f :..-,r1l-rfe.-, pLr---- 1- f Published Every Friday. Located in the Finest Fish, Truck and Farming A. it. Mitchell, Editor ami KusiueKS Manager. Established 1886. H9t? TO TELL WHEN MEN ARE NOT IN LOVE BUT ARE PRETENDING TO BE. I would give anything in the world to know whether he i9in earnest or not ," is the thouot that pnssvs throu gh the ininila of most younjr zirls when tlej have receive ! a good m inv calln from some handsome beuu ieal who seems to just suit their fancy. "But how can 1 ever find out?" they cry despairingly. "Oh ! tor some ma gic ulass thai would mirror his heart and show me what is written on its tablet". Let me tell you my dc;.r how vt discern whether a youtii; man is really attracted toward you are not. Think over these ideas Tor yourselves When a young man has to be urged to call on you wueu ou have to make opportunities to see him, or liud excuses to write- to him, depend upon it, you are having your trouble for your pains, tor believe me he -not particularly attracted toward you, he-! not in love. If he calls irregularly and not often, he is not .troubling hhnsetf about whether or not Any one else may step iu and win you from - i imn. .Love always makes a iqmi fearful i.hat he may by any slip of des tinv lo3e his treasure, and he never fet h safe until after he has won the object of his adoration. It is truly suid that love makes a man bashful and unassuming iu bis manner. YVhtna man i;3 eager to Lave you icvite your neighbor!? pretty daugh ters to help entertain him when lie culls, he is not in love with you, for the eyes of a lover are ehut to all smiles and glances tyut thuae of her whom he has called to see If you are 20 years old, and he is thrown in contact with young girls nod you see his eyes restlessly wan dering toward the girl of 16 summers. you may know then at once tha. how ever bright and witty you may be, he is not lor you. For even should you be unfortunate enongh to marry him, tou would not be blessed with that heavenly bliss which wedded people should enjoy the love of each other. A gentleman should do all the wooing for, though he may come to see a girl Duce or twice, who plainly shows she'd like to have him," lie never comes the third time, for correctly it lias been said that When a woman'throws herself at a man 's head, SheM soon find herself at his feet." For if the girl has to make advan ces, the man is not in love When a man is remiss in his atten tions he is not in love WLen he neglects to perform ny ittle act of kindness that falls in his way, he is not in love. When he puts off hi3 engagements, V5en he neglects to perform any The EDENTON, he is not in love. Of course, in urej t ces, he may not be able to help i't but if it is at all possible, word should always be sent, or he cans ot l.e called in love with you. As Rosalind suys in 'As You Like It :" " The man who comes one minute late is not in love." A young man who is continually asking to be introduced to vour young lady friends is not frutisled wiih you. for he is not in love; nor is he in !nve who always brings a mar riageable gentleman companion with j him when calling upon you, for when re:d love enters his heart he is jealous, a certain ex ent, of all attention bestowed upon others. He wishes to m-ike sure of ott:iiuing you, and will not knowingly throw others in your way if he really care fur you Another and an excel. ent plan, of reveling the all-important secret which some do not dare to own themselves, is hrough his correspondence when he is away from you As a general rue. when lovers are separa: e J, his letters should come often Do the? Does he seem to find consolation in writing you letters long and often? He may send you one every day for a long time and then writo every three or four days. This, you say, is prob able, because he is busy. . Then they come every week, then two weeks apart, then they are dictated, and theu well, they don't come at all; f.-r little by !itt!e. h3 has gently broken loose from the slight yes, vry slight cnain of mere friendship which bouuu vou together and which voa believe was love. A lover's letters shou d come often and many to yo ir one. f r oh! your little fioely written missive bring ba'm and reiief to him; if he does not care to receive thorn, he is not in love. Do not kneel before his picture and weep your eyes out for htm. Forget him, and say to yourself: "What care I how f lir he be. If he be not fair to me." He is simply not in love. THE FIRST STEP. Perhaps you arc run down can't ea can't sleep, can't think, can't do any thing to your satisfaction, and you wonder what ails you You should heed the warning, you are taking the fiirst step into Nervous Prostration. You need a Nerve Tonic and in Electric Bitters you will find the exact remedy for restoring yoar nervous system to its normai, healthy condition. Surprising results follow the use of this great Nerve Tonic and Alterative. Your appetite returns good digestion is restore!, and theallis sarsapanlla tht is so labelled Kuh rsiimP heilthv I Liver and Kidney, resume healthy jaction. Try a bottle Price 5O0 at V. I. Learys Drugstore. Smallest Hair Heroics a Sliachnc. N. C, FRIDAY, October 16. 1S91. FAIR TALK. Come to the FMentf n Fair. Each day a banuer iay. A hearty welcome awaits all. Four days of close, exciting race?. 1,000 premiums worth over 53,000. Fine bands of music present every i day. Excursions from all points during the fair. The exhibit will excell any of season. the A large number of side be at the fair. shows will A number of good tent shows are bo ked for oar Fair. Every lay there will be trotting ami pacing races. running, Are you coming to the great this year? How can you inns it! fair The gates will be open fjlr admission of visitors at 9 o'clock u. m. each d& . and clo.se at 5 p. m. The location f a good agricultural fair in any conuniiuitv has been the precursor of its strong agricultural de velopment, and the reputation of the fair has been a reflex cf the liberality , industry, an i prosperity of the people. It afford t; an easy means of exhibition arid stimulates tse deveioptnont of the resources of the country. This being the case what duty can there b- nio e strongly incumbent upon every body than to patronize our fair in every manner that they can ri.ihly do so. Ht KNOWS A GOO0THIN3. Some of the papers in the Sate have been urging Mr. J. P. Caldwed, the editor o: the Statesville Land mark, fh' be-it pitying paper in North Carolina, to stand for the noinina ion for Governor . This he respectfully declines to do, and cor dially expressing his thanks nir.ke. this declaration: "There is no office whatever that the editor of the Landmark want, and nono that he wou'd accept so long as the newspaper buisness will afford him a living. Political aspira tions are legitimate and honorable, but while recognizing this fact the editor of this paper feels that office houiing is the poorest business in the world and that so far as he is con cerned his usefulness, if he has auy, lies in another directien. In the present state of politics he could not he is perfectly well aware, get an of fice if he wanted one, and he there fore congratulates himself all the more that he dosen't w nt one. "Not all is o!d that glitters is a true saying. It is equally true that not ! If ron wou d be 8nre of the genuine iar,ic,eask for Ayers Sarsap.riHa and take on Q(her . Heailn is too precieus jto be trifled with. 1 Section in North Carolina. (Jin-uiaiion Large. WEUT TG SLEEP FOUR YE&.S ' Rinr; TV.nn XT a XTn. n 1 tit, tt t or Three 'iinifs. A case of unu-uady protraefeti sleep is puzzlini: ph. sici- ns at Hack e -tstown, X. J. .Mih:el Fan;m. wh was employer! as a watchinan in the far toryville tunnle of the Dela ware, Lackriw:i a and Western rai -r-virl, went to bis home fro n his tour of duty October 2o, 18S7, went to lr. bed-mom and went to s.eep. iSU(;e that time he tias h ul but two or thiee brief intervals of con ciousi.css. It was at fiist thought lhat Fa nah"s condition was duo to witer on th' brain and physicians treated liim f. -r that dist-ase. Their e. Forts, however, ha 1 wo ert-cr. After thev hi 1 abaii'led the case, in the Apiil following his fallia iftro s:u.nler, which had in all fiat time seeaied perfectly peiceful, HaruaM avo!ve one m rn ni;".in I reeo ;nz',il nieaibers of the family. lie ippeared perfectly t at onal. hut di i uot have any rea iz.it.ioa of tue liuie hat had intervd iel si.iej his last ;VA'!IVr. H ' :nVI :lir i!m :lf npr it aud reinaiaeu unc an csous for SIX aCCaS. i'orinire tlian t'sree years he h-s tio-v ieeit .ieep ri.i sound i.V. Diii'i.'ig --hiS time m iny changes have aken p ace in h s f unily. A sou aud a daughter have died, but the sleeper kn-w- nothing of if, A sorts of exped-euts h ive been tried in he meanfime t ) arouse Far nan from its stupor, but wi.hout ar.y eifect. l.ster have he-'n p acd on the back fiiis neck and he id, hut he di'1 not ven notice the n What cm be the c -use an I the reai Jy for the condition i a p azisle. A LITTLE GIRL'S E K p SIEtfCE IN A LIGHTHOUSE Mr nnd Mrs. Loien Trcscot aro kee)ers of the ( iuv Liiht house at -and Ueach, Mitdi are b!esed with a daughter, four years o'd. Last April she was taken down with the t measles, fo.l -.ed with a dreadful ! conIi and funiiaz i f t to a fever. Doctors at home and ut Detroit, treat ed her but in vain she givw worse rapidly until she was a mere hndful of bones Then she tried I)r- King's New Discovery and after the use of two and half bottie3, was completely cured. They say Dr King s New Discovery is worth its weight in gobl. et you can get a trial bottel free at W. I. Leary's Drugstore Happiness is not to be prescribed, but enjoyed, and its source is mainly in making the most out of opportun ities. Then, as lost opportunities never return, how strong is our duty to attend the Edenton fair this year, catch the inspiration, and profii by the stimulating fcnd cheering iHfluences that will abound upon every hand. V i I 1 ;n $l.CO KO. 326 i A household F.eir.sc'; or. ALL I J i f) v r. ? r o cr t J V.J" W 3 0 Lijl,?3 p: t . 1 f.' 9 in t. crrrciM n in rroc err? j. iii-t.uj: An: SY K f-lfil-PTION. tt- ) c 6ts isig trt.cicious ir. I e r ! r g tpdu i f.leni aid .'CCfcrlrg ifcp corlltutiL r, nen impaired fr'm ?.r rruc. Hc 9 a'snoiJl S'Jcr-Jurfl! hf.4'nr rrci erilcr, (J j : ;M'y v 1 r. prar.tceir.Q a ti re, it A iJifcc.o.is arc Lllcwcd. a ITI.r?Ti:ATFI D'-0r.D ZXL CO., At:-nla. C;. p depot Fas immi SUPPLIES. THE J. S. JOHNSON CO. M A N U F A C T U K E 1 1 S Or i 1 'TfT" J VYVnnVYT T J ' 'j I ' I T r Ropes, Corks, Lend;;, Vac, a1 1 a. All i."1 At A AN Vj: A xva. L'AXAl-Ci Rods, Heeis, Lines, f looks, SpimivMs, et'.. cue. All kinds Sein-i and Nets made to (. r'ie., 119 & 121 South Sueet, Baltimore, Mti. si WH. J. HOOPER & CO., C3 a. EL 110 S. Pratt, noar Light, BALTIMORE, MO., fcanufectnrers of -9 a o JZ r- (A -i o CO rt COTTON AND FLAX GILL NETS, n Corks, Seine Leads. &c. n SiM Twine of all ltfnt, U nillm. Cotton A Hemp Rope English Spavin Liniment remore all Hard, Soft or alio used Lumpa and Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavins. I'urtre. Splints, Sweeney, Ring-bone. Stifles, Sprains, all Swollen Throats, Coughs, Etc. Save $50 by use ef one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish cure ever known. Sold by W. J. Leary, Druggist Edenton. iV .-"V. i li Eo a o S mi m 1 AXI) i iJA, V JVM

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