. BOGART, Supt. K. R. PFXDLETON, Local Agt., Etientou, N. C. nainr nnnn pom CTnuro These are the latent improvements in Cook Stoves. Health raid Economy, Result from their uje. ryot y y y )nrrC! Persons interested are invited to ex amine the Stoves at our Store. Prices moderate. HOOPER & CO., Edenton, N. C. 1 The Origai Wins C. F. Slninons, St. Louis, Pr o p'r M. A. himmons Liver Medicine, t-d lO, in the U. S. Court DKFKAT8 11. Z-j.hr i, Pron'r A. ij. Simmons Ltv- er Keulator, Est'd I v Zeilin i66i. M, A. S. L. M. hi'i lor dj years cured Indigkstion, BilioLsness, i-VSPr;psiA,SlCK lEADACIIZ,l.O.- T Atpetite, Sour Stomach, Etc. Rev. T B. Reams, Pastor M. E. Church, Adams, Teiin., writes: "I xninK i snouia nave been den i but lor your Oenmne .M. -V. Sim raons Liver Medicine. I have sometimes hkd to substitute "Zeilin's stuff" for your Medi cint., but it don't 'answer the purpose." Dr. J. R. Graves, Editor The Baitist. llemohis. Tenn. s;v! tat I rece'ved a package of vourLiver Medicine, and have ustxl half of it. It works like a chr.rra. I want no better Liver Re:lator ar. 1 cer tainly no more oJ Zeiha s mixture. MANVFACTUREnS OF ELECTRO BRONZE GOOES, Bronze and Dsccrated Lamps, Etc. RALPH W. BOOTH, Manager, NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. EOEfJTCW Grist Mill, HEADQUARTERS FOR Meal, Hoinin', Corn and Hay. Orders Filial Pnnn'itly. D. W. RAPER Edenton. N. C. Til SliiUMj Manufacturers of THE STERLING PIANOS, WHICH FOB Quality of Tone, Beauty of Design, FINISH and adaptability for stand ing in Tune have no equal. Every Piano Warranted for Five Years And satisfaction pruaranteort to every purchaser. Also Manufacture the World-Renowned STERLING ORGAN Factories, Derby, Conn. W. H. Harrell Corner of Main and Water Sts. Dealer in all kinds f Riding Vehicles, Carts and Buggies and Road Carta of different styles. A full of cart and bu;.rgy rnatjri.-i l c'M ! Hft tpi'i-(s. ' in.u axlen. l'Xt'S, tiro, shafts, hubbs, cross bars and single-tn s and all other material usual in a coach furnishing establishment. Satisfaction as to price and material guaranteed. Repairing done at moderate rates. Sail Boats wade ami fur Dished on order. "L? iU " Mr. Owri- O c " VVh :ii nrk .!(! lam. I r U I MOV m mi m . St ' ii" ! in . Hd ;u" . : -HJW lin.. r'4,r '.iv W . H.U 4I.KIsO' I, . u;i!i-. i. : "I 1m it-tfl ..ir .n lias in !) !!' r fvtu al i. ii an fT'r i ( .r vur n!!.i.mat pr-.fit i- ir ii in'.' t . i r & i Ii 1 1 on v. '.-li.. iKi;riir il .'.iiK'iu.!' a. v. lia tvul p. c I" f.rv - MM Who IlkM b.-l'i Ol thitBTMud llWIKU p. . I; r -lU'I I I Sltall c start VOJ in tlu euin . rcxli-r Write ( MM nil v,l.: it for jtimtwIC w- r- MHffaf naajr : w will start jo C ym dr.u t H !y HMil snot :.'T ir r bJmmI ofy.o in jttr port "f l''Xirv. If j j take ioiii yeu will lif able .i ilk tip Ifoi'l On:. f " IK-;ti i9 acroant of i f rwd nnno'i-'-.i-r ul' 12.',MW li-ii rioilur thotojfspH A I liuiu r to ImmiU i - for At a-b. IVmo.1 in Kofal f linxom Silk v. ) : 1'luitb. Charminvlv (lrcoratd ImMm HaMfflMII album, m 1 1.' worUJ. Larf'-f. hiz. trrftiit bMJM AinTf wanted. I.ibrral tnrm. Big m-ny for mgn:s An ber 'tni a urr ful Mrrnt. Seba itwlf t iht-liti' r talking nrcfuaary. TrV'Krrvrr iinnn. arery " var.i. 10 !' I cb. . a.-'Mi ta,K t..um J of or4er ;lb r;.:o-i IMr beii.re known, oi. i ; '..n: a m..; aar r. Arm i i. a rriaV iu(e,f"TtO'-e. ralirt ma " rno b aa mn. Yon. r-r, rsri M aa tnU as n ot. lis) inf jnr.atiu.1 r.nfl tenaa I rv , to tlio-e ! write ivt ame, wlt.i articular ami term M I W Kaniilr 1 .. Hooka and nrfMVMJMb After yuti know , h'-ulj voo cn-lcje M (i nn fair'li'r, why r. j n.-rrti dn. A.Ure-a t C ALi.rN k CO., iUtMA. lai- r. I mi V. i . imii m?m:

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