Published Every Friday. Located in the Finest Fish, Truck and Farming Section in North Carolina. Circulation Large. Edttortnd BMuSLMknager. "The Smallest Hair Throws a Shadow." tSScrjS? Established 1886. EDENTON, N. (Friday7 January loV 1890. No. 238. i i OUR MAN ABOUT TOWN! WHAT HE BEES AND HEABS DURING THE WEEK. Our Man has somewhat to say this week in the way of complaint. In the first place he desires to say that the people, here and hereabouts, are too speculative as to his identity. Some say it is one man and some say it must, of necessity, be another because, that other was the only one in Eden ton who ever resorted to the style peculiar to Our Man's weekly reports. Now, he wishes to say to all those whom it may concern that he was born and raised in Edenton and' with slight exception, has lived here the bulk of his days. He has not been outside the corporate limits of Edenton more than six times in ten years and then, never to stay more than three days at any one time. He is neither a fisherman, farmer, mechanic, salesman, merchant, preacher, doctor, officer, banker, tailor, house-keeper, teacher, loafer (except occasionally) or anything else of stupendous consequence either mental, physical or, moral. He is a man like the common run of men who, ordinarily, can tell his right from his left hand and can carry a straight tale to the Fisherman and Farmer which,in pub. lished by that paper without reserve or, amendment. He desires to say to this public that he will continue, from time to time, to make his rounds in Edenton and take note of passing events. He will speak plainly of men, things and occurences and spare not, in comment, either folks, associations, combines or, individ uals public or. private. He will not always chide neither will he incessan tly indulge in praise but, he will present all things truly as they come to his knowledge to the best of his ability &c " He will act a self constituted inquiriendo for the bodv of the town of Edenton and such other precincts, as he may find it convenient to travel, within the geographical limits of Chowan Co., nnd will report the result of his in quiry for publication in these col umns. It is entirely useless to de clare bis name because, if he did, everv man, woman and child in Chowan county would know him and prehaps, some day, when he least expected it, Borne fellow would throw bis hand in his collar for some thing too plainly underscored or. italicized in one or, another of his weekly communications or, reports. He never intends to tell his name and therefore, does not intend to retract any statement heretofore or, hereafter made. In the event any offense shall be given, the party offended has "Oar Man's" consent to call on Mr. A- H. Mitchell, the proprietor of this journal, fbr entire satisfaction. He pays all the bills of the paper and receives all the money due the same. His receipt in the hands of any man will entitle him to the Fisherman and Farmer for one year, or longer if the money holds out which is paid him. "Our Man" had a pleasant holiday season. He went to church on Xmas day herd a good sermon and some matchless music. After, he sot a good dinner with friends at his own home where he has a standing invi tation to go, when not inyited any where else, which, generally, he ac. cepts without a word or, the slightest hesitation. It's a good thing to have a place of your own to go to. If you don't, you are left and that too, in the street and in a terrible state of discomfort especially at this season of the vear. In all his walks about the city, our man obseved nothing, during the whole of the holiday, offensive to peace, dignity and good manners save, now and then a stray fellow who,loaded to the brim, wastoo heavy for any hurrah and, therefore, content to slariber the hours away. Ours is a peaceable people, drunk or sober, for when sober, they have no occasion for disturbance and, when drunk, they are generally so thor oughly so as to preclude the possibil ity of anything save, perhaps, a fall and a nap. There has been no "fighting whiskey" sold this Xmas. The drunkest man we saw, at any time, was in the best humor. Our merchants all seem satisfied with the quantity of business done by thsm during the festal season and are now making ready for the Spring when fishing fills the folks with finance making them able and willing investors in things good and useful at any price. The smell of coal-tar is in all the air. Our fisherman are tarring their nets preparatory for an early setting. They tell us that the signs point to an early season and, unless old Irl R. Hicks predicts the contrary, they will begin operations at an eariv date. Success to them, say we, and, in this, we are seconded by all the people. They never had better weather for preparation than has blessed them this winter. A Safe Investment. Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from eur advertized Druggist a bottle of Dr, King's New Discovery for consumption It is guaranteed to bring relief in everr case, when used for any affection of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Con sumption, Inflamation of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough OrrW ect., eet. It u pleasant and r 1 1 wiv, c-f. or,. can always he depended upon. Trial bottles free at Dr- W. J. Leary s Drugstore. r rfnn n i 1.1 1 utnic: lts s,v vjl w outi v. aua , 1 A A SOME O00D SUGGESTIONS. Mr. Editor: After thinking about the fair of 1890, and the premiums to be offered, it seems, in fairness to the farmers and, also, to any manufacturers of fertilizers who may offer premiums, that a premium list of some discription ought to be issued as early as February; and in lien of issuing the general premium list early in the year, as several fair associations think of doing, would it not be well for the EJentou Agricultural and Fish Fair association to issue, as early as possible, a calen dar for 1890 with the premium lists for farm crops and pmtry supplies upon the back, or else issue a circular letter to the farmers of this and ad joining counties, as early as February, giving a list of premiums offered for farm products, including, of course, he list of fertilizers offered as pre miums by manufacturers or their agents. This should be followed, in Janv. by a similar letter, to the ladies, set ting forth the primiums offered for pantry supplies and such other articles as ladies usually contribute. In September the general premium list should be issued, and thus the fair would be kept before the people. It is the experience of many that pamphlets, whfn first received, ure of interest, soon they become monoton ous and are finally lost or destroyed. Fair premium lists are not exceptions to this rule and I fear that a pre nium list issued early in the year will find its way into the waste basket and be destroyed long before the fair An thus its mission wou.d nut be ful filled. Agrun it is doubtful whether the advertisers in the Fall premium list would place their cards in a pamph let gotten out near the first of year, wheu it is most probable that m August or in September they would, and to gain the advertisements is a matter of importance. J. E. D. Merit Wins. We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion. Dr. King's New Lifr Pill Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled reme dies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popular ity purely on their merits. Dr. W. J. Leary, Druggist. Barn Burned. A letter from Mr. John Maguire informs us that on the morning be fore Christmas his barn, containing a large lot of corn, fodder and other provender, was consumed by fire All the indication, says he, pointed to the fact that it was the work of an incendiary. Mr. Maguire is a quiet, good citizen and we cannot conceive how any man could wish him the injury he has suffered from Kh8 burnlfl& If he should tnm mt riff at in nis 11 owe 11 en sums, we trust- doalt with ;iccor ling to tlie utmost 1 severity of the law. ... Kicnmond has a population of , 108000. with $53,000,000, of assessed property Thf inn in tKo SS,m.,n ynM: ' 1 he jury m the Sullivan-Kflrain case has decided that it was only -a social comoat. First in peace, first in war and first in the hearts of his Southern Country men was Jefferson Davis. Give me the liberty to know, to think, to believe and to utter freely, according to conscience, above all other liberties. Milton. j The Tarboro Southerner has reach- , , , r . , , ed the 67. h year of Us age oi useful- ness. May it lone continue to bless and guide the people A short history of the'Confederate States written by the lamented Jeffer son Davis, will appear in Belford's Magazine at an early date. Ex-Gov. Jarvis has been again 1 promoted. He has been elected; superintendent of the Methodist Sunday school at Greenville, Pitt county. The January number of Belford's Magazine is on our table. It is replete with interesting reading matter written by Gistinuished per sons. Hon. Phil McKinney Virginia's new ear's gift. May his rule be strong and pleasant and may his people continue to prosper uuder his ' worthy guidance. 'A fish on dry ground when it j jumps always jumps toward the water. And t lis is used as a figure ' for the fact that where choice is free 1 i . I we cnoose our associations according to our character. Mr. Cleveland has positively denied the fooMsh rumor that he intended to move from New Vok to Connecticut to get out of Mr. Hill's bailiwick and thus improve his chances for a renomination We have recently read that most excellent sermon entitled Ceatar's Centurion delivered by Rev. John J. LarTerty at the Piedmont Chautauqua of Georgia, which was listened to by the Hon. Henry W. Grady who was so thorughly inpressed by it, the minister afterwards published it dedicating it to the Orator Editor, Statesman. Christian. It is a perfect gem of the very rarest excellence. Who Was Your Great Grandfather! The Detroit Journal desires to receive, by postal card, the address oj ail living male and female descendants of Revolutionary officers and soldiers of 1776, and, when possible, the name and state of the ancestor. Wonder if YY. H. Brearley, proprietor of the Detroit Journal, is contemplating a raid upon the national treasury? AtTO.HATIC IEW1N6 MACHINE! Prices reduced. Every family note can have the best Automatic Sewing M j chine in the market at reduced price. For particulars send lor our new Illus trated Circular with samples of stitch ing. Our Illustrated Circular shows every part of the Machine perfectly, and : Machine. Krase A Murphy Mfg. Co., 405 ana 457 west 26tn St.. ks t. city. Vtmntfffic Persons and those troubled witti nerroocneai realtiag Cross case or jt? . work will be relieved by Lakiaf Brown s Iron Bitter, Genuine has trsde nark and crossed red lines on wrapper. DIRECTORY county government : Sheriff-Jos. H. Perry, Superior Court Clerk J do. C. Bond, Register of Deeds T. M. Small, Twrpr-It R Pnditnn Coroner A. J. Bateruan. Jailer Joseph Spruill, Commissioners W. B. Shepard, A. J. Ward, W. J. Webb, W. P. Jones, W. H. Bonner, Board of Education Rev. R. B. Drane, W. B. Felton. Miles W. Elliott. Public School Superintendent Ham uel J- Skinner. HaHh Sup't. Dr. R. w. Winborne. CITY '. for t t? n Mavnr J. K. K. .Hatha way, Clerk A. T. Bush, Treasurer H. A. Bond. Sr. Chief Police Charles Leary. Councilman J. L. Rotrerson, W. J. Learv, Jr.. M. H. Dixon, J. W. Bran- ning. Alfred King, Anderson Lewton. churches : Methodist Rev. Ernest Stevens, Pas tor. Services morning and evening of every Sabbath. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night. Sunday school every Sabbath at 4 p. m. Baptist Rev. R. T. Vann, Pastor. Preaching every Sabbath, morning at 11 o'clock, evening at 8 o'clock. Prayer meeting every Thursday night. Sundajr school every Sabbath, 4 p. m. St Paul's Rev. R. B. Drane, Rector. Morning and evening services every Sabbath. Evening Prayer every Wed nesday. Morning prayer at 9:30 every Friday. Sunday school ever- Sunday evening. , Fisn & Terrar)in Trat rat Dec. 2s. M6. Adapted to River and Long Shore Fishing in 4 to 10 feet water. A Great Catcher! Send for descriptive price list to J. S. JOHNSON & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF rnvvrvvYr,! jc yr rrrjrryrryyr 1 kk AAiili A jSjJ an ili k x Ai.ivJr 121 South Street, Baltimore, Md. NETTING -FOR- SEINES ASD- POUNDS t WH. J. HOOPER & CO., i UO a. Pratt, near Light, j b lALrmoni, mu. Cotton and 'lax Gill Nets, Corks, 51 nc Leads, 4c. Tls f felt klstf. Mm- V 4 -5

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